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The interpretation was made based on the seven cluster, each cluster has 2 answers of 4

numbers. I am one belong to the eclectic philosophy, which means it is a philosophy of choice. It
is a peculiar type of educational philosophy which combines all good ideas and principles from
the various philosophies. It is also a conceptual approach that does not hold rigidly to a single
paradigm or set of assumption, but instead draws upon multiple theories, styles, or ideas to gain
complementary insights into a subject or applies different theories in particular cases. Eclectics
in are sometimes criticized for lack of consistency their thinking. However, it is common to
many fields of study.

The world is changing very fast. Values are changing rapidly. We require a dynamic
outlook and mental flexibility to have an all-around adjustment and optimal development. No
philosophy is full-pledged to provide all things. But we want an integral education for complete
living. If we synthesis all good ideas and principles with best materials of all these philosophies
we have to adopt an eclectic approach by harmonizing the conflicting ideologies and blend them
together. We have to find unity in diversities through eclectic approach.

Individuals needs are better matched to treatments when more option are available. Also,
provides a fuller more detailed understanding of human behavior. Does not restrict to one
perspective so allows new ideas formed. Teachers connect classroom experiences to the daily life
activities of the learners. This help learners to understand new knowledge by drawing on what
they already know. Thus, learning is not strange because the activities are life-like. So, through
this, teachers need a new way thinking because it helps students learn by thinking about
controlling their own mental process.

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