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Rules for firearms and general gunslinging

“Ill be darned if these things don’t clear a room like anything ive ever seen.
They sure make a lot of smoke, though and I cant say its real subtle, either. If
we had these back in the day maybe we could have won that damned war.
Apparently the Rust Brothers have been real interested in them recently. I say
if they wanna try and steal mine, they’ll have to try a lot harder than
normal!” -Village militia captain Tanarum
Rules - p.2
Firearm stats - p.3
Outlaw profession - p.5
Firearm accessories and trade goods - p.6
Firearms and strongholds - P.7
Misfire table - p.7
and dwarves. They are certainly harder to find for
FIREARMS IN LORE purchase than most normal weapons and may need to
track down a gunsmith to custom make the weapon for
Many people associate the middle ages with swords
them. Gunpowder and ammo are easier to find and can be
and knights and firearms with the rennaissance and later.
obtained from anywhere you could find an organized
However in reality handgonnes (or hand cannons) have
millitary. Artifact firearms can be found in ancient
existed in the middle ages and were very frequently used
dwarven constructs and ruins or perhaps burnt down
and were a key tool in defending or attacking in siege
keeps or as mantelpieces of nobility or ancient castles.
warfare. Longbows and crossbows were still very much in
To keep things simple «firearm ammo» contain all the
use thanks to them being much cheaper, easier to use and
gunpowder, lead ball and matches necessary to fire a shot
sometimes more precise since these ancient firearms had
as you would need all three to fire any of these weapons.
Though the forbidden lands were shrouded in mist for a
Do note that all firearms listed here are subject to rain and
long time, the rest of the world continued to advance and
humidity and that nothing will fire if the ammo has ben
flintlock weaponry has started appearing in places and
thoroughly soaked in water or other liquids.
foolhardy missionaries have arrived in the forbidden lands
with with this new technology. While inconsistent in
their quality and accuracy there is no denying their power.
It is still quite difficult to find gunpowder in the
ravenlands as one of the core ingredients; saltpeter is quite
rare. Firearms work similarly to crossbows as you must LOAD
Dwarves however have long since learnt much about the them before firing and can be carried around before firing
secrets of gunpowder and how to best use it though these as you like. They do have some differences however. For
fantastical creations seldom leaves their well guarded one, firearms cannot be parried however they can be
mountains. dodged as normal since firearms take enough time to fire
Some halflings are also quite fond of firearms as the for someone with enough reflexes to get out of the way.
results of being shot in the heart is the same no matter You also must track an additionnal ressource die called the
the shooter’s height or strength. Its also seen as a cleaner Ammo ressource die which is used to load these weapons.
and more civilized way of killing someone which they If your character’s items are ever submerged in water or
prefer. other liquids you must roll your Ammo die and on a 1-4
(or on a 1 if you are using a powder horn) you must
decrease the Ammo die one step. This may be done again
if your character dosent leave the water very soon
Firearms use the stab wounds critical injuries table

GUNPOWDER AND though replace any mentions of «skewered» or «impaled»

with the bullet going clean through the person (leaving a
ADVENTURERS larger hole) or getting stuck in the body. You may notice
many firearms do not have a gear bonus. That is because if
So how can firearms be used in your campaign? They can
you ever fail on a pushed roll while attacking with a
be found anywhere in more civilized areas of the ancient
firearm, instead of reducing the bonus and damaging the
ravenlands though will mainly be seen used by rich
weapon like normal, roll on the Powder Mishap table at
nobility and organised armies of the humans, halflings
the back of the book instead.

Powder and Grimstone
Ranged Weapons

NAME Grip Bonus Damage Range Cost Features

Handgonne 2H 0 2 Long 20 Loading, clublike

Hand 3H +2 4 Long 100 Loading, Heavy


Matchlock 1H 0 1 Short 60 Loading


Matchlock 2H +1 3 Long 80 Loading, Heavy


Grapegonne 2H 0 1 Short 50 Multishot 2


Organ Gun 3H 0 2 Long 125 Multibarrel 7

Loading, Heavy

Blunderbuss 2H +1 1 Short 70 Multishot 3

Loading, Heavy

The handgonne is the simplest and oldest type of weapon. Hand Cannon
It is more or less a smaller, handheld cannon with a fuse to The hand cannon is a massive handgonne made to be set on
be lit with your offhand making it very distracting when the ground before firing. It is a 3 handed weapon which
aiming often requiring another person to fire it off for you. means that it must be carried by two people to be used
They are however quite simple to make and very deadly as unless its set on the ground which takes a slow action to
they are loaded with large amounts of gunpowder. Due to prepare it. If somehow fired with the help of a friend or
its sturdy construction and very simple mechanism it also hireling reduce your bonus to a +1 due to the difficulty of
makes for a relatively effective club in melee combat if its aiming such a heavy weapon.
not loaded.

Powder and Grimstone
Matchlock weapons Organ Gun
These beauties are much more advanced and use a lit match The organ gun is artillery the likes of which brings awe and
and a trigger to fire whenever the user pleases. They are fear to all who lay eyes upon it.
much more expensive than the handgonne and are quite in It features 7 barrels which can
demand by mercenaries, armies, hunters and duelistst. all be fired individually or all
While often made of wood and metal some have crossguards at once. It is extremely heavy
made of finer material such as bone or ivory and adorned in and generally put on a carriage
gold and other engravings. It is a status symbol for some or wheels to help transport or
and the barrier between life and death for others. While the during sieges on the offense. It
matchlock pistol is anything but small the rifle is extremely inspires retreat in armies that
large and heavy. Finding artifact or enchanted versions of come across it. It does take a
these weapons is much rarer as the complex mechanisms long time to load and prepare
have to be enchanted individually for it to have effects but however as each barrel must be
they are much more powerful because of it. loaded individually.

This matchlock blunderbuss or musketoon as some call it is
a powerful and durable tool used by coachmen and hunters
alike for its intimidation factor, effectiveness and for how
polyvalent it is. Indeed the blunderbuss is designed to fire
multiple balls or any other small hard item such as rocks
and glass as well as even being able to use parts of a bush or
large leaves instead of waxed paper. While not very precise
Grapegonne this is a workhorse of a weapon and is respected as so for its
The grapegonne is a special rifle with a large barrel with 10 brutal effectiveness.
holes and a large match designed to fire all of them at once.
Designed as a close quarters last resort or as a tool of
Feature explanations
ambush in the corners of a castle or dungeon. They arent
Loading: Loading this weapon is a slow action.
very accurate as the complex barrel leads to much more
Clublike: This firearm can be used in melee as a wooden
imperfections than the normal handgonne and suffers from
club (see player’s handbook page 101) however if used this
all the problems of it as well and yet its undeniable that
way while the weapon is loaded the ammo will fall out of
adding 10 more bullets makes for much more effective
the gun from being too jostled and be useless needing
results agaisnt large groups or opponnents.
another loading to be fired.
Multishot X: This weapon fires a bunch of shots at once. If
your attack hits and deals damage, any additionnal 6
beyond the first deals an additionnal point of a damage to a
limit of X.
Multibarrel X: The weapon has a total of X barrels and as
such can fire these many times before needing to reload
though each one must be loaded individually. Some
multibarrel weapons can also have all barrels fired at once.

Powder and Grimstone

You live on the fringes and follow no laws but your own. You PATH OF GUNNERY
closely follow roads and skirt around villages looking for your You need a loud and powerful weapon out there and your one of
next payday of silver, food and valuables. You leave as quickly the lucky few with enough ressources and connections to have a
as you arrive once the law or angry villagers chase after you. firearm and know how to use it better then most.
Wether by choice or by exile you don’t have a home, you are an  RANK 1: When you encounter merchants or enter a shop,
Outlaw. you can spend a WP to find D3 Uncommon items if they
only sold Common ones and 1 Rare item if they sold
Uncommon and common ones. One of these items must
KEY ATTRIBUTE: Agility be a Ammo first.
SKILLS: Marksmanship, Survival, Sleight of Hand  RANK 2: You can spend a WP to Load a weapon as a fast
Manipulation, Crafting action.
TYPICAL NICKNAMES: Coachthief, scoundrel, Gold  RANK 3: You can spend a WP to gain an extra +1 bonus
and +1 damage as you shoot a Loaded weapon for each
WP you spend. (You cannot have more than a total +3
bonus with this ability.)
Choose an option below or create your own: PATH OF INTIMIDATION
 All respect and fear you equally. You are loud and scary and can make most people do what you
 You’re the best shot in the ravenlands. say under duress thanks to your big weapons.
 You know the wilds and its people like no other.  RANK 1: when you MANIPULATE an NPC, you can
spend one WP to get a +2 bonus if you are using a Loaded
DARK SECRET or Heavy weapon to threaten them.
 RANK 2: When you attack with a ranged weapon, you
Choose an option below or create your own:
can spend WP to threaten the enemy or one in NEAR
 You cannot respect and loathe authority.
range of the attacked enemy to automatically deal
 You worship the nightwalker and never steal before
damage to Wits equal to the WP spent. The target may
making a blood sacrifice to him. attempt to resist by rolling for INSIGHT. Each 6
 You used to be in a band but stole everything from negates one point of damage. No effect against monsters.
them before leaving.  RANK 3: When an ally is Broken within NEAR range
from a FEAR attack, you may spend one WP to reduce
RELATIONSHIPS that ally to 1 Wits instead. They still roll on the horror
Choose an option below or create your own: critical table but instead roll twice and pick the highest
… is a smart guy, you don’t want him to become like you. result.
… is more indimidating than you are, you have to best him.
… is a great drinking buddy but keeps drinking from your PATH OF THE OUTLANDER
stock. You live in the fringes of what most would call civilization,
living off of what you can get away with.
 RANK 1: When you enter a mountain or marsh hex, you
can spend a WP to gain one rank of Ammo, the same is
Handgonne or crossbow,dagger, one item of your choice
true for forests and Food or Lakes/Rivers and Water.
from the list of trade goods.  RANK 2: If an ally rolls a 1 on any of their ressource die,
Resource dice: Food D6, Water D6, Ammo D10 you can spend a WP to make them reroll it once.
 RANK 3: You automatically gain one rank in a ressource
based on where you are as the day starts. (see ranks 1)

Powder and Grimstone
Powder and Grimstone
Firearms and gunpowder can be mighty allies when it comes to defending your stronghold. Here are some of the features
advantages firearms can do for your stronghold!

✥ +1 defense rating for each 3H weapon in your stronghold

✥ You can hire a GUNSMITH with a salary of 8 copper and uncommon supply. He can sucessfully repair firearms
automatically (which takes a quarter day per firearm), succesfully craft firearms if you have a FORGE (which the
smith can also do) and produces one unit of gunpowder each week.
✥ During a siege, 3H weapons or weapons with a fork rest begin combat set up on the ground as its assumed they were
prepared beforehand.



Muzzle Explosion! The weapon is

broken and a repair failure will
1 destroy it permanently.
You also take one unpreventable

Barrel explosion! The weapon is

2 broken and a repair failure will
destroy it permanently.

Jammed! You must spend a slow

3 action to clean it before Loading
it again.

Humid powder! The shot dosent

4 fire and you need to Load it

Fire went out! The shot dosent

5 fire but you dont need to Load it
to fire again.

Clean explosion! The shot is a

6 success instead and deals an extra

This product was created under license. Forbidden Lands and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan
AB. This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors. Such material
is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by MICHAEL GAGNON and published under
the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop

Powder and Grimstone

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