(Tripura Urban Planning and Development Act, 2018) : Assignment 2-B A Review of A State Town and Country Planning Act

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Assignment 2-B

A review of a state town and country planning act

(Tripura Urban Planning and Development act, 2018)

Submitted by, Submitted to.

Rachana Patil Dr. Vidya Ghuge
❖ Objectives:

• To make provisions for planning, development and utilization of

urban and rural lands in a planned manner
• To provide for constitution of a Urban Planning and Development
Board and the matters connected therewith and incidental thereto,
WHEREAS, it is expedient to make provision for planning the
development and use of land in Regions established for that
• To make better provision for the preparation of Development plans
with a view to ensuring that town planning schemes are made in a
proper manner and their executions is made effective.
• To provide for the creation of new towns by means of Development
• To make provision for the compulsory acquisition of land required
for public purposes in respect of the plans; and for purposes
connected with the matters aforesaid .
❖ Comparison of Definition:

Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Tripura Urban planning and Development
act, 1966. act,2018.
• “amenity ” means roads, streets, open • “Amenities” means any one or more
spaces, parks, recreational grounds, play than one utilities such as roads, streets,
grounds, sports complex, parade open spaces, parks, recreational,
grounds, gardens, markets, parking lots, grounds, play grounds, water and
primary and secondary schools and electric supply, street lighting, sewerage,
colleges and polytechnics, clinics, drainage, public works and other
dispensaries and hospitals, water supply, utilities, services and conveniences;
electricity supply, street lighting,
sewerage, drainage, public works and
includes other utilities, services and
• “ Arbitrator ” means a person appointed • “Expert Committee” means an Arbitrator
as the Arbitrator for the purposes of any appointed as such under Section 94;
scheme or schemes under section 72 ;
• “ Regional Board ” or “ Board ” means a • “Board” means the Tripura Urban
Regional Planning Board constituted Planning and Development Board
under section 4; constituted under Section 3;
❖ Comparison of Definition:

• “ Court ” means in Greater Bombay, the • “Court” means a principal civil court of
Bombay City Civil Court; and elsewhere, law original jurisdiction and includes any
the principal civil court of original other civil court empowered by the State
jurisdiction; and includes any other civil Government to perform the functions of
court of a Judge of Senior Division or a the court under this Act within the
Judicial Officer empowered by the State pecuniary and local limits of its
Government to perform the functions of jurisdiction;
the court under this Act within the
pecuniary and local limits of its
• “ development right” means right to • “Development rights” means a right to
carry out development or to develop the carry out development or to develop the
land or building or both and shall include land or building or both and shall include
the transferable development right in the the transferrable development right in
form of right to utilise the Floor Space the form of right to utilize the floor area
Index of land utilisable either on the ratio or land utilizable either on the
remainder of the land partially reserved remainder of the land partially reserved
for a public purpose or elsewhere, as the for the public purpose or elsewhere as
final Development Control Regulations in may be provided in the zoning
this behalf provide regulations;
❖ Definition:
❖ Terms in MRTP (Not present in TUDA):
• Designated Officers, Development Authority, Development plan, Regional plan, Local
newspaper, Reconstituted plot, Region, Regional plan, Regional Planning Committee,
Town Planning Officer. (link : 1 , 2 )

❖ Terms in TUDA (Not present in MRTP):

• Building, commercial use, Director of town planning, Estate Officer, Means of access,
Master Plan, Estate officer, Townships, Transferee, Tribunal of appeal, Urban, Urban
local bodies. (Link : 1 , 2)
❖ Planning Board:
a)Members (Section 4)
a) Members( Section 4 ) b)Terms of office and condition of services
b) Terms of office and condition of of members (Section 5)
services of members( Section 5 ) c)Resignation of member (Section 6)
c) Vacancies (Section 9). d)Vacancies.(Section 7)
d) Meeting of Board (Section 11). e)Power and duties of Regional Board
e) Power of board to appoint staff (Section 8)
( Section 13) f)Meeting of Board.(Section 9)
g)Consultation or association with
expert. (Section 10)
h)Power of board to appoint staff(Sec-11)
❖ Inference :
• In MRTP Act, 1966 all the direction are given clearly such as:
1) Power and duties of board ( Section 8)
2) Responsibilities to be taken by whom in absence of chairman or both chairmen and vice
chairman (Section 9.2).
3) Responsibility of guiding the staff appointed (Section 11.2).
a)Authority : Regional Board .
a) Authority : State Government(Section 57) b) Survey of Region and preparation of
b) Survey of Region and preparation of Regional plan:(Section 13)
Regional plan(Section 57). c)Contents of Regional Plan (Section 14)
c) Contents of Regional plan(Section58) . d)Submission of Regional Plan to State
d) Preparation and submission of regional Government for approval.(Section 15)
plan (Section 59). e)Procedure to be followed in preparing
e) Publication of Regional plan and date of and approving regional plan (Section 16)
its operation(Section 60) f)Publication of RP and date of its
f)Changes and omission (Section 61) approval (Section 17)
g)Permission (Section 63) g)Restriction on change of user of land or
h)Punishment (Section 65) development. (Section 18)

❖ Inference :
• MRTP act has well drafted provisions of Regional plan with detailed explain contents,
preparation, submission of same.
• Provision of omissions and permissions (section 61 and 63) are well explained in Tripura
Urban planning and development act 2018
a)Time limit, Extension, Fail to submit
a) Contents (Section 66) declaration of intension, Fail to complete ,
New planning authority (Section 21 (1),
b) Date of operation (Section 67) (4),(4 A), (5))

c) Alteration / addition (Section68). b)Content of Development (Section 22)

d) Minor changes (Section 69). c)Modification of substantial nature

(Section 22 A)

❖ Appraisal :
• Development plan in MRTP is well drafted with all the provisions well stated along with
all the possible cases like extension, fail to submit intention, fail to complete etc.
• Contents of development plan are explained comprehensively in MRTP.
Penalty for unauthorized development Penalty for unauthorized development
(Section 78) (Section 52)
Power to require removal of unauthorized Power to require removal of unauthorized
development (Section 79). development (Section 53).
Power to stop unauthorized developments Power to stop unauthorized developments
and Removal or discontinuance of (Section 54)
unauthorized temporary development Removal or discontinuance of
summarily. (Section 80) unauthorized temporary development
summarily (Section 55).

❖ Difference:
• If the offence is continued than the fine is extended to one thousand rupees every day
according to TUDA, but for same offense the fine is two hundred in MRTP. (Section 78).
• For removal of unauthorized development in TUDA planning authority may request to police
officer (Section 80) but in MRTP planning authority can request to District magistrate or the
Commissioner of Police (Section 55).

a) Provisions (Section 83) a) Provisions ( Section 59) .

b) Making and publication of draft scheme b) Power of Planning Authority to resolve
(Section 85). on declaration of intention to make
c) Inclusion of additional area in draft scheme (Section 60)
scheme (Section 86): c)Making and publication of draft scheme
d) Power of State Government to sanction (Section 61)
draft scheme (Section 90) d) Inclusion of additional area in draft
scheme (Section 62)
e)Contents of draft scheme (Section 64)
f)Objections to draft scheme to be
considered (Section 67)
g) Power of State Government to sanction
draft scheme (Section 68)

❖ DIFFERNCE : Difference in time span of :-

a)Making and publication of draft scheme:-
1)TUDA : 12 months for making draft and publishing.
2)MRTP : 9 months for making draft and publishing.
b)Extension period :-
1)TUDA : 6 months
2)MRTP : 3 months.
❖ APPRAISAL (Town planning scheme):
• Contents of draft scheme are well explained in MRTP Act, 1966.
• MRTP Act, 1966 is well drafted giving different section for different provision, For e.g.:
different section for “Objections to draft scheme to be considered”(Section 67):, but in
TUDA,2018 it is combine in same section of “Making and publication of draft
scheme”(Section 85) .

• Only some provision for new town are provided under Section 31 , 52 , 53 , 54 which is not
as detailed as MRTP NEW TOWN chapter VI.

❖ Difference (Land acquisition):

• Different acts are referred : a) TUDA - Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Act, 2013.(Section 38)
b) MRTP - Land Acquisition Act, 1894. (Section 125)
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