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Government of Pakistan
National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC)
Fax 051-9224720


Subject guidelines (in English and Urdu) are enclosed for implementation/ necessary
action by all concerned, please.

Director (Operations)
(Mazhar Ajaib)
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Religious Affairs and Inter Faith Harmony
Chief Secretary Punjab
Chief Secretary Sindh
Chief Secretary Balochistan
Chief Secretary KP
Chief Secretary GB
Chief Commissioner Islamabad Capital Territory

Letter No 801/A/ /NCOC-01/ /SOP dated 02 August 2021

Ministry of National Health Services Regulation & Coordination
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
Directorate General ISI
Military Operation Directorate, GHQ Rawalpindi
NCOC Ops and Plans Branch
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(To be read in conjunction with health guide lines of MoNHSR&C)

1. Observance of Muharram is an important component of faith, particularly for Shia
Community. The rituals start from 1st Muharram and last till 8th Rabi ul Awwal. Procession
and Majalis mostly start from 6th Muharram, while 9th & 10th Muharram witness peak
activity. Multiple events continue thereafter as well, although at a reduced scale, till
“Chehlum” when activity picks up again briefly.
2. Amid prevalence of Indian Delta Variant; disease is on upward trajectory all across
the country with significant rise in Karachi. Hence, adherence to SOPs during forthcoming
Muharram assume greater importance to contain the potential spread. To address the
issue, a special session on engagement with key Shia Ulemas, chaired by Federal
Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter Faith Harmony, was held at NCOC on 29 July 21.
Detailed guidelines formulated; based on valued input from Ulemas for safe management of
Muharram enunciated as under: -
a. Important Aspects for Safe Conduct of Muharram

(1) Emphasis on adherence to COVID SOPs during Majalis and

processions (wearing of masks and availability / use of sanitizers).
(2) Mandatory vaccination (Administration of at least one dose is
mandatory) of Zakirs for conduct Majalis.
(3) Reducing / minimizing the participation strength (disallowing
children, elderly and other vulnerable groups).
(4) Focus on licensed / traditional processions and Majalis only.
(5) Incorporation of state TV / media houses for live broadcasting of
renowned Zakireen to incentivize maximum people to stay home.
(6) Establishment of special vaccination camps with effect from 1st
Muharram for on spot vaccination of individuals attending Majalis /
b. Specific Guidelines for Conduct of Majalis
(1) Venue for conduct of Majalis should be open and spacious with
proper ventilation arrangements.
(2) Social distancing of maintaining 6 feet is mandatory; Imam Bargahs
administration to ensure markings similar to those practiced for
Mosques; sketch is attached at Annexure A.
(3) Thermal screening of all individuals at entrance.
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(4) Wearing of masks be made mandatory; availability of masks and
sanitizers / hand washing arrangements at entrance be ensured by
organizing committees.
(5) Health desks be established to help segregate symptomatic
individuals; those with signs of cough, flue /fever must not be permitted
to enter.
(6) Capacity of the venues be ascertained according to social distancing
protocols and number of participants exceeding the established
capacity may not be permitted.
(7) Strictly regulating the entry and exit (avoiding overcrowding at the
time of arrival and dispersal) from venue.
(8) Majalis where SOPs cannot be effectively implemented such as
homes and private gatherings should be discouraged.
(9) Elderly above 65, children, co-morbid and relatives of IPs may be
sensitized to attend Majalis at home through live streaming / SMN.
(10) Lengthy Majalis be avoided; timings must be strictly adhered to.
(11) Avoid touching, kissing / hugging the devotional objects.
(12) Tabarruk etc be only distributed in parcels (availability of disposable
(13) Miscellaneous Aspects for Conduct of Majalis
(a) Cleaning/ washing of floor with chlorine before and after the
(b) Use of personal prayer mats / cloths and rosaries during the
(c) Display of COVID SOPs and precautions at prominent places.
(d) Intimate coordination between event organizers,
administration and LEAs.
c. Specific Guidelines for Conduct of Processions
(1) Licensed / traditional procession be allowed only, while adhering to
proper COVID protocols; efforts may be made to reduce no of
(2) Focus on essential rituals only and avoidance of prolonged
activities / extended procession duration.
(3) Use of masks is mandatory for Azadars; participation without
mask not to be permitted.
(4) Possible maintaining of social distance during procession through
innovative means.
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(5) Availability / use of hand sanitizers at multiple spots during

(6) Avoid touching, kissing / hugging the devotional objects with
emphasis on distant Ziarat (Alam, Tazia and Shabeeh etc).
(7) Elderly above 65, children, co-morbid and relatives of IPs may be
sensitized to stay at home.
(8) Number of participants / Azadars be kept reasonable and procession
timings should be curtailed / reduced.
(9) SOPs compliance by employing volunteer scouts.
(10) Miscellaneous Aspects
(a) Arrangements for Nazro niaz in spacious and ventilated
(b) Emphasis on use of disposable utensils; preference on pre-
packaged boxes for distribution of food.
(c) Avoiding overcrowding at food distribution points / locations.
(d) No handshake and embracing.
Areas of Focus
3. Some of the aspects meriting necessary actions at Federal and Federating Units level,
include following: -

a. Mapping of all Imam Bargahs with their capacities by district and

provincial administration in line with COVID protocols for smooth
b. Messaging by religious clerics for uniform implementation of SOPs /
guidelines proposed by NCOC.
c. Apt media campaign for awareness of masses for ‘Safe Ashura’.
d. Traditional security arrangements to guard against terrorist activities leading
to unrest.
e. Strict enforcement of SOPs by civil administration.
f. Monitoring firebrand Speakers / Zakirs and restricting their movement, if
4. These are suggested guidelines only; all concerned to incorporate additional points
peculiar to their environment, as deemed appropriate.
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Annexure A
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