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“ Brownies “

Ridho Praja Dinata, S.Pd., M.PD

Arranged by :

Mia fadila (1800888203046)





Developments in the field of economy and technology that are so rapid in the world and
our society today have changed the pattern of life in society. This progress has made each
individual busy to meet their respective economic needs in order to live a more decent life. In
these efforts to fulfill these needs, it takes a lot of time, so that some people need ready-to-eat
food. Ready-to-eat food for breakfast or lunch when you are busy, there are so many variations
and one of them is Brownies. The use of brownies as snacks for breakfast and filling food at
busy times is quite helpful. On the basis of needs analysis, a business opportunity is obtained to
make a business of making brownies.


1. Economic Benefits
This chocolate brownie business is quite promising because many people in
modern times like the taste of chocolate with an interesting combination of toppings and
a soft texture that is not too thick. The quality of the product is guaranteed to be healthy
because the product is processed hygienically. With this business, it is hoped that it will
provide material benefits for me as a young business.

2. Social Benefits
a. For Owner
This business can be a great opportunity. Many people are worried when they
want to buy brownies when they want them, whether it's because of aspects of
cleanliness, safety, or health. This opportunity can be used to market my products
outside the region and can open branches in various regions. Thus, many people can
taste delicious brownies. For me running a business is important to ensure a future
life, with this effort I learn to deal with every problem that exists so that my
knowledge in the business world will increase both in terms of knowledge and

b. For Society
This business provides an opportunity for the wider community to enjoy delicious
and healthy rownies. People no longer need to be afraid and worried about certain
considerations, because my business has given them what they want and expect.


a. What are brownies?
b. What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of this product?
c. What is the scheme for calculating the capital and profits of this business?
d. Is this business worth running?


a. Vision
 Can popularize Brownies as ready-to-eat food
 Can make Brownies a Franchise business in 3 years.
b. Mission
 Helping the community in fulfilling healthy and nutritious food
 Helping the community in their employment needs
c. Business Purpose
The purpose of this business of making Brownies is to seek profit in addition to
providing convenience for the fulfillment of healthy and nutritious ready-to-eat foods.


The raw materials for making brownies are quite easy to obtain. Raw materials can be
purchased at food stalls, supermarkets, or regular shops. Maintaining good relations with raw
material supplier stores can be used as a strategy to obtain quality raw materials at relatively low
prices. One of the main raw materials for making brownies is chocolate. Therefore, the chocolate
used to make brownies should be of good quality. Brownies are also available in various flavors
such as chocolate, cheese, orange, peanut, to moccacino.

2.1 SWOT
For each activity starting a business, what must be done first is to measure
the capabilities of the environment and competitors, namely through a SWOT analysis:
1. Strength
 Sell products for all people.
 Product ingredients are guaranteed and hygienic.
 The price is not expensive.
2. Weaknesses
 The use of raw materials with poor quality or the composition of the
ingredients that are not suitable so that the resulting brownies taste less good.
 Another risk is related to the shelf life of brownies. Baked brownies can last
about 10 days, while steamed brownies only last about four days.
 Products are easy to imitate.
3. Opportunity
 Strategic location.
 Adequate facilities.
4. Threats
There are competitors who sell products at lower prices.


1. Short Term Plan
The brownie business that I run aims to increase work experience in doing business
for the general public, besides being able to increase creativity, it can also be used as
a promising business for future life.

2. Medium Term Plan

In the medium term, diversification of products to be sold is a good consideration.
Looking at other alternatives to expand business reach is a good market strategy, so
the opportunity to earn profits will increase along with business diversification.

3. Long Term Plan

Once I have regular customers, I will improve the quality of the food I sell, the
bottom line must be better. It is better to open a branch elsewhere. In addition, new
innovations must always be raised.


1. Target Market
The target market that will target the upper middle market. For the middle and upper
market, Brownies must be of special quality, in the sense that good quality and
service must be prioritized. The upper middle class market share consists of various
elements in society, namely: office workers, housewives, school children. To meet
this middle class marketing target, there must be a strategy so that brownies can be
sold in the market, namely cakes are still delicious, promotions and at affordable
prices. With economic conditions and a good sales location, it will become a large
market share

2. Competitors
There are many competitors from this business, but this is where we create how we
can attract consumers to buy our products without making our competitors feel
dissatisfied with our actions.

3. Target Buyers
In running this business, my target buyers cover all walks of life, including the lower
class, middle class, and upper class. The price I give starts from Rp. 30,000 / loyang.


To achieve the targets that have been determined and the profits to be achieved, various
sales strategies are carried out. The sales strategy undertaken includes:
1. Renting a counter
For rental of this counter must be seen from the location and place. Strive to be
strategically a place for visitors to pass by.

2. Selling online.
 By using website media and various social media.
 By utilizing reseller program.

3. Selling in traditional markets / cake shops.

Selling in this way there are various choices such as :
 Have their own shop.
 Entrust them to shops that sell cakes.
 Sell off to shops that sell cakes. Such a system is usually very rare.

4. Selling in supermarkets / mini markets is usually with a consignment / selling point


5. Offered to offices, cooperatives can be done by entrusting brownie brochures to the

receptionist in exchange for a commission. Offered to centers crowds such as
markets, malls, and places of entertainment. Sales like this are usually done using
sales services.

6. Selling in tourist attractions, by making a counter.



To make brownies, the ingredients needed and the production process are as follows:
a. Ingredients
 90gram of flour(segitiga biru)
 25gram of cocoa powder
 80gram of dark chocolate
 150gram of sugar
 4 eggs
 130gram of butter
 1 tsp sp/elfusifaer
 1 tsp baking powder
 1 tsp vanilla extract

b. Steps
 Melt the dark chocolate with the butter.
 Stir the eggs with the sugar, sp and the vanilla extract.
 Preheat the pan steamer at low temperature
 Combine the mixes you made
 Add the flour and stair with a wooden spoon
 Grease a brownies tin
 Add the brownies dough
 Steam for 30 minutes


 Investment Cost
 Pan steamer 2@ Rp 250.000 Rp 500.000
 Stove 1 piece Rp 500.000
 Gas cylinder Rp 400.000
 Mixer 1 piece Rp 750.000
 6 pieces pan @ Rp 25.000 Rp 150.000
 Basin 5 pieces @ Rp 24.000 Rp 120.000
 Weighing 1 piece Rp 75.000
 Other equipment Rp 800.000
Total investment Rp 3.295.000

2. Monthly operating costs

 Fixed costs
 Pan steamer shrinkage 1/36 x Rp 100.000 Rp 5.000
 Shrinkage of 1/36 stove x Rp 500.000 Rp 14.000
 Shrinkage mixer1/36 x Rp 750.000 Rp 25.000
 Shrinkage of 1/12 pan x Rp 150.000 Rp 15.000
 Shrinkage of 1/12 basin x Rp 120.000 Rp 10.000
 Depreciation of other equipment 1/12 x Rp 800.000 Rp 67.000
 Rent a place per month 1/12 x Rp 18.000.000 Rp 1.500.000
Total fixed costs Rp 1.636.000

 Variable Costs
 Sugar 1 kg x Rp 11.000/kg x 30 days Rp 330.000
 Wheat flour 0.35 kg x Rp 9.000/kg x 30 days Rp 94.500
 Egg 1 kg x Rp 10.000/kg x 30 days Rp 300.000
 Chocolate 2 boxes (180 grams) x Rp 15.000/box x 30 days Rp 900.000
 Cooking oil 2 liters x IDR 12.000/liter x 30 days Rp 720.000
 Vanilla 1 kg x Rp 180.000/kg Rp 180.000
 Baking soda 2 packs x Rp 25.000/pack Rp 50.000
 Boxes of 32 cakes x Rp. 1000/box x 30 days Rp. 960.000
 Other ingredients (cashews, chocolate chips, and cheese) Rp. 5.000.000
 Wages for processing 2 people x Rp. 1.750.000/person Rp. 3.500.000
 Wages for labor Sales department work Rp 1.750.000
 Promotional costs Rp 100.000
 Electricity and water costs Rp 1.000.000
Total variable costs Rp 14.884.500
Total operating costs per month Rp 12.000.000

3. Revenue per month

 Sales of brownies 25 pans x Rp 30,000/pan x 30 days Rp 22.500.000

4. Advantage per Month

Profit = Total revenue – total operating costs
= Rp 22,500,000 –Rp 12.000.000
= Rp 10.500.000

From the above discussion we can conclude that the business of making brownies
has quite a promising profit. Hopefully this business can increase the choice of delicious
and highly nutritious fast food, in addition to earning income and creating jobs.

 In establishing a business, everything should be prepared carefully and precisely so
that the business can run well.
 Entrepreneurship requires confidence, self-confidence, and tenacity.
 An entrepreneur must always be creative and innovative and always follow the
trends and tastes of consumers so that customers do not get bored easily.
 The entrepreneurial spirit must always be embedded in us.
 Don't be young give up facing various obstacles and problems.
As good entrepreneurs, we will not let this business run horizontally. We will
continue to try to improve the quality of our work, so that enthusiasts and consumers are
satisfied with the food products we make. Because if we don't improve the quality of
our food products, it is likely that this business will not progress, and is threatened with

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