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FALL 2020-2021 (ONLINE)

Instructor (Section 1 & 2): Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Dilşad Yılmazel Tokel
Room: 105, Tel: 210 5880, e-mail:

Teaching Assistants:
Aykut Kaş (Room: Z-30, Tel: 210 2643, e-mail:
Naz Z. Şimşek (Room: Z-09, Tel: 210 5865, e-mail:

Course Schedule- Section 1 Course Schedule- Section 2

Monday 9:40-11:30 (online) Wednesday 9:40-10:30 (online)
Wednesday 11:40-12:30 (online) Wednesday 14:40-16:30 (online)

Credit Structure: (3-0)3

Catalogue Description: Introduction to environmental engineering calculations; analysis of
pollution control processes: chemical and biochemical kinetics, mass balances, reactor analysis,
energy balances, mass-transport processes with particular emphasis on examples of
environmental pollution control processes.

Course Objectives:
1. Students will acquire basic concepts and fundamentals of units, conversion of units, chemical
kinetics, chemical thermodynamics and equilibrium.
2. Students will learn basic concepts and fundamentals of mass balance, reactor analysis, energy
balance and mass-transport processes as applied to natural and engineered systems.

§ Mihelcic J.R., 1999. Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, NY.
§ Mihelcic J.R., Zimmerman J.B., 2010 & 2014. Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals,
Sustainability Design, 1st and 2nd eds. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., USA.
§ Felder R.M., Rousseau R.W., 2005. Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., USA.

*Please note that ENVE 201 is a prerequisite for ENVE 303 Unit Operations and Processes of Water
Treatment, ENVE 304 Unit Operations and Processes of Wastewater Treatment, and ENVE 322
Transport Processes in Environmental Engineering. Since it forms the basis of Environmental
Engineering courses, it is very important that you learn the material covered in this course.

Communication over the Semester: All communication regarding this course will be made over
E-MAIL, therefore, you should check your METU-mails regularly during the semester. Class material
will be uploaded to ODTUCLASS.

Lecture Style:
In this course, the classes will start on a synchronous mode, yet, because of the high number of
students the instructor may decide to switch to asynchronous mode of teaching for effective
teaching. In this course, it is YOUR responsibility to study the Reading Materials before each class.
Lectures will be critical reviews of the Reading Materials by underlining the important points, giving

specific examples and solving numerical examples where relevant. Students are encouraged to ask
questions related to the topic under discussion during lecture/question and answer hours.

Assessment Methods
There will be several quizzes (a min of 5) over the semester, this will be a major method of
assessment. The purpose is to promote a practice of keeping on top of the course by reading the
assigned material before each class, reviewing the lecture material after each class, and ensuring
that you understand all of the material covered in each lecture. The following types of questions
may be on a quiz:
• questions covering topics covered in the reading assigned for that day;
• questions on understanding of the main points of the previous lecture;
• questions on understanding of solutions on a homework set that was turned in the previous

The overall contribution of a quiz may vary from 3-10%, for each quiz the contribution will be
announced. A selected number of quizzes will make up the Midterm Exam 1 questions.
There is NO make-up for quizzes. Missing quizzes due to absences will receive a score of zero.

Midterm Exams:
Two midterm exams are arranged.
A selected number of quizzes will make up the Midterm Exam 1 questions. The second exam
(Midterm exam II) will be held separately, yet the instructor may use the same methodology for the
second midterm exam.
Regardless, each Mid-Term exam will cover approximately 1/2 of the lectures (2nd Exam is not
cumulative and final exam is cumulative).

Tentative distribution of grades:

Homework assignments 15%
Quizzes 15%
Quizzes (specified to be counted for Midterm Exam I) 20%
Midterm Exam II 20%
Final Exam 30 %

Unless stated otherwise, homework submissions are due 17:00 on the submission day. Late
homework will be penalized. Expect to lose 10% of the credit for each late day with NO EXCEPTIONS
for only 2 days. You will receive a ZERO for submissions that are delayed for more than 2 days. The
work submitted (i.e., discussion, spreadsheets, graphs, calculations etc.) MUST be your own.
Copying is a violation of the academic honesty and be punished. The goal of the homework sets is
to develop your skills and give you a more fundamental understanding of the material presented in
class. This is an engineering class, clearly, all work must be shown neatly and legibly. Furthermore,
units MUST be specific and the final answer clearly marked. Instructions to submit homeworks will
be given by your teaching assistants and you must follow them carefully.

Instructions for submissions of the exam will be given in writing prior to the exams. Exams will be
held closed books and they may contain an oral examination part. Please note, no Make-ups will be
given in this course for the midterms and quizzes. If you have a health condition that is preventing
you take final exam (you must present a proof) a make-up may be given.

Statement Regarding Academic Honesty:
METU Honor Code: “The members of the METU community are reliable, responsible and honorable
people who embrace only the success and recognition they deserve, and act with integrity in their
use, evaluation and presentation of facts, data and documents.”

What are infringements of academic integrity?

• Plagiarism,
• Cheating,
• Presenting or submitting in different courses the whole or part of a personal study,
homework or project done previously with a different purpose without citing the source,
• Indicating sources that do not actually exist as references or creating a false data set,
• Conducting academic work on behalf of other students,
• Behaving in a manner so as to obtain an unfair advantage (obtaining false medical reports,
declaring false excuses for period extensions and make-ups, transferring or obtaining the
right of enrollment to a course in exchange for a personal gain, etc.),
• Producing or making use of fraudulent documents (reference letters, medical reports,
proficiency documents/scores, transcripts, etc.)
• Impersonating someone else in an exam; having someone else impersonate oneself.

Contacting Instructor and Teaching Assistants:

There will be several question and answer sessions that will be held during the semester. You can
ask your questions during these sessions, alternatively you can send an e-mail to request
clarification on topics and they will cover those topics during these extra meeting times.

Recitation and Question/Answer Sessions:

There will be a number of recitations during the semester, which will be held by teaching assistants.
They will solve problems or answer your specific questions on the course material. Recitations will
be announced over ODTUCLASS.

Course Outline:
Reading Material Week
Published @ 1999 Published @ 2010 No
Introduction, Units of Concentration 11-36 26-47 1-2
Chemical Thermodynamics and Equilibrium 63-75 57-60 3-4
Chemical Kinetics 49-63 89-98 5-6
Mass Balances 139-164 106-128 7-10
Energy Balances 165-174 129-138 11
Mass Transport Processes-Advection and Dispersion 174-183 138-148 12
Mass Transport Processes Stokes’ Law 183-192 148-150 13
Mass Transport Processes-Darcy’ Law 192-198 150-152 14

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