Grade 9 English Final Exam: 1. Your Full Name

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Grade 9 English Final Exam

You will have two hours to answer all the questions

* Required

1. Your full Name *

2. Your Grade *

3. Your Secret Word *

Reading and comprehension :

Are the sentences true or false?

4. 1. Modern zoos can offer animals a living environment that is as good as their 1 point

natural habitats. *

Mark only one oval.


5. 2. One of the reasons zoo animals become distressed is because they are 1 point

separated from their families. *

Mark only one oval.



6. 3. Dolphins and whales usually live longer in zoos than in the wild. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.



7. 4. People who have visited zoos are more likely to support animal 1 point
conservation and protection. *

Mark only one oval.



8. 5. Zoos protect animals from being used for scientific research. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.


9. 6. Endangered animals kept in zoos are less likely to meet a mate and breed. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.



10. 7. In their natural habitats, animals suffer problems related to human activity. 1 point

Mark only one oval.



11. 8. Endangered species often lack genetic diversity in their population. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.



12. 9. Zoos promote genetic diversity by breeding animals and then releasing 1 point

them back into the wild. *

Mark only one oval.


13. 10. If zoos have more animals than they can look after, they always give them 1 point
to another zoo or release them back into the wild. *

Mark only one oval.



Grammar :

14. 1. All their children are allowed _______ exactly what they like. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. to do

B. doing

C. for doing

D. do

15. 2 You'd rather stay at home tonight, _______you? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. wouldn't

B. didn't

C. hadn't

D. won't
16. 3 _______ he should have spent all the weekend preparing for his test, he in 1 point

fact just lay in bed watching videos. *

Mark only one oval.

A. Nevertheless

B. However

C. Whereas

D. Despite

17. 4. James is staying with _______ while he is in New York — their son, Nick 1 point

Green, will then come back with James for a few weeks over here. *

Mark only one oval.

A. Greens

B. the Greens

C. the Green

D. Green

18. 5. I can reassure you that everything _______ as quickly as possible. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

will be dealt

will deal

will deal with

will be dealt with

19. 6. I had no sooner told her what I thought of her _______ I wished I'd held * 1 point

Mark only one oval.





20. 7 No one wants to have extra homework tonight, _______? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

don't he

do they

does he

don't they

21. 8. In such a plight _______ that we had no choice but to radio for help. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

we found ourselves

we ourselves found

did we find ourselves

did we ourselves find

22. 9 _______ you to change your mind about handing in your notice, we would 1 point

be happy for you to stay with us. *

Mark only one oval.





23. 10 Kevin'll do well in the job _______ he stays on the right side of the boss. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

as far as

as long as

as well as

as soon as

Vocabulary :

1. Define the following words:

24. Overcome: * 1 point

25. Administer: * 1 point

26. Theoretical: * 1 point

27. First aid: * 1 point

28. Navigation: * 1 point

2. Describe the jobs bellow:

29. Actor: * 1 point

30. Mechanic: * 1 point

31. Manager: * 1 point

32. Chef * 1 point

33. Doctor: * 1 point

Writing :

Choose one of the bellow topics and write an essay : (150-250) words

1. Think about the issue. Do you think the driving age should remain at 16? Or do you
agree that it should be raised to 18?

2.What is the most important factor to consider when choosing a career path? Is it

34. * 10 points

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