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Carrie and Dakota

Carrie Retcon Scene:

Carrie (or Caroline as she greatly prefers) agrees to meet with you regarding the flowers for Bryce and to
ask after his health. She is respectful to you but largely just on a professional basis.

She is willing to share that she is the Human Resources Director for Sunflower Studios. If you ask after
her career, she shares that she has held the position since 2012 (she is currently 29 years old) having
been hired as a Business Major prodigy out of college at 20. Through the course of the conversation you
gather that she is very good at her job, she has an eye for acquiring and keeping skilled and loyal
employees, was responsible for much of the change in hiring process for employees, and also is
responsible for luring away talent from other similar studios and production companies in the area.

As best as Lorelei can determine, Caroline is professional but, socially cold. If asked about family, or if
they are seeing someone either bf or gf, they are blunt in their responses that such ties distract from the
work she could be accomplishing. Her greatest pride is in the quality work that she does. She has no
desire for family and her affection for another, besides that of being professional and polite, stops there.


What Zaren shared with that Ed found brought up what you and Lacey remember.

John and Mary Belmont were friends with Kenneth and Janice Williams and we’re associated with them
in Hunter circles. John and Mary were a couple of years younger and never had children themselves, but
loved Lacey and Maisie when they could seem them. Which wasn’t too often as hunter schedules kept
them very busy, but both yourself and Lacey know about John and Mary and how close they were to
your parents.

Starting here is what Lorelei and Lacey do NOT know.

After Kenneth and Janice’s deaths, John and Mary thought that Maisie and Lacey were also killed but
their bodies were never recovered. They refused to think that Maisie or her sister were “turned” but in
the back of their minds they always thought the worst.

Never able to have children of their own, they eventually attempted to retire from vampire hunting, and
adopted a young girl named Dakota. Dakota was 7 at the time and John and Mary raised her as their
own and tried to keep her shielded from the world of a hunter. Dakota was unfortunately too smart for
her own good and proved, much like Lacey and Lorelei, very adept at hunting monsters. She learned
about Kenneth, Janice, and the fate of their children growing up and was determined to avenge the
monsters that had slaughtered her adopted parent’s closest friends.

In 2005, when Dakota was 15 and out hunting John and Mary were eventually found and discovered by
contacts associated with Mordecai. John and Mary’s luck had finally run out and the two were
massacred. Dakota returned from her hunt where they were still lying in wait to finish her off, but
Dakota killed the kindred that lay in ambush for her. She was taken briefly into the foster care system at
15 before running away and being on her own until she eventually met and fell in love with Rachel
Rowanworth. Dakota still is seeking not only revenger for her adopted parent’s, but also for Lacey and
Lorelei’s. Dakota has never met Lorelei/Lacey but has seen them in pictures that John and Mary kept.

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