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The Chalice

A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

Vol. 3 No. 11 March 31, 2011

Sabbatical Plans Shaping Up

By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
Sabbath. research they have found that pastors
We have in mainline churches are experienc-
talked about ing burnout and leaving the ministry in
this subject numbers far out of proportion compared
quite a bit to other professions. Properly observing
around our Sabbath is an important element in all
church for of this. So they offer sabbatical grants to
the past congregations and to ministers.Thanks to
couple of our Pastoral Relations Committee who
years. It is worked hard on the grant proposal, we
Thank you to our children for
something were awarded a grant that is shared by leading worship on Sunday,
required of us as people of God. It is even the church and me. March 27! It was an inspiring
one of the Ten Commandments. Yet so So this summer, thanks to the Lilly
many in our society, including most of us, Endowment, FCC and the Shorow family
service, and we enjoyed your gifts
are not good at Sabbath rest. will experience a sabbatical season of of song, smiles and leadership!
I know that most of you know that refreshment and renewal. Our leadership Check out the pictures from
Sabbath is not about taking a nap or will launch a congregational “renewal
getting proper rest, although those can process” with a retreat this weekend
Children’s Sunday online at
be important elements. Sabbath is more that will progress to congregation-wide
about renewing, refreshing and bringing experiences this summer. We will share
the energy back to everyday life. God did more details about the church’s renewal
not create us to be worker drones, living plans in the next few weeks. As for my Thinking About Membership?
for our work and working to live. We are plans, my last Sunday before sabbati- Join us for
divinely created to use our talents and cal will be May 15. Then from the end
gifts to benefit ourselves and the world. of May through August, I will be away Discover First Christian
And that takes Sabbath. for an intentional period of renewal and Sunday, April 3 at 10am
Many of you also know that we refreshment. Part of my renewal plan
have been given a wonderful gift and includes spending 6 weeks in Italy, study- Fellowship Hall/North-East
opportunity here at our church to honor ing art, architecture, cooking and Italian. Members of our staff will share
Sabbath. The Lilly Endowment is a I’m excited and can’t wait to share my
foundation dedicated to helping mainline journey with all of you. Oh joy, I can hear information about how to get
churches do the best ministry that they you saying, I can’t wait to see all of Chris’ involved in ministry with us, and
can. They believe in helping pastors and slides. Don’t worry, I won’t bore you.
congregations achieve “pastoral excel- Hopefully all of us will experience the answer your questions. Come have
lence.” Part of that mission includes gift of Sabbath renewal this summer and some coffee and find out how you
giving churches and ministers the tools come to the Fall, refreshed and ready for
they need to accomplish this goal. In their excellence in ministry! can get plugged in!

Want to be part of an EGGStra special event at our church?

Help with the EGGStravaganza on Easter Sunday
by making/serving omelettes and pancakes! Call Julie Bunton at 317-4180
or email for more info or to sign up!
Prayers of the People Happy Birthday!
4/3 Diane Davis, Anna Hall, Lindsay
OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Debbie Hanna, Byron Lofton, Paul Preslar
Gragg, OK Heart
4/4 Emory Beasley, Claire Linville
THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Harrison Goosen, Jeanne 4/5 Janell Lee, Brenda Peterson
Larimore, Chris Banks (Jennifer McGrew’s brother), Phyllis Jarrett, Jean Barnes, Joe 4/6 Ryan Bowers, Penny Dilg, Vici
Samuels, John T. Stone, Eric Koegel, Rose Marie McKee, Bart Rodr, Ann Douthitt (Duke Heitzke, Trish Thomas
Douthitt’s mom), Sharon Luton (Susan Black’s cousin), Ed Berry, Hank Thomas (Randy 4/7 Anna Felix, Hannah O’Meara
Thomas’ brother) 4/9 Lindsay Clark
4/10 Alex Adams, Judy Berry, Rose
CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF A NEW LIFE Cassidy Thornton, born March 24 to Tara
Hammond, Linda Wilmoth
Baker & Drew Thornton. Grandparents are Neil & Janet Helms.

Summer Church Camp is filled with fun activities, Bible study,

and adventure to build friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
First Christian offers partial scholarships to member campers. Campers register
for camps based on GRADE COMPLETED by June 2011. To learn more, including
camp prices, early bird discounts, and for a registration form go to www.fccedmond.
org/camp or ask Greg, Mark, Anna Lisa the next time you are at church! Early-bird
discounts have closed, but there is still room for your child to experience camp.

The following camps are available:

n Chi Rho 1 (grades 6-8) June 6-10 n Discovery (grades 1-3) June 24-26
n CYF (grades 9-12) June 27-July 2 n Junior 1 (grades 4-5) June 27-July 1
n Chi Rho 2 (grades 6-8) July 18-23 n Junior 2 (grades 4-5) July 18-22 Save these dates for
Vacation Bible School!
College Summer Internship Program
By Rev. Greg Bunton, Associate Minister of Student Ministries
Monday through Thursday
A summer internship program is open to our college students that grew up at First June 13-16, 2011
Christian and participated in our Student Ministries. The purpose of the internship is as
follows: This year’s theme is PandaMania -
Where God is Wild about You!
1. To provide our college students the opportunity to give back to the Church and
Student Ministry that nurtured them as teenagers.
VBS will be held in the evenings
2. To provide the opportunity to be a positive role model to our teenagers and in the
at First Christian.
life of our Student Ministry.
3. To provide the opportunity for our college students to flex their leadership muscles Registration begins May 1st!
in a positive environment.
The 2011 Summer Internship will run a To volunteer, contact Courtney
total of 10 weeks beginning June 5 and Moeller at
ending August 14. or Shannon Medley at ssill@
Please complete the application online
“Thank you for making me so
by Wednesday, April 6. Selected
wonderfully complex.” Psalm 139:14
applicants will be contacted by
Wednesday, April 20.
Bring the beauty of Easter into our worship spaces with beauti-
ful white Easter lilies which symbolize new life and the resur-
rection of Jesus Christ. You may share a lily in honor or in
memory of a loved one. Each plant is $15.

Worship We offer three convenient ways to place your order:

1) Online at
at First Christian 2) Complete an order form found in worship bulletins
8:15, 9 & 11am 3) Contact Iris Jordan at 341-3544, ext. 20
Sales of Easter Lilies help fund youth summer mission experi-
April 3, 2011 ences and the youth room remodel project. Thanks for your
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow support!
Scripture: Luke 23:39-43

April 10, 2011 Sign Up Continues for Easter Prayer Vigil

Message: Rev. Chris Shorow …Jesus looked toward heaven and prayed. — John 17:1
Scripture: Matthew 7:13:14 The Elders of First Christian invite you to take part in one of the most important tradi-
tions we celebrate each year—our Annual Easter Prayer Vigil.
Families or individuals may select a time and sign up on our
Prayer Vigil sign-up board in the Rotunda. Times begin at 7pm
Good Friday, April 22 and conclude shortly before our Sunrise
The Chalice CONNECTION Service on Easter Sunday morning, April 24.
Shelley Regan, Editor We invite you to join other members of our family of faith as we continue the legacy of praying begun long ago by our
Read News Online Savior. Come and pray!
@ Do you or a loved one need prayer? Please share your
Submit Articles to prayer concerns with us. Contact Rev. Jerry Black at 341-3544, ext. 19 or by email –

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