Pceia Notes

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Avoid Takaful “To protect” “to guarantee”

Prevent Takaful Acts as trustee, manager,

Risk Handling Company entrepreneur
Methods Riba Interest
Mudharabah Profit and Loss (trustee profit
Tabarru Donation
Gharar Uncertainty
Maisir Gambling

Part I: provide interpretation, classification,

references to takaful business.
Part II: provides mode and conduct eg:
Part III: specifies powers vested in Bank
Takaful Act 1984
Negara and the appointment of Governor as
Director General Takaful
Part IV: provides administration and
enforcements of matters eg: indemnity,

Compelled Savings
Capital for Investment
Loss Control
Benefit of Insurance
Cost Stabilization
Peace of Mind
Financial Protection

Chapter 2
Assignment Transfer of rights and liabilities from one person to another
Assignee The person who takes over the assigned rights, will have the same rights as the
assignor. (Part XIII – name, date of birth, IC, Address)

Subrogation 保险人赔偿保险金后,依法向造成保险事故的 Allows an insurer who has

第三者责任方请求赔偿的权利 indemnified an insured for a loss
to take over the insured’s legal
rights to recover from a
negligent third party responsible
for the loss.
Contribution Insurer who has indemnified an
insured may call upon other
∑ insured−eachinsurer x total amount of loss insurers to be liable for the same
loss and to contribute
total ∑ insured −all insurers
proportionately to the cost of
the indemnity payment.

Insured Peril (successive causes)

Proximate Cause Uninsured Peril
Excluded Peril (concurrent causes)

Chapter 3
Principles of Personal Date Protection Acts 1. General;
2. Notice and Choice
3. Disclosure
4. Security
5. Retention
6. Data Integrity
7. Access
Placement – physical disposal of proceeds
derived from illegal activities
Layering – separating those illicit proceeds from
Money Laundering Activities their sources through transactions that disguise
audit trail and provide anonymity.
Integration- Integrating the laundered proceeds
into the economy as normal funds.

1. Promote public understanding and

appreciation of life insurance,
2. Improve the image of the life insurance
3. Give support to the regulatory
Objectives of Liam
4. Enhance the professionalism of staff
and agents
5. Liaise and work with local and foreign
life insurance organizations

1. Regulate the practice of insurance loss

adjusters in Malaysia
2. Promote, develop establish a sound
loss adjusting profession
3. Liaise with professional organizations in
Objectives of AMLA
the insurance industry
4. Represent its members in maters
affecting their interests
5. Monitor and regulate its members to
adhere to all articles and rules


Formation of an Insurance Contract

1. Intention to create legal relationship

2. Offer and acceptance
3. Consent
4. Consideration (cash before cover- motor insurance, individual travel, personal accident)
5. Legal capacity to contract
6. Legality of the contract
Express Authority Given to an agent orally or in writing
Implied Authority Concerning relationship between the principal
and the agent
Apparent or Ostensible Authority By words or by conduct; clear indicate the
agent has authority to carry out a particular act
on behalf of his principal

1. By notice f revocation given by the

principal to agent.
2. By notice of renunciation given to the
principal by the agent
Termination of Agency 3. By the completion of the transaction
where the authority was given
4. By expiration of the period stipulated
5. By mutual agreement
6. By death, lunacy or bankruptcy
Medical and Health Insurance Policy Administration

Proposal Form

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