Chuyên Đề Word Form

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1. Does everyone reckon that you are _________ because of your body type. [sport]
2. Have you succeeded in any sports competition __________.
3. Would you struggle to be __________ if you didn’t have a hobby ?
4. Would you like to do an ___________ to things like football or tennis ?
5. Have you ever tried a ___________ sport ?
6. Do you ________ any sporting figures ?
7. Do you find reading to be an __________ hobby ?
8. Does your _______ get in the way of your fitness ?
9. Would you have ____________ learning how to do a new sport ?
10. Is it important to train ___________ to be good at sport.
11. What is the most ___________ sport to keep fit ?
12. Have you ever suffered a huge __________ in your sporting life ?
13. Are you keen on looking at art __________?
14. Are you known for __________ off when you do your hobby?
15. When you were __________, what hobbies did you have?
16. Do you struggle to hide your __________ when you are feeling down?
17. Do you find it easy to form __________ with others?
18. How would you describe your __________?
19. Are you easily __________ by other people?
20. When was the last time that you __________ back your tears in public?
21. Do you experience __________ on a daily basis?
22. How often do you get __________ with your friends and family ?
23. How far would you say that being too __________ is a defect?
24. Do you have the __________ to show your true feelings?
25. Are you and __________ person or quite shy?
26. Is it important to build long and happy __________ with people?
27. Do you dislike any aspects of your __________?
28. Are you a __________ person when you are angry?
29. Is it normal to want the __________ to spend time by yourself?
30. Do you bear in mind the _________ of trust when you start a relationship?
31. He was discovered to have been ________ company funds
32. Real Madrid are expected to win the ___________________ this season.

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