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Nama: Nur Alasima

Kelas: Ag 6

Nim: 40300119140

Analysis of the film "The Help" (2011)

▪ About The Help

The Help is a film that tells about the life of blacks and whites in the Jackson area, Mississippi,
United States. In the era of the 60's, all of the domestic servants came from the black
population. These negroes (a rough term for blacks) worked looking after the house and the
white children. This scene of the film opens with an interview conducted by Eugene "Sketeer"
Phelan (Emma Stone) against a black maid named Aibileen (Viola Davis). Eugene Phelan is
described as the only unmarried woman in Jackson. Sketeer, who had just graduated from
college, tried to apply for a job at a local newspaper office and was finally accepted. Sketeer
has the opportunity to fill in the Myrna column, which is a special column that discusses
domestic problems. For the sake of his work, Sketeer becomes close to Aibileen and Minny
(Olivia Spencer). In contrast to Aibileen who is quiet, Minny is a household servant who is "a
little" talkative. He works at the house of Sketeer's best friend, Miss Hilly Holbrook (Bryce
Dallas Howard) while Aibileen works at the house of Hilly's best friend, Miss Elizabeth.

Hilly Holbrook is a prominent woman in the Jackson area. He is the chairman of the annual
charity event held in Jackson. Hilly Holbrook doesn't like black skin. He even had the idea of
separating black and white toilets. He suggested that each family have a special toilet for their
maid. Hilly assumed that black skin carried a disease that it feared would spread to white
families. Minny became a victim of her employer's idea. One day because of bad weather,
Minny did not dare to go out of the house to pee. He also asked permission from his employer,
Hilly Bolbrook, to use the inner toilet. Hilly's mother allows it, but Hilly insists on prohibiting
Minny from using her toliet. Because Minny was annoyed, she finally used her employer's
toilet and was fired as a result. Minny also applies for a job with Miss Celia Foote, Hilly
Holbrook's nemesis.

This story intrigued Sketeer. He wants to write a book that contains the experiences, feelings
of blacks during decades of serving whites. According to him, what happened in Jackson is
modern slavery. Where blacks are always below the white line. Thanks to the help of Aibileen,
Minny and his other friends finally managed to finish Sketeer his book and became a best seller
in its first printing.

▪ Racial Discrimination in the film "The Help" According to Islamic Views

Racial discrimination is a problem that leads to pros and cons in society. Contradictory thinking
about differences in skin color, which became the benchmark of racism in ancient times until
now, has never been separated from the discussion of everyday human physical problems.

According to the Islamic perspective, Allah SWT has created different creatures with the aim
that his servants can know each other. Allah SWT said in surah Al-Hujurat verse 13:
‫شعوبا وقَب ۤإىل لتَعارفُوا ۚ انَّ اَ ْكرم ُكم ع ْن َد هّٰللا اَ ْت ٰقى ُكم ۗانَّ هّٰللا‬
َ ِ ْ ِ ِ ْ َ َ ِ ْ َ َ ِ َ ِِٕ َ َّ ً ْ ُ ُ ‫اس اِنَّا َخلَ ْق ٰن ُك ْم ِّمنْ َذ َك ٍر َّواُ ْن ٰثى َو َج َع ْل ٰن ُك ْم‬
ُ َّ‫ٰيٓاَيُّ َها الن‬
‫َعلِ ْي ٌم َخبِ ْي ٌر‬
yaaa ayyuhan-naasu innaa kholaqnaakum ming zakariw wa ungsaa wa ja'alnaakum syu'uubaw
wa qobaaa-ila lita'aarofuu, inna akromakum 'ingdallohi atqookum, innalloha 'aliimun khobiir

Meaning: "O people! Indeed, We have created you from a man and a woman, then We made
you nations and tribes so that you would know each other. Surely the noblest among you in the
sight of Allah is the one who is most pious. Truly, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Meticulous".

In that verse Allah swt. has reminded us that difference is a necessity that has been arranged
by Him. He has indeed set up His creatures to consist of different nations and tribes. Even in a
single country there are many different tribes, languages and traditions. As in Indonesia, from
Sabang to Merauke, there are a lot of various ethnic groups with their own characteristics.

That difference is a blessing from Allah Almighty. so that we can get to know each other and
tolerate each other. Not to mock one another, compare, or complain against one another.

Differences in ethnicity, culture and race allow Muslims to respect each other's differences and
prohibit ta'assub attitudes which are blind attitudes towards certain ethnic groups, races and
nations and do not care about whether it is right or wrong.

Islam with this universal concept of brotherhood rejects all differences made by humans. No
one can claim any superiority over another based on race, color, language or wealth and this
was emphasized in the last sermon of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who upheld humanity
regardless of color or race, namely:
"All humans are from Adam and Hawa, an Arab has no advantage over non-Arabs or non-Arabs
has any advantage over Arabs; also white has any advantage over black, nor does black have
any advantage over whiter except with piety and action the good one."

Thus, Islam strongly rejects racism. All differences are the destiny of Allah Almighty. which is a
blessing for us by loving one another, not being cursed by insulting one another. And in
essence everything is before Allah Almighty. it is the same, whether the skin is white, brown,
brown, or black. Only devotion is what distinguishes one from another. Wa Allahu a'lam bis

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