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The Impact of Bullying on Senior High School Students of Genecom

I. Introduction
In schools, bullying occurs in all areas. It can occur in nearly any part in or around the school
building, thought it more often occurs in recess, hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and
waiting for buses, classes that require group work or after school activities. Bullying in
school sometimes consist of a group of students taking advantage of or isolating one
student in particular and gaining the loyalty of bystanders, who, in some cases want to avoid
becoming the next victim. School bullying is a widespread issue that affects secondary
school students in three essential parts of their lives; psychologically, educationally and
professionally. Bullying is a sort of aggressive behaviour against others such as, verbal by
calling nasty names, physical by kicking, pushing or tripping up and social by everyone
stopped talking to you.

Shahria et al. (2015) reported that bullying is deemed as a serious problem in academic
settings in all parts of the world. They found that bullying has negative impact on academic
performance. Females were more affected than males by bullying. Bullying constitute a
complex problem in school kids lives. It is a problem that affects all students, either bullies
or victims, and those who attended interpersonal violence. Bullying may involve many
sections verbal, physical assaults, threats, jokes or language, and criticizing. All of such
factors affect individually, or collectively, and contributes in child’s bullying. It is well known
that bullying is difficult to eliminate or to stop it in schools because it is used by students.
Alison (2016) stated that bullying is considered as global problem that affect emotional,
social, and physical wellbeing of school-age children worldwide.

Piskin (2003:555) mentions that, “Bullying in schools is a worldwide problem that can have
negative consequences for the general school climate and for the right of students to learn
in a safe environment without fear.” South Africa has displayed the same type of problem
within the boundaries of its schools in which the researcher has had first hand experience.
Whilst interviewing Mrs Anne Cilliers (2007), the Head of Department for Life Orientation of
the school where the researcher is employed (School A); the problem of bullying was
confirmed. Horne and Staniszweski (2003:431) note that almost every adult in the United
States can remember a childhood experience of school aggression and almost every child
can remember being a victim, a bully or a bystander to the bullying. Furniss (2000:9)
mentions that bullying in schools causes widespread negative experiences such as misery,
distress, fear, anxiety, anger and helplessness. The researcher has recognized many of the
latter mentioned emotions, which have been revealed by those victims who have sought
therapeutic help.
II. Statement of the Problem
Bullying is a problem that affects all students, either the person the bully, the victims, and
those who witnesses. Bullying may include verbal, physical assaults, threats, jokes or
language, mockery and criticizing, insulting behaviour and facial expressions. All of such
factors work either individually, or collectively, for contributing in students’ likelihood of
bullying. It is well known that bullying is difficult to eliminate or to stop it in schools because
it is used by students. Bullying at school has various impact, among such impact is the
academic achievement. Therefore the research problem is to determine the impact of
school bullying on students’ academic achievement from teachers point of view.

III. Research Objectives or Questions

The study aimed to achieve the following objectives:
• To build a knowledge base on the problem of bullying using existing literature. The
knowledge base was used to form a holistic picture of the problem.
• To find out the impact of bullying in schools on students’ academic achievement.
• To specify the impact of bullying in schools in general.
Research Questions:
This research project hopes to provide answers to the following questions;
• Is there any difference between violence and school bullying?
 • Can academic achievement take place without bullying?
• Does bullying affect students performance in schools?
 • Does supervision reduce the effects of bullying?

IV. Scope and Delimitation

My research is all about Bullying. Bullying happens everywhere. Nowadays there are cases
of Bullying that many teenager experience negative effects such as trauma, and may lead to
suicide. It was assumed that the research has been done by researchers with integrity. It
was also assumed that the literature reviewed would clearly identify the prevalence and
seriousness of Bullying. Possible limitations of the study were the topic of Bullying is
relatively new and therefore a lot of the research overlapping by reciting the same studies.

V. Significance of the Study

The findings which this study will reveal, may benefit certain groups and the benefits they
may be able to gain are as follows:
Students. This is group may use this study as an example to bear in their mind they are more
luckier than those who are bullied even life is very struggling because of economic
problems, they are still send in the school to learn by their parents, thus will challenge to
them and enabling them to perform well in class, study harder to upgrade their knowledge
and intelligence so that the difficulties experienced by their parents in sending them to
school to attain their goals will not be in vain.
Future Researchers / the Researchers themselves. The finding of this study will be serving as
a good source of accurate and useful information for them. The cost of educating a child is
tremendous, it matters not so much, how much our government spends for every child
provided that the child finishes the school year successfully. What is deplorable to not is the
enormous number of school leaves every year. When a child leaves school before attaining
functional literacy, much of our effort, time and money go down the drain. He do not
acquire the needed skills for a productive and favorable life.

Usually, majority of the out of school youth because of bullying effects becomes the sick of
our society, they will be come delinquent, they have a rebellious spirits, in this regards the
researchers want to know through this study what are the behavioral development of our of
school youth and its implication to education.
To all the parent. So that the parents will be able to know that they should have a sense of
dedication and devotion to duty as parents in implementation of some strategies for the
development of their kids although they experienced being bullied or those who committed
bullying to bring them in a state that they can be proud to be the parents even of those who
overcome the effects of being bullied.
To all community organizations. It is imperative for them to know the characteristics of a
children and youth in the community it enables them further to adopt precautionary
measures or remedies to forestall their unfavorable behavior.
VI. Definition of Terms
Bullying. Bullying is the process of using aggressive behaviour manifested by the use of force
or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behaviour is habitual and involves an
imbalance of power.
Victim. Is the person who has been hurt.
Depression. This is a mental state in which you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy
anything because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.,
Concentration. This involves giving all your attention to it.
Vulnerable. Someone who is vulnerable is weak and without protection with the result that
they are easily hurt physically or emotionally.
Suicide. It is sometimes a way for people to escape pain or suffering. When someone ends
their own life, we say that they "died by suicide." A "suicide attempt" means that someone
tried to end their life, but did not die.

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