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NAMA : Wisnu Tri Mulyanto


NRP : 363200530

ABSEN : 22

DOSEN : Capt. Zainal Abidin Achmad


1. A ship of 10 000 tonnes displacement has GM 0.5 m. Calculate the moment of statical
stability when the ship is heeled 7.750

 W = 10 000 tonnes
GM = 0.5m
θ = 7.750
 Moment of statical stability = W . GM . sin θ
 Moment of statical stability = 10 000 x 0.5 x sin 7.750
= 674. 254 tonnes
2. When a ship of 12 000 tonnes displacement is heeled 5.0 degrees the moment of
statical stability is 300 tonnes m, KG 7.5 m. Find the height of the metacentre above
the keel.

 W = 12 000 tonnes
θ = 5.00
Moment of statical stability = 300 tonnes
KG = 7.5 m
 KM = ?
 Moment of statical stability = W . GM . sin θ
300 = 12 000 . ( 7.5 - KM ) . sin 50 Type equation here .n here.
8622970991 = 25.14672282432
KM = 7. 213 m
3. Find the moment of statical stability when a ship of 10.450 tonnes displacement is
heeled 6 degrees if the GM is 0.5 m.

 W = 10 450 tonnes
θ = 60
GM M= 0.5 m
 Moment of statical stability = W . GM . sin θ
= 10 450 x 0.5 x sin 60
Moment of statical stability = 546. 161 tonnes
4. When a ship of 10 000 tonnes displacement is heeled 15 degrees, the righting lever is
0.2 m, KM 6.8 m. Find the KG and the moment of statical stability.

 W = 10 000 tonnes
θ = 150
KM = 6.8 m
Gz = 0.2 m
 KG =?
 Moment of statical stability = W x Gz
= 10 000 x 0.2 = 2000 tonnes
 Moment of statical stability = W . GM . sin θ
2000 = 10 000 x ( KG – 6.8 ) x Sin 150

1 = 1. 29409522551 KG – 8. 79984753347

9. 79984753347 = 1. 29409522551 KG

KG = 7. 57 m

5. A box-shaped vessel 55m X 7.5m X 6 m has KG 2.7 m, and floats in salt water on an
even keel at 4 m draft F and A. Calculate the moments of statical stability at (a) 6
degrees heel and (b) 24 degrees heel.

W = L x B x draft x 1.025 KB = ½ draft BM =

7.5 x 7.5
= 55 x 7.5 x 4 x 1.025 tonnes KB = ½ . 4 =
12 x 4

W= 1691.25 tonnes KB =2 m BM = 1.171875 m

KB= 2m

BM= + 1.171875 m

KM = 3.171875 m

KG = - 2.7m

GM = 0,471875 m

a) 6 degrees
GZ = GM sin ϴ
= 0,471875 sin 60
GZ = 0, 0493243686
Moment of statical stability = W x GZ
= 1691,25 x 0, 0493243686
= 83, 42 tonnes
b) 24 degrees
GZ = GM sin ϴ
= 0,471875 sin 240
GZ = 0. 19192885345
Moment of statical stability = W x GZ
= 1691,25 x 0. 19192885345
= 324.6 tonnes
6. A ship of 10 000 tonnes displacement has KG 5.5 m, KB 2.8m and BM 3 m. Calculate
the moments of statical stability at (a) 5 degrees heel and(b) 25 degrees heel.
W = 10 000

KG = 5.5 m

KB = 2.8 m

BM = 3 m

KB= 2.8m

BM= + 3 m

KM = 5. 8 m

KG = -5. 5m

GM = 0. 3 m

a) 5 degrees
GZ = GM sin ϴ
= 0.3 sin 50
GZ = 0. 02614672282
Moment of statical stability = W x GZ
= 10 000 x 0. 02614672282
= 261. 4672282 tonnes
b) 25 degrees
GZ = GM sin ϴ
= 0.3 sin 250
GZ = 0. 12678547852
Moment of statical stability = W x GZ
= 10 000 x 0. 12678547852
= 1267. 8547852 tonnes
7. A box-shaped vessel of 3200 tonnes displacement has GM 0.5 m and beam 15 m, and
is floating at 4 m draft. Find the moments of statical stability at 5 degrees and 25
degrees heel.

 W = 3200 tonnes
GM = 0.5 m
Draft = 4 m

a) 5 degrees
GZ = GM sin ϴ
= 0.5 sin 50
GZ = 0. 04357787137
Moment of statical stability = W x GZ
= 3200 x 0. 04357787137
= 139. 449188384 tonnes
b) 25 degrees
GZ = GM sin ϴ
= 0.5 sin 250
GZ = 0. 21130913087
Moment of statical stability = W x GZ
= 3200 x 0. 21130913087
= 676. 189218784 tonnes
8. Volume benaman sebuah kapal diketahui = 7.500 m³, mengapung pada air perairan
yang memiliki bj. 1025. kg/m³. Hitunglah Displacement ( berat benaman ) kapal
tersebut jika mengapung pada air perairan bj. 1015 kg/m³, dimana Sarat kapal
diinginkan tetap.
Volume benam = 7500 m3

Bj = 1025 kg/m³

Hitunglah Displacement ( berat benaman ) kapal tersebut jika mengapung pada air
perairan bj. 1015 kg/m³, dimana Sarat kapal tetap!

 Berat benaman lama= V x Bj lama

= 7500 x 1025 = 7 687,5 ton

bj . baru
 Berat benaman baru = berat benaman lama x
Bj lama
= 7 687, 5 x

= 7 612, 5 ton

9. Sebuah kapal mengapung dimuara sungai dengan bj air 1024 kg/m³ dan memiliki
Displacement 1.200 ton selanjutnya kapal direncanakan masuk ke sungai dan akan
sandar di pelabuhan yang memiliki bj air 1008 kg/m³ dimana sarat kapal diinginkan
tetap seperti sarat kapal saat berada dimuara sungai tersebut. Hitunglah banyak
bobot muatan yang harus dibongkar di muara itu !
Bj baru
Berat benaman baru = berat benaman lama x
Bj lama
= 1200 x

= 1 181,25 tons

Berat benaman lama = 1 200 tons

Berat benaman baru = 1 181,25 tons

Muatan dibongkar = 18, 75 tons

10. Sebuah kapal tiba di ambang sungai yang memiliki bj air 1016 kg/m³, dimana sarat
kapal tepat pada garis summer draft. Kapal tersebut membongkar muatan sebanyak
150 ton kemudian melanjutkan pelayaran kepelabuhan berikutnya dengan
menggunakan bahan bakar sebanyak 15 ton dan ketika tiba di pelabuhan tujuan
sarat kapal tetap pada garis summer draft dimana bj air pelabuhan tersebut 1004
kg/m³. Hitunglah Displacement kapal saat tiba di pelabuhan terakhir.

 Bj lama = 1016 kg/m³

 Bj baru = 1004 kg/m³
W 1 = V1 x Bj 1 W 2 = V2 x Bj 2

= V1 x 1016 = V2 x 1004

W 1 = 1016 V W 2 = 1004 V

 Sarat sama ( V1 = V2 )
 W1 - 165 = W2
1016 V -165 = 1004 V
12 V = 165
V = 13, 75

W2 ( Displacement akhir ) = 1004 x 13, 75

= 13 805 ton

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