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Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 473–477

Evaluation of mass exchange during osmotic dehydration

of carrots using response surface methodology
M. Burhan Uddin a, Paul Ainsworth b, S _
ß enol Ibano 
glu c,*

Department of Food Technology & Rural, Industries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
Department of Food and Consumer Technology, Hollings Faculty, Old Hall Lane, M14 6HR Manchester, UK
Department of Food Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Gaziantep University, 27310 Gaziantep, Turkey
Received 14 October 2003; accepted 3 February 2004

Water and sucrose transfer were quantitatively investigated during osmotic dehydration of carrot slices using response surface
methodology with the sucrose concentration (40–60%, w/w), temperature of sucrose solution (40–60 °C) and immersion time (0.5–
6.0 h) being the independent process variables. Quadratic regression equations describing the effects of independent process variables
on the water loss (WL) and sucrose gain (SG) were developed. It was found that immersion time and concentration of sucrose
solution were the most significant factors affecting the WL during osmotic dehydration of carrots followed by temperature. Effect of
temperature and time were more pronounced for SG than the concentration of sucrose solution. It is suggested that the regression
equations obtained in this study can be used to find optimum conditions for the desired sensory and physical properties of sweet
carrot products such as preserves.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Carrots; Modelling; Osmotic dehydration; Response surface methodology

1. Introduction This is due to the fact that permeable plant tissues resist
the larger osmoactive substances from the entry, while
Osmotic dehydration is a water removal process lower molecular weight water migrates out of the solu-
involving soaking foods, mostly fruits and vegetables, in tion. Therefore, the weight of the foodstuff will decrease,
a hypertonic solution such as concentrated sugar syrup. as will the water activity. It is reported that up to a 50%
Two major simultaneous counter-current flows occur reduction in the fresh weight of fruits or vegetables may
during osmotic dehydration: and important water flow be brought about by osmosis (Kar & Gupta, 2001;
out of the food into the solution and a simultaneous Rastogi & Raghavarao, 1997).
transfer of solute from the solution into the food Osmotic dehydration is one of the energy efficient
(Madamba, 2003; Rault-Wack, Guilbert, Le Maguer, & means of removing moisture from a food product, as the
Rios, 1992). There is also a third flow of natural solutes water does not have to go through a phase change to be
such as sugars, organic acids, minerals, salts, etc., leak- released from the product. It is stated that some of the
ing from the food into the solution (Lazerides, Gekas, & advantages of direct osmosis in comparison with other
Mavroudis, 1997; Waliszewski, Pardio, & Ramirez, drying processes include minimized heat damage to
2002). All these mass exchanges may have an affect on colour and flavour, and less decolourisation of fruit by
the organoleptic and/or nutritional quality of the dehy- enzymic oxidative browning (Krokida, Maroulis, &
drated product (Sablani, Rahman, & Al-Sadeiri, 2002; Saravacos, 2001; Saurel, Raoult-Wack, Rios, & Guil-
Singh, Shivhare, Ahmed, & Raghavan, 1999). bert, 1994). On the other hand, the amount of water
The flux of water coming out of the food is much removed from food samples is limited and prolonged
larger than the counter flux of osmoactive substance. immersion times may be needed to achieve desired water
levels in the end product. The osmotic solution used
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90-342-3601200; fax: +90-342-
must have a low aw and moreover the solute must be
3601100. harmless with good taste. Several factors are known to
E-mail address: (S _
ß . Ibano
glu). affect the osmotic dehydration. These are the type of
0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
474 M.B. Uddin et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 473–477

osmotic agent used, concentration and temperature of h in an oven. The concentration of sugar solutions was
osmotic solution, the ratio of the solution to the food determined using a refractometer (RMF 80 BS, Lon-
material and pyhsico-chemical properties of food don). Measurements were corrected for temperature and
materials (Lerici, Mastrocola, Pinnavaia, & Bartolucci, other dissolved substances as described by Egan, Kirk,
1985). Sucrose has been recommended for osmotic and Sawyer (1981). In each of the experiments fresh
dehydration of fruits because of its effectiveness, con- sucrose syrup was used. All the experiments were done
venience and desired flavour (Lenart, 1996). in triplicate and the average value was taken for calcu-
Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a good source of b-caro- lations.
tene, thiamine, iron, vitamin C and sugar. It is used
raw and cooked as well as for the manufacture of pre- 2.3. Calculations
serves and pickles. Drying of fruits and vegetables using
different techniques has received considerable attention Water loss (WL) was expressed as the net loss of
(Brennan, 1994; Rahman & Lamb, 1990). However, water from the fresh carrot sample after osmotic dehy-
little information is available on the statistical modelling dration based on initial sample weight and sugar gain
of carrot drying by osmotic dehydration. The aim of the (SG) was defined as the net uptake of sugar by the os-
present study was to determine the effect of sucrose mosed carrot sample based on initial sample weight (Le
concentration (40–60%, w/w), temperature of sucrose Marguer, 1988):
solution (40–60 °C) and immersion time (0.5–6.0 h) on
%WL ¼ ½ðMi  MoÞ=Wi  100 ð1Þ
the water loss and sucrose gain in carrot slices during
osmotic dehydration using response surface methodo- %SG ¼ ½ðSi  SoÞ=Wi  100 ð2Þ
logy. where Mi ¼ moisture content of fresh sample (g);
Mo ¼ moisture content of osmotically treated sample
(g); Si ¼ solids content of osmotically treated sample (g);
2. Materials and methods So ¼ solids content of fresh sample (g); Wi ¼ total
weight of fresh sample (g).
2.1. Materials
2.4. Experimental design and statistical analysis
Fully ripened fresh carrots purchased locally were
thoroughly washed with water to remove adhering soil
Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to
and other debris. The carrots after peeling were cut into
estimate the main effects of osmotic dehydration process
circular pieces of 30 mm diameter and 3 mm thickness.
on water loss (WL) and sugar gain (SG) in carrot slices.
The average moisture content of the carrot was found to
A rotatable central composite design was used with su-
be 89% on a wet basis. Sucrose, the osmotic agent, was a
gar concentration (40–60%, w/w), temperature (40–60
food grade commercial granulated cane sugar and pur-
°C) and immersion time (0.5–6.0 h) being the indepen-
chased from a local supermarket.
dent process variables. This generated 20 experiments
with six replications at the centre point (Draper, 1982).
2.2. Osmotic dehydration The RSM was applied to the experimental data using a
commercial statistical package, Design-Expert version
The osmotic dehydration was conducted using a
6.01 (Statease Inc., Minneapolis, USA). The following
thermostatically controlled shaking water bath (Foss
polynomial model was fitted to the data:
Tecator, model 1024-011, Sweden) and a stainless steel
basket was used as a dehydrating vessel. A ratio of Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X1 þ b2 X2 þ b3 X3 þ b11 X12 þ b22 X22
carrot:sugar solution (1:10, by weight) was chosen in þ b33 X32 þ b12 X1 X2 þ b13 X1 X3 þ b23 X2 X3 ð3Þ
order to avoid significant dilution during osmotic
treatment (Le Marguer, 1988). Carrrot pieces were where bn are constant regression coefficients; Y is the
weighed and placed into dehydrating vessel containing response (i.e. WL or SG, %); X1 , X2 , and X3 are sucrose
sugar solutions of varying concentrations (40–60% by concentration (%), temperature (°C) and immersion
weight). The vessel was placed into the circulating water time (h), respectively. Statistical significance of the terms
bath at a constant temperature (40–60 °C). Through the in the regression equations was examined. Response
osmotic dehydration, the carrot slices were totally sub- surface plots were generated with the same software.
merged in sugar solution. At each sampling time (0.5–
6.0 h), the carrot slices were taken out and quickly
rinsed under a fast flowing stream of cold water, drained 3. Results and discussion
and then gently blotted with adsorbent paper and
weighed. The average moisture and dry matter content Regression equations describing the effect of osmotic
of the samples were determined by drying at 70 °C for 24 dehydration variables on the water loss (WL) and su-
M.B. Uddin et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 473–477 475

crose gain (SG) of carrot slices are given in Table 1.

Relatively high correlation coefficients (i.e. r2 ) were ob-
tained for both responses indicating good fit of experi-
mental data to Eq. (3) (Table 1). The ANOVA also
showed that lack of fit was not significant for both re- 67.7
sponses at P ¼ 5% level (data not given). The results 60.1
given in Table 1 reveal that water loss (WL) was mainly 52.6

WL (%)
affected linearly by sucrose concentration and immer-
sion time followed by temperature whereas the qua-
dratic effect of sucrose concentration and temperature
were not significant at 5% level. The interaction of su-
crose concentration and immersion time was also sig-
nificant for WL at 5% level (Table 1). As for sucrose
gain (SG), temperature and immersion time were found 55.0
significant for linear effects at 99% level whereas con- 4.0
centration was significant at 5% level (Table 1). The 3.0
quadratic effects of time and temperature on SG were
2.0 47.5
also significant at 99% and 90% levels, respectively. C: Immersion time (h) A: Concentration (%)
Similarly, the interaction of temperature and time was 1.0 45.0
significant at 95% level (Table 1). The effect of changing Fig. 1. Water loss (WL) during osmotic dehydration of carrot slices as
immersion time and sucrose concentration on the per- function of immersion time and concentration of sucrose solution at
cent water loss (WL) is given in Fig. 1. The WL increases 50 °C.
rapidly in the early stages of the immersion, after which
the rate of water loss from carrots into the solution
loss in fruits and vegetables (Ponting, Walters, Forrey,
gradually slowed down with time towards equilibrium
Jackson, & Stanley, 1966). Therefore, 60% sucrose was
end point. Rapid removal of water in the early stages of
chosen as the upper limit for the sucrose concentration
apples has been reported (Conway, Castaigne, Picard, &
in this study. The effect of immersion time and tem-
Voxan, 1983). On the other hand, the WL increases
perature on the WL is given in Fig. 2. The WL is
gradually with sucrose concentration over the entire
increasing with temperature especially in the early stages
osmotic dehydration process (Fig. 1). It was reported
of the immersion (Fig. 2). Higher temperatures seem to
that above 60% sugar concentration additional increase
promote faster water loss through swelling and plasti-
in sugar concentration did not promote further water
cising of cell membranes as well as the better water
transfer characteristics on the product surface due to
Table 1
Regression equation coefficients for water loss (WL) and sugar gain
(SG) during osmotic dehydration of carrot slices a ;b
Coefficients WL (%) SG (%)
b0 +70.50 (63.4)*** +14.30 (52.9)***
Linear 72.2
b1 +4.30 (116.5)*** +0.70 (16.5)**
b2 +1.20 (9.0)* +0.90 (32.7)***
WL (%)

b3 +5.80 (190.0)*** +3.40 (365.5)*** 63.2

Quadratic 58.6
b11 -0.41(1.0) )0.04 (0.1)
b22 )0.60 (2.5) )0.70 (15.4)*
b33 )6.40 (265.8)*** )1.30 (57.6)***
b12 +0.23 (0.7) )0.08 (0.4) 55.0
b13 +0.95 (9.9)** )0.10 (1.1) 4.1
b23 )0.40 (1.9) +0.40 (10.0)** 3.3
r2 0.96 0.95 2.4 47.5
*, **, ***: F value significant at P < 10%, P < 5% and P < 1%, C: Immersion time (h) 1.5 45.0 B: Temperature (˚C)
X1 ¼ sucrose concentration (%, w/w), X2 ¼ temperature (°C), Fig. 2. Water loss (WL) during osmotic dehydration of carrot slices as
X3 ¼ immersion time (h). function of immersion time and temperature at a sucrose concentration
Values in the parenthesis show F values. of 50% (w/w).
476 M.B. Uddin et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 65 (2004) 473–477

water loss during osmotic dehydration of carrots fol-

lowed by temperature. Effect of temperature and time
were more pronounced for sucrose gain than the con-
centration of sucrose solution. The regression equations
obtained in this study can be used to find optimum
13.0 conditions for the desired sensory and physical proper-
ties of sweet carrot products such as preserves. A study
SG (%)


8.0 on the effect of osmotic drying conditions on the hard-

ness of carrot samples is currently underway.

5.0 Acknowledgements
52.5 One of the authors (M.B.U.) is grateful to the Asso-
50.0 ciation of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) for sup-
C: Immersion time (h) 47.5 B: Temperature (˚C)
porting this work.
1.5 45.0

Fig. 3. Sucrose gain (SG) during osmotic dehydration of carrot slices

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