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Exposure Play

Act 1: Exposure

Lisa couldn't believe it. After many long months of pandemic lockdown, she had just sat down
amongst her friends in a small booth in a recently reopened pub. She was squashed shoulder to
shoulder with Sally on the left and Sam on the right, while Nate, Alex and Becky waved across
the table from the other side of the booth. It felt surreal to be going back to normal after not
seeing anybody for so long.

"Lisa! We've barely heard from you all year!" said Nate. "What have you been doing all this

"Probably her boyfriend, judging by how much she's been ghosting us in the group chat" joked
Sally with a smug expression and a playful poke in the side, making Lisa jump at both the
boldness of the statement and the ticklish sensation.

"Actually, we broke up pretty much straight away after lockdown started" Lisa stated as her
cheeks started to flush ever so slightly. "We decided that if we weren't going to see each other
much then, well, what was the point?" At the group's inquisitive looks she hastily added "It
wasn't really serious from the get go, alright? I'm not too cut up about it."

"Aww, sorry it didn't work out anyway" said Becky as most of the guys murmured their
agreement. "If it's any consolation, I also broke up recently, so at least we can be single
together!" she added. Sam turned his head to make eye contact with Lisa. "What exactly have
you been up to then? Surely you can't have just sat inside playing games and watching cat
videos for a year."

"Like you haven't" Alex joked, prompting chuckles from everyone.

"Well yeah, of course I have. But I've also been doing a lot of walking too" Lisa smiled. "Out in
the countryside, long hikes out in nature and stuff. It's really nice around here."

"Boooring!" called out Nate in a playful tone as he took a swig from his beer. "Still, it's good that
you found something to do to pass the time. I'm just glad I can finally meet up and chill with you
guys again."

Lisa smiled and subtly covered her warm cheek with her hand as she perused the drinks menu
on her phone. In reality, her walks had been anything but boring. You see, since the breakup
and subsequent dry spell, it didn't take long for Lisa to crave some kind of excitement in her life.
That's when she first happened to stumble across a video of a daring woman shedding her
clothes and sneaking around outside until she was almost caught, which awakened a whole
new exhibitionistic curiosity that she never knew she had. Initially just fantasizing about this at
home, one day Lisa set out to find someplace remote in the countryside where she could
experiment. What better time than when most of the country was staying home, right?

Over the course of the next few months, Lisa had gotten more and more bold, even going as far
as removing all of her clothes in a small wooded area and tentatively walking a short distance
away. The rush was intense, and despite being absolutely terrified, she was somehow extremely
turned on by it. Before long it had become a guilty habit.

Only a few weeks ago, Lisa had experienced a heart-stopping terror when she had gotten
carried away and was almost caught masturbating in a small wooded area, only just managing
to conceal herself behind a fallen tree as a pair of mountain bikers tore past out of nowhere.
Everywhere was getting busier now and despite the pleasure derived from the intense
adrenaline spike of almost getting caught in such a compromising position, she'd lost her nerve
and hadn't dared to do anything like that since.

That is, until today. Because right now Lisa was wearing an uncharacteristically short pleated
skirt, and after much deliberation had convinced herself to leave her underwear at home. Lisa
didn't know why she did it when meeting up with friends, but it wasn't like anyone was going to
find out. She guessed she was hoping that her knowledge of the situation alone would be a
thrill, but found herself feeling almost disappointed that nobody had a clue what was going on,
even after she had awkwardly shuffled into the booth over Sally's lap.

"Blue lagoon?" called out a waiter, holding a tray with the colorful cocktail on it. Lisa snapped out
of her thoughts to look at it.

"Your favourite, right?" Alex smiled as he gestured to her. The waiter placed the drink down and
moved onto the next table. Lisa was touched by his thoughtfulness. "Oh, thanks!" She beamed
as she took a sip from the drink. A taste she hasn't experienced in well over a year now. "I'll get
the next one, okay?"

"Nah, don't worry about it." Alex said demurely. Sally and Nate shared a knowing grin as he
added "It's good to have you back".

Putting the phone down on the table, Lisa smiled back at Alex as she enjoyed her tasty
beverage. She had never really thought of him as anything more than a friend, but it was
obvious that he had a thing for her and had done for a while. He had always kept his distance
back when she had a boyfriend though. She felt awkward about the idea of upsetting the group
dynamic, but if only he was a little more forward with his feelings then who knows what might
have happened before she made her last relationship mistake. As Sally got Alex's attention by
wiggling her eyebrows at him with all the subtlety of a brick, Lisa was suddenly gripped with a
naughty compulsion that she just couldn't ignore.

She glanced around the table. Everyone was preoccupied with their own conversations. She
quickly peeked over her shoulder. The only other booth visible from here didn't seem to have a
line of sight to the underside of their table. Tentatively, Lisa began to spread her legs. Applying
her best poker face, she furtively edged her torso forwards into the tabletop to obscure her
lower body, angling her hips to point towards the oblivious Alex. Her bare pussy was
tantalisingly exposed. She took another sip, trying to avoid blushing. Her heart rate started to
increase. Casually, she brushed her leg against his. "Sorry" she politely apologised. Alex gave a
dismissive hand wave and a smile as he continued his conversation with Sally.

The sensation of the contact was a spark of excitement for Lisa. To be in such an indecent
position while surrounded by so many oblivious people. Without moving her leg away from
Alex's, she felt her own hesitant hand slip below the table and glide along her thigh. She wasn't
sure if she was more scared or horny right now, but after a moment's hesitation the tip of her
finger gently traced it's way down her slit, and she found that she was already starting to get a
bit wet from all the excitement. Feeling a blush coming on, the hand was carefully withdrawn
from under the table and a slightly wet fingertip innocently placed into the corner of her mouth.
Not something she would normally consider tasting, but in the moment it just felt like such a dirty
thing to do. Lisa's thoughts were getting increasingly lustful. If only her innocent friend knew
what she'd be willing to do (in her mind) to repay him for the drink right now…

"Lisa" Sally called out as she suddenly slid out from the booth and stood up, making Lisa almost
jump out of her skin. "What?" She barked with a startled expression.

"Are you alright?" her friend asked with a look of concern. "You jumped like I was going to hit

"Yeah, uh, you accidentally jabbed me in the side with your elbow... again" Lisa quickly lied,
hoping she wasn't visibly blushing too much. She'd clapped her legs together so hard at the
sudden shock that she was sure she must have sprayed some droplets under the table.

"Oops, sorry about that. I didn't mean it this time!" She chuckled. "Anyway, get up, Nate is
swapping seats with you."

"What, why?" Lisa exclaimed a little more exasperatedly than intended. "Just move" Sally
smirked as Nate shuffled out of his seat.

Hastily smoothing down her skirt, Lisa nervously shuffled out of the booth and stood up, relieved
to see that there were no visible damp patches on her skirt. She could definitely feel a small
slick patch between her upper thighs though. Not wanting to draw any attention to her
predicament, she quickly shimmied in to sit down next to Alex as Sally and Nate took the places
opposite her. She was now acutely aware that she had stopped paying attention to the
conversation and had no idea what anyone had just been talking about.

"So uh, hi" Alex said, making Lisa realise that she'd just squashed herself right up against him in
her haste to sit down.
"Sorry" she said for the second time as she shuffled sideways a little to give him more space.

"Don't worry about it. Is it weird to say that I've kind of missed human contact like that over the
last year?" Alex mused, cringing at his phrasing but unsure of how to word it better.

"No, I get you" Lisa nodded. She wanted to sit back and lean against him again but her heart
was pounding so hard that he'd definitely feel it and get the wrong idea. Well, would it be the
wrong idea? Was she suddenly into him specifically, or just the situation? She exhaled quietly as
she began to regain some mental clarity. Before long the two were engrossed in a conversation
about camping equipment for some reason.


"Roshutsu?" Came a quietly muttered question from across the table, making Lisa's ears almost
perk up like a dog. Surely she'd misheard. She glanced over to see Nate and Sam huddled
around his phone. They weren't paying her any attention. Not wanting to lose track of the
conversation with Alex, she tried to ignore what she thought she had just heard.

"Hang on, I'm looking it up" Sam said. Lisa started to squirm a little in her seat. This was surely
nothing to do with her. Nobody here knew about her recently acquired kink.

"Exposure play? Oh, oh shit, this is all exhibitionist porn!" Nate excitedly whispered maybe a
little too loudly, and from the corner of her eye Lisa saw Becky leaning over to investigate what
they were looking at. Oh god, Lisa thought as she realised that she'd left her phone unlocked on
the table before she moved. A second look confirmed it; that ambiguous black rectangle was in
fact her phone and not Sam's…

Lisa locked eyes with Nate, who had a wicked grin on his face. Sam was still scrolling his finger
on the screen. If he had found that album… But how could she be sure?

The sudden wide eyed expression from Sam was enough of a confirmation. He stopped for a
moment before slowly looking up and jolting when he realised Lisa was staring intensely in his
direction. If his complexion wasn't so dark, she would swear he was beet red right now, just like
her. He gulped and stammered "I… We were only planning on changing your wallpaper, I

"Who would have known that sweet little Lisa had such a kinky side though!" Nate almost sang
through the biggest shit eating grin imaginable. Everyone looked up at that. Lisa froze like a
deer in headlights. This was bad. Everyone suddenly wanted to know what was going on.

"Wait, are those photos…" he trailed off as he looked back down and caught a glance at the
photo reel Sam currently had open.
"NOPE! Lisa yelled, suddenly diving across the table with all the grace of a dolphin doing a belly
flop. She seized her phone with both hands and clapped it screen down against the table,
sending Alex's drink flying all over Becky in the process.

Lisa lay there for a moment trying to formulate some kind of response, but then a horrifying
realisation came over her. She could feel Alex's breath against her exposed genitals. She turned
her head a little and saw Becky covering her mouth in the corner of her vision. Lisa's face
burned with the intensity of the sun as she quickly shuffled back across the table to her seat,
only making matters more humiliating by accidentally squashing her butt into Alex's face and lap
in the process.

Alex sat in stunned silence. Becky stared incredulously at Lisa. The trio on the other side of the
table appeared to be blissfully unaware of what had just been witnessed, however everyone
now seemed to understand more or less that there were nudes on her phone.

"Guys, what the hell are you doing?" Sally scalded them. "I only told you to change her
wallpaper! Don't go looking through her private stuff!"

"It was an accident!" Exclaimed Sam. "I saved the wallpaper to your gallery, and when I went to
open it… I saw them. I'm really sorry." He trailed off.

Lisa sat there, burning red and shaking all over as everyone sat for a moment in uncomfortable
silence. What did her friends think of her now that they knew what a degenerate she had
become? Nate, the extrovert of the group, was quick to try and get the conversion flowing again,
but even he couldn't think of any way to change the topic. So naturally he just rolled with it.

"So Lisa, tell us about it" he beamed cheekily. Sally punched him in the arm and he winced a
little bit without breaking eye contact. "Nate, leave her alone"

"Tell you about what?", Lisa replied deadpan.

"What does R… Ro… what was it again? That thing in your search suggestions. What does it
mean?" It shouldn't have been possible for a grin this smug to get any bigger.

"Roshutsu" Lisa blurted out automatically before she could stop herself. "You already looked it
up, I heard you."

"Care to educate the class?"

"Nate!" Scowled Sally again. Lisa hesitated for a moment with the words trembling on her lips.
This was so humiliating, and yet… was she enjoying it in a way?

"Exposure play" she mumbled indistinguishably, clutching the hem of her skirt.
"What was that?" Nate teased. Even Sally seemed interested now.

"It means exposure play!" Lisa snapped. "It's Japanese for exposure play, alright? Exhibitionism!
Can we drop it? You don't see me asking you about your fetishes do you?"

Another brief pause. Lisa felt hot all over. In the space of a few minutes, five of her closest
friends had just found out her darkest secret. She was so angry at herself for feeling such a rush
from it.

"I'm a massive sub" Nate said after a swig of beer, breaking the silence. Now it was Sally's turn
to blush at the confidence with which he said it. "I might not act like it but yeah, I suppose that's
my thing. Being handcuffed and, well, you get the idea…" he fidgeted and laughed nervously,
bold facade wavering. "Don't know why I just told everyone that to be honest. Just felt like it
might lighten the mood I guess."

"I always had you pegged as a sub" piped up Becky. "Wait, Sally, please tell me you peg him!"
She laughed. Both Sally and Nate went scarlet. "Oh come on, we all know you two are bonking.
It's obvious!"

"Looks like we weren't so subtle about it after all" Nate smiled sheepishly. Sally took his hand.
"We didn't really want to make a big deal about it in case it made anything awkward for you

"Awkward? Nonsense! Now do you peg or not?" Becky pried gleefully. Sally got a cheeky glint in
her eye. "Maybe once or twice"

"Sally!" Nate recoiled. "Nope, never happened. She's just teasing you" he rambled while
continuing to turn an ever brighter shade of red.

Everyone shared a laugh at that and Lisa was starting to feel a little more relaxed. It seemed
like everyone was taking these new revelations quite well and the friendship amongst the group
was still intact. She hoped they could swiftly move onto another topic now that both her and
Nate had been utterly humiliated. Unfortunately, Becky wasn't done yet.

"Since we're being incredibly inappropriate right now and I'm several drinks in, as the group's
token lesbian I just want to make it known that Lisa has a damn fine pussy!"

"Stop!" Lisa yelped as her friend winked at her. "I… I don't usually…"

"Wait what?" Piped up Sam from his corner. "You two..?"

"Oh, no," chuckled Becky. "Alex and I got an eyeful of her just now, that’s all"
Sam looked like he was processing something for a moment. "She's going commando." Becky
clarified flatly, causing Lisa to climb over the still silent Alex and thump her. "Noo, why did you
say that?" Lisa whined.

"Payback for making me all wet" she smirked. Lisa froze in shock, stammering "What?!"

Becky lifted the sodden lap of her long skirt above the table. "You knocked a drink all over me
when you dived to get your phone. I couldn't even be mad after you showed me the goods

"O-oh… sorry about that" Lisa mumbled.

"Don't be!" Beamed Becky. “Just maybe like, take me to dinner before you decide to get me that
wet again" she joked. Lisa's heart fluttered a little. She wasn't really into girls, but Becky was
such a confident flirt that she couldn't help but feel a bit flustered.

"You looked a bit wet yourself" whispered Alex while Lisa was still leaning across him to talk to
Becky. She jerked back into her seat upon hearing the humiliating words uttered directly into her

"Ehh? She was?" Becky asked, eagerly leaning over and almost flattening Alex as he tried to
hastily apologize for what he had just said.

"So our seemingly innocent friend Lisa secretly gets off on doing lewd things in public, is that it?
That’s actually kinda hot, don’t you think?" She teased as she prodded Alex in the ribs with her
elbow. Alex nodded perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. Lisa continued to try and avoid eye
contact with Becky until the silence got uncomfortable.

"Yo," Nate said with a nervous chuckle. "Maybe you should dial it back a little bit over there. I
know you haven't seen each other in over a year but you could cut the sexual tension with a
knife" he joked, considering poor Alex trapped in the middle.

"Sorry, I'm just playing with her" laughed Becky. "My apologies, I didn't mean to make anyone
uncomfortable. I just get a bit carried away sometimes! Besides, Lisa's… at least mostly
straight, right?"

"Yeah," Lisa replied. "Not that I'm not flattered and all, but I don't think of you that way. You’re
my friend, and I'm definitely straight. Sure of it." She asserted. Alex looked like he was slightly
relieved. Sally, who had been trying to push the two together since they got here, picked up on
this and patted Nate on the lap for his quick thinking.

"Ouch, friend zoned!" Joked Becky, sliding back to her side of the table. "I'm kidding, we're all
good. Just remember though, spaghetti isn’t the only thing that’s straight until it gets wet" she
teased, sticking her tongue out and earning a laugh and a round of applause from both Nate
and Sam. It was so smooth, Lisa would be lying to herself if she didn't admit she was feeling a
bit attracted right now. She pressed that revelation into the back of her mind as she tried to take
control of the situation again.

"Alright, are we all done talking about me now?" Lisa asked much more assertively than usual.
Everyone nodded in agreement. "For now, at least until we let Becky have another drink!"
Laughed Sam.

"It's pretty cool that you can be so bold" Alex smiled. "I don't think I could do anything like that
myself but… I just wanted to make sure you don't think that I, uh… I mean we think any less of
you because of it"

Lisa felt her heart warming. She was so happy to see all her friends again and that nothing had
soured despite the recent discoveries. It was like nothing had ever changed since before the

"Hey, kink talk is over!" Sally interrupted Alex as a waiter arrived with the tray of shots she'd
ordered. "Get these down you and maybe later Lewd Lisa can give you some streaking lessons
if you're interested!"

"Ugh, drop it Peggy" Lisa retorted with an embarrassed smirk. Everybody laughed as they
downed their shots and enjoyed the rest of the night.
Act 2: Play

“There you are!” Alex called out as he approached his friend Becky who was waiting for him
under a big oak tree in the park. “What’s up?”

“Hey! Hope you don’t mind me dragging you out here rather than just messaging you. It seemed
like a good excuse to see you face to face now that we can meet up again” she smiled.
“Besides, there’s that thing I need to talk to you about.”

“Yeah, about that…” Alex cocked his head a little. “You were being weirdly cryptic. Couldn’t you
have just told me why you wanted to meet up beforehand?”

“Absolutely not! This is about you and I need you here in person for it. And here you are!” she
exclaimed, grabbing the startled guy by the wrist and pushing him back against the tree.

“Do you have a crush on Lisa?” Becky interrogated in her usual very forward manner. Taken
aback, Alex made a move to slip away but she pinned his shoulder against the trunk and held
him in place.

“Christ, Becky! No, we’re just friends” he struggled. “We all know you’ve had the hots for her
since we found out about her... you know… fetishes last weekend anyway. You could have just
talked to me rather than giving me this silly alpha female act.”

She scowled at him. “No, you’re wrong. I know you too well. You act like your normal self around
me and the guys but you always get all shy when Lisa's around. Admit it, you like her” she
taunted, the scowl transitioning into a cheeky grin.

“Ugh, fine. Yes, she’s kinda really cute I guess” he flushed. “But don’t worry, I get it, you like her
too and I don’t want this to make things awkward between the group. I’d rather have all of you
as friends than risk splitting everyone up over something so stupid.”

Becky slapped Alex’s head, earning a shocked expression from him. “No! This is exactly the
problem! Why won’t you fight for her? She’s single! I tried so hard to set you up in the pub last
week and you never even made a move! Why are you so dense?” She growled as she shook
him by the shoulders.

“What the hell are you talking about?” He pushed back, releasing himself from her grip. “You
were flirting like mad with her all night. What did you expect me to do?

“That!” she explained as she staggered backwards. “Get mad, be assertive, jealous! Flirt back
and win her over! I'm gay, she's straight. I ain't got a chance in hell with her, but you sure do!"
“How the fuck was I supposed to know that was what you were doing?” Alex exclaimed,
throwing his arms up in the air. “And how is anybody supposed to compete with your ultra
smooth chat up lines?”

Becky grinned ear to ear at him. “Aww sweetie, the lines don’t matter, it’s how confidently you
deliver them. I was really hoping you’d get jealous enough to step up and do something before I
snatched her up though”

Alex looked at his friend, baffled by her logic. “Next time, just tell me whatever you’re scheming
beforehand, okay?” He paused. “Thanks for thinking of me though, I guess.”

“I’ll keep it in mind” she replied with a roll of her eyes. “Anyway, now that misunderstanding is
sorted, there’s one more thing I need to discuss with you”

“What’s that?” Alex asked.

“Let me help you win her over tonight” Becky declared confidently.

Alex took a step back. “What, tonight? That’s a bit short notice isn’t it?”

“No, you’ve already left it too long! You’ve got to strike while the iron is hot, and lucky for you I
happen to know a lot about what girls find hot” she smirked.

“Okay, so what’s the plan?” Alex asked cautiously as they started to walk back the way they

“Well, we already know that getting naked in public drives her wild, so I’m thinking we should
capitalise on that” she chuckled.

Alex jumped back. “Whoa, I know where you’re going with this and I am way too shy to do
anything like that. That’s really inappropriate for a guy to do too. She might call the police! I’m

“Relax, you idiot. I meant Lisa. Trust me, I’ve got a plan to turn her fetish into a really sexy game
between the two of you” Becky reassured him.

“I’m cool with just a normal date like grabbing a coffee or going to a restaurant." Alex said. "I
don’t want her to think I’m only after her for her body… Or worse, make her scared that I'm a
predator or something terrible like that”

“Pah, forget those bland, forgettable and overdone date ideas!” she scoffed. “Trust me, with
kinks like hers she wants you to want her body. I saw the way her pupils dilated when I said I
thought what she did was hot in the pub that night. Just the thought alone will be enough to get
her all fired up. If we play it right, she won’t be able to get enough of it”
“Alright, I’m listening, but only because I’m curious” Alex sighed.


It was almost fully dark outside. Alex and Becky sat nervously in her car, parked
inconspicuously amongst all the other vehicles on the roadside which offered the best view
across the park they had visited earlier in the day. Alex hovered over the send button on his
mobile phone, hesitating.

“This still feels like a bad idea” Alex whispered. "She might take it really badly"

“Stop being a pussy!” Becky hissed. “It’s fine, she knows you're her friend. Just send the damn

“I can’t!” stammered Alex. You do it!”

“Be a man!” Becky chastised as she grabbed his finger and pressed it hard into the screen. The
message was sent. They both sat in silence for a moment, Alex's heart beating fast as he
waited for a reply.

“Remember what I told you. Sound confident. Be in control. Think first before you send anything
and don’t let her know I was involved. She'll be more into this whole thing if she thinks it was
your idea.” Becky said as she began to open the door.

“Wait, where are you going?” Alex panicked.

“For a walk. I'll try and follow Lisa down here to make sure she stays safe. I feel like you might
get into the role a bit more when I’m not here to help you out anyway." She said, holding out a
car key to the worried looking guy in the passenger seat. "Here, take this and don't forget to lock
the doors if you leave. And no wanking in there while I'm gone!” Becky warned as the door
gently clapped shut and she swiftly started walking away down the middle of the deserted road,
leaving Alex all alone.


The quiet bzz-bzz of Lisa’s phone vibrating on the bedside table disturbed her as she tried to fall
asleep. After the third time, she rolled over to grab the phone and mute it.

Lisa was surprised to see that her friend Adam was texting her directly rather than through the
group chat. Her curiosity was piqued, so she read the text messages.

Are you awake?

If you get this in the morning then never mind, it’s not important

Not important? Lisa thought groggily. If it wasn’t important then he wouldn’t be sending a load of
texts out of nowhere at nearly midnight. She text back.

I’m in bed, what do you want?

So you’re home, yeah?

That’s where my bed is…

Get out of bed

Why, what’s going on?

Just do it

It was such a strange request. Lisa was concerned that she was either about to receive some
bad news or there was an emergency outside, so she shuffled out from under the sheets and
peeled back one of the curtains to take a look down the street.

Are you up yet?

Yeah. Now tell me why

We’re going to play a game

A game? Lisa scowled as she stared at the screen, before grumpily texting back.

You got me out of bed for this?

Go to the window

I’m already at the window…

There was a brief pause while Lisa squinted to see if he was out there.

Lift up your top

“Whaaat?!” Lisa exclaimed out loud as she re-read the message. He’d definitely just said that.
She pulled back the curtains and stuck her face in the window again, scanning all over to try
and spot him.
What the hell Alex?

Trust me, it’ll be fun

Are you out there spying on me???

No, I swear I’m not outside your house

How can I be sure?

Well, have a look

If he was out there, Lisa sure couldn’t see him anywhere. Not that it’d be too hard to hide
between any of the dimly lit parked cars. She didn’t think he was the sort of person to lie about
something like that, but then again she was completely taken aback by his uncharacteristic
request and not sure what to think right now.

Is this because of last week at the pub?


Just lift your top and stick your tits in the window

If you’re uncomfortable with this then I’m really sorry and I’ll stop, but I just thought you might
find it fun…

Did you do it yet?

Lisa’s scowl betrayed her as it contorted itself into a mischievous smile. She took another look
around to make sure the dimly lit street was devoid of people, then gleefully did as instructed,
hoisting up her pyjama top and squishing her breasts against the glass. She twitched at the
sudden cold sensation on her nipples before tugging her top back down and returning to sit on
the edge of her bed.

She picked the phone back up and replied.

Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t

Was it fun?

Alex’s heart pounded as he text. He couldn’t believe he was going along with this ridiculous
plan. And to think the game was only just getting started as well. He supposed it was a good
thing he was playing it via text messages, as there was no way he’d have been able to deliver
such outrageous demands in person without very obviously being a nervous wreck. Still, Lisa
didn’t seem to have taken it badly, which had been his biggest fear in the first place. He gripped
his phone and moved on to the next challenge.

Good girl. How about we take it up a notch?

Take off whatever you’re wearing and go get a glass of water from the kitchen

You know I live alone right?

Then I don’t see why it would be a problem

Lisa sighed. It was such a tame request. She lay back on her bed and replied.

Done it

Already? That was fast

Okay, now I want you to go out into the garden and water yourself like a pretty little flower

You do have a garden, right?

Lisa blushed. This was indeed a step up. She’d taken her clothes off out in the countryside a
few times before, but never in a built up area. Especially not right outside her home. It was too
much for someone like Alex to ask of her.

So why did she feel so compelled to go along with his instructions?

Give me a minute

Not wanting to let him know she’d lied about completing his last objective, Lisa hastily shrugged
out of her pyjamas and jogged down the stairs, phone in hand. She placed it down on the
kitchen counter and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, pausing at the back door for a
moment as the realisation of what she was about to do sunk in. Her heart started beating harder
as she turned the key and cautiously peeked her head through the gap. She didn’t see any
houses with open curtains.

Trembling, she partially opened and closed the door a few times before finally swinging it open
all the way and darting out into the middle of the lawn, throwing herself onto the grass and
rolling onto her back as she fumbled to unscrew the plastic cap from the bottle. She gasped
loudly and had to cover her mouth as the frigid liquid poured all over her torso, making her
nipples erect and her skin break out in goosebumps. She was in such a hurry to get outside that
she never even considered the temperature of the water, but somehow the shock of it made the
excitement even greater.

With the bottle empty, Lisa staggered to her feet and dived back into the house, slamming the
door behind her and praying nobody had seen. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she
stood there, shivering.

I’m wet

Oh? You really enjoyed that huh?


Oh, right

Well done. Maybe you should go grab a towel and dry yourself off then

I will do, but not because you asked me to

Breathing heavily, she traipsed back up to the bathroom and began to pat herself down with a
bath towel, enjoying the warming sensation as it removed all of the beads of frigid water that
clung to her skin. Another text arrived.

I bet you look cute in a towel. Send me a pic

Lisa’s jaw hung open. She’d never sent private photos to anybody before. It was only a towel
picture, but still…

Don’t you think you’re pushing your luck asking for a photo?

It’s just a towel. You don’t even have to show your face

Ugh, fine

Smirking, Lisa neatly folded the towel and positioned it on the edge of the bath before taking a
photo and sending it.

Very funny. I meant a picture of you wrapped in the towel

After thinking about it for a moment, Lisa complied, wrapping herself up modestly and sending a
close-up of just her covered torso and one hand flipping the bird in the mirror.
Cute! It would be a shame if your towel happened to fall down right when you were taking the
next selfie

I am NOT sending you nudes

I didn’t say you had to send it

Lisa blushed furiously. She’d taken loads of naughty pictures for her own private viewing, yet
she had never done it because anybody had asked her to. It was exciting! She dropped the
towel and assumed a pose as if she was trying to cover most of her nudity with one hand, while
taking the photo with the other. The picture turned out fantastically, with genuine embarrassment
etched into Lisa’s bright red face that caused her to feel a stir in her nether regions. She was
starting to get turned on by following these orders and had almost forgotten who they were
coming from. This was a whole different side to Alex and she was curious to see what else he
had in store.

I’m never showing you this photo

Is it hot?


What’s next?

How about you start rubbing your clit while looking in the mirror?


No wait, I didn’t expect you to agree so quickly

Please don’t touch yourself yet, that part comes later (pun intended)

Alex! I already started. That’s mean!

Alex’s eyes were locked onto the screen. Becky was right, this was hot. The thought of Lisa
naked, touching herself just because he’d asked her to was intoxicating. He felt confident that
he could ask her to do almost anything right now and she’d comply. This isn’t really what he’d
had in mind when he’d wanted to take her on a date, but now, gently squeezing the hardening
bulge in his jeans in anticipation of what was to come, Alex was all for it.

A text from Becky delayed Alex for a moment.

Alex, I haven’t seen her leave the house yet. You didn’t chicken out did you?
Sorry, I’ll ask her to leave shortly

And you were right, this is fun

Well hurry up. I’m just around the corner from her front door

Alright, brb

He switched back to the conversation with Lisa, who had sent another message in the

Hey, don't leave me standing here. You better not be wanking over that photo you pervert!

No! I was just deciding what I want you to do next

That’s not very organised for somebody giving all the orders, Alex

Well I am giving the orders, and from now on I think you should start calling me Master

Masterbater more like XD

You spank yourself on the ass for that right now young lady


Hard like your dick right now? Alright, fine

A loud clap resonated through the bathroom as Lisa’s open hand collided with her right buttock.
She generally thought the whole punishment trope was quite corny, but she still felt a spark of
exhibitionistic pleasure from knowing that someone was out there getting their rocks off to the
mere thought of her doing this. She leaned over the sink and spanked herself again and again
until she had a visible pink handprint on her ass. It tingled when she ran her fingers over it, and
the act was making her start to get slightly wet. It was an effort to refrain from grabbing her
crotch as she replied.

Alright, my ass is raw. Can I fuck myself for you now, Master?

Hey you haven’t blown a gasket have you? Reply!

Sorry, I’m still here. I just didn’t expect you to get quite so into this

And I didn’t expect you to be such a kinky fuck

Takes one to know one


Alright, I think you’re ready for the main event


Grab your phone and your key. We’re taking this show on the road

What? I’m not doing this outside. My garden isn’t private enough

No problem, I know of somewhere more secluded

You want me to go somewhere this late? I don't think that's a great idea

Don't worry, the park is down at the end of your street, right? It should be completely deserted
right now

Assuming I agree, you'll need to tell me why I'm going there before I decide to get dressed and
grab my stuff

Don't bother getting dressed. That would take all the fun out of it!

You want me to go there naked? seriously?!

I believe in you!

No, I can't do that. I'd have to go all the way down my street. What if the neighbors saw?

It's dark outside. Nobody will have their curtains open

You sure know a lot about where I live for somebody who says they aren't hiding outside

Let me think about it


Fine, I’ll try. If I see anybody then I'm running straight back to the house though

Good girl. That’s the spirit!

I can’t believe you’re making me do this

The door latched shut with a click as Lisa stood stark naked in the garden once more, key in
one hand and phone in the other. Hastily, she ducked down behind a large plant pot and pushed
her key into the soil, not wanting to risk losing it somewhere and getting locked out. She
apprehensively clutched her phone and sent another message.

Alright, I'm outside

I'm really nervous

If anyone sees me I'm going to kill you!

Try to stay calm. You're doing great

You don't see anyone around do you?

No, but I'm still in the garden

Okay, just take it one step at a time. Let me know when you have made it to the park

I can probably make it in a minute if I run

Just be careful :)

Alex quickly swapped over to his conversation with Becky to alert her, fumbling over the
keyboard in his excitement.

She's on the move. Just left through the garden


"Crap, wrong door", Becky hissed under her breath as she quickly looked around to work out
where Lisa might be coming from. It seemed like this alleyway ran from the front of the house to
the back, with the front door leading directly onto the street. That probably meant Lisa’s back
garden was around the corner at the far end of the alley. Becky started to move in that direction
but was halted by a light bursting to life up ahead, casting a long humanoid shadow into the
alleyway. The shadow figure froze. Becky froze. She had to hide, and quickly.

“Oh god!” Lisa squeaked as she found herself suddenly illuminated. She stood paralyzed for a
moment before realising that it was just a motion detector lamp and not somebody with a
flashlight. Hunched over, she twisted around to check behind her. There were still no signs of
anybody around, but she was naked under a spotlight, totally on display for anybody to see.
Steam practically poured from her ears at the thought of being on a stage as she darted around
the corner and pressed her back against the wall, the rough bricks scraping against her
exposed flesh in a way that sent shivers down her spine.

She’d only had the chance to gulp down a few calming breaths before a faint rustling noise drew
her attention down the alleyway. Crouching down low, she cautiously tiptoed towards the
direction it came from, figuring she was still close enough to retreat back to her garden and hide
if somebody was out there. Carefully skirting around a pair of overflowing dumpsters, she
hugged the wall and dared to poke her head out into the street. To Lisa’s relief, there was
nobody to be seen, though she realised there would be very few places to hide under the warm
glow of the street lights. She loitered for a moment, trying to psyche herself up for the short
sprint she’d have to make in order to reach the park.

Becky held her breath, not daring to move a muscle. In a split second decision she had chosen
to dive between the same two dumpsters that Lisa had just passed, somehow managing to
avoid detection by virtue of the dark clothes she was wearing and the flattened cardboard box
she had haphazardly propped up in front of her. Huddled in a ball with her head pressed against
the brick wall, she was able to catch a nice glimpse of her friend’s peachy butt cheeks from
behind the dumpster as she leaned forwards and poked her head around the corner. Becky
remained silent, praying that she didn’t somehow get caught and blow the whole thing.

What a ridiculous situation to be in, she thought. Becky didn’t really consider herself to be a
voyeur, but she couldn’t deny she was enjoying the view right now. The fact that the both of
them were so scared of being caught was quite thrilling, and she was starting to understand why
Lisa was into it. Oh, why do you have to be so straight? Becky lamented after briefly fantasizing
about stepping out from her hiding spot and pinning the naked exhibitionist against the wall in a
public display of lust and passion. She knew that would be a terrible idea though, so she instead
focused on what she was here to do; set her up with a guy who actually had a chance with her.
Lucky bastard.

The sound of Lisa muttering something to herself snapped Becky back to reality and she
strained her ears to try and make out what was being said.

“Okay, I’m going for it, I-I’m going for it!” Lisa stammered as copious amounts of adrenaline
coursed through her entire body. A heavy pulse hammered in her ears and her legs shook like
jelly as she covered her breasts with one arm and grabbed her crotch with her free hand,
squeezing tightly to the point of almost letting out a moan. In a single moment of sheer terror,
she launched herself around the corner and started sprinting like her life depended on it.

Becky waited a moment before emerging from her hiding spot, quietly dusting off the grit that
was stuck to her shoulder and sneaking over to stick her head around the corner. Her eyes
widened when she realised that Lisa was nearly halfway down the street already, the rapid pat
pat pat of her bare feet quickly fading into silence. She sighed, slipping out from around the
corner and proceeding to follow at a less conspicuous pace. She may not be able to keep up
with her friend, but she still needed to make sure that she arrived safely. After all, running
around naked is hardly a safe hobby for a young woman to be practicing alone at night.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck!” Lisa panted with each exhalation as she streaked beneath the street lights,
struggling to keep her breasts from flopping out from under her arm as her feet rhythmically
pounded into the cold hard pavement. It was exhilarating. She’d been outside in the nude
before, even in daylight, but never in a built up area where anybody could suddenly appear from
anywhere. She’d never run freely like this before either. She could feel her whole body bouncing
with every step she took, and it was seriously turning her on. Fear began to give way to intense
joy as she thrust her arms out to the sides and allowed her private parts to be completely
exposed as she dashed towards the park, giggling with glee.

Her joy was short lived as a van unexpectedly emerged from a junction up ahead, headlights
sweeping wide across the road. Stricken with panic, Lisa nearly lost her footing and staggered
into the side of a parked car as she dived to take cover behind it. It took her a second to realise
that the ringing in her ears was actually the sharp wailing of the vehicle’s sensitive alarm system
which had been activated by the light impact. Amber lights flashed brightly, acting as a visual
beacon to draw as much attention as possible. Lisa's blood ran cold as she rolled over and saw
one of the lights turn on in the building behind her. The van steadily approached. A silhouette
appeared behind the curtain. She didn’t have time to think about what to do.

Stifling a scream, Lisa scrambled to her feet and ran down the pavement in the direction of the
oncoming vehicle, covering her face with a forearm and her genitals with the other hand. She
focused only on the pavement beneath her feet, not daring to reveal her face as the headlights
passed by in her peripheral vision. And then she heard it. A brief double honk and a wolf
whistle. She’d been caught. She’d never been caught before. A euphoric sensation completely
enveloped her as she ran. Someone saw me, she thought. Someone saw me running naked
down the street with my tits bouncing around! And they liked it!

Lisa ran all the way to the end of the street before grabbing onto a lamp post and wrapping her
arms around it to catch her breath. Her hand was slick from being clasped over her wet pussy.
The cool breeze tantalisingly licked her between the legs as she pinched one of her hard
nipples between two fingers and squeezed, eliciting a shudder that ran throughout her entire
body. If she wasn’t careful, she could accidentally cum right here from all the excitement. Right
under the spotlight while swinging around a pole on a street corner. She clutched it tightly,
grinding her body against the cold metal as she fantasized about being the main attraction at a
busy strip club. “Oh fuck” she moaned as she pulled away, twitching and shuddering from how
close she just came to having an orgasm. Exhaling shakily, she tried to calm down, accidentally
salivating on herself in the process. She was a hot mess, but this wasn't a safe place to hang
around for much longer. Lisa stepped away from the pole, determined to make it into the park
for the next step of the game.

I made it

Oh good! Did you have fun?

A guy in a van whistled at me…

Oh no! Are you alright?

I… I nearly came


From the whistle?

I don’t know, I’ve never felt this way before

This is the first time I’ve ever been caught

I’m really sorry. I never intended for you to get caught

Don’t worry about it

Just tell me what I need to do next


Alright, just take a minute to calm down

I can’t wait a minute

Alex, I am so incredibly horny right now

Alex couldn’t help but pause for a moment. Lisa’s last message bounced around in his head
again and again, making his head spin. This was going way further than either he or Becky had
initially anticipated and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could draw the game out. He
wanted to see her with his own eyes.

I left a box for you under the big oak tree in the park

A box?

Yes. Go to it and open it

Alex squinted out of the car window into the darkness. Where was she? The next several
seconds felt like an hour as he waited in anticipation. Then finally, illuminated by nothing but the
dim blue glow of the moonlight, a figure could be seen running across the field. Lisa dropped to
her knees at the base of the tree and immediately pulled the lid off the cardboard shoebox to
reveal a length of soft red rope. Wiping condensation off the window, Alex shivered in
anticipation as he tried to make out the details of his friend’s distant form. He pressed on with
his next instruction.

You’re going to tie yourself to the tree

What? I can’t do that!

It’ll be fine, the park should be completely deserted and it's too dark for anybody to want to walk
through there anyway

No, I mean how do I manage to tie myself to a tree?

You don’t have to properly tie yourself to it. Just wrap the ropes around and hold on to them as if
you were bound

God you’re a kinkster

Wait, shuffle a quarter of the way around to your left and put your back against the tree


I might be now, yes…

Lisa quivered as she thought about a pair of eyes gazing upon her from somewhere in the
shadows. He could see her! He was here! She searched the darkness of the grassy field ahead,
up past the cars parked on the street and all the way out to the darkened windows of a few
houses beyond. Not finding anything, she finished swinging the ropes around the tree trunk,
wrapped them around her torso, then twisted the ends around her wrists a few times before
pulling everything tight. Her arms were held out to the sides as she gripped onto her bindings.
She gave them another tug, relishing the sensation of being so restricted. So powerless to the
man making her do all these humiliating things. She twisted her head and one-handedly
fumbled with her phone to reply, practically drooling at the thought of him gazing upon her body.

Do you like what you see?

Lisa, you are gorgeous. Sexy. Stunning. A goddess!

Lisa couldn’t help but let out a little wail of joy at seeing the message. She was a sexy goddess!
She closed her eyes, letting out a tiny giggle and straining against the ropes, playfully kicking up
a leg and thrusting out her chest as she wriggled about with glee.

You look like you’re enjoying that

I feel so exposed

Watch me, Alex

Look at my body

Without so much as a second thought, Lisa sent her nude bathroom selfie from earlier. Alex’s
jaw dropped. Her shy face, bright red and half hidden behind her hair. Her soft breasts, one of
which was being gently squeezed under her upper arm. A slender hand delicately placed
between her supple looking thighs. He could see the fine details of her figure so clearly here
compared to the live performance he was witnessing in the shade of the oak tree.

I wouldn’t mind if you masturbated to that tonight

Alex realised that he had already started. One hand had instinctively slipped under his
waistband at some point and his fingertips were already slowly massaging a throbbing erection.
His breathing quickened as his eyes flicked from the photo on the screen to his tied up plaything
and back again. Undoing his top button, Alex slipped the tip of his penis out and started to pump
it. He needed to watch her from close up. He needed to watch her cum. Should he go and face
her in person, or would that freak them both out and ruin everything? He hesitated about making
that decision, instead deciding to give her more instructions to stall for time.

Spread your legs wide. Show off that beautiful pussy to the world and tell everybody how horny
you are.

Lisa obeyed, parting her legs and slackening her grip on the ropes so that she could reach
down and spread her labia too. Her head lolled back against the tree trunk as she presented to
her audience.

I can’t hear you

Wait, you want me to say it?

Shout it out

I can’t do that! Someone will hear!

Nobody is around!
Heart hammering, Lisa took a deep breath and uttered a feeble “I’m horny”. She tried again,
managing to get louder each time. “I’m horny! I’m horny! I’m so horny!” she exclaimed, the last
one being at roughly a loud talking volume. She panted from the effort of trying to keep her
nerves under control.

Alex couldn’t hear her yet, so he wound down the windows and asked her to try again.

I can’t hear you. Tell me how much of a horny little exhibitionist slut you are

He felt a bit guilty of calling her a slut as soon as he sent the message. Obviously he didn’t
mean it, but he had gotten caught up in the moment and said something stupid. Lisa also stared
at the word for a moment. She felt like she should have been offended, so why was she so
incredibly turned on by the derogatory term? A slut. A horny little exhibitionist slut. That’s what
she was. Her face burned. A bead of spit rolled from the corner of her mouth as she stuck two
fingers into her pussy and shook with excitement. “Alex, I’m a horny little exhibitionist slut!” she
yelled at the top of her voice, no longer caring how many people might hear. She slowly drew
her fingers in and out, desperate for some relief from her insatiable lust that had been building
up all night. She fantasized about Alex having his way with her against the rough bark of the oak
tree while any number of prying eyes could be watching them. She needed his big fat cock
inside her right now, because she was his horny little exhibitionist slut and she wanted the world
to see how hard he was about to make her cum!

“Horny little exhibitionist slut, eh?” Becky smirked as she stuck her head in the driver side
window, making Alex jump so hard he hit his head on the roof. “Eww! I told you no wanking in
my car!” she hissed upon noticing the erect penis sticking out of the top of his jeans. “You get
your gross man juice anywhere and you’re buying me a new interior!”

“Shit, Becky!” Alex yelped as he quickly tucked himself back into his jeans and shuddered at
how awkward the situation suddenly was. “Please never tell anyone about that.”

“Tell anyone? I’m fucking bleaching my memory as we speak. I never want to think about what I
just saw again!” she joked.

“S-sorry” he whimpered as he tried to ignore the fact he had just been caught masturbating. In
public, no less. His one consolation was that on numerous occasions his friend had made it very
clear that she had no interest in the male genitalia whatsoever. It didn’t seem to make him feel
much better about it though.

Becky quietly opened the door and slipped into the driver’s seat. “I see your little exhibitionist
made it safely to the park then.”

“Weren’t you following her?” Alex asked awkwardly, shuffling in his seat.
“She bolted as soon as she hit the street. No way was I keeping up. I did hear someone honk
their horn though.” she smirked.

“Yeah… she got spotted by someone, but it just seemed to turn her on more than anything.” he
said with an amused smile creeping onto his face.

“What? That girl is crazy” Becky giggled in disbelief. She took a long, hard look at the girl
twitching and writhing in her restraints just a short distance away. “Are you gonna go rescue her
before some creeper shows up, or are you just gonna sit here and pretend to me that you’re not
about to have an accident in your pants like some perverted old peeping tom?”

“I uh, wasn’t sure if I might freak her out if I go down there.” Alex admitted. “What would I do?
Watch her? Would it be okay to touch her? You never said she would go this far!”

“Get down there and find out, man! Look at her. She’s totally into this! Go help her before she
gets too carried away and starts shouting again!” Becky urged as she grabbed the passenger
side door handle and started trying to shove Alex out of the car. He decided not to mention that
it was his idea for her to shout out obscene things in the first place.

“What are you going to do?” He asked his friend, nervously.

“I’m gonna get out of here. Give you two lovebirds some privacy!” She beamed. “I’ll wait a few
minutes before starting up the car and driving off. That’ll give her a thrill I bet!”

Alex smiled. “Thanks, Becky. You’re the best friend I could ask for.”

“I’ll send you the dry cleaning bill for my seat. Now get out of here!” she joked, winding up the
window. Alex tried to steady his shaky breath as he turned around and started walking towards
the figure under the tree. He could feel the rapid throb of his pulse as he tried to picture what
might be about to happen. One step at a time, he got closer. Lisa still hadn’t noticed him, too
absorbed in her own self pleasure as her body flexed and twisted hypnotically. Finally, her head
tilted forwards and she saw the darkly dressed figure approaching.

“Ah!” Lisa gasped, instantly freezing in place. “This isn’t what it looks like!”. She tried to free
herself from the ropes and run, but her body was paralyzed. “Alex, please tell me that’s you” she
whimpered fearfully.

The figure stopped and stared. A brief moment passed.

“H-hey Lisa” Alex finally uttered feebly. “Looking good tonight” he added, trying to sound a little
bit less terrified than he was.

“Oh thank god” Lisa sighed as she slumped in relief. She was suddenly very self conscious now
that she could physically see him, seeing her. Her ample breasts, heaving outwards with each
deep, ragged breath she took. Her overstimulated vagina which was convulsing and leaking
glistening fluids all down her inner thighs. Her long legs, twitching and shaking with delight as
her toes curled into the grass. She was so indecent right now.

“So… Are you going to give me a show?” Alex blushed, trying hard to keep up the level of
confidence he had displayed through his text messages. This was a very different experience in

Lisa’s legs almost turned to butter upon hearing him say that. He wanted to leer at her filthy
conduct from up close! She wanted to let him, but there was one problem. A powerful yet
shameful urge that filled every fibre of her being. She tugged on one end of the rope again,
feeling how much her movement was restricted. She gazed at the shadowy figure who stood
before her, staring at her naked and aroused body. She knew it was a terrible thing to fantasize
about, but it was okay, because this wasn’t some random stranger. It was Alex. Her partner in
an erotic game beyond her wildest dreams. A game he had devised, just for her. She needed
him right now.

“Come here” Lisa said in the most sultry voice she could manage, curling a finger and narrowing
her eyelids. Apprehensively, Alex stepped forwards so that they were face to face, staring each
other in the eyes. Their noses brushed together as the anticipation reached a crescendo, and
he went in for a kiss.

It was sweet. A tender little peck on the lips that lingered for a few moments. He then gently
pulled away to make sure he hadn’t overstepped his boundaries. He saw Lisa looking
desperately back into his eyes. She wouldn’t be satisfied by just that.

Lisa dropped her phone onto the grass and cupped the side of Alex’s face in her now free hand,
running her fingernails through his hair. She pulled him in for another kiss, deeper this time.
Passionate. Longing. Sharing tongues and exchanging hot lungfuls of air as they explored each
other's mouths. Alex couldn’t help himself as he wrapped his arms around Lisa, gently groping
her breasts and buttocks. “Harder!” she moaned at him.

He squeezed and smushed her body, earning some muffled squeaks of approval through their
locked lips. Pulling his head away for a moment, Alex ducked down a little and went back in for
a kiss on the neck. Lisa gasped and rolled her head sideways as he smooched her wetly, licking
from her shoulder all the way up to the base of her ear. He ground his crotch against her
stomach, a hard protrusion poking into her through the thick denim. She shuddered with delight
as she placed both hands on top of his head and forcefully pushed him down to his knees.
Alex’s hot breath blew against Lisa’s wet pussy in the most tantalising manner. She stared down
at him longingly.

“Is it okay?” Alex asked her. She nodded enthusiastically. Taking a deep breath, he gently
wrapped his lips around hers and teasingly ran the tip of his tongue up and down her slit. Lisa
immediately started to convulse with pleasure at the sensation. “Oooh fuck yes” she moaned
with crossed eyes as she clutched Alex’s hair tightly and ground his face firmly into her. He
shifted his head a little to gasp for breath before going back in, using a flat tongue this time to
make long, sweeping motions over her clitoris. “Aaaah, no it’s too sensitive!” she cried out as
she pulled his head back. “I… I can’t take that without cumming right now.”

“That’s what you want though, isn’t it?” Alex gasped between taking deep breaths.

“No. I need your cock inside me” Lisa begged as she spread her labia wide using two fingers,
giving Alex a close up view of her most intimate parts. They convulsed involuntarily with arousal,
her natural lubricants squeezing out with each contraction. Inviting, no, begging Alex to enter.

“L-Lisa, are you sure this is okay?” Alex asked apprehensively. This was a big step to take for
what was essentially a very unusual first date. The longer he stared, the more he wanted to feel
her warmth completely envelop him though.

“Please Alex...” Lisa whimpered, barely able to control herself. “You started this. It’s only fair if
you finish it properly!”

“I… I don’t have any condoms” he sighed defeatedly.

“I’m not diseased!” Lisa scowled frustratedly. If you aren’t either, then just stick it in and fuck me

“I… okay.” he stammered as he stood up and reached down to unzip his fly with shaking hands.
“I promise I’ll pull out!” he added hastily.

“I don’t think... you’ll need to” Lisa sighed as she ran a finger up and down the length of her
opening, feeling how close she was to orgasm already.

Alex’s erect penis slid out of the top of his underwear, driving Lisa crazy with anticipation. He
carefully tucked the waistband under his flushed testicles, allowing everything to be on show.
She stared lustfully at the whole package as she imagined it sliding inside her any moment now,
letting out an involuntary sigh mirroring what was going on in her imagination.

“I need to tell you… I’m really nervous about being outside” Alex admitted, really hoping that he
wouldn’t spoil the mood for Lisa. She looked at him with a sly grin before quickly tucking her
thumbs into his waistband and pulling the whole lot down around his knees.

“Lisa!” he protested as she clapped both hands onto his buttocks and gave a firm squeeze,
making him blush even harder than he had been doing already. “We’re both exhibitionist sluts
now” she purred, curling her fingers around his shaft and gently drawing him in.

Alex’s heart rate climbed higher while she teasingly rubbed his engorged tip up and down her
inner labia and made a few little circles around her clit, causing her body to squirm with delight.
He could feel the entrance to her vagina, so tantalisingly close as the length of his shaft was
drawn across it.

Lisa paused, tilting her head up to look Alex directly in the eyes. Holding him in position, waiting
for him to give her what she so desperately needed. Without saying a word, he wrapped his
hands around her waist and thrust his hips forwards.

“Annngh!” she cried as the length of his shaft plunged inside with one swift motion, filling her up
in an instant. She slumped forwards against his body, raising her arms to wrap around his neck
and pull herself closer as he tried to pull back for another incursion. Alex leaned forwards to pin
her body between himself and the tree as he rammed into her again, even deeper this time. Lisa
couldn’t help but let out another outcry as she felt her vaginal passage forcibly parted to
accommodate his girth.

“Ah shit, I really am a fucking voyeur now...” Becky grumbled as she realised that she was
starting to get quite turned on from just hearing the faint sounds of Lisa’s cute little yelps in the
distance. Unable to help herself, she glanced sideways to take a peek and was disappointed to
find that the view was completely obstructed by Alex’s bare backside, thrusting forwards and
backwards as he enthusiastically rutted the naked girl under the tree. “Ugh, move to the side
damnit!” she scowled at the man whilst trying to steal a glimpse of Lisa’s sexy body in the throes
of passion. Becky’s hands wandered over to rest on her crotch, and it took a significant amount
of willpower to hold back from doing something that would make her just as much of a pervert
as the couple in the park. She let out a frustrated sigh as she resigned to the fact that she was
going to have to swallow her pride if she wanted to get the excitement of this night out of her
system. Picking up her phone, she called her ex whom she had broken up with only a few
weeks ago.

“Celine... Yes, it is the middle of the night… No, I’m still mad at you… Yeah, well maybe I’m also
mad horny for you right now, okay?... Oh? You won’t be saying that when I’ve got you tied down
on the bed and I’m fucking your brains out… No, I’m not drunk! I just want to see that dumb look
on your face after I make you cum four times in a row again… Look, can we just treat this like a
booty call for now and worry about that later?... Awesome, I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

Becky hung up the phone, almost snorting steam out of her nose as she thought about how
hard she was going to fuck the shit out of Celine before the night was over. Sure, they were both
still mad at each other after their last big fight, but the thought of such rough, angry sex only
fueled her libido as she shoved her key into the ignition and the car roared to life. Hastily, she
flicked the headlights on and reversed the car around to make a three point turn in the middle of
the road.

“Alex, someone’s there!” Lisa squealed as she heard the car start up and its headlights blazed
into life. “Oh gosh” Alex cringed as he slid a hand behind himself to cover his buttocks and
squirmed at the realisation that Becky had probably been watching everything.
The long, yellowish beams of the car’s headlights briefly swept over the pair huddled against the
tree before it sped off into the night, causing Lisa to completely freeze in Alex’s arms. “Do you
think they saw us?” she whispered.

“Probably, yeah” Alex replied, not wanting to give away what he knew. Lisa let out a little
whimper and Alex was surprised to feel her body tremble as she involuntarily tightened down
around his shaft. She looked at him with the most lecherous smile imaginable and quietly
uttered “I hope they liked that cute butt of yours”, somehow making Alex turn an even brighter
shade of red than he already was.

The gentle rocking of Lisa’s hips alerted Alex to the fact that she was still raring to go. He slid
both hands down onto her buttocks and continued to thrust, relieved to feel his erection
returning to full strength following their brief interruption. Lisa giggled as he briefly popped out
and had to fumble to re-insert himself. She lifted a leg and wrapped it around his torso to keep
him close, to which he responded by sliding his hand down to the bottom of her butt cheek and
gripping the soft flesh tightly. She swung her other leg around him, and Alex stumbled to quickly
take her weight. She slid a few centimetres down the tree before being caught and hoisted back
up, the rough bark scraping at her shoulder blades and serving as a tactile reminder that she
was still very much outdoors.

Lisa used her arms and legs to bounce her whole body up and down atop Alex’s dick, trying to
time it so that she pushed against his thrusts. She grunted as she felt his tip go deep inside her,
lightly bumping against her cervix a few times. He huffed hot air into her ear as he moaned “Oh
my god, you feel so good”, to which she could only respond with an incoherent little laugh.

A rushing sensation was rapidly building deep inside Lisa now. She began to shake all over as
she felt the telltale signs of an orgasm coming on. Alex’s glans relentlessly streaked forwards
and backwards over her G-spot whilst his pelvis pressed hard against her clit with every impact.
She moaned and whimpered, no longer able to do anything except bury her face deep into
Alex’s shoulder and hold on tightly.

The orgasm thundered throughout Lisa’s body like a volcanic eruption, causing her to clamp her
legs hard around Alex’s torso and wail out something unintelligible that may have been an
attempt to say his name. Being a little less experienced, Alex wasn’t entirely sure if he had
actually brought her to orgasm yet, or just close to it. He dutifully continued to thrust himself in
and out of her tightly contracting vagina, making her convulse and writhe all the more from the
relentless assault.

Another orgasm. And another, one after the other. Lisa practically screamed into his shoulder as
the continuous sensation threatened to overwhelm her. She couldn’t take it any more! She didn’t
know what was going to happen to her if he didn’t stop. She could barely even think! She
twisted and wailed for what felt like an eternity as a dramatic fireworks display crackled inside
her body.
Suddenly, Alex could feel the warning signs of his own impending orgasm. Panicking, he quickly
tried to withdraw but found he was unable to fight both gravity and Lisa’s iron grip. Dropping to
his knees, he shimmied Lisa's writhing body around to loosen the rope and then rolled her onto
the ground. He prized her legs apart and the force of her contractions practically ejected him on
their own, with not a moment to spare as he felt a great surge that could not be stopped. He
groaned and shuddered, gripping his shaft tightly and shooting string after string of hot sticky
semen all over the girl he was crouched over.

Relieved at his narrow escape, he happily watched her curl up into a ball and squirm with pure,
unfiltered pleasure, a massive smile forming on his face as his shoulders slumped.

Eventually Lisa started to come round again. Alex quickly checked all around them to see if they
had drawn any unwanted attention. By some miracle, he couldn’t see any onlookers lurking. He
shook his head at how ridiculous the whole evening had been as he kneeled with his flaccid dick
in his hand. He looked lovingly down at Lisa, who had now broken into a fit of laughter as she
lay spread eagle in the grass. Alex started to chuckle too as she tried several times to sit up
without falling over. “Was that okay?” he chuckled.

“W… Was that… okay?” Lisa panted, managing to regain her ability to speak at last. She
propped herself up against the tree and placed her hands upon his thighs. “I was trying to tell
you to stop… but I couldn’t get the words out because you kept… making me orgasm”

“Oh, well uh, I’m just that good you see” Alex bragged as his face flushed and his ego swelled

“And… did you come all over me?” She asked incredulously, running a finger down her breast
and stretching out a long, sticky strand as she withdrew it.

“Sorry!” Alex apologised swiftly. “I didn’t mean to!”

Lisa smirked as she took the strand on her finger and stuck it in her mouth. “Riiiight” she teased

“We should probably get out of here” Alex said, pulling up his jeans and looking around again.
Post nut clarity was starting to kick in and he was increasingly conscious of how bad it would be
if somebody did happen to catch them right now. Lisa nodded in agreement as the two both
wobbled to their feet.

“Um, do you wanna like, take my hoodie or something?” Alex asked awkwardly as Lisa stood
before him, totally in the nude.

“Do you mind me getting your jizz all over it?” she grinned, using a finger to scoop a strand off
her cheek.
“Uh, maybe you could wipe it off first?” Alex suggested.

“Maybe…” Lisa started as she grabbed the rope and unwound it from the tree. “ could be a
gentleman and walk me home?” she said as she took one end and tied it around her waist like
some kind of leash.

“What, looking like that?” Alex asked incredulously, taking in the sight of Lisa’s naked body
absolutely plastered in both of their combined sexual fluids. He suddenly became very aware of
how wet she had made the front of his t-shirt too, and hastily tried to tuck it into his jeans as far
as it would go.

“Well I am your horny little exhibitionist slut, after all” she beamed, reveling in the afterglow of
the most exciting night of her life. “Knowing me, I would probably be quite excited if someone
happened to see the size of this load you just blew all over me”

Alex blushed crimson at the thought of his sexual prowess being put on display. The sight of
Lisa holding out the rope, wearing nothing but the fruits of his labour was an enticing one
though. He took the end from her and stepped back until it pulled taut, admiring the view.

“Shall we get moving before the sun comes up?” Lisa asked, grabbing her phone from the
ground. Alex grinned. “Lead the way!” he said with a playful whip of the leash.

“On second thought, maybe I will take that hoodie.” Lisa said apprehensively. “What are we
doing out here? This is really stupid!”

The pair laughed as Lisa zipped the garment up and they made a dash back to her house.

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