Assignment Assignment - 2B: Course Coordinator Dr. Vidya V. Ghuge

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Assignment -2B

A review of a State Town and Country Planning Acts

The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and Development Act,

The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966

Course Coordinator
Dr. Vidya V. Ghuge
Submitted by,
Shivam Gautam
1st year MTech ,
Urban Planning
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Objective Objective

 Provision for planning the development and  To make provision for the promotion of
use of land in “regions” established of Regional development and regulation of growth of
Planning Boards constitution. regions and of urban and rural areas in the
State of Sikkim and for purposes connected
 Provisions for the preparation of Development there with and incidental thereto.
Plans for ensuring the Town Planning Schemes
execution is made in proper and effectively.

 To provide for the creation of New Towns by

means of Development Authorities.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Provisions related to Regional Plans Provisions related to Regional Plans
a) Region – (section 3) a) State Urban and Regional Planning Board –
Any area in the State, by defining its limits, to be a (section 3)
Region. Board shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice
b) Constitution of Regional Planning Boards- Chairperson and not more than twenty other
(section 4) members to be appointed by the Government.
Consisting of a Chairman &the Director of Town b) Function and power of the Board – (section 4)
Planning ; maximum four members appointed by the  Physical and natural resource potentials and their
State Government of local authorities. utilization and fiscal resource mobilization
c) Powers and duties of Board – (section 8)  Natural disaster-prone areas
 To carry out a survey of the Region, and prepare  Poverty alleviation and employment in both formal
 reports on the surveys. and informal sectors
 To prepare an existing-land-use map  Development of trade, commerce, and industries
 To prepare a Regional plan;  Agriculture and rural development
 To perform any other duties or functions as are  National and state level transportation network
supplemental prescribed by regulations  Infrastructure development
d) Contents of Regional Plan – (section 14)  Urbanisation trends, urbanisation policy,
 Allocation of land for different uses settlement pattern of large and medium towns and
 Reservation of areas for open spaces, recreation etc. their functional specialization
 Transport & communication  Protection of environmentally and ecologically
 Public utilities & amenities like water supply, sensitive areas and conservation of national and
drainage. state level heritage areas
 Reservation of sites for green field development  Generalised land use
 Preservation, conservation & development of areas  Phasing of the plan in periods of five years
of natural scenery, forest etc. coterminous with the State Five Year Plan
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Provisions related to Regional Plans Provisions related to Regional Plans
 Heritage preservation & Areas for military & c) Approval of State Perspective plan – (Section 9)
defense.  The State Perspective Plan, after approval by the
 Prevention of erosion & afforestation, reforestation Board, shall be forwarded to the Government.
& other environmental issues  State Perspective Plan the Government may
 Proposals for irrigation, water supply, flood control publish the salient features of such a plan in at
etc. least two local newspapers circulating in the
 Distribution of population State
e) Submission of Regional Plan – (section 15)  The Government may, approve the perspective
Submitted to the State Government with all other plan with or without the modifications proposed by
documents, maps and plans for approval and within the Committee within a period of 90 (ninety) days
the prescribed period, by notification in the Official from the date of receipt of the State perspective
Gazette about the approval of plan. plan by the State Government.
f) Procedure followed in preparing and approving d) Review and revision of State Perspective plan –
Regional Plan – (section 16) (Section 10)
 Existing-land-use map and the regional survey At least once in ten years from the date of approval
carried out and preparation of Maps, charts and a of the State Perspective Plan by the Government
report under sub ..section (4) of section 9, the Board, with
 Recommendations to the State Government by local the assistance of the Chief Town Planner, shall review
authorities in the draft Regional plan. such plan and prepare a fresh State Perspective Plan
 The Regional Board modify the objections, for a period of twenty-five years from the date of
suggestions and representations received by it to review after incorporating such modifications and
the Regional Planning Committee. amendments as may be necessary and submit the
same for approval to the Government.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Provisions related to Regional Plans Provisions related to Regional Plans

 Suggestions, objections and representations, the No such provision or section contains the
Regional Board will prepare the Regional plan information about Expenses of Regional Board in
containing such modifications and submit it to the Regional Plans and Regional Planning Boards
State Government for approval.
g) Publication of Regional plan – (section 17)
Regional plan is approved by the State Government, it
is published to all persons affected by the Regional
plan(60 Days come into operation )
h) Restriction on change of user of land or
development after that – (section 18)
No person can change the use of any
land/development of any land without permission.
i) Expenses of Regional Board
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Provisions for Development Plan Provisions for Development Plan
a) Development Plan – (section 21) a) Declaration of regional planning area –
“Development plan ” means a plan for the (Section11)
development or re-development of the area within the The Government may, after consultation with the
jurisdiction of a Planning Authority. (prepared in 3 yrs) Board, by notification in the Official Gazette from time
b) Contents of Development Plan – (section 22) to time, declare any area in the State to be a regional
 Allocation of land for different uses planning area for the purpose of this Act.
 Reservation of areas for open spaces, recreation etc. b) Contents of a regional development plan –
 Transport & communication, Public utilities & (Section13)
amenities like water supply, drainage etc. The regional development plan shall indicate the
 Service industries, industrial estates etc. stages by which development may be carried out, the
 Preservation, conservation & development of areas network of transport and communication lines, the
of natural scenery, forest ,Heritage preservation etc. proposals for conservation and development of
 Proposals for irrigation, water supply, flood control natural resources and such other matters as may
 The filling up or reclamation of low lying, swampy have an influence on the development of the concerned
or unhealthy areas, or levelling up of land area.
 Development control regulations c) Preparation of regional development plan –
c) Modifications of substantial nature – (section (Section12)
22A) Regional development plan is to be prepared, prepare a
modifications made by the State Government in the regional development plan for such area together with
draft Development Plan in a reserved site, a new road a report explaining the various aspects of the
or proposed roads, change in the proposal of allocating developments proposed in such plan.
the use of certain lands from one zone to any other It shall be the duty of every Government Department
zone, alteration in the FSI. and local authority to furnish as soon as may be
possible. maps. reports and record as may be required.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Provisions for Development Authorities Provisions for Development Plan
d) Plans for areas of Comprehensive Development
d) Power of Government to require the Chief Town
Plan – (section 33)
Planner to prepare a regional development plan
 Urban renewal, housing, shopping centers,
for any area – (Section14)
industrial areas, civic centers, educational and
the Government may be notification require the Chief
cultural institutions.
Town Planner to prepare and submit to the Board
 control of architectural features, elevation and
before a fixed date, a regional development plan in
frontage of buildings and structures.
respect of any area.
 Plans of areas having bad layout, obsolete
e) Revision of the Regional Development Plan –
development and slum areas and re-location of
If the Government, at any time, after a regional
 Open spaces, gardens, playgrounds and recreation
development plan has been published in the Official
Gazette under section 18, but at least once in five
e) Power of State Government or Planning Authority
years therefrom, is of the opinion that a revision of
to permit temporary change of user – (section 37A)
such regional development plan is necessary.
Temporary use of any plot of land, reserved, designated
or allocated for the purpose of play-ground, for
management of any disaster or emergency such as
Helipad or other essential use
f) Revision of Development plan – (section 38)
At least once in 20 years from the date on which a
Development plan has come into operation and revise
the Development plan after carrying out survey and
preparing an existing-land-use map of the area within
its jurisdiction.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Provisions for Development Authorities Provisions for Development Plan
a) Declaration of development area – (section 42A) a) Declaration of development area – (section 21)
The State Government for the purpose of securing the Government shall, for the purposes of proper
planned development of areas within the State, development of such area or areas, by notification,
declare by notification in the Official Gazette, any area declare such area or areas to be a development area
in the State to be a development area. for the purposes of this Act and shall assign a name to
b) Constitution of Area Development Authority – such area.
(section 42C) b) Constitution of Committees – (Section27)
State Government with notification in the Official The Authority may constitute as many committees
Gazette form an authority for the purpose of carrying consisting wholly of members or wholly of other
out the functions assigned to an Area Development persons or partly of members and partly of other
Authority under this Act. persons and for such purposes as it may think fit.
c) Powers and functions of Area Development c) Functions and powers of development authority
Authority – (section 42F) – (Section 24)
The powers and functions of an Area Development The powers and functions of an Area Development
Authority are as follows: Authority are as follows:
 Preparation and execution of town planning schemes.  prepare an existing land use map
 To carry out surveys in the development area for the  prepare and enforce a perspective plan
preparation of town planning schemes.  prepare and enforce a development plan,
 To control the development activities in accordance  prepare and enforce an annual plan
with the development plan and town planning  prepare and enforce development schemes
schemes.  carry out or cause to be carried out execution of
 To enter into contracts, agreements or arrangements, projects and schemes framed under the perspective
with any person or organization as the Area plan, development plan or the annual plan
Development Authority.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Preparation of Existing Land use map Preparation of Existing Land use map
a) Provision for survey and preparation of a) Preparation of Existing Land Use Map and
existing-land use map – (section 25) Register – (Section30)
After the declaration by Planning Authority to prepare The Chief Town Planner and the Authority shall, not
a Development plan and in six months after the later than six months after the declaration of the
declaration or not later than such further time as the regional planning area under section 11 and the
State Government may from time to time extend, a development area under section 21 respectively or
Planning Authority carry out a survey of the lands within such time as the Government may from time to
within the jurisdiction of the Planning Authority and time, extend, but not later than one year, prepare an
prepare an existing-land-use map indicating the Existing Land Use Map.
existing use of land. b) Notice of the Preparation of the Map and
b) Publication of notice] of draft Development plan Register – (Section31)
– (section 26) After the preparation of the Map and Register under
Planning Authority with in two years from the date of section 30, the Chief Town Planner in the case of the
notice published prepare a draft Development plan regional planning area and the Authority in the case
and publish a notice in the Official Gazette. of the development area shall publish a public notice
stating that such Map and Register has been
prepared, and indicating therein the place or places
where copies of the Map or Register, or both may be
inspected, and inviting objections In Writing from any
person with respect to the Map and the Register within
thirty days of the publication of such notice.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Control of Development and use of land Control of Development and use of land
a) Restrictions on development of land – (section a) Prohibition of development – (Section44)
43) No person can change the use of any land
No person can change the use of any land /development of land without the permission in
/development of land without the permission in writing of the Planning Authority.
writing of the Planning Authority. No such permission required for necessary works:
No such permission required for necessary works:  For the maintenance, improvement or other
 For the maintenance, improvement or other alteration of any building.
alteration of any building.  Maintenance or improvement of a highway, road
 Maintenance or improvement of a highway, road or public street, etc.
or public street, etc.  Inspecting, repairing or renewing any drains,
 Inspecting, repairing or renewing any drains, sewers, mains, pipes, cable, telephone or other
sewers, mains, pipes, cable, telephone or other apparatus including the breaking open of any
apparatus including the breaking open of any street.
street.  for normal use of land which has been used
b) Application for permission for development – temporarily for other purposes
(section 44) b) Permission for development – (Section45)
Any person not being Central or State Government or Any person or body intending to carry out any
local authority intending to carry out any development on any land shall make an application in
development on any land shall make an application writing to the Authority for permission in such form
in writing to the Planning Authority for permission. containing such particulars and accompanied by
such documents, fee and plans as may be prescribed
by the rules and regulations.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Control of Development and use of land Control of Development and use of land
c) Grant or refusal of permission – (section 45) c) Appeal against refusal or conditional grant of
 grant the permission(unconditionally) or grant the permission – (Section46)
permission with special conditions or refuse the Any applicant aggrieved by an order passed may
permission. appeal, within one month of the communication of
 If the Planning Authority does not communicate that order or if no order is passed, after the expiry of
its decision whether to grant or refuse permission the period of three months from the date of
to the applicant within sixty days from the date of submitting the application for permission.
receipt of his application such permission shall be  granting permission unconditionally
deemed to have been granted.  granting permission subject to such conditions as
d) Provisions of Development plan to be it may think fit
considered before granting permission – (section  removing the conditions subject to which
46) permission has been granted and imposing other
The Planning Authority in considering application for conditions
permission have to consider the provisions of any
draft or final development plan.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Provisions related to Unauthorized Development Provisions related to Unauthorized Development
a) Penalty for unauthorized development or for use a) Penalty for unauthorised development or for use
otherwise than in conformity with Development otherwise than in conformity with the
plan – (section 52) development plan or development scheme –
Any person continues to use or allows the use of any (Section50)
land or building which is not permitted in Any person who continues to use or allows the use of
Development plan without being allowed will be any land or building which is not permitted in
punished with fine which may extend to 5,000 Development plan without being allowed will be
rupees. punished with fine which may extend to five
b) Power to require removal of unauthorized thousand rupees.
development – (section 53) b) Power to require removal of unauthorised
Non permitted development of land has been carried development – (section 51)
out ,the Planning Authority give the owner a notice If any non-permitted development of land has been
requiring him, within such period(1 month) and after carried out, the Planning Authority give the owner a
the service of the notice, to take such steps as may be notice requiring him, within such period, being not
specified in the notice. less than 1 month and after the service of the notice,
After that warning notice the owner can’t do following to take such steps as may be specified in the notice.
things: After that warning notice the owner cannot do
 Demolition or alteration of any building or works. following things:
 Carrying out on land of any building or other  Demolition or alteration of any building or works.
operations.  Carrying out on land of any building or other
 Discontinuance of any use of land. operations.
 Discontinuance of any use of land.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Provisions related to Unauthorized Development Provisions related to Unauthorized Development
c) Power to stop unauthorized developments – c) Power to stop unauthorised developments –
(section 54) (section 52)
Any person, who continues to carry out the Any person, who continues to carry out the
development of land, whether for himself or on behalf development of land, whether for himself or on
of the owner or any other person, after such notice behalf of the owner or any other person, after such
has been served shall, on conviction, Person will be notice has been served, shall be punishable with
punished with imprisonment for a term simple imprisonment for a term which may extend
which may extend to three years or with fine which to three years, or with a fine which may extend to
may extend to five thousand rupees or with both. ten thousand rupees, or with both and when the
non-compliance is a continuing one, with a further
fine which may extend to five hundred rupees for
each day after the date of the service of the notice
during which non-compliance has continued or
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Town Planning and Development Schemes Town Planning and Development Schemes
a) Preparation and contents of town planning a) Publication of the development scheme and its
scheme – (section 59) approval – (Section58)
Town planning scheme have provision for any of the A development scheme may be prepared for making
following matters: provision for all any of the following matters namely:
 Laying out or re-laying out of land, either vacant  establishment of industries. industrial estates,
or already built upon, including areas of flatted factories. service industries
comprehensive development.  establishment of tourist centres and tourism
 Filling-up or reclamation of low-lying, swampy or related infrastructure
unhealthy area, or levelling-up of land.  development and landscaping of open spaces,
 Layout of new streets or roads, construction, recreational grounds, parks, Zoological and
diversion, extension, alteration, improvement and botanical gardens, public assembly grounds and
closing up of streets and roads. social forestry
 Construction, alteration and removal of buildings,  redevelopment and renewal of blighted areas
bridges and other structures.  resettlement, rehabilitation and upgradation of
 Allotment or reservation of land for open spaces, slum area
gardens, recreation grounds, schools, markets,  provision of health care. educational, cultural,
green belts, dairies, transport facilities and public religious and recreational facilities
purposes.  construction. reconstruction, alteration,
 Drainage, inclusive of sewerage, surface or sub- improvement and maintenance of public roads
soil drainage and sewage disposal. and streets, bridges, parking lots, transport
 Lighting and water supply. terminals including bus depots, airports, bus
 Preservation of objects of historical or national bays and stops, street lighting and avenue
interest or natural beauty, and of building actually plantation
used for religious purposes.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Town Planning and Development Schemes Town Planning and Development Schemes
b) Power of Planning Authority to resolve on b) Power of the Authority to engage consultant –
declaration of intention to make scheme – (section (Section59)
60) The Authority may, for framing and executing a
In 30 days of declaration of intention to make a development scheme, engage any consultant on such
scheme ,the Planning Authority can publish the terms and conditions as-may be agreed upon
declaration in the Official Gazette. between it and the consultant.
c) Making and publication of draft scheme – (section c) Power of the Authority to set-up functional
61) agencies – (Section61)
With in 9 months from the date of the declaration in The Authority may, with the prior approval of the
the Official Gazette and notice copy will be available Government, set-up functional agencies for
for inspection by the public . performance of such specific functions, not
d)Contents of draft scheme – (section 64) inconsistent with the objects of this Act, in such
 Ownership, area and tenure of original land holdings. cases where it considers appropriate that it would be
 Details of reservation, acquisition or allotment of in public interest and would affect economy and
land. efficiency in the performance of the functions
 Extent and boundaries where plot reconstitution is assigned to it.
 Total cost estimations.
 Allotment of final plots to owner and transfer of
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
New Town New Town
a) Designation of site for new town- (section 113)
The State Government for public interest notify in the
Official Gazette that any area should be developed as a No such provision or section contains the
site for a new town as reserved in Regional Plan. information about Draft Development Plans in
After publication of the notification acquiring, The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
developing and disposing of land in the area of a new Development Act, 1998
town, the State Government by notification in the
Official Gazette form a New Town Development
For this provision refer – Sikkim State
Authority. Authority For Planning and
b) Objects of New Town Development Authority – Development Act, 2007
(section 114)
Secure the laying out and development of the new town
in accordance with proposals approved and have power
to acquire, hold, manage and dispose of land.
Other operations, to provide water, electricity, gas,
sewerage and other services, amenities and
facilities for the purpose of the new town.
c) Planning and control of development in new
towns –
(section 115)
Area which is required for the purposes connected with
the development of the new town, and any land
whether adjacent to that area or not which is required
for provisions of services or amenities for the purposes
of the new town.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998

Land Acquisition Land Acquisition

Sections 125 – 129 of land acquisition in MRTP Sections 63 – 68 of land acquisition in SURPD
act are as follows- act are as follows-
 Compulsory acquisition of land needed for  Any land required, reserved or designated in
purposes of Regional plan, Development plan, a perspective plan., a development plan, or
or town planning schemes, etc. an annual plan, or a development scheme
 Acquisition of land required for public  Acquisition of land required for public
purposes specified in plans. purposes specified in plans.
 Lapsing of reservations.  The Authority may acquire land by
 Power of State Government to acquire lands agreement by paying such amount as may
for purpose other than the one for which it is be arrived at through negotiated settlement
designated in any plan or scheme. in such manner as may be prescribed under
 Possession of land in case of urgency regulations.
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998

Finance, Account and Audit Finance, Account and Audit

Sections of Finance, Account and Audit in Sections of Finance, Account and Audit in
MRTP act are as follows- SURPD act are as follows-
 Funds.  Fund of the Authority
 Budget.  Budget
 Accounts and Audit of Regional Board.  Accounts and Audit
 Accounts and Audit of Special Planning  Increase in, duty on certain transfer of
Authority and Development Authority. immovable property
 Submission of report.  Contribution by municipal bodies to the
 Pension and provident funds. development fund
 Annual reports
 Pension and Provident fund
The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 The Sikkim Urban and Regional Planning and
Development Act, 1998
Inferences Inferences

 Expenses of Regional Board in Regional  For the New town Planning Act provision
Plans and Regional Planning Boards refer – Sikkim State Authority For
Planning and Development Act, 2007
 New Town Planning Act in The Maharashtra
Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966

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