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Good Morning my Dear Colleagues, this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and

be glad in

Before we formally start our program, please take note of the following house rules

1st Set your microphone to mute, Turn it on only during the Q and A

2ND Turn camera ON or OFF if experiencing difficulty in connection and to save your bandwidth

3rd Listen Attentively to the presenter

4th Participate Actively during the discussion and in HANDS – ON activities

5th In case there is an urgent matter, give a private message/chat to the school head

6th For Questions , please follow the format :indicate your name followed by the question. At the end of
all the discussion , your question and clarification will be entertained by the Presenter

7th Feedback, comments and suggestions should be given at the end of the session

Ladies and gentlemen, as we are about to begin, please find your comfortable
First, I would like to seek your cooperation in completing this WeBinar. Kindly
switch your mobile phones to silent mode to avoid interruption.
Thank you for your kind cooperation and attention.

To formally begin our webinar for today, let us watch an AVP of a Nationalistic
Song to be followed by a Prayer
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God,
which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in
Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:6-7
May this be an encouragement to us during this time of pandemic!
I am Renee Lyn Paderes, your moderator for today’s Learning Action Cell with the
TOPIC: Empowering Y. O. U. Young , Old, Uninformed - Through Mental Health Awareness,
Disaster Preparedness and ICT.

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of you. We appreciate you
taking time off, your busy schedules to join us today!
Hello Hello, Welcome Welcome to the Learning Action Cell Virtual Event, I am
super excited to have you here ! Excited about all the amazing conversation that
were gonna have today. Joining us today is a super woman and an amazing
visionary and when I say amazing , I mean it !What’s special about her is she loves
helping young adults just like you to make your public speaking confident. She
believes that the distance between you and everything you want is only one
communication away, as you listen to her story you notice the power in your own
voice. Today shell be welcoming us for this SESSION about EMPOWERING YOU! As
a public speaker herself, she knows and understand how to empower a future
public speaker, Lets Welcome , Our Empowered School Head, Maam Melissa M.

Maam Melissa its so good to have you here ! Thank you so much for joining us !
And now to formally start our LAC Virtual Session, may I introduce to you our two
Presenters for today!
He is one of the most compose person I know , Adept in Technical Works and a
gentle co worker, He is empowered in his own simple way , A Grade 8 Adviser and
Teacher , our School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Coordinator or SDRRM
Coordinator for Batia High School, Lets give it up for Sir Khalid Mariano !

A woman with passion and a very hard working Guidance Teacher of our school , you will be amaze
on how she multi task things efficiently , I look up to her because of her dedication and compassion
for the work and task she is into, she is an empowered woman not only for the things she can do but
because she also empowered student to be a better version of themselves, selfless that’s her Name.
please help me welcome, Maam Monaliza M. Mendoza!

 such an excellent presentation . particularly appreciated your patience in

explaining everything to us.

Thank you Sir Khalid and Maam Mona !

if anyone have questions, I'm sure our presenter would be pleased to answer
them. You may use the chat box for your question or may unmute your
microphone to ask for queries and clarifications regarding the session
if theres no question , let me conclude this LAC session by
A quote from Ellen White
"We are all woven together in the great web of humanity, and whatever we can do to
benefit and uplift others will reflect in blessing upon ourselves."

Be a Blessing and Be Encourage ! My Dearest Co Teachers

thank you very much for your (active) participation in this weBinar. I hope you
enjoy the program. Have a good day ahead. God bless!

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