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Ms Thuy-0989007183- BÀI TẬP VỀ THÌ HIỆN TẠI

1. I usually ………………….(go) to school.

2. You never ……….(listen) to a word I say! You always ………..(listen) to that mp3


3. We (not / work)………….. today.
4. I (buy) …………. a new car.
5. I (not / plan) …………. my holiday yet.
6. They ……………. (visit) us often.
7. You ………………. (play) basketball once a week.
8. Tom ………………… (work) every day.

9. Where's John? He………………..(listen) to a new CD in his room.

10. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always…………
(rain) in England.

11. . Jean…………….(work) hard all day but she……………….._(not work) at the moment.

12. Look! That boy………….. (run) after the bus. He………….. (want) to catch it.

13. He………… (speak) German so well because he…………. (come) from Germany.

14. Shh! The boss………… (come). We ………..(meet) him in an hour and nothing is


15. She never …………. (help) me with that!

16. Martha and Kevin ………… (swim) twice a week.
17. In this club people usually …………. (dance) a lot

18. you usually …………(go) away for Christmas or you_................... (stay) at home?

19. Oh no! Look! It…………. (snow) again. It always…………. (snow) in this country.

20. Mary………. (swim) very well, but she…………… (not run) very fast.
Ms Thuy-0989007183- BÀI TẬP VỀ THÌ HIỆN TẠI

21. John ………….an accident. (to have)

22. I………….just ………….my room. (to clean)
23. My boyfriend …………. smoking. (to give up)
24. Maria ……… (Maria/learn) English for two years.
25. I …………..(live) with my parents but right now I…………(stay) with some friends for
a few days.

26. I can't talk on the phone now. I……….. (drive) home.

27. Where are the children? They………… (lie) on the beach over there.

28. She (write) …………. four letters.

29. He (not / see) …………. her for a long time.
30. Loan …………. me an e-mail. (to send)
31. Hello, Tom …..... (I/look) for you. Where have you been?
32. Linda is a teacher …..... (she/teach) for ten years.
33. Sarah is very tired .  …...... (she/work) very hard recently.
34. We ……….(wait) for her for 30 minutes.
35. She ……… (go) out since 5 a.m.
36. They……… (not eat) anything all the morning.
37. The street is full of water because it ……… (rain) for 3 hours.
38. She looks very exhausted because she……… (work) all night.
39. I ……… (read) this book since last night.
40. She……… (chat) with her friend all the day.
41. He ……… (talk) on the phone for hours.
42. She……… (cycle) for 2 hours and she is very tired now.
43. We ……… (not write) to each other for 6 months.
44. John rarely ……….. (leave) the country.
45. We ……………. (live) in the city most of the year.
46. Lorie ……………. (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
47. I …………….(bake) cookies twice a month.

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