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(MATRIC NO: 140023)






This is to certify that the project was carried out and duly reported by OLADEJI
OLUWAPELUMI .H. Matric number: 140023 of the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Ladoke Akintola University of
Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria during the Industrial Training in partial fulfilment for the
award of Btech in Computer Science.

……………………………………. ……………………………..
(SIWES Coordinator)

……………………………………. ……………………………..
Engr. Dr A. Oke Date
(Head of Department)

This program report is dedicated to God Almighty who spared my life and made this training
a success, to all lecturers in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, and also to
my family for their assistance, and support during my training.


A report like this can hardly be completed without the aid and support of some individuals
who should be acknowledged. My ultimate gratitude goes to the Almighty God, who has
been my protector and guide throughout the period of my training. My profound gratitude
goes to my parent and my siblings who supported me during this period, may the good Lord
bless and keep you. My thanks also go to all the staff and my colleagues I worked with at
NEW HORIZONS COMPUTER LEARNING CENTRES. I also express my gratitude to my
trainee in person of Mr. Lawoyin Olatunji P. (Technical Manager) and Mr. Oyekanmi
Damilola O. (Assistant Technical Manager) for their support, advice and encouragement
during my training. May almighty God reward you all.
This work would be incomplete if I fail to acknowledge the management and staff of
LAUTECH and all the lecturers of the department of Computer Science and Engineering and
Faculty of Engineering and Technology at large, for giving me the opportunity to gain more
knowledge through this industrial training. God bless you all.












SIWES, which is the acronym for the Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme is a

skilled training scheme and integral part of the fulfilment of the award of Bachelor of

Technology (B.Tech). It provides each student the opportunity for practical and work

experience outside the university through attachment to establishments / companies. It helps

to compliment knowledge gained by the students during their stay in school.

The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme {SIWES} was established by the

Industrial Training Fund {I. T. F} in 1973 to solve the problem of lack of adequate practical

skills preparatory for employment in industries by Nigerian graduate of tertiary institutions,

sponsored by the Federal Government of Nigeria. The reason behind the establishment of

SIWES was due to the observed changes in skills requirement, need for competence building

among students, a need to give students of science, Engineering and Technology hands-on

training and work experience pertaining to their field. Also, expectations from employers of

labor – working experience, contribute to the need to establish the SIWES program.

The SIWES program has objectives that can be summarized in a statement as follows:

to facilitate industrial skill and work experience acquisition by students of higher learning,

thus exposing students to work methods and techniques which afford them opportunity to

apply into practice their theoretical knowledge and at the same time affording the employers

participation in the educational process of the indigenous work force. The SIWES program

started in 1974 with 748 students from 11 institutions, the scheme has evolve overtime and as

at 2008 alone 204 institutions and 210, 390 students participated in the scheme, and this

number is bound to increase over time. Training is a key factor in enhancing the efficiency

and expertise of the workforce. The SIWES program prepares students for labor markets. It

has become an innovative phenomenon in human resources development and training in



Practical knowledge is learning without which mastery of an area of knowledge may be too

difficult to achieve. Practical knowledge involves developing skills through the use of tools

or equipment to perform tasks that are related to a field of study. No society can achieve

meaningful progress without encouraging its youth to acquire necessary practical skills. Such

skills enable them to harness available resources to meet the needs of the society. It was

against this background that SIWES, otherwise referred to as Industrial Training (IT), was

introduced in Nigerian tertiary institutions. SIWES is a cooperative industrial internship

program that involves institutions of higher learning, Industries, The Federal Government of

Nigeria, Industrial Training Fund (ITF), Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) and

NBTE/NCCE in Nigeria, SIWES forms part of the approved minimum academic standards in

these institutions.


The aims of the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) are;

 To expose students to machines and equipment, professional work, methods

and ways of safe-guarding the work areas and workers in industries and


 To promote and encourage skill acquisition in commercial and industrial

settings to meet economic demands.

 To maintain a balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of


 To produce graduates that could be confident even outside school walls.


 To provide an avenue for students in Nigerian Universities to acquire industrial

skills and experience in their course of study.

 To prepare students for the work situation they are likely to meet after

graduation .

 To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment,

machinery, that may not be available in the Universities.

 To make the transition from the University to the world of work easier, and thus

enhance students’ contact for later job placement.

 To enlist and strengthen employers’ involvement in the entire educational process

of preparing University graduate for employment in industry.


New Horizons:

We pioneered technology training 35 years ago. And we never stopped. As changes in

technology have accelerated, it’s become even more essential for people to master technology

to be productive, invaluable employees who optimize, program and invent solutions—and

even grow companies of their own. For 35 years, New Horizons has provided more than 30

million students with industry-leading technical training that delivers the most relevant and

intuitive computer courses and certifications. We’re now the world’s largest independent IT

training company, and we continue to lead: With more than 70 locations in North America,

the New Horizons Franchise network spans six continents and over 35 countries embracing

many cultures and languages

Largest Guaranteed-to-Run course schedule in the world

Ranked in the top 5% of the industry for training quality and customer satisfaction

Official training partner for technology leaders such as Microsoft, Cisco, CompTIA and


Microsoft’s largest training provider, delivering more than 40% of all authorized Microsoft

training worldwide World’s largest Cisco-authorized training partner New Horizons is an

authorized partner to the top technology providers. For students that means training with the

highest quality source materials and the latest products and technologies. For businesses it

means getting the highest return on their training investment.

1. FIRST AND BEST: In 1982—back when the term “Internet” was first used—we became

the first company to offer desktop application training.

2. INTERNATIONAL IT: In 1994 we became the largest network of Microsoft-Authorized

Technical Education Centers, expanding into South America, Asia, Africa and the Middle


3. VIRTUAL IT: In 1998 we opened our virtual doors with the introduction of Online

LIVE® virtual instructor-led training.

4. HOT GROWTH: In 2001 Business Week added us to its list of “100 Hot Growth


5. TRAINING PARTNER TO MANY: In 2007 we were named training partner to all 100

companies listed in Fortune magazine’s ranking of America’s 100 largest corporations, plus

more than half of the Global 100.




Step 1: Define the Program Objectives

Naturally enough, you should start with a clear idea of what you want the program to

do. Think in terms of the information your program needs, the feats of calculation and

manipulation the program needs to do, and the information the program should report back to

you. At this level of planning, you should be thinking in general terms, not in terms of some

specific computer language.

Step 2: Design the Program

After you have a conceptual picture of what your program ought to do, you should

decide how the program will go about it. What should the user interface be like? How should

the program be organized? Who will the target user be? How much time do you have to

complete the program? You also need to decide how to represent the data in the program and,

possibly, in auxiliary files, as well as which methods to use to process the data. When you

first learn programming in C, the choices will be simple, but as you deal with more complex

situations, you'll find that these decisions require more thought. Choosing a good way to

represent the information can often make designing the program and processing the data

mucheasier. Again, you should be thinking in general terms, not about specific code, but

some of your decisions may be based on general characteristics of the language.

Step 3: Write the Code

Have a clear design for your program, you can begin to implement it by writing the

code. That is, you translate your program design into the C language. Here is where you

really have to put your knowledge of programming to work. You can sketch your ideas on

paper, but eventually you have to get your code into the computer. The mechanics of this

process depend on your programming environment. We'll present the details for some

common environments soon. In general, you use a text editor to create what is called a source

code file. This file contains the C rendition of your program design. As part of this step, you

should document your work. The simplest way is to use C's comment facility to incorporate

explanations into your source code. Chapter 2, "Introducing C," will explain more about

using comments in your code.

Step 4: Compile

The next step is to compile the source code. Again, the details depend on your

programming environment, and we'll look at some common environments shortly. For now,

let's start with a more conceptual view of what happens.

Recall that the compiler is a program whose job is to convert source code into

executable code. Executable code is code in the native language, or machine language, of

your computer. This language consists of detailed instructions expressed in a numeric code.

As you read earlier, different computers have different machine languages, and a C compiler

translates C into a particular machine language. C compilers also incorporate code from C

libraries into the final program; the libraries contain a fund of standard routines, such as

printf() and scanf(), for your use. (More accurately, a program called a linker brings in the

library routines, but the compiler runs the linker for you on most systems.) The end result is

an executable file containing code that the computer understands and that you can run.

The compiler also checks that your program is valid C. If the compiler finds errors, it

reports them to you and doesn't produce an executable file. Understanding a particular

compiler's complaints is another skill you will pick up.

Step 5: Run the Program

Traditionally, the executable file is a program you can run. To run the program in

many common environments, including MS-DOS, Unix, Linux consoles, just type the name

of the executable file. Other environments, such as VMS on a VAX, might require a run

command or some other mechanism. Integrated development environments (IDEs), such as

those provided for Windows and Macintosh environments, allow you to edit and execute your

C program from within the IDE by selecting choices from a menu or by pressing special

keys. The resulting program also can be run directly from the operating system by clicking or

double-clicking the filename or icon.

Step 6: Test and Debug the Program

The fact that your program runs is a good sign, but it's possible that it could run

incorrectly. Consequently, you should check to see that your program does what it is

supposed to do. You'll find that some of your programs have mistakes—bugs, in computer

jargon. Debugging is the process of finding and fixing program errors. Making mistakes is a

natural part of learning. It seems inherent to programming, so when you combine learning

and programming, you had best prepare yourself to be reminded often of your fallibility. As

you become a more powerful and subtle programmer, your errors, too, will become more

powerful and subtle. You have many opportunities to err. You can make a basic design error.

You can implement good ideas incorrectly. You can overlook unexpected input that messes

up your program. You can use C incorrectly. You can make typing errors. You can put

parentheses in the wrong place, and so on. You'll find your own items to add to this list.

Fortunately, the situation isn't hopeless, although there might be times when you think it is.

The compiler catches many kinds of errors, and there are things you can do to help yourself

track down the ones that the compiler doesn't catch. This book will give you debugging

advice as you go along.

Step 7: Maintain and Modify the Program

When you create a program for yourself or for someone else, that program could see

extensive use. If it does, you'll probably find reasons to make changes in it. Perhaps there is a

minor bug that shows up only when someone enters a name beginning with Zz, or you might

think of a better way to do something in the program. You could add a clever new feature.

You might adapt the program so that it runs on a different computer system. All these tasks

are greatly simplified if you document the program clearly and if you follow sound design



Web development is evolving rapidly. One of the latest focuses in the market, being

deployed to a great extent in the World, is the Python programming language, which allows

projects to be carried out swiftly and in a versatile way. The syntax, written in the late 80s by

Guido Van Rossum – now in version 3.5.0a4. – has become one of the essential choices for

software developers. This is intended as a list of the basic tools for developers who have

specialized in this programming language prepared for different paradigms: object-oriented

programming, structured programming and functional programming. Not to mention the fact

its functionality can be broadened with extensions.


BeeWare is more than just a tool; in fact it is a toolbox to help develop and debug

software in Python. The big difference between BeeWare and an IDE (integrated

development environment) is that each tool in that box can be used independently from each

other. Each can be used to carry out small tasks and all can be simultaneously used separately

to implement large projects in Python.

The tools in that box of services are:

- Cricket: this is a graphical tool for running unit tests. The tool does not offer many details

of the execution while the suite is underway and it is not possible to start looking for faults

until execution is complete. This results in Cricket not being a great tool for identifying

patterns of faults in these unit tests or for rerunning failed tests. Cricket supports Django, a

framework of open source code that is written in Python and used to develop web

applications faster.

- Bugjar: this is a tool for debugging code errors. The old debuggers were good for their

integrated development environments and being able to debug errors visually during

execution. The Python debugging model contains appealing debugging methods. It also has a

graphical interface that lets you navigate the code to correct errors.

- Duvet: this is a graphical interface that helps developers visualize the results of coverage of

tests returned by, a tool that works to measure coverage of program code in

Python. Such actions serve to measure the effectiveness of tests, separately showing which

parts of the code are worked by testing and which are not.

BeeWare also has a number of libraries for projects in Python:

- Toga: a package of native tools for each system, made in Python that can be used for

desktops and mobiles.

- iOS template: a template that allows us to develop applications in Python but implement

them in iOS.

- Android template: a template to implement Python code in Android.

- rubicon: this is a collection of tools to establish relationships between the Python

programming environment and others.

- cassowary: pure implementation in Python of the algorithm of solutions of limitations of

Cassowary, the algorithm that has been used within the graphics engine of Mac OS X (Lion

and later versions) and iOS.


Python developers have this integrated development environment (IDE) with a built-

in graphical user interface (GUI) for wxPython. This tool includes an object inspector,

inheritance hierarchies, a particularly good debugger and integrated help. Obviously, it is

written in Python.

The user interface consists of a set of separate tools used to create and debug applications

developed with Python:

- Paleta: this tool allows developers to access objects such as buttons, text boxes, frames and

create packages and modules for our applications. This is the first step to generating a new

development for Python.

- Inspector: objects can be accessed through this tool

- Editor: this is the part of BOA Constructor where developers can access the source code of

the application they are creating. You can correct errors and run the application to identify

them in the editor.

- Explorer: this allows you to browse and review data items.


An integrated development environment is a software application that allows software

developers to design in a simple way. This has all the necessary tools integrated into a single

environment: an editor for source code, automated build tools and a debugger. There are

several on the market.

PyDev for Eclipse: PyDev is a Python package for Eclipse, an extremely versatile IDE,

which is able to support not only the Python language, but many others. It has particularly

interesting features if you want to program applications:

- Integration with Django, a framework for web development of open source written in

Python. Django allows developers to create complex web projects through rapid development

using the Don’t Repeat Yourself computing principle, which seeks to remove duplication in

development processes.

- Code completion.

- Syntax highlighting.

- Code analysis.

- Debugger and remote debugger.

- Interactive browser.

- Refactoring.

- Unit Testing Integration.

- Source code coverage.

PyCharm: this is an IDE created by JetBrains. It has an incredible reputation within the

Python developer community. Some even describe it as the best IDE for Python. This is an

integrated development environment with hundreds of functions, which can turn the tool into

a tedious environment, but it is certainly a great choice for programming.

Some of its key features are:

- Integration with frameworks such as Django, Flask, Pyramid or Web2Py.

- Auto-completion.

- Syntax highlighter.

- Analysis tool.

- Refactoring.

- Advanced Python and JavaScript


- Compatibility with programming tools and languages for developers in Python such as

SQLAlchemy (ORM), Google App Engine or Cython.


3.1 Python Programming

Python is a powerful multi-purpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum.

It has simple easy-to-use syntax, making it the perfect language for someone trying to learn

computer programming for the first time.

This is a comprehensive guide on how to get started in Python, why you should learn it and

how you can learn it.

3.2 What is Python Programming Language?

Python is a general-purpose language. It has wide range of applications from Web

development (like: Django and Bottle), scientific and mathematical computing (Orange,

SymPy, NumPy) to desktop graphical user Interfaces (Pygame, Panda3D).

The syntax of the language is clean and length of the code is relatively short. It's fun to work

in Python because it allows you to think about the problem rather than focusing on the



Keywords are the reserved words in Python. We cannot use a keyword as a variable name,

function name or any other identifier. They are used to define the syntax and structure of the

Python language. In Python, keywords are case sensitive. There are 33 keywords in Python

3.7. This number can vary slightly in the course of time. All the keywords except True, False

and None are in lowercase and they must be written as it is.

Rules for writing identifiers

 Identifiers can be a combination of letters in lowercase (a to z) or uppercase (A to Z)

or digits (0 to 9) or an underscore _. Names like myClass, var_1 and

print_this_to_screen, all are valid example.

 An identifier cannot start with a digit. 1variable is invalid, but variable1 is perfectly


 Keywords cannot be used as identifiers.

3.4 What is a function in Python?

In Python, function is a group of related statements that perform a specific task. Functions

help break our program into smaller and modular chunks. As our program grows larger and

larger, functions make it more organized and manageable. Furthermore, it avoids repetition

and makes code reusable.

Syntax of Function

def function_name(parameters):



3.5 What is String in Python?

A string is a sequence of characters. A character is simply a symbol. For example, the

English language has 26 characters. Computers do not deal with characters, they deal with

numbers (binary). Even though you may see characters on your screen, internally it is stored

and manipulated as a combination of 0's and 1's. This conversion of character to a number is

called encoding, and the reverse process is decoding. ASCII and Unicode are some of the

popular encoding used.


Python can be more user-friendly because of its advantages. Please find below the uses of

python language for different reasons:

1. Applications:

Python can be used to develop different applications like web applications, graphic user

interface based applications, software development application, scientific and numeric

applications, network programming, Games and 3D applications and other business

applications. It makes an interactive interface and easy development of applications.


i. flirt application of a car rental service

ii. Bank Management System

iii. Time Application

iv. Game Application

v. Tax Calculator

vi. Scientific Calculator

vii. Inventory Management System

viii. Worked on Sqlite3, Qtdesigner

ix. convertion of .ui file to .py

x. convertion of python files to .exe file

xi. worked on django


xiii. Blogspot application

2. Multiple Programming paradigms:

Python is also used because of its providing continuous support to several programming

paradigms. As it supports object-oriented programming and structured programming. Python

has features, which also support various concepts of functional programming language. It is

used for dynamic type system and automatic memory management. Python language features

and programming paradigms allow you for developing the small as well as large applications.

It can be used for complex software applications.

3. Robust Standard Library:

Python has a large and robust standard library to use for developing the applications. It also

makes the developers use Python over other languages. The standard library helps in using

the different range of modules available for Python. As this module helps you in adding the

functionality without writing any more code. To get the information about various modules,

documentation on python standard library can be referred. While developing any web

application, implementing web services, performing string operations and other usages like

interface protocol, the standard library documentation helps.

4. Compatible with Major Platforms and Systems:

Python is mainly compatible with major platforms and systems because of which it is used

mainly for developing applications. With help of python interpreters, python code can be run

on specific platforms and tools as it supports many operating systems. As python is an

interpreted high-level programming language and it allows you to run the code on multiple

platforms. The new and modified code can be executed without recompiling and its impact

can be monitored or checked. It means it’s not required to recompile the code after every

change. This feature helps in saving the development time of the developers.

5. Access of Database:

Uses of Python also helps in accessing the database easily. Python helps in customizing the

interfaces of different databases like MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL,

and other databases. It has an object database like Durus and ZODB. It is used for standard

database API and freely available for download.

6. Code Readability:

Python code is easy to read and maintained. It is easily reusable as well wherever it is

required. Python’s having simple syntax, which allows the different concepts to develop

without writing any additional code. The code should be of good quality and easy to maintain

the source code and simplify the maintenance, which is required to develop the software

application. It also emphasizes code readability, which is the great feature, unlike other

programming languages. It helps in building custom applications and clean code helps in

maintaining and updating the software applications without putting extra effort on the same


7. Simplify Complex Software Development:

Applications of Python is used to simplifying the complex software development process as it

is a general-purpose programming language. It is used for developing the complex

application like scientific and numeric application, and for both desktop and web

applications. Python has features like analyzing data and visualization, which helps in

creating custom solutions without putting extra effort and time. It helps you to visualize and

present data in an effective way.

8. Many Open Source Frameworks and Tools:

Python is open source and easily available. This also helps in costing the software

development significantly. There are many open source applications of python frameworks,

libraries, and development tools for developing the application without putting extra cost.

Python frameworks simplify and make the process faster for web application development

and the frameworks are Django, Flask, pyramid etc. Python GUI frameworks are available

for developing the GUI based application.


Computer graphics is an art of drawing pictures, lines, charts, etc using computers with the

help of programming. Computer graphics is made up of number of pixels. Pixel is the

smallest graphical picture or unit represented on the computer screen. Basically there are two

types of computer graphics namely.

Interactive Computer Graphics: Interactive Computer Graphics involves a two way

communication between computer and user. Here the observer is given some control over the

image by providing him with an input device for example the video game controller of the

ping pong game. This helps him to signal his request to the computer.

The computer on receiving signals from the input device can modify the displayed picture

appropriately. To the user it appears that the picture is changing instantaneously in response

to his commands. He can give a series of commands, each one generating a graphical

response from the computer. In this way he maintains a conversation, or dialogue, with the


Interactive computer graphics affects our lives in a number of indirect ways. For example, it

helps to train the pilots of our airplanes. We can create a flight simulator which may help the

pilots to get trained not in a real aircraft but on the grounds at the control of the flight

simulator. The flight simulator is a mock up of an aircraft flight deck, containing all the usual

controls and surrounded by screens on which we have the projected computer generated

views of the terrain visible on take off and landing.

Flight simulators have many advantages over the real aircrafts for training purposes,

including fuel savings, safety, and the ability to familiarize the trainee with a large number of

the world’s airports.

Non Interactive Computer Graphics: In non interactive computer graphics otherwise

known as passive computer graphics. It is the computer graphics in which user does not have

any kind of control over the image. Image is merely the product of static stored program and

will work according to the instructions given in the program linearly. The image is totally

under the control of program instructions not under the user. Example: screen savers.




The whole work piece has been the details on the Student Industrial Work Experience
Scheme (SIWES) which was observed at The unit of attachment being the computer
learning centre which have been able to equip and educate me as regards a practical
aspect of my course, that is, I was able to know the importance of computer science in
the programming, graphics designs and artificial intelligence.



practical exposure.
I will like to make the following recommendations;
i. Most students experience difficulties in getting placements for SIWES and I will

like the body concerned to see to this situation.

ii. Cost of transportation and accommodation are common problems encountered by

students during SIWES, as most industries (place of attachment) do not pay the

students. Students should therefore be paid during the SIWES program.

iii. SIWES should be continued in all our institutions because it exposes the students

to practical aspects of their course of study.

iv. Government should fund establishment with appropriate finance to get the latest and

needed equipment that will improve and make learning easy for interns.

v. There should be provision of more relevant equipment to carry out computer science based

work out.

vi. Students should be exposed to more practical knowledge before been sent on industrial


CENTRES is an eye opener to the reality of the computer science, especially of the

programming. It made me realize that the wide scope of computer science field is all centered
on the developing the world.
I have also been able to improve my communication and presentation skills and thereby
developed good relationship with my fellow colleagues at work. I have also been able to
appreciate the connection between my course of study and other disciplines in producing a
successful result.


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