Year6 Unit 10

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Oe a eC ee che See T TS a WHAT SAFETY MEASURES DO YOUTAKEAT THESE PLACES? at the field at the kerb at the traffic light 1, Doyou think safety measures are important? Why? 2. What advice will you give your friends who do not practice these safety measures? ‘SIR BONA MATERIALS, Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the statements below based on the conversation in page 94 from the textbook. STATEMENTS ANSWER Pedestrian bridges are built for people to cross the road safely. Jaywalkers adhere to road safety rules. There is only one type of bridge built over busy roads. Jaywalkers can be seriously injured if they attempt to cross roads illegally. SIEVE UOC UROL. mak a CLUS CoA Have you ever used a pedestrian bridge? Talk about it Do you think drivers are the main reason for accidents on the road? Why? SIR BONA MATERIALS, Spell the safety features correctly based on the pictures given, coolsh ahade braze singcros on kinghon noze = artciff ligth poplillo nam SPEED LIMIT 60 deeps tilim SIR BONA MATERIALS, This is a speed hump. It is found outside school areas. It prevents drivers from exceeding the speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour. This is a lollipop man. He stops traffic by holding the ‘stop’ sign. He makes sure school children cross the road safely. Based on the two examples given above, describe the following safety features. ZT This is a zebra crossing > near school > motorists - give way - pedestrians - cross SIR BONA MATERIALS? Sa eC oe oe UA oe pedestrian bridge > busy areas > cross safely - other side traffic light > road intersections > light turns red - motorists stop, - pedestrians - cross safely SIR BONA MATERIALS, Ta eRe n ee Ro See nS textbook. Time of the year: Objectives: -ROAD SAFETY. CAMPAIGN ~eek Safety tips: Contents of mini hamper: f ie 3. 4 SIR BONA MATERIALS; Based on the magazine article on page 96 from the textbook, answer 1. Write True or False in the spaces provided. a) Safe Malaysia Team will conduct the campaign for one week. b) First 100 attendees will get free safety gears and clothing. 2. Write your answers in the spaces provided. a) Why do you think the campaign is held during the school holidays and festive seasons? b) List three things mentioned in the text above that can prevent accidents on roads. ¢) How does wearing reflective clothing help a cyclist? d) Would you join the road safety campaign? Why? SIR BONA MATERIALS, OTS eC es tS ee PMO ene ECR Uae erenars There are some and regulations that must be adhered to when we are in the workshop. This is to prevent or accidents from happening. For the general safety rule, do inform if an accident or injury occurs. Besides that, do ensure that the workshop has sufficient and good It is important to seek before using any equipment and clean on the floor immediately. As for the personal safety, must be read and understood. Use aprons, during all activities and remember to with soap and water after practical activities. For the equipment and materials, use them with and store them safely and materials must also be stored in the appropriate place. SIR BONA MATERIALS“), Refer to the safety rules and regulations on page 97 from the Ee ea ae Get consent before using any tools. Do not put away equipment after each use. Inform your friend immediately if an injury happens. Hands must be washed with water after practical activities. Aprons, gloves and masks are only used in certain activities. The workshop should have adequate lighting and good ventilation. SIR BONA MATERIALS>] eT EC ROG M eLetter cd ed cone eee es Greet the | Good morning to the headmaster, audience. | teachers, and fellow friends. Introduce |My name is Najmee from 6 yourself, _| Robotics. Paragraph 1 I am here to present a speech on the topic ‘Stay safe from strangers’. Introduce the topic. ‘Main points and their Paragraph | elaboration. 2/3/4 | (elaborate one point in one paragraph) You must always tell your parents where and whom you are going out with, (This is important because they can help you during an emergency.) Paragraph 5 (last paragraph) Thank the Thank the | Thank you for listening. Good morning SIR BONA MATERIALS>) Complete the table below by referring to the previous guide. Use the ts given on page 98 to complete the Paragraph 1 Greet the audience. Good Introduce yourself. My name is Introduce the topic. I am here to present a speech on the topic Paragraph 2 Main point 1 elaboration. You must not go with strangers. Paragraph 3 Main point 2 elaboration. You must always tell your parents where Paragraph 4 Main point 3 elaboration. wait - parents - inside - school - compound - not - roadside You must Paragraph BI Thank the audience. SIR BONA MATERIALS, ay Pe ROR Ae A ome eC TS table and write the speech in paragraphs. SIR BONA MATERIALS, i ee ec RRO ce Ue ncn ad POURS RCO TB Do not Always * accept - candy + look - policeman +_walk - alone + shout for help - crowd SIR BONA MATERIALS-)| Complete the table below by writing sentences using the points Introduction: Paragraph 1 | There are many ways to keep your home safe when you are going on a holiday. Paragraph 2 | . should - home securely locked switch - alarm lock - windows, doors, and gates help - avoid - robbery Paragraph 3 should not leave clues - away - vacation cancel - deliveries ensure - no postings - social media help - avoid - burglary ‘SIR BONA MATERIALS, Cerca Eis SO ee Cocca Oe COLT Paragraph 4 should ask for assistance from people - trust ask neighbour - keep an eye inform ~ police - holiday help - avoid -break-ins Paragraph 5 Conclusion: In conclusion,

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