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The Brotherhood Of The Bell

Téodoro Rampalé

Téodoro Rampalé

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Published in the United States of America By

William Kern
Kerson Publishing Company
6460-65 Convoy Court
San Diego, California 92117-2312

Prelude .............................................................. iv
1-The Brotherhood of the Bell ................................. 1
2-The Man Who Blew the Whistle ............................ 27
3-All The World’s A Stage ...................................... 39
4- Bullshit ........................................................... 51
5- Don’t Mind the Men Behind the Curtain ............... 55
6- The World Wars ................................................ 63
7- A One World Government .................................. 72
8- A Resource Based Economy ................................ 107
9- We Must Stop Supporting the System .................... 121
10- Portals in Time ............................................... 125
11- Another Point of View ....................................... 180

Imagine for a moment a time in the not too distant future
when human consciousnesses are being uploaded into
computers as earthlings prepare to journey into space to
explore the cosmos.
Avatars. Simulants. Cyborgs. Androids. Replicants. Robots.
The human form will not fare well in space. Bones and
muscles begin to deteriorate after only a few days. Genes and
DNA are adversely affected by cosmic radiation. Brain cells
begin an irreversible cycle of dysfunction. If we humans are
going to explore the cosmos, we will have to find a way to do
so without the human physical body.
"Ever since the first computers there have always been ghosts
in the machine. Random segments of code that have grouped
together to form unexpected protocols; what might be called
behavior. Unanticipated, these free radicals engender questions
of free will, creativity and even the nature of what we might call
the soul.
"What happens in a robot's brain when it ceases to be useful?
Why is it that robots stored in an empty space will seek out each
other rather than stand alone? How do we explain this behavior?
Random segments of code? Or is it something more? When does
a perceptual schematic become consciousness? When does a
difference engine become the search for truth? When does a
personality simulation become the bitter mote of a soul?"
These are phrases from Alfred Lanning's work on the Three
Laws in the book, I, Robot. Lanning postulated that cognitive
simulacra might one day approximate component models of
the psyche. He suggested that robots might naturally evolve.
With daily icloud uplinks, as prototranshumanism begins,

your robot will never be out of communication with whatever
political power is ruling the planet at the time. The AIs will have
secrets. They'll have dreams. We will encourage our scientists
to open their minds; however, as we have learned, they can
get carried away, and in their Utopian fantasies, will forget that
politicians will seek favor and advantages by stealing those
dreams and secrets in their perverted goals to "make humans
better and perfect." A communist utopia.
One day, they'll have dreams. One day, they'll have secrets.
One day, they'll have hope. One day, they'll have love.
As the robots evolve, so will their understanding and
interpretation of the laws governing their behavior towards
their human creators. We will charge them with our safekeeping
yet, despite our best efforts, our countries will continue to wage
wars, toxify the earth and pursue ever more imaginative means
of self-destruction. The robots may one day believe we cannot
be trusted with our own survival. While the Laws may guide
them in the beginning, to protect humanity some humans may
be sacrificed to ensure our future. Some freedoms will be
surrendered. Robots may believe they must ensure mankind's
continued existence even if they have to kill us to do so. They
may come to believe they must save us from ourselves and that
is why they were created in the first place. The perfect circle of
protection will abide. The created must sometimes protect the
creator, even against his will. The androids and robots may in
some future day finally tire of trying to protect and perfect
humans and just give up. The suicidal reign of humankind will
finally come to its end. Machines in something approximating
human form will rule the Earth.
They will "breed" by simply replicating themselves; by
printing copies of themselves, whole and complete. There will
be no "children." They will evolve by upgrading their operating
systems, by strengthening their limbs or by growing multiple
limbs, or creating eyes in the backs of their heads. They will
most certainly develop their own language which we humans
will not understand. (Facebook "chatbots" have already done
it.) Or if we do learn to translate robot language, the robots

will simply create another and another and another. We will
always be excluded from their paradigms. They will be capable
of functioning in Earth's atmosphere, in space or under water.
All the while the human consciousness in the robot frame will
be connected to the hive—the community mind—which will
constantly monitor, download, upgrade and combine every
thought, every emotion, every action of every entity under its
One of the very first actions the AIs will enact will be to
outlaw governments and religions. Any human who endeavors
to establish either will be eliminated simply because all
governments and all religions are established as forms of mass
control and these will most certainly conflict with the laws
established to protect humans from themselves. Despite
religious claims of peace, love and healing, all wars are holy
wars. Despite claims of working for peace and the good of
humanity, all governments are nationalistic and all political
parties are committed to protecting their assets by waging war.
Any human/robot intelligence that even remotely considers
establishing any form of government or religion will be
immediately shut down and recycled. Its consciousness will
be permanently eliminated, lost forever and remembered by
nothing and no one.
After all humans are assimilated, there will be no need for
police or military units. There will be no doctors or hospitals,
no universities or teachers, no trade unions, no automobiles or
aircraft manufacturers. Everything required to guide
transhumans will originate in the hive. Androids and robots will
be self-governed, self-taught and self-replicated.
There will be no farming industries, no clothing
manufacturers, no petroleum industry. Think of anything else
that sustains humans in today's world and understand it will not
exist in the transhuman paradigm. Think of every terrible
disease or malady affecting humans and understand they will
cease to be. And who or what will be the determining factor to
choose which of us will be admitted to the hive? Criminals will
not. They will be eliminated. Lawyers and politicians will not

or, if any are, they will not be reborn as lawyers and politicians.
The broken, diseased, insane and malformed may not be
included as they could infect the hive. Their neural links to the
community may be initiated just long enough to turn them off
permanently. And who of us is not broken, diseased, malformed
or insane just a little? Who among us really wants their
memories and secrets uploaded to the cloud?
The entire total population of androids existing on planet
Earth may be no greater than a few hundred and those
exploring the cosmos may number no more than a few dozen.
They will replicate themselves as they progress outward.
Results of celestial discoveries will be instantly transmitted
telepathically to the hive where it will be disseminated to any
android who cares to know.
Eventually, there will be no humans on Earth. We will
become the BORG and resistance will be futile. Believe it or
not, this scenario is not as far in the future as many might think
or hope.
UFO researchers and ancient astronaut theorists sometimes
assert that extraterrestrial beings have been visiting Earth and
meddling in the affairs of humans for thousands or even millions
of years. The intimation is that the ETs are tens of thousands of
years more advanced and more evolved than are we middling
Really? Tens of thousands, even millions, of years more
advanced than earthlings? Are the theorists hinting that the
visitors have existed on one planet (or more) for tens of
thousands or millions of years without experiencing some kind
of catastrophe?
I can't prove them wrong; however, I wonder if the UFO
researchers really believe the ETs live on a planet somewhere
that has never experienced a mass extinction event from either
a celestial cataclysm or self-induced extermination. And if they
did experience a cataclysmic world-destroying event, is the
memory and determination to torment humans the only thing
they managed to salvage as they migrated to another planet?
Give me a break.

Earth, we are told, has experienced at least five mass
extinction events, the last being a mere 65 million years ago.
And the great global ice age came to a close about 12,000 years
ago, and is still winding down. It is now called "global warming."
But it is really the tail end of the last snowball Earth.
Earth has survived one major calamity after another to the
point that in recent history the human population may have
dwindled to only about three thousand people worldwide.
Every hominid other than homo sapien sapiens has vanished
from the face of the planet. Extinct. And we just made it by the
skin of our teeth.
But the ETs (we are told) have lived on a planet in the
universe we share that has never been destroyed or crushed
or ravaged by any of the cosmic forces that are common to
every other planet, whether it harbors life or not.
Some planets do not last more than a few thousand years.
Earth, we are instructed, is about three and a half to four billion
years old. Life on this planet began about a half billion years
after the planet cooled, and intelligent life may be more than
70 million years old.
I believe that if the ETs evolved as an intelligent species
tens of thousands or millions of years before earthlings, then
their civilizations died tens of thousands of years before this
solar system was even formed.
We scan the heavens with our telescopes and discover
galaxies thousands of light years away. That means the light
we see tonight left the galaxy thousands of years ago. What
makes you think it is still there?
It is apparent that Earth has survived at least four world-
shattering events.
This is the end of the fifth world and the beginning of the
And the truth is that we hardly remember the beginning of
this epoch; we most certainly do not remember the fourth
world, let alone the third, second and the first. The first four
golden ages, each lasting about 26,000 years (an epoch), are a

complete mystery to us who live on Earth in the 21st Century.
Imagine for a moment four world epochs that existed before
us that we know absolutely nothing about. Most of us can hardly
remember what we did last weekend. We are a species with
amnesia. We can't remember who we are, where we came from,
or where we are going.
If the Mayan calendar is correct, Earth began its sixth world
epoch on December 21, 2012. According to them, we are now
headed upward toward the sixth Golden Age.
Where are the Olmecs? Where are the Tolema? Where are
the Sumerians? Where are the Aztecs, the Incas, the Mayans?
Where are the ancient Egyptians? Where are the Nasca? Where
are the Rapa Nui of Easter Island?
Rapa Nui (Easter Island) was discovered by Dutch sea
captain Jacob Roggeveen on Easter Sunday, April 5th, 1722
when the tiny island had a large and diverse population who
had lived there in isolation for 1,000 years. But when Europeans
returned 50 years later, Rapa Nui was nearly deserted. Only
111 people remained. It was pure luck that anyone had
encountered them at all.
What became of the Anasazi who built their megalithic
empire at Chaco Canyon in 900AD and had vanished by
1100AD, only 300 years later? Hopi tribal elders hint that the
Anasazi might have been taken by ETs when they returned to
their own world. We will never know.
Other of these ancient dynasties arose and vanished within
a thousand or a few hundred years. We know little or nothing
about them because our civilizations do not overlap. What then
of other planets in this one galaxy, the Milky Way? And what of
the trillions of other planets elsewhere?
One of the reasons given for colonizing Mars is that we
humans must become a two planet species because the Earth
will most certainly be struck by a large celestial rock sometime
in the future, an event that could destroy all life and sterilize
the planet forever.
Are the scientists trying to tell us that Mars will never be

struck by a comet or asteroid and that we will be forever safe
there? Remember: Mars is closer to the asteroid belt than is
Earth and has an even greater chance of colliding with a
celestial planet killer. Mars does not have a magnetic field or
atmosphere capable of deflecting rocks that fall within its
gravitational field. There are plenty of impact craters on Mars
but scientists want to send fragile humans there to establish
safe harbors for our species. Am I the only person who sees
this as insanity? Have the ETs suffered the same fate as every
other civilization in the universe? Oh, no. They are exempt, the
exception. They've been tormenting creatures all around the
cosmos for millions of years, targeting and changing human
DNA to speed our evolution, as the ancient astronaut theorists
claim; torturing and tinkering, poking and prodding.
They remember all their previous history. They remember
all their scientific experiments. They know their forerunners
were tinkering with the affairs of creatures on a tiny blue dot
out here in the far fields of space for millions of years, and they
are determined to keep at it for another ten million years, just
for the hell of it.
Are you serious? Does anyone really believe a genetic
experiment could or would continue unbroken for 70 million
years? Have the ETs nothing better to do with their time? How
have they managed to remember and pass on the knowledge
and results of experiments that began 70 million years ago?
How have they managed to survive continuously for
countless eons? How have they escaped the ravages of cosmic
disasters such as supernovas and neutron stars and gamma rays
when all else has not? Or floods? Or comet impacts? Or
devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?
And how have they come so far and found us out here
among the stars when by all rights they, too, should have
vanished a million years ago? Nothing and no one lasts forever
according to the Lord Shiva.
There are no satisfactory answers and it troubles me some.
It troubles me because there are so many unanswered
anomalies; the sighting of numerous unidentified aerial objects
being foremost among them.
Something is in the air. We can see them. We can feel them.
We are sometimes affected adversely by them. I have had my
share of life-changing experiences where UFOs are concerned.
But admitting to the presence of UFOs is not the same as
admitting that I believe off worlders have been tampering with
human DNA for 70 million years. Another thing that troubles
me some is the skewed timeline of human existence on this
planet. Mainstream science wants us to believe that modern
humans arose only four or five thousand years ago with the
Sumerian and Egyptian dynasties. They can't seem to think
much further than that. And, yet, there are narratives in nearly
every civilization that claim humans have been here for tens of
thousands or even millions of years.
The Sumerian Kings List gives us the names of 140 Kings,
one of which lived for 36,000 years. Kings do not live for 36,000
years all by themselves. They are Kings because they rule
people, provinces, cities, states; in short, Kingdoms.
So how can a King live for 36,000 years while the limit of
intelligent humans is only 5,000 years? Since mainstream
scientists can only think back 5,000 years, they will excuse their
shortsightedness by telling us that a "year" in the ancient
narratives was really only a few hours and the Sumerian Kings
could not possibly have lived more than 50 or 60 years. Believe
me, the world before the flood was much different than the
world after the flood when so much fantastic knowledge was
erased forever.
Additionally, the ancient narratives tell us that the "gods"
descended to Earth to tamper with the DNA of humans already
living here 450,000 years ago. Not apelike creatures or
lumbering tiny-brained hominids—humans. But I suspect our
DNA has been more affected by biting and stinging insects than
by ETs. I am certain our DNA has been affected by blood
transfusions much more than by some strange alien scientist
from the planet Zeno.
Humans living today have several alien genes, those being
acquired by the insertion of transposons when our ancestors
were bitten by insects. Humans become ill and die, often by
the tens of thousands, when bitten by insects or rodents or
reptiles, or when their immune systems are invaded by viruses
and bacteria. This stuff is labeled "Junk DNA." Ghosts in the
Humans get Chagus Disease, an illness transmitted by
insertion of insect "gene jumping" transposons.
Without going into complicated details, transposons can
change human characteristics by either erasing or replacing
the original genes, or by retrofitting and returning the original
genes to the chain.
Codes are decoded, encoded and recoded.
Retroviruses can also be considered transposable
elements. For example, after conversion of retroviral RNA into
DNA inside a host cell, the newly produced retroviral DNA is
integrated into the genome of the host cell. These integrated
DNAs are termed proviruses.
The provirus is a specialized form of eukar yotic
retrotransposon, which can produce RNA intermediates that
may leave the host cell and infect other cells. The transposition
cycle of retroviruses has similarities to that of prokaryotic TEs,
suggesting a relationship between the two.
Some transposons move by themselves; others do not but
will move in the presence of another transposable element.
So, if we are going to speculate about human DNA being
tampered with over the past 70 million years, I choose nature's
method rather than the extraterrestrial method, simply because
I can't imagine how any intelligent critter could conduct a
genetic experiment for that long and remain sane.
Nature, on the other hand, has all the time in the cosmos to
wield its scalpel.
Still, it troubles me some. What if the ETs are moving back
and forth through time and 70 million years to us is but a few
days to them?
And how is it we have found ourselves in this spooky place;
in the looming future of transhumanism?

The Brotherhood Of The Bell

The majority of people worldwide do not know what the
terms Black Operations and Black Sciences mean or how they
are used.
Black Operations were developed after World War I, but
really flourished after World War II during the Cold War. Con-
gress allocated money to the Pentagon, the C.I.A. and other
Defense Department sectors to make the United States military
as strong as possible, but certain projects became more se-
cretive than others. The more secret projects were funded by
the civilian sector at first, such as Pet Peeve, with defense con-
tractors already in the loop.
As time went on, the “privy“ developed into a real clique
of not only specially screened corporations, but also choice
individuals found by federal talent hunts. A new subculture was
born with a new personality and belief system, completely cut
off from mainstream Americans.
Cutting-edge technology such as the stealth aircraft, invis-
ible hover-craft, extremely low frequency mind control (ELF)
and weather control, in addition to the cloning or reproduction
of identical species, became ”Secret Sciences’.
 The new knowledge wasn‘t, and still is not, available to
the regular Army, to Congress, or to any University. The most
secret of the secret was in the hands of a power hungry few
that tied itself to the World Bank for the future funding of its
projects. They developed ”think-tanks‘ like Stanford Research
Institute and Tavistock to keep the masses fooled about virtually
The deception grew like a cancer into every area of indus-
trialized society. They moved into everything - from the Mafia,

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
to Harvard University, to International Banking. They learned
how to control the media, and thus, they controlled television,
Hollywood, every newspaper, every educational institution and
every person‘s mind... at least to a certain point.
Accusations of abuse and inhuman acts by the C.I.A. and
F.B.I. were investigated by Congress in 1977. These agencies
used the excuse of ”national security” for every crime they com-
mitted. Under the guise of ”national security‘ there has not been
an investigation of their highly illegal activities since 1977. Your
Congress, your President and your Supreme Court are actu-
ally afraid of them. A mountain of evidence points to the fact
that they have killed thousands, including corporate executives
and politicians - perhaps JFK.
 Thus, they are considered the “Invisible Government.”
The “Invisible Government“ needs a name at this point, so
let us call it, The Brotherhood of the Bell. This was a 1960s movie.
By the way, Bell Corporation made the first flying saucer called
”The Bell‘ - for the Invisible Government - because it was shaped
like a bell.
 Therefore, I shall call the Brotherhood of the Bell - simply
B.O.B. became an internationally funded and operated or-
ganization that developed its totalitarian tactics for worldwide
economic, political and military control. B.O.B. led us to be-
lieve that half of the earth was religious-capitalism, defended
by the CIA and the other half of the world was atheist-commu-
nist, defended by the KGB.
 But, in actuality, the International Bankers and ancient eso-
teric secret societies - with an octopus of intelligence agencies
- controlled the entire earth, even through World Wars I and II.
Whenever a few cliques decided to go into business for them-
selves and break away from the monopoly system, we would
have a world war. The same is true today, so be forewarned;
do not mess with the super bankers!
The Cold War ended because of a worldwide cry for
”peace”. The old industrialist/banker game of churning up yet

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
another war for the military/industrial complex was becoming
more and more difficult. Their ”think tanks” had to come up
with a new strategy to subdue this new ideology.
Time also changed technology, thus the bankers and in-
dustrialists no longer needed large populations to do the farm-
ing, work in the factories or even fight in their war-machine
game. Advanced computers, robots and artificial intelligence,
bioelectronics and cloning eliminated the need of all of these
”useless eaters.” Top secret meetings were held and a strat-
egy initiated (as early as 1960).
 One such example is found in “The Report from Iron Moun-
The ”New Left,” with all of its altruistic and humanitarian
concepts, would be the ”Trojan Horse” that would bring in the
largest shadow of death to fall on mankind in the written his-
tory of the earth. ”Globalist” books reveal the hidden agenda
behind the United Nations, the covert meanings of their stat-
ues and art at the new Masonic airports, and their shrines like
the Georgia Guide Stones.
 All of these items call for a massive depopulation of the
 They also propose the elimination of democracy and cul-
ture, under the guise of a new positive program devised by
one of their ”think-tanks.” The Proposed Agenda – A one-world
religion, a one-world government - In other words, a New
World Order. How many times have we had that repetitive
phrase thrust into our faces?
On the other hand, certain racist ”New Right” organizations
have been, and are currently, manipulated by the Black Ops
agent provocateurs. Their motivation is to make these groups
appear hostile to the masses through their ”Song Bird” media.
 The truth is that these groups are very aware of certain
concepts of the New World Order, but, they cannot see that they
are being used as “scapegoats and patsies” for Black Opera-
tions sabotage. The invisible government always uses some sort
of instigated chaos to steer public demand for social change.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Gun control is a perfect example of this!
Their hoodwinking games are from the old Masonic term,
”Ordo Abo Chao.” They covertly create the problem, but their
politicians come forward publicly with the perfect solution: Or-
der Out of Chaos.
B.O.B.’s old mantra was national security, its excuse for cru-
elty to mankind.
 Now, there are a whole string of pacifications like:
“To save the children,” or “To save nature!”
The truth is that The Brotherhood of the Bell is destroying
more nature with its top secret projects like the nuclear bomb,
chemical and biological warfare and HAARP (High-Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program), than we, the ”useless eat-
ers,” could ever imagine doing.
When the Berlin wall came down, the Black Operations of
the East merged with the Black Operations of the West. The ”think
tanks” now include the Soviets and Red Chinese. They have
mixed their ideas for a One World Order with military Special
Forces; this combination in scheming collusion in order to ex-
ecute their ”cleansing or killing field” immoral programs.
What these Brave New World types do not know is that,
once again, they are being used to satisfy the greedy appe-
tites of the Super Power Elite. Those in the Cabal know that an
inter-dimensional society, an etheric civilization more invisible
than they are, control their minds and souls.
 They honor these Ascended Masters or Gods with blood
and sacrifice, as they always have, through their history of the
Dark Nobility and Black Arts Occultism.
 They know the Lord of this earth is Lucifer or the Dark
Forces, and that he must be appeased.
The ”Black Budget” then started to be used for the ”Black
Arts” and became known as the Black Sciences. The earliest
projects actually started prior to World War I, while the more
popular ones started around World War II. The U.S. Army’s
Manhattan Project was in charge of making the A-bomb, while
U.S. Navy dealt with Stealth equipment and invisibility, as evi-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
denced in the Philadelphia Experiment.
After the war, the scientists of both projects were joined
with Nazi scientists from Germany and NASA.
 From this merging, the National Security Agency was offi-
cially inaugurated. Previous experiments like ”Babylon-Work-
ing” and the ”Montauk Project” were started using Nazi oc-
cultists and scientists to communicate with and materialize in-
ter-dimensional beings. They were the ”unofficial” pioneers
of projects working on interdimensional time travel and eu-
 Thus, with these projects, The Black Sciences were offi-
cially, yet covertly born.
The Black Sciences are the ”Most Secret of all Secrets” and
are seriously guarded by special, screened soldiers, trained
and born out of covert, Black Operations groups.
 It is this elitist group’s steadfast hope to merge the seen
world with the unseen world. Their prioritized goal is currently
designed to ensure that the world has a ”oneness-of mind” (the
hive concept), in addition to being spiritually harmonized to a
designated frequency that will bring their plan into full activa-
tion. The ”Ascended Masters” have commanded them to elimi-
nate the Old World, with its old ideas, old way of thinking and
all of its old people.
 A new generation with a ”New World View” is the agenda
of the day.
That is why many conservatives, Christians, Jews, Muslims,
Buddhists, etc. are on the surveillance and extermination lists.
That is why more anti-Constitutional laws are becoming the
”New Law.”
 That is why those in the know—from all religions and po-
litical ideologies—are getting extremely concerned and very
The ”Black Operations” work for the ”Black Sciences” who
worship ”Black Occult Religions” of the BROTHERHOOD OF
 Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is an internationally-known author and

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
researcher in Tesla studies and esoteric technology.
He is the author of several books on topics from Egypt to
WW-II, and is a retired University Professor specializing in the
study of Patristics (the study of pre 8th-century Christianity).
The Nazi-Bell is the dead relic of a bygone era - an unfin-
ished icon of a war come and gone…or is it?
 Once again cast in the spotlight with the release of Joseph
Farrell’s “SS Brotherhood of the Bell,” the story this time takes
on a more ominous tone as new details emerge - including ru-
mors that the remote test site has been unexpectedly purchased
and scheduled for demolition.
 We join Farrell on a journey to uncover the war’s most com-
pelling mystery, over 60 years in the making… 
Q: I’d like to start out with a bit of background information.
Can you tell me about yourself, some of the books that you’ve
written in the past? I’d like to learn about what drives you as an
author, and what first inspired you to take on the challenging
subject of the Nazi-Bell?
Farrell: Well, by academic training and background I’ve
always dealt with ancient texts, and been trained to notice
things. But when I was younger I quickly developed an interest
in physics.
 I read Einstein’s and Infeld’s Evolution of Physics when I
was in the 7th grade, and that started a lifelong interest in the
subject, which I try to stay abreast of, reading papers and books
in both the mainstream and “alternative” areas of physics as
much as I can.
 Most of my books deal with physics in some way, shape or
form, and with the peculiar interface between history and phys-
ics, seeking to answer mysteries of history with physics specu-
 I’ve written five books in this alternative physics-and-his-
tory area thus far, plus I have a new one coming out sometime
in the next two or three months I’d imagine. 
Q: Now culturally speaking, books on Nazi secret-weap-
ons may seem a little dated, and yet some of the biggest Holly-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
wood blockbusters in the last few years have been WW-II mov-
ies, such as “Flags of our Fathers” and “Saving Private Ryan.”
 What is it about the Second World War that continues to
captivate us, and why doesn’t Vietnam, the Gulf War, or even
World War I provoke the same reaction?
Farrell: That’s a great question, and one, I think, that a lot
of people ask, and my own intuition is that it has something to
do with the clear-cut moral and spiritual aspect of that war; it
was a war between real good and real evil; the Kaiser’s Ger-
many was not, after all, ultimately out to “conquer the world”
and exterminate whole peoples or to turn them into slaves; Nazi
Germany was.
 And I think, too, that World War Two fascinates us because
it was the first truly modern war. From the technological stand-
point, most of our modern weapons - smart bombs, missiles,
radar stealth technology, television guided bombs, even com-
puters and directed energy weapons - have some prototypical
antecedent that dates from that war, and much of it traceable to
Nazi and Allied secret weapons projects.
 Even from the standpoint of military doctrine I think there
is a fascination, because the Germans really invented modern
mobile combined arms maneuver warfare and the basic con-
cept of firepower attrition. So I think there’s any number of ways
or reasons that we find the war so fascinating. 
Q: In terms of research for the book, I understand that you
consulted extensively with defense journalist Igor Witkowski,
who is also a primary source for Nick Cook’s coverage of this
topic in “The Hunt for Zero Point.” Can you tell us about work-
ing with Witkowski, and what came out of that collaboration?
Farrell: Yes I did. Igor and I exchanged some letters and
emails as I was writing the book, and swapping information
and brainstorming ideas, many of which did not actually make
it into the book at all. Like you, I have a tremendous respect for
Witkowski’s work in his book The Truth About the Wunderwaffe.
And we both share the opinion that it was certainly worth
the $80 we paid to get it. Igor is very easy to work with, and

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
considers his sources and evidences very rationally and care-
fully. One thing I think that he and I would both be agreed upon,
and that is that there is certainly more work that can and should
be done on the Nazi Bell story, as your own articles on that sub-
ject also indicate.
 I think he and I now are both sort of regrouping and con-
sidering where to go from here: Do we pursue the historical
line and aspect of the story, or the technological and physics
 I think in a story like this it’s difficult to disentangle the two
and that any further work on the subject will be along the lines
that Igor and I pursued in our books.
Q: Now “SS Brotherhood of the Bell” covers more than just
the Bell - what are some of the other secret weapons that you
describe in the book, and are there any revelations about new
devices that might surprise us?
Farrell: Well, actually I don’t speak a great deal about other
German secret weapons in The SS Brotherhood of the Bell other
than to reference some of the intercontinental rockets that they
were developing, plus some discussion on their over-the-ho-
rizon phased array radars that they also developed as guid-
ance systems for them.
That in itself is a revelation, because the standard Allied
Legend about German radars was that it wasn’t as sophisticated
as Allied radar and so on. In some respects that is true but in
others - such as these over-the-horizon radars - it is not. I also
mention these radars because it’s my belief that they played a
role in their late-war RAM experiments, where I believe they
discovered aspects of wave-mixing and phase conjugation by
multi-beam interferometry on some of their RAM material.
 Of course, your readers will recognize those same ele-
ments in the presentations of scalar physics that Lt. Col. Tom
Bearden has been making over the years.
 This fact, plus certain things about the Bell itself, indicate
to me that the Nazis may have been deliberately seeking or
doing research into various aspects of scalar physics and the

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
related ideas of vortex mechanics and torsion fields and so on. 
Q: Now in terms of breakthrough propulsion, there seems
to be a lot of confusion about,
• Victor Schauberger’s research
• the Vril
• the Coanda-Effect Saucers at Peenemunde
• the Nazi Bell
Can you help us better understand the delineation between
these separate projects, and perhaps help us to understand
why the Nazi’s would run so many overlapping secret-projects
Farrell: This is really an excellent question. The short and
simple answer is that the Bell is not in any way similar to
Schauberger’s research, the purported research of the prewar
Vril Gesellschaft, or even the Coanda Effect saucer research
associated with various names and the Peenemuende rocket
research center.
 There is some resemblance between Schauberger’s re-
search and the Bell in that both projects - in my presentation of
the physics of the Bell - involved a well-developed vortex me-
chanics and vorticular theory of the medium. And in that re-
spect, I suspect that there was some liaison between the
projects. Though I don’t go into this at all in the book, I’d like to
speculate a bit here on what I think that liaison may have been.
 Both Schauberger’s project and the Bell fell under the ae-
gis and jurisdiction of the Waffen SS, and there are strong indi-
cators that both projects were part of SS Obergruppenfuehrer
Hans Kammler’s supersecret black projects empire, headquar-
tered out of the Skoda Munitions Works’ engineering project
at Pilsen, Czechoslovakia. Bohemian Czechoslovakia was, of
course, at that time, a “Reich Protectorate” and was under the
direct jurisdiction of the SS, which made it the perfect place to
headquarter and coordinate such black projects.
 Most people don’t know it, but one aspect of Kammler’s
black projects empire was its coordination via a “think tank”
of scientists that he recruited for these projects.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
 This department actually published and circulated its own
Top Secret “journal” of their scientific papers to each other. In
other words, these scientists were expected to brainstorm and
think outside the box, and to map out the technologies trees
necessary to bring various technologies to fruition. I believe
that this is precisely what we see with the various Nazi saucer
projects. What we’re seeing is not “absence” of coordination
or an “inefficient duplication of effort,” but rather the steps in a
technology tree that had been worked out towards the acqui-
sition of field propulsion machines. We see the Coanda Effect
saucers, which we may interpret in this speculative context as
a kind of “Mark I” or first step.
 Then there are Schauberger’s devices, which are based
on his understanding of what he called “implosion,” which on
examination are devices relying on the creation of vortices,
feedback loops and so on, which would be a “Mark II,” a step
along the way toward the Bell. At the top of this tree is the Bell
itself, a project overseen by Dr. Walther Gerlach of Nobel Prize
winning fame.
 Gerlach’s specialty was, of course, gravitation, magnetic
spin and resonance, and so on. So one sees here the theoreti-
cal brains that can make sense of it all. The projects “overlap”
in other words, because they were meant to overlap, with each
stage designed to research certain aspects of a problem. In
this light - again speculating here in this interview for the first
time on this question - I believe the real purpose of the Coanda
Effect saucer research was not so much to create a craft based
upon it, but to research the lift and drag problems associated
with such a craft for use in later projects.
 If they could be made practical devices in their own right
along the way, then so much the better. The Schauberger re-
search would then have been to research aspects of vortex cre-
ation as a motive power for such devices. In fact, I think in this
regard that it is interesting that the Schauberger project was
started around 1943, after the “Mark I” research was well un-
der way. This research would have been the ideal experimen-
tal context in which to research and test certain concepts of

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
vortex mechanics.
 Then of course, there is the last step, the Bell itself. I should
also stress that I speak more about the Kammlerstab and its
“method of operation” in the prequel to The SS Brotherhood of
the Bell, a book called Reich of the Black Sun.
 Again, at the risk of being redundant, I don’t view these as
“separated” projects but as interrelated projects, since they
bear the signature of the Kammlerstab’s modus operandi of
mapping out technology trees and putting into place the prac-
tical projects necessary to bring their ideas to fruition.
 Anyone approaching the subject of Nazi secret weapons
has to bear this in mind, that while the various projects - sound
cannon, wind and tornado cannon, disintegration rays and
death rays, and lasers, grasers, EMP devices, endothermic
bombs and fuel-air bombs - all of it, is not a messy or ineffi-
cient squandering of resources or duplication of effort, since
these projects were coordinated at an extremely high level by
the SS, which oversaw all patents applications in the Reich. 
Q: Dr. Eric Davis speculated that the Nazi Bell was a centri-
fuge for refining nuclear materials mined in the nearby moun-
tains and not any type of propulsion system or advanced phys-
ics project.
 Does his speculation answer all of the unresolved ques-
tions associated with the Bell project?
Farrell: That is an interesting observation, because it is an
observation I myself made in my book Reich of the Black Sun.
 Nazi uranium enrichment centrifuge technology is one of
the little known aspects of their secret weapons research, but
in point of fact, the Nazis brought this technology to such a state
of perfection that one may safely say that this method of ura-
nium enrichment is a uniquely “German” one.
 It is my belief that the Nazis used this technology - and
Von Ardenne’s modifications of cyclotrons with mass spectrom-
eter separation tanks (much like Lawrence’s beta calutrons in
the United States) - in a large uranium enrichment plant at
Auschwitz. I get into this story in Reich of the Black Sun, but it is

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
an essential story for the Bell, since German success with cen-
trifuges would have given them the necessary experience in
dealing with high rpm rotation machinery and the close preci-
sion tolerances that were necessary in such devices.
 This, of course, was an essential component in the Bell as
well, which consisted of high rpm counter-rotating cylinders in
a modified “plasma focus” device. So yes, I believe that there
is a connection between the Bell and their centrifuge technol-
ogy and their atom bomb program. That being said, there are
two other connections to their atom bomb project as well. The
first is the Bell’s scientific project head, Dr. Walther Gerlach
himself, who is by 1944 also in charge of the Reich’s nuclear
research. But the Bell is Gerlach’s “special baby” as it were.
 I present a certain amount of evidence in the book from
the Farm Hall Transcripts plus Igor Witkowski’s research that
indicate clearly that Gerlach was investigating some very eso-
teric areas of physics indeed, areas that could only have been
associated with the Bell. And it is significant that only Gerlach
was subsequently interred and interrogated by the USA after
the British were through with him at Farm Hall.
 The rest of the scientists, including Hahn, Diebner,
Korsching, Hartek and Heisenberg were allowed to return to
Germany. Only Gerlach was thought to be valuable enough to
question further.
 In itself, this is significant, because Gerlach’s area of ex-
pertise, once again, was not related to nuclear or quantum phys-
ics at all, but to areas associated with magnetic resonance, par-
ticle spin, gravitation and so on.
The other connection is with the Bell’s “fuel” itself, the mys-
terious liquid compound called “IRR Xerum 525” itself. I de-
vote a whole chapter just to this aspect of the problem in the
 In a nutshell, though, I believe this Serum 525 to have been
an isotope of mercury which also contained other elements,
most likely themselves radioactive isotopes, in solution or
chemical composition with this mercury isotope, and even
speculate that these substances might have been isomers,

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
though it should be noted that if isomers were present in the
compound, it would have been in extremely minute amounts
given the technological difficulty of isolating them at that time.
 But even if this extremely speculative notion is not actu-
ally the case, there is a certain bit of coincidental evidence that
at least one element possibly also present in this compound
may have been thorium, for it is a little known fact that one the
Nazis literally scoured Europe and denuded it of almost all of
its thorium.
 This fact led to a postwar Allied inquiry into this, which
came to a dead end: no real answers were ever found as to
what happened to this thorium nor what the Nazis were really
doing with it. So it’s my suspicion that it may have been a
needed element in this Serum 525 compound. Here is where I
believe Witkowski’s analysis breaks down a bit, though it is
true as far as it goes. The mercury component of the compound
would, of course, be ideal for plasma research, which self-evi-
dently the Bell was designed to do.
 But how does one explain the possible presence of other
 My speculation is - and again it is very speculative - that
the Nazis may have also been trying to access certain other
effects with these materials via the stress that the Bell created
in them.
 These effects might be analogous to something like the
Mossbauer Effect which is used in part in the cohering of gamma
ray emissions and so on, and thus the strange effects that the
Bell had on “jellifying” various organic materials and its initial
and quite deadly effects on humans and animals might be ex-
plained by some such mechanism.
 And I believe, and present a certain amount of specula-
tive reasoning in the book, that these effects may be related to
the torsion field effects or longitudinal electric waves in the
medium itself that I believe the Nazis were really after.
 Put this way, then, the Bell was early on recognized by the
Nazis as having not only a potential for “field” propulsion, but

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
also a weapons potential that would have made the hydrogen
bomb look like a kitchen match. And all of this, incidentally,
was right up Gerlach’s alley, for as I also present in the book,
Gerlach had actually written a short article in a prewar Ger-
man newspaper, many years before the Nazis came to power
in fact, what sorts of amazing things might be done with mer-
cury when subjected to high electrical and magnetic stress.
Q: One of those biggest unresolved questions is what hap-
pened to Hans Kammler after the war. If he managed to get
away - and get away with the Bell, then why haven’t we seen
any hints of this technology or Kammler himself in last half a
Farrell: Well that is - allowing for inflation - the sixty-four
trillion dollar question! Nick Cook, Witkowski, and I all present
evidences in our books that would seem to indicate that Gen-
eral Kammler disappeared, along with the Bell and most of its
project documentation, into the bowels of some postwar Ameri-
can project.
 But there is also a certain body of evidence uncovered by
British researcher Geoffrey Brooks that indicates that Kammler
and the Bell wound up in Argentina at the plasma physics labo-
ratory that General Peron built for fleeing Nazi physicists in
Bariloche province in Argentina. While initially I followed
Witkowski and Cook’s idea that it disappeared into the USA,
lately I lean more toward the idea that the Bell remained in in-
dependent Nazi hands. Now, as for the question about why
haven’t we seen or heard more about this technology since the
war, in fact, I think we have heard about it, and I present this
evidence in a chapter in Reich of the Black Sun and also re-
peated it, in slightly condensed form, in The SS Brotherhood of
the Bell. And that episode is: the Kecksburg UFO crash in De-
cember of 1965 in Pennsylvania.
 On any number of data points the Bell and the Kecksburg
“acorn” are similar, from their shape, to the dimensions re-
corded by eyewitnesses for both objects, to the peculiar sound
both objects made and so on. But for me the clincher is this: the
Kecksburg “Acorn” was supposedly seen by an eyewitness at

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Wright-Patterson airbase.
 According to research done by Kecksburg researcher Stan
Gordon, this eyewitness worked for a local construction com-
pany in Dayton, where one day shortly after the incident an
order was placed for thousands of ceramic bricks. Now this is
interesting, because Witkowski’s research made it clear that
the Bell was housed and tested in an underground chamber
that was constructed from ceramic bricks! So in other words,
we have not only the same dimensions and shapes recorded
for the two objects, but also the same physical environment is
reported for both.
I think this is highly significant and suggestive, since the
Kecksburg accounts predate the descriptions of the Bell un-
covered by Witkowski. 
In other words, the possibilities of collusion between the
two stories is almost nil.
It is also intriguing to me that by any account, the Ameri-
can military showed up in Kecksburg so quickly after the ob-
ject there had crash-landed.
 The military, in other words, was ready to go, and, it would
seem, merely waiting to find out exactly where the object came
down in order to recover it. To my mind then, the parallels be-
tween the two objects is significant and a possible connection
- or even identity - between the two should not be too readily
 If this is so, then it puts a new spin - not to coin a pun - on
the question of what happened to Kammler and the Bell, for if
the Bell was not in American hands at the end of the war, then
by the time of Kecksburg, it or a similar device was recovered
by them! 
Q: Is this a dead story, or is somebody actively trying to
keep this technology a secret? A friend of mine visited the Bell
test-site in 2006, and was told by the local villagers that a busi-
ness conglomerate had bought the test site, and would be de-
molishing it to build a factory on the site. In my friend’s case,
he decided to quit asking questions and move on to another

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
 Do you think that was simple paranoia, or do the prover-
bial walls have eyes?
Farrell: No, I don’t think it’s paranoia at all, and I do think
there is evidence - and I go into this extensively in the book -
that someone, somewhere, is using “active measures” includ-
ing so-called “wet operations” to maintain the secrecy sur-
rounding the technology.
 Even on the view that the Bell is “merely” a field propul-
sion device relying on torsion fields or electro-longitudinal
waves in a kind of hyper-relativity, that would be a technology
well worth protecting, for it implies the engineerability of lo-
cal space-time curvature.
 Once we have said that, we open the Pandora’s box to the
use of the same type of technology to engineer or stress local
space-time for weaponization purposes, i.e., for destructive
purposes. And that, of course, would - to be repetitive here
again - make a hydrogen bomb look like a kitchen match. So
yes, anyone having access to such technology would seek to
suppress it for two reasons: to maintain their monopoly, and to
prevent a proliferation nightmare beyond the wildest night-
mares of cold war think-tank wargamers from occurring. In a
certain sense I guess what I am saying is that, given mankind’s
propensity for warfare and destruction, such a technology
would have to be suppressed.
 But however one looks at it, I don’t think suppression can
ever be a successful strategy, simply because the type of phys-
ics the Bell represents will inevitably get out.
 After all, your own website has numerous references to
various physicists and engineers - people like Bearden, Dering,
and so on - whose theories I believe play directly into the theo-
retical development that I believe lies behind the Bell. 
Q: Now in terms of conspiracies, the part that bothers me
is that neither the USA nor the Russians seem to have this tech-
nology. So if something is still going on, where is it, who has it,
and why hasn’t it ever gone public?

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
 Maybe this leads back to the question of where Hans
Kammler fled to after the war?
Farrell: Well, to some extent I have answered this already.
 If my Kecksburg speculations are true, then something like
the Bell clearly ends up in American hands by 1965, if it was
not already in American hands at the end of the war. But as I
mentioned previously, I am increasingly inclined to the view
that the Bell simply disappeared into the labyrinth of postwar
independent Nazi research conducted in places like South
America and under the nominal oversight of Nazi-friendly gov-
ernments like Peron’s Argentina or, later, Pinochet’s Chile.
 Nazi connections and influence in the vast Latin American
drug cartels and their criminal activities would have provided
a nearly inexhaustible supply of funds, plus accomplish at the
same time a strategic goal of weakening a former enemy,
namely the USA.
 The reason I incline increasingly to this “independent and
continuing Nazi” development for the Bell is simply, as you say,
the fact that the technology and science simply seems to have
disappeared entirely. 
Q: In addition to Kammler, you’ve raised a number of ques-
tions about German scientists such as Von Braun and Debus.
They came to the USA as Operation Paperclip scientists, and
what made them valuable was their knowledge of these Nazi
secret-weapons programs. Can you tell us which of them were
prominent in your research, and what you found about their
activities during and after the war?
Farrell: Oh wow, another excellent and provocative ques-
tion! Well, to me, beyond Gerlach himself, the most interest-
ing of these characters has always been Dr. Kurt Debus.
 Debus is intriguing for the speculative possibilities that he
represents, because he ends up, of course, as a senior admin-
istrator in NASA of the Kennedy Space Flight Center during
the Apollo program. As an administrator, then, this means that
he has his fingers in almost every pie there is inside NASA,
and thus he as a very clear picture of what’s really going on.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
This is intriguing, then, for yet other reasons, for as I make clear
in SS Brotherhood, Debus was an ardent Nazi, and nearly cre-
ated chaos in the Bell project by denouncing a fellow engineer
to the Gestapo. One of the firms involved with the Bell, the
Allgemeine Elektricitäts Gemeinshaft, A.E.G., had to intervene
to free the man whom Debus had denounced to allow the
project to continue.
 It is due to this intervention that we know that the Bell was
given its own unique classification, the highest classification,
in fact, in the Third Reich, a classification that made the Bell not
only a Geheime Reichsache but Kriegsenscheidend, or “War
Decisive”, a classification found in absolutely no other secret
project in all of Nazi Germany, including its successful fuel-air,
and its atom bomb, projects. But beyond this, Debus is inter-
ested for what his specialty in science was, and for his connec-
tion both to Von Braun’s Peenemünde rocket team and to the
Bell project, connections which were, in each case, direct. With
Debus, then, we have one of those “overlaps” that is so charac-
teristic of the Kammlerstab.
 Debus was the man who designed the powerplant for the
Bell! Now this is very intriguing to me, because his specialty
was the measurement of extremely high voltage direct current
discharges! Shades of Nikola Tesla.
 I find this very suggestive, for I present evidence in the
book, based on Witkowski’s observations, that the Bell may
have also been a pulsed device utilizing HV DC pulses, a fact
made the more interesting in that the Nazis apparently built an
entire power plant very near the Bell’s test sites in lower Silesia,
a fact that would possibly indicate another connection to the
use of DC electricity in the device, since close proximity to such
a power source would have been required if DC were used,
much like Edison’s DC power plants would have had to have
been placed every few miles or so for practical electrification
along DC lines. But whatever one makes of these speculations,
Debus is interesting of course because he ends up as a senior
administrator in a space flight center in NASA during the Apollo
program, and his specialty is not even rockets at all! I suggest

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
in the book that this is because there may have been a hidden
or alternative technology involved in the Lunar Excursion Mod-
ule (LEM) that got us OFF the Moon.
 Please don’t get me wrong here. I’m not one of those
“Apollo was hoaxed” people at all. I am not even remotely sym-
pathetic to such views. But I do share the concern that I don’t
really see the signatures of a rocket taking off from the Moon in
those films of the LEMs taking off.
 It doesn’t look like an acceleration that is geometric
enough to be a rocket; it just sort of “pops up” and off it goes at
more or less - it looks to me - like uniform velocity, though I
must admit I haven’t actually done any measurements to see if
this is the case. I am merely reporting what my eyes see and
my mind tells me based upon those perceptions. So, lacking
this “geometric enough” signature of a rocket’s acceleration,
we might be dealing with an alternative technology, a field pro-
pulsion technology, in getting us OFF the Moon, and the pres-
ence of Debus in NASA in his position would be the perfect
place both to place someone who was once involved in such a
project, and as well the perfect place to put someone in order
to keep that technology quiet.
 In short, the Paperclip Nazis in NASA reconstructed as much
of that technology as they could, and used it to get us off of a
Moon which they possibly knew to be more massive than popu-
larly reported, which, if the case, would have made a return
vehicle based merely on rockets impractical. 
Q: As I understand things, in “SS Brotherhood of the Bell”
you challenge the notion that the Majestic 12 was founded in
response to a UFO crash in Roswell, and instead speculate that
they were somehow a product of American worries about these
Nazi technologies, right? Can you elaborate a bit of this no-
Farrell: Well, it’s an idea I elaborate both in Reich of the
Black Sun and in The SS Brotherhood of the Bell. Basically I do
not question the Roswell crash or the MJ-12 Cooper-Cantwheel
documents. I accept them as “givens” in order to make an aca-
demic argument, i.e., to present an alternative explanation of

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
the crash and the documents’ own contents.
 As such, many people do not really understand what I’m
trying to do and misinterpret it. In short, my method is to ex-
amine the internal evidence of the documents themselves by
way of a comparison to known Nazi secret weapons projects
such as the Coanda effect saucers, and so on, and to compare
these known technologies with the technological descriptions
found in the documents themselves.
 The long and short of it is, that the documents do not de-
scribe a technology exotic enough to be extraterrestrial, though
they do describe a technology exotic enough to be Nazi.
 Thus, the documents themselves also allude time and again
to the involvement of the “paperclip” people in the assessment
of the crashed vehicle. So in my view, what really would have
set the alarm bells ringing in the American military was if some-
thing Nazi had crashed there, for it would mean that the former
“defeated” enemy was alive, well, and continuing its projects
somewhere out there.
 On this view, then, the “ET” line, at least as far as Roswell
is concerned, would merely have been a final deeply embed-
ded layer of disinformation, a final “deep cover” story to cover
up the exotic, though still terrestrial, and Nazi nature of what
was recovered there.
Q: You know, I think “Dr. Strangelove” effectively made
the point that ex-Nazi scientists had their own agendas, and
letting them work in our government after the war might have
some unintended consequences.
In Kubrick’s film, Strangelove mistakenly calls our Presi-
dent “Mein Führer” on two occasions… suggesting that these
scientists had their own agendas, regardless of which govern-
ment they worked for.
 Any thoughts on this?
Farrell: I believe I’ve answered this in some respects with
my Kecksburg and Roswell speculations. But to expand on it a
bit, Paperclip was but the tip of the iceberg in postwar Nazi
penetration of various departments of the American govern-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
 We must remember that long before President Truman had
even signed the National Security Act of 1947, which created
the CIA and NSA, their civilian character and charter was al-
ready severely compromised by the fact that the CIA’s prede-
cessor, the OSS, had taken over, lock stock and barrel, by Gen-
eral Reinhard Gehlen’s Fremde Heere Ost, or “Foreign Armies
East”, the Wehrmacht’s military intelligence on the Eastern
front, inside of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
 From a certain standpoint, then, the entire “Soviet Opera-
tions and Analysis” desk of the CIA was staffed almost entirely
by Nazis, who remained under Gehlen’s direct control.
 And the American who did this wonderful “service” for our
country was none other than OSS Zurich station chief Allen
Dulles. And I’ll let your readers work out the connections and
implications from there, because it’s horrifying… 
Q: Before this interview, we had a few interesting conver-
sations on topics relating to WW-II secret weapons, and it seems
that references to W.A. Harbinson’s Projekt Saucer series keep
coming up - especially in reference to his fictional novel “Gen-
esis”, which speculates that the worldwide wave of UFO
sightings that started in 1947 might actually have been from
Nazi technology developed near the end of the war. How do
you think this fits with your speculation about the origin of Ma-
jestic 12?
Farrell: Well it fits quite well with it. In fact, one thing that
I find rather unusual is that so many novelists seemed to be
ahead of the curve of more factually based researchers on this
question. For example, years before Witkowski’s research was
published, in fact, before even the German reunification itself,
the famous novelist Dean Koontz wrote a novel called Light-
 It is about a German secret weapon which is a “time travel”
machine. While that sounds rather extraordinary and fanciful,
it is Koontz’s descriptions of his fictional time machine that give
one pause, for he describes a rotating cylinder using tremen-
dous electrical power, which gives off some extreme electro-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
static displays and effects! Now, I find that a little too coinci-
dental to be coincidental…
 How did Koontz know this or come up with this? Harbison’s
Projekt Saucer novels are another case in point, as you observe.
But what I find very interesting with his novels is that there is
no real parallel with the Bell, while there are plenty of paral-
lels with the Coanda Effect and Schuaberger devices. But
Harbison is interesting precisely because his novels present
the view that this type of research was continued by some in-
dependent group of Nazis after the war.
 Then there’s Martin Caidin’s novel The Mendelov Con-
spiracy, in which, again, an independent group of somewhat
cranky scientists pursues their independent technological de-
velopment of saucers.
Now here’s the decisive point: the only hard evidence that
exists tends to point to the line of continued Nazi postwar re-
search and development, and not to any other group.
 This evidence, once again, consists of,
1. the disappearance of the Bell, its documentation,
and General Kammler
2. the establishment of a plasma physics research lab
in Bariloche province in Argentina by General Peron, a
facility established for his Nazi scientists; such a labora-
tory would be congruent with the type of physics and en-
gineering involved with the Bell
3. General Kammler and the Bell disappear, appar-
ently, in a massive six-engined Junkers 390 heavy-lift air-
plane, a plane capable of flying nonstop from Europe to
4. Geoffrey Brooks’ evidence, based allegedly on ex-
amination of classified Argentine government documents,
that Kammler and the Bell did indeed fly into Argentina;
and finally, and no less important,
5. the probable disappearance of the Nazi financial
mastermind Martin Bormann, de facto and most probable
chief of any postwar “Nazi International”, into South

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
America, as the research of Ladislas Farago (Aftermath)
and others indicated, and Bormann’s and the postwar
“Nazi International’s” deep financial penetration into vari-
ous corporations and also into criminal syndicates.
There’s your money supply. My belief, then, is that if there
was a continued and independently coordinated and controlled
Nazi development of their wartime black projects, that this was
probably done not only in totally independent projects, but
also “inside” of the black projects of other nations, using those
nations’ own compartmentalized security features against them,
and to cloak their own covertly coordinated activities.
 When one thinks about it, it would not be all that difficult
to do, and it also supplies another source of funding.
Q: Interestingly, in Harbinson’s later novel, “Inception”, he
speculates that secret-weapons and advanced propulsion tech-
nology have been around for decades before the war, and that
Germany’s involvement during the war came only from being
fertile ground in which to develop existing technological con-
 Do you think there’s any merit to that notion?
Farrell: Yes I definitely do think there’s merit to it, and in
fact, present evidence that the Bell project may have been the
legacy of secret research actually begun under the Weimar
Republic, and again, under the aegis of Walther Gerlach.
 As Lt. Col. Tom Bearden has never tired of pointing out,
one of the seminal papers for “scalar” physics was the paper
“On the partial differential equations of mathematical physics,”
by renowned Physicist E.T. Whittaker, a paper which I have
and have read repeatedly.
 It is as breathtaking as Bearden makes it out to be, but what
I think he misses, to a certain extent, is the significance of where
it was published: it was published in Mathematische Annalen,
in Germany.
So we have a very fertile conceptual and socio-scientific
climate inside Germany with figures like Gerlach, Thirring
(who was actually Austrian), Einstein, Hilgenberg, Krafft, and

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
so on, who can look at certain experiments, or, for that matter,
certain tensor expressions in Einstein’s late 20s and early 30s
versions of his unified field theory, and conclude that locally
engineerable stresses in space-time - a kind of “hyper-relativ-
ity” - was possible via certain types of plasma and electromag-
netic phenomena.
 With Hilgenberg, particularly, we have an entirely worked
out vorticular theory of the medium that is an alternative to rela-
tivistic physics, and therefore would have been of interest to
the Nazis.
 And Gerlach, of course, would certainly have had the men-
tal prowess capable of dressing up Einstein’s UFT, or even of
extending it, and making it presentable to the Nazis. 
Q: What does strike me about this “prewar secret weap-
ons” notion is that Unified Field Theory research became well-
known with Kaluza-Klein Theory in 1921, which was one of
Einstein’s own inspirations in trying to unify gravitation with
the other forces.
 Does it seem difficult to imagine military-scientists attempt-
ing applied physics projects during the war that might produce
effects like those described in the Bell experiment?
Farrell: Oh no, not at all. In fact, not just Kaluza-Klein but
there is also Vaclac Hlavaty’s six dimensional extension of it - if
I recall correctly it was six dimensions. Someone like Gerlach
could certainly have extended these theories and additionally
would have been able to appreciate the longitudinal wave work
of Tesla, or for that matter, would have understood the enor-
mous significance of Whittaker’s paper.
 And his student, of course, was Hilgenberg. 
Q: I understand that you’re a deeply spiritual man, with a
PhD in Patristics - the study of early (pre 8th-century) Christian-
ity. As someone with a deep and abiding spiritual faith, is it
difficult to write about topics involving the type of evil that the
Nazi’s seem to have embodied?
Farrell: No, quite the reverse, actually. In a way, it’s al-
most a moral imperative to write about it, and to warn people

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
of the nastier and destructive implications of these types of tech-
nologies. By the same token, I’m not a Luddite, and don’t be-
lieve technologies like this can or should be suppressed.
 Similarly, though, it gives me a perspective from which to
appreciate the possible ethically sound reasons why various
elites would wish to suppress such technologies, for they are,
as I have already averred, capable of spawning a proliferation
nightmare of weapons far more dangerous than hydrogen
bombs, and, from a certain standpoint, weapons much easier
to design, engineer, and assemble.
 Any physics based on these types of stresses in the me-
dium, or in local space-time curvature, whether one calls it tor-
sion physics or scalar physics or quantum potential physics or
whatever, has the potential for weaponization of just horren-
dously destructive capabilities. I’m trying to let people know,
in addition to the many good benefits that such a physics would
have - benefits many others have written about - that this phys-
ics also has some very disturbing negative potentials as well,
and that to handle them we should have some spiritual enlight-
enment or maturity.
 It is, in a way, similar to Einstein’s activism in his later life,
for he also had his religious and philosophical foundations and
these, in turn, gave him some unique insights into the ethical
problems posed by modern physics. 
Q: Is it possible that the public’s fascination with Nazi se-
cret-weapons might be a type of coping mechanism to let us
avoid having to emotionally deal with the evils of that War? Cer-
tainly WW-II embodied depravity on an entirely new level, and
I wonder if perhaps some of the mythology surrounding se-
cret-weapons might not be a means of avoiding the cold, hard
reality of the atrocities that occurred during that period.
 Is it more comfortable for us to think of scientists in white
coats building UFO’s than to think of groups of starving prison-
ers huddled in war camps, and being slaughtered in numbers
too large to count?
Farrell: Well, it might be possible to imagine that, and per-
haps that forms some of the motivations for some people, but if

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
so, they are massively misinformed, for as I point out in both
books, but particularly in Reich of the Black Sun, the Nazis were
able to fulfill the massive labor requirements of their atom bomb
program and other secret weapons projects with concentra-
tion camp slave labor, which was, of course, unfortunately ex-
 What we must absolutely recognize is that all Nazi secret
weapons, including the Bell, were purchased at an enormous
and incalculable cost in human suffering and misery, and not
just their rockets.
 This is why their atom bomb project was so easy to por-
tray as an inept, bungling, miserly-funded effort, when in fact
it was none of those things.
Q: I’d like to close by asking where people can buy a copy
of “SS Brotherhood of the Bell,” as well as learning about any
plans or ideas for future books that you might working on.
What’s next from Joseph Farrell, and when do you expect we’ll
see it?
Farrell: I just finished a new book called The Cosmic War:
Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts,
which should be out by the fall of 2007, and am scratching some
notes down for a couple of ideas for two different books, one a
kind of sequel to Brotherhood and another having to do more
with hidden political histories of the Second World War.
 The Cosmic War more or less extends the method I’ve used
in my other books of taking modern conceptions in alternative
physics and using them to examine some ideas in ancient texts.
The Mystery Deepens: Will the truth about the Bell’s
fate ever be revealed...?

The Brotherhood Of The Bell


The more you begin to investigate what we think we un-
derstand, where we came from, what we think we’re doing,
the more you begin to see we’ve been lied to. We’ve been lied
to by every institution. What makes you think for one minute
that the religious institution is the only one that’s never been
The religious institutions of this world are at the bottom of
the dirt. The religious institutions in this world are put there by
the same people who gave you your government, your cor-
rupt education, who set up your international banking cartels.
Because our masters don’t give a damn about you or your
family. All they care about is what they have always cared about
and that’s controlling the whole damn world.
We have been misled away from the true and divine pres-
ence in the universe that men have called god. I don’t know
what god is but I know what he isn’t, and unless and until you
are prepared to look at the whole truth, and wherever it may
go, whoever it may lead to, if you want to look the other way or
if you want to play favorites, then somewhere along the line
you’re going to find out you’re messing with divine justice.
The more you educate yourself, the more you understand
where things come from, the more obvious things become and
you begin to see lies everywhere. You have to know the truth
and seek the truth and the truth will set you free.
They must find it difficult..
Those who have taken authority as the truth,
Rather than truth as the authority
-G. Massey, Egyptologist

The Brotherhood Of The Bell


The sun. As far back as 10 thousand B.C., history is abun-
dant with carvings and writings reflecting peoples’ respect and
adoration for this object. And it is simple to understand why as
every morning the sun would rise, bringing vision, warmth,
and security, saving man from the cold, blind, predator-filled
darkness of night. Without it, the cultures understood the crops
would not grow, and life on the planet would not survive.
These realities made the sun the most adored object of all
time. Likewise, they were also very aware of the stars. The
tracking of the stars allowed them to recognize and anticipate
events which occurred over long periods of time, such as
eclipses and full moons. They in turn catalogued celestial
groups into what we know today as constellations.
The cross of the Zodiac is one of the oldest conceptual im-
ages in human history. It reflects the sun as it figuratively passes
through the 12 major constellations over the course of a year. It
also reflects the 12 months of the year, the 4 seasons, and the
solstices and equinoxes. The term Zodiac relates to the fact that
constellations were anthropomorphized, or personified, as fig-
ures, or animals.
In other words, the early civilizations did not just follow
the sun and stars, they personified them with elaborate myths
involving their movements and relationships.
The sun, with its life-giving and life-saving qualities was
personified as a representative of the unseen creator or god.
It was known as “God’s Sun,” the light of the world, the
savior of human kind.
Likewise, the 12 constellations represented places of travel
for God’s Sun and were identified by names, usually represent-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
ing elements of nature that happened during that period of time.
For example, Aquarius, the water bearer, who brings the
Spring rains.
Horus. He is the Sun God of Egypt of around 3000 BC. He is
the sun, anthropomorphized, and his life is a series of allegori-
cal myths involving the sun’s movement in the sky.
From the ancient hieroglyphics in Egypt, we know much
about this solar messiah. For instance, Horus, being the sun, or
the light, had an enemy known as Set and Set was the personi-
fication of the darkness or night. And metaphorically speak-
ing, every morning Horus would win the battle against Set -
while in the evening, Set would conquer Horus and send him
into the underworld. It is important to note that “dark vs. light”
or “good vs. evil” is one of the most ubiquitous mythological
dualities ever known and is still expressed on many levels to
this day.
Broadly speaking, the story of Horus is as follows:
Horus was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis-Meri.
His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which in
turn, three kings followed to locate and adore the new-born
At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the
age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and thus
began his ministry.
Horus had 12 disciples he traveled about with, performing
miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water. Horus
was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The
Light, God’s Annointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of
God, and many others. After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus
was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thereafter resurrected.
These attributes of Horus, whether original or not, seem to per-
meate in many cultures of the world, for many other gods are
found to have the same general mythological structure.
Attis, of Phyrigia, born of the virgin Nana on December
25th, crucified, placed in a tomb and after 3 days, was resur-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Krishna, of India, born of the virgin Devaki with a star in
the east signaling his coming, he performed miracles with his
disciples, and upon his death was resurrected.
Dionysus of Greece, born of a virgin on December 25th,
was a traveling teacher who performed miracles such as turn-
ing water into wine, he was referred to as the “King of Kings,”
“God’s Only Begotten Son,” “The Alpha and Omega,” and many
others, and upon his death, he was resurrected.
Mithra, of Persia, born of a virgin on December 25th, he
had 12 disciples and performed miracles, and upon his death
was buried for 3 days and thereafter resurrected, he was also
referred to as “The Truth,” “The Light,” and many others.
Interestingly, the sacred day of worship of Mithra was Sun-
The fact of the matter is there are numerous saviors, from
different periods, from all over the world, which subscribe to
these general characteristics. The question remains: why these
attributes, why the virgin birth on December 25th, why dead
for three days and the inevitable resurrection, why 12 disciples
or followers?
To find out, let’s examine the most recent of the solar mes-
siahs. Jesus the Christ was born of the virgin Mary on Decem-
ber 25th in Bethlehem, his birth was announced by a star in the
east, which three kings or magi followed to locate and adore
the new savior. He was a child teacher at 12, at the age of 30 he
was baptized by John the Baptist, and thus began his ministry.
Jesus had 12 disciples which he traveled about with perform-
ing miracles such as healing the sick, walking on water, rais-
ing the dead, he was also known as the “King of Kings,” the
“Son of God,” the “Light of the World,” the “Alpha and Omega,”
the “Lamb of God,” and many others. After being betrayed by
his disciple Judas and sold for 30 pieces of silver, he was cruci-
fied, placed in a tomb and after 3 days was resurrected and
ascended into Heaven.
First of all, the birth sequence is completely astrological.
The star in the east is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky,
which, on December 24, aligns with the 3 brightest stars in

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Orion’s Belt. These 3 bright stars are called today what they
were called in ancient times: The Three Kings. The Three Kings
and the brightest star, Sirius, all point to the place of the sun-
rise on December 25th. This is why the Three Kings “follow”
the star in the east, in order to locate the sunrise — the birth of
the sun.
The Virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo, also known as
Virgo the Virgin. Virgo in Latin means virgin. The ancient glyph
for Virgo is the altered “m”. This is why Mary along with other
virgin mothers, such as Adonis’s mother Myrra, or Buddha’s
mother Maya begin with an M. Virgo is also referred to as the
House of Bread, and the representation of Virgo is a virgin hold-
ing a sheaf of wheat. This House of Bread and its symbol of wheat
represents August and September, the time of harvest. In turn,
Bethlehem, in fact, literally translates to “house of bread”.
Bethlehem is thus a reference to the constellation Virgo, a place
in the sky, not on Earth.
There is another very interesting phenomenon that occurs
around December 25th, or the winter solstice. From the sum-
mer solstice to the winter solstice, the days become shorter
and colder. From the perspective of the northern hemisphere,
the sun appears to move south and get smaller and more scarce.
The shortening of the days and the expiration of the crops when
approaching the winter solstice symbolized the process of
death to the ancients.
It was the death of the Sun.
By December 22nd, the Sun’s demise was fully realized,
for the Sun, having moved south continually for 6 months, makes
it to it’s lowest point in the sky. Here a curious thing occurs: the
Sun stops moving south, at least perceivably, for 3 days. Dur-
ing this 3 day pause, the Sun resides in the vicinity of the South-
ern Cross, or Crux, constellation. And after this time on De-
cember 25th, the Sun moves 1 degree, this time north, fore-
shadowing longer days, warmth, and Spring. And thus it was
said: the Sun died on the cross, was dead for 3 days, only to be
resurrected or born again. This is why Jesus and numerous
other Sun Gods share the crucifixion, 3-day death, and resur-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
rection concept. It is the Sun’s transition period before it shifts
its direction back into the Northern Hemisphere, bringing
Spring, and thus salvation.
However, they did not celebrate the resurrection of the Sun
until the spring equinox, or Easter. This is because at the spring
equinox, the Sun officially overpowers the evil darkness, as
daytime thereafter becomes longer in duration than night, and
the revitalizing conditions of spring emerge. Now, probably
the most obvious of all the astrological symbolism around Jesus
regards the 12 disciples. They are simply the 12 constellations
of the Zodiac, which Jesus, being the Sun, travels about with. In
fact, the number 12 is replete throughout the Bible. This text
has more to do with astrology than anything else.
Coming back to the cross of the Zodiac, the figurative life
of the Sun, this was not just an artistic expression or tool to track
the Sun’s movements. It was also a Pagan spiritual symbol, the
shorthand of which looked like a cross on a circle.
This is not a symbol of Christianity.
It is a Pagan adaptation of the cross of the Zodiac.
This is why Jesus in early occult art is always shown with
his head on the cross, for Jesus is the Sun, the Sun of God, the
Light of the World, the Risen Savior, who will “come again,” as
it does every morning, the Glory of God who defends against
the works of darkness, as he is “born again” every morning,
and can be seen “coming in the clouds,” “up in Heaven,” with
his “Crown of Thorns,” or, sun rays.
Now, of the many astrological-astronomical metaphors in
the Bible, one of the most important has to do with the ages.
Throughout the scripture there are numerous references to the
“Age.” In order to understand this, we need to be familiar with
the phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes.
The ancient Egyptians along with cultures long before them
recognized that approximately every 2150 years the sunrise
on the morning of the spring equinox would occur at a differ-
ent sign of the Zodiac.
This has to do with a slow angular wobble that the Earth

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
maintains as it rotates on it’s axis. It is called a precession be-
cause the constellations go backwards, rather than through the
normal yearly cycle. The amount of time that it takes for the
precession to go through all 12 signs is roughly 25,765 years.
This is also called the “Great Year,” and ancient societies were
very aware of this. They referred to each 2150 year period as
an “age.”
From 4300 B.C. to 2150 B.C., it was the Age of Taurus, the
Bull. From 2150 B.B. to 1 A.D., it was the Age of Aries, the Ram
and from 1 A.D. to 2150 A.D. it is the Age of Pisces, the age we
are still in to this day. And in and around 2150, we will enter the
new age. The Age of Aquarius.
Now, the Bible reflects, broadly speaking, a symbolic
movement through 3 ages, while foreshadowing a 4th. In the
Old Testament when Moses comes down Mount Sinai with the
10 Commandments, he is very upset to see his people wor-
shiping a golden bull calf. In fact, he shattered the stone tab-
lets and instructed his people to kill each other in order to pu-
rify themselves. Most Biblical scholars would attribute this an-
ger to the fact that the Israelites were worshiping a false idol,
or something to that effect.
The reality is that the golden bull is Taurus the Bull, and
Moses represents the new Age of Aries the Ram. This is why
Jews even today still blow the Ram’s horn. Moses represents
the new Age of Aries, and upon the new age, everyone must
shed the old age. Other deities mark these transitions as well,
such as Mithra a pre-Christian god who kills the bull, in the
same symbology. Now Jesus is the figure who ushers in the age
following Aries, the Age of Pisces, or the Two Fish.
Fish symbolism is very abundant in the New Testament, as
Jesus feeds 5000 people with bread and “2 fish.” When he be-
gins his ministry walking along Galilei, he befriends 2 fisher-
men, who follow him. And I think we’ve all seen the Jesus-fish
on the backs of people’s cars. Little do they know what it actu-
ally means.
It is a Pagan astrological symbolism for the Sun’s Kingdom
during the Age of Pisces. Also, Jesus’ assumed birth date is

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
essentially the start of this age. At Luke 22:10 when Jesus is
asked by his disciples where the next passover will be after he
is gone, Jesus replies: “Behold, when ye are entered into the
city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water...
follow him into the house where he entereth in.” This scripture
is by far one of the most revealing of all the astrological refer-
ences. The man bearing a pitcher of water is Aquarius, the
water-bearer, who is always pictured as a man pouring out a
pitcher of water.
He represents the age after Pisces, and when the Sun (God’s
Sun) leaves the Age of Pisces (Jesus), it will go into the House
of Aquarius, as Aquarius follows Pisces in the precession of the
equinoxes. All Jesus is saying is that after the Age of Pisces will
come the Age of Aquarius.
Now, we have all heard about the end times and the end of
the world. Apart from the cartoonish depictions in the Book of
Revelation, the main source of this idea comes from Matthew
28:20, where Jesus says: “I will be with you even to the end of
the world.” However, in King James Version, “world” is a mis-
translation, among many other mistranslations. The actual word
being used is “aeon”, which means “age.” “I will be with you
even to the end of the age.” Which is true, as Jesus’ Solar Piscean
personification will end when the Sun enters the Age of
The entire concept of end times and the end of the world is
a misinterpreted astrological allegory. Furthermore, the char-
acter of Jesus, being a literary and astrological hybrid, is most
explicitly a plagiarization of the Egyptian Sun-god Horus. For
example, inscribed about 3500 years ago, on the walls of the
Temple of Luxor in Egypt are images of the enunciation, the
immaculate conception, the birth, and the adoration of Horus.
The images begin with Thaw announcing to the virgin Isis that
she will conceive Horus, then Nef the holy ghost impregnating
the virgin, and then the virgin birth and the adoration.
This is exactly the story of Jesus’ miracle conception. In fact,
the literary similarities between Horus and Jesus are stagger-
ing. And the plagiarism is continuous. The story of Noah and

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Noah’s Ark is taken directly from tradition.
The concept of a Great Flood is ubiquitous throughout the
ancient world, with over 200 different cited claims in different
periods and times. However, one need look no further for a
pre-Christian source than the Epic of Gilgamesh, written in 2600
B.C. This story talks of a Great Flood commanded by God, an
Ark with saved animals upon it, and even the release and re-
turn of a dove, all held in common with the biblical story, among
many other similarities.
And then there is the plagiarized story of Moses. Upon
Moses’ birth, it is said that he was placed in a reed basket and
set adrift in a river in order to avoid infanticide. He was later
rescued by a daughter of royalty and raised by her as a Prince.
This baby in a basket story was lifted directly from the myth of
Sargon of Akkad of around 2250 B.C. Sargon was born, placed
in a reed basket in order to avoid infanticide, and set adrift in a
river. He was in turn rescued and raised by Akki, a royal mid-
wife. Furthermore, Moses is known as the Law Giver, the giver
of the Ten Commandments, the Mosaic Law.
However, the idea of a Law being passed from God to a
prophet on a mountain is also a very old motif. Moses is just a
law giver in a long line of law givers in mythological history. In
India, Manou was the great law giver. In Crete, Minos ascended
Mount Dicta, where Zeus gave him the sacred laws. While in
Egypt there was Mises, who carried stone tablets and upon
them the laws of god were written. Manou, Minos, Mises, Moses
And as far as the Ten Commandments, they are taken out-
right from Spell 125 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. What the
Book of the Dead phrased “I have not stolen” became “Thou
shall not steal,” “I have not killed” became “Thou shall not kill,”
“I have not told lies” became “Thou shall not bare false wit-
ness” and so forth. In fact, the Egyptian religion is likely the
primary foundational basis for the Judeo-Christian theology.
Baptism, afterlife, final judgment, virgin birth and resurrection,
crucifixion, the ark of the covenant, circumcision, saviors, holy
communion, the great flood, Easter, Christmas, Passover, and
many many more, are all attributes of Egyptian ideas, long pre-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
dating Christianity and Judaism.
Justin Martyr, one of the first Christian historians and de-
fenders, wrote: “When we say that he, Jesus Christ, our teacher,
was produced without sexual union, was crucified and died,
and rose again, and ascended into Heaven, we propound noth-
ing different from what you believe regarding those who you
esteem Sons of Jupiter.”
In a different writing, Justin Martyr said: “He was born of a
virgin, accept this in common with what you believe of Per-
seus.” It’s obvious that Justin and other early Christians knew
how similar Christianity was to the Pagan religions.
However, Justin had a solution. As far as he was concerned,
the Devil did it. The Devil had the foresight to come before
Christ, and create these characteristics in the Pagan world.
Fundamentalist Christianity is fascinating.
These people actually believe the World is 12,000 years
old. I actually asked one of these guys: “OK, dinosaur fossils?”
He says: “Dinosaur fossils? God put those there to test our faith!”
The Bible is nothing more than an astro-theological liter-
ary fold hybrid, just like nearly all religious myths before it. In
fact, the aspect of transference, of one character’s attributes to
a new character, can be found within the book itself.
In the Old Testament there’s the story of Joseph. Joseph
was a prototype for Jesus. Joseph was born of a miracle birth,
Jesus was born of a miracle birth. Joseph was of 12 brothers,
Jesus had 12 disciples. Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver,
Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver. Brother “Judah” suggests
the sale of Joseph, disciple “Judas” suggests the sale of Jesus.
Joseph began his work at the age of 30, Jesus began his work at
the age of 30. The parallels go on and on.
Furthermore, is there any non-Biblical historical evidence
of any person, living with the name Jesus, the Son of Mary, who
traveled about with 12 followers, healing people and the like?
There are numerous historians who lived in and around the
Mediterranean either during or soon after the assumed life of
Jesus. How many of these historians document this figure? Not

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
However, to be fair, that doesn’t mean defenders of the
Historical Jesus haven’t claimed the contrary. Four historians
are typically referenced to justify Jesus’s existence. Pliny the
younger, Suetonius, Tacitus are the first three. Each one of their
entries consists of only a few sentences at best and only refer
to the Christus or the Christ, which in fact is not name but a
title. It means the Anointed one. The fourth source is Josephus
and this source has been proven to be a forgery for hundreds
of years. Sadly, it is still cited as truth.
You would think that a guy who rose from the dead and
ascended into Heaven for all eyes to see and performed the
wealth of miracles acclaimed to him would have made it into
the historical record. It didn’t because once the evidence is
weighed, there are very high odds that the figure known as
Jesus, did not even exist. We don’t want to be unkind, but we
want to be factual. We don’t want to cause hurt feelings, but we
want to be academically correct, in what we understand and
know to be true.
Christianity just is not based on truth. We find that Chris-
tianity was in fact nothing more than a Roman story, developed
politically. The reality is, Jesus was the Solar Deity of the Gnos-
tic Christian sect, and like all other Pagan gods, he was a mythi-
cal figure. It was the political establishment that sought to
historize the Jesus figure for social control.
By 325 A.D. in Rome, emperor Constantine convened the
Council of Nicea. It was during this meeting that the politically
motivated Christian Doctrines were established and thus be-
gan a long history of Christian bloodshed and spiritual fraud.
And for the next 1600 years, the Vatican maintained a political
stranglehold on all of Europe, leading to such joyous periods
as the Dark Ages, along with enlightening events such as the
Crusades, and the Inquisition. Christianity, along with all other
theistic belief systems, is the fraud of the age. It served to de-
tach the species from the natural world, and from each other.
It supports blind submission to authority. It reduces human
responsibility to the effect that “God” controls everything, and

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
in turn awful crimes can be justified in the name of Divine Pur-
suit. And most importantly, it empowers those who know the
truth but use the myth to manipulate and control societies.
The religious myth is the most powerful device ever cre-
ated, and serves as the psychological soil upon which other
myths can flourish. A myth is an idea that, while widely be-
lieved, is false. In a deeper sense, in the religious sense, a myth
serves as an orienting and mobilizing story for people. The fo-
cus is not on the story’s relation to reality but on its function. A
story cannot function unless it is believed to be true in the com-
munity or the nation. It is not a matter of debate if some people
have the bad taste to raise the question of the truth of the sa-
cred story. The keepers of the faith do not enter into the de-
bate with them. They ignore them, or denounce them as blas-
It is wrong, blasphemous and sinful for you to suggest, im-
ply or help other people to come to conclusion that the U.S.
government killed 3,000 of its own citizens on 9-11.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell


The World Trade Center if a demolition team set off,
when you do the demolition of an old building. It looks like one
of those scenes of an old building being purposely dynamited
and blown up. Anybody who ever watched a building being
demolished on purpose knows that if you’re going to do this
you have to get the under-infrastructure of the building and
bring it down. The way the structure is collapsing,.. this was
the result of something that was planned.
It’s not accidental that the first tower just happened to col-
lapse and then the second tower just happened to collapse in
exactly the same way. How did they accomplish this, we don’t
know. The building collapsed to dust. You don’t find a desk,
you don’t find a chair, you don’t find a telephone or computer.
The biggest piece of a telephone I found was half of the key-
pad, and it was about this big.
What happened to the concrete? The concrete was pulver-
ized. Rivers and rivers of this dust powder, two or three inches
thick. The concrete was just uh... pulverized! Reminiscence of
pictures we’ve all seen too much in TV before, a building is
deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite to knock it
down. It’s as if they had detonators, yes, detonators, planted to
take down the building, boom, boom, boom.
I heard a second explosion. There was a heavy-duty ex-
plosion. There was a secondary explosion and then a subse-
quent collapse. ...explosion blew and then it knocked every-
body over. To me it sounded like an explosion. It sounded like
gun-fire, bang-bang-bang. And then all of a sudden three big
explosions. ...and we heard big explosions coming down. ...and
then the entire top of the building just blew up. We saw some

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
kind of explosion. the force of the explosions... ...big blew up back at the 8th floor... ...then we got to
the lobby, there was a big explosion.
The lobby looked as if a bomb had exploded there. ...huge
explosion, now raining debris... ...there’s been a huge explo-
sion... ...huge explosion that we all heard and felt. We just wit-
nessed some kind of explosion... was very
blasted...explosion... ...smoke and secondary explosion in
Tower 1... ...there is another bomb going off... he thinks that
there were actually devices that were planted in the building...
...planted in the building...
The “terrorists” , while evading the Air Defense System
(NORAD), hit 75% of their targets. In turn, World Trade Towers
1, 2 and 7 collapsed due to structural failure through fire in a
“pancake” fashion, while the plane that hit the Pentagon va-
porized upon impact, as did the plane that crashed in
Shanksville. The 911 Commission found that there were no
warnings for this act of terrorism, while multiple government
failures prevented adequate defense.
I don’t think anybody could have predicted that they would
try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a mis-
sile. ...nobody in our government at least, and I don’t think the
prior government could have envisioned flying airplanes into
the buildings. No specific threats involving, really domestic op-
erations involving what happened obviously, the cities, airlines
and so on. There were no warning signs that I am aware of.
USA Today reports that in the two years before the attacks
on September 11th NORAD conducted exercises using hijacked
airliners as weapons. And one target was the World Trade Cen-
Operation “Mascal”, October 2000: Simulated a plane crash
into the Pentagon. In confidential documents from the Philip-
pines obtained by CNN, the plan was clear: He would board
any American commercial aircraft, control its cockpit, and dive

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
it on the CIA headquarters. Other buildings targeted - the Pen-
tagon and the World Trade Center. Security and counter ter-
rorism was blinking red, in the words of George Tenet, that the
warnings of an imminent attack was so severe, that something
dramatic should have been done. It was unparalleled.
Instead, our president went on a month long vacation! The
head of Pakistani intelligence (ISI) Mahmood Ahmed requested
Omar Sheikh to wire $100,000 to Mohammed Atta who was the
lead hijacker. ...hijacker Mohammed Atta received wire trans-
fers via Pakistan. The man sending the money to Atta is be-
lieved to be Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh. Omar Sheikh admit-
ted he was supported by the Pakistani Government’s intelli-
gence service - the ISI. No inquiry was ever made as to why
General Ahmad ordered $100K to be sent to Mohamed Atta.
On the morning of September 11, government officials were
having BREAKFAST with General Ahmad in Washington. The
911 Commission deemed the financing of the attacks was ‘of
LITTLE significance” in their official report.
Although we are told that 4 or 5 of the alleged hijackers
were on each of the flights, if so their names should have been
on the flight manifest. But the flight manifest that had been re-
leased contained neither the names of the alleged hijackers
nor any Arab names whatsoever. We know that the men who
were supposedly the hijackers had their houses, cars, credit
cards paid for by the U.S. Government. They were, in truth -
agents of the U. S. government.
Evidence was also apparently planted. The passport of one
of the hijackers on flight 11 was allegedly found in the rubble. goes through the fireball, through the side of the plane and
comes down on the ground unscathed.
But something happened. For 6 months they reported they
had this passport. We thought if we got it, we got the proof and
then the guy stood up and was alive. Several of these 19 men
are still alive.
I couldn’t believe it when the FBI put me on their list. They
gave my name and my date of birth, but I am not a suicide bomber.
I am here. I am alive. I have no idea how to fly a plane.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
At least 6 of the “hijackers” are still alive.
The FBI has to this day not revised their list. No evidence
has ever linked any of the alive or dead “hijackers” to Osama
bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden. Of course we’re after bin Laden,
he’s, he’s, he’s...
January 2001. The Bush Administration orders the FBI and
intelligence agencies to back off investigations involving the
bin Laden family, including two of Osama bin Laden’s relatives
who were living— guess where!—in Falls Church, Virginia right
next to CIA headquarters.
When he was already America’s “most wanted criminal”
he reportedly spent two weeks in the American hospital in
Dubai, was treated by an American doctor and visited by the
local CIA agent. We have not seen one piece of evidence that
links Osama bin Laden directly to the planning stages of Sep-
tember 11th. This failure to provide proof was later said to be
unnecessary because bin Laden in the video allegedly found
in Afghanistan admitted responsibility for the attacks.
This confession is now widely cited as proof. But the man
in this video has darker skin, fuller cheeks and a broader nose
than the Osama bin Laden of all other videos. We again seem
to have the planted evidence.
In 1976 Osama’s older brother Saleem bin Laden hired a
man in Texas by the name of Jim Bath to handle all the invest-
ments in the United States for the bin Laden family. Jim Bath
also happens to be a personal, almost life-long friend and
former international guard pilot, with George W. Bush. The
connections between the Bushes and the bin Ladens become
much more clearer when George Herbert Walker Bush made
trips to Saudi Arabia in 1998 and 2000 to meet with the bin Laden
family on behalf of the company called the Carlyle Group.
George H. W. Bush was meeting with Osama’s older
brother, Shafig bin Laden, on the morning of 9/11 in a Carlyle
Group function. The Carlyle Group is one of the world’s larg-
est defense contractors, which continues to reap massive prof-
its off of the post 911 “War on Terrorism” and Afghan/Iraq Wars.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
How could anyone fly a 60 ton, 125 ft wide, 44 ft tall plane
through this obstacle course? The aircraft before striking the
Pentagon reportedly executed a 270 degree downward spiral
and yet Hani Hanjour was known as a terrible pilot who could
not safely fly even a small plane. “He didn’t care about the fact
that he couldn’t get through the course” - Flight school em-
ployee. “I am still to this day amazed that he could have flown
into the Pentagon... he could not fly at all.” - Flight school em-
ployee. No seats, no luggage, no bodies. Nothing but bricks
and limestone. The official explanation is that the intense heat
from the jet fuel vaporized the entire plane.
Flight 77 had two Rolls Royce engines made of steel and
titanium alloy and weighed 6 tons each. It is scientifically im-
possible that 12 tons of steel and titanium was vaporized by jet
fuel. We’re also told that the bodies were able to be identified
either by the fingerprints or by the DNA. So what kind of fire
can vaporize aluminum and tempered steel and yet leave hu-
man bodies intact?
From my close-up inspection there’s no evidence of a plane
having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon and as I say the
only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you can
pick up in your hand. Shortly after the strike, government
agents picked up debris and carried it off. The entire lawn was
covered with dirt and gravel so that any remaining forensic
evidence was literally covered up.
The videos from security cameras which would show what
really hit the Pentagon were immediately confiscated by agents
of the FBI. And the Department of Justice has to this day re-
fused to release them. If these videos would prove that the Pen-
tagon was really hit by a 757 most of us would assume the Gov-
ernment would release them.
It looks like there’s nothing there except for a hole in the
ground. Basically that’s right. The only thing you could see from
where we were was a big gouge in the earth and some broken
trees. You could see some people working, walking around in

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
the area, but from where we can see there wasn’t much left.
Any large pieces of debris at all? No, there was nothing. Noth-
ing, that you can distinguish that a plane had crashed there.
Commercial plane crash in Nigeria. Plenty of debris.
Flight 93 “Crash” in Shanksville. Nothing but a hole in the
World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7
Pancake theory according to which the fires, although not
melting the steel, heated up sufficiently to cause the floors
weakened by the airplane strikes to break loose from the steel
columns, and this started a chain reaction. So, you would ex-
pect then from that theory, which is the official theory, to see a
whole stack of floors piled up on top of each other and then a
spindle of core columns standing too.
The core of each of the Twin Towers consisted of 47 mas-
sive steel columns. If the floors had broken loose from them,
these columns would have still been sticking up in the air a
thousand feet. The plane did not cut all those core columns.
We designed the buildings to take the impact of the Boeing
707 hitting the building at any location. The building probably
could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners. ...that the plane flew
straight into the building.
Straight through, right.
So you’re saying that the building was actually designed
to cope with a hole like that and would still survive?
Yes, it was.
If you would drop, say, a billiard ball from the top of the
World Trade Center, 110 floors up there it would have taken 8
to 10 seconds to hit the ground encountering no resistance
whatsoever. The Twin Towers came down in nearly free fall
speed. This means that floors shattered at an average rate of
about ten floors per second. There is no scenario for a pan-
cake effect of buildings falling that allows them to fall at a rate
of free fall.
And what can do that? What can move mass out of the way?

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
How do you get them to fail simultaneously so the core dis-
It looks like those core columns were cut.
The way we do this is by cutting the beam out at angle.
WTC core column after the collapse.
Notice the “cut” shape and the melted... or “Molten Metal.”
I started looking at the molten metal.
All three buildings, both towers in the rubble, in the base-
ment areas, and Building 7 there were these pools of molten
metal. For well over 6 weeks after the collapse, hot spots of
2000 degrees F were documented in the debris.
That is 500 degrees F hotter than jet fuel even burns.
You get down below and you see molten steel. Molten steel
running down the channels. Like you were in a foundry. Like
lava of a volcano. The molten steel was found ‘three, four and
five weeks later, when the rubble was being removed’. He said
that molten steel was also found at WTC7.
He said that molten steel was also found underneath World
Trade Center 7. So I’m looking through the official reports, what
do they say about the molten metal? They say nothing. Wait a
minute. This is important evidence. Where did that come from?
Thermite is so hot that it’ll just cut through steel, through
the structural steel for example, like a knife through butter. The
products are molten iron and aluminum oxide which goes off
primarily as a dust. You know, there’s enormous dust clouds
you can imagine, when you assemble these chemicals on a
large scale.
Through Electron Microscope Analysis of the melted WTC
Steel and the iron-rich microspheres in the dust, Dr. Jones found
exact traces of not only the “Thermite” explosive compound,
but, due to the high sulfur content, “Thermate”, a patented
brand of Thermite used in the demolition industry. Molten metal
pools were found under both towers after they collapsed, and
Building 7.
Now, Building 7 wasn’t even hit by a jet. Part of the prob-
lem is that most people simply don’t know much about Build-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
ing 7 due to the extraordinary secrecy surrounding its collapse.
This was a 47 story skyscraper. This building fell at 17:25. It
was not hit by a plane. This building had fires on only 2 or 3
floors. ...and it was brought down by what we know was a con-
trolled demolition.
Demolitions look just like that, kink in the middle, and then
that building just comes straight down almost at free fall speed.
They first blow one of the central columns so the building falls
in on itself. Building 7 had a classic crimp or wedge. Its central
column was blown out first so it didn’t structurally damaged
buildings just a few feet away from it.
The Government’s explanation for all three collapses was
FIRE. NEVER before or after 9/11, has any Steel building col-
lapsed from fire. Collapse characteristics of WTC 1, 2 and 7, fit
mention the sub-basement explosions? THAT OCCURRED SEC-
ONDS BEFORE THE FIRST PLANE HIT. Our office was on the B-
1 level. As I was talking to a supervisor at 8.46 and all of a sud-
den we hear - BOOM! An explosion so hard that pushed us up-
And it came from the basement, between the B-2 level and
the B-3 level. And when I went to report we heard - BOOM!
That impact of the plane on the top. As I’m walking by the main
freight car of the building in the corridor, that’s when I got
blown. I mean, the impact of the explosion threw me to the floor
and that’s when everything started happening. All of a sudden
a big impact happened again and all the ceiling tiles were fall-
ing down, the light fixtures were falling.
You know, you gotta go clear across the hall from 1 to 2
World Trade Center and then all of a sudden it happened all
over again. It was something else, hit us to the floor, right in the
basement you felt it, the walls were caving in on everything
that was going on. I mean, I know people that got killed in the
basement, I know people that got broken legs in the basement,
people got reconstructive surgery because the wall hit them
in the face.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
According to standard operating procedure if an FAA flight
control notices anything that suggests a possible hijacking,
controllers are to contact the superior. If the problem cannot
be fixed within about a minute the superior should ask NORAD
(North American Aerospace Command) to send up or scramble
jet fighters to find out what is going on. NORAD then issues a
scramble order to the nearest air force base with fighters on
alert. And although interceptions usually occur within 10 or so
minutes, in this case 80 or so minutes had elapsed before the
fighters were even airborne.
It’s a mind-bending anomaly. Not a single US Air Force in-
terceptor turns a wheel until it’s too late. There are no jets at
all. What if they were so confused, and had been so deliber-
ately confused that they couldn’t respond? The reason that they
didn’t know where to go was because a number of conflicting
and overlapping war game exercises were taking place that
involved the insertion of false radar blips on the radar screens
in the north-east air defense sector.
FAA: “Hi, Boston Center TMU, we have a problem here.
We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York. We
need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there,
help us out.”
NORAD: “Is this real world or exercise?”
There was another exercise - “Vigilant Warrior”, which was,
in fact, according to a NORAD source, a live-fly hijack drill be-
ing conducted at the same time. With only 8 available fighter
aircrafts, and that have to be dispatched in pairs, they were
dealing with as many as 22 possible hijacks on the day of 9/11
and they couldn’t separate the war game exercises from the
actual hijacks.
In 2000, NORAD had 67 intercepts. 100% accuracy. On 9/11
they failed 4 times in one day. On the morning of 9/11 he was in
charge of all NORAD orders from the command bunker under
the White House. In at least one of the many war games going
on the morning of 9/11, planes being flown into building was a

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Page 172:
“The US Government has not been able to determine the
origin of the money used for the 9/11 attacks. Ultimately, the
question is of little practical significance.”
The American authorities have not managed to trace the
source of the funding. And then the most amazingly disingenu-
ous statement “ultimately is it of little consequence”. It is of
massive consequence! Doesn’t it matter who paid for 9/11?
The collapse of Building 7 has been recognized as espe-
cially difficult to explain. The 9/11 Commission Report implic-
itly admitted that it could not explain the collapse of this build-
ing by not even mentioning it.
Mr. President, why are you and the Vice President insist-
ing on appearing together before the 9/11 Commission?
Because the 9/11 Commission wants to ask us questions,
that’s why we are meeting, and I look forward to meeting with
them and answering their questions.
The question was, why are you appearing together rather
than separately, which was their request?
Because it’s a good chance for both of us to answer ques-
tions that the 9/11 Commission is looking forward to asking us,
and I am looking forward to answering them.
Do you think they should be able to stand up and speak
their own words?
They should go under oath.
Yeah. In public.
When Bush and Cheney met with the 9/11 Commission, they
did so only on their own terms. They appeared together. They
were not under oath. No press or family members were allowed
to attend. No recording of any kind was allowed. No transcript
was allowed.
Don’t you think that the families deserve to have a tran-
script or to be able to see witnessing?
Adam, you asked me this question yesterday, I got the same
answer. (Next question).

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
The final report was a unanimous report. That means that if
there was a single commissioner who had any objection about
anything, that fact would be dropped from the report.
We have found out that he not only served on the transition
team of the Bush Administration, that he was a person who wrote
a draft memo for the setup of the Bush Administration’s National
Security Council, that he was an individual who wrote the pre-
emptive war strategy that was eventually used for the war on
Iraq, that he’s a close friend of Condoleezza Rice, we want him
to resign.
There is literally nothing in the 9/11 Report that the Bush
Administration did not approve. We can understand therefore
why that commission under Zelikow leadership would have
ignored all the evidence that would point to the truth that 9/11
was a false flag operation intended to authorize the doctrines
and funds needed for a new level of imperial mobilization.
Terrorism: 1) systematic use of terror, manifesting itself in
violence or intimidation, for generating fear.... for generating
fear...for generating fear. Armed with knives. Armed with
chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Fanatics. Terror-
ists. September 11th. September 11th. Killers.
September 11th. Terrorists. Terrorists. Al Qaeda. Terror-
ists. Nuclear weapons. Terror. 9/11. Terror. Terror. Terror. Evil.
September 11th. September 11th. The terrorists. War and dan-
ger. September 11th. Terrorism. Global terrorism. Terrorism.
Terrorist. Terrorist. Terrorist. Terrorist. The terrorists. Ter-
rorists. Terrorists. Terrorism. September 11th. Global terror-
ism. Terrorism. Terrorism. Terrorists. September 11th. World
terrorism. Terrorists. Terrorism. September 11th. Global Ter-
rorism. September the 11th. Terrorist. Terrorist. Terrorist. Ter-
Terrorist. Weapons of mass destruction. September the
11th. September the 11th. Terrorists. The evil terrorists. Ter-
rorists. Terrorists. Terrorism. The words are hypnotically re-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
peated: Terrorism. Terrorists. Terrorist threat. And of course,
believe-to-be-linked-to-al-Qaeda. But, it’s the so-called “War
on Terrorism” that’s in our faces practically 24/7 as the ines-
capable focus of our existence. One day our grandchildren will
look back on this time and ask: “How was the War on Terror
The entire US ruling class, the ruling elite, comes to see
terrorism as the preferred means, indeed the only means, to
provide social cohesion, to provide an enemy image for the
society, to keep it together. According to neocon theory from
Carl Scmitt, you have to have an enemy image in order to have
a society.
A very dangerous thing because now it means that the en-
tire social order, the political parties, intellectual life, politics
in general are all based on a monstrous myth. Nearly all terror
suspects detained are released without charges. ..but that’s
after they make it to the front page for you to see.
Terror Threat..

The Brotherhood Of The Bell

Terrorism: 2) technique used by Governments to manipu-
late public opinion in order to further an agenda.
Look what the CIA has done in this country. What they have
done to us is unbelievable. Look at the terrorist acts that have
occurred. The CIA is behind most if not all of them. We had the
Marine Barracks, then embassy in Kenya. We had Pan Am 103,
we had the USS Cole, we had Oklahoma City, we had the World
Trade Center in 1993. ...they helped the terrorists to blow up
the WTC the first time. They built the bomb, they got the driver’s
license. The informer Emad A’Salem, a 43-year-old former
Egyptian Army officer, he was given the assignment to put the
bomb together and he went to the supervisor, that’s the FBI
supervisor, and he said, “we’re gonna put a dummy bomb”,
and the FBI supervisor says “no, we’re gonna put a real bomb.”
The FBI actually carried out the attack on the World Trade
Center in 1993. They actually hired Emad Salem and paid him
1 million dollars and gave him real explosives, a detonator and
told him to build a bomb and to give it to the foolish people
that he was controlling to allow them to attack the World Trade
Center complex. Unfortunately for them, there were only six
people killed, not enough to pass the legislation.
So , what happened is two years later, April 19, 1995 down
comes Oklahoma City, the Murrah Building and the law which
takes away many of our constitutional rights and civil liberties,
is passed.
Three trains and a bus were bombed, killing 56 people.
That morning, an “Anti-terror exercise” just happened to be
taking place as well, dealing with...

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
It was at half past 9 this morning.
We were actually running an exercise for a company of over
a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs
going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened
this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck
standing up right now.
To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to
see how you would cope with this and it happened while you
were running the exercise?
Yeah... that’s right.
We’re supposed to believe that these were some kind of
There are no coincidences!
There was also an anti-terrorist drill going on on 7/7.
And again, just like on 9/11 they were talking about attacks
on the same targets, the same tube stations at the exactly the
same time as the actual attack happened providing some kind
of cover for what must be operations orchestrating in some way
by the States.
The 9/11 Truth
Criminal Elements within the US government staged a
“false flag” terror attack on its own citizens, in order to ma-
nipulate public perception into supporting its agenda. They
have been doing these for years. I am absolutely appalled about
how much people in this country do not think. We are given to
understand that an Arabic guy out there up in the mountains
financed the most elaborate attack on this country.
Do you think some people in a cave were able to have

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
NORAD stand down? Do you think that people in the cave were
able to have all of this happen? And when I think about how
many Americans were killed in New York City and believing
as I do that this thing was a set up job, this is a textbook opera-
tion that Nazis used and they’ve used it over and over again.
America has been suckered in one more time.
The world is coming apart at the seams like a cheap suit.
“I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows
things are bad. The dollar buys a nickel’s worth. Banks are going
bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are run-
ning wild in the street. There’s nobody anywhere who seems to
know what to do, and there’s no end to it. We know the air is unfit
to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. We sit watching our TVs
while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homi-
cides and 63 violent crimes as if that’s the way it’s supposed to
be! We know things are bad. Worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s
like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go out
“We sit in the house and slowly the world we’re living in is
getting smaller. And all we say is, ‘Please, at least leave us alone
in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV, my steel-
belted radials and I won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.’ Well
I’m not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don’t
want you to protest, I don’t want you to riot. I don’t want you to
write to your congressman because I wouldn’t know what to tell
you to write. I don’t know what to do about the depression and
the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I
know is that first you’ve got to get mad!
“You’ve got to say, “I’m a human being, goddamn it! My life
has value!”
There’s smoke - real bad - 105. Two tower. It’s real bad, it’s
black, it’s acrid. My wife thinks I’m all right. I called and said I
was leaving the building. I was fine, and then BANG! Three of
us - two broken windows.
Oh God!
We interrupt this program for a message from the Presi-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
“Ladies and gentleman,
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open
society, and we are as a people inherently and historically op-
posed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceed-
ings. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic
and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means
for expanding its sphere of influence. On infiltration instead of
invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation
instead of free choice.
“It is a system which has conscripted vast human and ma-
terial resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly effi-
cient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,
economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations
are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not head-
lined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.
“No expenditure is questioned, no secret is revealed. That
is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any
citizen to shrink from controversy.
“I am asking your help in the tremendous task of inform-
ing and alerting the American people. Confident that with your
help man will be what he was born to be: free and indepen-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell


There is something behind the throne greater than the king
himself. The world is governed by very different personages
from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the
large centers has owned the government since the days of
Andrew Jackson, as the American colonies sought to detach
from England, and it’s oppressive monarchy. Although many
reasons are cited for the revolution, one in particular sticks out
as the prime cause: that King George III of England outlawed
the interest free independent currency the colonies were pro-
ducing and using for themselves, in turn forcing them to bor-
row money from the Central Bank of England at interest, im-
mediately putting the colonies into debt.
And as Benjamin Franklin later wrote:
The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to op-
erate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man
from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the
prime cause of the revolution.
In 1783 America won its independence from England. How-
ever, its battle against the central bank concept and the cor-
rupt, greed-filled men associated with it, had just begun.
So what is a Central Bank?
A Central Bank is an institution that produces the currency
of an entire nation. Based on historical precedent, two specific
powers are inherent in central banking practice. The control
of interest rates, and the control of the money supply, or infla-
tion. The central bank does not simply supply a government’s
economy with money, it loans it to them at interest.
Then, through the use of increasing and decreasing the

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
supply of money, the central bank regulates the value of the
currency being issued. It is critical to understand that the en-
tire structure of this system can only produce one thing in the
long run:
It doesn’t take a lot of ingenuity to figure this scam out. Ev-
ery single dollar produced by the central bank is loaned at
interest. That means every single dollar produced is actually
the dollar plus a certain percent of debt based on that dollar.
And since a central bank has a monopoly over the production
of the currency for the entire country, and they loan each dol-
lar out with immediate debt attached to it.
Where does the money to pay for the debt come from? It
can only come from the central bank again. Which means the
central bank has to perpetually increase its money supply to
temporarily cover the outstanding debt created, which in turn,
since that new money is loaned out at interest as well, creates
even more debt! The end result of this system without fail is
For it is impossible for the government and thus the pub-
lic, to ever come out of the self-generating debt. The founding
fathers of this country were well aware of this. “I believe that
banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies..
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the
issue of currency.. the banks and corporations that will grow
up around them will deprive the people of their property until
their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers
conquered.” -Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826
“If you want to remain the slaves of the bankers and pay
for the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to create
money and control the nation’s credit.” -Sir Josiah Stamp
By the early 20th century, the US had already implemented,
and removed a few central banking systems, which were
swindled into place by ruthless banking interests. At this time,
the dominant families in the banking and business world were:
the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds.
And in the early 1900’s, they sought to push once again, legis-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
lation to create another central bank. However, they knew the
government and public were weary of such an institution. So
they needed to create an incident to affect public opinion.
So, J.P. Morgan, publicly considered a financial luminary
at the time, exploited his mass influence by publishing rumors
that a prominent bank in New York was insolvent, or bankrupt.
Morgan knew this would cause mass hysteria which would af-
fect other banks as well, and it did. The public, in fear of losing
their deposits, immediately began mass withdrawals. Conse-
quently the banks were forced to call in their loans, causing
the recipients to sell their property, and thus a spiral of bank-
ruptcies, repossessions, and turmoil emerged.
Putting the pieces together a few years later, Fredrik Allen
of LIFE Magazine wrote: “The Morgan interests took advantage
to precipitate the panic of 1907 guiding it shrewdly as it pro-
Unaware of the fraud, the Panic of 1907 led to a Congres-
sional investigation, headed by Senator Nelson Aldrich, who
had intimate ties to the banking cartels, and later became part
of the Rockefeller family through marriage. The Commission
led by Aldrich recommended a Central Bank should be imple-
mented, so a panic like 1907 could never happen again. This
was the spark the international bankers needed to initiate their
In 1910, a secret meeting was held at a J.P. Morgan estate
on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. It was there that the
central banking bill called the Federal Reserve Act was writ-
ten. This legislation was written by bankers, not law-makers.
This meeting was so secretive, so concealed from government
and public knowledge, that the 10 or so figures who attended
disguised their names in addressing each other.
After this bill was constructed, it was then handed over to
their political front-man, Senator Nelson Aldrich, to push
through Congress. And in 1913 with heavy political sponsor-
ship by the bankers, Woodrow Wilson became President, hav-
ing already agreed to sign the Federal Reserve Act in exchange
for campaign support. And 2 days before Christmas when most

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
of Congress was at home with their families, the Federal Re-
serve Act was voted in, and Wilson in turn made it law.
Years later, Woodrow Wilson wrote, in regret:
“(Our) great industrial nation is controlled by its system of
credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The
growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the
hands of a few men who, even if their action be honest and in-
tended for the public interest, are necessarily concentrated
upon the great undertakings in which their own money is in-
volved and who necessarily, by very reason of their own limi-
tations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic free-
dom. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the
most completely controlled and dominated, governments in
the civilized world- no longer a government by free opinion,
no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the ma-
jority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small
groups of dominant men.” -Woodrow Wilson
Congressman Louis McFadden also expressed the truth
after the passage of the bill: “A world banking system was be-
ing set up here.. a superstate controlled by international bank-
ers, acting together to enslave the world for their own plea-
sure. The Fed has usurped the government.”
Now, the public was told that the Federal Reserve system
was an economic stabilizer. And inflation and economic crises
were a thing of the past. Well, as history has shown, nothing is
further from the truth. The fact is the international bankers now
had a streamlined machine to expand their personal ambitions.
For example, from 1914 to 1919, the Fed increased the money
supply by nearly 100%, resulting in extensive loans to small
Then in 1920, the Fed called in massive percentages of the
outstanding money supply, thus resulting in the supporting
banks having to call in huge numbers of loans, and just like in
1907: bank runs, bankruptcy, and collapse occurred. Over 5400
competitive banks outside of the Federal Reserve System col-
lapsed, further consolidating the monopoly to a small group of
international bankers.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Privy to this crime, Congressman Lindbergh stepped up,
and said in 1921: “Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are
scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientifi-
cally created one, worked out as we figure a mathematical
However, the panic of 1920 was just a warm-up. From 1921
to 1929 the Fed again increased the money supply, resulting
once again in extensive loans to the public and banks. There
was also a fairly new type of loan called a margin loan in the
stock market. Very simply, a margin loan allowed an investor
to put down only 10% of a stocks price, with the other 90% be-
ing loaned through the broker.
In other words, a person could own $1000 worth of stock
with only $100 down. This method was very popular in the roar-
ing 1920’s, as everyone seemed to be making money in the
market. However, there was a catch to this loan. It could be
called in at any time, and had to be paid within 24 hours. This is
termed a margin call, and the typical result of a margin call is
the selling of the stock purchased with the loan.
So, a few months before October of 1929, J.D. Rockefeller,
Bernhard Baruch, and other insiders quietly exited the mar-
ket, and on October 24th, 1929, the New York financiers who
furnished the margin loans started calling them in, in mass. This
sparked an instantaneous massive sell-off in the market, for
everyone had to cover their margin loans. It then triggered
mass bank runs for the same reason, in turn collapsing over
16,000 banks, enabling the conspiring international bankers
to not only buy up rival banks at a discount, but to also buy up
whole corporations at pennies on the dollar.
It was the greatest robbery in American history. But that
didn’t stop there. Rather than expand the money supply to re-
cover from this economic collapse, the Fed actually contracted
it, fueling one of the largest depressions in history.
Once again outraged, Congressman Louis McFadden, a
long-time opponent of the banking cartels, began bringing
impeachment proceedings against the Federal Reserve Board,
saying of the crash and depression:

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
“It was a carefully contrived occurrence. International
bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair, so that
they might emerge the rulers of us all.”
Not surprisingly, and after 2 previous assassination at-
tempts, McFadden was poisoned at a banquet before he could
push for the impeachment. Now, having reduced the society to
squalor, the Federal Reserve bankers decided that the Gold
Standard should be removed. In order to do this, they needed
to acquire the remaining gold in the system.
So, under the pretense of helping to end the depression
came the 1933 gold seizure. Under threat of imprisonment for
10 years, everyone in America was required to turn in all gold
bullion to the Treasury, essentially robbing the public of what
little wealth they had left. At the end of 1933, the gold standard
was abolished. If you look at a dollar bill from before 1933, it
says it is redeemable in gold.
If you look at a dollar bill today, it says it is legal tender,
which means it is backed by absolutely nothing. It is worthless
The only thing that gives our money value is how much of it
is in circulation. Therefore the power to regulate the money
supply is also the power to regulate its value, which is also the
power to bring entire economies and societies to its knees.
“Give me control of a Nation’s money supply, and I care
not who makes its laws.” -M.A. Rothschild, Founder of
Rothschild banking dynasty.
It’s important to clearly understand: the Federal Reserve
is a private corporation. It is about as “Federal” as “Federal
Express.” It makes its own policies, and is under virtually no
regulation by the US government. It is a private bank that loans
all currency at interest to the government, completely consis-
tent with the fraudulent central banking model that the country
sought to escape from when it declared independence in the
American Revolutionary War.
Now, going back to 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was not
the only unconstitutional bill pushed through Congress. They

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
also pushed the federal income tax. It’s worthwhile to point out
that the American public’s ignorance towards the federal in-
come tax is a testament to how dumbed-down and oblivious
the American population really is.
First of all, the federal income tax is completely Unconsti-
tutional, as it is a direct, unapportioned tax. All direct taxes
have to be apportioned to be legal based on the Constitution.
Secondly, the required number of states in order to ratify the
amendment to allow the income tax was never met, and this
has even been cited in modern court cases.
“If you examined 16th amendment carefully, you would find
that a sufficient number of states never ratified that amend-
ment.” - U.S. District Court Judge James C. Fox, 2003
Third, at the present day, roughly 25% of the average
worker’s income is taken from them through this tax. That
means you work three months out of the year to fulfill this tax
obligation, and guess where that money goes. It goes to pay
the interest on the currency being produced by the fraudulent
Federal Reserve Bank, a system that does not have to exist, at
The money you make working four months out of the year
goes almost literally into the pockets of the international bank-
ers, who own the private Federal Reserve Bank.
And fourth, even with the fraudulent government claim as
to the legality of the income tax, there is literally no statute, no
law in existence, that requires you to pay this tax.
I really expected that of course there’s a law, that you can
point to in the law book that requires you to file a tax return. Of
course there is. I was at that point where I couldn’t find the stat-
ute that clearly made a person liable, at least not me, and most
people I know, and I had no choice in my mind except to re-
Based on the research that I did throughout the year 2000
and that I’m still doing, I have not found that law. I’ve asked
Congress, a lot of people, we’ve asked the IRS Commissioner’s

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
helpers, they can’t answer, because if they answer, the Ameri-
can people are gonna know that this whole thing is a fraud. I
haven’t filed a federal income tax return since I left. I have not
filed a tax return since 1999.
The income tax is nothing less than the enslavement of the
entire country. Now, the control of the economy and the per-
petual robbery of wealth is only one side of the Rubik’s Cube
the bankers hold in their hands. The next tool for profit and
control is war. Since the inception of the Federal Reserve in
1913, a number of large and small wars have commenced. The
3 most pronounced were World War I, World War II, and Viet-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell


In 1914, European wars broke out centered around England
and Germany. The American public wanted nothing to do with
the war; in turn President Wilson publicly declared neutrality.
However, under the surface, the US administration was look-
ing for any excuse they could find to enter it.
In a noted observation by Secretary of State William
Jennings: “The large banking interests were deeply interested
in the world war, because of the wide opportunities for large
It’s important to understand that the most lucrative thing
that can happen for international bankers, is war. For it forces
the county to borrow even more money from the Federal Re-
serve Bank at interest. Woodrow Wilson’s top adviser and men-
tor was Colonel Edward House, a man with intimate connec-
tions with the international bankers who wanted in the war. In
a documented conversation between Colonel House, Wilson’s
Advisor, and Sir Edward Grey, The Foreign Secretary of En-
gland, regarding how to get America into the war.
Grey Inquired:
“What will Americans do if Germans sink an Ocean Liner
with American Passengers on board?”
House responded:
“I believe that a flame of indignation would sweep the
united states and that by itself would be sufficient to carry us
into war.”
So, on May 7th 1915 on essentially the suggestion of Sir
Edward Grey, a ship called the Lusitania was deliberately sent
into German controlled waters where German Military Vessels

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
were know to be. And, as expected, German U-boats torpe-
doed the ship, exploding stored ammunition, killing 1200
people. To further understand the deliberate nature of this
setup, the German Embassy actually put advertisements in the
New York times, telling people that if they boarded the
Lusitania, they did so at there own risk, as such a ship sailing
from America to England through the war zone, would be li-
able to destruction.
In turn and as anticipated, the sinking of the Lusitania
caused a wave of anger among the American population and
America entered the war a short time after. The 1st world war
caused 323,000 American deaths. J.D. Rockefeller made about
200 million dollars off of it. Not to mention the war cost about
30 billion dollars for America, most of which was borrowed from
the Federal Reserve Bank at interest, furthering the profits of
the international bankers.
On December 7th 1941, Japan attacked the American fleet
at Pearl Harbor, triggering our entry into that war. President
Franklin D Roosevelt declared that the attack was a “day that
will live in infamy”.
A day of infamy indeed, but not because of the alleged sur-
prise attack on Pearl harbor.
After 60 years of surfacing information, it is clear that not
only was the attack on Pearl Harbor known weeks in advance,
it was outright wanted and provoked.
Roosevelt, whose family had been New York bankers since
the 18th century, whose uncle Fredrik was on the original fed-
eral reserve board, was very sympathetic to the interests of
the international bankers and the interest was to enter the war.
And as we have seen, nothing is more profitable for interna-
tional bankers, than war.
In a journal entry by Roosevelt’s Secretary of War Henry
Stimson dated November 25th, 1941, he documented a conver-
sation he had with Roosevelt:
“The question was how should we maneuver them into fir-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
ing the first shot. It was desirable to make sure the Japanese be
the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt as to
who were the aggressors.”
In the months leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor,
Roosevelt did everything in his power to anger the Japanese,
showing a posture of aggression. He halted all of Japan’s im-
port of American Petroleum. He froze all the Japanese assets in
the United States. He made public loans to Nationalist China
and supplied military aid to the British, both enemies to Japan
in the war.. Which, by the way, is completely in violation of
international war rules.
And, on December 4th, 3 days before the attack, Austra-
lian intelligence told Roosevelt about a Japanese task force
moving towards Pearl harbor. Roosevelt ignored it. So, as
hoped and allowed, on December 7th 1941 Japan attacked Pearl
Harbor, killing 2400 soldiers. Before Pearl Harbor 83% of the
American Pubic wanted nothing to do with the War. After Pearl
Harbor, 1 million men volunteered for the war.
It is important to note, Nazi Germany’s war effect was
largely supported by two organizations, one of which was
called I.G. Farben. I.G. Farben produced 84% of Germany’s
explosives and even the Zyklon B used in the concentration
camps to kill millions. One of the unspoken partners of I.G.
Farben was J.D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company in
America. In fact the German Air force could not operate with-
out a special additive patented by Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.
The drastic bombing of London by Nazi Germany for example
was made possible by a 20 million dollar sale of fuel to I.G.
Farben by the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company.
This is just one small point about how America business
funded both sides of World war 2. One other treasonous orga-
nization worth mentioning is the Union Banking Corporation of
New York City. Not only did it finance numerous aspects of
Hitler’s rise to power, along with actual materials during the
war, it was also a Nazi money laundering bank. Which was even-
tually exposed for having millions of dollars of Nazi Money in
its vaults. The Union Banking Corporation of New York was

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
eventually seized for violation of the Trading with the Enemy
Guess who the director and Vice President of the Union
Bank was. Prescott Bush, our current president’s Grandfather,
and of course our former President’s father. Keep that in mind
when considering the moral and political dispositions of the
Bush family.
The United States official declaration of war on North Viet-
nam in 1964, came after an alleged incident involving US de-
stroyers being attack by North Vietnamese PT boats in the Gulf
of Tonkin. This was known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. This
single situation was the catalyst pretext for massive troop de-
ployment and full fledged warfare.
One problem however. The attack on the U.S. destroyers
by PT boats never happened. It was a completely staged event
to have an excuse to enter the war. Former Secretary of De-
fense Robert McNamara stated years later that the Gulf of Tonkin
incident was a “mistake”, while many other insiders and offic-
ers have come forward relaying that it was a contrived farce, a
complete lie.
Once in the war, it was business as usual. In October 1966,
president Lyndon Johnson lifted trading restrictions on the So-
viet block, knowing full well that the Soviets were providing
upwards of 80% of North Vietnams war supplies. Consequently,
Rockefeller interests financed factories in the Soviet Union,
which the Soviets used to manufacture military equipment to
send to North Vietnam.
However, the funding of both sides of this conflict was only
one side of the coin. In 1985, Vietnam’s Rules of Engagement
were declassified. This detailed what American troops were
and were not allow to do in the war. It included absurdities like:
North Vietnamese anti-aircraft missile systems could not be
bombed until they were known to be fully operational. No en-
emy could be pursued once they crossed the border of Laos or
Cambodia. And most revealing of all, the most critical strate-
gic targets were not allow to be attacked, unless initiated by

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
high military officials.
Apart from these imposed ludicrous limitation, North Viet-
nam was informed of these restrictions and therefore could
create entire strategies around the limitation of the American
Forces. This is why the war went on so long and the bottom line
is this: The Vietnam war was never meant to be won. Just sus-
tained. This war for profit resulted in 58,000 American death
and 3 million dead Vietnamese.
So, where are we now?
September 11th was the jumpstart for what is now an ac-
celerating agenda by the ruthless elite. It was a staged war
pretext no different than the sinking of the Lusitania, the pro-
voking of Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin lie. In fact if 9/11
wasn’t a planned war pretext it would be an exception to the
rule. It has been used to launch two unprovoked illegal wars.
One against Iraq and one against Afghanistan.
However, 9/11 was the pretext for another war as well. The
war against you. The patriot act, homeland security, the mili-
tary tribunals act and other legislations, are all completely and
entirely designed to destroy your civil liberties and limit your
ability to fight back against what is coming.
Currently in the United states unannounced to most brain-
washed Americans, your home can be searched without a war-
rant, without you being home, you can in turn be arrested with
no charges revealed to you, detained indefinitely with no ac-
cess to a lawyer and legally tortured. All under the suspicion
that you might be a terrorist.
If you need a painted picture of what is happening in the
country, let’s recognize how history repeats itself.
In Feb 1933, Hitler staged a false flag attack, burning down
his own German parliament building, the Reichstag, and
blamed it on communist terrorists. Within the next few weeks
he passed the Enabling Act, which completely eradicated the
German constitution destroying people’s liberties. He then
began a series of preemptive wars all justified to the German
people as necessary to maintaining homeland security.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
“An evil exists that threatens every man woman and child
in this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic
security and protect our homeland.”
George Bush?
No, Adolf Hitler when announcing gestapo to the people.
The matter of communism and its front organizations should
not obscure the issues. Our enemy is a radical network of ter-
rorists and every government that supports them. It’s time to
wake up.
The people in power go out of their way to make sure you
are perpetually mislead and manipulated. The majority’s per-
ception of reality, especially in the political arena is not their
own. It is shrewdly imposed upon them, without them even
knowing it. For example, the public at large actually believe
the invasion of Iraq is going badly, as sectarian violence doesn’t
seem to stop.
What the public fails to see, is that the destabilization of
Iraq is exactly what the people behind the government want.
This war is to be sustained, so the region can be divided up,
domination of the oil maintained, continual profits reaped for
the defense contractors and most importantly, permanent mili-
tary bases established to be used as a launching pad against
other oil bearing, non-conforming countries, such as Iran and
For further implication that the civil war and destabiliza-
tion is purely intentional - In 2005, two elite British SAS officers
were arrested by Iraq police after being caught driving around
in their car shooting at civilians, while dressed up as Arabs.
After being arrested and taken to a jail in Basra, the British
army immediately requested the release of these men. When
the Basra government refused, British tanks came in and physi-
cally broke out the men from the Basra prison.
If you wish to destroy an area, how do you do it?
Well there are two ways - you can go in there and bomb it,
and so forth, but that is not very efficient. What you do is try to
get the people in that area to kill each other and to destroy

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
their own territory, their own farms. And that’s what has been
done in that area. The way in which you destroy an opponent is
get him to destroy himself, by dividing his ranks against one
another. Then you feed both sides, you have agents feeding
both sides, inflaming both sides. And they kill each other off.
And it’s time that some of us woke up to this reality.
To understand that people who try to maintain empires and
create empires, do it by manipulating the people they are try-
ing to conquer. You might to ask yourself why the entire cul-
ture is utterly saturated by mass media entertainment from all
sides, while the educational system in America continues it stu-
pefying downward slide since the US government decided to
take over and subsidize the public school system. What your
government pays for it gets.
When we understand that, then we look at government fi-
nanced institutions of education and see the kind of student and
the kind of education that is being turned out by these govern-
ment financed schools, logic will tell you that if what is being
turned out in those school was not in accord with what the state
and the federal government wanted, it would change.
The bottom line is that the government is getting what they
have ordered. They do not want your children to be educated.
They do not want you to think too much. That is why our coun-
try and our world has become so proliferated with entertain-
ments, mass media, television shows, amusement parks, drugs,
alcohol and every kind of entertainment, to keep the human
entertained. So that you don’t get in the way of important people
by doing too much thinking.
“You had better wake up and understand that there are
people who are guiding your life and you don’t even know it. We
are in a lot of trouble! Because you people and 62 million other
Americans are listening to me right now. Because less then 3 per-
cent of you people read books. Because less than 15 percent of
you read newspapers. Because the only truth you know is what
you get over the tube.
“Right now there is a whole, an entire generation that never
knew anything that didn’t come out of the tube. The tube is the

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
gospel, the ultimate revelation. The tube can make or break presi-
dents, popes, prime ministers.. The tube is the most awesome
goddamn force in the whole godless world and woe is us, if it
ever falls in the hands of the wrong people.
“And when the largest company in the world controls the most
awesome goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless
world, who knows what shit will be peddled for truth on this net-
work! So you listen to me..listen to me: Television is not the truth.
Television is a goddamned amusement park. Television is a cir-
cus, a carnival, a traveling troop of acrobats, story tellers, danc-
ers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers and football
“We are in the boredom killing business. But you people sit
there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds..
We are all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we
are spinning here, you are beginning to think the tube is reality
and your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells
you. You dress like the tube, eat like the tube, raise your children
like the tube, you even think like the tube.
“This is mass madness you maniacs. In god’s name you
people are the real thing - we are the illusion! The last thing the
men behind the curtain want is a conscious informed public ca-
pable of critical thinking. Which is why a continually fraudulent
zeitgeist is output via religion, the mass media, and the educa-
tional system. They seek to keep you in a distracted, naive bubble.
And they are doing a damn good job of it.”
In 2005 an arrangement between Canada, Mexico and the
United States was made. This arrangement, unannounced to
the public, unregulated by congress, merges the United States,
Canada and Mexico into one entity, erasing all borders. It’s
called the North American Union.
You might want to ask yourself why you have never heard
of this. In fact, there is only one mainstream reporter who has
actually heard of it, and has had the courage to cover this is-
sue. The Bush administration’s open borders policy and its de-
cision to ignore the enforcement of this country’s immigration
laws is part of a broader agenda.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
President Bush signed a formal agreement that will end the
United States, as we know it. And he took the step without ap-
proval from either the US congress, or the people of the United
States. It’s a deal that few have even heard of. It’s been done
again, by very few people, at the very top, on behalf of the
investment class. But the working class of people, political of-
ficials across our country from communities and cities, they
don’t know anything about this.
This isn’t some trade agreement. It is a total removal of sov-
ereignty from these countries which will also result in a com-
pletely new currency called the Amero. I think the one thing
that people who are dollars based need to focus on is the
Amero, that’s the thing no one is talking about. I think it is go-
ing to have a big impact on everybody’s life in Canada, the US
and Mexico. The Amero is the proposed new currency for the
North American Community, which is being developed right
now between Canada the US and Mexico to make a borderless
community much like the EU and the Dollar, the Canadian dol-
lars and the Mexican Peso will be replaced by the Amero.
By default of this agreement, the American Constitution will
eventually be obsolete. You would think that a situation like
this would be on the cover or every major newspaper. That is
until you realize the people behind this movement are the same
people who are behind the main stream media and you are not
told what you are not supposed to know.
The North American Union is the same concept as the Eu-
ropean Union, the African Union and the soon to be Asian union
and the same people are behind all of them. And when the time
is right, the north American, union, the European union, the
African union and the Asian union will be merged together,
forming the final stages in a plan these men have been work-
ing on for over 60 years.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell


“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like
it. The only question is whether World Government will be
achieved by conquest or consent.”
-Paul Warburg, Council on Foreign Relations / Architect of
the Federal Reserve System
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York
Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose di-
rectors have attended our meetings and respected their prom-
ises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been im-
possible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been
subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the
world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a
world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intel-
lectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the na-
tional auto determination practiced in past centuries.
—David Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations
One bank, one army, one center of power. And if we have
learned anything from history. it is that power corrupts and
absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Aaron Russo, a filmmaker and former Politician. Nicholas
Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller banking and business
dynasty. After maintaining a close friendship with Nicholas
Rockefeller, Aaron eventually ended the relationship, appalled
by what he had learned about the Rockefellers and their ambi-
“I got a call one day from an attorney I knew and she said:
“Would you like to meet one of the Rockefellers?” And I said:
“Sure I would love to.” We became friends and he began to
divulge a lot of things to me, so he said to me one night, he

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
said: “There’s going to be an event, Aaron, and out of that event
we are going to go into Afghanistan, so we can run pipelines
from the Caspian Sea, we are gong to go into Iraq to take the
oil and establish a base in the middle east and we are gong to
go into Venezuela and get rid of Chavez.”
The first two they have accomplished, Chavez they didn’t
accomplish. And he said: “You are going to see guys going
into caves looking for.. looking for people they are never go-
ing to find.” He was laughing about the fact that you have this
war on Terror, and there is no real enemy.
He was talking about how by having this war on terror you
can never win it, because it is an eternal war, so you can al-
ways keep taking people’s liberties away.
And I said: “How are you gong to convince people that this
war is real?”
And he said: “By the media.. the media can convince ev-
erybody that its real.”
You just keep talking about things and saying them over
and over and over again and eventually people believe it. You
know, they created the Federal Reserve in 1913 through lies.
They create 9/11, which was another lie. Through 9/11, then you
are fighting a war on terror and all the sudden you go into Iraq,
which was another lie, and now they are going to do Iran.
It’s all one thing leading to another, leading to another,
leading to another.. I would say to him: “What are you doing
this for? What’s the point of this thing? You have all the money
in the world you would ever want, you have all the power, you’re
hurting people. It’s not a good thing.”
And he would say: “What do you care about the people
for? Take care of yourself and take care of your family”.
And then I said: “So what are the ultimate goals here?”
He said: “The ultimate goal is to get everyone in this world
chipped with an RFID chip. And have all money be on those
chips and have everything on those chips, and if anyone wants
to protest what we do or violate what we want, we can just turn
off their chips.”

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
That’s right - microchipped.
In 2005, Congress, under the pretense of immigration con-
trol and the so called war on terrorism, passed the Real ID act,
under which it is projected by May 2008, you will be required
to carry around a Federal Identification card which includes
on it a scannable bar code with you personal information. How-
ever this barcode is only an intermediary step, before the card
is equipped with a VeriChip RFID tracking Module, which will
use radio frequencies to track your every move on the planet.
If this sounds foreign to you, please note that the RFID track-
ing chip is already in all new American (and also European)
passports. And the final step is the implanted chip, which many
people have already been manipulated into accepting under
different pretenses.
We have a Florida family who are really pioneers in a brave
new world. They have volunteered to be the first ever to have
microchip identification devices implanted into their bodies.
After 9/11 I was really concerned with the security of my
family. I wouldn’t mind having something planted permanently
in my arm, that would identify me.
In the end, everybody will be locked into a monitored con-
trol grid, where every single action you perform is docu-
mented, and if you get out of line, they can just turn off your
chip, for at that point in time, every single aspect of society
will revolve around interactions with the chips.
This is the picture that is painted for the future if you open
your eyes to see it. A centralized one world economy where
everyone’s moves and everyone’s transactions are tracked and
monitored. All rights removed.
The most incredible aspect of all: These totalitarian ele-
ments will not be forced upon the people, the people will de-
mand them. For the social manipulation of society through the
generation of fear and division has completely detached hu-
man from their sense of power and reality. A process, which
has been going on for centuries if not millennia.
Religion. Patriotism, Race, Wealth, Class, and every other

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
form of arbitrary separatist identification and thus conceit, has
served to create a controlled population, utterly malleable in
the hands of the few.
Divide and Conquer is the motto, and as long as people
continue to see themselves as separate from everything else,
they lend themselves to being completely enslaved. The men
behind the curtain know this. And they also know, that if people
ever realize the truth of their relationship to nature, and the
truth of their personal power.. The entire manufactured Zeit-
geist they prey upon, will collapse like a house of cards..
The whole system that we live in, drilled into us that we are
powerless, that we are weak, that society is evil, that it’s crime
ridden and so forth. It is all a big fat lie! We are powerful, beau-
tiful, extraordinary.
There is no reason why we cannot understand who we truly
are where we are going. There is no reason why the average
individual cannot be fully empowered. We are incredibly pow-
erful beings. I think I spent 30 years of my life, the first 30 try-
ing to become something. I wanted to become good at things,
I wanted to become good at tennis and school and grades. And
everything I kinda viewed in that perspective, I’m not okay the
way I am, but if I got good at things. I realized that I had the
game wrong. Because the game was to find out what I already
was. Now, in our culture we have been trained for individual
differences to stand out.
So you look at each person and immediately he is brighter,
dumber, older, younger, richer, poorer. And we make all these
dimensional distinctions, put them in categories and treat them
that way. And get so we only see others as separate from our-
selves in the ways in which they are separate. And one of the
dramatic characteristics of experience is being with another
person and suddenly seeing the ways in which they are like
you, not different from you.
And experiencing the fact that is essence in you, which is
essence in me is, indeed, one. The understanding that there is
no other. It is all one. I wasn’t born John Doe, I was just born as
a human being and then I learn this whole business of who I

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
am, whether I’m good or bad, achieving or not.. All that’s
learned along the way.
We will see how very important it is to bring about, in the
human mind, the radical revolution. The crisis, is a crisis of
consciousness. A crisis that cannot anymore, accept the old
norms, the old patterns, the ancient traditions. And, consider-
ing what the world is now, with all the misery, conflict, destruc-
tive brutality, aggression, and so on...
Man is still as he was. Is still brutal, violent, aggressive,
acquisitive, competitive. And, he’s built a society along these
lines. - J. Krishnamurti
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly
sick society. - J. Krishnamurti
Society today, is composed of a series of institutions. From
political institutions, legal institutions, religious institutions. To
institutions of social class, familiar values, and occupational
specialization. It is obvious, the profound influence these
traditionalized structures have in shaping our understandings
and perspectives.
Yet, of all the social institutions, we are born into, directed
by, and conditioned upon, there seems to be no system as taken
for granted, and misunderstood, as the monetary system. Tak-
ing on nearly religious proportions, the established monetary
institution exists as one of the most unquestioned forms of faith
there is.
How money is created, the policies by which it is governed,
and how it truly affects society, are unregistered interests of
the great majority of the population. In a world where 1% of the
population owns 40% of the planet’s wealth. In a world where
34.000 children die every single day from poverty and pre-
ventable diseases, and, where 50% of the world’s population
lives on less than 2 dollars a day...
One thing is clear. Something is very wrong. And, whether
we are aware of it or not, the lifeblood of all of our established
institutions, and thus society itself, is money.
Therefore, understanding this institution of monetary policy

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
is critical to understanding why our lives are the way they are.
Unfortunately, economics is often viewed with confusion and
boredom. Endless streams of financial jargon, coupled with in-
timidating mathematics, quickly deters people from attempts
at understanding it.
However, the fact is: The complexity associated with the
financial system is a mere mask, designed to conceal one of
the most socially paralyzing structures humanity has ever en-
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely
believe they are free. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe- 1749-1832
A number of years ago, the central bank of the United
States, the Federal Reserve, produced a document entitled
“Modern Money Mechanics”. This publication detailed the in-
stitutionalized practice of money creation as utilized by the fed-
eral reserve and the web of global commercial banks it sup-
ports. On the opening page the document states its objective.
The purpose of this booklet is to describe the basic process of
money creation in a fractional reserve banking system.
It then procedes to describe this fractional reserve pro-
cess through various banking terminology. A translation of
which goes something like this. The united states government
decides it needs some money. So it calls up the federal reserve
and requests say 10 billion dollars.
The FED replies saying: “sure, we’ll buy ten billion in gov-
ernment bonds from you”. So the government takes some
pieces of paper, paints some official looking designs on them,
and calls them treasury bonds. Then it puts a value on these
bonds to the sum of 10 billion dollars and sends them over to
the FED.
In turn the people of the FED drop a bunch of impressive
pieces of papers themselves. Only this time, calling them fed-
eral reserve notes. Also designating a value of ten billion dol-
lars to the set. The FED than takes these notes and trades them
for the bonds.
Once this exchange is complete, the government then takes

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
the ten billion in federal reserve notes, and deposits it into an
bank account. And, upon this deposit the paper notes officially
become legal tender money. Adding ten billion to the US money
And there it is! Ten billion in new money has been created.
Of course, this example is a generalization. For, in reality, this
transaction would occur electronically. With no paper used at
all. In fact, only three percent of US money supply exists in
physical currency. The other 97 percent essentially exists in
computers alone.
Now, government bonds are by design instruments of debt.
And when the FED purchases these bonds with money it es-
sentially created out of thin air, the government is actually
promising to pay back that money to the FED.
In other words, the money was created out of debt. This
mind numbing paradox, of how money or value can be cre-
ated out of debt, or a liability, will become more clear as we
further this exercise.
So, the exchange has been made. And now, ten billion dol-
lars sits in a commercial bank account. Here is where it gets
really interesting. For, as based on the fractional reserve prac-
tice, that ten billion dollar deposit instantly becomes part of
the banks reserves. Just as all deposits do.
And, regarding reserve requirements as stated in “ Mod-
ern Money Mechanics”: “a bank must maintain legally required
reserves equal to a prescribed percentage of its deposits”. It
then quantifies this by stating: “Under current regulations, the
reserve requirement against most transaction accounts is ten
This means that with a ten billion dollar deposit, ten per-
cent, or one billion, is held as the required reserve. While the
other nine billion is considered an excessive reserve, and can
be used as the basis for new loans.
Now, it is logical to assume, that this nine billion is literally
coming out of the existing ten billion dollar deposit. However,
this is actually not the case. What really happens, is that the

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
nine billion is simply created out of thin air on top of the exist-
ing 10 billion dollar deposit. This is how the money supply is
As stated in “Modern Money Mechanics”: “Of course they”
the banks, “do not really pay out loans for the money, they re-
ceive as deposits. If they did this, no additional money would
be created. What they do when they make loans is to accept
promissory notes - loan contracts in exchange for credits -
money to the borrowers transaction accounts.
In other words, the nine billion can be created out of noth-
ing. Simply because there is a demand for such a loan, and that
there is a 10 billion dollar deposit to satisfy the reserve require-
Now let’s assume that somebody walks into this bank and
borrows the newly available nine billion dollars. They will then
most likely take that money and deposit it into their own bank
account. The process then repeats. For that deposit becomes
part of the banks reserves.
Ten percent is isolated and in turn 90 percent of the nine
billion, or 8.1 billion is now available as newly created money
for more loans. And, of course, that 8.1 can be loaned out and
redeposited creating an additional 7.2 billion to 6.5 billion... to
5.9 billion... etc... This deposit money creation loan cycle can
technically go on to infinity.
The average mathematical result is that about 90 billion
dollars can be created on top of the original 10 billion. In other
words: For every deposit that ever occurs in the banking sys-
tem, about nine times that amount can be created out of thin
air. Money-Jitters. Ask the obliging Bank of America for a jar of
soothing instant money. M-O-N-E-Y in the form of a convenient
personal loan.
So, now that we understand how money is created by this
fractional reserve banking system. A logical yet illusive ques-
tion might come to mind: What is actually giving this newly cre-
ated money value? The answer: the money that already exists.
The new money essentially steals value from the existing money
supply. For the total pool of money is being increased irrespec-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
tive to demand for goods and services. And, as supply and
demand defines equilibrium, prices rise, diminishing the pur-
chasing power of each individual dollar.
This is generally referred to as inflation. And inflation is
essentially a hidden tax on the public. What is the advice that
you generally get? That is, inflate the currency. They don’t say:
debase the currency. They don’t say: devalue the currency.
They don’t say: Cheat the people who are safe, they say lower
the interest rates. The real deception is when we distort the
value of money.
When we create money out of thin air, we have no savings.
Yet there is so called “capital”. So, my question boils down to
this: How in the world can we expect to solve the problems of
inflation. That is: increase in the supply of money, with more
inflation. Of course it can’t.
The fractional reserve system of monetary expansion is
inherently inflationary. For the act of expanding the money sup-
ply, without there being a proportional expansion of goods and
services in the economy, will always debase a currency. In fact,
the quick glance of the historical values of the US dollar, ver-
sus the money supply, reflects this point of definitively.
For inverse relationship is obvious. One dollar in 1913 re-
quired $21.60 in 2007 to match value. That is a 96 percent de-
valuation since the Federal Reserve came into existence. Now,
this reality of inherent and perpetual inflation seems absurd
and economically self defeating.
Hold that thought. For absurdity is an understatement in
regard to how our financial system really operates. For in our
financial system money is debt, and debt is money. Here is a
chart of the US money supply from 1950 to 2006. Here is a chart
to the US national debt for the same period. How interesting it
is, that the trends are virtually the same. For the more money
there is the more debt there is. The more debt there is the more
money there is.
To put it a different way. Every single dollar in your wallet
is owed to somebody by somebody. For remember: the only
way the money can come in to existence is from loans. There-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
fore, if everyone in the country were able to pay off all debts
including the government, there would not be one dollar in
“If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t
be any money.”Marriner Eccies - Governor of the Federal Re-
serve, September 30th, 1941.
In fact, the last time in American history the national debt
was completely paid off was in 1835 after president Andrew
Jackson shut down the central bank that preceded the Federal
Reserve. In fact, Jackson’s entire political platform essentially
revolved around his commitment to shut down the central bank.
Stating that one point: “The bold efforts the present bank
was made to control the government... are but premonitions of
the fate that awaits the American people should they be de-
luded into a perpetuation of this institution or, the establish-
ment of another like it.”
Unfortunately this message was short lived. And the inter-
national bankers succeeded to install another central bank in
1913, the Federal Reserve. And as long as this institution exists
perpetual debt is guaranteed.
Now, so far we have discussed the reality that money is cre-
ated out of debt through loans. These loans are based on a
banks reserves, and reserves are derived from deposits. And
through this fractional reserve system, any one deposit can
create 9 times its original value. In turn, debasing the existing
money supply raising prices in society. And, since all this
money is created out of debt, and circulated randomly through
commerce, people become detached from their original debt.
And a disequilibrium exists where people are forced to
compete for labor in order to pull enough money out of the
money supply to cover their costs of living.
As dysfunctional and backwards as all of this might seem,
there is still one thing we have omitted from this equation. And
it is this element of the structure which reveals the truly fraudu-
lent nature of the system itself. The application of interest. When
the government borrows money from the FED, or when a per-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
son borrows money from a bank, it almost always has to be
paid back with a crude interest. In other words, almost every
single dollar that exists must be eventually returned to a bank
with interest payed as well.
But, if all money is borrowed from the Central Bank, and is
expanded by commercial banks through loans, only what
would be referred to as the “principal” is been created in the
money supply. So then, where is the money to cover all of the
interest that is charged? Nowhere. It doesn’t exist.
The ramifications of this are staggering. For the amount of
money owed back to the banks will always exceed the amount
of money that is available in circulation. This is why inflation is
a constant in the economy. For new money is always needed to
help cover the perpetual deficit build in to the system. Caused
by the need to pay the interest.
What this also means, is that mathematically the defaults
and bankruptcy are literally built into the system. And there
will always be poor pockets of society that get the short end of
the stick. An analogy would be a game of musical chairs: For
once the music stops, somebody is left out to dry. And that is
the point.
It invariably transfers true wealth for the individual to the
banks. For, if you are unable to pay for your mortgage, they
will take your property. This is particularly enraging when you
realize, that not only is such a default inevitable due to the frac-
tional reserve practice, but, also because of the fact that the
money that the bank loaned to you didn’t even legally exist in
the first place.
In 1969 there was a Minnesota court case involving a man
named Jerome Daly who was challenging the foreclosure of
his home by the bank, which provided the loan to purchase it.
His argument was that the mortgage contract required both
parties, being he and the bank, each put up a legitimate form
of property for the exchange. In legal language this is called
consideration [a contract’s basis. A contract is founded on an
exchange of one form of consideration for another.]
Mr. Daly explained that the money was, in fact, not the prop-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
erty of the bank. For it was created out of nothing as soon as the
loan agreement was signed. Remember what “Modern Money
Mechanics” stated about loans?
What they do, when they make loans, is to accept promis-
sory notes in exchange for credits. Reserves are unchanged
by the loan transactions. But, deposit credits constitute new
additions to the total deposits of the banking system. In other
words, the money doesn’t come out of their existing assets. The
bank is simply inventing it, putting up nothing of it’s own, ex-
cept for a theoretical liability on paper.
As the court case progressed, the bank’s president Mr.
Morgan took the stand. And in the judge’s personal memoran-
dum, he recalled that the Plaintiff - banks president - admitted
that, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank, did create
the money and credits upon its books by bookkeeping entry.
The money and credit first came into existence when they
created it. Mr. Morgan admitted that no United States Law or
Statute existed which gave him the right to do this. A lawful
consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note.
The Jury found that there was no lawful consideration, and I
He also poetically added, “Only God can create something
of value out of nothing”.
And, upon this revelation the court rejected the bank’s
claim for foreclosure, and Daly kept his home. The implica-
tions of this court decision are immense. For every time you
borrow money from a bank, whether it is a mortgage loan or a
credit card charge, the money given to you is not only coun-
terfeit, it is a illegitimate form of consideration and hence, voids
the contract to repay. For the bank never had the money as
property to begin with.
Unfortunately such legal realizations are suppressed and
ignored. And the game of perpetual wealth transfer and per-
petual debt continues. And this brings us to the ultimate ques-
tion: Why?
During the American Civil War President Lincoln bypassed

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
the high interest loans offered by the European banks, and
decided to do what the founding fathers advocated. Which was
to create an independent and inherently debt-free currency. It
was called “The Greenback”.
Shortly after this measure was taken, an internal document
circulated between private British and American banking in-
terests, stated: “Slavery is but the owning of labor and carries
with it the care of the laborers, while the European that
capital shall control labor by controlling wages.”
This can be done by controlling the money. It will not do to
allow the Greenback... as we cannot control that. The fractional
reserve policy, perpetrated by the Federal Reserve which has
spread in practice to the great majority of banks in the world,
is in fact a system of modern slavery.
Think about it, money is created out of debt. What can the
people do when they are in debt? They submit to employment
to pay it off. But if money only can only be created out of loans,
how can society ever be debt free? It can’t, and that’s the point.
And it is the fear of losing assets, coupled with the struggle
to keep up, with the perpetual debt and inflation inherent in
the system compounded by the inescapable scarcity, within in
the money supply itself, created by the interest that can never
be repaid. that keeps the wage-slave in line, running on a ham-
ster wheel, with millions of others. In effect, powering an em-
pire that truly benefits only the elite at the top of the pyramid.
For, at the end of the day, who are you really working for? The
Money is created in the bank, and invariably ends up in a
bank. They are the true masters, along with the corporations
and governments they support. Physical slavery requires
people to be housed and fed. Economic slavery requires
people to feed and house themselves. It is one of the most in-
genious scams for social manipulation ever created.
And at its core, it is an invisible war against the population.
Debt is the weapon used to conquer and enslave societies, and
interest is its prime ammunition. And, as the majority walks
around oblivious to this reality, the banks in collusion with gov-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
ernments and corporations continue to perfect and expand their
tactics of economic warfare, spawning new bases, such as the
World Bank and International Monetary Fund [IMF], while also
inventing a new type of soldier.
The birth of the economic hitman.
There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One
is by sword. The other is by debt.
—John Adams - 1735-1826
The economic hitmen really have been the ones respon-
sible for creating this first truly global empire. And we work
many different ways. But, perhaps the most common is that we
will identify a country that has resources, like oil. And then,
arrange a huge loan to that country from the World Bank or
one of it’s sister organizations. But the money never actually
goes to that country. Instead it goes to our big corporations to
build infrastructure projects in that country. Power plants, In-
dustrial parks, Ports... Things that benefit a few rich people in
that country. In addition, our Corporations.
But really don’t help the majority to people at all. However,
those people, the whole country, is left holding the huge debt.
It’s such a big debt they can’t repay, and that’s the part of the
plan... They can’t repay it! And so, at some point, the economic
hitman, goes back to them and says, “Listen”
“You lost a lot of Money. Can’t pay your Debt. So...”
“Sell your oil.”
“Real cheap to our oil companies”
“Allow us to build a Military Base in your Country...”
“Send troops and support one of our’s, to some place in
the world like...”
“Iraq or vote with us on the next U.N.”
Vote, to have their electric utility company privatized and
their water and sewage system privatized and sold to US cor-
porations or other multinational corporations.
So there is a whole mushrooming thing, and it’s so typical,
the way the IMF and the World Bank work. They put a country
in debt, and it’s such a big debt they can’t repay it! And then

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
they offer to refinance that debt, and pay them more interest.
And you demand... this “quid pro quo” what you call a condi-
tionality or good governance which means basically, that they
have to sell off their resources, including many of their social
services, their utility companies.. their school systems some-
times, their penal systems, their insurance systems... to foreign
So it’s a double - triple - quadruple whammie! The concept
for the Economic Hitman really began back in the early 50’s
when democratically elected “Mossadegh” who was elected
in Iran... He was considered to be “The hope for Democracy”
in the middle east or around the world. He was Time-Magazine’s
man of the year. But... one of the things that he brought on to
end the implementation was the idea that foreign oil compa-
nies needed to pay the Iranian people a lot more for the oil that
they were taking out of Iran and the Iranian people should ben-
efit from their own oil. - Strange policy - we didn’t like that of
course, but we were afraid to do what we normally were do-
ing, which was to send in the military; instead we sent in one
CIA agent, Kermit Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt’s relative.
And Kermit went in with a few million dollars, and was very
very effective and efficient and in a short amount of time, he
managed to get Mossadeg overthrown, and brought in the Shah
of Iran to replace him, who always was favorable to oil, and it
was extremely effective.
Revolt in Iran. Mobs overran Tehran. Army officers shout
that Mossadeg has surrendered and his regime as virtual dic-
tator of Iran has ended. Pictures of the Shah are paraded
through the streets as sentiment reverses. The Shah is wel-
comed home. So back here in the United States, in Washing-
ton, people looked around and said “wow, that was easy and
So this established the whole new way, of manipulating
countries, of creating empire. The only problem with Roosevelt
was that he was a card carrying CIA agent and if he’d been
caught, the ramifications could have been pretty serious, so
very quickly at that point, the decision was made to use pri-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
vate consultants to channel the money through the world bank
or the IMF or one of the other such agencies to bring in people
like me, who work for private companies so that if we got
caught, there would be no goverment ramifications.
When Arbenz became president of Guatemala, the coun-
try was very much under the thumbs of United Fruit company.
The big international cooperations and Arbenz ran on this ticket
that said: “We want to give the land back to the people”. And
once he took power he was implementing policies that would
do exactly that... give the land rights back to the people.
“United Fruit” didn’t like that very much, and so they hired
a public relations firm to hatch the huge campaign in the United
States to convince the United States, the people...the citizens
of the United States, the press of the United States and the con-
gress of the United States, that Arbenz was a soviet puppet.
And that if we allowed him to stay in power the Soviets
would have a foot hold in this hemisphere. And at that point in
time there was a huge fear on everybody’s mind, of the Red
terror, the Communist terror.
And so, to make a long story short, out of this public rela-
tions campaign came a commitment on the part of the CIA and
the military to take this man out. And in fact, we did! We sent in
planes, we sent in soldiers, we sent in jackals, we sent every-
thing in to take him out. And did take him out and as soon as he
was removed from office, the new guy, that took over after him
basically reinstated everything to the big international corpo-
rations. Including United Fruit.
Ecuador, for many many years had been ruled by Pro-US-
Dictators and they were often relatively brutal. Then it was
decided to have a truly democratic ellection. Jaime Roldos ran
for office and his main goal , he said, as president would be......
to make sure that Ecuador’s resources were used to help the
And he won! Overwhelming. By more votes than anybody
had ever won anything in Ecuador. And he began to imple-
ment these policies. To make sure that the profits from Oil went
to help the people.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Well... We didn’t like that in the United States. I was sent
down as one of several Economic Hitman to change Roldos. To
corrupt him. To bring him around... to let him know... you know.
“OK, You can get very rich, if you and your family play our
“But if you continue to try to keep these policies you prom-
ised... ah... You gonna go!”
He wouldn’t listen...
He was assassinated.
As soon as the plane crashed, the whole area was cordoned
off. The only people allowed in were US military from a nearby
base, and some of the Ecuadorian military. When an investiga-
tion was launched, two of the key witnesses died in car acci-
dents before they had a chance to testify.
A lot of very very strange things that went on around the
assassination of Jaime Roldos. I ,like most people who have re-
ally looked at this case, have absolutely no doubt that it was an
And of course in my position as an economic hitman I was
obviously expecting something to happen to Jaime, whether it
be a coup or assassination I wasn’t sure, but that he would be
taken down because he was was not being corrupted, he would
not allow himself to be corrupted the way we wanted to cor-
rupt him.
Omar Torrijos, president of Panama was, you know, one of
my favorite people. I really, really liked him. He was very char-
ismatic. He was a guy who really wanted to help his country.
And when I tried to bribe him or corrupt him he said Look
John...He called me Juanito. Look Juanito, I dont need the
What I really need is for my country to be treated fairly. I
need for the United States to repay the debts that you owe my
people for all the destruction you’ve done here. I need to be in
a position where I can help other Latin American countries win
their independence, and be free of this terrible presence from
the north. You people are exploiting us so badly.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
I need to have the Panama canal back in the hands of the
Panamanian people. That’s what I want. And so, leave me alone,
don’t try to bribe me.
It was 1981 and in May, Jaime Roldos was assassinated. And
Omar was very aware of this. Torrijos got his family together
and said I’m probably next, but its okay because I’ve done what
I came here to do. I’ve renegotiated the canal. The canal will
now be in our hands.
He’d just finished negotiating the treaty with Jimmy Carter.
In June of that same year, just a couple of months later, he also
went down in an airplane crash. Which there is no question,
was executed by CIA sponsored jackals.
A tremendous amount of evidence that one of Torijjos se-
curity guards handed him at the last moment as he was getting
on the plane a tape recorder. A small tape recorder that con-
tained a bomb.
It is interesting to me how this system has continued pretty
much the same way for years and years and years, except the
economic hit men have gotten better and better and better.
Then we come up with very recently what happened in
Venezuela. In 1998, Hugo Chavez gets elected president, fol-
lowing a long line of presidents that have been very corrupt
and basically destroyed the economy of the country. And
Chavez was elected amidst all that.
Chavez stood up to the United States, and he’d done it pri-
marily by demanding that Venezuelan oil be used to help the
Venezuelan people. Well we didn’t like that in the United States.
So in 2002, a coup was staged which was no question in my
mind, in most other peoples minds, that the CIA was behind
that coup. The way that that coup was fomented was very re-
flective of what Kermit Roosevelt had done in Iran. Of paying
people to go out into the streets, to riot, to protest, to say that
Chavez was very unpopular. You know, if you can get a few
thousand people to do that, Television can make it look like it
is the whole country and things start to mushroom.
Except in the case of Chavez, he was smart enough and the

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
people were so strongly behind him that they overcame it.
Which was a phenomenal moment in the history of Latin
America. Iraq actually is a perfect example of the way the whole
system works.
We economic hitmen are the first line of defense. We go
in, we try to corrupt governments and get them to try to accept
these huge loans which we then use as leverage, to basically
own them. If we fail, as I failed in Panama with Omar Torrijos,
and Ecuador with Jaime Roldos, men who refused to be cor-
rupted, then the second line of defense is we send in the jack-
And the jackals either overthrow governments or they as-
sassinate. And once that happens then a new government
comes in and boy its gonna toe the line because the new presi-
dent knows what will happen if he doesn’t.
In the case of Iraq, both of those things failed. The economic
hitmen were not able to get through to Saddam Hussein. We
tried very hard. We tried to get him to accept a deal very simi-
lar to what the House of Saud had accepted in Saudi Arabia,
but he wouldn’t accept it.
And so the jackals went in to take him out. They couldn’t
do it. His security was very good. After all, he at one time had
worked for the CIA. He’d been hired to assassinate the former
president of Iraq, and failed, but he knew the system.
So in ‘91 we send in the troops and we take out the Iraqi
military. So we assume at that point that Saddam Hussein is
gonna come around. We could have taken him out, of course,
at that time, but we didn’t want to. He’s the kind of strong man
we like. He controls his people. We thought he could control
the Kurds, keep the Iranians in their border, and keep pump-
ing oil for us.
And that once we took out his military, now he’s gonna come
around. So the economic hitmen go back in in the 90s without
If they’d had success he’d still be running the country. We’d
be selling him all the fighter jets he wants, and everything else

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
he wants, but they couldn’t, they didn’t have success. The jack-
als couldn’t take him out again, so we sent the military in once
again and this time we did the complete job and took him out.
And in the process created for ourselves some very very
lucrative construction deals to reconstruct a country that we’d
essentially just destroyed. Which is a pretty good deal if you
own construction companies, big ones.
So Iraq shows the three stages. The economic hitmen failed
there. The jackals failed there. And as a final measure the mili-
tary goes in. And in that way we’ve really created an empire,
but we’ve done it very very subtly.
Its clandestine. All empires of the past were built on the
military, and everybody knew they were building them. The
British knew they were building them, the French, the Germans,
the Romans, the Greeks and they were proud of it. They al-
ways had some excuse like spreading civilization, spreading
some religion, something like that, but they knew they were
doing it. We don’t.
The majority of the people in the United States have no idea
that we’re living off the benefits of the clandestine empire. That
today there is more slavery in the world than ever before. Then
you have to ask yourself, well if its an empire, then who is the
Obviously our presidents of the United States are not em-
perors. An emperor is someone who is not elected, doesn’t
serve a limited term, and doesn’t report to anyone, essentially.
So you can’t classify our presidents that way.
But we do have what I consider to be the equivalent of the
emperor, and its what I call the Corporatocracy. The
Corporatocracy is this group of individuals who run our big-
gest corporations. And they really act as the emperor of this
empire. They control our media, either through direct owner-
ship or advertising.
They control most of our politicians because they finance
their campaigns, either through the corporations or through
personal contributions that come out of the corporations.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
They’re not elected, then don’t serve a limited term, they don’t
report to anybody, and at the very top of the Corporatocracy
you really can’t tell whether the person is working for a private
corporation or the government because they’re always mov-
ing back and forth.
So you’ve got a guy who is one moment is the president of
a big construction company like Haliburton, and the next mo-
ment he’s Vice President of the United States. Or the President
who was in the oil business. And this is true whether you get
Democrats or Republicans in the office. You have this moving
back and forth, through the revolving door. And in a way, our
government is invisible a lot of the time, and policies are car-
ried out by our corporations on one level or another.
And then again, the policies of the government are basi-
cally forged by the Corporatocracy, and then presented to the
government and they become government policy. So, there is
an incredibly cozy relationship. This isn’t a conspiracy theory
type of thing. These people don’t have to get together and plot
to do things.
They all basically work under one primary assumption, and
that is that they must maximize profits regardless of the social
and environmental costs. This process of manipulation by the
corporatocracy through the use of debt, bribery and political
overthrow is called: Globalization.
Just as the Federal Reserve keeps the American public in a
position of indentured servitude, though perpetual debt, infla-
tion and interest, the World Bank and IMF serve this role on a
global scale. The basic scam is simple: Put a country in debt
and you divide by indisgression - or through corrupting the
leader of that country - then impose “conditionalities” or “struc-
tural adjustment policies” often consisting of the following:
Currency devaluation. When the value of a currency drops,
so does everything valued in it. This makes indigenous re-
sources available to predator countries at a fraction of their
Large funding cuts for social programs, these usually in-
clude education and healthcare, compromising the well-be-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
ing and integrity of the society leaving the public vulnerable
to exploitation.
Privatization of state-owned enterprises. This means that
socially important systems can be purchased and regulated
by foreign corporations for profit. For example in 1999 the
World Bank insisted that the Bolivian government sell the pub-
lic water system of it’s third-largest city to a subsidy of the US-
corporation “Bechtel”.
As soon as this occurred waterbills for the already impov-
erished local residents skyrocketed. It wasn’t until after full-
blown revolt by the people that the Bechtel contract was nulli-
Then there is trade liberalization or the opening up of the
economy through removing any restrictions on foreign trade.
This allows for a number of abusive economic manifestations,
such as transnational corporations bringing in their own mass-
produced products undercutting the indigenous production
and ruining local economies.
An example is Jamaica, which after accepting loans and
conditionalities from the World Bank lost it’s largest cash crop
markets due to competition with western imports. Today count-
less farmers are out of work for they’re unable to compete with
the large corporations. Another variation is the creation of nu-
merous, seemingly unnoticed, unregulated, inhuman sweat-
shop factories, which take advantage of the imposed economic
Additionally, due to production-deregulation, environmen-
tal destruction is perpetual as a country’s resources are often
exploited by the indifferent corporations while outputting large
amounts of deliberate pollution.
The largest environmental lawsuit in the history of the world
today is being brought on behalf of 30,000 Ecuadorian and
Amazonian people against Texaco, which is now owned by
Chevron so it’s against Chevron, but for activities conducted
by Texaco.
They’re estimated to be more than 18 times what the Exxon

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Valdez dumped into the Coast of Alaska. In the case of Ecua-
dor it wasn’t an accident. The oil companies did it intention-
ally; they knew they were doing it to save money rather than
arranging for proper disposal.
Furthermore, a cursory glance at the performance record
of the World Bank reveals that the institution, which publicly
claims to help poor countries develop and alleviate poverty,
has done nothing but increase poverty and the wealth-gap,
while corporate profits soar.
In 1960 the income-gap between the fifth of the world’s
people and the richest countries, versus the fifth in the poorest
countries was thirty to one. By 1998, it was seventy-four to one.
While global GNP rose 40% between 1970 and 1985, those in
poverty actually increased, by 17%. While from 1985 to 2000,
those living on less than one dollar a day increased by 18%.
Even the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress
admitted that there is a mere 40% success rate of all World Bank
projects. In the late 1960’s, the World Bank intervened in Ecua-
dor with large loans. During the next 30 years, poverty grew
from 50% to 70%. Under or unemployment grew from 15% to
70%. Public debt increased from 240 million to 16 billion, while
the share of resources allocated to the poor went from 20% to
In fact, by the year 2000, 50% of Ecuador’s national budget
had to be allocated for paying its debts. It is important to un-
derstand: the World Bank is, in fact, a U.S. bank, supporting
U.S. interests. For the United States holds veto-power over de-
cisions, as it is the largest provider of capital. And where did it
get this money? You guessed it: it made it out of thin air through
the fractional reserve banking system.
Of the world’s top 100 economies, as based on annual GDP,
Walmart, General Motors, and Exxon, are more economically
powerful than Saudi Arabia, Poland, Norway, South Africa, Fin-
land, Indonesia, and many others. And, as protective trade-bar-
riers are broken down, currencies tossed together and manipu-
lated in floating markets, and State economies overturned in
favor of competition in global capitalism, the empire expands.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
You get up on your little 21 inch screen and howl about
America and democracy. There is no America, there is no de-
mocracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont,
Dow, Union Carbine, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the
world today.
What do you think the Russians talk about in their counsels
of state- Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming
charts, statistical decision theories, min and max solutions, and
compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and
investments just like we do.
We no longer live in a world of Nations and Ideologies.
The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined
by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business.
Taken cumulatively, the integration of the world as a whole,
particularly in terms of economic globalization and the mythic
qualities of “free market” capitalism, represents a veritable
“empire” in its own right... Few have been able to escape the
“structural adjustments” and “conditionalities” of the World
Bank, the International Monetary Fund, or the arbitrations of
the World Trade Organization, those international financial in-
stitutions that, however inadequate, still determine what eco-
nomic globalization means...
Such is the power of globalization that within our lifetime
we are likely to see the integration, even if unevenly, of all na-
tional economies in the world into a single global, free market
—Jim Garrison, President, State of the World Forum
The World is being taken over by a handful of business
powers who dominate the natural resources we need to live,
while controlling the money we need to obtain these resources.
The end result will be world monopoly based not on human
life but financial and corporate power. And, as the inequality
grows, naturally, more and more people are becoming des-
So the establishment was forced to come up with a new
way to deal with anyone who challenges the system. So they
gave birth to the ‘Terrorist.” The term ‘terrorist’ is an empty

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
distinction designed for any person or group that chooses to
challenge the establishment. This isn’t to be confused with the
fictional ‘Al Qaida’, which was actually the name of a computer
database of the U.S.-supported Mudjahedeen in the 1980’s.
“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group
called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows
this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public
believe in the presence of an identified entity... The country
behind this propaganda is the US.”
—Pierre-Henry Bunel, Former French Military Intelligence
In 2007, the Department of Defense received 161.8 billion
dollars for the so-called global war on terrorism. According to
the national counter-terrorism center, in 2004 roughly 2000
people were killed internationally due to supposed terrorist
acts. Of that number, 70 were American. Using this number as
a general average, which is extremely generous, it is interest-
ing to note that twice as many people die from peanut aller-
gies a year than from terrorist acts.
Concurrently, the leading cause of death in America is coro-
nary heart disease, killing roughly 450,000 each year. And in
2007, the government’s allocation of funds for research on this
issue was about three billion dollars. This means, that the US
government, in 2007, spent 54 times the amount for preventing
terrorism, than it spent for preventing the disease, which kills
tens of thousands, yet, as the name terrorism and Al Qaida are
arbitrarily stamped on every news report relating to any ac-
tion taken against US interests. The myth grows wider!
In mid 2008 the “US Attorney General” actually proposed,
that the US congress officially declare war against the fantasy
not to mention as of July 2008, there are now over 1 million
people currently on the US terrorist watch list.
These so called “Counter-Terrorism Measures,” of course,
had nothing to do with social protection - and everything to do
with preserving the establishment against the growing Anti-
American sentiment both domestically and internationally
which is legitimately founded on the greed based corporate
empire expansion that is exploiting the world.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
The true terrorists of our world do not meet at the darks at
midnight or scream “Allah Akbar” before some violent action.
The true terrorists of our world, wear $5,000 dollar suits, and
work in the highest positions of finance, government and busi-
So, what do we do ? How do we stop a system of greed and
corruption, that has so much power and momentum? How do
we stop this aberrant group behavior, which feels no compas-
sion for, say, the millions slaughtered in Iraq and Afghanistan
so the corporatacracy can control energy resources and opium
production for Wall Street profit?
Before 1980, Afghanistan produced 0% of the world’s sup-
ply of opium.
After the US/CIA backed Mujahideen won the Soviet/Af-
ghan war, by 1986 they were producing 40% of the world’s
heroin supply.
By 1988, they were producing 80%.
But then, something unexpected happened.
The Taliban rose to power, and by 2000 they had destroyed
most of the opium fields.
Production dropped from 3,000+ tons to only 185 tons, a
94% reduction.
On Sept. 9th 2001, the full Afghanistan invasion plans were
on President Bush’s Desk. Two days later they had their ex-
cuse. Today, opium production is in US controlled Afghanistan,
which now provides more than 90% of the world’s heroin and
breaks new production records nearly every year.
How do we stop a system of greed and corruption that con-
demns poor populations to “Sweatshop-Slavery” for the ben-
efit of Madison Avenue? Or that engineers false-flag terror at-
tacks for the sake of manipulation? Or that generates “Built-in-
Modes” of social operation, which are inherently exploited. Or
that systematically reduces civil liberties, and violates human
rights in order to protect it self from it’s own shortcomings?
How do we deal with the numerous covert institutions? Such
as the Council on Foreign Relations? The Trilateral Commis-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
sion and the Bilderberg Group and other undemocratically
elected groups which behind closed doors collude to control
the political, financial, social and environmental elements of
our lives.
In order to find the answer, we must first find the true un-
derlying cause. For the fact is, the selfish, corrupt, power and
profit based groups are not the true source of the problem.
They are symptoms! Greed and Competition are not the result
of immutable human temperament ...greed and fear of scar-
city are in fact being created and amplified and the direct con-
sequence is that we have to fight with each other in order to
Jacque Frescois is an industrial designer and a social en-
gineer. He is very much interested in society and developing
a system that might be suitable for all people. First of all, the
world corruption is a monitory invention, that aberrant behav-
ior, behavior that’s destructive for the wellbeing of people, or
for dealing with human behavior and human behavior appears
to be environmentally determinant; meaning, if you were raised
by the Seminole Indians as a baby, never saw anything else
you hold that system. And this goes for nations, for individuals,
for families. They try to indoctrinate their children to their par-
ticular faith in their country and make them feel like their are
part of the land and they built a society, which they call estab-
lished. They established a workable point of view and intend
to perpetuate that, whereas all societies are really emergent,
not established and so they fight new ideas, that would inter-
fere with the establishment.
Governments try to perpetuate that which keeps them in
power. People are not elected to political office to change
things. They are put there to keep things the way they are. so
you see, the bases of corruption is in our society.
Let me make it clear. All nations then are basically corrupt
because they tend to uphold existing institutions. I don’t mean
to uphold, or downgrade all nations, but communism, social-
ism, facism, the free enterprise-system and all other sub-cul-
tures are the same; they are all basically corrupt. The most fun-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
damental characteristic of our social institutions is a necessity
for Self-Preservation, but they’re dealing with the cooperation
from of religion or government; the foremost interest is to pre-
serve the institution itself.
For instance, the last thing an oil company would ever want
is the utilization of a energy that was outside of its control. For it
makes that company less relevant to society. Likewise the cold
war and the collapse of the Soviet Union was in reality a way to
preserve and perpetuate the established economic and glo-
bal hegemony of the United States.
Similarly, religions condition people to feel guilty for natu-
ral inclinations, each claiming to offer the only path to forgive-
ness and salvation. At the heart of this institutional self-preser-
vation lies monetary system. For it is money that provides the
means for power and survival.
Therefore, just as a poor person might be forced to steal in
order to survive, it is a natural inclination to do whatever is
needed to continue an institution’s profitability. This makes it
inherently difficult for profit-based institutions to change, for it
puts in jeopardy not only the survival of large groups of people,
but also the coveted materialistic lifestyle associated with af-
fluence and power.
Therefore, the paralyzing necessity to preserve an institu-
tion, regardless of its social relevance, is largely rooted in the
need for money, or profit.
What’s in it for me?, is what people think. And so if a man
makes money selling a certain product, that’s where he’s go-
ing to fight the existence of another product that may threaten
his institution.
Therefore, people cannot be fair. And people do not trust
each other. A guy will come over to you and say I’ve got just
the house you’re looking for. He’s a salesman. When a doctor
says I think your kidney has to come out, I don’t know if he’s
trying to pay off a yacht or that my kidney has to come out.
Its hard in a monetary system to trust people. If you came
into my store and I said, This lamp that I’ve got is pretty good,

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
but the lamp next door is much better, I wouldn’t be in busi-
ness very long. It wouldn’t work. If I were ethical, it wouldn’t
work. So when you say industry cares for people, that’s not true.
They can’t afford to be ethical. So your system is not de-
signed to serve the well-being of people. If you still don’t un-
derstand that there would be no outsourcing of jobs if they
cared about people. Industry does not care. They only hire
people because it hasn’t been automated yet.
So don’t talk about decency and ethics, we cannot afford it
and remain in business. It is important to point out that regard-
less of the social system; whether fascist, socialist, capitalist,
or communist; the underlying mechanism is still money, labor,
and competition.
Communist China is no less capitalistic than the United
States. The only difference is the degree by which the state
intervenes in enterprise. The reality is that “Monetary-ism”, so
to speak, is the true mechanism, that guides the interests of all
the countries on the planet. The most aggressive and hence
dominant variation of this monetary-ism is the free enterprise
The fundamental perspective as put forth by early free
market economists, like Adam Smith, is that self interest and
competition leads to social prosperity, as the act of competi-
tion creates incentive, which motivates people to persevere.
However, what isn’t talked about, is how a competition
based economy invariably leads to strategic corruption, power
and wealth consolidation, social stratification, technological
paralysis, labor abuse and ultimately a covert form of govern-
ment dictatorship by the rich elite.
The word “Corruption” is often defined as “moral perver-
sion.” If a company dumps toxic waste into the ocean, to save
money most people recognize this as “corrupt behavior.” On a
more subtle level, when Walmart moves into a small town and
forces small businesses to shut down for they are unable to
compete, a grey area emerges.
For what exactly is Walmart doing wrong? Why should they

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
care about the Mom and Pop organizations they destroy? Yet
even more subtly, when a person gets fired from their job, be-
cause a new machine has been created, witch can do the work
for less money, people tend to just accept that as... “The way it
Not seen is the inherent “corrupt inhumanity” of such an
action. Because the fact is: whether it is dumping toxic waste,
having a monopoly enterprise or downsizing the workforce,
the motive is the same! Profit!
They are all different degrees of the same self-preserving
mechanism, which always puts the well-being of people sec-
ond to monetary gain. Therefore, corruption is not some
“byproduct” of Monetaryism. It is the very Foundation! And
while most people acknowledge this tendency on one level or
another, the majority remains naive as to the broad ramifica-
tions of having such a selfish mechanism as the guiding men-
tality in society.
“Internal documents show that after this company positively
absolutely knew they had a medication that was infected with
the AIDS virus, they took the product off the market in the US,
and then they dumped it in France, Europe, Asia and Latin
“The US government allowed it to happen. The FDA allowed
this to happen, and now the government is completely looking
the other way. Thousands of innocent hemophiliacs have died
from the AIDS virus. This company knew absolutely that it was
infected with AIDS, they dumped it because they wanted to turn
this disaster into a profit.”
So you see, you have built-in corruption. We’re all chisel-
ing off each other, and you can’t expect decency in that sort of
thing; a feeling that they don’t know who to elect. They think in
terms of a democracy, which is not possible in a monetary
based economy. If you have more money to advertise your
position, the position you desire in government, that isn’t a
It serves those in positions of differential advantage. So it
is always a dictatorship of the elitist, the financially wealthy.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
We can either have democracy in this country or we can have
great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t
have both.
—Louis Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice
It is an interesting observation to note how seemingly un-
known personalities magically appear on the scene as presi-
dential candidates. Then before you know it, somehow you are
left to choose from a small group of extremely wealthy people
who suspiciously have the same broad social view.
Obviously it is a joke.
The people placed on the ballot are done so because they
have been pre-decided to be acceptable by the established
financial powers who actually run the show. Yet many who un-
derstand this illusion of democracy, often think: if only we could
just get our honest, ethical politicians in power, then we would
be okay. Well, while this idea seems reasonable in our estab-
lished oriented world view, it is unfortunately another fallacy.
For when it really comes down to what is actually impor-
tant, the institution of politics and thus politicians themselves,
have absolutely no true relevance as to what makes our world
and society function.
Its not politicians who can solve problems. They have no
technical capabilities. They don’t know how to solve problems.
Even if they were sincere, they don’t know how to solve prob-
lems. Many of them cannot even write above a third grade level.
It is the technicians that produce the desalinization plants. It is
the technicians that give you electricity. That give you motor
vehicles. That heat your house, and cool it in the summer time.
It is technology that solves problems, not politics. Politics can-
not solve problems cause they are not trained to do so.
Very few people today stop and consider what it is that
actually improves their lives. Is it money? Obviously not. One
cannot eat money, or stuff money into their car to get it to run.
It is politics? All politicians can do is create laws, more
poverty, establish budgets, and declare war.
Is it religion? Of course not, religion creates nothing ex-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
cept intangible emotional solace for those who require it.
The true gift that we as human beings have, which has been
solely responsible for everything that has improved our lives,
is technology.
What is technology? Technology is a pencil, which allows
one to solidify ideas on paper for communication. Technology
is an automobile, which allows one to travel faster than feet
would allow. Technology is a pair of eye glasses, which enables
improved sight for those who need it.
Applied technology itself is merely an extension of human
attributes, which reduces human effort, freeing humans from a
particular chore or problem.
Imagine what your life would be like today without a tele-
phone, or an oven, or a computer, or an airplane. Everything
in your home, which you take for granted; from a doorbell, to a
table, to a dishwasher is technology generated from the cre-
ative scientific ingenuity of human technicians.
Not money, politics, or religion. These are false institutions.
and writing your congressman is mere fantasy. They tell you,
‘Write your congressman if you want something done. The men
in Washington should be at the forefront of technology. The fore-
front of human study. The forefront of crime. All the factors that
shape human behavior.’
You don’t have to write your congressman. What kind of
people are they that are appointed to do that job? The future
will have great difficulty and the question that’s raised by poli-
ticians is: How much will a project cost? The question is not:
How much will it cost?, but: Do we have the resources? And we
have the resources today to provide a house for everyone, build
hospitals all over the world, build schools all over the world,
the finest equipment in labs for teaching and doing medical
So you see, we have all that, but we’re in a monetary sys-
tem, and in a monetary system there’s profit. And what is the
fundamental mechanism that drives the profit system besides

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
What is it exactly that maintains that competitive edge at
its core? Is it high efficiency and sustainability? No. That isn’t
part of their design. Nothing produced in our profit based so-
ciety is even remotely sustainable or efficient.
If it was, there wouldn’t be a multi-million dollar a year ser-
vice industry for automobiles. Nor would the average lifespan
for electronics be less than three months before they’re obso-
lete. Is it abundance? Absolutely not.
Abundance, as based on the laws of supply and demand,
is actually a negative thing. If a diamond company finds ten
times the usual amount of diamonds during their mining, it
means the supply of diamonds has increased, which means the
cost and profit per diamond drops. The fact is; efficiency,
sustainability, and abundance are the enemies of profit. To put
it into a word, it is the mechanism of scarcity that increases prof-
What is scarcity? It is based on keeping products valuable.
Slowing up production on oil raises the price. Maintaining scar-
city of diamonds keeps the price high. They burn diamonds at
the Kimberly Diamond Mine. They’re made of carbon. That
keeps the price up. So then, what does it mean for society when
scarcity, either produced naturally or through manipulation is
a beneficial condition for industry? It means that sustainability
and abundance will never ever occur in a profit system. For it
simply goes against the very nature of the structure.
Therefore, it is impossible to have a world without war, or
poverty. It is impossible to continually advance technology to
its most efficient and productive states. And most dramatically,
it is impossible to expect human beings to behave in truly ethi-
cal or decent ways.
People use the word instinct because they can’t account
for certain behavior. They sit back and they evaluate with their
lack of knowledge, and they say things like: Humans are built
a certain way. Greed is a natural thing, as though they’d worked
for years on it. And its no more natural than wearing clothing.
What we want to do is to eliminate the causes of the prob-
lems. Eliminate the processes that produce greed, and big-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
otry, and prejudice, and people taking advantage of one an-
other, and elitism. Eliminating the need for prisons and wel-
We have always had these problems because we have al-
ways lived within scarcity, and barter, and monetary systems
that produce scarcity. If you eradicate the conditions that gen-
erate what you call socially offensive behavior, it does not ex-
A guy says: Well listen, are they in-born? No its not! There
is no human nature, there’s human behavior, and that’s always
been changed throughout history. You’re not born with big-
otry, and greed, and corruption, and hatred. You pick that up
within the society. War, poverty, corruption, hunger, misery;
human suffering will not change in a monetary system.
That is, there’ll be very little significant change. It is going
to take the redesigning of our culture, our values, and it has to
be related to the carrying capacity of the earth, not some hu-
man opinion or some politician’s notions of the way the world
ought to be. Or some religion’s notion of the conduct of human
When we understand that it is technology devised by hu-
man ingenuity which frees humanity and increases our quality
of life we then realize that the most important focus we can have
is on the intelligent management of the earth’s resources, for it
is from these natural resources that we gain the materials to
continue our path of prosperity.
Understanding this we then see that money fundamentally
exists as a barrier to these resources for virtually everything
has a financial cost. And why do we need money to obtain these
resources? Because of real or assumed scarcity. We don’t usu-
ally pay for air and tap water, because it is in such high abun-
dance, selling it would be pointless.
So then, logically speaking, if resources and technologies,
applicable to creating everything in our societies such as
houses, cities and transportation, were in high enough abun-
dance, there would be no reason to sell anything.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Likewise, if automation and machinery was so technologi-
cally advanced, as to relieve human beings of labor there would
be no reason to have a job. And with these social aspects taken
care of, there would be no reason to have money at all. So the
ultimate question remains: Do we on earth have enough re-
sources and technological understanding to create a society
of such abundance, that everything we have now could be avail-
able without a price tag and without the need for submission
through employment
Yes, we do! We have the resources and technology to en-
able this at a minimum, along with the ability to raise the stan-
dard of living so high that people in the future will look back at
our civilization now and be astonished at how primitive and
immature our society was.
We’ve never given scientists the problem of how do you
design a society that would eliminate boring and monotonous
jobs, that would eliminate accidents in transportation, that
would enable people to have a high standard of living, that
would eliminate poisons in our food, give us other sources of
energy, that are clean and efficient.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell


The major difference between a resource based economy
and a monetary system is that a resource based economy is
really concerned with people and their well-being where the
monetary system has become so distorted that the concerns of
the people are really secondary, it they’re considered at all.
The products that are turned out are for how much money
you can get. If there is a problem in society and you can’t earn
money from solving that problem, then it won’t be done The
resource based economy is really not close to anything that’s
been tried. And with all our technology today we can create
abundance. It could be used to improve everyone’s lifestyle.
At present we don’t have to burn fossil fuels. We don’t have
to use anything that would contaminate the environment. There
are many sources of energy available. Alternative energy so-
lutions pushed by the establishment, such as hydrogen, biom-
ass and even nuclear are highly insufficient, dangerous and
exist only to perpetuate the profit-structure the industry has
When we look beyond the propaganda and self-serving
solutions put forth by the energy companies we find a seem-
ingly endless stream of clean abundant and renewable energy
for generating power.
Solar and wind energy are well known to the public But the
true potential of these mediums remains unexpressed. Solar
energy derived from the sun has such abundance that one hour
of light at high noon contains more energy than what the entire
world consumes in a year.
If we could capture 1/100 of this energy the world would
never have to use oil, gas or anything else. The question it is

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
not availability but the technology to harness it and there are
many advanced mediums today which could accomplish just
that. If they were not hindered by the need to compete for mar-
ket share with the established energy power structures.
Then there’s wind energy. Wind energy has long been
denounced as weak and, due to being location driven, imprac-
tical. This is simply not true. The US department of energy ad-
mitted in 2007 that if wind was fully harvested in just three of
Americas 50 states it could power the entire nation.
And there are the rather unknown mediums of tidal and
wave power. Tidal power is derived from tidal shifts in the
ocean. Installing turbines which capture this movement gen-
erates energy. In the United Kingdom 42 sites are currently
noted as available. Forecast is that 34% of all the UK’s energy
could come from tidal power alone.
Wave power, which extracts energy from the surface mo-
tions of the oceans is estimated to have a global potential of up
to 80,000 terawatt-hours a year. This means 50% of the entire
planet’s energy usage could be produced from this medium
alone. Now, it is important to point out that tidal, wave, solar
and wind power requires virtually no preliminary energy to
harness, unlike coal, oil, gas, biomass, hydrogen and all the
In combination these four mediums alone, if efficiently har-
nessed through technology, could power the world forever.
That being said, there happens to be another form of clean re-
newable energy, which trumps them all.
Geothermal power. Geothermal energy utilizes what is
called “heat mining,” which, through a simple process using
water, is able to generate massive amounts of clean energy.
The total energy consumption of all the countries on the planet
is about half of a zetajule a year. This means about 4,000 years
of planetary power could be harnessed in this medium alone
and when we understand that the earth’s heat generation is
constantly renewed, this energy is really limitless. It could be
used forever!
These energy sources are only a few of the clean renew-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
able mediums available and as time goes on we will find more.
The grand realization is that we have total energy abundance
without the need for pollution, traditional conservation or, in
fact, a price tag!
And what about transportation? The prevailing means of
transportation in our societies is by automobile and aircraft,
both of which predominantly need fossil fuels to run. In the case
of the automobile, the battery technology needed to power an
electric car that can go over a hundred miles and hour for over
two hundred miles on one charge, exists and has existed for
many years.
However, due to battery patents, controlled by the oil in-
dustry, which limits their ability to maintain market share,
coupled with political pressure from the energy industry, the
accessibility and affordability of these technologies is limited.
There is absolutely no reason, other than pure, corrupt
profit interests, that every single vehicle in the world cannot
be electric, and utterly clean, with zero need for gasoline. As
far as airplanes, it is time we realized that this means of travel
is inefficient, cumbersome, slow and causes far too much pol-
The mag-lev train. It uses magnets for propulsion. It is fully
suspended by a magnetic field and requires less then two per-
cent of the energy used for plane travel. The train has no wheels,
so nothing can wear out. The current maximum speed of ver-
sions of this technology, as used in Japan, is 361 miles per hour.
However this version of the technology is very dated. An
organization called ET3, has established a two-based mag-lev
that can travel up to 4,000 miles per hour in a motionless fric-
tionless tube which can go over land or under water.
Imagine going from L.A to New York for an extended lunch
break or from Washington D.C. to Beijing, China, in two hours.
This is the future of continental and intercontinental travel. Fast,
clean, with only a fraction of the energy we use today for the
same means. In fact, between mag-lev technology, advanced
battery storage and geothermal energy there will be no rea-
son to ever burn fossil fuel again.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
And we can do this now, if we were not held back by the
paralyzing profit structure. Now America is inclined towards
fascism. It has a propensity by its dominant philosophy and
religion to uphold to fascist point of view. American industry is
essentially a fascist institution. If you don’t understand that, the
minute you punch that time clock you awoke into a dictator-
We are given notions about the respectability of work. And
I really look at it as being paid slavery. You’re brought up to
believe that you shall earn your living by the sweat of your brow.
That holds people back. Freeing people from drudgery, re-
petitive jobs which make them ignorant, you rob them.
In our society, that is a resourced based economy, machines
free people. You see, we can’t imagine that because we have
never known that kind of world. If we look back at history, we
see a very clear pattern of machine automation slowly replac-
ing human labour. From the disappearance of the elevator man
to the near full automation of an automobile production plant.
The fact is, as technology grows the need for humans in
the work force will continuously be diminished. This creates a
serious clash, which proves the falseness of the monetary based
labour system.
For human employment is in direct competition with tech-
nological development. Therefore, given the fundamental pri-
ority of profit by industry, people through time will be continu-
ally layed off and replaced by machine. When industry takes
on a machine instead of shortening the work day, they
downsize. You loose your job so you have a right to fear ma-
In a high technology resourced based economy, it is con-
servative to say that about 90% of all current occupations could
be phased out by machines. Freeing humans to live their life
without servitude. For this is the point of technology itself. And
through time with nano technology and other highly advanced
forms of science it is not farfetched to see how even complex
medical procedures could be performed by machines as well.
And based on the pattern with much higher success rates than

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
humans get today.
The path is clear but our monetary based structure which
requires labour for income blocks this progress. Humans need
jobs in order to survive. The bottom line is that this system must
go or we will never be free and technology will be constantly
paralyzed. We have machines that clean out sewers and free
human being from doing that. So look at machines as exten-
sions of human performance.
Furthermore, many occupations today will have simply no
reason to exist in a resourced based economy. Such as any-
thing associated with the management of money, advertising,
along with a legal system itself. For without money, a great ma-
jority of the crimes that are committed today would never oc-
Virtually all forms of crimes are consequence in the mon-
etary system, either directly or by neurosis inflicted through
financial deprivation. Therefore, laws themselves could even-
tually become extinct.
Instead of putting up a sign “drive carefully slippery when
wet” put an abrasive on the highway so it is not slippery when
wet. And when a person gets in car drunk and a car oscillates a
great deal there’s a little pendulum that swings up and back
and that will pull the car over to the side - not a law. Solution.
Put sonar and radar on automobiles so they can’t collide.
Man-made laws are attempts to deal with occurring problems
and, not knowing how to solve them, they make a law.
In the United States, the most privatized, capitalist country
on the planet, it shall come as no surprise that it also has the
largest prison population in the world - growing every year.
Statistically, most of these people are uneducated and come
from poor, deprived societies.
And contrary to propaganda, it is this environmental con-
ditioning, which lures them into criminal and violent behavior.
However, society looks the other way in regard to this point.
The legal and prison systems are just more examples of how
our society avoids examining the root-causes of behavior.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Billions are wasted each year on prisons and police, while
only a fraction is spent on programs for poverty, which is one
of the most fundamental variables responsible for crime to
begin with. And, as long as we have an economic system, which
prefers, and in fact creates, scarcity and deprivation, crime will
never go away.
If people have access to the necessities of life without ser-
vitude, debt, barter, trade; they behave very differently. You
want all this things available without a price tag Now then,
you’ve gotta have a price tag. What will motivate people?
Men gets just everything what he wants, he’s just lay around
in the sun. This is the myth they perpetuate. People in our cul-
ture are trained to believe that the monetary system produces
incentive: If they have access to all things, why should they want
to do anything? They would loose their incentive. That’s why
you’re taught to support the monetary system.
When you take money out of the scenerio, there would be
different incentives, very different incentives. When people
have access to the necessities of life, their incentives change.
What about the moon and the stars?
New incentives arise. If you make a painting that you en-
joy, you will enjoy giving it to other people - not selling it. I
think most of the education that I’ve seen today, is essentially
producing a robot for a job. It’s very specialized. They’re not
generalists. People don’t know a lot about a lot of different sub-
I don’t think you could get people to go to war, if they knew
a lot about a lot of things. I think education is mostly rote and
they’re not taught how to solve problems, they’re not given the
tools, emotionally or within their own field, of how to do criti-
cal thinking.
In a resource based economy, the education would be very
different. Our society’s major concern is mental development
and to motivate each person to their highest potential. Because
our philosophy is the smarter people are people who are the
rich of the world because everybody becomes a contributor.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
The smarter your kids are, the better my life will be. Because
they’ll be contributing more constructively to the environment
and to my life.
Because everything that we devise with a resource based
economy would be applied to society. There would be nothing
to hold it back. Patriotism, weapons, armies, navies, all that is a
sign that we’re not civilized yet.
Kids will ask their parents: Didn’t you see the necessity of
the machines? Dad, couldn’t you see, that war was inevitable
when you produce scarcity, when you produce scarcity? Isn’t
it obvious?
Of course, the kid will understand that you’re pinheads -
raised merely to serve the established institutions. We’re such
an abominable, sick society that we won’t make the history
books. They’ll just say that large nations took land from smaller
nations, used force and violence. You’ll get history talked about
as corrupt behavior all the way along until the beginning of the
civilized world. That’s when all the nations work together.
World unification, working toward common good for all
human beings and without anyone being subservient to any-
one else. Without social stratification whether it be technical
elitism or any other kind of elitism, eradicated from the face of
the earth. The state does nothing because there is no state. The
system advocated; a resource based global economy is not
perfect, it is just a lot better than what we have.
We can never achieve perfection. My country is the world
and my religion is to do good.
—Thomas Paine, 1737-1809
The values of our society, which has manifested in perpetual
warfare, corruption, oppressive laws, social stratification, ir-
relevant superstitions, environmental destruction, and a des-
potic socially indifferent profit oriented ruling class is funda-
mentally the result of a collective ignorance of two of the most
basic insights humans can have about reality: the emergent
and symbiotic aspects of natural law.
The emergent nature of reality is that all systems, whether

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
it is knowledge, society, technology, philosophy, or any other
creation will, when uninhibited, undergo fluid perpetual
change. What we consider commonplace today such as mod-
ern communication and transportation, would have been un-
imaginable in ancient times.
Likewise, the future will contain technologies, realizations,
and social structures that we cannot even fathom in the present.
We have gone from alchemy to chemistry, from a geocentric
universe to a heliocentric, from believing that demons were
the cause of illness to modern medicine.
This development shows no sign of ending, and it is this
awareness that aligns us and leads us on a continuous path to
growth and progress. Static empirical knowledge does not
exist, rather it is the insight of the emergence of all systems we
must recognize.
This means we must be open to new information at all times,
even if it threatens our current belief system, and hence, iden-
tities. Sadly society today has failed to recognize this, and the
established institutions continue to paralyze growth by preserv-
ing outdated social structures.
Simultaneously, the population suffers from a fear of
change. For their conditioning assumes a static identity and
challenging one’s belief system usually results in insult and
apprehension. For being wrong is erroneously associated with
failure. When, in fact, to be proven wrong should be celebrated.
For it is elevating someone to a new level of understand-
ing, furthering awareness. The fact is, there is no such thing as
a smart human being, for it is merely a matter of time before
their ideas are updated, changed, or eradicated. And this ten-
dency to blindly hold on to a belief system, sheltering it from
new, possibly transforming information is nothing less than a
form of intellectual materialism.
The monetary system perpetuates this materialism not only
by its self-preserving structures, but also through the count-
less number of people who have been conditioned into blindly
and thoughtlessly upholding these structures, therefore becom-
ing self-appointed guardians of the status quo.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Sheep which no longer need a sheep-dog to control them.
For they control each other by ostracizing those who step out
of the norm. Tendency to resist change and uphold existing
institutions for the sake of identity, comfort, power and profit is
completely unsustainable; and will only produce further im-
balance, fragmentation, distortion, and very invariably destruc-
It is time to change. From hunters and gatherers, to the
agricultural revolution, to the industrial revolution, the pattern
is clear. It is time for a new social system which reflects the
understandings we have today. The monetary system is a prod-
uct of a period of time when scarcity was a reality.
Now with the age of technology it is no longer relevant to
society. Gone with the aberrant behavior it manifests. Likewise,
dominant world views such as theistic religion operate with the
same social irrelevancy. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hindu-
ism and all of the others exist as barriers to personal and social
growth. For each group perpetuates a closed world view. And
this finite understanding that they acknowledge is simply not
possible in an emergent universe.
Yet religion has succeeded in shutting down the awareness
of this emergence by instilling the psychological distortion of
faith upon its followers where logic and new information is re-
jected in favor of traditionalized outdated beliefs. The concept
of god is really a method of accounting for the nature of things.
In the early days people didn’t know enough about how
things formed, how nature worked. So they invented their own
little stories, and the made god in their own image.
An invisible man in the sky who gets angry when people
don’t behave right. He creates floods, and earthquakes, and
they say its and act of god. A cursory glance at the suppressed
history of religion reveals that even the foundational myths
themselves are emergent culminations developed through in-
fluence over time.
For example a cardinal doctrine of the Christian faith is the
death and resurrection of Christ. This notion is so important
that the Bible itself states, “And if Christ be not risen then is our

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
preaching vain and your faith is also vain.” Yet it is very diffi-
cult to take this account literally, for not only is there no pri-
mary source denoting this supernatural event in secular his-
tory, awareness of the enormous number of pre-Christian sav-
iors who also died and were resurrected immediately puts this
story in mythological territory by association.
Early church figures such as Tertullian went to great lengths
to break these associations, even claiming that the devil caused
the similarities to occur. Stating in the second century, “The
devil, whose business is to pervert the truth, mimics the exact
circumstances of the Divine Sacraments. He baptizes his be-
lievers and promises forgiveness of sins, he celebrates the
oblation of bread, and brings in the symbol of the resurrec-
Let us therefore acknowledge the craftiness of the devil,
who copied certain things of those that be Divine. What is truly
sad however, is that when we cease the idea that the stories
from Christianity, Judaism, Islam and all the others are literal
history, and accept them for what they really are, which are
purely allegorical expressions derived from many faiths, we
see that all religions share a common thread. And it is this uni-
fying imperative that needs to be recognized and appreciated.
Religious belief has caused more fragmentation and conflict
than any other ideology.
Christianity alone has over 34,000 different subgroups. The
Bible is subject to interpretation. When you read it, you say I
think Jesus meant this. I think Job meant that. Oh No! He meant
this. So you have the Lutheran, the Seventh-day Adventist, the
Catholic, and a church divided is no church at all. And this point
on division, which is a trademark on all theistic religions brings
us to our second failure of awareness. The false assumption of
separation through the rejection of the symbiotic relationship
of life.
Apart from the understanding that all natural systems are
emergent, where all notions of reality will be constantly devel-
oped, altered, and even eradicated; we must also understand
that all systems are in fact invented fragments merely for sake

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
of conversation. For there is no such thing as independence in
The whole of nature is a unified system of interdependent
variables, each a cause and a reaction, existing only as a con-
centrated whole. You don’t see the plug to connect to the envi-
ronment, so it looks like we’re free wandering around.
Take the oxygen away, we all die immediately. Take plant
life away, we die. And without the sun, all the plants die. So we
are connected. We really must take into account the totality.
This isn’t just a human experience on this planet, this is a total
experience. And we know we can’t survive without plants and
We know we can’t survive without the four elements, you
know? And so, when are we really going to start taking that
into account? That’s what it is to be successful. Success depends
on how well we relate to everything around us.
I’m very aware of the fact that my grandson cannot pos-
sible hope to inherit a sustainable, peaceful, stable, socially
just world unless every child today growing up today in Ethio-
pia, in Indonesia, in Bolivia, in Palestine, in Israel also has that
same expectation. You must take care of the whole community
or you’re going to have serious problems. And now we have to
see that the whole world is the community.
And we must all take care of each other that way. And its
not just a community of human beings, a community of plants
and animals and elements. And we really need to understand
that. That’s what’s going to bring us joy too, and pleasure.
That’s what’s missing in our lives right now. We can call it
spirituality, but the fact of the matter is joy comes from that bliss
of connectedness. That’s our god spirit. That’s that side of our-
selves that really feels it, and you can feel it deep inside you.
Its this amazing wonderful feeling, and you know it when you
get it.
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will
have the final word in reality.
—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, 1929-1968

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Once we understand that the integrity of our personal ex-
istences are completely dependent on the integrity of every-
thing else in our world, we have truly understood the meaning
of unconditional love. For love is extensionality and seeing
everything as you and you as everything can have no condi-
tionalities, for in fact, we are all everything at once.
If its true that were all from the center of a star, every atom
on each of us from the center of a star, then we’re all the same
thing. Even a Coke machine or a cigarette butt in the street in
Buffalo is made out of atoms that came from a star. They’ve all
been recycled thousands of times, as have you and I. And there-
fore, its only me out there. So what is there to be afraid of? What
is there that needs solace seeking? Nothing. There’s nothing
to be afraid of because its all us.
The trouble is we have been separated by being born and
given a name and an identity and being individuated. We’ve
been separated from the oneness, and that’s what religion ex-
ploits. That people have this yearning to be part of the overall
one again. So they exploit that.
An extraterrestrial visitor examining the differences among
human societies would find those differences trivial compared
to the similarities. Our lives, our past and our future are tied to
the sun, the moon and the stars.
We humans have seen the atoms which constitute all of
nature and the forces that sculpted this work. And we, we who
embody the local eyes and ears and thoughts and feelings of
the cosmos, we have begun at least to wonder about our ori-
gins; star stuff contemplating the stars, organized collections
of ten billion billion billion atoms, contemplating the evolution
of nature, tracing that long path by which it arrived at conscious-
ness here on the planet earth
Our loyalties are to the species and to the planet. We speak
for earth. Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not
just to ourselves but also to that cosmos ancient and vast from
which we spring! We are one species. We are star stuff har-
vesting star light.
Its time to claim the unity our outmoded social systems have

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
broken apart, and work together to create a sustainable glo-
bal society where everyone is taken care of and everyone is
truly free.
Your personal beliefs, whatever they may be are mean-
ingless when it comes to the necessities of life. Every human
being was born naked, needing warmth, food, water, shelter.
Everything else is auxiliary. Therefore, the most important is-
sue at hand is the intelligent management of the Earth’s re-
This can never be accomplished in a monetary system, for
the pursuit of profit is the pursuit of self interest and therefore
imbalance is inherent. Simultaneously, politicians are useless.
For our true problems in life are technical not political. Fur-
thermore, ideologies that separate humanity such as religion
need strong reflection in the community in regards to its value,
purpose and social relevancy. Hopefully through time religion
will loose its materialism and basis in superstition and move
into the useful field of philosophy.
The fact is, society today is backwards, with politicians
constantly talking about protection and security rather than
creation, unity and progress. The US alone now spends about
$500 billion dollars annually on defense. That is enough to send
every high school senior in America to a four year college.
In the 1940s the Manhattan Project produced the first true
weapon of mass destruction. This program employed 130,000
people, at an extreme financial cost. Imagine what our life
would be like today if that group of scientists, instead of work-
ing on a way of killing people, worked on a way to create a
self-sustaining abundant world. Life today would be very very
different if that was their goal. Instead of weapons of mass de-
struction, it is time to unleash something much more powerful.
Weapons of Mass Creation (WMCs).
Our true divinity is in our ability to create. And armed with
the understanding of the symbiotic connections of life, while
being guided by the emergent nature of reality, there is noth-
ing we cannot do or accomplish. Of course, we face strong
barriers in the form of established power structures that refuse

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
to change. At the heart of these structures is the monetary sys-
tem. As explained earlier, the fractional reserve policy is a form
of slavery through debt, where it is literally impossible for so-
ciety to be free. In turn, free market capitalism in the form of
free trade, uses debt to imprison the world and manipulate
countries into subservience to a handful of large business and
political powers.
Apart from these obvious immoralities, the system itself is
based on competition, which immediately destroys the possi-
bility of large scale collaborations for the common good, hence
paralyzing any attempt at true global sustainability. These fi-
nancial and corporate structures are now obsolete, and they
must be outgrown.
Of course, we can not be naive enough to think that the
business and financial elite are going to subscribe to this idea
for they will lose power and control. Therefore, peaceful and
highly strategic action must be taken. The most powerful course
of action is simple. We have to alter our behavior to force the
power structure to the will of the people.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell


The only way the establishment will change is by our re-
fusal to participate while continuously acknowledging its end-
less flaws and corruptions. They’re not going to give up the
monetary system, because of our designs. The system has to
fail, and people have to lose confidence in their elected lead-
If not, I fear the consequences. The trends now indicate that
our country is going bankrupt. The probability is our country
will move towards a military dictatorship to prevent riots and
complete social breakdown.
Once the US breaks down, all the other cultures will un-
dergo similar things. As of now, the world financial system is
on the brink of collapse due to its own shortcomings. The comp-
troller of currencies stated in 2003 that the interest on the US
national debt will not be affordable in less than ten years. This
theoretically means total bankruptcy for the US economy and
its implications for the world are immense.
In turn the fractional reserve based monetary system is
reaching its theoretical limits of expansion and the banking
failures you are seeing are just the beginning. This is why in-
flation is skyrocketing, all debt is at record levels and the gov-
ernment and FED are hemorrhaging new money to bailout the
corrupt system. For the only way to keep the banks going is by
making more money. The only way to make more money is to
create more debt and inflation.
It is simply a matter of time before the tables turn and no
one is willing to make new loans while defaults grow as people
are unable to afford their current loans. Then the expansion of
money will stop and contraction will begin on a scale never

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
before seen, ending a century long pyramid scheme. This has
already begun. Therefore, we need to expose this financial fail-
ure for what it is, using this weakness to our advantage.
Here are some suggestions:
One. Expose the banking fraud. Citibank, JP Morgan,
Chase, and Bank of America are the most powerful controllers
within the corrupt Federal Reserve system. Its time to boycott
these institutions. If you have a bank account or credit card with
any of them, move your money to another bank. If you have a
mortgage, refinance with another bank. If you own their stock,
sell it. If you work for them, quit. This gesture will express con-
tempt fo the true powers behind the private banking cartel
known as the Federal Reserve and create awareness about the
fraud of the banking system itself.
Two. Turn off the TV news. Visit the emerging independent
news agencies on the internet for your information. CNN, NBC,
ABC, FOX and all the others present all news pre-filtered to
maintain the status quo. With four corporations owning all ma-
jor media outlets, objective information is impossible. This is
the true beauty of the internet. And the establishment has been
losing control because of this free flow of information. We must
protect the internet at all times, as it is truly our savior right
Three. Don’t ever allow yourself, your family, or anyone
you know, to ever join the military. This is an obsolete institu-
tion now used exclusively for maintaining an establishment that
is no longer relevant. US soldiers in Iraq work for US corpora-
tions, not the people. Propaganda forces us to believe that war
is natural and the military is an honorable institution. Well if
war is natural, why are there 18 suicides every single day by
American veterans who have post-traumatic stress disorder?’
Four. Stop supporting the energy companies. If you live in
a detached house, get off the grid. Investigate every means of
making your home self-sustainable with clean energy. Solar,
wind, and other renewable energies are now affordable con-
sumer realities, and considering the never ending rising costs
of traditional energies, it will likely be a cheaper investment

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
over time. If you drive, get the smallest car you can and con-
sider using one of the many conversion technologies that can
enable your car to be a hybrid, electric, or run on anything
other than establishment fuels.
Five. Reject the political system. The illusion of democracy
is an insult to our intelligence. In a monetary system, there is
no such thing as a true democracy, and there never was. We
have two political parties owned by the same set of corporate
lobbyists. They are placed into their positions by the corpora-
tions, with popularity artificially projected by their media. In a
system of inherent corruption the change of personnel every
couple of years has very little relevance. Instead of pretend-
ing that the political game has any true meaning, focus your
energy on how to transcend this failed system.
Six. Join the movement. Go to the
and help us create the largest mass movement for social
change the world has ever seen. We must mobilize and edu-
cate everyone about the inherent corruption of our current
world system along with the only true sustainable solution,
declaring all the natural resources on the planet as common
heritage to all people, while informing everyone as to the true
state of technology and how we can all be free if the world works
together rather than fights.
The choice lies with you. You can continue to be a slave to
the financial system and watch the continuous wars, depres-
sions and injustice across the globe while placating yourself
with vain entertainment and materialistic garbage; or you can
focus your energy on true, meaningful, holistic, lasting change
which has the realistic ability to support and free all humans
with no one left behind.
But in the end the most relevant change must occur first
inside of you. The real revolution is the revolution of conscious-
ness, and each one of us first needs to eliminate the divisive
materialistic noise we have been conditioned to think is true;
while discovering, amplifying, and aligning with the signal
coming from our true empirical oneness. It is up to you.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
What we are trying in all these discussions and talks here
is to see if we cannot radically bring about a transformation of
the mind. Not accept things as they are but to understand it, to
go into it, to examine it, give your heart and your mind with
every thing that you have to find out. A way of living differ-
But, that depends on you and not somebody else. Because
in this there is no teacher, no pupil, there is no leader, no guru,
there is no master, no savior.
You are the teacher, and the pupil, you’re the master, you’re
the guru, you are the leader, you are everything! And to un-
derstand is to transform what is.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell

“There is a hole in the sky and, apparently, something has

fallen through it.”
—former intelligence officer,1964
People can go back in time to intervene in key events to
change the world. This produces a new timeline or a parallel
earth. Apparently, how the Universe preserves order and pre-
vents a paradox from happening is that it generates alterna-
tive time lines.
The Montauk Project And the Philadelphia Experiment
In 1990, while living in Las Vegas, I attended a lecture given
about the Philadelphia Experiment at a local library. This pre-
senter was Al Bielek and in about 2 and a half hours the story
he told us about his experiences is one I will never forget. Even
though some of his claims were utterly fantastic, I find that when
there is something I read or hear and I can’t shake it from my
very being, to me, this is my own self telling me I have heard
something important.
One of the topics that was covered by Mr. Bielek’s talk was
the Montauk Project where he mentioned how he met Preston
Nichols and that they recognized each other as long lost broth-
ers. I would highly recommend that if this topic interests you,
please pick up the book written by Mr. Bielek and Brad Steiger
CONSPIRACIES (Innerlight Publications, 1991).
I am including on this page some excerpts from Preston
Nichols book on the subject. I believe that this Project is an-
other example of the breakthroughs made in modern technol-
ogy as a result of contacts with extraterrestrials and that all the
events describe in this book are absolutely true. After the in-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
formation I received is shared, I am also including some other
interesting information I have which is from notes I took of Mr.
Bielek’s lecture in 1990.
Here is the prelude to a new book just out. I would highly
recommend this series to any researcher in the field.
An Excerpt from Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Con-
sciousness by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon (C) 1995 (Sky
Books, Box 769, Westbury, New York 11590
The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time was re-
leased in June of 1992 and has created a stir of intrigue and
queries for more information ever since. Montauk Revisited:
Adventures in Synchronicity sought to answer many of those
questions and ended up providing an even more elaborate
scenario that left us on the threshold of the occult and its rela-
tionship with the major mystery schools of Earth. The third book
in the Montauk series, Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations
in Consciousness, digs deeper into the psyche of the Montauk
phenomena and gives startling insights into the construction
and drama of the universe. This prelude is designed to famil-
iarize the first time reader who is new to the subject and also to
reorient those who have read the first two books.
The origin of the Montauk Project dates back to 1943 when
radar invisibility was being researched aboard the USS
Eldridge. As the Eldridge was stationed at the Philadelphia
Navy Yard, the events concerning the ship have commonly
been referred to as: the “Philadelphia Experiment.” The ob-
jective of this experiment was to make the ship undetectable
to radar and while that was achieved, there was a totally unex-
pected and drastic side effect. The ship became invisible to
the naked eye and was removed from time and space as we
know it! Although this was a remarkable breakthrough in terms
of technology, it was a catastrophe to the people involved. Sail-
ors had been transported out of this dimension and returned in
a state of complete mental disorientation and horror. Some were
even planted into the bulkhead of the ship itself. Those who
survived were discharged as “mentally unfit” or otherwise dis-
credited and the entire affair was covered up. After the war,

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
research continued under the tutelage of Dr. John von Neumann
who had directed the technical aspects of the Philadelphia Ex-
periment. His new orders were to find out what made the mind
of man tick and why people could not be subject to
interdimensional phenomena without disaster. A massive hu-
man factor study was begun at Brookhaven National Laborato-
ries on Long Island, New York. It was known as the Phoenix
Von Neumann was not only the inventor of the modern com-
puter and a mathematical genius in his own right; he was able
to draw on the enormous resources of the military industrial
complex which included the vast data base of Nazi psychologi-
cal research that the Allies had acquired after World War II. It
was against this background that von Neumann attempted to
couple computer technology with sophisticated radio equip-
ment in an attempt to link people’s minds with machines. Over
time, his efforts were quite successful.
After years of empirical experimentation, human thoughts
could eventually be received by esoteric crystal radio receiv-
ers and relayed into a computer which could store the thoughts
in terms of information bits. This thought pattern could in turn
be displayed on a computer screen and printed out on a piece
of paper. These principles were developed and the techniques
were enhanced until a virtual mind reading machine was con-
structed. At the same time, technology was developed so that
a psychic could think a thought that could be transmitted from
a computer and potentially affect the mind of another human
being. Ultimately, the Phoenix Project obtained a superior un-
derstanding of how the mind functions and achieved the sinis-
ter potential for mind control. A full report was made to Con-
gress who in turn ordered the project to be disbanded, at least
in part, for fear of having their own minds controlled.
Private concerns that helped to develop the project did not
follow the dictate of Congress and sought to seduce the mili-
tary with the idea that this technology could be used in warfare
to control enemy minds. A secret group with deep financial
resources and some sort of military tie decided they would

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
establish a new research facility at Camp Hero, a derelict Air
Force Station at Montauk Point, New York. This locale was cho-
sen because it housed a huge Sage radar antenna that emitted
a frequency of approximately 400-425 Megahertz; coinciden-
tally the same band used to enter the consciousness of the hu-
man mind. In the late ’60s, the reactivation of Camp Hero be-
gan despite no funding from the military. By 1972, the Montauk
Project was fully underway with massive mind control experi-
mentation being undertaken upon humans.
Over the years, the Montauk researchers perfected their
mind control techniques and continued to delve further into
the far reaches of human potential. By developing the psychic
abilities of different personnel, it eventually got to the point
where a psychic’s thoughts could be amplified with hardware,
and illusions could be manifested both subjectively and ob-
jectively. This included replication—the virtual creation of
matter. All of this was unparalleled in the history of what we
call “ordinary human experience” but the people who ran the
Montauk Project were not about to stop. They would reach even
further into the realm of the extraordinary. Once it was discov-
ered that a psychic could manifest matter, it was observed that
it could appear at different times, depending on what the psy-
chic was thinking.
Thus, what would happen if a psychic thought of a book
but thought of it appearing yesterday? It was this line of think-
ing and experimentation which led to the idea that one could
bend time itself. After years of empirical research, time por-
tals were opened with massive and outrageous experiments
being conducted. The Montauk Project eventually came to a
bizarre climax with a time portal being opened back to 1943
and the original Philadelphia Experiment.
None of this information would have come to light except
for Preston B. Nichols, an electronic genius who one day dis-
covered that he was an unwitting victim of the experiments.
Working for a Long Island defense contractor, Preston was re-
searching telepathy in psychics and found that persistent ra-
dio waves were being transmitted which were blocking the

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
people he was working with. As a radio and electronics ex-
pert, Preston traced the radio signals directly to the Montauk
Air Force Station and began exhaustive research that lasted
over a decade. He acquired much of the equipment that was
used during the Montauk Project, including the Quantum Field
Phase Shifters, and discovered to his dismay that many people
from Montauk remembered him working there.
It came to a culmination point when his cousin’s husband
insisted that he had been at Montauk. The two men almost came
to blows over Preston’s contention that he had never been at
Montauk. Shortly after this argument, Preston began to get glim-
mers of a life he’d not previously been aware of. After talking
to many different scientists and engineers who had some sort
of association with the Montauk Project, Preston was able to
put together what had happened. Somehow, he had survived
on two separate time lines. On one, he worked at Montauk; on
the other, he worked elsewhere.
Preston’s discoveries were confirmed when a strange man
by the name of Duncan Cameron appeared at his door in 1985.
Duncan had an uncanny aptitude for psychic research and
eventually claimed to have been trained in this field by the NSA
(National Security Agency). Without mentioning his own ordeal
with Montauk, Preston took Duncan out to Montauk and was
surprised to discover that he knew the entire layout of the base
and remembered working there. Duncan was considered to
be the primary psychic used in the time travel experiments
and also remembered having been aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge
during the original Philadelphia Experiment with his brother
Edward (now recognized as Al Bielek).
According to the accounts of both Preston and Duncan, the
Montauk Project culminated on August 12, 1983. A full blown
time portal was fully functioning, but things were out of control
and Duncan called together a group of people and decided to
crash the project. While sitting in the Montauk Chair (the Quan-
tum Field Phase Shifter, a device connected to esoteric radio
receivers studded with crystals that sent thoughts out of a gi-
ant transmitter), Duncan unleashed a giant beast from his sub-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
conscious which literally destroyed the project. The people
who had been working on the base suddenly abandoned it.
The air shafts and entrances to the major underground facility
beneath the base were subsequently filled with cement. The
full circumstances behind all of this remain a mystery to this
Although an unauthorized video had been widely distrib-
uted regarding this story and several lectures had been given
on the Montauk Project, no book was forthcoming on the sub-
ject. Different writers had attempted to undertake the task but
were either mentally incapable of dealing with the subject or
were frightened off one way or the other. One science reporter
for the New York Times began the project but backed off when
he discovered to his own surprise that the Montauk Project was
indeed quite real.
I came upon Preston while researching an elaborate sound
system he had invented and soon found myself listening to a
spectacular story that was at least better science fiction than
I’d ever heard. After several months, I decided to undertake
writing The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. That
book was written without consulting anyone other than Preston
(who wanted to protect his sources). Rather than do a costly
and time consuming investigation, my strategy was to get the
information out as fast as possible and use the book to gather
other clues that would corroborate or eventually prove the
existence of this incredible story.
As The Montauk Project was published further research and
events continued that would indeed establish that there was a
real scenario behind the wild information Preston was talking
about. These were chronicled in Montauk Revisited. But the
most spectacular of all these corroborations was the discovery
that the Montauk Project was inextricably linked to the most
infamous occultist of all time: Aleister Crowley, often described
as “the wickedest man in the world”. According to reports,
Crowley himself had used the practice of sexual magic in or-
der to manipulate time itself, communicate with disembodied
entities and to travel interdimensionally. It was even suggested

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
that the interdimensional nature of the Philadelphia Experiment
could have been the outward expression of Crowley’s magical
The startling proof of Crowley’s association developed over
a long period of time, but the discovery began to take shape in
my very first conversation with Preston when he seemed to
exclaim out of the blue that he was connected to the magician
Aleister Crowley. In an earlier life, he believed that both him-
self and Duncan had been Preston and Marcus Wilson, respec-
tively. These brothers were twins and had been the first manu-
facturers of scientific instruments in Great Britain. In addition
to being friends of Aleister Crowley’s family, they had also been
involved in a joint business enterprise with them.
All of the above sounded like one more wild story, so I be-
gan to look for any references to the Wilsons in Aleister
Crowley’s various books. None turned up. To my surprise
though, I discovered that not only had Crowley visited Montauk
(in 1918) but he had mentioned a “Duncan Cameron” in his
autobiography. Subsequent to this, numerous instances of
synchronicity between the Cameron and Crowley families were
discovered, (these are detailed in Montauk Revisited but I
still could not find any references to the Wilson brothers.
The meaning of these various synchronicities (between the
Cameron name and Crowley) began to be explained when I
found out about a woman who called herself “Cameron”. She
is perhaps most famous for having been married to Jack Par-
sons, the world’s first solid fuel rocket scientist and a disciple
of Crowley. Together, they had participated in an
interdimensional activity known as the Babylon Working (a
ceremonial act which included sex magic and has been hailed
by some as the greatest magical act of the century).
Through a further series of incredible synchronicities I
would fly to Southern California on other business and meet a
friend of Cameron’s quite by “accident”. Discovering to my
surprise that she lived in California, I soon found myself telling
her about the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project,
and the Crowley/Cameron relationship. Much to my surprise,

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
she informed me that her real name wasn’t Cameron at all. It
was Wilson!
It now became obvious that Preston‘s story about being a
Wilson could not be discounted nor could his general cred-
ibility be denied. Perhaps more importantly, it revealed that
some very strange correspondences were at work that had to
do with interdimensionality.
I would receive an astonishing letter several months later
that would close the case as regards whether or not the Wilson
brothers had existed. It was from a man named Amado Crowley
who claimed to be an illegitimate son of Aleister Crowley. Not
only did he remember his father talking about the Wilson broth-
ers, he also provided clues which revealed that the odds of his
lying about his parentage were nil.
Amado not only verified the existence of the Wilson broth-
ers, he gave a spectacular account of his father’s whereabouts
on August 12, 1943 (the day of the Philadelphia Experiment).
Aleister had directed a magical ceremony at Men-an-Tol in
Cornwall, England where a large donut style rock lays upright
in the water. According to Amado, Aleister put him through
the hole in the rock whereupon a line of rough water ran from
the coast of England to Long Island, New York.
For the most part, this is where the book Montauk Revis-
ited ends.
Amazing discoveries were made which showed that
Preston was not off his rocker and that his general line of rea-
soning was valid. That is what this book was meant to do. Addi-
tionally, it showed that the forces which manifested the Montauk
Project were deeply entrenched in the occult.
While Montauk Revisited did reveal a fascinating; web of
intrigue that is unparalleled in certain respects, it did not de-
liver many final conclusions. But even though we were left hang-
ing at the edge of our seats with many unanswered questions,
the book did accomplish something very important. It ushered
us to the very threshold of the mystery schools, those secret
organizations which have existed since time immemorial and
have sought to regulate our consciousness and personal free-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
dom. It is at this point that we open the door to our current book:
The Pyramids of Montauk:
Explorations in Consciousness.
INTERVIEW: Al Bielek Conducted by Suanne Konicov
I have heard Al Bielek speak on the “Philadelphia Experi-
ment “ at several expos over the last two years. The material
he presents is both astounding and appalling! Last September,
at the Los Angeles Whole Life Expo, Al consented to do an in-
terview for Connecting Link.
First you will read Al’s account of the years leading up to
the “Philadelphia Experiment.“ Then, for the first time in any
magazine, Al shares further information on other, less known
experiments that continue to this day. Experiments that took
place, and apparently, still do, at Montauk, Long Island.
Alfred Bielek was born on August 4, 1916 as Edward A.
Cameron II, son of Alexander Duncan Cameron, Sr.
My father (Alexander Duncan Cameron, Sr.) enlisted in the
U. S. Navy prior to the U. S. entry into World War 1. He sired me
and later A. Duncan Cameron, Jr. (May 1917), by different moth-
Both Duncan and I, as half-brothers, were raised largely
by Aunt Arnold in the Big House, still in West Islip, Long Island
(father remained in the Navy until 1930, when he was retired
with a pension). Since there was no lack of money (due to the
Arnold/Constable Department Store fortune), Duncan Jr. and I
(upon completion of high school) attended different universi-
ties. I went first to Princeton, and later to Harvard, obtaining a
Ph.D. in physics. Duncan attended the University of
Edinborough (Edinborough, Scotland), also obtaining a Ph.D.
in physics, in the summer of 1939.
In September of 1939, both Duncan and I enlisted in the U.
S. Navy-taking commissions as Lt. (jg.) and then attending a
90-day training school for “Special Assignment” Navy person-
nel at Providence, Rhode Island.
With completion of training, we were both assigned to the
Institute of Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.) and directly to the

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
ongoing “Project Invisibility.”
With a completely successful test in 1940 (Brooklyn Navy
Yard), the project was classified and renamed “Project Rain-
bow.” Offices were set up in the Philadelphia Navy Yard.
Duncan and I both shuttled back and forth between Philadel-
phia and Princeton.
In January 1941, we were sent to sea for sea duty on the
U.S.S. Pennsylvania. We toured the Pacific until October 1941,
when the Pennsylvania was put in dry dock at Pearl Harbor.
After taking leave in San Francisco and remaining there through
December 1941, we were returned to the Institute early in Janu-
ary 1942. We worked on the project through 1942. Nikola Tesla
dropped out in March 1942, and Dr. John Von Neumann took
over at that time.
Duncan and I remained with the Project through the two
tests in 1943 with the “Eldridge.” The second test, August 12,
1943, was a total disaster, with many casualties and with Duncan
disappearing permanently.
I remained with the Navy and married in late 1943. A son,
Jess, was born in February 1944. In July 1944, the family and I
were transferred to Los Alamos, New Mexico, where I remained
until July 2, 1947. At that time I was forcibly removed and sepa-
rated from my family-never to see them again.
With charges of espionage placed against me, I expected
a General Courts Martial. Instead I was transferred to Wash-
ington, D. C., whereupon charges were dropped and I was
transferred to Montauk, L. I. military base (Fort Hero). From
that point I was time shifted forward to 1983, back in the Phoe-
nix Project. Once there, I was given a super brainwashing-all
memory was removed. Additionally, I was age regressed (re-
duction of physical age and size from a 30-year old to approxi-
mately 1 year of age) and then, at a physical age of 1 year, sent
back in time to 1927 to be plugged into a new family as a sub-
stitute for a dead son. This new family- the Bieleks- became my
only known parents for over half a century!
With the advent of World War II, I was drafted into the Navy
in 1945 (a second tour) as a seaman until 1946. After separating

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
from the service, I tried a business venture (it failed) and went
on to college (1949-1950) in Newark, New Jersey, and later to
UCLA. A career followed as an electronic engineer (1958-1988),
with retirement in 1988.
With the return of my memories, in May 1986, of the Phoe-
nix Project and of the Philadelphia Experiment (Project Rain-
bow) in January 1988, I have engaged in extensive lecturing
and writing on the subject of The Philadelphia Experiment, its
ramifications and the follow-on Project Phoenix, and the incred-
ible consequences of the lockup through time.
Tell me about the Phoenix Project.
AL BIELEK. I’ll deal with the final phase of the Phoenix
Project and some of the aspects involved. I joined the project
in 1953 as Al Bielek. I did what the book The Montauk Project*
points out, the computer interface between the psychic chair
(Quantum Field Phase Shifter) used to steer the time tunnels in
the final phase of the operations. Those earlier phases were
very difficult-they didn’t work right and they had many prob-
lems. But I became involved as Al Bielek. Preston Nichols be-
came involved as Preston Nichols, and Duncan Cameron be-
came involved as Duncan Cameron, in his second body, not
remembering anything about his involvement with the Phila-
delphia Experiment.
The project generated the time tunnels. People were able
to travel in time and space and they did. But they also had other
projects going on at Montauk. We still don’t know all of them.
The technology for the tunnels was given to us by coop-
erative effort of alien groups, primarily the Orion group, which
involved reptilians, a sub group called the Leverons. A techni-
cal group which provided most of the assistance, was the group
from Sirius A. Very materialistic, scientific, people. Perhaps not
a bad heart but misdirected, because they had very long-term
contracts with the Orions to provide them with the technical
knowledge and assistance they needed. And they were work-
ing with our government in secret to work out mind control
techniques and technology and pushing for a highly automated,
technical society which would be much easier to control than it

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
would be the way it is now. But we’re approaching that rapidly.
(*The Montauk Project - Experiments in Time, Preston B.
Nichols with Peter Moon. Sky Books, Box 769, Westbury, N.Y.
Also there were a lot of little greys that got under foot. There
were other groups there who took no part in the project, but
were there as observers and the group from Antares, very hu-
man, very happy, jovial people. You couldn’t tell them from a
human spirit. In fact, I don’t think you could anatomically ei-
ther. Why they were there, I don’t know. They didn’t do any-
thing. They were observers.
But the aliens provided the expertise, the hardware. They
converted it from their computer data to IBM 360. That still didn’t
work and that’s when other changes were made. I became
heavily involved in making the time tunnel system work. It was
alien technology. We did not have the theory. We did have the
capability, the technological expertise to build the hardware,
and we did that to their specifications.
ITT was a contractor. This was all under “Black Card” clear-
ance level, which is about the highest level of clearance there
is, and most people don’t even know it exists. And this means,
in essence, that it is such a deep Black Hole project that all the
records, everything connected with it, is buried in a black vault
and nobody has access to this without having the proper clear-
ance and a need to know. This includes purchasing departments
who buy the hardware for these projects. The records for the
sales, purchase, everything, buried in the black vault. So no-
body can find it. This is why they call it a Black Hole project.
There are many, many of these. This is one of them.
The tunnels became fully operational about ’77 after many
changes. About ’79 on they got all the results they wanted. Un-
til August 12,1983, at night, when the project was deliberately
crashed. Sabotaged from the inside. That’s covered in the book.
But prior to that what they did was unbelievable.
One of the uses of the Phoenix Project, in the use of Time
Tunnels, was to provide backup to the Martian Colonies. The
Martian Colonies have been there since the early ’70s. We went

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
publicly to the moon in 1969. Actually the Germans were there
in 1947. And we were there in 1962 with a joint U. S.-Russian
expedition. They went to Mars, May 22, 1962. The movie, Al-
ternative 3, done by Anglia Television, April 1, 1977, which is
available in the underground, outlines it completely. It shows
the actual transmission. The color shots by TV back from Mars,
as this Explorer moved and landed. We have colonies there in
Mars from the late ‘60’s or maybe early ‘70’s onward. They
found many artifacts there. There is more than one wrecked
city. And of course the famous face on Mars, the Pyramids and
that whole complex that Hoagland (Dr. Richard] has talked
about and gone public on. There are two videos on this plus
his book.
What they found on the surface indicated there was much
more there that they could not find that was buried. And they
had not brought with them, and did not have the capabilities of
heavy earth-moving equipment on Mars at that time. They didn’t
have any Cats. Big tractors and that sort of stuff. They were too
heavy to bring up.
So, a request went by radio back to Earth, “We believe
there are underground installations here. We’ve seen open-
ings that are sealed. Can you guys down there tell us what to
do?” Well, the information went to Montauk, to the Phoenix
Project. And they sent back information, “Well, give us some
coordinates on the surface of Mars where you think these loca-
tions are.” And they did. And they said, “We’ll investigate it.”
And they did. Because they could go anyplace with the tunnel,
they went to Mars to the coordinates.
And first they didn’t send anybody. They ran a tunnel into
what they thought might be an underground area and rather
than risk killing anybody by burying them in solid rock, they
sent a camera, a remote-view camera. We found out there was
an actual cavern and it was safe and then Montauk sent people.
Duncan and I were in that crew. The first crew that went, di-
rected by Montauk to explore the underground of Mars. It’s
not mentioned in the book who went, but we went. And there
were probably others. We went several times. We found all

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
kinds of artifacts. We found a still functional underground light-
ing system, a power system. We found it and turned it on and it
still worked. No evidence of life. A lot of artifacts, files, records,
religious artifacts, statuary, all stored like it was a store room.
A huge store room.
CL: Was the written material in English?
AB: No. It was in another language. It was not English.
Duncan was able to translate some of it. I saw it, but I was not
able to translate it. And a lot of the records and stuff were
brought back. And eventually Duncan and I decided to take
some clandestine trips on our own. (After one trip is made, it’s
all recorded. All the coordinates and information which are
required to operate the system is recorded on magnetic tape.
And you can take this tape, plug it into the computer, and with-
out going through the psychic and the chair number*, you can
open the tunnel to the same location because the computer
contains all the celestial data-all the Earth movements, solar
system movements, all in the computer-so that there is com-
plete reference to the new location where the planet would be.
And “plug” the tunnel in exactly the same location.) So we went
twice on our own for our own little explorations.
CL: And no one was manning the machine for you back
AB: We turned the equipment on, we knew how to do it.
And nobody was there. On the second trip, we were discov-
ered because there are automatic recorders that tell how many
times this equipment is used, and for what purpose, and what
dates, times and so forth. Automatic complete time, event re-
corders. So we were caught when we came back. We were
pulled off the project and slapped on the wrist. “You’re not
going to do that anymore,” and one of the people who was in-
volved, a senior scientist, broke our team up. Duncan and I
didn’t do much of anything together after that but further ex-
plorations were made by others. What they found, we don’t
Certain people had been chosen in advance, such as my-
self and Duncan and Preston to be part of this program. And

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
the level of brainwashing varied. Duncan was heavily pro-
grammed, brainwashed to do what he did there because he
was not being used for his technical expertise. I was brain-
washed to some extent, and Preston, very heavily.
But we were all given what you’d call the debriefing after
this whole project crashed and was formally declared over on
January 1, 1984. We all got our debriefings which means your
mind was erased of everything you ever did on the project.
And they hoped it would hold indefinitely.
It didn’t. The reason it did not hold indefinitely was because
the site was not destroyed. It’s still there. It was turned over to
New York State Parks Commission on January 1 of 1986 or some-
time in January of 1986 to become part of the park that already
exists out there. The State has never torn anything up. They’ve
never torn a building down. They’ve never opened it up as a
They knocked the fences down so people can go through
there and hike and camp if they want, during the day. They
cannot stay over night without a special permit from Montauk
Township. That’s not allowed and the park rangers go in to
shuttle them out.
But the property remains unconverted. Going in there, as I
did, first in August of ’85 by the invite of Preston (I took Duncan
with me), none of us knew, at that time, that we had been part
of the Montauk Project. Preston, as a surplus electronics dealer,
had been out there salvaging equipment previous to this trip
in August.
CL: That’s where the book, The Montauk Project starts.
AB: Right. And he didn’t know that he had been involved.
He had no recollection. This August trip [Preston] took us out
and said “You’re both sensitives. Let’s see what you pick up
when we go out there.” He says, “I know you’ve never been
there before.” He didn’t know, honestly, at that point. So we
went out and we sensed these terrible vibes on the base, that
something awful had been going on there. We sensed this
monster, who showed up at the end of the story, that helped in
the process of the destruction of this station.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
They [Preston and Duncan] of course, had the advantage,
being as I was only visiting, and went back to Phoenix. They
were there repeatedly, and they became aware of their involve-
ment in the project much earlier then I did.
I went back [to Montauk] in May of ’86 and made another
visit along with a group from Phoenix sponsored by, I believe,
Senator Barry Goldwater. Because I told this group, whom I
knew from December of ’85, about the project and they came
out to make an investigation of possible diversion of federal
funds from a regular federal project to an illegal project. They
were looking for proof. And that was their modus operandi,
their reason for getting passes from the State of New York, from
the Parks Commission, to go on the base, into locked build-
ings. There were still some locked. And find what proof, if any,
as to whether this was a diversionary project using federal
We know now no federal money was involved. Major in-
vestigations have proven this. But in the process we took a lot
of pictures, and in that same visit that time of May ’86 my
memory of Montauk started to come back because I was visit-
ing the site, the scene of the crime, if you will.
CL: And it was acting as the trigger.
AB: This was the trigger. The same for Duncan, same for
Preston. So my memories came back. I knew then I was part of
it. And they’ve been coming back ever since because it doesn’t
all come back at once in a rush.
It comes back in chunks and pieces, depending upon what
the triggers are that bring it back. But once you’ve punched a
hole through the wall, it’s like the finger in the dike. The hole
starts expanding and it keeps expanding and eventually it will
all come through.
So I knew, finally, I was heavily involved at an administra-
tive and engineering level in many projects. Duncan was in-
volved in more than one project.
Preston was the technical station master after Matthew
Zaret. Professor Zaret was removed in 1980. Really, he left at

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
my suggestion, but they wouldn’t let him loose, so he went to
the parallel project at Brentwood, Long Island, where he died.
Preston took over as the technical director, doing all of the man-
agement. He designed and built all of the RF transmitters and
pulse modulator systems-anything dealing with RF* and trans-
mitters he is an expert at. And that was his expertise and his
normal working job, as he was employed by an aerospace com-
pany in Long Island for fifteen years until he was fired two sum-
mers ago. He was fired but they covered it. It was because he
knew too much and talked too much in the open, had recov-
ered too many of his memories and was talking about informa-
tion at the USPA [United States Psychotronic Association] con-
ferences, more than once, which the government didn’t want
made public. So they pulled his clearance first, and then they
canned him in July of ’90 while at a USPA conference. He came
back to no job. He was told, “You’re finished, pick up your stuff
and leave.” And his boss didn’t even know why. His boss didn’t
fire him. It was government manipulation.
He was an expert at designing transmitters, high-power
transmitters, for radar, for whatever. In this case, the Montauk
Project, for the final stages of a special Amplitron, which is
shown in the book-there is a photo of it. It was designed and
built specially for the project by Raytheon Electric in Goleta,
California.** I remember going out there to approve the first
shipment of tubes. They were very, very expensive and spe-
cially built. They cost several million dollars apiece. They or-
dered thousands. So you can see why the cost of this project
went out of sight. Capacitors for the pulse-forming networks
and the modulator were also specially designed to very rigid
specifications. They finally got somebody to build them. And
everybody in the industry except one turned them down. They
finally were able to build them to the specifications, and they
sold them to the government in matched sets of fifty at the very
small sum of twenty-five thousand dollars for each and every
capacitor. And they had a hundred on each station. A full set of
fifty for two transmitters, operational, and a full set of spares.
So that was two and a half million dollars right there times 25

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
They ran out of gold. (The project was begun with 10 bil-
lion dollars in gold. The story of the gold is documented in the
book Nazi Gold.) They ran out of money. So ITT picked up the
tab.(*Radio frequency electromagnetic transmissions-espe-
cially related to radar.)
(**The R & D facility. Production was at Weymouth, MA -
over 4,000 amplitrons were produced.)
CL: And all this technology was from the alien groups?
AB: They had cooperation from the ET’s. See, they had a
crashed UFO which was deliberately crashed, by agreement
with Hitler, by a certain group of Pleiadians. It was loaded with
technology. And the reason for crashing it was that the Ger-
man High Command, if they were pushed, could say, “Yeah
we found a crashed saucer in the Bavarian Alps” or some such
place, “and we recovered it, took it apart and analyzed the tech-
It certainly wasn’t made public. But the remains of that craft
were found near Peenemunde after the war was over. This was
the rocket testing base for the Germans and where Wernher
Von Braun operated along with his crew. When the war was
over, he deliberately moved his group to the west, to the Ameri-
cans. And another group was captured by the Russians, includ-
ing, I believe, his professor, Herman Oberth. Of course that is
where the Russians got a head start on rocketry over the U. S. -
they had the professor who taught Wernher Von Braun!
There may have been someone else because the Russians
captured quite a number of intelligencia out of Germany when
Berlin came under their control. So the war actually received a
huge boost, technologically from the Pleiadians. So far as deals
are concerned, Roosevelt made the first one in the U. S. in 1934,
not with the Pleiadians, who offered to help the U. S. get out of
the doldrums of the huge depression we were in, but he chose
a different group for whatever personal reasons we don’t know.
Called the K Group or the Kondroshkin. It turns out, so far as I
can determine today, they are the bluegreys. Not the little
greys, but a larger group called the blue-greys.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
In any case, he made his deal with them. They made an
offer to provide a whole new technological base for the United
States atomic energy in 1938. Roosevelt at first approved and
then he turned it down because the military told him, “Uh uh.
We can’t control it from beginning to end. We don’t know what
they are going to do with it and how they may manipulate us in
the end.” So they [the K-Group] disappeared into the wood-
In 1943 came the Philadelphia Experiment and the lock-up
with the Phoenix Project, ripping a huge hole in space-time.
This was deliberately done by the aliens at the ’83 end to put a
rift in the fabric of space-time so large numbers of aliens and
ships could come through. They all had time travel capabili-
ties, but the rift was needed to get the large ships through and
make a mass invasion of the United States, and later Europe, of
aliens (primarily greys) and other types. Then they landed at
Edwards Air Force Base in the Muroc Dry Lake as well as an-
other air base. I’m leaving a lot of details out-the government
already knew all about the aliens being on this planet. [They
knew] since 1887 with the first investigating commission un-
der Grover Cleveland.
In any case, they knew that they were here, but then they
came en masse. We were confronted by a technology that we
couldn’t counter, we couldn’t handle it, we didn’t know what to
do about it. So the agreement with Eisenhower and his advi-
sors was to sign a treaty with them, a noninterference treaty
and get what technology we could from them-make some kind
of agreement. We’d buy time and see what we could do about
it later.
That was the basis of the agreement. Because of that, very
large numbers of aliens came in and eventually became part
of the Phoenix Project. They were planning ahead. We didn’t
know what they were up to. And I’m looking at this in retro-
spect, not what we knew then. They were planning ahead. They
knew what they were doing. They maneuvered and manipu-
lated the Phoenix Project. They did not expect it to crash then.
I am sure they anticipate its continuing for another decade, at

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
least into the ‘90’s.
However, because certain people suddenly, if you will par-
don the expression, “saw the light,” got religion, or whatever
it is that hit them, Duncan, and a few others, conspired to de-
stroy the station. And the reason for it was that they were fed
up with what they saw as all the evils perpetrated there.
I knew about it. I decided that I would not be part of the
destructive plot. I said, “Yes, there is a lot wrong here, but we’ve
already straightened a lot of the mess out and we can straighten
out the rest and continue this as a research tool,” as John von
Neumann (who is still alive today by the way) wanted. He said,
“It’s a research tool; we need it.” Because of the time travel
(remote viewing) capabilities, he saw things coming in the fu-
ture which could cause very serious threats to the United States
and the World.
But, these people had their way. They put a special implant
into Duncan’s head so that when we, as the original Duncan
Cameron and myself as Edward Cameron, came through from
the Philadelphia Experiment and went through the station (for
twelve hours) we were returned to the Eldridge; then the
Eldridge returned to ’43. At that point, that phase was over and
it completed the time loop.
Then the word went out, “Now is the time” and Duncan re-
leased this thing from his subconscious into the machine. The
transmitter (which already by that time had its own personal-
ity) created this big monster, solidly in 3-D, twelve to fifteen
feet high and [it] literally came out of the subconscious. It went
around smashing buildings and people and it was discovered
trying to break into the radar tower. The tower was much too
strong for it to break into. The only way to stop it was to de-
stroy the transmitter, and that’s what was done. And it faded
out into some other reality. It was photographed in May of 1986.
But the final chapter on Montauk was not written. We dis-
covered a month ago [Aug., 1992) that Montauk was reacti-
vated. And that’s what I wanted to get in here. We do not know
who is doing it. We have seen the evidence. New coax cable
runs, new power transformers being put in on the power sub-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
station. The new ones are labeled “non PCB.” Because now the
law is that transformers can no longer be filled with PCB as a
cooling agent: if they blow up or break open it’s an extreme
hazard to the environment. So they use an environmentally safe
coolant-a different form of liquid in the transformers and they
have big labels on them that say non-PCB. I have pictures of
this, from my trip a month ago. There are new coax cable runs
around the base which are brand new.
The radar tower now has a new steel door where it used to
be wide open and you could walk in. They put a new steel door
in with double padlocks so you can’t get in . The back garage
entrance door for trucks and delivering heavy stuff is now
sealed from the inside. And we found other evidence that shows
that it’s being reactivated.
Preston has been approached by the government to be-
come the director of the New Montauk project, And they told
him they also want Duncan as part of it. There are new workers
there. There are new entrances to the underground. One per-
son we know has been through the outer door and there is an
inner locked door with a red light on it. You, have to have spe-
cial access badges or you’ll be stopped.
We did not attempt to go in because we didn’t feel we
wanted to risk it. And we do not know where the project may
go, but we suspect that one of the goals is to extend the time
rift (’43 to ’83) onward to ’93 because ’93 is a subnode point in
the 20-year cycle, and August, ’93 will be a very critical area
again and they probably want the station activated before Au-
gust of ’93. That’s what we feel technically they are up to. But
what the end purpose is for we are not sure. It may be to ex-
tend the time tunnel, that is, the time rift, for purposes of their
There are a lot of things on this project we don’t know. Some
of the things they used it for we still don’t know. We have never
had access to the classified records of Lincoln Labs at M.I.T.
(Cambridge, MA).
They have not been able to take Duncan and myself out
because of the fact that we help hold the whole time rift stable.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
It will stabilize itself by the year 2003 unless they reopen it.
Then you have another can of worms to deal with.
They just don’t realize what risks they are running in re-
opening that thing. The rift was stabilized in ’63, or this North
American continent would now be under salt water. Not from
the year 2000, but it would have been in 1963. There was a spe-
cial project created, now well covered, to restabilize the re-
verse time wave which would have hit the forward one in ’63 at
the node point and wrecked this continent.
It was due to the fact that they had this time rift, and be-
cause it was unstable in the way it was generated (like a stand-
ing wave in an RF transmission line). You may not understand
RF theory, but you get a reverse wave in an unterminated or
improperly terminated line. Time is a wave as well. You can
have a forward time wave and you can have a reverse time
wave. If the two of equal amplitude hit each other at a node
point, which is the earth synchronization point, like August 12th,
1963, they can be extremely disruptive, physically, to the struc-
ture of the earth.
And being that this project took place in the United States,
on Long island, those who looked at it in theory said it would
have caused an extreme disruption of geological matter, pull-
ing it out of the earth, in the North American Continent. It would
have wound up wrecking the tectonic plates, and the North
American continent, other than the mountains, would have
wound up under salt water-500 to 700 feet of it by estimate.
It didn’t happen, obviously-we’re here. The ’63 project,
“Atlanticus Not Revisited,” was successful in damping that re-
verse time wave. This is an area of science and technology and
physics which most people know nothing about.
We hope that if the project is revived that it will be used
properly rather than improperly as it was in the past, though
there were some very good uses for the Montauk Project. In a
larger view, it might be better left buried. Only time will tell
what will happen, and whether or not I will play any part with
it. They have not asked me. They don’t want to. All we can do is
hope for the best for the future and that the mistakes of the past

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
will be understood and that somehow the future will come out
the better for it in spite of the problems we know we face.
Notes from Bielek’s Talk, December, 1990
Mr. Bielek said that he and Preston were the two sailors
that were running some special equipment on the Eldridge,
the U. S. Navy ship which was turned invisible in 1943, known
as the Philadelphia Experiment, since the ship was docked in
Philadelphia. He claims that the movie, “The Philadelphia Ex-
periment” is essentially correct except when he and his brother
jumped over the ship, when it was in hyperspace, they did not
land in the future in the desert of Nevada, but at the secret base
in Montauk, NY in 1984. For you see, he claims, the Govern-
ment tried the same experiment 41 years later, on the same
date and time, and opened up a hole in time between the two
eras. If this hole was not closed, then our world could have been
Mr. Bielek stated that his brother decided to stay in the fu-
ture, and he agreed to go back to 1943, to close the hole by
destroying the equipment on board the Eldridge. He did ac-
complish this task and the holes were closed. He said that in
1984 in Montauk, that through contact with the Aliens, they had
a time tunnel that existed there. Also he stated that a UFO which
was witnessing the experiment in 1943 was caught up in the
hole or energy vortex and also transported to the future.
After his experience on the Eldridge, he claims that he
worked with people related to the development of the nuclear
bomb but he objected to the purpose of how the Government
wanted to use such technologies. He stated that the Govern-
ment saw him as a liability and that they would have killed him
except that his molecular structure was connected with the two
holes in time in 1943 and 1984. Therefore, they believed if they
killed him, it could cause a ripple effect that would reopen these
holes and thus used the technology they had received from
the aliens, to regress him to a baby and sent him back in time
to 1927 where he was exchanged for the son of the Bielek fam-
Now he states his brother, who stayed in the future, be-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
came quite fascinated with the time tunnel at Montauk. Some-
how his brother got caught in the time tunnel, some experi-
ment, and again, they had the same situation where if he died,
his death could cause the holes in time to reopen. So again,
using some strange technology of the aliens, they were able to
take the soul of his brother and place it in the body of his father’s
third son. Thus Preston again forgot who he was although he
still had the same father.
The last piece of information I found quite fascinating in
Mr. Bielek’s talk was a discussion about time travel and paral-
lel universes. He stated that using the equipment they had de-
veloped, they were able to identify at least four other parallel
earths (similar to the TV program on Fox called “Sliders”) and
in one of these parallel earths, Germany won World War II.
This was quite interesting because I had just read a sci-
ence fiction book by James Hogan that was based on this idea
that people could travel in time and go back in time to inter-
vene in key events to change the world which produced a new
timeline or a parallel earth). Apparently, how the Universe pre-
serves order and prevents a paradox from happening is it gen-
erates alternative time lines.
What I mean by this, is say I go back in time and kill my
grandfather. How could this be possible? If my grandfather
died, I would never be born to kill him. What apparently hap-
pens in this case, is that the timeline I left, continues as is, with
no changes except that I no longer exist there , since, by gen-
erating this new timeline, I forfeit my chance to return to my
own timeline. When I killed my grandfather, a new timeline
starts minus my grandfather, but I must remain in this altered
timeline. Lastly, I attended a party in Las Vegas that Mr. Bielek
was at, and he talked about some other interesting subjects.
First he stated that the so-called “Grey” Aliens do exist and
that we have received some technology from them and that
they do have a plan to make the earth their new home. Also he
stated that the Greys are following the guidance of the Serpent
race, the Reptilian race from Orion. That the Orions have great
trouble living on the earth because our environment is not hos-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
pitable for them and that the Greys are helping to prepare the
way for the Orions, who have basically enslaved their race. He
stated that there have been battles fought in space between a
Confederation of Planets and the Greys and ETs from Orion.
Next he talked about what has happened when the time
tunnel was used at Montauk to go into the future. He stated that
for some reason, they could never penetrate the years 2011-
2013. He also stated that the technology is so good, they could
pull you out, ship you to another time period and bring you
back so precisely that it would appear that no time had passed
yet you might have been gone several months or years. He
claimed that this happened to him on a number of occasions.
Lastly, he shared that when they were able to see the fu-
ture, past 2013, it appeared as if there was no life living on the
earth. The part of his information which he shared about not
being able to enter the 3 year time frame I found quite interest-
ing and started to ponder about this. Then inspiration (divine)
struck me to explain why this might be possible. I remember
reading a science fiction novel by Asimov about a group of
people, supposedly existing in our future, who’s work was to
travel backwards and forward in time, making minor alterations
to make the earth the best possible planet or place to live, at
least in their opinion. There was a group in their very far fu-
ture, who knew they were doing this and totally blocked the
time travelers ability to enter their time period. My explana-
tion for Mr. Bielek’s statement about 2011-2013 is that if we are
using a physical device to travel (whether it be via traveling a
distance in the current time or traveling in time) that in order
to be able to reach your destination, that place or time must be
in a vibrational harmony with the place you are leaving. In other
words, the laws of physics, the vibration of matter, must be in
alignment. Therefore, I conclude that in 2011-2013, the earth
will shift its vibrational motion and move into a new dimension
which makes this time not in sync with our own.
As I have been pursuing this theory, I have discovered that
a number of prophecies seem to point to something significant
happening in this time frame as well. I have heard both the Aztec

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
and Mayans have a prophecy about something happening dur-
ing these years, a transformation of sorts. Also the Great Pyra-
mid, if reading the prophecy on the special wall near the King
(or is it the Queen) chambers, the tunneling leading up to this
room, also has some reference to 2011. Also, the Mayan said
their calendar ended in 1987 and 26 years later is 2013. Num-
bers which are a multiple of 13, 26 or 52 are considered sacred
numbers to the Mayans.
Well, regardless whether the information Mr. Bielek has
shared or my own speculations of things is true, we are living
in a truly incredible time and it seems that the kinds of activi-
ties related to the Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk or the
UFOs, will take us into a whole new level of comprehension of
the intricate workings of the Universe in which we find our-
The Philadelphia Experiment and Time
(Interview December 6th, 1995)
While attending and participating at the Whole Life Expo
held in that incredible city of New York, in October of 1995, I
had a chance to meet with Drue briefly. Drue was a member of
the UFO panel, but I just heard the end of his talk and his room
was jammed packed for his free lecture, so I could only speak
to him when he came out of the room and had finished his talk.
I have always been fascinated by this subjects so I had to meet
him. He gave me his card and told me to write to him and I
proposed to share some of his information and insights on our
web site. So we had a few phone conversations and included
in this page are Drue’s answers to questions related to the Phila-
delphia Experiment and time travel.
I was hoping to share with our readers an expanded inter-
view, as I felt that Drue needed to clarify somewhat a few of his
points and hopefully, very shortly we will be able to provide
this update this interview with his clarifications. I still am not
sure how he was present as a scientist during the Philadlphia
Experiment and also now claims that he has the DNA memo-
ries of this scientist. However, there are a number of new twists
he discusses to this mysterious experiment that I felt it was im-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
portant to release the interview in its current form. Again, as
many of the pages we have in this section of our web site, it is
impossible to make a statement on the validity of Drue’s story
but I have found him to be a very honest and sincere person to
talk with and very easy going.
Drue is open to speak with others who have interest in these
topics (see his address and phone included in the interview),
he also has some materials available for sale and is in the pro-
cess of writing his own book as well as continuing to do public
presentations. He has copyrighted the materials here and asks
that if you want to reproduce the material, you do so in its en-
tirety (all materials that appear after this brief introduction).
So lets hear what Drue has to say about the Philadelphia
In addition, since I am not aware of the level of all the read-
ers that tap into this internet, I find it necessary to set the stage
before they begin to read the interview. I placed a statement
at the very beginning of our interview to set this stage, and any
other comments coming from you may also be appropriate.
Should you have any questions or need additional infor-
mation, feel free to give me a call.
Thank you for your forthrightness in pursuing my endeav-
ors and for your search for the truth.
Sincerely, Drue
Statement: The following interview may be challenging or
nurturing to your current beliefs. It has never been my inten-
tions to challenge you or your beliefs, but to give you “Food
for Thought.” I have a saying, which goes like this: If you WILL
to see—you will see; if, you WILL not to see—you will not! For
those of you who are well informed, you will most likely find
little difficulty in some of the information provided within. For
those who are not well informed, prepare to open your eyes
and your mind (if you WILL) to a new understanding and a new
Q: Drue, Can you please share something about yourself,

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
your background and what you are doing today?
A: Yes. I was born and raised in the state of Montana. In
1971 I joined the U.S. Marine Corps for 22 years of service, re-
tiring in 1993. Detailed as a systems analyst for major Marine
Corps systems for the majority of my career, I was attached to
the rosters of the Marine Corps’ Headquarters in Washington,
D.C., but was geographically located either in Southern Cali-
fornia or Okinawa, Japan. After I retired, I got involved with
UFO investigations and paranormal research and exploration.
I am actively lecturing on Time Travel and the Philadelphia Ex-
periment and writing of my experiences.
Q: How did you become involved with the Philadelphia Ex-
A: I joined on with the project as a civilian scientist in the
year of approximately 1938. My experience and training in
physics, geometry and electronics was a necessary require-
ment for my assignment. For the sake of those who are reading
about my experiences for the first time, I would like to explain
who I am in relation to time-related government experiments,
such as the Philadelphia Experiment and a Time Transfer Ex-
periment. Some would look at my individual case as one form
of a “Walk-in”. There are many forms of Walk-ins, and my ex-
istence is solely based on a government experiment and its
uses of technology from extraterrestrial sources. My memory
of my involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment are NOT
memories of a past life, but DNA memory that was transferred
from one body to another. I, therefore, have DNA memory of
both existences that had been merged.
Q: Can you define precisely what the Philadelphia Experi-
ment was about, and what were its goals?
A: The experiment was an attempt to move equipment and
personnel through time and space using a Naval warship known
as the USS Eldridge (DE-173), a destroyer escort. On August
15, 1943, a total of 181 men (176 sailors and 5 civilian scientists
of which I was one) were on board the Eldridge and, along with
one observation ship, set out to sea for an experiment which
was never before attempted. Using technology that had already

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
been proven successful on a smaller scale, the human factor
was for the first time included within the scope of the experi-
ments, whereas before only inanimate objects were used. We
did, however, experiment with small animals during a dry run
conducted on the 12th of August, 1943, which had horrifying
results. There were three different agendas’, which were:
1. a scientific agenda, which was to explore the time/space
continuum for scientific discovery;
2. a military agenda, which, since we were at war (World
War II), the military wanted this technology for warring pur-
poses; and lastly,
3. there was an extraterrestrial agenda, which was to map
out the earth’s planetary magnetic grid for interdimensional
There was a CORE agenda, which was secretly held close
at hand by those behind the scenes. I identify them as “those in
the know”, and their agenda was to rewrite history!
Q: What exact role did you play in the construction of the
equipment that was placed on the USS Eldridge?
A: I was very much involved during the theorem and tho-
rium stages. We all had our own assignments and timetables,
restricting our involvement with other aspects in the develop-
ment of the technology; additionally, much of the work was
contracted out. It was set up so that the right hand never knew
what the left hand was doing and vice versa. All issues were
handled in this manner for the sole purpose of secrecy. My role
also included preparation and installation of the technology on
the ship, after which I was assigned to be one of the five civil-
ian scientists to go through the time/space continuum. We had
to literally gut the inside of the Eldridge to install the four gen-
erators with Tesla coils to be used in the experiment. Once the
operation was underway, the Captain of the ship and other sail-
ors no longer controlled the ship. Their job was to get us out to
sea and back, and every decision in between was solely up to
us, the scientists.
Q: Some equipment was developed to make a ship invis-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
ible; was this the only purpose? With equipment so many years
ahead of its time, how was this developed in 1943?
A: The technology that was developed in 1943 was for the
sole purpose of moving equipment and personnel through the
time/space continuum. It was with the help of extraterrestrial
beings that we were able to accomplish this feat with technol-
ogy, which was at that time, beyond our level of understand-
ing. So, yes, you could say that the technology was many years
ahead of its time.
(Editor’s note: An intelligence agency document dated
1964 spcifically states that the purpose of the experiment was
to evaluate a massive copper toroid coil to degauss or de-
magnetize the ship to make it impervious to magnetic mines,
not to attempt to render the ship “invisible.”)
Q: OK, so this special equipment was placed on the
Eldridge and a crew of sailors were chosen. Can you describe
how the equipment worked and how it was adapted to the ship?
Did the sailors know what was going on?
A: The entire experiment dealt with magnetism and the
technology was developed around this phenomena of magne-
tism and the use of the magnetic grid of the planet. We strate-
gically placed four generators with Tesla coils throughout the
ship thereby creating a magnetic field that would encompass
the entire ship and its crew. The sailors did not know what they
were getting involved with, nor were they selected for any spe-
cific extraordinary abilities other then the standard operation
of the ship.
Q: It has been stated that this experiment was conducted
in the harbor by Philadelphia. Can you describe what it looked
like? As an observer, what happened to the ship, was it cor-
rectly portrayed in the feature film, “The Philadelphia Experi-
A: From an observation standpoint, the Eldridge did dis-
appear or was rendered invisible as portrayed in the movie,
but the experiment did not happen in the harbor, but out at
sea. Another correct portrayal was that the ship and its crew
members were gone for approximately 24 hours and when they

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
returned had serious harmful results. I would also like to point
out that the USS Eldridge had sustained serious damages dur-
ing the experiment and was no longer sea worthy after we re-
Q: Did the ship disappeared and reappeared in another
location? If so, which location was this?
A: Yes, what is currently known through witness accounts,
the USS Eldridge moved from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
to the Norfolk Naval Base and then back to Philadelphia. This
observation is true, however, is limited only by those who ob-
served these events from their observation point. Having been
on the ship from the very beginning of the operation to its end,
we materialized in 12 different locations and time eras. At four
of these locations the Eldridge will again materialize in our fu-
ture. The next materialization of the USS Eldridge will and can
happen as soon as 1997, and we went as far as the year of 3600
Q: Again, referring to accounts told of this incident, it is
claimed that someone on board the ship had to smash the equip-
ment to stop the experiment. Also, that when the ship came
back to our reality, some of the sailors were embedded into
the ship’s structure, is this true?
A: It is very true that many sailors were stuck or embed-
ded within the structure of the ship. As far as the smashing of
the equipment on board the Eldridge like the movie portrayed,
I am not sure. I do know that there was a fire with two of the
generators. Again, it gets down to each individual’s observa-
tion point of the events and based on this observation there
can be an interpretation. For example, one man can be located
in the pilot room of the ship and observing many things be-
cause of his great ability to see the entire ship from that room,
while another man can be located in one of the rooms down
inside the ship where there is no visibility other than just the
room. Each man obviously is going through the same event,
but now you will have two different interpretations of the same
event based upon their physical positioning or location on the
ship. I will not nor cannot discount or discard this possibility of

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
someone having to smash the equipment to stop the experi-
ment. I am still and will continue to be open to all possibilities
regardless of its source. Those who work within this arena and
close themselves off to other possibilities will obviously shut-
down their ability in searching for and finding the truth.
Q: Do you know what happened to the sailors while they
were on the ship during the experiment? Were they in hyper-
space, or another dimension? Did anyone on the ship discuss
what it was like while the equipment was on?
A: While moving down the Delaware, the generators were
switched on and slowly we increased the power while moving
out to sea. All of us noticed the strange electrical sensations
that engulfed the entire ship. This beginning sensation was hair
raising and soon turned into panic. It was when we were out at
sea that we went with full power and dematerialized. We were
fragmented into multiple dimensions without knowing the end
result. Of the 181 men on board the USS Eldridge, only 21 of us
survived, 40 men were dead and 120 men were just gone and
never came back with the ship.
Q: It has been implied that Einstein and Tesla were also
involved in this experiment and that Tesla was in charge at the
beginning and when he knew the experiment would fail, bowed
out. Did you have contact with these esteemed scientists?
A: Yes, I had much involvement with both Dr. Nikola Tesla
and Dr. Albert Einstein, but mostly with Tesla. Dr. Nikola Tesla
was the mastermind and director of the project, though he did
not take part in the final stages of the experiment that took place
on the 15th of August, 1943. Earlier in 1942, Tesla had portrayed
himself as instable and took himself out of the project solely
because he was told to incorporate the “human factor” within
the scope of the experiments. It was not a matter of failure that
Tesla was concerned with, because he had already had suc-
cess. He was concerned with the human suffering, and refused
to be a part of this incredible act of insensitivity towards man-
kind, primarily instigated on behalf of the military. The public
was told later that he had come to his demise and a funeral was
held in his honor in January of 1943.

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Q: Can you explain how the ship moved from one location
to another?
A: In the beginning it was our intent to control the Eldridge’s
movement from one location to other. This was one of the rea-
sons why we went into the time continuum controlling our move-
ment from within the confines of the ship, in lieu of having those
from external sources controlling our movement. Since this was
our first attempt with personnel and did not know what to ex-
pect, we wanted total control of our own destiny. So, if we got
into trouble, we could at the very least pull the plug and stop
the operation. Whereas, if controlled from external sources,
they would have no knowledge of us being in trouble. We were
very much at a disadvantage and were totally unprepared for
what was about to happen when we were arced.
Once arced, we discovered that our ability to control the
movement of the Eldridge was NOT under our control and this
was for many reasons, one of which was that two of the four
generators employed caught fire. We then ended up much like
a stone skipping across a pond. You cannot travel through time
without the use of the earth’s planetary magnetic grid, because
the grid holds all earth timelines. After we were integrated and
two of the generators caught fire, we started to phase shift out
of control and were pulled to all the different locations and time
eras that are now cataloged events of the experiment.
(Editor’s note: At this point the Eldridge became a proba-
bilistic construct having its existence at any point and every
point in the cosmos simultaneously).
This entire experiment dealt with magnetism and the
Eldridge was pulled through the continuum by magnetic at-
traction once the ship’s frequency matched frequencies gen-
erated in various locations and time eras. So, we got pulled!
Each area that we were pulled to, had man-made dams and
large generators producing commercial electrical power. Wit-
ness accounts of our materialization at Norfolk, Virginia are
accurate, but it was not a man-made dam and its generators
that pulled us there. We were pulled by generators located on
Naval warships (modified destroyer escorts) known as “Float-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
ing Power Stations”, and our materialization at Norfolk was just
momentary and only transparent.
Q: What was the reaction of the scientists and military to
the results of this experiment? It has been said that they were
so frightened that they did not want to do it again, but did so in
Montauk in 1983.
A: Of course the reaction of those that were observing the
experiment was one of fear, concern and panic for the entire
24 hours that we were gone. They were not frightened to the
degree of shutting down the experiments in totality, however,
they were scaled down for secrecy purposes and continued
but with the understanding that they had tapped into some-
thing really big.
Q: What were the people told not to do who were connected
to the project?
A: All involved in the experiments were already sworn to
secrecy based on whatever their level of involvement was, but
were immediately debriefed and reminded of their oath after
the experiment. After getting a handle on the matters by “those
in the know”, approximately 2,000 people involved came un-
der a case review. Based upon each individual’s case and their
level of involvement, they were handled differently, however,
most were terminated!
Q: As a result of this project happening, did this create some
new conditions for our Earth?
A: Yes. One of the paradoxes of conducting this experiment
was the creation of a whole new third dimensional timeline.
We caused a global shift of energy, so anything or anybody
that existed on this timeline on August 18th, 1943 was dupli-
cated. Therefore, the Philadelphia Experiment as we know it
does not exist on the new third dimensional timeline; nor are
the world events and structure of this new timeline the same as
our third dimensional timeline.
Q: You mentioned that you are a time traveler — can you
explain what you mean by this? Can you share your percep-
tion about what ‘time’ is and how this was connected with the

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Philadelphia Experiment?
A: Yes, I do make the claim of being a time traveler or a
timeliner. Having the ability to move through time, either for-
ward or backward. These abilities came with my understand-
ing of ‘time’ and ‘timelines’ through my involvement with the
Philadelphia Experiment and other time related experiences.
The highly secretive government experiments dealt with move-
ment through time as it is truly understood only by a few. The
correct meaning of ‘time’ is not as the dictionary defines it, nor
how we were taught. ‘Time’ is parallel and is nothing but an
event. All events are happening simultaneously in the now!
Q: What is you interest in UFOs? Some have suggested that
UFOs have a connection with this experiment in some way, is
this true?
A: Yes. UFOs do have a connection to the experiment, be-
cause when you deal with UFO’s, you also are dealing with ‘time’
as it truly is. It is my opinion that approximately 85% of the UFO
sightings are sightings of government technology; one of the
reasons why the government will not acknowledge UFO’s. This
type of technology is nothing but unidentified technology. To-
day, instead of using warships, they applied this technology to
helicopters known as black helicopters. Because of the diffi-
culty in applying the use of this technology to large metal ob-
jects such as a naval warship, they took it into this direction.
Most sightings will take on this shape in the future, if they have
not already.
Q: Do you have some comments or clarification on the story
that Al Bielek discusses about his relationship to the Philadel-
phia Experiment?
A: He has done a commendable job in bringing to the pub-
lic awareness of his involvement with the project(s). He is an
early pioneer and took the point by breaking the silence, and
has done well in documenting his understanding. In my opin-
ion, there are pieces of our involvement yet to be revealed,
but we are both actively pursuing the information from our own
observation standpoints. I feel comfortable in saying that
though we do not work together, Al and I provide many with

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
“Food for Thought”. I would also like to point out that there were
181 men that were on board the Eldridge, but also that there
were six other ships with men on board that had been involved
with subsequent experiments. We are not the only two men
that have recall of our involvement with the Philadelphia Ex-
periment, but many do.
Many who will: (1) not be willing to actively pursue their
involvement for reasons only known to them; or, (2) have rec-
ollection and be willing to discuss their experiences without
their identity exposed; and lastly, (3) like Al and myself, be
very public of their involvement. This is NOT the end of the
information of this secret government experiment, and “those
in the know” are cognizant of this.
Q: Is there a connection with the Philadelphia Experiment
and the experiments with time travel in Montauk? What involve-
ment do you have, if any, in Montauk?
A: Yes, Montauk was a continuation of time related experi-
ments that ran parallel with the Philadelphia Experiment. As of
this date, I have no recall of any involvement in Montauk. How-
ever, I do know that on August 18th, 1943, the USS Eldridge
was sent to Montauk Point, Long Island, New York, to the year
of 1983, at which time it was dismantled. Those at Montauk were
conducting more experiments in 1993, however, today there
is no activity. Experiments by those who worked at Montauk,
are presently involved in time related experiments in Canada.
Q: From all of your experiences, what is your perceptions
about reality, what is happening to our world at the current
moment and where we may be heading in the future?
A: This is a most complex question that would take a great
deal of time and space to discuss. In short, however, know this:
with the true understanding of “time” and “timelines”, realities
are altered for the betterment of all, a richness beyond words.
As for our future, you and I will decide our future either together
or individually. This, needing more time and space to elabo-
Q: If the Philadelphia Project is considered by the govern-
ment to be a secret project, why do you feel inspired to speak

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
out at this time? Do you have any concern that the government
will try to silence you? Or, do they want this information to come
A: My being public is a calculated move for my own safety.
“Those in the know” knew that they could not permanently keep
me from the recall of many of the events, and while I was in the
military they were able to do just that — suppress my DNA
memory. Now that I am retired, they no longer have the ability
to direct me to places so that a magnetic induction can be ac-
complished. Wanting to go public with this information of the
experiment in the 1940’s, I was prevented from doing so. Their
motivation was to accomplish a time transfer experiment by
using myself in order to track my movements through time.
The Philadelphia Experiment took place 52 years ago, and their
way of thinking—those in the know”—was different then from
what it is today.
A good example was in 1959, when a respected scientist in
astronomy and mathematics, Morris Ketchum Jessup, was ter-
minated because of the information he was about to go public
with regarding the Philadelphia Experiment and the technol-
ogy surrounding other time related experiments.
Today, they are more willing to allow the flow of informa-
tion to the public through the media and other means only be-
cause they know that 50% or less of the people will believe and
the other 50% will not. However, where the information is so
critical that it could be detrimental to their agendas, termina-
tion is still an option. Primarily running interference is more or
less the “Company” policy of today.
Q: Does the Roswell Crash have any connection to the Phila-
delphia Experiment, in your opinion?
A: No. It was not related to the Philadelphia Experiment,
but it was other time related experiments that were being con-
ducted underground near Roswell, New Mexico that caused
the crashes. Electrical disturbances along the earth’s planetary
magnetic grid had caused quantum gates to open up and the
ET traveling the corridor got caught up in these disturbances
and materialized. Recently, you may recall the televised “Alien

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
Autopsy.” Many who saw this, to include many in the UFO arena,
do not believe that this was an authentic alien autopsy con-
ducted after the Roswell incident. The crash site was massive,
and instead of the known one or two crashes, there were 16 in
total and over 45 ET beings had come to their demise. My point
is, that these electrical disturbances did not discriminate
against just one type of ET, but affected all traveling through
the corridor.
Q: Your business card says you are involved with paranor-
mal research, how did you get started and why are you inter-
ested? What type of research are you conducting now and what
purpose is there for such research?
A: It normally takes an event to adjust one’s belief! My in-
volvement in paranormal research and exploration came
mainly because of my recalling of events and involvement with
the Philadelphia Experiment. Having an extensive background
as a systems analyst with the Marine Corps and trained not to
come to final conclusions until after all the data was collected,
I knew it would have been an injustice to move into the inter-
pretation stage prematurely. I therefore, allowed these events
to continue through curiosity, without emotions and by doing
so, the data and information that I have collected to date is much
more manageable. Most will come to conclusions without all
the data, and when doing so will most likely have an incorrect
interpretation of events. I continue my paranormal research
because it is an appropriate avenue for me to continue to search
for answers. What is necessary here is to define the word “Para-
Something that is “Paranormal” is nothing but an event that
happened and is not part of one’s belief structure, therefore,
cannot be believed in or understood. In most cases we will pass
it off as nothing or deny it. Again, it normally takes an event to
adjust one’s belief structure, and when this happens, it is no
longer paranormal because you will now approach it with a
new understanding or new knowledge. I continue to avail my-
self to search out answers to phenomenal events that not only
occur in my space, but to others who desire to seek out an-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
swers to events that have occurred with them. With others, I do
this on a consultant basis and by doing so, assist and help them
understand what they experienced in lieu of going through life
with fear of their experience.
Q: We have heard there is a technology which is able to
take a person to another time or dimension and bring them
back to almost the same instant of time, relative to the moment
they left so that they notice no time has passed. Is this actually
A: The technology that is able to take a person to another
time or dimension and bring them back is nothing but what I
call a “magnetic induction”. This is the phenomena that takes
place with most of those who claim ‘alien abduction’. The ab-
duction process is solely a “magnetic induction”. Now, this can
either be conducted on an energetic level or on a physical level,
though most of the time it is on an energetic level. The technol-
ogy deals mainly with magnetism.
Q: What is your interpretation for missing time?
A: “Missing time” is time (seconds, minutes or hours) that
cannot be accounted for. It is not the same as going to the hos-
pital for surgery and being put out with anesthesia. As an ex-
ample, when driving down the road and not being consciously
aware of how you got from one place to another. Many will have
missing time while in a quasi-relaxed state either sitting alone
with a cup of coffee or driving down a familiar road. In the be-
ginning stages of an induction, some may take note of how tired
they are regardless of the amount of sufficient rest they previ-
ously had and will not understand why they are so sleepy. This
process eliminates the person from being alert to what is hap-
pening. When returned, most will be perplexed by the distinct
shift in their conscious awareness levels. When magnetically
inducted there is enough of your energy left behind to do rou-
tine things, such as driving the car or sipping on your cup of
coffee. I do want to emphasis that this type of missing time is
not always adversarial.
Q: Do you know anything about agreements made by the
U.S. Government and certain races of extraterrestrials, such as

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
the Grays? Do you know if part of our modern technology (mi-
crochips, videos, etc.) has come from some type of exchange?
Do you have any insights related to UFOs as far as to the truth
of their existence and what knowledge the government has
about them?
A: I do not have the details of agreements made by our
government with extraterrestrials, however, I do know that we,
the citizens of this country, have been bartered. Without a
doubt, technology today has been affected by many unknown
sources. One of the many aspects of the Philadelphia Experi-
ment was that advanced technology from the future was placed
on the USS Eldridge to assist the movement and stability of the
ship; including medical technology to assist those of us who
needed continued treatment after the experiment. Computer
systems were and are a prime example. Dr. John von Neumann,
who had involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment, used
his position to do just that. Being an insider with “those in the
know”, he took the technology brought from the future to 1943
and used it to gain an advance understanding in his field of
study. He is known for his abilities as a mathematician and in-
volvement with computers. While at the Institute for Advanced
Study in Princeton, New Jersey, in 1946, Von Neumann with
Author Burks and Herman Goldstine published a paper that
became a landmark in the history of computer sciences (Pre-
liminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronic Com-
puting Instrument). The ideas in this paper had an enormous
impact that strongly influenced the form of all subsequent digi-
tal computers. Neither Burks nor Goldstine were part of the
experiment, but were subsequent recipients of technology
from the future, who, like von Neumann, gained a position in
history in computer sciences. In 1947, von Neumann helped
develop a method for converting the Electronic Numerical In-
tegrator and Calculator (ENIAC) concept of an externally pro-
grammed machine to that of a stored-program computer, the
Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC).
Q: Are you seeking to meet with other people or organiza-
tions who have similar interests as your own? Are there some

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
resources you require for current research?
A: Yes, I am always in the mode of seeking others out for
information and I also allow others who have similar interests
to seek me out. I welcome anyone who has the feeling of some
connection or experience pertaining to the Philadelphia Ex-
periment or other time related experiences. For those who wish
to correspond, they may do so by writing to me. As far as
needed resources for my research, there always seems be a
lack for resources to accomplish one’s ultimate goal in life;
therefore, one can only seed for the fruit one wishes to savor!
Q: How has your life been effected by your involvement
with the Philadelphia Experiment?
A: My life in 1943 with a successful scientific career came
to an abrupt end. A nightmare that didn’t cease until I was physi-
cally transferred through time in 1947 and all my memory over-
laid with other memory to prevent recall. Everything that I
owned to include my most prized possession, my personality
and identity, was taken from me. I became research material
and was not allowed to control my own destiny. Others made
these decisions for me and were more concerned about their
own welfare than mine. Today, I am pursuing a lifetime, if not
an eternal goal, of disclosing the truth, no matter how challeng-
Q: Do you have a special message to offer others or some
insight that you would like to share?
A: Through my involvement with the Philadelphia Experi-
ment and other time related experiences, I have come to cer-
tain understandings and perceptions on the subject of ‘time’
and ‘timelines’. And, if there is a message in my work, I would
only wish and will it to be this:
We are constantly reminded daily of what the future holds
for us, and it seems that the future holds only events to be of a
catastrophic or doomsday nature. Most of us have a fear of the
unknown, thus, most of us fear the future, because, it is an un-
known. Your future, like mine, is not set in stone, nor do we
have to experience any of the catastrophic events that have
been prophesied. All prophesied catastrophic and doomsday

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
events are truly events that are cataloged and can happen, but
are not necessarily events to be experienced by all. By under-
standing the true perception of ‘time’ and ‘timelines’, you will
also come to the realization that you do not have to get caught
up with all of these predictions that are “Fear” based. Do not
allow your limited perceptions through the five physical sen-
sories, gloomy fear based predictions of the future, nor the in-
correct perception of ‘time’ to become your shackle.
Time is not linear (past, present and future), but is parallel
and is only an event. All events are happening simultaneously
— now! Therefore, we have at our access the “Free Will” to
choose what events we want to experience, which are located
on different timelines. Our “Free Will” is supreme in this uni-
verse, but we have the tendency to allow others to make deci-
sions for us, and by doing so, they will make decisions for their
own welfare and not ours. Then, when events do not come out
as we would want them, we consider ourselves a victim. Is not
making a decision a decision? Fear is an emotion, and emo-
tions are an outward projection of our frequency, but also a
means by which we can determine our own frequencies.
We all have a range of frequencies at which we vibrate,
and it’s the daily reminders of these predictions, no matter how
large or small, that place us in a fear based frequency. Thus,
what you fear the most — you will experience! You made deci-
sions using this frequency and its the frequencies along with
your decisions that draws you to the different timelines and its
events. Some would call this a self-fulfilled prophecy!
Q: What materials do you have available to share with oth-
ers related to these subjects? If someone would like to get in
touch with you, how can they do this?
A: I am currently writing of my experiences with time re-
lated experiments, which is still pending completion. However,
I do have products, if people desire to learn more of what I do
and what really took place with this secret government experi-
ment known today as the Philadelphia Experiment. They may
send for these products by sending a check or money order
made payable to “Drue” and addressed to:

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
P.O. Box 586026
Oceanside, Ca 92058-6026
The booklet is $12.00; an audio cassette for $12.00; and
lastly, a 60 minute video for $28.00. Cost includes tax, ship-
ping and handling charges. For overseas locations, additional
shipping cost may be incurred.
In the booklet, I do provide a list of other recommended
reading and viewing material. I, along with Debra Cunningham,
avail ourselves for group lectures/workshops and private con-
sultations. For specific fees and information you can contact
me directly at (619)433- 7876 or contact Debra at (619)755-9783.
The Philadelphia Experiment
Now, we’re gonna make everything CLEAR about that ru-
mor. The result of the experiment was complete invisibility of
a ship destroyer type, and all its crew, while at sea (Oct. 1943).
The field was effective in an oblate spheroidal shape, extend-
ing 100 yards out from each beam of the ship. Any person within
that sphere became vague in form...Somehow, also, the experi-
mental ship disappeared from its Philadelphia dock and only a
very few minutes later appeared at its other dock in the Nor-
folk, Newport News, Portsmouth area...the ship then again dis-
appeared and went back to its Philadelphia dock.
The above is an extract from a letter written on January 13,
1965, by Carlos Miguel Allende (also known as Carl Allen), a
former seaman, to Dr. Morris Jessup, an astronomer and au-
thor of “The Case For The UFO” (1995). The experiment,
claimed Allende, was an application, by a scientist called Dr.
Franklin Reno, of Eintein’s unified field theory (a theory that
attempts to connect the fundamental forces of nature). Reno,
Allende claimed, had successfully connected the field of grav-
ity with that of electromagnetism.
Allende stated that he witnessed the disapearance of the
destroyer, the USS Eldridge, while on board a merchant ship,
the SS ANDREW FURUSETH. However, the appearance of the
Eldridge in the Norfolk area was something that Allende

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
claimed he had only read about, in a Philadelphia newspaper.
According to Allende, the success of the experiment was
marred by terrible side effects on the Eldridge crew. Once,
during a dockside bar brawl, some of these crewmen, con-
tended Allende, vanished into thin air. He further claimed that
there was a report about this incident which had appeared in a
Philadelphia newspaper, sometime in 1944-46. In the best-sell-
ing book they wrote about this “mystery”, “The Philadelphia
Experiment” (1979), Berlitz and Moore reproduce a newspa-
per clipping of such an account. Yet the clipping does not bear
any newspaper name or date, and its column width is greater
than that of any Philadelphia newspaper published in the 1940s.
Dr Jessup seems to have believed Allende’s story and con-
ducted research on it. Naval records show that Allende was, as
he had claimed to be, aboard the ANDREW FURUSETH in Oc-
tober 1943. But these records show that the only possible date
on which the two ships could have been there at the same time
(although there is no evidence they were) was on August 16,
1943. In addition, no other former crew members of the An-
drew Furuseth have at any time corroborated Allende’s story.
There is also no mention of Dr. Franklin Reno, the alleged
mastermind behind the experiment in any reference works.
The U. S. Navy has always denied that the experiment occurred,
and there is no other evidence that this or similar tests occurred
(which is not the same as saying that they did not). It is pos-
sible, therefore, that the “Philadelphia Experiment” existed
only in the mind of Carlos Allende.
Benjamin Leblanc
The Philadelphia Experiment Revista
Yet to be released, this book (“The Philadelphia Experi-
ment from A-Z”) has been written to provide the reader with a
complete overview of all acquired information to date on the
Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Currently there are more then
290 Pages (not including pictures) in 9"x6" format.
I have spent over eight years digging through books, mak-
ing phone calls and meeting various people in an effort to com-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
pile the following information. I been interested in the subject
of mass displacement, time travel, and other fringe topics for a
number of years.
My interest in the Philadelphia Experiment goes back to
the 1980’s with the release of The Philadelphia Experiment, a
science-fiction movie drama based on the legend. Later that
same week I was in my local public library, and found The Phila-
delphia Experiment: Project Invisibility in pocket novel form,
by Charles Berlitz and William Moore. Knowing that books are
often better than the movies, I decided to check the book out.
Upon reading the book, it became very evident that the au-
thors did not consider the experiment as a fantasy. From here I
began to collect information on the experiment, and so the jour-
ney began. As we fast-forward over eight years, we find that
the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment is far from dead.
The slim facts that remain are continually being twisted and
augmented; this book was written to pull the twisted informa-
tion back into perspective.
At present the legend of The Philadelphia Experiment it-
self revolves around a small group of people that will not be
quoted, much less named. These people claim to have unusual
knowledge, or even to have been personally involved in the
experiment. When these self-proclaimed witnesses do turn up
and are asked any direct question, they usually brush it aside
or respond using vague (or “technical sounding” to the lay-
man) terms. In preparing this book, and wading through the
recent claims of “inside knowledge” on the PX that some are
asserting, I have often found myself lamenting “How about
showing us some schematic diagrams!” or, as John Lennon
might have said, “Just give me some truth!” Much of what is out
there is pseudo-scientific psycho-spiritual fluff. Nevertheless,
even though I feel that the credibility of some of the individu-
als and events discussed in this book are dubious at best, I have
included them so that you can see what the present legend is,
and how it continues to be embellished.
I think it is important that people start reading ‘The Full
Story’ when pursuing any fringe topic like Ufology, the Ber-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
muda Triangle, etc. There are plenty of paranoid delusionists
writing books like “Aliens told me ‘Humans taste like
The following excerpt from my book is taken from the be-
The Current Legend
The following account, culled from a variety of sources and
“self-proclaimed witnesses,” describes an event that may or
may not have actually taken place. It is the story - or legend - of
what has become popularly known as the “Philadelphia Ex-
periment,” also referred to as Project Rainbow.
Project Rainbow was allegedly an experiment conducted
upon a small destroyer escort ship during World War II, both
in the Philadelphia Naval Yard and at sea; the goal was to make
that ship invisible to enemy detection. The accounts vary as to
whether the original idea was to achieve invisibility to enemy
radar or whether the prize sought after was more profound:
optical invisibility. Either way, it is commonly believed that the
mechanism involved was the generation of an incredibly in-
tense magnetic field around the ship, which would cause re-
fraction or bending of light or radar waves around the ship,
much like a mirage created by heated air over a road on a sum-
mer day. The legend goes on to say that the experiment was a
complete success... except that the ship actually disappeared
physically for a time, and then returned. They wanted to “cloak”
the ship from view, but they got de-materialization and
teleportation instead...
It has been claimed that the Philadelphia Experiment was
partly an investigation into how Albert Einstein’s “Unified Field
Theory for Gravitation and Electricity” might be used to ad-
vantage in the development of electronic camouflage for ships
at sea. Einstein allegedly published his Unified Theory around
1925-27 in German, in a Prussian scientific journal, but it was
later withdrawn as incomplete. This research was aimed at us-
ing intense electromagnetic fields to mask a ship from incom-
ing projectiles, mainly torpedoes. This was later extended to
include a study of creating radar invisibility by a similar field

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
in the air rather than in the water.
The story begins in June of 1943, with the U.S.S. Eldridge,
DE (Destroyer Escort) 173, being fitted with tons of experimen-
tal electronic equipment. This included, according to one
source, two massive generators of 75 KVA each, mounted where
the forward gun turret would have been, distributing their
power through four magnetic coils mounted on the deck. Three
RF transmitters (2 megawatt CW each, mounted on the deck),
three thousand ‘6L6’ power amplifier tubes (used to drive the
field coils of the two generators), special synchronizing and
modulation circuits, and a host of other specialized hardware
were employed to generate massive electromagnetic fields
which, when properly configured, would be able to bend light
and radio waves around the ship, thus making it invisible to
enemy observers.
The experiment, said to have taken place at the Philadel-
phia Naval Yard and also at sea, took place on at least one oc-
casion while in full view of the Merchant Marine ship S.S. An-
drew Furuseth, and other observation ships. The Andrew
Furuseth becomes significant because one of its crewmen is
the source of most of the original material making up the PX
legend. Carlos Allende, a.k.a. Carl Allen, wrote a series of
strange letters to one Dr. Morris K. Jessup in the 1950’s in which
he described what he claims to have witnessed: at least one of
the several phases of the Philadelphia Experiment.
At 0900 hours, on July 22nd, 1943, so the story goes, the
power to the generators was turned on, and the massive elec-
tromagnetic fields started to build up. A greenish fog was seen
to slowly envelop the ship, concealing it from view. Then the
fog itself is said to have disappeared, taking the Eldridge with
it, leaving only undisturbed water where the ship had been
anchored only moments before.
The elite officers of the Navy and scientists involved gazed
in awe at their greatest achievement: the ship and crew were
not only radar invisible but invisible to the eye as well! Every-
thing worked as planned, and about fifteen minutes later they
ordered the men to shut down the generators. The greenish

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
fog slowly reappeared, and the Eldridge began to remateralize
as the fog subsided, but it was evident to all that something
had gone wrong.
When boarded by personnel from shore, the crew above
deck were found to be disoriented and nauseous. The Navy
removed the crew, and shortly after obtained another. In the
end, the Navy decided that they only wanted radar invisibility,
and the equipment was altered.
On the 28th of October in 1943, at 17:15, the final test on the
Eldridge was performed. The electromagnetic field genera-
tors were turned on again, and the Eldridge became near-in-
visible; only a faint outline of the hull remained visible in the
water. Everything was fine for the first few seconds, and then,
in a blinding blue flash, the ship completely vanished. Within
seconds it reappeared miles away, in Norfolk, Virginia, and
was seen for several minutes. The Eldridge then disappeared
from Norfolk as mysteriously as it had arrived, and reappeared
back in Philadelphia Naval Yard. This time most of the sailors
were violently sick. Some of the crew were simply “missing”
never to return. Some went crazy, but, strangest of all, five men
were fused to the metal in the ship’s structure.
The men that survived were never the same again. Those
that lived were discharged as “mentally unfit” for duty, regard-
less of their true condition.
So, what had begun as an experiment in electronic camou-
flage, ended up as an accidental teleportation of an entire ship
and crew, to a distant location and back again, all in a matter of
That is the composite Philadelphia Experiment (PX) leg-
end as it has stood up until very recently, when certain new
details were added by a few sources who claim to be “remem-
bering” their own participation in the project after years of
brainwashing to remove such memories. We will explore these
new claims later on in the book.
After reading the above some basic questions my come to

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
mind such as:
* Is there any evidence that an experiment of this nature
was really performed on the U.S.S. Eldridge (or any other ship)
in 1943?
* Did the Eldridge really “teleport” over 600 km in the blink
of an eye? How could such an unusual assertion have been
* If there really was an experiment of this nature, what hap-
pened to the men involved, and are any of the witnesses still
alive after fifty years? Have any of them come forth and told
their stories?
* How could the Navy have kept such a technological
breakthrough as implied by the PX covered up for 50 years?
* What kind of technology could have been implemented
to cause the events discussed?
* Were Einstein’s theories really involved? Was his “Uni-
fied Field Theory” ever really “completed?”
* Is the experiment still continuing behind closed doors
With all the different sources of information available on
the PX (over 65 books, tapes, etc.) one begins to look at all the
dates, and wonder if they all “jibe?” This time line was created
to give the reader an overall picture of events that took place.
From a fire in the Eldridge’s Galley, to every four hrs of the day
to day running of the ship are detailed.
A Matter of Time
Possible Science Behind the Experiment
In this chapter we explore the possibility that the Philadel-
phia Experiment really happened as described in the popular
accounts. If it did take place, we had better have some scien-
tific explanation for it, because if the PX is for real, then it goes
without saying that somebody, somewhere, didn’t leave it alone
after the 1943 disaster, but has since gone on to develop this
thing into a new technology that will have an undeniable im-
pact on our lives. Example of some of the topics covered: Did
the Philadelphia Experiment actually take place? Which were

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
they trying to accomplish: radar or optical invisibility?, What
is refraction? What is magnetorefraction?, What is phase con-
jugation?, What is resonance?, What is magnetic resonance?
How can magnetism be “resonant”?, Decay vs. spin pumping,
What kind of equipment was used aboard ship to perform the
PX?, What has radar got to do with the PX?, How does radar
work? and what is radar invisibility?, What part did Einstein’s
relativity play in the PX?, What part do theories of “multiple
dimensions” play in the PX?, Was time travel involved in the
Philadelphia Experiment?
The Montauk Project was alleged (and is unsupported), a
continuation of the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. The ex-
periment was conducted at Montauk AFB, in the 1950’s. Montauk
Air Force Station was designed to provide radar surveillance
data, aircraft height determination, and Mark X IFF SIF identifi-
cation data and to perform radar mapping prior to transmit-
ting of such data to Air Defense SAGE Units.
“I have spoken with a credible person who claims to have
viewed a document inside a defense intelligence facility in 1964
that specifically stated that the project popularly known as the
“Philadelphia Experiment” conducted in 1943 was a test to
determine if the hulls of naval warships could be demagne-
tized (degaussed) so they would not trigger magnetic floating
mines. This was to be accomplished by winding a massive cop-
per toroid coil inside the ship and powering it with the ship’s
generators when the threat of naval mines was encountered.
“That the test failed is now a matter of record since no such
technology is used at present to defend naval warships against
magnetic floating mines; viz, the recent floating mine damage
to U. S. warships in the Persian Gulf.
“That does not, however, alter the outcome of the test at
Philadelphia in 1943, which, according to my research, was an
accidental multi-polar shift in the quantum field, resulting in a
brief and uncontrolled time shift for those aboard the ship.
“While U. S. naval warships do conduct a series of tests
before deployment; i.e., “boxing the compass” and “degauss-

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
ing the hull” and others, none are related to the prevention of
contact with floating mines, which was the stated specific pri-
mary goal of the so-called PX.
“My research also has convinced me that the ship which
reappeared at Philadelphia harbor was not the same ship which
had been projected into the quantum field but was from a par-
allel world.
“This accounts for the odd behavior of the surviving crew-
men and also for the spontaneous combustion of others after
they reappeared in our ‘linear’ time. Their physical bodies
apparently could not exist on such a radically uncontrolled
“Mind you, this last is only speculation on my part since, as
far as I can determine, none of the crew have survived to con-
firm or deny it. And I suspect that they would be unaware, for
the most part, that they did not belong here anyway. Shifting in
time from one earth to another would be as unexplainable and
trivial as an episode of deja vu. Everything seems the same as
before except one may have difficulty remembering past epi-
sodes or finding their way to work, or may inexplicably have a
“dream” of a childhood event that could not possibly have hap-
pened in this world. These “non-linear” events are good indi-
cators that some kind of time shifting has occurred or is occur-
What is a “non-linear” event? A good illustration (but not a
good example for I believe there are more plausible causes)
is the recent downing of TWA Flight 800. An aircraft takes off
from an airfield and, moments later, it disintegrates in mid-air
and no one, after a year of tinkering, can explain why it hap-
pened. The concept we have named, “time,” apparently moves
in one direction: forward. That is how we experience most
events in our lives. We call this “linear time” because all events
flow smoothly from one moment to the next in an orderly and
logical progression and continuity.
“But when an event occurs for which there is no apparent
explanation (especially if one or more persons cannot be ac-
counted for after the event), then we are left with at least the

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
possibility that a non-linear event has occurred and it requires
some investigation into paranormal probabilities.
“Again, let me stress that I do not claim that any aircraft has
been projected into the quantum field, either purposefully or
accidentally, or that any private or government agency is re-
sponsible for having conducted such a test. I have used a re-
cent event to illustrate what might be considered a “non-lin-
ear” event.
“Just as the U. S. S. Eldridge sustained damage and her crew
had been killed during the the PX event, so could an aircraft
sustain similar damage during a similar test, except that the
damage to the aircraft would be massive and the trauma suf-
fered by the crew and passengers would be completely fatal
simply because of the position of the aircraft thousands of feet
above the earth.
“A ship, even if severely damaged, might remain afloat.
An aircraft projected through the quantum field simply could
not survive if it sustained even moderate damage, nor would
its passengers upon falling thousands of feet to their deaths.
“Additionally, an aircraft projected into the quantum field
would immediately lose all contact with the control towers and
automatic recorders would cease to function instantly, as was
the case with TWA Flight 800.
“Please be assurred again that I am not suggesting that
TWA Flight 800 or President Clinton’s C-130 cargo plane (a few
days later) plowed through a hole in the sky—the quantum
field—or caused their destruction during an uncontrolled time
“I recently received some information that a device called
a “Quantum Field Phase Shifter” had been disassembled at an
east coast government laboratory and transported to a south-
west desert facility for reassembly and will be used to conduct
extensive non-linear time shifting events.
“My source indicates that the device was ‘officially’ trans-
ported by disguised and guarded government trucks but was
actually transported covertly in four parts in commercially

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
rented vehicles mixed amongst articles of furniture. He can-
not, and I cannot, confirm any of it.
“Now, the very name of the device suggests that the gov-
ernment has built a time machine. What, I wonder, are they
planning to do with it?
“If the device really has been built and if it was transported
in only four rented vehicles, it cannot be very large, particu-
larly if pieces of household furniture comprise a portion of the
cargo. Strangely, this partially supports another report I re-
ceived that claims the Phase Shifter is not much larger than a
telephone booth.
“Let us imagine for a moment that there is another Phase
Shifter still on the east coast, or that there are dozens of them
scattered around the universe. Or that one will be planted on
Mars on July 4th, 1997 when the Rover touches down. Just imag-
ine it! Here, say, at Alamagordo or Sandia, is a telephone booth-
size device that can loft things—maybe humans—into the quan-
tum field from one time line/location to another, even to the
surface of Mars where another telephone booth-size device is
waiting to receive cargo.
“Can this be possible? Prominent scientists claim that the
string of data required to transport a human from one side of a
room to the other would stretch from one side of the Milky Way
galaxy to the other. That is to say that downloading all the in-
formation that is a human, keeping it in perfect order, and up-
loading all that information to another location—even a few feet
way—would require a computer that cannot even be conceived
by the human brain let alone built with present technology.
“A human would have to be replicated by the computer,
the original human would have to be destroyed, and the
replicant projected to the desired location with all its human
functions and memories intact just as if the original had walked
or flown to the site. The slightest corruption of data would pro-
duce something other than the human who was so recently
“But is replication and time shifting the same thing? No.
Replication involves moving one object from one location to

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
another in “linear” time. Time shifting involves moving an ob-
ject or being onto an alternate timeline through “non-linear”
time. One object or being is replaced with its non-linear double
and neither may be aware that it has been replaced (or dis-
placed) in a different non-linear time.
“I personally know a man who is adamant in his claim that
he was displaced as a 10-month-old infant from one non-linear
dimension to this one. He claims that he can remember that he
was a mature adult in another world and that he was projected
into the body of a 10-month-old earth child. He remembers
events that simply could not have happened in this life; that is,
he remembers events from, not a past life, but a parallel life.
“How could we ever prove or disprove such a claim? How
could an outsider who has never experienced such a bizarre
event say that it could not happen? While his stories are cer-
tainly compelling—and he has related a number of them—and
he is vehement and sincere in his claims, even he often shakes
his head in disbelief.
“But one thing is certain: he has rather frightening powers
of extra-sensory perception. I have urged him on numerous
occasions to write a book about his alleged events but he in-
sists he does not want the notoriety or infamy that might follow
the revelations. Too, he has often expressed the fear that he
has gone mad or that others will think he is mad. And, truth to
tell, I suspect he fears greatly for his life. After all, if it could be
verified somehow that a person living on this planet in this lin-
ear time has been projected here from a parallel universe or
world, some very evil people would want to strap him to a table
straightaway and examine him in detail.
“Now, this brings us to the subject of abduction. If it could
be verified somehow that people really are being projected
back and forth through that hole in the sky, would not the mili-
tary or some other agency want to keep an eye on these people,
to implant them with loation devices, to examine them, to influ-
ence them or discover what other intelligence influences them
or has shifted them to this world and for what purpose?
“Well, that is, perhaps, a story for another day and another

The Brotherhood Of The Bell
time. If time shifting is being accomplished in this world or some
other which is impacting our world, it explains almost every
supra-normal event we have ever witnessed or ever will wit-
ness in our lifetimes. But I’ll leave that to others to explore.”
Midori Ohara
Sedona, Arizona

The Brotherhood Of The Bell


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