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Course Code: ECD 734

Course Start Date: 17/5/2021

Section: Assignment 2

Activity: Expand Your Literature Review Activity

Due Date: 14/6/2021

Activity Description

For assignment 2, students have to write a comprehensive and critical analysis of literature review.
Based on the assignment 1, students have to summary and synthesis findings from the previous study.
Refer to the lecture notes examples of good writing of literature review. Assignment 2 must include
items below:

1. Number of journals must at least between 15 - 20 journals. Refer to the Library databases and
other resources (example SCOPUS, Google Scholar, etc.). Use the concept matrix table or other
methods (depending on your creativity) to list each resource and briefly describe their related
elements (e.g. problems,methodology and objectives).

2. Write a comprehensive outline based on the identified sources for your literature review.

3. Write a critical analysis and synthesis finding from the literature review. In order to do this, you
must address the following:
3.1. Synthesize the findings from previous literature (via bibliometrics, scientometrics, content analysis
etc.) and recommendations for future research gathered via the literature review.

3.2. Based on those findings, establish gap of study and identify two to three potential areas of
inquiry that you might pursue for your dissertation.
4. Sketch a big picture of your research area, including all main regulation/standard requirement and
component/parameter measured for your study.

5. Number of pages: 15-20

The goal of this assignment is to ensure that you have conducted a broad, comprehensive review of the
literature so that you may gain a general understanding of the research in your chosen topic area. This
knowledge will eventually be useful when you need to identify potential lines of inquiry for your dissertation.

Please ensure your assignment is in adherence with the publication requirements of the APA
Publication Manual (6th ed.) and that your draft is free of typographical and grammatical errors.


In PDF file
Format file: EC70X_Name_Student ID_Assignment _2.pdf

Please submit your file via this link (please select folder according to the Assignment and your Program (EC

Course Outcomes

CO1: Formulate research problems critically through literature search.

PO6: Generate innovative and creative solutions to structural engineering, geotechnical and highway
engineering, water resources and environmental engineering and construction management problems.

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