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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,463,743 B1

Laliberté (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 15, 2002


COOLING SYSTEM USING SAME JP 6-174329 A 6/1994 ................... 62/3.2

a * cited by examiner
(76) Inventor: Jacques Laliberté, 9 Jannelle Street,
Napierville, Quebec (CA), JOJ 1LO Primary Examiner Denise L. Esquivel
ASSistant Examiner Melvin Jones
- 0 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Goudreau Gage Dubuc
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (57) ABSTRACT
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. A modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit is installed
through an opening in a wall Separating first and Second
(21) Appl. No.: 10/094,964 temperature Zones. This modular thermoelectric cooling/
heating unit comprises a thermoelectric device including a
(22) Filed: Mar 12, 2002 cold Surface, a hot Surface, and a cooling/heating member
between an electrical power Supply and the cold and hot
7 Surfaces. A heat conducting block has a proximal end for
(51) Int. Cl." ................................................. F2SB 21/02 thermally contacting with a first one of the cold and hot
(52) U.S. Cl. .............................................. 62/3.3; 62/3.6 Surfaces, and a distal end. A first heatsink thermally contacts
(58) Field of Search ............................. 62/3.2, 3.3, 3.6, with a Second one of the cold and hot Surfaces, a Second
62/3.62, 3.7; 165/80.3 heatsink thermally contacts with the distal end of the heat
conducting block, and a thermally insulated housing covers
(56) References Cited at least a portion of the heat conducting block between the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS proximal and distal ends of this block. In operation, the first
heatsink is located in the first temperature Zone, at least a
3,232,063 A 2/1966 Eichhorn et al. ................ 62/3 portion of the heat conducting block and the thermally
4,627,242 A 12/1986 Beitner ............................ 62/3 insulated housing extend through the wall opening, and the
5,315,830 A 5/1994 Doke et al.................... 62/3.2 Second heatsink is located in the Second temperature Zone.
5,398,510 A 3/1995 Gilley et al. .................. 623-6 The above described modular thermoelectric cooling/
S. A
g SE et al. ................ 3.
COCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
heating unit can be used in a modular cooling System for
5,699.669 A 12/1997 Gebhard .......... "E retrofit into an existing refrigeration unit.
5,784,890 A 7/1998 Polkinghorne ................ 62/3.7
6,412,286 B1 7/2002 Park et al. .................... 62/3.6 25 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets

4023 4(O

40 E- S. 406

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U.S. Patent Oct. 15, 2002 Sheet 1 of 8 US 6,463,743 B1

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U.S. Patent Oct. 15, 2002 Sheet 2 of 8 US 6,463,743 B1


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U.S. Patent Oct. 15, 2002 Sheet 6 of 8 US 6,463,743 B1

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U.S. Patent Oct. 15, 2002 Sheet 7 of 8 US 6,463,743 B1
U.S. Patent Oct. 15, 2002 Sheet 8 of 8 US 6,463,743 B1

US 6,463,743 B1
1 2
MODULAR THERMOELECTRIC UNIT AND Athermoelectric cooling unit comprised of a Peltier effect
COOLING SYSTEM USING SAME device Sandwiched between two heat SinkS is disclosed in
FIELD OF THE INVENTION U.S. Pat. No. 5,315,830, issued to Doke et al. on May 31,
1994. The unit as disclosed is designed to be assembled into
The present invention relates to a thermoelectric unit for a Specially designed opening provided in the wall of a
the cooling or heating of a fluid. This thermoelectric unit can moulded plastic cooler. This cooling unit is unsuited for
be installed through an opening in a wall and is Suited, in installation through a thick insulated panel of an existing or
particular but not exclusively, for providing cooling for a conventional commercial cooler given the Small spacing
refrigerating apparatus. between the hot and cold heatsinks. Furthermore, the fan on
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the cold side is not compatible with Such an application, with
the shaft acting as a conduit for moisture and providing a
In thermoelectric Systems, one or more flat board like heat bridge between the cold and hot sides.
Semiconductor devices generally known as thermoelectric Similarly, the thermoelectric cooling unit disclosed in
coolers (TECs) transfer heat according to the Peltier effect. U.S. Pat. No. 5,699,669 by Gebhard and issued on Dec. 23",
A direct electrical current is applied to the Semiconductor 15 1997, is used in a water cooler and assembled through a
device which results in a corresponding transfer of heat from circular hole provided in the bottom wall of the reservoir.
one side of the Semiconductor device to the other, thereby The unit has a threaded cylindrical cold side probe which is
creating a cold side and a hot Side. inserted through the hole following which a threaded mating
TEC based thermoelectric systems address environmental ring is Screwed thereon. Although this structure is practical
concerns given the complete absence of a requirement for in nature, it requires Some adaptation in order to be used
the use of heat transfer fluids such as FreonTM, required in through a thick wall with its cold Side exchanging heat with
more conventional evaporating/condensing type units, while a gaseous environment for use in a refrigerator or cooling
at the same time providing a lighter, more reliable and container. Moreover, the performance requirements for the
potentially less expensive apparatus. Moreover, TEC based disclosed water cooling application are far leSS critical than
thermoelectric Systems provide for a Substantial reduction in 25 those applicable when providing refrigeration for a large
maintenance costs due to their simplicity of construction and Subzero box cooler as contemplated in the present invention.
limited number of parts. This is particularly true in the case
of movable commercial apparatuses where fluid leakage Although the above examples show that Some modular
frequently occurs requiring extensive and costly preventive thermoelectric cooling units exist, these thermoelectric cool
maintenance. Also, ongoing improvements in TECs con ing units are nevertheless lacking important features neces
Struction and control are providing coefficient of perfor Sary for them to be useful as a readily installed modular unit
mance (COP) figures competing with those of conventional for providing cooling within a thick walled enclosure. Also,
thermodynamic Systems, especially when Start/stop and no practical Solution is provided in the prior art for the
defrost cycles are taken into account. conversion of large elongated refrigerators, coolers or tem
Several Systems have been developed over the years using 35
perature holders of the type used in Supermarkets to Solid
a TEC device for providing the cooling required by refrig State cooling.
erating apparatuses, while providing numerous advantages There is thus a need for a pre-assembled modular ther
over evaporating/condensing type units. However, use of moelectric cooling unit which can be installed easily and
thermoelectric units has never been contemplated in large rapidly through a thick insulated wall to provide cooling on
refrigerating units Such as grocery Store refrigerators and 40 one side of Said wall and dissipate heat on the other side
coolers. Moreover, thermoelectric units are usually an inte thereof. A plurality of Such units are Suitable for advanta
gral part of the cooling or heating apparatus with few geously converting large refrigerating apparatuses to Solid
thermoelectric units being assembled in a Stand-alone con State cooling, according to illustrative structures as contem
figuration. Of those that are assembled as complete Stand plated in the present invention.
alone units, these are not designed for easy installation on an 45 OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION
insulated wall and removal therefrom as one or more com
plete units. An object of the present invention is to provide a modular
There are many advantages to a modular concept for the thermoelectric unit which overcomes the above discussed
thermoelectric units. For instance, the units can be easily limitations and drawbackS.
retrofitted into existing refrigerators and coolers, providing 50
a conversion path to Solid State operation, and they can be
replaced quickly in case of malfunction. Also, many Small More specifically, in accordance with the invention as
units can be used, distributed along large open-top coolers, broadly claimed, there is provided a modular thermoelectric
to provide uniform spreading of the cooling capacity without cooling/heating unit for installation through an opening in a
requiring the addition of expensive runs of finned tubing 55 wall Separating first and Second temperature Zones. The wall
requiring extensive maintenance (cleaning) to maintain has a given thickneSS and the modular thermoelectric
maximal efficiency and heat transfer capacity. cooling/heating unit comprises (a) a thermoelectric device
A refrigeration unit implementing a number of Peltier for connection to an electrical power Supply, this thermo
effect devices is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,784,890 by electric device comprising a cold Surface and a hot Surface,
Polkinghorne and issued on Jul. 28, 1998. As disclosed, the 60 (b) a heat conducting block having a proximal end for
cooling unit requires a coolant reservoir and circulation thermally contacting with a first of the cold and hot Surfaces
System, cannot be easily retrofitted into an existing refrig of the thermoelectric device, and a distal end, (c) a first
eration apparatus and is complex and expensive to manu heatsink for thermally contacting with a Second of the cold
facture. It provides local cooling and was not designed in a and hot Surfaces, (d) a second heatsink for thermally con
manner allowing the co-operative use of multiple units to 65 tacting with the distal end of the heat conducting block, and
provide uniform cooling throughout the entire Volume of a (e) a thermally insulating housing for covering at least a
large refrigerating enclosure. portion of the heat conducting block between the proximal
US 6,463,743 B1
3 4
and distal ends of the heat conducting block. In operation, least one thermoelectric device, and a thermostatic control
the first heatsink is located in the first temperature Zone, at ler for varying the current acroSS the at least one thermo
least a portion of the heat conducting block and the ther electric device in response to fluctuations in temperature
mally insulating housing extend through the wall opening, determined by the monitoring Subsystem.
and the Second heatsink is located in the Second temperature 5 According to other illustrative embodiments:
the controller unit further comprises a maintenance con
In accordance with illustrative embodiments: trol Subsystem operationally connected to the at least
at least a portion of the Second heatsink is integral with the one thermoelectric device for providing continuous
distal end of the heat conducting block, display of a status of the at least one thermoelectric
the thermoelectric device comprises at least one Peltier device;
effect device; the controller unit further comprises a communication
the thermoelectric cooling/heating unit further comprises interface for remote monitoring and modification of the
insulating material within the thermally insulating operating conditions,
housing being in close contact with the Surface of the 15 the controller unit further comprises a defrost System
heat conducting block; producing defrost cycles by reversing the Voltage
the modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit further across the at least one thermoelectric device,
comprises a fan member associated with at least one of the wall is a bottom wall or a side wall of the refrigeration
the first and Second heatsinks to improve heat transfer; unit,
the heat conducting block has a length Sufficient to extend the at least one modular thermoelectric cooling/heating
through the thickness of the wall; unit is installed through an opening of a Side wall of the
the heat conducting block and the thermally insulating refrigeration unit and each first heatsink of the at least
housing are Substantially cylindrical and co-aligned one modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit
along an axis Substantially perpendicular to the wall; includes a plurality of heat radiating fins extending
the first heatsink has a base and the thermally insulating 25 generally vertically to facilitate natural convection;
housing has a proximal portion for connection to the each first heatsink of the at least one modular thermo
base of the first heatsink, and the thermally insulating electric cooling/heating unit is located within an air
housing has a threaded distal portion to receive a conduit, advantageously a generally vertical air con
threaded ring and firmly retain the modular thermo duit; and
electric cooling/heating unit in the wall opening; the fluid comprises a gaseous fluid.
the thermoelectric cooling/heating unit further comprises The present invention further relates to a cooling/heating
an annular Sealing Spacer inserted between the threaded System comprising a housing, a thermally insulating
ring and the wall; partition, at least one thermoelectric cooling/heating unit as
the annular Sealing spacer is an annular wedge-shaped 35
described hereinabove, and first and Second fluid circulating
Sealing Spacer, members. The thermally insulating partition is situated in the
the modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit further housing to divide that housing into first and Second conduits,
comprises a display of a Status of the thermoelectric the first conduit comprising a first inlet and a first outlet and
device; and the Second conduit comprising a Second inlet and a Second
the first Surface of the thermoelectric device has a first 40
outlet. The thermoelectric cooling/heating unit(s) are
installed through an opening(s) in the thermally insulating
area, the heat conducting block has a croSS Section with partition with the first heatsink(s) located in the first conduit
a Second area larger than the first area, and the proximal and the Second heatsink(s) located in the Second conduit.
end of the heat conducting block has a pyramidal shape The first fluid circulating member is associated to the first
to adapt the first area of the first surface of the ther conduit and produces a first fluid Stream in the first conduit
moelectric device to the Second area of the croSS 45
Section of the heat conducting block. from the first inlet to the first outlet whereby heat exchange
is conducted between the first fluid stream and the first
The present invention also relates to a modular cooling heatsink(s). The Second fluid circulating member is associ
System for installation onto a refrigeration unit having a fluid ated to the Second conduit and produces a Second fluid
circulation conduit with an inlet and an outlet. This modular Stream in the Second conduit from the Second inlet to the
cooling System comprises at east one modular thermoelec 50
Second outlet whereby heat eXchange is conducted between
tric cooling/heating unit as defined hereinabove, installed the Second fluid stream and the Second heatsink(s).
through an opening in a wall of the refrigeration unit, The foregoing and other objects, advantages and features
wherein the first and Second Surfaces of each thermoelectric
device are the cold and hot Surfaces of the thermoelectric
of the present invention will become more apparent upon
reading of the following non restrictive description of illus
device, and wherein each Second heatsink of the at least one 55
trative embodiments thereof, given for the purpose of illus
modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit is located tration only with reference to the accompanying drawings:
within the fluid circulation conduit such that fluid entering
the inlet is drawn over each Second heatsink Such that the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
temperature of the fluid at the outlet is below the temperature
of the fluid at the inlet. 60 In the appended drawings:
The modular cooling System may further comprise a FIG. 1 is a longitudinal croSS Sectional view of an
controller unit, operationally connected to the electrical illustrative embodiment of the modular thermoelectric cool
power Supply and responding to operating conditions of the ing unit of the present invention;
modular cooling System, this controller unit comprising a FIG. 2 is a Schematic exploded view showing the main
monitoring Subsystem for monitoring a temperature within 65 components of an illustrative embodiment of the modular
the refrigeration unit, a temperature of the at least one thermoelectric cooling unit of the present invention using a
Second heatsink and a Voltage and a current acroSS the at single Thermoelectric Peltier Effect Device (TEC);
US 6,463,743 B1
S 6
FIG.3a is a first illustrative shape for a thermoconductive For example, these screws 9a and 9b may be made of a
Spacer block for a modular thermoelectric cooling unit thermally insulating material such as Teflon and Nylon. In
according to the present invention; the illustrative embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1, the cold
FIG. 3b is a second illustrative shape for a thermocon surface of the TEC device 1 is applied to end face 2a of the
ductive Spacer block for a modular thermoelectric cooling heat conducting block 2 while the hot surface of the TEC
unit according to the present invention; device 1 is applied to face 5b of the flat base 5a so that
heatsink 5 is a hot heatsink. Alternatively, heat conducting
FIG.3c is a third illustrative shape for a thermoconductive adhesive can be applied on the opposite hot and cold
Spacer block for a modular thermoelectric cooling unit surfaces of the TEC device 1, providing however less
according to the present invention; thermal transfer and lower efficiency due to the low thermal
FIG. 3d is a fourth illustrative shape for a thermoconduc conductivity of currently available suitable adhesives. Face
tive Spacer block for a modular thermoelectric cooling unit 5b of the heatsink base 5a and end face 2a of the thermo
according to the present invention; conductive block 2 in thermal contact with the hot and cold
FIG. 4a is a croSS Sectional, top view of a cooling/heating surfaces of the TEC device 1, respectively, are polished and
module comprising six modular thermoelectric cooling units 15
a thin layer of thermally conductive compound or a ther
according to the present invention; mally conductive thin pad (see 201 and 202 in FIG. 2) is, for
FIG. 4b is a cross sectional side view of the cooling/ example, inserted at each interface, in the case where
heating module of FIG. 4a, comprising Six modular ther thermally insulating screws such as 9a and 9b are used, to
moelectric cooling units according to the present invention; provide the best possible heat transfer characteristic.
FIG. 5 is a croSS Sectional Side View of an air circulating The main thermally conductive parts (heat conducting
open top cooler including at least one modular thermoelec block 2 and heatsinks 5 and 8) are advantageously made of
tric cooling unit according to the present invention; high conductivity metal Such as nearly pure copper or
FIG. 6 is a croSS Sectional Side View of an air circulating aluminium. It should be noted that the heat conducting block
open top cooler operating with at least one modular ther 2 typically has an overall length of approximately 3 inches
in order to transfer heat acroSS a thick insulated wall of a
moelectric cooling unit according to a further illustrative 25
typical cooling apparatus.
embodiment of the present invention; and Although Satisfactory results have been obtained using a
FIG. 7 is a Schematic block diagram of a Supply/control solid block 2 of 1060 aluminium or copper, in an alternative
unit used in co-operation with modular thermoelectric cool embodiment the heat conducting block 2 could be replaced
ing units to effect refrigeration in a cooling apparatus Such with a two phase heat pipe System should further improved
as illustrated in FIGS. 5 and 6.
heat transfer performance be required, especially when
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE implemented in a cooling apparatus for low temperature
EMBODIMENTS applications below -18° C. Experience has shown that
proper dimensioning and material Selection in a basic Solid
Similar parts in the various figures of the appended 35 metal block System enable pumping more than 20 watts of
drawings are identified by the same reference numerals. heat through the modular thermoelectric cooling/heating
Illustrative embodiments of the modular thermoelectric unit 100, with a temperature differential of 40 C. between
cooling unit according to the present invention will now be the cold 8 and hot 5 heatsinks. Actual performance of the
described in detail with reference to the appended drawings. thermoelectric cooling/heating unit 100 also depends on the
Referring to FIG. 1, there is illustrated a modular ther 40 performance of the TEC device 1 itself and better perfor
moelectric cooling/heating unit generally identified by the mance may generally be obtained by using multistage Peltier
reference 100 and comprising a TEC device 1 sandwiched effect devices, or by replacing the TEC device 1 by cascaded
between a finned heatsink 5 and a heat conducting block 2. Peltier effect devices comprised of at least two Single Stage
Since TEC devices normally have hot and cold side units separated by an additional thermally conductive pad.
Square Surfaces, optimal thermal transfer occurs when the 45 The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit 100
end face of heat conducting block 2 facing the TEC device comprises a generally cylindrical housing 4 formed at one
1 has Substantially the same shape and size. Therefore, a heat end with an annular flange 10 and at the other end with an
conducting block 2 with a Square croSS Section can be externally threaded portion 12. The flange 10 is fastened to
considered. However, optimal thermal transfer also requires the face 5b of the flat base 5a of heatsink 5 on the side
the croSS Section of heat conducting block 2 to be generally 50 opposite to the fins 5c using ScrewS Such as 11a and 11b. AS
larger than the croSS Section of the hot or cold Surface of the illustrated in FIG. 1, the housing 4 axially surrounds the heat
TEC device 1. It is thus allowable to use a heat conducting conducting block 2. The externally threaded portion 12
block 2 having a generally circular croSS Section. The latter, receives a mating internally threaded locking ring 7. The
generally circular croSS Section can present an area equiva housing 4 is, for example, made of moulded thermoplastic
lent to a Square croSS Section with Sides of about 2.5 inches. 55 material. The Space between the assembly including the heat
Of course, the end face of the heat conducting block 2 conducting block 2, the TEC device 1 and the flat base 5a,
adjacent to the TEC device 1 must present a shape and size and the inner wall of the housing 4 is filled with a high
Similar to those of the corresponding hot or cold Surface of performance thermally insulating material 3 Such as injected
the TEC device 1. Unless TEC devices of very large sizes are polyurethane foam So as to avoid air circulation and prevent
used, the heat conducting block 2 may, for example, be 60 heat transfer from the heat conducting block 2 through the
ended with a pyramidal shape. Illustrative examples of Such housing 4 to the external environment.
pyramidal shape are illustrated in FIGS. 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d. The distal end of heat conducting block 2 opposite to the
Heatsink 5 (FIGS. 1 and 2) comprises a flat base 5a proximal end 2a can be formed with a sloped end Surface 2b
assembled to a proximal end face 2a of the heat conducting having angle of the order of, for example, 5 to match, for
block 2, with the TEC device 1 Sandwiched therebetween. 65 example, the angle of the bottom Surface of a cooler.
More specifically, the flat base 5a is fastened to the end face Therefore, the modular thermoelectric unit 100 can be
2a through thermally insulating screws such as 9a and 9b. readily installed, for example, in a circular opening made in
US 6,463,743 B1
7 8
the bottom wall 15 of a commercial open-top cooler (200 in 424 and 408 could accordingly be replaced by a pump
FIG. 4). For that purpose, the housing 4 is inserted in the member adapted to pump liquid. Therefore, module 400
circular opening from one side of wall 15. Then, if the wall could be used in a cooling apparatus having either a gas or
15 has opposite non parallel wall Surfaces, an optional liquid phase heat transport medium, and could have its hot
wedge-shaped annular Sealing Spacer 13 is positioned on the Side cooled by a liquid medium to further improve heat
threaded portion 12 on the other side of wall 15; the sealing extraction and COP.
spacer 13 is simply annular in the case of a wall 15 with FIG. 5 shows the modular thermoelectric unit 100 of the
opposite parallel wall Surfaces. Ring 7 is then Screwed on the present invention installed in the bottom wall 200a of an
externally threaded portion 12. The flat base 8a of the cold open-top commercial cooler 200 as previously described. In
heatsink 8 can thereafter be assembled on the distal end face
2b of the heat conducting block 2 by means of ScrewS Such practice, a plurality of Such units are required for proper
as 14a and 14b to further improve heat transfer. Again, operation of the cooler, i.e. up to 16, 32 or more, depending
mating Surface 8b of the heatsink base 8a and mating end on the Size of the cooler, heat capacity requirements and
face 2b of the heat conducting block 2 are polished and a power rating of the units. The units 100 are controlled by a
heat conductive compound or pad (203 in FIG. 2) applied power supply/controller system illustrated in FIG. 7 and
15 described hereinafter.
between these mating Surfaces. ScrewS Such as 14a and 14b
Secure the cold heatsink flat base 8a on the distal end face Referring again to FIG. 5, warmer air on top of the
2b of the heat conducting block 2 providing good thermal cooling cavity 25 is drawn through an air inlet 20 and
contact. The modular thermoelectric unit 100 may possibly conduit 21 under the action of a fan 24 (in practice a plurality
comprise a fan blower 6 mounted to the hot heatsink 5 in the of such fans are distributed along the length of cooler 200)
proximity of the fins 5c to improve heat dissipation. and directed into a conduit 22 under the floor of the cooler,
Cold heatsink 8 as illustrated in the appended drawings is where the cold heatsinks 8 of units 100 are mounted. The air
a part different from heat conducting block 2. However, it is stream is cooled by contact with said heatsinks 8 and follows
within the Scope of the present invention to provide a the conduit 22 up to an air outlet 23 which diffuses said
heatsink 8 integral with the distal end of the heat conducting 25
cooled air through a flow dividing grid into a laminar flow
block 2. For example, heatsink 8 can be simply formed by returning to the cavity 25 along a longitudinal wall thereof.
the distal end face 2b of the heat conducting block 2. The heat extracted from the air Stream is electronically
Heatsink 8 can also be formed by an extension of the distal pumped through the bottom wall 200a and dissipated
end of the heat conducting block 2 on said other side of wall beneath the cooler via the heatsinkS 5 and associated fan
15. Moreover, this extension of the distal end of the heat blowerS 6. Excluding that the condenser coils of a conven
conducting block 2 can be formed with fins or similar tional cooling unit have been replaced by the heatsinkS 8
Structure to improve the heat transfer characteristic of the coupled to units 100 and an appropriate controller, the
heatsink 8. structure and operation of the cooler 200 basically remains
Referring now to FIGS. 4a and 4b, a cooling/heating the same as a conventional unit. In actual fact, modular
module 400 comprises six thermoelectric units 100 as 35
thermoelectric units 100 provided with their own hot heat
described hereinabove. Module 400 further comprises a Sink fan blowerS 6 may be retrofitted into an existing cooler
housing 401 including a thermally insulating partition 402 200 by simply cutting circular openings in the bottom wall
dividing this housing into conduits 450 and 460. Housing
401 further comprises mounting flanges such as 403. Hot An alternative embodiment of a thermoelectric cooling
side conduit 450 includes a hot side inlet 404 provided with 40 apparatus 300 using modular thermoelectric units 100 of the
fans 427 and a hot side outlet 405. Cold side conduit 460 present invention is illustrated in FIG. 6. In this
comprises a cold side inlet 406 provided with fans 424 and embodiment, the units 100 have been installed on a vertical
a cold side outlet 407. Module 400 also comprises a power wall 300a with the cold heatsinks 8 located in the air intake
Supply/controller unit (not shown) providing electrical Sup conduit 21 and the hot heatsinks 5 located in individual ports
ply and controlling thermoelectric units 100. Module 400 is 45 25 with their fins oriented vertically. The air drawn by the
destined to be mounted, using flanges 403, in an opening fan 24 enters the air intake conduit 21 via upper inlet 20, is
acroSS a wall of an apparatus to be either cooled or heated. cooled by contact with the cold heatsinkS 8, passes through
In operation, heat is pumped from the cold Side to the hot the fan 24 and follows the conduit 22, finally exiting by
side by thermoelectric units 100 in module 400: A first air upper outlet 23 as previously described. For each unit 100,
stream 408 is generated in hot side conduit 450 by the fans 50 the chimney effect acting in the corresponding heat dissi
427 at the hot side inlet 404 to cool hot heatsinks 5 and to pation conduit 25 and emphasised by the forced convection
be evacuated as a hot air stream 409 through hot side outlet created by blower 27, provides a high velocity flow of
405. In the same manner, a second air stream 410 is ambient air entering at inlet 26, which extracts heat from the
generated in the cold side conduit 460 by the fans 424 at cold hot heatsinks 5 and exits the heat dissipation conduit 25 via
side inlet 406 to heat (pick up cold) from cold heatsinks 8 55 outlet 28 as warm air. This arrangement provides improved
and to be evacuated as a cold air Stream 411 through cold heat dissipation with respect to the embodiment of FIG. 2,
side outlet 407. Therefore, heat can be pumped from an at the cost of more Substantial modifications being required
apparatus to external ambient air or Vice versa using a to the original conception and structure of the existing
rapidly and easily installed module 400 though a single cooling apparatus.
opening in a wall of Said apparatus. The number of modular 60 Turning now to FIG. 7, there is illustrated a schematic
thermoelectric units 100 comprised into module 400 is block diagram of the power Supply/controller System con
determined as a function of the thermal requirements of the templated for operating a cooling apparatus using a plurality
apparatus Such that a single module 400 is usually required. of thermoelectric units 100 as provided herein.
Alternatively, each one of air stream 409 and air stream Although the illustrated System is designed for operation
410 can be replaced by Streams of another gaseous or liquid 65 with a bank of sixteen (16) units, any number of units can
fluid, and more particularly by a fluid Such as water having be accommodated by making appropriate adjustments in the
a liquid phase in operation conditions, and each one of fans number of input/outputs, drivers, wiring etc. Proper opera
US 6,463,743 B1
tion of the System and accurate control of the temperature is voltage of the TEC devices can be inverted to thereby invert
accomplished under the control of a microcontroller 40. All the cold and hot heatsinks to transform the apparatus from
of the sixteen (16) thermoelectric units 100 are individually a cooling apparatus to a heating apparatus.
connected to a variable Voltage DC power Supply 42 through One can easily appreciate that the above described
a Switching module 43. The power Supply has a capacity of 5 embodiments of the present invention provide an effective
nearly 200 VDC so that the units are normally connected in Solution for the replacement of evaporating/condensing
series. However, the voltage 401 across each TEC device, cooling Systems in commercial and especially mobile cool
the current 402 Supplied to each TEC device, the tempera erS and holder counters with numerous advantages.
tures 403 in the cooler cavity, at the hot heatsinks 5 and at Particularly, the modular construction of the distributed low
the cold heatsinks 8, and the power supply voltage 404 from power units makes manufacturing, installation and mainte
power supply 42 are monitored by the microcontroller 40 via nance easy and cost effective, which, along with improved
appropriate Sensing probes connected to an input module 46
comprising an analog-to-digital converter. control features, brings unmatched economic and functional
Should a TEC device of a unit 100 become defective or
commence overheating, the local Voltage drop will increase 15
Therefore, it can be seen that the modular thermoelectric
and the loop current will decrease. The microcontroller 40 units and associated cooler Systems using Same according to
will then activate the Switching module 43 through an output the present invention can be advantageously used in mis
module 41 incorporating a digital-to-analog converter to cellaneous cooling/heating applications with numerous
electrically bypass the defective unit (performance of less advantages over the Solutions of the prior art. For example
than 60% for instance) and reduce the Supply Voltage fluids other than air can be cooled or heated. For instance,
accordingly to maintain the other units in operation within cooling Systems according to the present invention could be
their optimal working range. Also, a signal will be sent by used in apparatuses Such as drinking water coolers, bottled
the microcontroller 40 to the two-state LED (light-emitting liquids (bottles of wine, beer, Soft drinks, biological
diode) driver 44 and LED display 45 to identify the faulty cultures . . . ) liquid cooling apparatuses, heat dissipating
unit. Otherwise, the current supply to the units 100 remains 25
equipment cooling apparatuses, etc.
uninterrupted, with the Voltage being Smoothly modulated to The modular thermoelectric units according to the present
maintain the temperature at a Set point with negligible invention present, amongst others, the following advan
hysteresis. tages:
Alternatively, Similar results with Specific advantages the modular thermoelectric unit comprising at least one
would be obtained by using a modulated direct current (DC) TEC device and heatsinks efficiently transfer heat from
Supply in lieu of a DC Voltage Supply and/or by connecting one side of the unit to the other side thereof, in a
the units 100 in a Series/parallel arrangement. An advantage direction depending upon the polarity of the applied
of using a current Source for instance, is that better control direct electrical current;
of the power output of TEC devices is provided since the the modular thermoelectric unit can be easily installed
current in a device becomes independent from variations in 35 acroSS a thick insulated wall through a circular cut-out,
the device's impedance. In an example embodiment, Sixteen without requiring the use of any fasteners in the wall;
units could be connected in eight parallel banks of two the modular thermoelectric unit can be installed on the
Serially connected units. The eight banks could also be bottom or side wall of a refrigerating apparatus of
connected to common or different DC current Sources in conventional construction to enable operation Substan
order to enable operation of Specific banks at different 40 tially below 0°C. with thermoelectric cooling in lieu of
current Settings, as would be required to provide accurate a conventional evaporating/condensing cooling unit;
temperature control in individual Zones of a cooling appa the modular thermoelectric unit comprises a thermally
ratus. In Such a case, one current Source per Zone could be and electrically insulated housing to prevent thermal
used to Supply one or more banks of units, the amplitude of and electrical contact of the heatsinkS and heat con
each current Source being continuously and Smoothly modu 45 ducting block with any part of the wall through which
lated to maintain the Set temperature in the corresponding it is installed, as well as undesired heat transferS with
Zone. Since units 100 tend to become electrically open upon the atmosphere, for optimal energetic performance;
failure, connecting the units or banks of units in parallel may
additionally enable a cooling apparatus to remain in opera the modular thermoelectric unit can be provided with a
tion when Such a failure occurs, without the help of a 50
fan on the hot heatsink thereof to improve heat dissi
Sophisticated electronic bypass module. pation when used as a cooling unit;
A communication port 47 is provided to enable remote the thermoelectric unit is Simple and relatively cheap to
Sensing and modification of the cooler temperature Set point manufacture, is quiet in operation and generally envi
48, which may prevent unnecessary displacements of a ronmentally friendly while Still providing a good coef
Supervisor or maintenance team, thus Saving costs. The 55
ficient of performance,
system is completed by a power interface 49 which controls an air circulating open top cooler of conventional con
accessory items Such as fans and anti-fog heating elements. Struction can be provided with a plurality of modular
Amongst additional automatic control features, thermoelectric units according to the present invention,
-microcontroller 40 occasionally commands the power electrically connected in Series to a common high
Supply 42 to reverse polarity for a few minutes, placing 60 Voltage power Supply;
thermoelectric units 100 in a heating mode in order to an air circulating open top cooler can be provided with a
defrost the cold heatsinks 8. It shall be noted that the plurality of modular thermoelectric units according to
operation is much faster and requires less energy than the present invention and with improved forced con
evaporating/condensing Systems and does not cause Sub Vection heat dissipation means to enable low tempera
Stantial reduction in cooler temperature. 65 ture operation;
Also, it should be noted that the cold and hot sides of the the thermoelectric units can be provided with a controller
TEC devices can be inverted or the polarity of the Supply enabling precise temperature control through monitor
US 6,463,743 B1
11 12
ing of the cooled environment temperature, hot and 8. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of
cold heatsink temperature and individual Voltage drops claim 1 wherein Said first heatsink has a base and Said
and current acroSS thermoelectric devices, and by indi thermally insulating housing has a proximal portion for
vidual control of the thermoelectric device intercon connection to Said base of the first heatsink, and wherein the
nections, and thermally insulating housing has a threaded distal portion to
the modular thermoelectric units can be provided with a receive a threaded ring and firmly retain the modular ther
controller to facilitate maintenance by providing con moelectric cooling/heating unit in the wall opening.
tinuous display of the thermoelectric devices Status, to 9. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of
provide Short and low energy defrost cycles without claim 7 further comprising an annular Sealing Spacer
Significantly affecting the temperature of the cooled inserted between the threaded ring and Said wall.
region, and to provide communication links to enable 10. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of
remote monitoring and modification of operating con claim 8 wherein the annular Sealing Spacer is an annular
ditions. Wedge-shaped Sealing Spacer.
Although the present invention has been described by 11. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of
means of illustrative embodiments thereof, it is contem 15 claim 1 further comprising a display of a Status of the
plated that various modifications may be made thereto thermoelectric device.
without departing from the Spirit and Scope of the present 12. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of
invention. Accordingly, it is intended that the embodiment claim 1, wherein Said first Surface of the thermoelectric
described be considered only as illustrative of the present device has a first area, wherein the heat conducting block has
invention and that the scope thereof should not be limited a croSS Section with a Second area larger than the first area,
thereto but be determined by reference to the claims here and wherein the proximal end of the heat conducting block
inafter provided and their equivalents.
What is claimed is: has a pyramidal shape to adapt the first area of Said first
1. A modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit for Surface of the thermoelectric device to the Second area of the
installation through an opening in a wall Separating first and croSS Section of the heat conducting block.
Second temperature Zones, Said wall having a given thick 25 13. A modular cooling System for installation onto a
neSS and Said modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit refrigeration unit having a fluid circulation conduit with an
comprising: inlet and an outlet, the modular cooling System comprising:
a thermoelectric device for connection to an electrical at least one modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit
power Supply, Said thermoelectric device comprising a as defined in claim 1, installed through an opening in a
cold Surface and a hot Surface; wall of the refrigeration unit, wherein Said first and
a heat conducting block having a proximal end for ther Second Surfaces of each thermoelectric device are the
mally contacting with a first of Said cold and hot cold and hot Surfaces of Said thermoelectric device;
Surfaces of the thermoelectric device, and a distal end; wherein each Second heatsink of Said at least one modular
a first heatsink for thermally contacting with a Second of thermoelectric cooling/heating unit is located within
Said cold and hot Surfaces, 35 the fluid circulation conduit Such that fluid entering the
a Second heatsink for thermally contacting with the distal inlet is drawn over each Second heatsink Such that the
end of the heat conducting block, and temperature of the fluid at the outlet is below the
a thermally insulating housing for covering at least a temperature of the fluid at the inlet.
portion of the heat conducting block between the 14. The modular cooling system as in claim 12 further
proximal and distal ends of Said heat conducting block; 40 comprising:
wherein, in operation, the first heatsink is located in the a controller unit, operationally connected to Said electrical
first temperature Zone, at least a portion of the heat power Supply and responding to operating conditions
conducting block and the thermally insulating housing of the modular cooling System, Said controller unit
extend through the wall opening, and the Second heat comprising:
Sink is located in the Second temperature Zone. 45 a monitoring Subsystem for monitoring a temperature
2. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of within the refrigeration unit, a temperature of the at
claim 1 wherein at least a portion of the Second heatsink is least one Second heatsink and a Voltage and a current
integral with the distal end of the heat conducting block. across the at least one thermoelectric device; and
3. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of a thermostatic controller for varying the current acroSS
claim 1 wherein the thermoelectric device comprises at least 50 the at least one thermoelectric device in response to
one Peltier effect device. fluctuations in temperature determined by Said moni
4. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of toring Subsystem.
claim 1 further comprising insulating material within Said 15. The modular cooling system as in claim 13 wherein
thermally insulating housing being in close contact with the the controller unit further comprises a maintenance control
Surface of the heat conducting block. 55 Subsystem operationally connected to the at least one ther
5. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of moelectric device for providing continuous display of a
claim 1 further comprising a fan member associated with at Status of Said at least one thermoelectric device.
least one of the first and Second heatsinks to improve heat 16. The modular cooling system as in claim 13 wherein
transfer. the controller unit further comprises a communication inter
6. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of 60 face for remote monitoring and modification of Said oper
claim 1 wherein Said heat conducting block has a length ating conditions.
sufficient to extend through the thickness of the wall. 17. The modular cooling system as in claim 13 wherein
7. The modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit of Said controller unit further comprises a defrost System
claim 1 wherein Said heat conducting block and Said ther producing defrost cycles by reversing the Voltage acroSS the
mally insulating housing are Substantially cylindrical and 65 at least one thermoelectric device.
co-aligned along an axis Substantially perpendicular to the 18. The modular cooling system as in claim 12 wherein
wall. said wall is a bottom wall of the refrigeration unit.
US 6,463,743 B1
13 14
19. The modular cooling system as in claim 12 wherein a Second fluid circulating member associated to the Sec
Said wall is a side wall of the refrigeration unit. ond conduit and producing a Second fluid Stream in Said
20. The modular cooling system as in claim 12 wherein Second conduit from the Second inlet to the Second
Said at least one modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit outlet whereby heat eXchange is conducted between the
is installed through an opening of a side wall of the refrig Second fluid Stream and the Second heatsink.
eration unit and wherein each first heatsink of Said at least
one modular thermoelectric cooling/heating unit includes a 25. A cooling/heating System comprising:
plurality of heat radiating fins extending generally vertically a housing:
to facilitate natural convection. a thermally insulating partition in Said housing to divide
21. The modular cooling system as in claim 19 wherein Said housing into first and Second conduits, Said first
each first heatsink of Said at least one modular thermoelec conduit comprising a first inlet and a first outlet and
tric cooling/heating unit is located within an air conduit. Said Second conduit comprising a Second inlet and a
22. The modular cooling system as in claim 20 wherein Second outlet;
Said air conduit comprises a generally vertical air conduit. a plurality of thermoelectric cooling/heating units as
23. The modular cooling system of claim 12, wherein said 15
defined in claim 1 installed through respective openings
fluid comprises a gaseous fluid.
24. A cooling/heating System comprising: in Said thermally insulating partition with the first
a housing; heatsinks of Said thermoelectric cooling/heating units
located in the first conduit and the Second heatsinks of
a thermally insulating partition in Said housing to divide Said thermoelectric cooling/heating units located in the
Said housing into first and Second conduits, Said first Second conduit;
conduit comprising a first inlet and a first outlet and
Said Second conduit comprising a Second inlet and a a first fluid circulating member associated to the first
Second outlet; conduit and producing a first fluid Stream in Said first
at least one thermoelectric cooling/heating unit as defined conduit from the first inlet to the first outlet whereby
in claim 1 installed through an opening in Said ther heat eXchange is conducted between Said first fluid
mally insulating partition with the first heatsink located Stream and Said first heatsinks, and
in the first conduit and the Second heatsink located in a Second fluid circulating member associated to the Sec
the Second conduit; ond conduit and producing a Second fluid Stream in Said
a first fluid circulating member associated to the first Second conduit from the Second inlet to the Second
conduit and producing a first fluid Stream in Said first outlet whereby heat eXchange is conducted between the
conduit from the first inlet to the first outlet whereby Second fluid Stream and the Second heatsinkS.
heat exchange is conducted between said first fluid
Stream and Said first heatsink, and

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