Society As I See It

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Democracy is considered the best form of government for these reasons.

It is a more
accountable form of government as it has to respond to the needs of the people. It also
improves the quality of decision- making as it is based on consultation and discussion.
Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts as differences are
bound to occur. And it enhances the dignity of citizens as it is based on the principle of
political equality

Technological development brings economic growth. Causing increased communication,

easy and fast access to the new markets, increase in the marketing channels and company
mergers. It allows for the more efficient production of more and better goods and services,
which is what prosperity depends on.

Agriculture plays a crucial role in the economy of our country's development, and provides
the main source of food, income and employment to the rural populations. However,
improvements in agriculture and land use are fundamental to achieving food security,
poverty alleviation and overall sustainable development. Also natural resources, specifically
crude petroleum, play a vital role in the economic development and sustainable growth of

Immigrants help grow the economy by filling labor needs, purchasing goods and paying
taxes. When more people work, productivity increases. So that is why we will be helping
immigrants with their papers and we will be giving them the opportunities to compete for
sustainable jobs and to get houses.

We want to improve the job market for our youth. Unemployed people must be a priority for
the government. Because they are fundamental for all the industries that we are investing in.
The agriculture industry is one of the best job creator in the country, so we need to fill all
those vacancies. So we want to support all those unemployed

We will have support for the elderly with direct or indirect financial aid that is granted by the
Government. We will also support health services for the elderly with health insurance

For the education we will offer free breakfast and lunch for all students, regardless of income
we will Ensure opportunities to combine college preparatory academics with technical
training and workplace experience as well

we also want to provide free healthcare for the poor and people in need

After three years of development of the country, thanks to investment in the technology
industry, our communications at the forefront of the world will have allowed the country to
prosper quickly and become a modern and up-to-date first world state.

The economy will have advanced a lot thanks to the export of agricultural products and the
GDP will grow substantially since oil became the maximum generator of income for the
country, which allows the currency to have a high value.
After three years our schools and colleges will have turned into great creators of
professionals thanks to the high preparatory, the experience and the skills our students will
have been allowed to get.

Immigrants will have established a well life in our country. Mostly because of the well
treatment of all immigrants and the opportunities that we offer to them. And this will cause
that doors will have opened for all immigrant that is looking for a better life in our country

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