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“Presencia de la Iglesia en la Educación”
English Workshop

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High Heels Shorten Women's Leg Muscles

Scientists have found out that women who wear high-heel shoes make their calf muscles
shorter. The heels also give many women pain in their legs when they take them off and
walk. The researchers tested different women aged between 20 and 50 who wore heels
that were 5cm or higher. The research also looked at women who never wore high heels.
The research team used ultrasound to measure the length of the fibers in the calf
muscles. Their results showed that the muscle fibers of high-heel wearers were 13 percent
shorter than those in the non-high-heel-wearing women.
The researchers also found that women who regularly wore high heels suffered more
muscle aches and pains when they took their shoes off. This is because their muscles are
being overstretched for long periods and do not have time to relax. Women are advised to
do simple stretching exercises to relieve the pain.
Researchers are not suggesting that women should stop wearing high heels but they are
recommending wearing flat shoes a little more often. "Fashion is intended to be
uncomfortable and none of the women in the study planned to give up their high heels,"
said one researcher.

1) Vocabulary match with a line the Word with its meaning

1. heel- the answers that are produced by a scientific study or test

2. calf- thin pieces of flesh that form the nerves or muscles in your body
3. ultrasound- smooth and level
4. fibers- to have physical or mental pain
5. results- to rest, to become calm. less stiff or less tight
6. suffer- . to have a plan or purpose in mind
7. overstretch- more than able to do
8. relax- medical process that produces an image of something inside your body
9. relieve- to reduce pain
2. Questions
10. flat- the part of the back of your leg between your knee and you
11. intend- the raised part on the bottom of a shoe that makes the shoe higher
“Presencia de la Iglesia en la Educación”
English Workshop

Let’s work 10º

1. What is this article about?

R:// The article is about the fashion tendences and specifically about the high-heel
shoes and the consequences of the usually use of them.
2. What are some of the dangers of wearing high heels?
R// the pain of overstretching the muscles and making their fibers shorter than
3. What advice did scientists give to wearers of high heels?
R// Use flat shoes a little more often, because using them the muscles can relax.
4. Do you ever suffer for fashion? Think of and talk about a few things people do
for fashion/beauty that might be unhealthy or unsafe.
R// The fashion can be a high risk thing, the people do things that can be unhealthy
like a lot of surgeries or therapies, body modifications, etc.

3.Answer the following questions

1. Do you think beauty is subjective or objective? Why?
R// Beauty varies on every person, we all have a different look of beauty and can
find the beauty in some things or persons that other people could ignore or just
don’t care about it.
2. How much time and money do you usually spend on fashion and beauty?
R// I usually spend a lot of money and time on fashion, because i like to feel me
pretty and makes me happy, more than for follow fashion trends for somebody
3. What do you think about plastic surgery, tattoos, and piercings? Have you ever
gotten it?
R// I have piercings and tattoos, i think that every person is free to use their body
how they feel right, plastic surgery, piercing and tattoo are things that just the
person who wants to made it on their body can judge about.
“Presencia de la Iglesia en la Educación”
English Workshop

Let’s work 10º

4. What kind of clothes are in fashion now? What was fashionable in the past?
What are/were your favorite fashion trends?
R// Right now i think that the animal print is on tendence right now, in the past the
most intense tendence was the high colors clothes and my favorite fashion are the
bellbottom jeans

Fashion Trend Pros (good/helpful/positive) Cons (bad/dangerous/negative)

1. Getting a tattoo Makes the person happier, A bad cared tattoo could
wearing a peace of art in result in a very dangerous
their body or something infection.
that represents an The person needs to be
important thing for them very decided that what and
where wants to be tattooed,
because its permanently
2. Having plastic It’s a decision that can Same whit the tattoos,
surgery improve on the selflove of needs to be cared or can be
the person and forget past unhealthy.
insecurities Surgery complications that
can cause the person to die

3. Buying designer It’s a personal taste, some The people who spends
brands people likes to wear important money on
designer brands designer brands having
other bigger responsibilities

4. Wearing make-up It’s a nice tool to make the The excessive and bad use
people feel right and of the makeup could be bad
beauty for the skin

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