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arXiv:2005.09373v4 [math.DG] 30 Oct 2020


Abstract. We introduce fourth fundamental form IV, and i-th curvature formulas of hyper-
surfaces in the four dimensional Euclidean geometry E4 . Defining fourth fundamental form and
i-th curvatures for hypersurfaces, we calculate them on rotational hypersurface. In addition we
study rotational hypersurface satisfying ∆IV x = Ax for some 4 × 4 matrix A.

1. Introduction
Refering Chen [8, 9, 10, 11], the researches of submanifolds of finite type whose immersion
into Em (or Em ν ) by using a finite number of eigenfunctions of their Laplacian has been studied
by geometers for almost a half century.
Takahashi [39] proved that a connected Euclidean submanifold is of 1-type, iff it is either
minimal in Em or minimal in some hypersphere of Em . Submanifolds of finite type closest in
simplicity to the minimal ones are the 2-type spherical submanifolds (where spherical means into
a sphere). Some results of 2-type spherical closed submanifolds were obtained by [5, 6, 9]. Garay
gave [23] an extension of Takahashi’s theorem in Em . Cheng and Yau worked hypersurfaces with
constant scalar curvature; Chen and Piccinni [12] studied submanifolds with finite type Gauss
map in Em . Dursun [18] gave hypersurfaces with pointwise 1-type Gauss map in En+1 .
Considering E3 ; Takahashi [39] stated that minimal surfaces and spheres are the only surfaces
satisfying the condition ∆r = λr, λ ∈ R; Ferrandez, Garay and Lucas [20] proved that the
surfaces satisfying ∆H = AH, A ∈ M at(3, 3) are either minimal, or an open piece of sphere or
of a right circular cylinder; Choi and Kim [15] characterized the minimal helicoid in terms of
pointwise 1-type Gauss map of the first kind; Garay [22] worked a certain class of finite type
surfaces of revolution; Dillen, Pas and Verstraelen [16] proved that the only surfaces satisfying
∆r = Ar + B, A ∈ M at(3, 3), B ∈ M at(3, 1) are the minimal surfaces, the spheres and the
circular cylinders; Stamatakis and Zoubi [38] considered surfaces of revolution satisfying ∆III x =
Ax; Senoussi and Bekkar [37] studied helicoidal surfaces M 2 which are of finite type with respect
to the fundamental forms I, II and III, i.e., their position vector field r(u, v) satisfies the
condition ∆J r = Ar, J = I, II, III, where A ∈ M at(3, 3); Kim, Kim and Kim [31] focused
Cheng-Yau operator and Gauss map of surfaces of revolution.

Date: Received: October 30, 2020.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 53B25; Secondary 53C40.
Key words and phrases. Euclidean spaces, four space, rotational hypersurface, i-th curvature, fourth funda-
mental form.
This paper is in final form and no version of it will be submitted for publication elsewhere.

General rotational surfaces in 4-space were originated by Moore [35, 36]. Focusing on E4 ;
Hasanis and Vlachos [28] considered hypersurfaces with harmonic mean curvature vector field;
Cheng and Wan [13] considered complete hypersurfaces with CM C; Kim and Turgay [32] studied
surfaces with L1 -pointwise 1-type Gauss map; Arslan et. al. [2] worked Vranceanu surface
with pointwise 1-type Gauss map; Kahraman Aksoyak and Yaylı [29] introduced flat rotational
surfaces with pointwise 1-type Gauss map; Güler, Magid and Yaylı [26] considered the helicoidal
hypersurfaces; Güler, Hacısalihoğlu and Kim [25] studied Gauss map and the third Laplace-
Beltrami operator of the rotational hypersurface; Güler and Turgay [27] introduced Cheng-Yau
operator and Gauss map of rotational hypersurfaces; Güler [24] studied rotational hypersurfaces
satisfying ∆I R = AR, where A ∈ M at(4, 4).
In Minkowski 4-space E41 ; Ganchev and Milousheva [21] considered analogue of surfaces of
[35, 36]; Arvanitoyeorgos, Kaimakamais and Magid [4] showed that if the mean curvature vector
field of M13 satisfies the equation ∆H = αH (α a constant), then M13 has CM C; Arslan and
Milousheva worked meridian surfaces of elliptic or hyperbolic type with pointwise 1-type Gauss
map; Turgay gave some classifications of Lorentzian surfaces with finite type Gauss map; Dursun
and Turgay studied space-like surfaces in with pointwise 1-type Gauss map. Kahraman Aksoyak
and Yaylı [30] focused general rotational surfaces with pointwise 1-type Gauss map in E42 . Bektaş,
Canfes and Dursun [7] classified surfaces in a pseudo-sphere with 2-type pseudo-spherical Gauss
map in E52 .
In literature, there is no any work about fourth fundamental form fij (i.e. IV ) and i-th
curvature formulas Ci , where i = 0, . . . , 3, of rotational hypersurface in the four dimensional
Euclidean space E4 .
We consider fourth fundamental form IV, and i-th curvature formulas Ci of hypersurfaces in
the four dimensional Euclidean geometry E4 . In Section 2, we give some basic notions of the
four dimensional Euclidean geometry. Defining fourth fundamental form and i-th curvature for
hypersurfaces, we calculate Ci and fourth fundamental form of rotational hypersurface in Section
3. Finally, in the last section, we study rotational hypersurface satisfying ∆IV x = Ax for some
4 × 4 matrix A in E4 .

2. Preliminaries
In this section, giving some of basic facts and definitions, we describe notations used whole
paper. Let Em denote the Euclidean m-space with the canonical Euclidean metric tensor given by
ge = h , i = dx2i , where (x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) is a rectangular coordinate system in Em . Consider an
m-dimensional Riemannian submanifold of the space Em . We denote the Levi-Civita connections
of Em and M by ∇ e and ∇, respectively. We shall use letters X, Y, Z, W (resp., ξ, η) to denote
vectors fields tangent (resp., normal) to M . The Gauss and Weingarten formulas are given,
respectively, by
e X Y = ∇X Y + h(X, Y ),
∇ (1)
∇e X ξ = −Aξ (X) + DX ξ, (2)
where h, D and A are the second fundamental form, the normal connection and the shape
operator of M , respectively.

For each ξ ∈ Tp⊥ M , the shape operator Aξ is a symmetric endomorphism of the tangent space
Tp M at p ∈ M . The shape operator and the second fundamental form are related by
hh(X, Y ), ξi = hAξ X, Y i .
The Gauss and Codazzi equations are given, respectively, by
hR(X, Y, )Z, W i = hh(Y, Z), h(X, W )i − hh(X, Z), h(Y, W )i, (3)
¯ X h)(Y, Z) = (∇
(∇ ¯ Y h)(X, Z), (4)
where R, RD are the curvature tensors associated with connections ∇ and D, respectively, and
¯ is defined by
¯ X h)(Y, Z) = DX h(Y, Z) − h(∇X Y, Z) − h(Y, ∇X Z).

2.1. Hypersurfaces of Euclidean space. Now, let M be an oriented hypersurface in the

Euclidean space En+1 , S its shape operator (i.e. Weingarten map) and x its position vector.
We consider a local orthonormal frame field {e1 , e2 , . . . , en } of consisting of principal directions
of M corresponding from the principal curvature ki for i = 1, 2, . . . n. Let the dual basis of this
frame field be {θ 1 , θ 2 , . . . , θn }. Then the first structural equation of Cartan is
dθ i = θ j ∧ ω ij , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n, (5)

where ω ij denotes the connection forms corresponding to the chosen frame field. We denote
the Levi-Civita connection of M and En+1 by ∇ and ∇,e respectively. Then, from the Codazzi
equation (3), we have
ei (kj ) = ω ij (ej )(ki − kj ), (6)
ω ij (el )(ki − kj ) = ω il (ej )(ki − kl ) (7)
for distinct i, j, l = 1, 2, . . . , n.
We put sj = σ j (k1 , k2 , . . . , kn ), where σ j is the j-th elementary symmetric function given by
σ j (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) = ai1 ai2 . . . aij .
1≤i1 <i2 <...,ij ≤n

We use following notation

rij = σ j (k1 , k2 , . . . , ki−1 , ki+1 , ki+2 , . . . , kn ).

By the definition, we have ri0 = 1 and sn+1 = sn+2 = · · · = 0. We call the function sk as the
k-th mean curvature of M . We would like to note that functions H = n1 s1 and K = sn are
called the mean curvature and Gauss-Kronecker curvature of M , respectively. In particular, M
is said to be j-minimal if sj ≡ 0 on M .
In En+1 , to find the i-th curvature formulas Ci (Curvature formulas sometimes are represented
as mean curvature Hi , and sometimes as Gaussian curvature Ki by different writers, such as [1]

and [33]. We will call it just i-th curvature Ci in this paper.), where i = 0, .., n, firstly, we use
the characteristic polynomial of S:
PS (λ) = 0 = det(S − λIn ) = (−1)k sk λn−k , (8)
where i = 0, .., n, In denotes the identity matrix of order n. Then, we get curvature formulas
n n n n
i C i = s i ,. That is, 0 C 0 = s 0 = 1 (by definition), 1 C 1 s1 , .
. . , n Cn = s n = K.
k-th fundamental form of M is defined by I Sk−1 (X) , Y = Sk−1 (X) , Y . So, we have
i n 
(−1) Ci I Sn−i (X) , Y = 0. (9)
In particular, one can get classical result C0 III − 2C1 II + C2 I = 0 of surface theory for n = 2.
See [33] for details.
For a Euclidean submanifold x: M −→ Em , the immersion (M, x) is called finite type, if x can
be expressed as a finite sum of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian ∆ of (M, x) , i.e. x = x0 + ki=1 xi ,
where x0 is a constant map, x1 , . . . , xk non-constant maps, and ∆xi = λi xi , λi ∈ R, i = 1, . . . , k.
If λi are different, M is called k-type. See [9] for details.
2.2. Rotational hypersurfaces. We will obtain a rotational hypersurface (rot-hypface for
short) in Euclidean 4-space. Before we proceed, we would like to note that the definition of rot-
hypfaces in Riemannian space forms were defined in [17]. A rot-hypface M ⊂ En+1 generated
by a curve C around an axis C that does not meet C is obtained by taking the orbit of C under
those orthogonal transformations of En+1 that leaves r pointwise fixed (See [17, Remark 2.3]).
Throughout the paper, we shall identify a vector (a, b, c, d) with its transpose. Consider the
case n = 3, and let C be the curve parametrized by
γ(u) = (f (u), 0, 0, ϕ (u)) . (10)
If r is the x4 -axis, then an orthogonal transformations of En+1 that leaves r pointwise fixed has
the form  
cos v cos w − sin v − cos v sin w 0
 sin v cos w cos v − sin v sin w 0 
Z(v, w) = 
 , v, w ∈ R.
sin w 0 cos w 0 
0 0 0 1
Therefore, the parametrization of the rot-hypface generated by a curve C around an axis r is
given by
x(u, v, w) = Z(v, w)γ(u). (11)
3 3 4
Let x = x(u, v, w) be an isometric immersion from M ⊂ E to E . Triple vector product of

−x = (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ), −

y = (y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 ), −

z = (z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 ) of E4 is defined by as follows:

−x ×− →y ×− →
z = (x y z − x y z − x y z + x y z + x y z − x y z ,
2 3 4 2 4 3 3 2 4 3 4 2 4 2 3 4 3 2
−x1 y3 z4 + x1 y4 z3 + x3 y1 z4 − x3 z1 y4 − y1 x4 z3 + x4 y3 z1 ,
+x1 y2 z4 − x1 y4 z2 − x2 y1 z4 + x2 z1 y4 + y1 x4 z2 − x4 y2 z1 ,
−x1 y2 z3 + x1 y3 z2 + x2 y1 z3 − x2 y3 z1 − x3 y1 z2 + x3 y2 z1 ).

For a hypface x in 4-space, we have

     
I=  F G B  , II=  M N T  , III=  Y Z S , (12)
det I = (EG − F 2 )C − EB 2 + 2F AB − GA2 ,

det II = LN − M 2 V − LT 2 + 2M P T − N P 2 ,

det III = XZ − Y 2 U − ZO2 + 2OSY − XS 2 ,
where E = hxu , xu i , F = hxu , xv i , G = hxv , xv i , A = hxu , xw i , B = hxv , xw i , C = hxw , xw i ,
L = hxuu , Gi , M = hxuv , Gi , N = hxvv , Gi , P = hxuw , Gi , T = hxvw , Gi , V = hxww , Gi ,
X = hGu , Gu i , Y = hGu , Gv i , Z = hGv , Gv i , O = hGu , Gw i , S = hGv , Gw i , U = hGw , Gw i .
xu × xv × xw
G= (13)
kxu × xv × xw k
is unit normal (i.e. the Gauss map) of hypface x. On the other hand, I −1 ·II gives shape
operator matrix S of hypface x in 4-space. See [26, 25, 27] for details.

3. i-th Curvatures and the Fourth Fundamental Form

To compute the i-th mean curvature formula Ci , where i = 0, .., 3, we use characteristic
polynomial PS (λ) = aλ3 + bλ2 + cλ + d = 0:
PS (λ) = det(S − λI3 ) = 0.
Then, get C0 = 1 (by definition), 31 C1 = 31 H = − ab , 32 C2 = ac , 33 C3 = K = − ad .
Therefore, we reveal i-th curvature folmulas depends on the coefficients of I and II funda-
mental forms in 4-space (It also can write depends on the coefficients of II and III, or III and
IV ):
Theorem 1. Any hypface x in E4 has following curvature formulas, C0 = 1 (by definition),
(EN + GL − 2F M )C + (EG − F 2 )V − LB 2 − N A2
−2(AP G − BP F − AT F + BT E − ABM )
C1 = , (14)
3 [(EG − F 2 )C − EB 2 + 2F AB − GA2 ]
(EN + GL − 2F M ) V + LN − M 2 C − ET 2 − GP 2
−2 (AP N − BP M − AT M + BT L − P T F )
C2 = , (15)
3 [(EG − F 2 )C − EB 2 + 2F AB − GA2 ]

LN − M 2 V − LT 2 + 2M P T − N P 2
C3 = . (16)
(EG − F 2 )C − EB 2 + 2F AB − GA2
Proof. Solving det(S − λI3 ) = 0 with some algebraic computations, we obtain coefficients of
polynomial PS (λ).
Corollary 1. For any hypface x in E4 , the fourth fundamental form is related by
C0 IV − 3C1 III + 3C2 II − C3 I = 0. (17)

Proof. Taking n = 3 in (9), it is clear.

Definition 1. In 4-space, for any hypface x with its shape operator S and the first funda-
mental form (gij ) = I, following relations holds:
(a) the second fundamental form (hij ) = II is given by II = I·S,
(b) the third fundamental form (eij ) = III is given by III = II·S,
(c) the fourth fundamental form (fij ) = IV is given by IV = III·S.
Corollary 2. For any hypface x in E4 , shape operator matrix has following relation

I S3 − 3C1 S2 + 3C2 S − C3 = 0.

Proof. Considering Definition 1 and Corollary 2, we write IV = III·S =II·S2 = I·S3 . Then,
it is clear.
Corollary 3. In E4 , the fundamental forms of any hypface x is related by
det III det IV
C3 = = .
det II det III
Proof. Since C3 = K = det
det I , and considering Definition 1, it can be seen, easily.
Corollary 4. For any hypface x in E4 , the fourth fundamental form is given by
IV = 3C1 III − 3C2 II + C3 I.
Proof. From (17), we get following symmetric fourth fundamental form matrix (fij ) of hypface
x in E4 :  
ζ η δ
IV =  η φ σ  .
δ σ ξ
Here, coefficients of IV are as follows
 

 CL2 N − CLM 2 − 2BL2 T − GLP 2 + B 2 LX 

 

+A2 N X + GL2 V + F 2 V X + N P 2 E + M 2 V E
1  
ζ=− −CN XE + 2BT XE − 2M P T E − GV XE − 2ABM X ,
det I 
 −2ALN P + 2BLM P + 2ALM T + 2CF M X − CGLX

 

 
+2AGP X − 2BF P X − 2AF T X − 2F LM V + 2F LP T
 

 CM 3 − 2BM 2 P − 2AM 2 T − F N P 2 + GM P 2 

 2 − B 2 LY − A2 N Y + F M 2 V − F 2 V Y + M T 2 E 

 −F LT 
η= +CN Y E − 2BT Y E − M N V E + GV Y E + 2ABM Y ,
det I 
 −CLM N + 2AM N P + 2BLM T − 2CF M Y + CGLY

 

 
−2AGP Y + 2BF P Y + 2AF T Y + F LN V − GLM V
 

 GP 3 − B 2 LO − A2 N O + AN P 2 − 2BM P 2 + CM 2 P  

 
 −ALT 2 − AM 2 V − 2F P 2 T − F 2 OV + P T 2 E + CN OE  
δ= −2BOT E + GOV E − N P V E + 2ABM O − 2CF M O ,

det I  

 +CGLO − 2AGOP + 2BF OP + 2AF OT − CLN P 

 
+ALN V + 2BLP T + 2F M P V − GLP V
 

 CLN 2 − CM 2 N − 2AN 2 P + GLT 2 + B 2 LZ 

 

 +A2 N Z + GM 2 V + F 2 V Z − N T 2 E + N 2 V E 
φ=− −CN ZE + 2BT ZE − GV ZE − 2ABM Z + 2BM N P ,
det I 
 +2AM N T − 2BLN T + 2CF M Z − CGLZ + 2AGP Z 

 
 
−2BF P Z − 2AF T Z − 2F M N V + 2F N P T − 2GM P T
 

 T 3 E − BN P 2 − B 2 LR − A2 N R − 2AM T 2 + BLT 2  

 

 +CM 2 T − BM 2 V − 2F P T 2 + GP 2 T − F 2 RV 
σ= +CN RE − 2BRT E + GRV E − N T V E + 2ABM R ,
det I 
 −2CF M R + CGLR − 2AGP R + 2BF P R + 2AF RT

 

 
−CLN T + BLN V + 2AN P T + 2F M T V − GLT V
 

 CN P 2 + B 2 LS + A2 N S + CLT 2 − 2F M V 2 + GLV 2  

 

 −GP 2 V + F 2 SV + N V 2 E − T 2 V E − CN SE 
ξ=− +2BST E − GSV E − 2ABM S + 2CF M S ,
det I 
 −CGLS + 2AGP S − 2BF P S − 2AF ST − 2CM P T

 

 
−2AN P V + 2BM P V + 2AM T V − 2BLT V + 2F P T V
and det I = (EG − F 2 )C − EB 2 + 2F AB − GA2 .
3.1. i-th Curvatures and Fundamental Forms of Rotational Hypersurface. We con-
sider the i-th curvatures of the rotational hypersurface (11), that is
x(u, v, w) = (f (u) cos v cos w, f (u) sin v cos w, f (u) sin w, ϕ(u)) , (18)
where u ∈ R − {0} and 0 ≤ v, w ≤ 2π.Then, we obtain i-th curvatures of (18) .
Using the first differentials of rot-hypface (18), we get the first quantities

I = diag W, f 2 cos2 w, f 2 , (19)
where W = f ′2 + ϕ′2 , f = f (u), f ′ = du , ϕ = ϕ(u), ϕ′ = dϕ
du . The Gauss map of the rot-hypface
is  ′ 
ϕ ϕ′ ϕ′ f′
G= cos v cos w, 1/2 sin v cos w, 1/2 sin w, − 1/2 . (20)
W 1/2 W W W
With the second differentials and G of hypface (18), we have the second quantities
 ′ ′′ 
f ϕ − f ′′ ϕ′ f ϕ′ 2 f ϕ′
II = diag − , − 1/2 cos w, − 1/2 , (21)
W 1/2 W W
Using the first differentials of (20), we find the third fundamental form matrix
(f ′ ϕ′′ − f ′′ ϕ′ )2 ϕ′2 2 ϕ′2
III = diag , cos w, . (22)
W2 W W
We calculate I −1 .II, then obtain shape operator matrix
 ′ ′′ 
f ϕ − f ′′ ϕ′ ϕ′ ϕ′
S = diag − ,− ,− . (23)
W 3/2 f W 1/2 f W 1/2
Finally, with all findings, we calculate i-th curvatures Ci of rot-hypface (18) , and them give in
the following theorem.

Theorem 2. Rot-hypface (18) has following curvatures

C0 = 1 (by definition),
2ϕ′ W + f (f ′ ϕ′′ − f ′′ ϕ′ )
C1 = − , (24)
3f W 3/2

ϕ′ 2f 2 (f ′ ϕ′′ − f ′′ ϕ′ ) − W
C2 = , (25)
3f 3 W 2
ϕ′2 (f ′ ϕ′′ − f ′′ ϕ′ )
C3 = − . (26)
f 2 W 5/2
Therefore, we have following corollaries:
Corollary 6. Rot-hypface (18) is 1-minimal iff
h   i
−1/4 1/4
ϕ = ∓ic1 EllipticF i sinh−1 ic1 f , −1 + c2 ,

Rφ −1/2
where i = (−1)1/2 , EllipticF[φ, m] = 1 − m sin2 θ dθ is elliptic integral, φ ∈ [−π/2, π/2],
0 6= c1 , c2 are constants.
Proof. Solving differential eq. 2ϕ′ W + f (f ′ ϕ′′ − f ′′ ϕ′ ) = 0, we find solutions.
Corollary 7. Rot-hypface (18) is 2-minimal iff
c1 χ log ρ1/2 χ + 2ρf − c1
ϕ = c1 , ϕ = ∓i + + c2 ,
2ρ 2ρ3/2
where χ = 4ρf 2 − 4c1 f + 1 , ρ = c21 − 1, 0 6= c1 , c2 are constants.
Proof. Solving differential eq. 2f 2 ϕ′ (f ′ ϕ′′ − f ′′ ϕ′ ) − ϕ′ W = 0, we have solutions.
Corollary 8. Rot-hypface (18) is 3-minimal iff
ϕ = c1 , ϕ = c1 f + c2 .
Proof. Solving differential eq. ϕ′2 (f ′ ϕ′′ − f ′′ ϕ′ ) = 0, we get the solutions.
Next, one can see some examples in E4 .
Example 1. Catenoidal Hypersurface. Taking f (u) = a cosh u and ϕ (u) = au, where
−∞ < u < ∞, 0 ≤ v, w ≤ 2π, we get
x(u, v, w) = (a cosh u cos v cos w, a cosh u sin v cos w, a cosh u sin w, au). (27)
1 1 1
x verifies C1 = − 3a cosh 2 , C2 = −
u 3a2 cosh4 u
, C3 = a3 cosh 6 .
Example 2. Hypersphere. Considering f (u) = r cos u and ϕ (u) = r sin u, where r > 0,
0 < u < π, 0 ≤ v, w ≤ 2π, we have
x(u, v, w) = (r cos u cos v cos w, r cos u sin v cos w, r cos u sin w, r sin u) . (28)
x supplies C1 = − 1r , C2 = r12 , C3 = − r13 .
Example 3. Right Spherical Hypercylinder . Taking f (u) = r > 0 and ϕ (u) = u, where
0 < u < π, 0 ≤ v, w ≤ 2π, we obtain
x(u, v, w) = (r cos v cos w, r sin v cos w, r sin w, u) . (29)

x has C1 = − 3r , C2 = 3r12 , C3 = 0. So, it is 3-minimal.
Let us see some results of the fourth fundamental form of (18) .
Corollary 9. The fourth fundamental form matrix (fij ) of rot-hypface (18) is as follows
(f ′ ϕ′′ − f ′′ ϕ′ )3 ϕ′3 2 ϕ′3
IV = diag − ,− cos w, − . (30)
W 7/2 f W 3/2 f W 3/2

Proof. Using Corollary 4 with rot-hypface (18), we find the fourth fundamental form matrix.
Corollary 10. When the curve (10) of (18) is parametrized by the arc length, i.e. W = 1,
then (18) has following relations

C1 9f 4 C2 + 6f 3 f ′′ = 2 − f f ′′ − 2f ′2 , (31)
3f 3 C1 C3 = −2f ′′ + 2f ′2 f ′′ + f f ′′2 , (32)
′′ ′′2
−3f f C2 − C3 = 2f (33)

Proof. The curvatures (24) , (25) and (26) of the rot-hypface (18) reduces to

−2 + 2f ′2 + f f ′′ −2f 2 f ′′ − ϕ′ ϕ′ f ′′
C0 = 1, C1 = , C 2 = , C 3 = . (34)
3f ϕ′ 3f 3 f2

Corollary 11. When f = u 6= 0 in the previous corollary, then (18) has following results,

1-minimal or 2-minimal, if (31) holds, (35)

1-minimal or 3-minimal, if (32) holds, (36)
3-minimal, if (33) holds. (37)

Proof. Taking f = u, it is clear.

4. The Fourth Laplace-Beltrami Operator of a Hypersurface

The fourth Laplace-Beltrami operator of a smooth function φ = φ(x1 , x2 , x3 )|D (D ⊂ R3 ) of
class C 3 with respect to the fourth fundamental form of hypface x is the operator ∆IV , defined
IV 1 X ∂ 1/2 ij ∂φ
∆ φ = 1/2 f f . (38)
f ∂xi ∂xj

where f ij = (fij )−1 and

f = det (fij )
= f11 f22 f33 − f11 f23 f32 − f12 f21 f33 + f12 f31 f23 + f21 f13 f32 − f13 f22 f31 .

4.1. Rotational Hypersurfaces Satisfying ∆IV x = Ax. We now consider rot-hypface (18),
and (30) with (38), then have following theorem:
Theorem 3. The fourth Laplace-Beltrami operator of rot-hypface (18) is related by ∆IV x =
Ax, where A =diag(Ω1 , Ω2 , Ω3 , Φ),
( ! )
f 3 W 13/4 ′ ∂ ϕ′3 W 1/4 f ′′ ϕ′3 W 1/4 f ψ 3/2
f + − 2 7/4 = Ωi f , (39)
ϕ′3 ψ 3/2 ∂u f ψ3/2 f ψ 3/2 W
! !
f W 13/4 ′ ∂ ϕ′3 W 1/4 ′′
ϕ +ϕ = Φϕ, (40)
ϕ′3 ψ 3/2 ∂u f ψ 3/2
and W = f ′2 + ϕ′2 , ψ = f ′ ϕ′′ − f ′′ ϕ′ , i = 1, 2, 3.
Proof. By using (18) , (30) with (38), we compute
( ! ! !)
1 ∂ f f
22 33 ∂ f f
11 33 ∂ f11 f22
∆IV x = 1/2 1/2
xu − − 1/2 xv + xw ,
|f| ∂u |f| ∂v |f| ∂w |f|1/2
where f = det IV. If we assume that rot-hypface x is constructed with component functions
which are eigenfunctions of its Laplacian, we will have that ∆IV (f cos v cos w) = Ω1 f cos v cos w,
∆IV (f sin v cos w) = Ω2 f sin v cos w, ∆IV (f sin w) = Ω3 f sin w, ∆IV (ϕ) = Φϕ. Hence, f (u)
cos v cos w, f (u) sin v cos w and f (u) sin w are eigenfunctions of ∆IV for Ω1 , Ω2 , Ω3 , respectively,
iff f (u) supplies (39) . So, Ω1 = Ω2 = Ω3 (= Ω for short). Additionally, ϕ (u) is an eigenfunction
with eigenvalue Φ of ∆IV iff (40) holds.
Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank the referees for their valuable suggestions
and critical remarks for improving this paper.

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Erhan Güler: Bartın University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics, 74100 Bartın,
Email address:

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