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Anatomy and Physiology C – EXAM

2020 UMD Invitational

Team Number (on your wristband): _____
Team/School Name:___________________________________
No abbreviations / PRINT LEGIBLY

Student Names (First & Last): PRINT LEGIBLY

1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________

Total Points Possible (written test): ​76

Total Points Earned:__________
Team Number: ___________ School Name: _________________________________

Section 1: Integumentary System

Diagram labeling: each label is worth one (1) point

Multiple choice
1. (1) Dilation of the blood vessels near the skin would be categorized under which of the
following main functions of the integumentary system?
a. protection
b. temperature regulation
c. synthesis and storage of nutrients
d. sensory reception
e. excretion and secretion
2. (1) In which epidermal layer would you expect to find germinative cells?
a. stratum basale
b. stratum spinosum
c. stratum corneum
d. stratum granulosum
e. stratum lucidum
3. (1) True or false: the number of melanocytes present in the skin is about the same for
a. True
b. False
4. (1) Acne is caused by the inflammation of which of the following?
a. sudoriferous gland ducts
b. apocrine gland ducts
c. hair follicles
d. sebaceous gland ducts
e. dermal papillae
5. (1) What type of skin cancer is commonly associated with acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS)?
a. Merkel cell tumors
b. basal cell carcinoma

Anatomy and Physiology C- 1 -UMD Invitational 2020

Team Number: ___________ School Name: _________________________________

c. Kaposi sarcoma
d. melanoma
e. cutaneous lymphoma
6. (1) What does the term ​malacia m ​ ean?
a. lack of nutrition
b. homeostatic imbalance
c. abnormal softening of tissue
d. presence of maladaptive tumor tissue
e. vitamin D deficiency
Questions 7-9 refer to the following diagram:

7. (1) In which layer would you expect to find collagen fibers?

a. A
b. B
c. C
8. (1) What kind of tissue is characteristic of layer B?
a. dense connective tissue
b. fibrous connective tissue
c. elastin fibers
d. keratinized tissue
e. loose connective tissue
9. (1) In which layer would the synthesis of Vitamin D3 from a cholesterol-based steroid
a. A
b. B
c. C

Anatomy and Physiology C- 2 -UMD Invitational 2020

Team Number: ___________ School Name: _________________________________

10. (1) Where would you find the thickest skin on the body?
a. palms of hands
b. lips
c. soles of feet
d. both (a) and (b)
e. both (a) and (c)
11. (1) A person with excessive dryness of skin has a condition called
a. scleroderma
b. xeroderma
c. erythroderma
d. cystoderma
e. xanthoderma

Short answer
1. (3) Why does one’s skin peel off in sheets after a bad sunburn rather than in individual
2. (3) Explain the difference between blackheads and whiteheads.
3. (3) How is vitamin D synthesized in the human skin? Why do we need this process?
4. (4) Describe the characteristics and consequences of a third degree burn.

Anatomy and Physiology C- 3 -UMD Invitational 2020

Team Number: ___________ School Name: _________________________________

Section 2: Skeletal
Diagram labeling: each label is worth one (1) point

Name each of the following types of joints:



Short answer
1. (3) Cindy is close to 80 years old, and she finds that she breaks her bones quite easily,
such as when she bumps into a couch or even when she sneezes! She has severe back
pain and a stooped posture.
a. What condition is Cindy suffering from?
b. What is that condition caused by?
c. What is a possible treatment?
2. (3) Stewart is an experienced, competitive weightlifter. One morning, following a
competition, he feels a sharp pain in his back and his legs. He goes to the doctor, and
they take an x-ray, which looks like this:

Anatomy and Physiology C- 4 -UMD Invitational 2020

Team Number: ___________ School Name: _________________________________

a. What condition is Stewart suffering from?

b. What is that condition caused by (physiologically)?
c. What is a possible treatment?
3. (2) List four functions of the skeletal system.

Multiple choice
1. (1) Which of the following is a place where a hinge joint can be found?
a. knee
b. elbow
c. neck
d. both (a) and (b)
2. (1) The step in the bone remodeling cycle where osteoclasts break down bone mineral
and matrix, creating an erosion cavity, is known as ___________.
a. resting
b. reversal
c. resorption
d. formation
3. (1) The _______ separates the diaphysis from the epiphysis.
a. lacunae
b. epiphyseal line
c. canaliculi
d. central canal
4. (1) Which of the following accurately describes spongy and compact bone?
a. Compact bone accounts for about 80% of the total adult bone mass, whereas
spongy bone accounts for the remaining 20%.
b. Spongy bone has very high surface area due to rod- and plate-like surfaces,
allowing it to have room for blood vessels and marrow.

Anatomy and Physiology C- 5 -UMD Invitational 2020

Team Number: ___________ School Name: _________________________________

c. Compact bone is filled with gaps and spaces, whereas spongy bone has minimal
gaps and spaces
d. both a and b
e. both b and c
5. (1) Which of the following best describes the function of osteoblasts?
a. Break down bone mineral and matrix
b. form a matrix to make new bone
c. prepare bone surface for building new bone
d. Blast away the debris on the surface of the bone
6. (1) Which of the following is the correct order of steps for the bone repair process?
a. fibroblasts develop, chondroblasts develop, invasion of blood vessels and
generalized cells, remodeling with osteoclasts, callus forms
b. Invasion of blood vessels and generalized cells, fibroblasts develop,
chondroblasts develop, callus forms, remodeling with osteoclasts
c. callus forms, remodeling with osteoclasts, Invasion of blood vessels and
generalized cells, fibroblasts develop, chondroblasts develop
d. Invasion of blood vessels and generalized cells, fibroblasts develop, callus forms,
chondroblasts develop, remodeling with osteoclasts
7. (1) Which statement correctly identifies a similarity between cartilage and bone?
a. Both are produced by specialized mesenchymal cells.
b. Both are avascular.
c. Both are sites of hematopoiesis
d. Both are innervated.
8. (1) Which of the following is a major organic component of bone?
a. hydroxyapatite
b. keratin
c. elastin
d. collagen
9. (1) The medication ibandronate works by slowing bone loss. If ibandronate is
transported through the blood, how will it most directly reach bone tissue?
a. through bone marrow
b. through the lymphatic system
c. through Haversian canal
d. by diffusion through the spongy bone on the surface
10. (1) Which connective tissue connects and stabilizes adjacent bones?
a. Cartilage
b. Tendons
c. Ligaments
d. Fascia

Anatomy and Physiology C- 6 -UMD Invitational 2020

Team Number: ___________ School Name: _________________________________

Section 3: Muscular

Diagram labeling: answer the numbers listed on the answer sheet ONLY; each label is worth
one (1) point

Anatomy and Physiology C- 7 -UMD Invitational 2020

Team Number: ___________ School Name: _________________________________

Multiple choice
1. (1) Intercalated discs are most likely to be observed in
a. longitudinal section of skeletal muscle
b. transverse section of skeletal muscle
c. transverse section of cardiac muscle
d. longitudinal section of cardiac muscle
e. transverse section of smooth muscle
2. (1) What is the slide below a picture of?

a. smooth muscle
b. cardiac muscle
c. skeletal muscle
3. (1) Which of the following statements regarding the connective tissue of a skeletal
muscle is correct?
a. The perimysium surrounds the individual muscle fibres within a fascicle.
b. The epimysium separates each muscle fascicle from the others.
c. The endomysium consists of fine reticular fibres surrounding the muscle fibre.
d. The perimysium envelopes the whole skeletal muscle.
e. None of the above
4. (1) When skeletal muscle contracts an arrangement of alternating light and dark bands
traversing each skeletal muscle cell changes. Which of the following statements is not
correct about this process?
a. The dark A bands will remain a constant length
b. The space occupied by the H zone will not change
c. The light I bands will shorten
d. The z lines come closer together

Anatomy and Physiology C- 8 -UMD Invitational 2020

Team Number: ___________ School Name: _________________________________

e. The I band consists solely of thin actin filaments

5. (1) Which of the following carries only motor output information?
a. cervical spinal nerves
b. dorsal root
c. spinal cord
d. ventral root
e. ventral horn

Short answer: respond with the muscle(s) that most accurately fit the description
1. (1) This muscle extends your ulna and radius from the body at the elbow.
2. (1) Starting with your arms above your head, this muscle allows you to pull down on an
3. (3) These muscles are involved in the adduction of the leg.
4. (6) Put the following steps of the sliding filament model in order:
a. The nerve impulse travels to the sarcoplasmic reticulum
b. The movement of tropomyosin permits the myosin head to contact actin
c. The nerve impulse travels down the T-tubules
d. The nerve impulse travels through motor neurons to the sarcolemma
e. Calcium fills the binding sites in the troponin molecules
f. Contact with actin causes the myosin head to swivel

Anatomy and Physiology C- 9 -UMD Invitational 2020

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