A Sample Business Report (BC)

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A business report is a written document that provides information and sometimes analysis to help a
business make informed decisions. The main purpose of business reporting is to create data relevant to the
company, such as information about skills, competition or methods, readily available to everyone in the
company. The report needs to make this data easier for the reader to understand. The best way to do this
is to have clearly defined sections with labels and titles.

The main purpose of writing a business report is to make the necessary information related to the
company easily accessible to everyone in the company. The report should be easily understood by the
readers. Report sections with labels and titles should be clearly defined for better clarity.


1. https://study.com/academy/lesson/writing-a-business-report-structure-examples.html

2. https://myassignmenthelp.com/business-report-writing.html

23. http://www.roadtogrammar.com/businessenglish/biz6
Report on Staff Turnover in SNI Consolidated

Submitted Jan. 10, 2021


The General Manager requested this report to assess the issue of high turnover rate of employees at SNI
Consolidated. The information in this report has been collected by the members of the human resources
department for the last six months. The team dedicated to this report analyzed administration records as
well as working conditions. They even interviewed existing staff. This report offers some
recommendations for reducing high turnover rates among SNI integrated employees.


SNI Consolidated has been working in the industry for the last 6 years. It currently has 145 employees.
Most of SNI Consolidates employees work in customer support for third party products and services. The
annual turnover of the company has been between 35 to 49% every year even after paying the fair amount
of salaries to the employees on time.


While collecting data from this report, the HR team discovered that new mothers who want childcare
services lack support so that they can come to work. Lots of current employees have mentioned how
helpless they feel about not having child care at home which can help them to continue working without
worrying too much about the baby.

Another thing that the HR team discovered was the lack of communication between staff and top
management. They expressed their concerns about misleading instructions and a lack of clarity at work in
staff interviews. Many of them claimed that they had lost interest in the work because they did not have a
clear purpose.


The main reasons behind the increasing rate of annual turnover that we found were:

1. Lack of communication between the staff and the upper management

2. Employees do not perceive that they are able to better themselves by remaining in this

To address these issues, we recommend the following measures:

 Each department should elect a representative who will convey the interests of the staff to the
management on a regular basis.
 A workshop should be held for team leaders and they should be trained on how to give
appropriate feedback – constructive criticism and praise.
 Team leaders should receive a salary increase or an enhanced annual bonus for rewards for their
greater contributions. At least one director should be promoted.

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