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Soul Medicine

Wisdom Book

// insert image //
(death card image?)

By Sonja Lokensgard, Audrey Steen, and Corinne Dove

Copyright 2020

All rights reserved

Dedication to


We Believe
Our Lineage
Our Intention
The Structure/Symbolism of Soul Medicine Card System
Card Layouts
How to use the deck in a session
Wisdom Messages for Cards

About the Creators


Card Titles
Archetypes Outer/ tools/practices Energies /Medicines Inner /embodiment qualities
1. Queen bee 12.PLant MEdicinE 23.Moon 34. service/seva
2. Wise Woman 13. Cosmos 24.transition 35. Fluidity
3. Mermaid 14. Communication 25.Sun 36. Compassion
4. Chief/Visionary 15.Movement 26. retrograde 37. Decision
5. Alchemist 16. Dreamwork 27. Prosperity 38. Joy
6. Spirit Warrior 17. Alignment 28. self-care/Rest 39. KundI
7. Craftsman 18. Greens 29. Desire 40. Stress
8. Inner ChiLD 19. Sacred Space 30. Death 41. Trust
9. Gaia 20. Harmony/SOUND 31. Birth 42. ATTACHMENT
10.Free Spirit 21. Crystal 32. Lineage
11. Lovers 22. Gathering 33.Nourishment 44. Pain


Aquarian age is the time for exploring what works for you, from your direct
experience with life. Raw, real. Discovering what tools and practice help, what
concepts resonate, what draws you back to your own truth. Learning to honor the
unique medicine you have to give and your unique soul journey on the earth.

We believe…

Aquarian age = “For the next 2000 years we will be in the Aquarian Age. We have been in the
transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years. The official beginning
of the Aquarian Age is November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11. Some people have set this date as December
21, 2012. Considering that this is a 2000 year cycle, no matter which date you accept, we are in
for lots of change in the near future!”

“the Aquarian Age is organized in a horizontal network, opening the world up to true equality.”

The age of information.

During this age, the focus is no longer on your identity and existence (“to be or not to be”), but
on accepting yourself as a whole person (“be to be”) who does not need to believe in something
outside of yourself. You are ready to accept that you have the knowledge and wisdom within
yourself. It is no longer necessary to attach to something outside yourself, but to become a
leader of one: yourself. Instead of being a railroad car that is pulled by an engine, you become
your own engine. It is your responsibility to stay on the tracks and to keep moving forward.”


Our Lineage

Familial Lineage : Scandanvian mainly, norwegian and swedish for all of us with
mixes of other european influences (?)
Spiritual Lineage: Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, etc.

Academic/Lineage of Study:

How We Met:
Corinne seeing Sonja’s art, loving it and captured by it, making it the front of the
college literary art magazine for the season’s issue. Audrey and Corinne meet
through mutual friends, although life didn’t really take off until we were both in a
physiology and kinesiology class called Body in Motion. (auds and sonja how’d you
meet?) Then all of us in Jessica Patterson’s RootEd Training Program for the year.
Goddess calls every week or two for years, always picking oracle cards for guidance.
It became a ritual and a constant tool for deeper connection. This project… began
as an idea, a little fun idea. Then sprouted and grew into this huge, long outpouring
of creativity and energy, healing and challenging us on many levels, listening to
threads of our intuition and own lessons in this lifetime. It had its own beautiful
process of birth, from inception to manifested form. We are so proud and excited
that you’re now reading this!

Our Intention
Our intention with creating this deck was to ignite the most powerful place in our
healing journey- the power that lies within ourselves and in our cells. We found
that through study and experience these were the key themes:
Personal Evolution
That’s why we like to call the Soul Medicine Deck a toolkit. It’s designed to offer
you the essential tools to live a vibrant, soulful, authentically connected life.

*Intention elements:
● empowerment: self care, self awareness, personal growth
● embodiment of practices: living the spiritual concepts
● wholeness/holistic approach: approaching wholeness through integrative, nature based
tools, Welcoming All Parts. Inclusive. Intimacy with self and others.
● healing: Shadow work/darkness + lightwork, Balance, Union, Integration.
● authentic: lifestyle, Soul’s path, Freedom
● energy and vibration: intention and alignment with Love
● connection: community, collaboration, culture, artistic expression
● Kundalini awakening - dawning of the aquarian age. Soul medicine for the Aquarian age

The Cards or Structure/Symbolism of Soul Medicine Oracle Deck

Spiritual principles + Practical guidelines. Embodiment, energy, and practice.

Archetype cards may represent an aspect of your identity or an important person

in your life.

There are these spiritual and ethereal concepts, and through embodiment we are
making them real through the body. By embodying them through the practice of
living them, you feel them in your body, and other people can feel viscerally feel
the presence of them.


Old English sawol "spiritual and emotional part of a person, animate existence; life,
living being," from Proto-Germanic *saiwalō
psyche (n.)
1640s, "animating spirit," from Latin psyche, from Greek psykhē "the soul, mind, spirit; life,
one's life, the invisible animating principle or entity which occupies and directs the physical
body; understanding, the mind (as the seat of thought), faculty of reason" (personified as
Psykhē, the beloved of Eros), also "ghost, spirit of a dead person;" probably akin to psykhein
"to blow, cool," from PIE root *bhes- "to blow, to breathe" (source also of Sanskrit bhas-),

Definition of soul (Entry 1 of 2)

1: the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life 2: the
spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe 3:
a person's total self 4 an active or essential part b a moving spirit

Art of healing, cure which comes from Latin curare “ to take care of”
cure (v.) late 14c., "to restore to health or a sound state,"

What is an oracle anyway?

“origin : late Middle English: via Old French from Latin oraculum, from orare ‘speak’. An oracle is a person
or agency considered to provide wise and insightful counsel or prophetic predictions or precognition of the
future, inspired by the gods. As such it is a form of divination. Oracles were thought to be portals through
which the gods spoke directly to people. In this sense they were different from seers (manteis, μάντεις) who
interpreted signs sent by the gods through bird signs, animal entrails, and other various methods”

Putting it all together

YIN ------- YANG LIGHT ---- DARK
ARCHETYPES (masculine, feminine, duo)
INNER WORLD (qualities, concepts)
OUTER WORLD (elements/tools/practices)

Modalities: Reiki, Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Western Medicine, Chiro/PT, Psychology,

Medicine, Nutrition, Acupuncture, Massage, Craniosacral, color therapy, aromatherapy
Tools: Flower essences, Metaphysics, self-reflection/study of the self, philosophy,
bhakti/devotional chanting,
Practices: Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Yoga, Qi Gong, Meditation, Pranayama/breathwork,

Bodies: Emotional Body, Physical body, Energy body, Spiritual Body, Mental Body, Astral Body
(10 bodies)
Koshas: 5 - Physical Sheath, Energy Sheath, Mental Layer, Wisdom Body, Bliss Body
8 Limbs
Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul/Psyche, Heart / Organ systems
Chakras: 1-7 (plus meridians/nadis/ also ida, pingala, sushumna)
Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether/space
Senses: smell, taste, sight, touch, sound
Sattva, Rajas, Tamas

5 Kleshas: 5 causes of suffering… attachment, repulsion/aversion/avoidance, identification to

false self/ego, ignorance, fear

*Jamie’s Vibrational / ask him to tune into Vibrancy quality to help organize system
(primary color, and maybe secondary, use element… integrate the two)
Preparation and Layout Guides

Creating an altar

Centering yourself

Tune in with your intention and how the cards can be of use for you at this time.
Just like how we grow over time, so does our relationship with the tools like this
deck evolves too. As With any tool ask, “Is this useful? Is this resonate with my
Shuffling / fanning out the deck… putting your energy on the cards, could even say
your name (outloud or in your head) while you hold the cards. Utilize your
intuition to see how you are drawn to work with the card deck.

Here are some places to start and some of our favorite layouts:

Basic layout: ask a question about your day/week or to set an intention and pick
one card.
First card, an answer for your question.

(If you feel called to choose a second card, it can offer another perspective.)

3 Card Spread: around a particular situation or area of life (work, health, finances,
relationship, etc.)


Energy Spread: 3 Cards

What is nourishing my energy?
What is depleting my energy?
What will my life to look like if I created more balance with my energy?

Chakras: 7 Card Spread

Left to right or top (7) down (1st chakra is bottom card)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th







5 Card Spread - in a cross. Different parts talking to you
1 Essence/intuition, 2 Physical body, 3 Emotions, 4 Spirit, 5 What next?

2 5 3

3 Card Spread: Common Goal/Vision, Point of Conflict, What helps

12 Houses Spread: Choose a card for each house of astrological chart, starting with
House 1 and going in counterclockwise circle to House 12
How to Use cards during a healing session
Integrating the medicine cards into a healing or coaching session or even during a
call can be super useful to dive right into

Wisdom Messages

(insert 44 wisdom messages from other document)

About the Creators

Sonja Lokensgard

Audrey Steen/Bliss/Yould

Corinne Dove

To our families
To our partners
To our friends
To our healers and mentors
To the ones who helped us birth this into the world
To our spirit guides, ancestors, and unseen forces
To mama earth, where we all are created from and constantly inspired by
To you
To the future ones

Published and Distributed

(Front and back design, possibly artwork or images needed)

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