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1.1 Complete the rules.

Have you ever…? a specific time in the past Did you…? general experiences

A. We use the present perfect to talk about general experiences.

b. We use the simple past to talk about an especific time in the past.

c. We ask about general experiences using the question form “Have you ever…?”.

d. We ask about a specific time in the past using “Did you…?”.

1.2 Write the past participle and past simple of these verbs below.
Be: Been – Was/Were.

Go: Gone – Went.

Visit: Visited – Visited.

Take: Taken – Took.

1.3 What is the difference between simple past and present perfect?

We use the simple past when the action started in the past, finished in the past, and is
not continuing now and the present perfect tells us that an action started in the past
and it is still happening now, or it is something that happens regularly.

1.4 Complete the exchanges with the correct form of the verbs.
a. Have you ever been (be) in Australia?

b. I went (go) there last summer.

c. Have you ever visited (visit) the capital of another country?

d. I went (go) with my family.

e. I took (take) it last year in Uganda.

A. Show obligation B. Show prohibition

Must: A Mustn’t: B

1.5 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

a. You mustn't smoke in a gas station. It's dangerous.

b. I must go now. The exam starts in five minutes.

c. Cyclists mustn't ride a bike without a helmet.

e. You must wash your hands before meals.

1.6 Match the meanings to the signs.

1. You mustn't use your cell phone. 2. All swimmers must wear caps.
3. You mustn't take photographs. 4. You mustn't drink this water.
5. Passengers must fasten their seat belt. 6. Cars must stop here.

6. Cars must stop there.

2. All swimmers must wear caps.

5. Passengers must fasten their seat belt.

3. You mutn't take photographs.

1. You mustn't use your phone.

4. You mustn't drink this water.

1.7 Underline the correct options to complete the rules.
1. We use some/any in affirmative sentences.

2. We use some/any in negative sentences and questions.

3. We use some/any/both with plural and noncount nouns.

1.8 Some or Any?

1. You have some butter on your chin.

2. I don't have any information for you about flights to Paris.

3. I have some information for you about flights to Paris.

4. Do you know any famous people?

5. Would you like some coffee?

1.9 Write C for contable nouns and UN for uncountable nouns.

Water Un milk Un carrots C

Bread C pasta Un eggs C

Tomatoes C Orange C strawberry C

1.10 Complete the table with the missing Word forms.

Adjective Adverb

Polite Politely
Quick Quickly
beautiful Beautully
good Well
hard Hardly
bad Badly
Basic Basically
Easy Easily
Possible Possibly

1.11 Fill in the blank with the correct Word.

Loudly well politely

Carefully noisily
She read the letter carefully.

1. Do you wait politely in a line?

2. He drives carefully.
3. He does not talk loudly to the person he respects.
4. But he is not doing well in the practice matches.
5. Thom is playing his music noisily.
1.12 Match the phrases to the symbols.
A. It's sunny. B. It's cold. C. It's foggy. D. It's rainy. E. It's cloudy.
F. It's dry. G. It's snowy. H. It's hot. It's wet. I. It's windy.

C. It's foggy.

B. It's cold.

F. It's dry.

E. It's cloudy.
It's hot.

D. It's rainy.

G. It's snowy.

A. It's sunny

It's wet.

I. It's windy.

1.13 Complete the suggestions with the correct form of the verbs in
parentheses. Then underline the appropriate response to each.
1. Why don´t you take (take) an aspirin?

a. I do, thanks. B. That´s good idea

2. Shall we go (go) for a bike ride?

a. Sounds like fun! B. Ok. Have fun!

3. How about calling (call) the doctor?

a. No, I´m not. B. I´ll do it now.

4. What about taking (take) a rest?

a. Mm… maybe. B. They already did.


1. What do we use be going to express?

a) A past action. B) An intention for the future.

2. What form of the verb follows be going to?

a) The base form b) The -ing form

3. Does will express?

a) The past b) the present c) the future

4. What form of the verb follows will?

a) The –ing form b) The base form of the main verb.

5. Will or be going to?

A) “Will” is used to express a promise, a prediction or something that you want to do

in the future.

b) We generally use be going to + infinitive verb" for actions that are going to happen
very soon or to express a plan that you have.

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