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While exploring the IKEA exhibits, customers may notice a shortage of workers who are available to answer inquiries.

Product information is included in

the displays. As a result, customer support employees aren't required to wander around the store. Therefore, the firm only employs around 200,000
people throughout its many sites. IKEA offers a range of rewards to employees working 20 hours or more each week. These advantages include a health
insurance plan, a retirement plan, and tuition aid discounts at the store and café, and pet insurance as well as a paid time off package. These perks are
beneficial to both part-time and full-time employees. They are also accommodating to their staff. They realize that work is not the same as life and that
tough patches do occur from time to time. They don't mind making errors since it indicates that their staff are gaining knowledge. Women make up
almost half of those hired at IKEA as they also aim to be an inclusive workplace as well. Despite the fact that some areas are dominated by males and
others by women, they are attempting to break down the barricades as well as urge both genders to work in various sectors. In addition, in many
countries, they include maternity and paternal leave. Unlike many franchise businesses, IKEA offers a living salary. The beginning pay at IKEA is around
$12 per hour, while the company's average salary is $16.40 per hour. This contributes to better labor relations because workers believe the value of their
job outweighs the pay they get. As a result, they are less prone to grow agitated and submit grievances. Employees at the firm collaborate and operate
as a team. As a result, many employees feel at ease with one another and have faith in people with whom they collaborate. Working at IKEA comes with
a plethora of benefits. Employees may expect to get a wonderful gift during the holidays. They gave away bikes one year. Another thing they did was
hand out Rokus. Moreover, IKEA employees are entitled to employee discounts in perpetuity. When you're an employee, you're always an employee.
Employees can also receive a variety of incentives. 1

IKEA encourages workers to switch departments and advance up the corporate ladder. They want their staff to improve and advance. Ikea cares about
his employees, as seen by the numerous social perks offered and also concerning the schedule's adaptability. In comparison to other firms, Ikea has an
excellent reputation as well. Overall, Ikea treats its employees decently. This contributes to the improvement of labor relations in the organization.

Strategies used by IKEA to achieve global success:

Ikea's foresight approach propelled them to the top of the global furniture market. If a company employs a strategy for selling goods and services,
outside of its native market, it is referred to as an international strategy. The firm's expansion into foreign markets has provided it with new prospects.
Some of IKEA's incentives in relation to international strategy to attain global success are as follows:

 Increased returns on major capital investments:

IKEA achieved a higher return on its original expansion from nations other than their own country. As a result, they analyzed several
marketplaces. Currently, they have identified the United States, China, and Russia as their primary markets that yield higher profits.
 Expanded the market size:
Ansoff's growth matrix strategy states that IKEA has adopted a market development strategy attempting to sell pre-existing items into new
markets .They are expanding into new geographical markets with furniture designed in Sweden.

 Economies of Scale:

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