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Task – 1 (Knowledge Question)

A. Describe what is meant by “employee engagement”.

Employee engagement is a basic term for the attempt to perceive and explain the essence of
the relationship between a company and its workers, both qualitatively and quantitatively. An
"engaged employee" is described as one who is fully absorbed and enthusiastic about their job,
and who takes constructive action to further the credibility and interests of the organization. An
employee engaged has a positive attitude toward the company and its values. A disengaged
employee, by comparison, may range from someone doing the bare minimum at work to such
an employee who is actively undermining the job performance and reputation of the company.
Therefore a company with "high" employee engagement might be predicted to outperform one
with "poor" employee engagement. In other words, Employee engagement is a workplace
strategy that results in the right conditions for all members of an organisation to give every day
their best, committed to the goals and principles of their company, eager to contribute to
organisational growth, with an improved sense of their own well-being.

B. Why do you think it is important for organizations to invest in employee satisfaction?

Employee satisfaction is of utmost importance in keeping workers satisfied and achieving their
best performance. Satisfied workers are the ones who are highly committed to their
organisation, and even in the worst case they stick to that. They are not operating out of any
pressure but because they dream to take their organisation to a new level. Workers need to be
enthusiastic about their jobs and enthusiasm only comes when workers are ultimately happy
with their job and organisation. Employee happiness leads to a positive environment on the
job. Individuals seldom weep or whine, and are more focused on their jobs. Some benefits for
organizations through employee satisfaction are listed below:

 Employee satisfaction is that people never consider quitting their current employment.

 Employee happiness is a key to ensuring the company has higher revenues.

 Compared to unsatisfied ones, happy workers tend to adapt faster and withstand pressure
with ease.
C. Identify three strategies an organization could use to ensure positive employee

The more a worker feels part of a group, the more likely they're involved in what they're doing.
Some strategies an organization could use to ensure positive employee engagement are listed
and explained as below:

1. Think “Bottom-up” not “Top-Down”

We need to make sure our bottom line workers also should be heard not only the higher post
employees. For example, we don’t start to build a house starting from the roof. Focus on
popular problems, and ask your team how to improve the issue. The more their views are asked
of the team, the more motivated, comfortable and appreciated they will feel – and the more
involved they will be.

2. Show them you listen

If a clear issue has been found then action should be taken. More importantly, it should be
mentioned clearly, particularly if you've discussed it with them. Understanding that one's views
are listened to as well as leading to progress is another way of growing commitment. Using
your internal notice boards to demonstrate what you have done in response to what your
employees have been saying.

3. Share good practice and ideas between teams

There's nothing better than having your ideas and good methods being celebrated, so make
sure your workers have the chance to share and highlight their best work. Peer-to-peer
coaching through your Talent Development Platform is a fantastic way to promote
collaboration and build or reinforce relationships between your staff.

D. List and discuss reasons why employee wellbeing is important to an organization.

There is a connection between a supportive workplace and a happy employee. Here are a few
reasons why employees well being is beneficial:
1. Well employees are engaged employees

Employees with mental and physical wellbeing are more likely to have dedicated themselves to
their work. We are more likely to go the extra mile because we feel encouraged and respected
by their bosses, realizing that their contributions will be rewarded. Anyone who is physically
and mentally stable is also well able to manage the pressures of consumer demands and

2. Healthy employees miss less time

When workers deal with mental or physical problems, they are more likely to call in sick. We
usually will not work at their most efficient level, even though they are in the workplace. If
you're focused on keeping workers safe, you should expect less lost working days and more
hard-working team members who put all their energy into their projects.

3. Happy employees stay longer

Providing a positive environment which emphasizes wellness creates a happier worker team.
When combined with other benefits including retirement opportunities and fair compensation,
leadership that focuses on the whole worker encourages workers to remain with your
company. Employees who believe their employers are very concerned about them as people
and not only as employees are much more likely to stick with you.

E. Why is it important for an organization to review the development of its staff? List
two reasons

It is important for an organization to review the development of its staff for the following two
main reasons:

a) Improved employee Performance: Employees who undergo the requisite training

are more able to carry out their duties. The training will offer an increased
understanding of the employee's responsibilities within their position, and in turn
create trust. This trust should boost their overall performance and this can only help
the company.
b) Addressing weaknesses and solving them: Some of the workers would have other
shortcomings in their abilities at work. A training program enables employers to
reinforce the skills every employee requires to develop. A learning plan takes all
workers up to a higher level and they can have similar expertise and skills. It helps to
will any poor ties within the organisation that depend heavily on others to
accomplish simple work.

F. What impact would factor such as cultural diversity, ethics, values and interpersonal
styles have on the organizational culture.

Organizational culture comprises values and behaviors which contribute to a company's unique
social and psychological environment. The more the organization is culturally diverse the more
the organizational culture is better. Culturally diverse organizations have people with various
cultural values and believe. If these differences are addressed and respected then the
organizational culture is very sublime. The workers interpersonal styles contribute to
organisational culture in their own way. The worker personalities, mentalities, desires,
cognition and even the thought process influence the culture of the company. Example-
Companies recruiting individuals from the history of army or defense prefer to adopt a strict
culture where all workers obey the rules and policies set. The workers never get to work late. It
is employee mentality that shapes the place's culture. Organizations with a plurality of young
people encourage healthy workplace competitiveness and employees are constantly on their
toes to perform better than their fellow workers.

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