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Where is a good place to take a break.

An Online Travel Guide Include: The name of the city The country the city is in A
short description of the city Three or more things to see or do in the city Types
of food you can eat in the city

The new york city is in United states of America , is considered the city more important for its
economy and culture, is very big and live a lot of people. The tourist should know, the weather is
essential, sometimes rainy days and other sunny days.

You can differents things in new york for example you can take a ferry to see the statue of Liberty
there you can see differents landscape and sunset. Second, you can go to the Empire State
Buuilding and get a view of the city, it would be a perfect moment. Also you can go to walk the
Central Park, that place give you a lot peace. Also, you can visit one museum, this plan is very
interesting for example Museum of Natural History, Whitney, The MoMa and others.

On the other hand, in that city you can find a lot of food, you can eat hot dog, it is the tipical food
of that city, also you can eat pastrami, pizza, hamburgers

Finally, New york it’s a great place, beautiful city with a Delicious tipical food.

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