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Week 2-Cyberphysical Systems

COBOTs basic concepts

Paulo E. Santos
Flinders University
(Videos from Kosta Manning course notes)
Traditional (industrial) robots
• Dumb
• Usually large
• Very fast (tool speed of 10m/s!)
• And, therefore, dangerous
• Should be fenced off from people
• Programmed at distance using a “teach pendent”
Traditional (industrial) robots:
Automotive Industry

• Mercedes Benz A-Class Production line

• BMW:
• Tesla:
Robot cage
• No need for cages
• No need for teach pendants (or dead men switches)
• The maneuverability is now in the robot’s arms
• Hand guided

• Human speeds of solving tasks:

• range from 500 mm/s to about 1.5 m/s.
• Collaborative robots: need to be able to move at similar
• Minimise the moving mass and reflected inertia
• Limit collision torques
• Appropriate control algorithms
• Add compliance
Collaborative Robots

• Universal robot
• First Cobot sold to a company in 2008:
• Did not need a cage
• Controlled collision
• Software based solutions
• Rethink robotics
• Developing the same applications
• Hardware based
• 2012
• Universal and Rethink sharing the market for Cobots in
the US.
• 2020
• More than 20 companies developing Cobots
Collaborative Robots - Cobots
• The Robot Revolution: The New Age of Manufacturing (with sound)
• Universal robot - cobot - applications - case studies
• ABB Robotics – YuMi (with sound)
• Rod Brookes
Industrial Robot Applications
Industrial Robot Applications
Robot work envelop
• shape created when a
manipulator reaches forward,
backward, up and down
• Choose an envelop according to
the application
Work envelop
Degrees of freedom
• Total number of single-axis joints in the robot
• E.g. A 6DOF PUMA robot
Control Resolution
• The minimum displacement that the robot can make:
• Determined by the robot's position control system and its feedback measurement
• ability to divide the total range of movement for a particular joint into individual
increments that can be addressed in the controller.
• How close a measured value is to the true or desired quantity of what has been
• Robot’s ability to achieve a specific exact position in space.
Accuracy and resolution
• Robot’s ability to return to a previous position in space
• How close a group of measurements are to each other
• How well a device can reproduce an outcome in unchanged
Robot arm program
• In the most basic terms:
• a sequence of waypoints
• Robot moves from waypoint to
• Home pose:
• safe position where the robot can go to
at the start and end of a program
• A point in 3D space
• In Cartesian space
• Points are represented with 3 coordinates (𝑥𝑥, 𝑦𝑦, 𝑧𝑧)
Cartesian Coordinates - Retrieved from RB
Whitaker's Wiki

• Can have rotation factors about X, Y and Y 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅, 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅, 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅

• Position units are often in millimetres or meters
and rotation units are often in radians or degrees
Reference Frames

Peter Corke. Robotics, Vision and Control, Springer, 2017

Reference Frames

Peter Corke. Robotics, Vision and Control, Springer, 2017

Reference frames
• Reference in which the waypoints are defined upon
• World coordinate frame (WCF)
• Origin: a fixed position with its Z-axis pointing upwards.
• important for processes that use several robots which share one space,
robots with external axes, and mobile robots.
• Robot coordinate frame (RCF)
• Origin: robot base
• It must be defined in reference to the fixed coordinate frame WCF.
• Tool0 coordinate frame (T0CF)
• Tip of last link of the robot.
• dependent on the RCF.
• Tool coordinate frame (TCF)
• Origin: tip of the tool (Tool Center Point: TCP).
• must be defined in reference to the T0CF.
• Object coordinate frame (OCF)
• corresponds to the work object or the built structure.
• defines the location of the work object in relation to the world coordinate
frame (WCF).
Reference Frames
Tool Centre Point (TCP)
• It is the TCP itself that the robot uses to
move from point to point
• The TCP : different for each tool
• the user needs to specify the current TCP
• unless the tool informs the controller
automatically TCP drawing of
The TCP this particular
welding tool
Robot tools: just for material handling
Motion types
• How the robot moves from point to point
• Defines the method for path interpolation
• i.e. how the robot is going to move from one waypoint to another
• Basic motion types:
• Joint
• Linear
• Circular motion
Joint motion
• Keeps the joints configuration
• The path is non linear
Linear Moves
• Reconfigures the joints
• Defines a linear path
Circular Moves
• Reconfigures the joints
• Defines a circular path

Point A Point B

(Radius of circle point)

Motion types on a cobot
Assessment 2- COBOT Report

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