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100% Free sts: ONspace>Uandstr to 870807070 for Teth SMS NTU Alerts 08 Alerts, GATE.GRE.. NOTIFICATIONS ee $2 SAM Infotech 2332." | See GSAT erojoces ane Courses, Loreen masini Cell: 95055 95055 “INTU ONLINE EXAMINATIONS [Mid 2- SGP] 4. Magntiing in-rash phenomena occurin 2. Large vanstormer primary only, when the transformers Sitehed on, Large tansfomer primary when a S-phawe faut ina secondary € Large transformer primary ony when te Wanstormeris Switch onin he primary {Large transformer pmary only when the wanstormers ftehon nthe prmsry and Secondary 2'Farthe protection of transformer, harmonic restraints ties to guard against 2 Magnalang in-rush current Unoaianeed operation igri 4 Suiching over votane $-Theinrush eurent of tranetormer at no load ie maximum, * the supply voltage fs switched on 2 Apeakvotage vaue b.Atzoro voltage value Cathal velage ale {4 ALO B00 ane yotage valve {The magnatisinginrush currentin a raneformer rich ia a Tra harmoniccompanont ®.Fithhamont component. Second harmonic component ‘¢-Alogd hanmase component 5 inMer2Price percentage silferentil protection of A transformer, the CT secondaries connection nthe primary an. ‘Seeondary winding ofthe transformer would be inthe form of mar bya cae ayy £6. 10 KVA, 400 Vi200V single phaso transformer with 10% Impedance drawe astoady sort-trult line currntof meoa bon £250 43508 1 Fer diferent protection ofpower transformer (AA) the Current transformer il have S.A. Comecion 8 YA. comecton 2.97 Connection 4.4.1 omection 8 To provent tho maloperation of diferent connoctod ret Wile energizing a transformer th relay restraining coils Diased wth Second harmonic current Thnamonis curent Pitsharnoneeurent {4 Sovent narmonie erent 8. For preventing the maloperaton of Merz Price protection Sehom on in ush of the magnetizing current 2 Tho lay sonst is reducod by mpoying a shunt The tine age proudeatin ne relay The relay restraint cols biased with second harmonic Te relay restraint cls biased win ninth harmonic 40,3 phase transformer having line voltage ratio of 0.411 wv IS connected i stardota and protective transformer on the 400, side have current aio of 500. The ratio of protective {tanatonmer on 11 KV side 27051 b 4083 21082 4.4086 {Vine ofthe folowing sa problem associated with Aitforeniial protection s'Frequency bs Mismaten characteristics of CTs © Power factor f.Unbatance In anstormars ‘2. The percentage alferental protection ofatranstormer protects the transformer again ternal fut B Mognetang mush arent Overloading 4. tnornal phase to phase or phase to earth faults 13. The connections of CT are oppeaite to that of transformer Winding so tat curont inthe pit wires oftwo are have Same Phe 'Opposte in phase E-Aphace dference of 60> {A phase deroncs 80: 4.8100 MVA, 13216. kY, power transformer Is connectod in feta star the cxeustingcurent inthe pt wives ofthe “foro protection scheme s§ A then ratio of CT-on is 415.13 phase transformer of 22011000 ine volte ie connacted instar The protective tansormer on the 220 V sie 2 current ratio of 6001. The ratio of protective {ranetormer on 11 KV sige sra860 bisa c43as 641305 46. twos phave 1166 HV DetaStarWanstormer, protected by Mrz Price protection schome has GT ratio of 4015 on LY tide ‘he ratio of CT on HY side willbe equal to Hera b.234 28 a2 FOR MORE VISIT: htt //uomw.Uandistarorg 200% Free SMS: ON nitro 9870807070 for Tech SMSJNTU Alerts JOB Aerts, GATE.GRE.. NOTIFICATIONS 4. Reactance grounding {43"Inresistance grounding. the power los i _ compare to other methods Store Btewe & Zero, Average compare ooher gcundings 414. The performance of reactance grounding above he otectve guning © Baton he resonant grounding €. Between te slid grounding and resonant grounding 4 Bestof at grounangs 415-For the reactance grounding its essential thatthe ‘agnitide ofthe earth fault current should be atleast tot the 3 phase fou current 68nd 132KV 447. Which ene ofthe following grounding methods used to rece the tower footing resistance where sath resistances (ow Single dive rod Mute ros Cour poises Frans 418. The resistance valu nthe resistance grounding is Any value can be raced B feshinan the estan roactance Equal the syste reactance 4 Groator than to systom reactance 40" The resistance grounding grounding Expensive cheaper Equal cost pint of view ‘4 Cont compere 120. Earthing of wanstormer neutral through reactance wil, improve ts "Transion stably B steaay sta tabi © Power taity &.Vatiage stabi, {21 Transiont over voltage are morein case of 2 Sold grouncing Resistance growing € Resonant grounding, 44 Reactance grounding 422.4192 KV, 3 phase, 50 Hs, transmission line of 182 km tong Consists of three conductors of effective diameter 20 mm, Srangedin a vertical pane with 4 m spacing and regularly {ransposea. tne resonant grounding is provided with System, ‘Men the inductance of arc suppression cols a7 Bayme crore e197 423.8132 kV, 3 phase, 50 Hat tong. Consists of thee conductors of fective diameter 20 mn, than sok amisson line of 192 km provi IMVA ating ofare suppression cll is 2,380 MWA por col 9.389 vA per cat £8389 MVA per cot 4.90 MVAperoot ‘24,50 Hz, overhead ine has linet earth capacitance of 1 trier fared Kis decides toe an earth fou neutralizer Then’ {horeactance to neutralize the capacitance of 100% ofthe length ofthe tne 5.706% ohm Banat obme, 951 fms 4.2122 ohm 126.835 KV, 50 Hz network has capacitance to noua of 10 UF ber phase. The reactance ofthe Peterson colis Er Bist one 408.1 obs 4064032 ohms 4 ost onme {21-Petorson coll is Aircore reactor bron cored resctor e Acostenser S.A varstomer 6 Reaciance grounding {20° Patraon cll provided with tapings to vary inductance bRenstance © Curent 4 Copactance 130, Neutral grounding provided at 2: Sourea end Eitsadend Any locaton fice {31-50 He, overhead ine has tne to earth capacitance of nero farses decile {Guns an enh fault eutralee. Then the resctance to heutalize th capactance of Sot the length of hein 8 sos ohm 112i ohms e.4479 ohne 4.2122 ohm {321A 0 He overhead ine has tne to erth capacitance of Irero fara ie decided toe an earth suk nour Then {horeactance to neutralize the capacitance of 80 ‘ofthe length of thei Is 24064 ohme Boatat onme 951 ome 4.1826 ohm 433.tfa neutral pont of any equipments nat avaliable with the tem, then through Zigrag wanstormer aati connected reneormer eA catenttanctorner 4 Potenal ranstomar {34 voltage transformer grounding 2Arcing grounds are aliminated B arang grou are present €.Arcing Grounds are pata elninated 4 Na posewe 135. The major problem wih voltage transformer grounding is. 2 Raftactons ar ro the neutrals grounded FOR MORE VISIT: hito://wmw.Uandistar.ore 100% Fre MS: ONspoce>Vandistr to 9870807070 for Teth SMS NTU Alerts JOB Aerts, GATE.GRE.. NOTIFICATIONS. 188.The protection against coe lightning strokes and high voltage steep waves ls provided by SGrtnd woe 2 Lighining testers Ground wires se Lightning avesters 6 Earting of neural ‘00: Vale fypearvestors are alec calle os 2 near divers, Non near alverters © Untorm diverts &.Thytetype La {11 Which one s most commonly wed arrestor Tye type LA Biyavetpeca Expulsion ype LA Natal oxide a Toumutte son creat tack caren Toreduoe arcing «To provide path to high voltage surge to eth To reduce he vtage 463. Considar the following statements. To provide elable Protection fr adetibuton trantormer again over vaage {sing antning arrester itis essential hat the {tend resietance high 2 Distanee between transformer andthe arrester is small 5cTraneformer andthe arester haves common iter Connecting grouna {Spark over voltage ofthe arrestor s greater than the ‘ealdual voltage eri. Sand a corect 1.283 ae correct, 22, 38h ae conect 6.4 tor conect ges 8: Ughiing autor b Lightning coneuctor and arostor © Combnaton of Capachor and Lighting arastor 4. Cepactor 465: Impulse aloof insulators and lightning acestrs should Be 2. Both ow B. High an iow rospecively © Low and gn vespecvely 48h nah 466. To pretectthe insulator rom ar the stance betweon the: Store than 9 of rod 1 More than 29 gp lenght Lous ten 1 fod ep ena Less han 29 ood Gop ength 46T-Theightlng arrester Ia connected fin series ih the ine Betweon ie and oarth © Toapolenearine ine 44. nparael with 2 ne 468. Locaion ol ightning arrester is era generator bSranetormer Bus. bar Creve broaker 460. Lightning eestor provides 2 Low impedance path gh impedance pate ©. Low restance path {High resistance pats between ne and earth daring peraton $70. Which ofthe following Is nota protective doviceagalast lightning over votage? Rod Cops Surge Abcorers © Hom Gaps ano Relay {A710 Thytt lighting arrester the resistanco "Vertes near i apps ola ® increases wih applied votage € Decreases vanes near wh appd vtage 4s high st low current andtow at high currents ‘2. For proper insulalon coordination would ensure thatthe voltdine charactor of te enapoe't {hevoltime charactors of th protective dovies, “above BBdlen ©. Cafnedes Sometimes Blow and some above ‘73. The BIL ofa poner sytem is usualy chosen as 3.257% 1030 %emore than the protective level offered by the Protective devices (LA) B'S0'% more tan te protective eve! oer by he protective dees (LA) E's to 10 Se move than the protective love ofred by theprtecve devices LA) {Highest ighing surge voliage expectes 474. The rae of ie ofeurrentinightning stroke fs a. taAjeoe B-Ao0wAlueee e100 Aisec 41000 sAee {75.impulse insultion break down strength of protected jipment must be "Greater than that of the protecting device Bega prtecang devon € Lose nan hate! te protecting doves 176. BIL of power ystem is defined a 2 The minimum insulation impulse withstand voltage of any ewer equipment or apparatus Phe mrumum power oquency wthstandvotage of ay ower equipment or apparatus the mosarum pom requency wihtand wotage of any Power equipment or apparatus fhe peak value of tngnest system votege ATT-The impulse ratio ofroa gaps 2 Unt Between 4 20nd 45 Between? and 2.2 .Bemeen 18 nd 1.8 {78:The impulse ratio or any particular objet a Aconst b. Depends upon shape of wave © Gea nductance {Grout resetance and capactance {$79.The font time andtal time of the Impulse wave le I microseconds inmiereconds € Inseconds inmintoe 400. The cumulative probabil of 104A lightning stoke current (peak) about sen Gse vid 098 FOR MORE VISIT: htt://usmw.UandiStarorg

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