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Techno-Economic Solution

for Semi-Dispatchable Solar

P M D Nayanathara, H S Perera, R A H M P N N Abeyrathne, J R Lucas

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala
Defence University, Sri Lanka

Abstract— Solar power generation is subject to the natural This unpredictable and intermittent nature of solar power
unpredictability of local weather conditions, particularly is a drawback on the interest for solar from both the
intermittency of cloud cover. If solar generation is directly power producer and utility provider.
coupled to the grid, system control would have little
control of power to the system. Therefore, a significant
solar capacity installed, can have potentially a negative
impact. The paper presents the use of an energy storage
device, coupled with a forecasting mechanism, to convert
solar into a more predictable, semi-dispatchable input. The
stochastic nature of the solar output is characterized and
fed into the power system in half-hourly profiles obtained
utilizing weather forecast data and past trends. The
random deviations that would not be categorized by the
prediction are mitigated using the energy storage device Figure 1. Weekly Solar Output
which assists in adhering to the pre-scheduled infeed,
Constant fluctuations caused by intermittency make it
dependent on predicted weather attributes. The
even more unpredictable. Hence, power output of the
forecasting mechanism comprises of solar irradiation,
recent energy trends and five weather attributes: humidity, solar plant is not controllable as it remains dependent
cloud cover, precipitation, visibility and gusts. Results show upon irradiation from the sun, which is affected by a
that an accuracy of 88% could be achieved for the half- number of stochastic variables. Seasonal nature of
hourly predictions. The use of a battery of 15% allows the irradiation and monsoon periods amplify this situation. In
predicted hourly energy to be quite accurately fed during addition to this, solar plants also lack inertia and reduces
the day, giving around 93% for the daily energy prediction. the controllability further down.
These inherent properties of solar power results in
Keywords— solar intermittency, battery storage, semi- providing a lower value of service. As a solution, CEB
dispatchable, forecasting recommends a battery bank to store the energy produced
during daylight hours enabling the energy to be utilized
I. INTRODUCTION However, power producers hesitate to adopt this method
In compliance with the “National Energy Policy and due to cost concerns. Therefore, a more approachable and
Strategies”, the “Generation Expansion Plan of the Ceylon a cost-effective method, which only requires storing of a
Electricity Board (CEB) for 2018-2037” [1] focuses on the minor portion of the energy available in the daytime, is
growth of solar energy sector. Relevant strategies: presented. Reduced initial cost encourages the power
increasing the share allocated to renewable energy producers to implement the proposed system.
resources, reducing energy losses in transmission and Said method aims to convert non-dispatchable solar
distribution systems, minimization of Green House Gas power into semi-dispatchable condition with the aid of
(GHG) emission by the energy sector. forecasting and storage. It develops a forecasting model to
In order to support this mission, the expansion plan has predict the solar power output sufficiently in advance.
envisaged an addition of 1232 MW of solar power Then informs the prediction to CEB System Control Center
generation, especially decentralized rooftop solar plants in to take necessary action. A battery storage, equipped with
Sri Lanka [1]. Figure 1 illustrates the wide varying solar an automatic switching mechanism, is implemented to
infeed for the week 8th to the 14th October 2018 together maintain the predicted power output, irrespective of solar
with an almost perfect day (21st October 2018) which intermittency. Proposed enhanced and value-added solar
shows that during the same week, the level of output can output should be rewarded under a semi-dispatchable
vary within the range of 90% to 20%. tariff policy.
II. METHODOLOGY Lanka only experiences minute seasonal changes, a
A. Forecasting monthly classification was considered more suitable [11].
1) Weather based Solar Forecasting Next data classification was based on time of the day. For
A roof-top solar panel installation, of 4.16kW located in this, the timeline for a day was segmented into several
Mount Lavinia for an area of 26 m2, was selected for the time bands and the resulting correlations with solar
study. Daily energy readings and instantaneous power production were tested. The forecasting model was built
readings at fifteen-minute intervals are available. Weather for the timeline segmentation that gave the best
data required to develop the forecasting system are correlation with the solar production. It is indicated in
obtained from AccuWeather was Table 1.
chosen as the weather source following a detailed study Table 1. Timeline Classification
cum analysis of data availability, relevancy and reliability
Time band Number Allocated Time
from a number of weather sources.
Forecasting systems, tried utilizing existing formula from TB00 0000 to 0730 hours
literature for the prediction of the expected solar TB01 0730 to 1000 hours
irradiation [5] [6], failed to predict the intermittent short TB02 1000 to 1430 hours
fluctuations. Precise study of data patterns reveal that TB03 1430 to 1630 hours
short constant fluctuations of the solar output could be TB04 1630 to 2359 hours
traced via several weather parameters. A review of
literature [3][4] confirm the same. Accordingly, a set of Typical Solar Output Curve
weather parameters are used to forecast the intermittent TB01-30% TB02-50% TB03-15%
fluctuations. 100.00
To select attributes for forecasting, all the weather 80.00
parameters, presented in the weather forecast, were Solar Output(%)
analyzed with corresponding solar production. From a
study of data patterns and review of literature [2] [3] [4],
parameters that show a good correlation with solar 20.00
production were extracted. They are cloud cover, 0.00 Time(h)
humidity, precipitation, temperature, visibility and gusts.
Correlation among the chosen weather parameters were
tested to eliminate unnecessary complexity of the system. Figure 3. Time Bands
Since Humidity and Temperature show a strong linear As shown in Figure 3, a significant production is not
negative correlation, as depicted by Figure 2, only observed during time bands TB00 and TB04. Therefore,
humidity was selected to be included in the forecasting the proposed system will be active only during the time
model. duration of 0730 to 1630. Energy produced before and
100 Humidity & Temperature Correlation after that would be reserved in the battery.

Out of the selected weather attributes, cloud cover,

90 humidity and precipitation were further classified into
weather classes indicated in Figure 4 and Figure 5.
Cloud Cover Weather Classes
70 0-10% 6-Sunny
10%-30% 5-Mostly Sunny
Class Ranges

60 Temperature in Celcius
30%-50% 4-Partly Cloudy
25 27 29 31 33
Figure 2. Correlation between Humidity & Temperature 50%-75% 3-Clouds & Sun

Hence, the forecasting model was developed with the five 75%-90% 2-Mostly Cloudy
weather attributes: Cloud cover, Humidity, Precipitation, 90%-100% 1-Cloudy
Visibility & Gust speed.
Figure 4. Cloud Cover Weather Classes
2) Data Classification Six weather classes were identified under the weather
Data classification was performed under each weather attribute “cloud cover”. Ranges of the weather classes
attribute. Solar and weather data were classified into identified under humidity and precipitation were similar.
several layers according to the month, time of day and The six weather class ranges are depicted along with the
weather classes. respective weather class numbers in Figure 5.
Initial classification was the monthly classification. This Summing up, first the acquired weather data are classified
could also have been done based on the seasons. Since Sri into the selected attributes. Then the solar production
data are fed into all the five weather attributes. Under that, Forecasting formula for the example is given in equation
further classification is carried on as per month, time band (2), where, t is 0.41(time in numerical format) and y is 85.
and weather classes. This results in a total of 720 data 𝐹𝐶𝐶 (𝑡, 𝑦) = 36.950 + 3.404𝑡 + 5.384𝑦 − 1.962𝑡 2 −
classes. 2.264𝑡𝑦 + 2.498𝑦 2 (2)
Humidity & Precipitation Weather Classes Data classes under other four weather attributes for the
Precipitation Weather Classes Humidity Weather Classes same scenario could also be determined according to the
0-10% 1 6 respective weather readings. Subsequently, solar
forecasts based on them too could be made.
Class Ranges

10%-30% 2 5
30%-50% 3 Aforementioned process of data class identification and
50%-75% 4 figuring out the particular formula can be facilitated with
75%-85% 5 the aid of decision tree techniques. The outcome of this
85%-100% 6 procedure gives five forecasts based on five weather
attributes for a given time.
Figure 5. Humidity & Precipitation Weather Classes In addition to the first five forecasts, a combined forecast
3) Formula Generation is also made from the first five forecasts. The formula for
After data classification, time series analysis was the combined forecast is developed using a super
conducted to characterize the data patterns in each data ensemble approach. It involves unequal weighted
class. Time series plot analysis is the major technique used. coefficients acquired by regression analysis. The formula is
Three-dimensional graphs, similar to the graph shown by generated per month, per time band. It is in the format
Figure 6, were plotted with the x-axis as time, y-axis as given by equation (3).
weather attribute (cloud cover, humidity, precipitation, 𝐹𝐶𝑜𝑚 = 𝑎0 + 𝑎1 . 𝐹𝐻 + 𝑎2 . 𝐹𝐶𝐶 + 𝑎3 . 𝐹𝐺 + 𝑎4 . 𝐹𝑉 + 𝑎5 . 𝐹𝑃
visibility, gusts) and z-axis as the solar output. Similar plots where: (3)
were drawn for all data classes under the five weather 𝐹𝑐𝑜𝑚 - Combined model Forecast
attributes. Then, second order polynomials expressing the 𝐹𝐻 - Humidity based Forecast
trend were obtained by smoothening the drawn multiple 𝐹𝐶𝐶 - Cloud Cover based Forecast
time series plots. Quadratic trend analysis is the 𝐹𝐺 - Gust based Forecast
smoothening technique used. The resulting polynomials 𝐹𝑉 - Visibility based Forecast
are of the format given in equation (1). 𝐹𝑃 - Precipitation based Forecast
𝐹𝑌 (𝑡, 𝑦) = 𝑃00 + 𝑃10 𝑡 + 𝑃01 𝑦 + 𝑃20 𝑡 + 𝑃11 𝑡𝑦 + 𝑃02 𝑦 2 The coefficients a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 and a5 were obtained
where: (1) for each month separately for the three time bands by
𝐹𝑌 - Solar Forecast based on weather attribute ‘Y’ performing multiple linear regression analysis.
𝑦 - Weather Attribute
B. Forecast Types
𝑡 - Time of Day in numerical format 1) Half Hourly Forecast
Five weather-attribute based forecasts and the combined
forecast can be considered as six sub-models producing six
sub-forecasts under a single forecasting model. This
approach identifies the existing trend prior to a prediction.
It enables the system to follow the weather trends more
closely. Sometimes, for a short time period, the impact of
a single weather parameter may dominate the solar
output than the rest. At another time, a few weather
parameters together may contribute for solar power
fluctuations [5]. Because of this, the availability of six
Figure 6. Model TB02-Weather Class 02 for Humidity forecasts serve to be useful.
Likewise, formulae to predict the solar output for all the Nonetheless, the next question is which forecast should be
data classes, based on each weather attribute, were deemed as the main forecast for a given instance. Thus,
generated. For example, consider the prediction of solar before making the solar forecast for a time step t, mean
output based on the weather attribute cloud cover, for a square errors of previous forecasts (weather attribute-
cloud cover reading of 85% at 0945 hours in May. This based and combined) are calculated. Forecasts of the
scenario belongs to the data class of month May, time three previous time steps (t-1, t-2 and t-3) are considered
band 01 and weather class 02 under the weather attribute for this purpose. The deviations or mean square errors of
cloud cover. As explained, every data class has a formula the predictions from the actual values of the three
to predict the solar output. Thus, by utilizing the previous time steps are obtained. Then the sub-forecast
corresponding formula the forecasting mechanism makes type with the minimum deviation for the last three- time
the prediction of solar output based on cloud cover. steps out of the six is selected. Finally, the prediction for
the tth timestep is made by using the selected sub-forecast coupled with an automatic switching mechanism to
type. This prediction is done thirty minutes in advance. initiate and stop the charging and discharging processes.
CEB control center is informed simultaneously. Further, as a strategic contingency option a CEB alert
2) Daily Forecast system is also added to the system to inform the CEB in an
Weather parameter-based forecast was brought into the event where the whole system fails to perform as
project because solar irradiation level involved systems, expected. The alert system monitors the changes in
which failed to trace constant fluctuations of the solar prediction as well as the instantaneous battery capacity
output [7]. However, as per review of literature [12] and checks whether the promised value can be
irradiation based methods are more suitable to fulfil the maintained. It will warn the CEB if the system is unable to
CEB requirement of daily energy prediction at the dawn of deliver the energy committed.
the day. 2) Determining the Battery Capacity
Energy prediction in the designed system includes three A cost-effective battery storage should neither be too
components: recent energy levels, level of available small nor big. Cost cutting feature of the proposed system
incident solar irradiation and weather factors. Since, is that battery storage is only used as a supporting limb for
Angstrom linear solar irradiation model [18] has been the forecasting. Under the worse-case possible, the
identified as the most suitable model to predict the solar battery storage should be able to supply the peak power
irradiation in Sri Lanka, it is used for the irradiation based of the solar plant until the SCC is able to transfer the load
component. After comparison with a few similar models, to an active plant after CEB alert system is run. This is a
Weather Conditioned Moving Average (WCMA) method [7] factor to be considered in determining battery capacity.
was chosen and modified to be used for the previous days- Considering the operation time of alert system, an hour
based energy prediction. For energy prediction based on has been allocated as the time margin to shut the supply
weather factors, the combined forecasting, equation (3), after the alert. That is, the battery bank should be capable
is used. This trio were put together to output a single of supplying the peak power for an hour.
energy forecast via weighted coefficients acquired by
Solar Output (%)
multiple linear regression. The relationship between the
three prediction mechanisms are as in equation (4). Three
factors are included to make the result more reliable.
𝐸𝑃 = 𝑏0 + (𝑏1 × 𝐸𝐼𝑟 ) + (𝑏2 × 𝐸𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑣 ) + (𝑏3 × 𝐸𝐶𝑜𝑚 )
where: (4)
𝐸𝑃 -Expected daily energy level c
𝐸𝐼𝑟 -Energy prediction based on incident solar Time(h)
a b
𝐸𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑣 -Energy prediction based on previous days. Figure 7. Typical Solar Output Curve
𝐸𝐶𝑜𝑚 -Energy prediction based on combined weather When both the morning (a) and evening (b) energy
forecast. reservations are also taken into consideration, the
Review of literature shows that solar irradiation levels minimum battery capacity required to suffice the
show a considerable variation in the four climate seasons condition of being able to supply the peak power for an
of Sri Lanka [12]. Hence, relationship between the hour was calculated.
prediction mechanisms were developed per season. III. RESULTS
Whole forecasting procedure discussed, may be The forecasting model delivers the solar output forecast at
implemented in software to automatically acquire the the beginning of the day via generated daily forecast
weather data from the and interval formulae for each month utilizing following inputs:
meter data of the solar plant. Then the final prediction for expected solar irradiation, forecasted weather data and
the corresponding time interval is output and directly daily energy production of the site of three previous days.
informed the CEB SCC of the prediction. This forecast is informed to the CEB SCC at the beginning
C. Battery Storage of the day. Along with that, forecasting model also
1) Maintaining the Predicted Output generate short interval forecasts: half-hourly and quarter
Predicted power output is maintained by monitoring the hourly. Half-hourly forecast is utilized to supply solar
available output. A battery bank and a DC-DC buck-boost power to the national grid in pre-informed half-hourly
converter is used for this. First, output is sent through a steps with the aid of the implemented battery storage and
Buck-Boost converter to ensure that the voltage remains switching mechanism.
at a constant level despite of power fluctuations from the Short interval forecasts are made via generated data class
PV cell. The battery bank is charged from the excess of the formulae and logical determination of most suitable
forecasted and is discharged across the load when forecast type through sub-model selection. Data class is
necessary. For proper operation, the battery bank is identified using fed inputs which are month, time and
weather forecast. The system comprises of six sub-models. Daily energy prediction system is built for the four climate
Five out of the six sub-models consist a multitude of seasons in Sri Lanka. The seasonal factors mostly affect the
formulae to be used under different time bands and incident solar irradiation component of the daily energy
weather conditions. Combined model or the sixth sub- prediction. Figure 9 depicts the predicted solar irradiation
model consists of three formulae of the format given by for the month of May which represents the South-West
equation (3) for the three effective time bands per month. Monsoon. Similar to the short interval forecasting system,
Coefficients generated for the three-time bands for the developed seasonal daily energy prediction system was
month of May are given by Table 2. Most appropriate sub- also tested using the data obtained from test solar site.
model to be used under given circumstances would be Figure 10 presents the performance of the daily energy
logically determined by the forecasting model itself. prediction made on a set of random days during the South-
Table 2. Coefficients of Combined Forecasting Formula for May West Monsoon Season. The coefficient values obtained
for the daily energy model given in equation (4) for the
Coefficient TB 01 TB 02 TB 03
said season were, b0 = -2.45, b1 = -0.24, b2 = 0.49, b3 =
a0 -10.84 -13.34 -5.23
0.83. This model was also validated using the equation (5).
a1 -0.44 1.26 0.03
a2 0.52 0.14 0.71 Resulted rate of accuracy was 93%.
a3 0.41 -0.21 0.56 4.75
a4 0.77 -0.04 -0.59
a5 0.16 0.2 0.61

Submodel selection approach enables the system to adapt 4.65
according to sudden weather variations. Thus, minimizes 4.6
the deviations of predicted and actual solar power output.
Also, the forecasting system includes a contingency plan. 4.55
Quarter-hourly forecasts are used for this. It is being used 4.5 DAYS
by the plant to ready the required back-up to supply the 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
deficit or store the excess. Else, to alert the CEB in the rare Figure 9. Incident Solar Radiation Prediction for the
event of system failing to meet the predicted amount via Month of May
This forecasting model was validated by testing with the
Daily Energy Prediction
solar power data acquired from another site located in Mt.
Lavinia. Figure 8 depicts the results of the forecasting 25
system on a randomly selected day. Rate of accuracy for
forecasting was calculated as per the equation (5). It
resulted of an accuracy rate of 88%. 15
Forecasting System-13th of May
90 5
Solar Output(%)

80 0





40 Actual Energy Level (kWh) Predicted Energy Level(kWh)
Figure 10. Daily Energy Prediction
10 The results of the calculation of required battery capacity
0 for the days of test period ranged between 12% to 15% of
the total capacity. That is a 14Ah capacity for the test site.


15 min-Forecast(%) CEB Forecast(%)-30min Solar panel temperature is recommended to be included
Solar Output (%) as an attribute for forecasting in future work. This is
Figure 8. Short Interval Forecasting System for 13th of identified mainly to track the aftereffects of mid-day cloud
May cover. It was observed during the study that if the clouds
√(𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 − 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙)2 cover the solar panel for a short period of time during the
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 (%) = {1 − } × 100%
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 mid-day, the panel cools down.
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