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Dear Students,

Hope you are fine and doing well there. I am also hoping that you are utilizing your quarantine period by
doing some creative works.

As you all know, we are in a critical time, and we are unable to continue our regular academic activities.
However, we have some circumstances and responsibilities toward our career/ family/ others. The
University already published a notice, from which you all are familiar with the issues regarding final
examination, evaluation and final grading. The institution provided an authority to the faculties and the
concerned department to evaluate and provide the final grades. At this situation, it’s impossible to take
any types of examination, since everyone is not able to attend the examinations because of various issues.
However, it’s our responsibility to agree with the higher authorities of the institute and maintain the
academic calendar.

So, I am trying to work on the grade finalization with the approval from the HoDs. However, the
extrapolation of the internal mark seems to be not suitable, since the average marks obtained by the
students are quite low. It will hamper the students who got the marks below average. Hence, I planned
to assign an additional work, which will help you to maintain your grades. As per my plan, your final grade
will be calculated based on the internal marks that you obtained, the mini-project that you conducted on
mathematical modelling, the mark that you will obtain in the assigned work, and some considerations. I
would like to request you all to provide the assigned work by the 5th of May. This work is compulsory to
all, but if someone is unable to provide the assignment because of various issues, I will mark him/her with
an average mark (calculated from all of the student’s assignment).

The main objectives of this assignment are:

1. Provide an opportunity to maintain your grade.

2. Utilization of your quarantine period in skill development activities.
3. Increase your knowledge in the related field.
4. Support the institution to maintain the academic calendar.


Provide a review article on following topics [20 marks].

1. Auto: Role of a control system in the automobile sector

2. Design: Factors that should be considered during the design of a control system
3. Energy: Performance of energy system at various control mechanism
4. Hydropower: Control systems in hydropower

Guidelines to conduct the assignment:

1. Marks will be evaluated based on the nobility of your work: Your work will be checked by a
verified software. If you copied it from other works or the internet, the mark will be deducted.
You can check the nobility of your article by using the attached app:
2. Minimum 5 Scopus indexed journal paper (not a conference) must be reviewed and cited: You
can download most of the journal articles from the Sci-Hub, Research Gate, Google Scholar. In
addition, some of the journals (MDPI, IET, Elsevier, Springer, IEEE) provide open access articles.
3. Tools and techniques for citation: Please use some verified software for citation. e.g. Endnote,
Bib Tex, Mendeley. The citation must be in IEEE format.
4. Similarity index: If I found some similarity in the work of multiple students, marks will be deducted
for the students. So try to select different papers, and do not share the papers that you reviewing
with your friends.
5. Length of the article: The length must be in between 150-200 words. You can use some interesting
data including Figures and Tables. The word count excludes the tables, titles, information of
author, and references.
6. Detail of author: Please provide the detailed information of you including exam roll no.
registration, name and group. You are requested to make a pdf file with (group_roll no_first
name) name and submit by the deadline. For example, auto_0000xx_ram.pdf

I hope, you will cooperate with the faculties and the administration to fight against this situation. I want
to request you to take this as an opportunity, not a burden. If you get any problems regarding the
evaluation process, please let me know. I will try to address that as I can from my level. Thank you.

Ashish Shrestha

Lecturer, DoEEE, KU

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