A Builder S Guide To Agent Based Financial Markets

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A builder's guide to agent-based financial markets

B. LeBaron

To cite this article: B. LeBaron (2001) A builder's guide to agent-based financial markets, , 1:2,
254-261, DOI: 10.1088/1469-7688/1/2/307

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RE S E A R C H PA P E R Q U A N T I T A T I V E F I N A N C E V O L U M E 1 (2001) 254–261

A builder’s guide to agent-based

financial markets
Blake LeBaron1,2
Graduate School of International Economics and Finance, Brandeis
University, 415 South Street, Mailstop 32, Waltham, MA, USA
E-mail: blebaron@brandeis.edu
Received 12 February 2001

This paper is intended to guide researchers interested in building their own
agent-based financial markets. Key design questions are outlined, along with
some of the major controversies about which directions to take.

1. Introduction section concludes with some ideas about where the field is
Agent-based financial markets are an exciting new tool for
exploring behaviour in financial markets that are far from
traditional notions of equilibrium, and involve behaviour that 2. What makes financial markets special
is less than fully rational at times. Researchers from several Agent-based methods have been applied in many different
disciplines including economics, computer science, physics, economic environments4 . However, there are some interesting
and psychology, are contributing to this very active field. It issues which make financial markets a very exciting place to
represents one of the most truly inderdisciplinary areas of study use these new technologies. They are obviously some of the
operating today. most dynamic markets in existence, and probably draw more
Even with all this activity new researchers interested in interest from outside economics than any other subfield. They
entering the field are faced with a daunting list of design collect very high-quality, high-frequency data, which gives
choices. This list can be so large, that some people have them an extensive set of facts and features from which to
become frustrated and returned to more traditional methods draw. Also, they are well organized, centralized and trade
for studying finance. This paper is written to try to help homogenous products in a generally efficient fashion relative
those getting started in sorting out some of these questions. to markets for other goods and services.
It outlines some of what is known about several of the issues, Beyond these basic issues are others which are closer to
and tries to give new researchers a set of questions that they deeper questions in economic theory. The general question
will need to address. of market stability and price formation looms all through
This paper is not really a survey, but a kind of view from economics. It is especially acute in finance since these markets,
the trenches in terms of building artificial markets3 . The next more than others, have prices providing both information along
section emphasizes what makes financial markets a particularly with balancing supply and demand. A price increase may
interesting area to study with agent-based methods. The induce agents to buy more or less depending on whether they
following sections categorize the questions that most market believe there is new information carried in this change. More
designers will face as they start work in this area. The final than any other market, financial markets lay bare the possible
behaviours of a large macro system which can act as efficient
1 The author is also a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of
social coordinating mechanism as suggested in Hayek (1945),
Economic Research and an external faculty member at the Santa Fe Institute. or where individual optimizing behaviour does not necessarily
2 Web address: www.brandeis.edu/∼ blebaron
3 Readers interested in recent surveys should consult LeBaron (2000) or Levy lead to a socially efficient outcome as in Schelling (1978).
et al (2000). A few early examples of agent-based financial markets are: Financial markets appear to be the perfect place to attack
Arifovic (1996), Arthur et al (1997), Bak et al (1997), Beltratti and Margarita such questions which are at the core of the applicability and
(1992), Caldarelli et al (1997), Cont and Bouchaud (2000), Farmer (1998), importance of complex systems issues in the social sciences.
Farmer and Joshi (2001), Kim and Markowitz (1989), Kirman (1993), LeBaron
(2001b), Levy et al (1994), Lux (1997), de la Maza and Yuret (1995), Rieck 4 See the extensive web site of Leigh Tesfatsion at
1994, Steiglitz et al (1996) and Youssefmir and Huberman (1997). http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm.

254 1469-7688/01/020254+08$30.00 © 2001 IOP Publishing Ltd PII: S1469-7688(01)21839-9

Q UANTITATIVE F I N A N C E A builder’s guide to agent-based financial markets

3. Design issues trading mechanisms modelled after actual markets. Also,

their behaviour sometimes appears to the observer to look
3.1. Agents like learning as their budget constraints guide their behaviour.
The most important design question faced in market building These extremely simple agents do not push the frontier
comes in the representation and structure of the actual trading of artificial intelligence, or trading agent design, but they
agents. Agents can vary from simple budget constrained are an important reminder of the importance of the overall
zero intelligence agents as in Gode and Sunder (1993) to institutional constraints involved in financial markets. Also,
sophisticated genetic programming models as in Chen and Yeh they remind us to extend the question of evolution beyond the
(1999). This variation in design is due to the fact that trading trading agents to the actual institutions involved7 .
agents must solve a poorly defined task. Their directive is to Finally, agents may be modelled as learning and adapting
digest the large amounts of time series information generated strategies as in markets such as the Santa Fe artificial market
during a market simulation, and convert this into portfolio (SFI market) (Arthur et al 1997 or Arifovic 1996). These
decisions. Given that there are many ways to process this past markets use a variety of techniques from artificial intelligence
data, there must be as many ways to construct trading agents. to model continually changing agent strategies. This allows for
Obviously, one needs to make restrictive assumptions to the possibility of agents learning how to exploit new market
get started, leading researchers in several different directions. inefficiencies. Also, aggregate dynamics in these markets are
The simplest and most direct route is to model agents as closest to true emergence in that very little is loaded into
well-defined dynamic trading rules modelled more or less as the agent ex ante. An interesting feature of many of these
strategies used in the real world. This method can lead to markets is that agents are very homogeneous at the start in their
very tractable precise results, which gives insights about the abilities and strategy structures. Differences in behaviour and
interactions between trading rules. The simplicity and analytic strategies used evolve endogenously as the market runs. Agent
tractability of this method comes with a few costs. One of heterogeneity becomes a changing feature of the market which
these is the fact that the dynamic interactions are related to can then be studied. The diversity of strategies can often be
these hard wired strategies. What if one were left out, or what important in studying traditional finance questions related to
if it was in the agents’ interest to slightly modify their current market liquidity, or how hard it is to find someone to trade with.
strategies? Many markets of this type assume that the trading Endogenous heterogeneity features also distinguish many of
strategies will continue without modification, although the these markets from the large number of heterogeneous agent
wealth levels under their control may be diminishing to zero. rational expectation models in economics and finance.
This leaves some open questions about this coevolutionary This very general agent-modelling approach comes with
dynamic with only a limited amount of new species. A second an increase in computational complexity. Tools such as
critique is that agents in these markets do not operate with any artificial neural networks, classifiers and genetic algorithms
well-defined objective function. There is some use in having become the substrate on which agents are built. These artificial
well-defined objective functions for the agents. If they are intelligence tools are still poorly understood when operating
endowed with utility functions, or other related objectives, one alone, and in groups even less is known. Also, these models are
can measure how well they are doing in terms of their own not free of assumptions about trading behaviour. One would
limited information processing5 . Utility functions also serve like to think of the trading rules as evolving out of a pure
a useful role in policy evaluation in that they shed light on the unformed soup of genetic material, but in actuality assumptions
relative valuations of certain tradeoffs. An example might be must be made about information, and the structure of trading
a policy to reduce market volatility which also makes trading rules. Rarely are traders able to go out and create totally
less efficient. There may be important tradeoffs involved which new indicators from scratch. Usually, by providing various
only a model with well-defined objective functions can answer. statistical building blocks the designer limits this search.
A related type of agent operates with well-defined objective Another related criticism is that the agents may still be
functions, but simplicity is maintained by limiting information leaving too many obvious trading opportunities on the table.
and strategy complexity. This again leads to a fairly tractable In this case it might be said that the learning agents are
market as in Levy et al (1994). simply not smart enough, and a better agent could capitalize
A second type of agent design moves backward on the on them8 . As agent-based markets progress this criticism may
evolutionary scale, but has yielded a tremendous amount of prove to be one of the best arguments for this approach. One
information about market mechanisms. This is the ‘zero dilemma in this area is where to set the bounds for boundedly
intelligence’ agent who behaves randomly subject only to a rational agents. In the adaptive learning agent world strategies
budget constraint6 . Zero intelligence traders have been shown can be allowed to become more complex through evolution9 .
to generate very efficient trading outcomes when placed in However, more complicated strategies can become overly
5 An example of this is LeBaron (2001b) which tests traditional agent first- specialized and brittle, leading to their eventual demise. This
order conditions subject to the limited information processing of agents. suggests that the bounds in strategy complexity may be driven
6 The origin of the idea that apparent order in economic behaviour may be
7 See Hodgson (1999) for extensive examples of the institutional side of
moulded as much by the agent’s environment as by their inner desires goes back
to Becker (1962), and it is mentioned extensively in Simon (1969). However, evolution.
8 An interesting example with agents of varying capabilities is in Beltratti and
the paper by Gode and Sunder (1993) introduced the concept of ZI (zero
intelligence) traders, and Roth (1995) gives a nice comparison to other learning Margarita (1992).
experiments in economics. 9 For an example of this from game theory, see Lindgren (1992).


more by over-specialization in a changing environment than to an excess supply they decrease the price13 . A simple form of
actual limitations in mental capabilities. Hopefully, this notion this rule would be
of a complexity bound might be easier to simulate and test for
than those related to human brain processing power10 . pt+1 − pt = α(Dt − St )
An issue that agent design has not accomplished is
in understanding how to think about dynamic multiperiod where Dt and St are the demand and supply at time t
preferences and learning. Few papers have tackled the problem respectively. This method has several important strengths. It
of learning intertemporal decisions in the agent finance world. is fast. It emphasizes a market continuously in disequilibrium
There are no clear routes to learning intertemporal plans in a and it allows some amount of analytics depending on the agent
simple robust fashion while identifying and enumerating state structures used. However, it comes with some significant costs
variables in the process. Classifier systems are one possible as well. In the early SFI market experiments the dynamics
method for doing this, but they have been shown to have were found to be very sensitive to the α parameter. Setting α
difficulties in solving simple intertemporal consumption plans too large made the price over-react and caused prices to thrash
in economics (Lettau and Uhlig 1999). It is also not clear back and forth. Setting α too low caused the market to react
how well actual people stay with long-term plans in financial too sluggishly to excess demands. The price would rise slowly
markets as opposed to simply adapting to current data and while investors were never getting the shares they demanded.
following simple rules of thumb11 . These trends would also be picked up by the learning agents
A final issue in agent design that has not been explored is and magnified as more traders adopt trend following strategies.
whether agents should evolve forecasts of future prices which One interesting extension of this price-setting method is
are then fed into a decision making framework, or if they should to assume that the excess supply or demand for shares gets
evolve their decisions directly. An example of the former filled by a market maker14 . The price-adjustment mechanism
would be the SFI artificial market, and Arifovic (1996) is an is similar to the previous one, but excess demands and supplies
example of the latter. Simply evolving decision rules directly are filled by a market maker. This eliminates the problem of
would appear to be a much simpler and cleaner approach, but asking what happens to agents who place orders that never
there can be advantages to thinking about forecasts first, and get satisfied, but opens new questions about the inventory
decisions later. This can make a simple least squares objective behaviour of the market maker and whether it is at least
appropriate, and various tools from time series econometrics sensible, if not optimal. Beyond parameter sensitivity this
can be applied. The forecasting structure of these methods can price-adjustment mechanism has another problem in that it
allow for the use of more detailed analytics12 . may sidestep some important issues in market dynamics by
assuming a constant market depth, or liquidity. This is
essentially the amount the price is moved due to order-flow
3.2. Trading imbalances. In actual markets this depth is changing, and
The second most important part of agent-based markets is the should be thought of as an emergent property of the current
actual mechanism that governs the trading of assets. Once one trading agent features as opposed to a fixed constant. It is not
leaves the relatively simple world of equilibrium modelling, clear how well the fixed price adjustment can handle this issue.
it is necessary to think about the actual details of trading. A second price-setting method is to make several market
This can be both a curse and a blessing to market designers. structure assumptions so that a kind of temporary equilibrium
On the bad side it opens up another poorly understood set price can be found15 . In all of these cases the structure
of design questions. However, it may have the beneficial of the model yields a well-defined demand function for the
effect of allowing one to study the impact of different trading agents. This can then be cleared either analytically or in some
mechanisms, all of which would be inconsequential in an cases computationally. While this method settles some of the
equilibrium world. Most agent-based markets solved this parameter questions of the first method, and can allow for
problem in one of three ways: assume a simple price response changing market depth, it does require putting more economic
to excess demand, build the market such that a kind of local structure on the market. Specifically, the requirement that
equilibrium price can be found easily, explicitly model the demand functions are well behaved enough for temporary
dynamics of trading to look like the continuous trading in an price determination may be very restrictive. Furthermore, it
actual market. represents a market that is at least temporarily in balance. This
Most of the earliest agent-based markets used the first feature may not be a good representation for continuous trading
method to model price movements. Most markets of this type in high-frequency financial markets, but might not be a bad
poll traders for their current demands, sum the market demands assumption for lower-frequency price dynamics.
and if there is an excess demand, increase the price. If there is The third and final trading method involves modelling the
actual trading mechanism in markets. This means actually
10 See Bookstaber and Langsam (1985) and Bookstaber (1999) for some

examples of this in both finance and biology. 13 It is not well known, but the earliest version of the SFI artificial stock market
11 See O’Donoghue and Rabin (1999) for examples of how well people hold in Palmer et al (1994), used a form of this price-clearing method.
to intertemporal optimization plans. 14 An example of this is Farmer and Joshi (2001).
12 Much of the traditional learning literature in economics is based on least- 15 There are many different versions of this, these include Arifovic (1996),

squares time series learning as in Evans and Honkapohja (1995), Grandmont Brock and Hommes (1998), Levy et al (1994), Arthur et al (1997) and LeBaron
(1998) and Sargent (1993). (2001b).

Q UANTITATIVE F I N A N C E A builder’s guide to agent-based financial markets

building a trading mechanism that replicates those used in questions about financial markets. The finance setting calls for
actual markets, including possible limit orders and order- a tool to explain what it is about agents’ information processing
crossing rules. This method is most appealing for modelling that makes a market unstable. As mentioned previously,
high-frequency data, and is not sensitive to some of the financial markets are probably special in the way information
previous critiques. However, it is only easy to implement comes into play in interacting with prices. If all markets shared
when the market clearing mechanism is a mechanical rule. the bad dynamics of the Minority Game then it is not clear
When it is actually done through human intervention, as in that economies would even function. The key is to capture
the New York Stock Exchange specialist system, it requires the special nature of the financial information problem and to
the modelling of another learning and adapting agent which layer it on top of a more traditional model for market supply
could get complicated16 . One area where this approach and demand. This is not to say that the Minority Game is not
can be easily used is in replicating experimental results useful. It deserves a place next to the prisoner’s dilemma and
from very simple markets17 . In these cases the agent-based many other simple games. Bell et al (1999) argue that it is a
market faithfully follows the market design used in human good model for several congestion problems21 .
experimental markets. Since these markets are carefully
controlled experiments this gives the artificial market builder 3.3. Securities
a lot of structure to work with. Furthermore, replicating
results from experimental markets may turn out to be useful The traded securities are another important part of any agent-
for validation in the future. based market just as they are in more traditional models of
Another related solution is to study stylized models that financial markets. The agent-based modelling world often
might approximate market behaviour, but are not ‘market like’ is quite simple in the types of traded securities because
in their construction18 . The Minority Game presents a situation the complexity introduced through the heterogeneous agents
in which agents must chose from two options. Those who usually pushes researchers to streamline the assets available
end up in the group with the smaller number of people get a for trading. Many agent-based models are inspired by more
payoff. The game is repeated over time and agents try to make traditional economic models which can make comparisons
predictions and design strategies over time. While this shares useful. Security prices are often connected to some type
some features with markets in terms of forecasting, there are of fundamental value such as a dividend, or earnings, and
some market features which are missing. these can then be calibrated to actual values from data. To
A key characteristic is the absence of a price which most people not associated with building markets, the traded
could help stabilize the market through the balancing of well- securities can appear very primitive. Obviously, this yields
behaved supply and demand functions. Almost by definition, greater tractability at this very early stage in this field, but
in economics a market is a situation where the rate of exchange, extensions will have to be made in the future.
or price, is trying to balance out supply and demand. In absence The first change involves the revelation of new
of this basic mechanism the connections between Minority information. Often the dividend, or fundamental, is revealed
Games and real markets is somewhat stretched. each period. This is a a luxury that few investors in the real
Another feature is that the game has no symmetric pure world enjoy. This will have to be modified in a reasonable way
strategy Nash equilibrium. In other words there is no non- such that traders need to infer a fundamental value from a noisy
random strategy that, if assigned to all agents, would be optimal signal. The uncertainty surrounding a stock’s valuation should
for everyone given everyone else holds to this strategy. This be slowly diminishing over time if ever. Other extensions along
becomes a problem for many Minority Game simulations in these lines might be to build in commonly used data such as
that they only include pure, or non-random, strategies in the earnings forecasts and other fundamental information.
agent’s strategy sets. In these cases the dynamics may be Another major change is even more important in
interesting, but the fact that there is no convergence to a stable connecting agent-based markets to real markets, the addition
equilibrium is a property of the structure of the model/strategy of more tradable securities. Few agent-based markets operate
choice, and is not surprising19 . Other agent-based markets with many more than two assets which is clearly a limitation in
often include a stable Nash equilibrium in the set of learnable thinking about the real world. Issues such as trading volume,
strategies20 . diversification and derivative trading cannot be studied in these
The fact that the dynamics of the Minority Game has to single risky-asset setups. Adding more securities is certainly
be unstable, along with its distance from traditional Walrasian desirable, but the complexity and computational burden this
market setups makes it a less useful tool for studying important would bring to the entire market building process is a daunting
16 Two examples of this, modelled after the foreign exchange market, are

Chakrabarti (1999) and Yang (2000).

17 Examples of this would be Gode and Sunder (1993) and Chan et al (1999). 3.4. Evolution
18 An example of this is the Minority Game developed in Challet and Zhang

(1997) which is based on the ‘El Farol’ problem of Arthur (1994). This is
Evolution is crucial in most agent-based markets. In
closely related to models in Schelling (1978). many ways it is the core dynamic at work both practically
19 See Bell et al (1999) for models where agents are able to successfully learn
and philosophically. Early arguments about evolution and
mixed (random) strategies. Also, these authors find a curious result where
more information can actually make learning less efficient in this model. 21 Anyone who has driven on a multilane interstate will have played a similar
20 See Arthur et al (1997) and LeBaron (2001b) for examples. game concerned with the choice of the fastest lane.


irrational speculation go back as far as Friedman (1953) where This also relies on a fitness measure which is crucial in the
it was suggested that irrational speculators would be driven direction that the market may take. Should this be a rule that
out of the market since their performance would not stand up maximizes expected returns, wealth, utility, forecast error or
to the better rational traders. This argument does not hold some estimate of survivability? Given that the fitness measure
up when thinking along more coevolutionary terms. The will be extremely noisy, how should agents adjust to this in
argument is loaded with notions of absolute measures of their rule selection? In some fitness/selection mechanisms
trader performance, which do not exist in the endogenous populations often narrow down very quickly to a small subset
population of a financial market. A trader’s performance of potential strategies. About the only recommendation that
depends critically on the behaviour of others. Therefore it can be made here is to stay with relatively robust fitness
is impossible to judge any strategy ex ante as being irrational measures which make it difficult to eliminate strategies.
without knowing the environment in which it will be placed.
In finance this question was reopened by the early 3.5. Benchmarks/calibration
literature on noise trading and limits to arbitrage22 . These
models stressed that rational traders might hold back some of One of the key unanswered questions in building agent-
their positions fearing irrational traders might move the price based markets is that of validation. How do you know you
in a direction they were not predicting. This is equivalent have a market that has any connection to the real world?
to trying to hold onto a short position in what one knows is a This validation question appears constantly in the agent-based
rising bubble. Even though you are doing the right thing, it gets economics community. There is a side of this issue which is not
progressively harder to stay with the position. This suggests really different from more traditional theoretical modelling.
an approach which looks at performance which can only be These are all only toy models that represent a complicated
fully evaluated relative to others in the market. Agent-based social situation in a highly-stylized fashion. What sets agent-
markets provide a perfect setting for testing these ideas, but this based markets apart is the large number of parameters for which
opens the question of how and where to implement evolution. our priors are extremely diffuse. Therefore, they do give the
Evolution can appear in many different ways and in many researcher many degrees of freedom from which to align to
social settings. What is referred to as evolution, could often be any interesting empirical feature of the data that one wishes to
called learning. One of the practical appeals of evolution is that match. In this situation success may be difficult to judge.
it can be used to take parameters for which one’s prior beliefs Though a complete solution to this issue is still out of
are weak and put them under evolutionary control. In other reach, there are a few things the agent-based market builder
words, give up on trying to set these to some arbitrary value, can try to test and validate various structures. The first is
and let evolution decide their levels23 . This approach is very to think about useful benchmark cases where the behaviour
much in the spirit of evolutionary game theory in trying to get of a market is well defined. An example of this is to think
the evolutionary dynamic to select eventual stable equilibria. about which parameter values may lead to convergence into a
Applying evolution in the social sciences opens up the well-defined homogeneous agent equilibrium. Set the market
major issue of what should be used as a fitness criterion. to these parameters, and show that it does indeed converge.
Finance may be particularly lucky in that measures of wealth Such behaviour gives results outside of this parameter realm
seem like a good first choice, but this is not entirely clear. greater potency. Furthermore, understanding exactly where
Several studies have used utility measures as a proxy for the parameter boundaries are between simple and complex
fitness, but it is not obvious why this should lead to overall behaviours is crucial to understanding the mechanisms that
agent survival. In Blume and Easley (1990) the authors show drive agent-based markets. Researchers should be strongly
that utility maximization alone is not synonymous with wealth encouraged to ‘tweak the dials’ in their models, and not to
maximization. In their model, a wealth selection mechanism simply report that a price series looks similar to a real market.
does not necessarily chose the most economically rational A final approach to validation and calibration follows
agents for survival. Beyond being an interesting philosophical closely in the spirit of the calibration literature in economics25 .
question about tastes and preferences, this issue is an important It would recommend using parameters estimated from actual
one in finance because of the problem of risk aversion. Risk- experimental markets in the simulated agent markets. In other
averse agents may make optimal and cautious portfolio plans ex words, try to learn about learning in the laboratory, and then
ante, but in the long run, these may not make them the leaders take what you know into situations that would be impossible
in terms of wealth maximization. It is quite possible that to simulate in the laboratory into an agent-based approach.
evolution will carry a market toward the boldly overconfident This is subject to the usual criticisms of calibration in that the
in the long run24 . parameters may not be relevant in different situations, but this
Evolution also greatly affects the evaluation of rule fitness would appear to be a fruitful way to get agent models onto a
and the learning mechanism that governs their changes over stronger footing.
time. Often a mechanism such as a genetic algorithm is used
as the learning engine for new rule generation and testing. 3.6. Time
22 See DeLong et al (1991) for early evolutionary ideas on noise trading, and Almost all adaptive systems including financial markets
Axelrod (1984) for the important early work on coevolution in a social setting. encounter several important issues in dealing with time. This is
23 An example of this using the length of agent memory is LeBaron (2001b).
24 See Kyle and Wang (1997). 25 See for example Kydland and Prescott (1996).

Q UANTITATIVE F I N A N C E A builder’s guide to agent-based financial markets

often ignored in many papers since the problems are generally most financial models trading is synchronized by the designer.
not well understood even though their impact could be quite However, in the real world there are no fixed periods in which
large. all trades must take place and the price gets set. Agents arrive
The first issue of time concerns the past and how agents asynchronously and must find others or specified dealers to
intend to deal with it. In almost all learning mechanisms there trade with. There may be information events that tend to bring
needs to be a feedback from past performance into current them to the market at similar times, but these do not guarantee
rule selection. How distant a past should this be? In many an exactly similar arrival time. Future agent-based financial
settings it is fixed to be some lagged performance measure models will have to better address this issue along with the
or set weighting of the past. Several papers have begun to problem of more realistic trading mechanisms. Unfortunately,
explore this dimension and show that its impact on dynamics there is no easy answer here on how to proceed. Even agent-
may be quite rich26 . The interesting experiment is to construct based software continues to have some difficulties with this
a world populated with agents of varying memory lengths. problem since this is concerned with modelling inherently
Some believe only the past 6 months of data are relevant, parallel activities on serial machines. It is possible that the
while others might be looking at 20 years. This may be best answer to this will have to involve implementation on
related to important behavioural heterogeneity observed in the large scale parallel computer networks to make sure that no
real world. Also, it forms a key test of how well agents can synchronization artifacts are seeping into the results.
learn about whether the world they live in is stationary. If
the economic environment truly is stationary then more data
should be preferred to less and longer-memory agents should 4. Future
survive. In early experiments it appears that long-memory Ten years ago this field was populated with only a handful
agents have a difficult time driving out short-memory types of people. Now it is booming with many different styles of
(LeBaron 2001b), and therefore stationarity itself may be a market simulations appearing all the time. Similar to the ‘dot
difficult concept to learn in a multiagent environment. com’ world there will probably be some sort of convergence
Another aspect of time is more concerned with relative over time back down to a smaller set of platforms, but with
rates of change than memory lengths. In the SFI stock market extensive experimentation done with each one.
it was found that the speed at which agents were updating This shake out will push artificial markets in several
behavioural rules had an enormous impact on the outcome. In directions. One will be towards realism and validation.
this case it appears that when the coevolution of the market Markets in this area will have to concentrate on getting
is slowed sufficiently the changing fitness landscapes can be serious about the data. Tools from the extensive literature on
simple enough for agents to jointly find a socially optimal Nash calibration in economics will clearly be useful. They will have
equilibrium corresponding to an efficient market. However, to face all the questions on validation which are continually
when traders are changing strategies relatively frequently this asked. Several initial responses to these criticisms are possible.
search becomes futile, and probably never ends27 . These One is to perform calibration on a grand scale, by matching
sensitivities are also a little troubling in that it may be that lots of features in the data. Traditionally, one might try to get
observed outcomes from agent-based markets depend critically a small set of expected returns or variances. Pushing to match
on a few relative speeds in evolution. This could lead to a many more features including trading volume and various cross
criticism pointing out that these are free parameters for which correlations will be important30 .
little is known, but are capable of moving the results anywhere
The second direction involves better understanding of
you want. In the worst case it would mean that the shell of the
what the generic properties of multiagent systems are. There
agent-based market is not a very restrictive theory at all, and
appears to be a growing set of features that traditional
these markets would be unfalsifiable. Hopefully, the situation
financial models find difficult to generate, but agent-based
is not this bad28 .
models readily provide. Among these are fat-tailed return
A final aspect of time that most current agent-based
distributions, persistent volatility and widely fluctuating
markets ignore is that of synchronicity. This is an issue of
trading volume. There may be some very interesting generic
great interest to agent-based modelling in all of the social
issues at work here, and it is possible that broad classes of
sciences, and has led to some important controversies29 . In
agent-based markets will yield these results. Part of the agent-
26 See Levy et al (1994) and LeBaron (2001b). based modelling world will probably head in the direction of
27 LeBaron (2001b) shows that directly slowing learning can lead to simpler market models and tools which can reveal their generic
convergence to an efficient market equilibrium. It also shows that an indirect,
properties. This line of research may help uncover some
but possibly more economically relevant mechanism will do the same thing.
The introduction of a cost to changing rules (similar to, but not exactly a basic features common in the multiagent/complex systems
transaction tax) will have the same effect. This friction slows the agent world returning to our original Hayek/Schelling distinctions
adaptation in a similar fashion to slowing learning directly. Features such as for markets.
these suggest a connection to Bell et al (1999) where the impact of reducing
information available to agents had the curious effect of improving social
Tantalizingly out of range remain questions about what
welfare in a Minority Game setting. In other words there may be times with to do with these markets. Most practitioners are interested,
less optimization is preferred to more. but perplexed as to how to use the results. Can they be
28 Ellison (2000) shows some early results on this from evolutionary game

theory. 30 See LeBaron (2001a) for an example of aligning to many empirical features
29 See Axtell (2000) for some some interesting experiments on this subject. in a calibration exercise.


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