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C. V. Kand* & Anant Jalgaonkar**

The conditions of the various types of bridges based on the observation (survey) of bridges in 1963 (total 294 bridges) and as observed
during condition survey of bridges in 2012 (total 291 bridges). During 1963, moving load tests were carried out at the mid span of the bridge
and the observation was made from below for any distress whereas in 2012, condition survey was carried out in accordance with IRC:SP-
35. The Paper highlighted the important points considered in the condition survey, the type of distress observed and remedial measures
thereof besides showing some of the prominent bridges covered in the condition survey along with some of the very old bridges (more than
200 years or so) termed as heritage bridges with humble appeal that recored of bridges survived more than 200 years should be collected,
technology used be studied and printed for guidance of engineers to know why these could survive for more than 200 years.

1 BRIDGE PHILOSOPHY aesthetics, ancient sthapatis (Architects and Engineers) used

to impart Rhythm to the structure as sponsored by Mayasur
Bridges are key elements in the road network. Damages to the great Architect of India. Rhythm can be understood by
the bridge may affect the traffic and thereby economy of the observing natural shapes, color, and texture. According to
surrounding areas. The French definition of a bridge is that it Raja Bhoj (Samrangana Sutradhar) a Sthapati must also
is a thing of beauty. When you travel in open land or through learn Music, Sculpture, and Dance to understand rhythm.
a town what attracts your attention is tall places of worship
of all religion, Ghats and deepmala along rivers in India and In the present IRC codes of Practice there are following
a beautiful bridge, that is why in India it is believed “that an codes which give some information about maintenance of
ordinary road becomes a good road when bridges are built, existing bridges and ascertaining the load carrying capacity
such a good road is called San-Marg.” The other meaning of of bridges.
San-Marg is following a righteous path in life.
• IRC:SP:35 Guidelines for Inspection and Maintenance
Statistical data about road Bridges in India. This was carried of Bridges, and
out 10 years ago and the data is as below:
• IRC:SP:37 Guidelines for Evaluation of Load
(i) Total Road Length in India 33, 00, 000 km Carrying Capacity of Bridges.

(ii) Bridges & Culverts upto 6m 66, 00, 000 No. These codes give pro-forma for detailed inspection and
maintenance of Bridges, however, there is no guidelines
(iii) Bridges > 6m 3, 50, 000 No. for carrying out Condition Survey of Bridges. The Manuals
2 PHILOSOPHY AND TECHNIQUES OF LONG of Public Works departments also stipulated inspection of
LIFE STRUCTURES IN INDIA Bridges before Monsoon and then also after Monsoon every
year. Usually these works are left to field Engineers and
In 11th century, 3 discoveries sponsored long life structure in generally sub engineers or at the most by Assistant Engineers
India. Well foundations for Ghats at Brindavan across highly and it is well known how these inspections are carried out
scourable sand of Yamuna river. Bridges with corbel type of almost casually, unless there is a big damage.
stone deck constructed on Kolkata – Bhubaneswar road carried
traffic for 1000 years. A bund wall with large boulders (each In the year 1963, it was proposed in Madhya Pradesh to
weighing more than 2 tons) and without any mortar used at allow a pay load of 7.5 Tons in place of 5 Tons allowed in
Kamla Park bund at Bhopal. These 3 structures survived for truck, therefore survey of Bridges having spans/length more
more than 1000 years. Besides good construction material, than 6m were carried out in Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, and
good binding material, appropriate calculations of sizes and Maharashtra. In Madhya Pradesh 2 trucks weighing each

The views expressed in the Paper are personal views of the author. For any query, the author may be contacted by e-mail.

* Retd. Chief Engineer (Designs), M.P.P.W.D., e-mail:

** Design Engineer

66 highway research journal, january – june 2014

* **
Kand & Jalgaonkar on
Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges

25 tons total load each were carried on the roads and

suddenly stopped at centre point of a span and observations
were made from below to ascertain the condition of deck.
Besides this the piers and abutments were also inspected,
total 294 bridges were inspected in a period of 1 month and
the results are as per Table.1.1.

Table 1.1
Performance No. of Percentage
Bridges in Sound Condition without any 192 65
Bridges in good condition but with minor 63 21
deformations requiring routine repairs
Bridges which developed cracks scouring 32 11 Photo. 2 Sankh Bridge (300 Years Old)
at foundations requiring special repairs
One French Engineer from Pondicherry “Jean Deloche
Dangerous structures which needed 7 3 “published a book “Ancient Bridges of India”. He travelled
immediate replacement all over the country and inspected old bridges; he collected
Total 294 100 the information from the travel documents of foreigners
who visited India during last 2000 years. Except this book
Based on these observations 7 Bridges were replaced, minor there is no other document which gives information of old
repairs were carried out in 63 Bridges and major repairs in Bridges and their life. During the British regime detailed
32 Bridges. information of Bridges used to be written in the gazette and
also published the Gazetteers of Districts written by British
However, it has become necessary to carry out a detailed
and systematic condition survey of Bridges which are more
than 40 years old. Bridges are like Human body, the life The state of Madhya Pradesh has published 3 volumes of
of concrete bridges is considered to be 100 years. Doctor Bridges in Madhya Pradesh. Similarly West Bengal has also
advise full physical examination after the age of 40 years published 2 volumes and State of Maharashtra also published
to detect the disease like Blood Pressure, Diabetes and one Volume.
other Diseases. Similarly after 40 years of age of the Bridge
the Condition Survey is essential and based on that repair During British regime the completion plan of Bridges used
and rehabilitations are necessary. The stone masonry Arch to be drawn on a tracing cloth and maintained in the record
Bridges have survived for more than 300 years, one bridge of division offices, but there is no guarantee that such record
in Orissa that is Athar Nallah Bridge has survived for 1000 will be available about the bridges built after independence.
years and carried traffic. (Photo.1 & Photo.2)
Recently the author carried out Condition survey of 291
Bridges in the state of Andhra Pradesh, 100 Bridges in
Maharashtra, and 100 Bridges in Madhya Pradesh. The
purpose of some surveys was two lane roads are being
widened to 4-laned and therefore the contractor has to certify
that the whether the existing 2-lane bridges are safe to carry
present load or to be replaced. It is therefore necessary to
carry out the condition survey of all bridges. In Andhra
Pradesh it was decided to carry out Condition Survey of 291
Bridges with a view to widen the narrow roads and ascertain
whether the bridges are safe for modern traffic.

Observations of 291 Bridge Andhra Pradesh is as per

Photo.1 Athar Nalla Bridge in Bhubaneshwar (1000 Year Old)

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Kand & Jalgaonkar on
Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges

Table.1.2 There will be several bridges which are of more than 200
years life. No documentation of heritage bridges is available
Performance Number of Percentage
except in the book “Ancient Bridges of India”. This book
Bridges contains 74 Photographs of Bridges from Kashmir to
Bridges which Require 227 78 Kanyakumari along with History and evolution of Bridges
Widening/ Replacement since last more than 2000 years. Similar record is not
available. It also identified that concept of well foundation
Bridges which requires 26 8.93
was evolved in 11th century in India and used for Ghats
rehabilitation of Brindavan and later for Taj Mahal. British adopted
Bridges which can be widened 38 13.05 this technology for Yamuna Bridge at Allahabad in 1866.
Total 291 100 Yamuna river has most scourable bed in India. The ancient
people also knew about it and that is why protective works
The author has carried out Condition Survey of nearly 1000 were done for structures built along Yamuna River.
Bridges so far, the statistical data shows that there are 2
Bridges and culverts are required per kilometer length of
road. The statistical data also shows that the optimum length  he purpose of condition survey is not only to prepare a
of the bridge, condition report of an individual bridge for its repair and
rehabilitation, the purpose is
L = 4 to 6 x √ (Catchment Area in sq. km.),
3.1 To find out defects in the bridges and suggest method
as per Clause 7.6.2. of IRC: SP: 20- 2002.
of rehabilitation or replacement as based on site
Life of Bridge Structure observations

(i) Bridges with Corbel type of construction in 3.2 To also ascertain whether the length of the bridge
stone masonry can last for 1000 years, e.g. provided is adequate. If it is not adequate, there
Athar Nallah Bridge in Bhubaneswar built in would be damages of approaches behind the
11th Century. abutment.

(ii) Bridges where each face of the stone out 3.3 Whether the width of the bridge is adequate to carry
of 6 faces are chiseled. The joint is less than the traffic or whether widening of the bridge is to be
8mm; the spigot and socket joint are provided done. Widening can be done by
in vertical direction. In horizontal direction (a) Widening only the slab by cantilevering out or
copper strips are provided in longitudinal and extending the cantilever and strengthening it
lateral stone joints. Besides Athar Nallah there i.e. additional reinforcement to be anchored in
are 6 more bridges of this type on Calcutta to the slab inside. If this is not feasible additional
Bhubaneswar road. length of piers on both sides and additional deck
are required. It is necessary to check whether
(iii) Stone masonry bridges, where only sides upto
this addition can be borne safely by the existing
25mm, width on the face stone are chiseled, but
substructure. If not the piers will have to be
inside side stones are not chiseled. Arches for
the deck with only sides chiseled, inner stone
can last for roughly - 200 years. (b) In respect of abutment, it is possible to remove
the parapet wall, provide an RCC slab over the
(iv) Brick masonry arches in Indo-Gangetic plains
abutment, and cantilever it out on both sides to
– 200 years. get the additional width. If the bridge is provided
(v) Brick masonry Arches elsewhere – 100 years. with well foundation additional well foundation
or pile foundation by the side of existing wells
(vi) Concrete bridges with steel reinforcement – will be required. The method of widening of
100 years. Since within 100 years steel inside piers, strengthening of piers, widening of deck,
gradually corrodes and RCC develops wider additional foundations are given in enclosed
and wider cracks which leads to failure. Figs. 1 to 4.

68 highway research journal, january – june 2014

Kand & Jalgaonkar on
Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges

Fig. 1 Fig. 4

3.4 Record of HFL. The railways built several bridges in

India during 19th century. Survey of India maps were
not available at that time. The sites were selected
according to suitable straight alignment of railway
line. The HFL were ascertained by local enquiry of
the highest flood. A cross section of the river marking
therein the highest flood level was drawn to determine
the water spread in the cross section and the length of
the bridge provided used to be generally not less than
80 per cent of the water spread. The Bridges built
with these methods have survived for 100 years.
However, the catchment areas can be ascertained
from the survey of India sheets.

3.5 In Andhra Pradesh there is a fertile land on both sides

of the Bridges on canal, very close to existing 8.4m
to 9m road width. It is not possible to change the
alignment of the bridge which has to be at the existing
bridge only. In such cases it is advisable to construct a
Bailey bridge at the site of existing bridge and divert
Fig. 2 the traffic on the same. The existing bridge then can
be dismantled and a new bridge can be constructed
by providing pile foundations, if there is no good
strata in the bed. Thus during the condition survey the
methodology of new bridges and providing diversion
has to be decided. If the bridge is in uncultivated area
there will be no problem of providing a diversion
with some pipe openings along the river and Nallah
Fig. 3 if the water level during dry season is low.

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Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges


Site plans are not available with the PWD divisions, in such During construction of Bridges some problems do come
cases site plans as per Google map can be prepared. Water in some bridges and a solution for the same is adopted.
spread at HFL should be ascertained to justify the length of Information of such spots recorded by the department
the Bridge. Settlement of foundation causing cracks. If there should be seen during inspection. There are 2 examples of
are no cracks, it shows that foundation have appropriate the same:-
section and appropriate founding level.
6.1 In Mahanadi Bridge at Chandrapur in Chhattisgarh
3.7 Weaker Elements in Existing Bridges state, excellent rock was seen in the river bed. Therefore
open foundations on rock were proposed. However
It has been observed that the RCC parapet walls are damaged Geotechnical investigations were not done at each
in several bridges, it is advisable to provide steel parapet foundation. During construction it was noticed that a
walls. Similarly the expansion joints in the deck of older portion of nearly 200m length has a deep pit where
bridges with 2 angles and plates have also damaged at many rock was not available upto 30m depth. Therefore 5m
bridges and it is better to provide strip seal expansion joints. deep foundations were provided with curtain wall and
Where ever footpaths are provided these are damaged near Apron in this sandy zone. This work was completed in
the expansion joints. 1967. Condition survey done in 2013 shows that the
above foundations are standing safe.
4 VISUAL INSPECTION & NDT 6.2 For bridge on Chambal River at Dholpur (NH-3),
1/3rd bridge length has rock and arch spans provided.
Visual inspection by a bridge engineer having minimum
Remaining 2/3rd bridge length has deep sandy bed.
5 years experience in design and same experience in
The continuous bridge units (each 60m, 4 spans of
construction can understand the problems about the bridge.
15m each) were laid on sandy bed with curtain wall
If during visual inspection cracks, distresses, deflection, & Apron. Arch spans laid on Conglomerate rock
surface damages are noticed, non destructive tests are settled & arches collapsed. However, the portion of
necessary. Such bridges should be identified by the inspecting bridge on sand with curtain wall and apron is safe for
party. Following tests are required: more than 50 years.

(i) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tests; 7 CONDITION SURVEY OF BRIDGES AND

(ii) Hammer Tests;
13 Bridges across Mutha River, 5 Bridges across Mulla
(iii) Core Tests; River, and 5 Flyovers in the Pune city were condition
surveyed. The project included preparing GAD of the
If these tests are not satisfactory the heavy load need not be Bridges, carrying out NDT tests of concrete and estimates for
carried out on such bridges, diversions may be provided, and rehabilitation. Inspections were carried out during monsoon
bridges have to be rehabilitated. period and also after monsoon. It may be noted that even in
PWD records, GAD of existing bridges are not available.
The work of condition survey should include preparation of
GAD or if GADs are available, the same should be verified
and corrected if necessary.
5.1 Site plan as per Google map to be prepared by
General Observation
Executive Engineer.
7.1 There are more damages at footpaths provided with
5.2 Water Spread at HFL to justify adequacy of length.
chequred tiles near the expansion joints.
5.3 Settlement if any.
7.2 RCC parapet walls are badly damaged, better to
5.4 Condition of Foundations, Piers, Abutments, Deck, provide steel parapets.
Bearings, Wearing Coat, Parapet wall.
7.3 Concrete wearing coat damaged, better to have
5.5 List of Repairs. asphaltic wearing coat

5.6 Approximate cost. 7.4 Gaps not provided at expansion joints or gaps are

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Kand & Jalgaonkar on
Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges

7.5 In Some town bridges span length is equal to width, structure is found to be in good condition. Exactly the same
such bridges will expand laterally and longitudinally, procedure is adopted in the Gambhir Khad Bridge in 1964.
therefore bearings and expansion joints must be able
to expand in both directions. Strip seal expansion 9 EXAMPLES
joints and elastomeric bearings appear suitable.
Photographs of some bridges investigations during Condition
7.6 Open type expansion joints are damaged, better to Survey are mentioned with photographs. Besides bridge
replace by strip seal expansion joints. having some problems, bridges in excellent condition are
also mentioned. Stone masonry arch bridges are generally in
7.7 RCC roller rocker bearings are provided in some good condition. One RCC Bow String Bridge built in 1930
bridges, these should be replaced by elastomeric in Andhra Pradesh is also in good condition.
bearings/ POT PTFE bearings.
7.8 Stone masonry bridges are many, these are in an
excellent condition, and some are more than 100
years. There are 6 stone masonry bridges in Pune;
only one bridge which is more than 100 years has to
be closed for traffic.
7.9 Stone coping over masonry parapet wall is eroded,
perhaps due to pollution.
7.10 Considerable vegetation appears at several spots in
masonry bridges and at offsets in RCC bridges. The
roots can be burned and filling powder of lime and
Asafetida (Hinge) (Old Practice) should be at the
spot of roots.
Photo.3 DIDI, BHIND (1959) in good condition
A bridge across Gambhir Khad River on Chandigarh –
Bilaspur road km 110 was completed in year 1964, but it was
designed for 2 lanes of Class-B. The bridge consists of rigid
frame structure with Y-shape of piers. Gujarat Ambuja cement
wanted to carry heavy equipment of 110 Tons for the cement
plant on this road sometime in 1992. Design calculations were
not available. Entire design was redone. If the load is carried at
the centre of the bridge and not stopped suddenly the moment
is substantially reduced. However, the overall increase in
stresses is within 6.2 per cent and this can be permitted as
per the IRC:SP:37. The load was carried on 900 mm wide
steel plate, 6mm thick at slow speed of 5 kmph, 30 per cent
additional stress allowed in code for such situation.
It has become necessary to carry loads heavier than IRC
loads on the existing Bridges. Ministry of Surface Transport
vide circular No. RW/NH – 35072/1/2010 S&R(B) dated
24th January 2013 have issued guidelines for the same.
Heavy equipment is to be carried of electrical generators; the
weight could be upto 300 tons. MORTH examined various
designs and permitted heavy loads upto 290 tons if the
condition of the bridge is good. The equipment is carried out
at the centre of the bridge at a slow speed of 5kmph provided
condition survey and NDT tests are carried out and the Photo.4 MAHANADI BRIDGE, (1969) in good condition

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Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges

Photo.5 Built in 1932, Bow String Bridge in AP, Excellent Concrete Photo.9 Settlement of Foundations of Bridge in AP

Photo. 6 Stone Arch Bridge in AP in good condition

Photo.10 Exposed Steel Below Deck. This has happened in many Bridges.
The weak concrete is removed. Rust on steel is removed by sand blasting
and then surface finished by 1:1.5 cement mortar with 15 per cent polymer.
Then grouting is done. This is the repair technology.

Photo.7 Bridge in City Area, Lot of Rubbish dumped in River Bed.

Photo.11 Cracks & Water Marks in the Superstructure, Pune Town Bridge

Case Study -1 Choti Mahanadi Bridge

• Total Length – 702 m with 17 Spans of 41 m

(Average), Viaduct Portion 7 Spans of 10.5 m
• Piers – Hollow Circular Piers
Photo.8 Gambhir Khad Bridge in Himachal Pradesh

72 highway research journal, january – june 2014

Kand & Jalgaonkar on
Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges

• Foundations – Open Foundation/Well Foundation/ Case Study -2 Bina Bridge

Pile Foundations • Total length – 244 m
• Year of Completion – 2006 • Spans – 8 Spans of 35.0 m
• Deck – Balanced cantilever with suspended span • Super Structure – Prestressed Girders with
of 26m. Some spans are simply supported 3 Girder system
• Depth of Water – On the back water of Large • Piers – RCC wall type piers
Reservoir, depth of water is 14.5m
• Bearings – Elastomeric
• Balanced Cantilever Span – Centre 44.5m,
• RCC parapet walls
Cantilever 9.0m on either side.
• Open to Traffic – 3rd February, 1978
• Distress – Prestressed cantilever sagged in one
span and suspended span is lowered. • Damages
• Remedial Measures – External pre-stressing Some slab panels developed Pot holes. Damages
along with Lifting of sagged Spans in RCC Posts. Wearing Coat damaged. Steel
exposed in the cantilever slabs at the ends. One
• Since the depth of water is more than 12m
cross girder develops vertical cracks.
constantly at this site, it would have been much
better to adopt longer spans preferably a cable • Rehabilitation
stayed bridge, where the foundations will be at a Replacement of RCC parapet wall by steel
point where the depth of water is less. Parapet. Replacement of RCC wearing coat by
Asphaltic wearing coat. Replacement of bearings.
Repair of Cracked cross girder.

Photo.12 Cantilever End Sagged, Gap Supported on Wooden Plates

Photo.14 Bottom of the Deck – Bina Bridge

Photo.13 Reinforcement Sheared off in the Cracked Portion Photo.15 Pot Holes in Deck Slab – Bina Bridge

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Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges

• The hollow girders cement grouted.

• 50 mm thickness of cantilever slab removed
and additional steel required for cantilever was
provided and anchored behind.
• Anchorages was given at the top of girder and
same by removing top concrete of the slab and
anchoring the steel inside. Cantilever supported
from below.

Photo.16 Vertical Cracks in the Cross Girder – Bina Bridge

Fig. 5 Typical Cross Section of the Guna ROB

Case Study -4 Narmada Bridge at Punasa Dam

A continuous spans unit if 47 m - 60 m - 47 m and other units

of 44 m - 44 m. The deck consisits of PSC box structure,
single circular pier and RCC roller rocker bearings.

Following Distresses were observed during Condition


• RCC roller bearings have cracked upto 3 mm

Photo.17 Damaged Elastomeric Bearings – Bina Bridge
thickness or more crack width, some bearings
were crushed.
Case Study -3 Guna ROB on NH-3
• There was a sag of 100 mm in the longitudinal
ROB is a 4 Lane Bridge with a two Separate Lanes. The direction.
bridge is on open foundation, RCC columns, 4-girder system,
Elastomeric bearings. Each pier has 8 RCC Columns. There • Detailed investigation of design showed the sag
are 8 Spans. is due to lesser quantity of HT steel than required.
Condition Survey Showed Following Distresses: - More relaxation losses of HT steel within a period
of 15 years on completion.
• Cracks in Elastomeric Bearings.
• Hollow concrete at the bottom of girders. Following restoration measures have been carried out: -
• Sagging of cantilever tips of deck near centre of
• Replacing RCC bearings by elastomeric
bridge. Sag due to steel at top went at the bottom
of cantilever slab.
Rehabilitation Measures: - • Providing external pre-stressing.
• The bearings of bad quality replaced. • Steel strips are provided to improve shear
• Grouting of beams. deficiency.

74 highway research journal, january – june 2014

Kand & Jalgaonkar on
Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges

Similar distresses were also observed in other spans and ascertain its cost. The cost of works is 10 per cent of the
external pre-stressing was provided in these spans too. present cost of bridges at the sites for repair and rehabilitation
only. If however, the bridges are to be totally replaced, that
cost of replacement is not included. New bridges at the
site be proposed only after detailed project report of new
bridges. Even for rehabilitation design, drawings, & detailed
estimates are required. In Andhra Pradesh out of 291 bridges
226 bridges have to be replaced. It was possible to ascertain
this on carrying out the condition survey. It is advisable to
make a provision of 10 per cent of the present cost of the
bridges for rehabilitation of old bridges for which condition
survey has been done.

Proforma for condition survey

As per Annexure–04 of IRC:SP:35 with following

Photo.18 Anchorages and External Pre-stressing (a) Date of inspection
Cable inside the Box
(b) Departmental persons accompanied
(c) Details of existing bridge
• Name of the road and chainage or km
• District & PWD division
• Year of construction
• Traffic on bridge – minor/medium/heavy
• Linear water way of bridge & stream name
• Span arrangement
• Overall width
• depth from river bed to rtl
• Type of bridge
• Type of foundations
• Substructure
Photo.19 Shear Plate and External Pre-stressing Cable inside the Box
• Superstructure
10 CONCLUSIONS • Bearings
• Length of return walls
Condition survey must be carried out for all bridges which
are more than 40 years old. In RCC bridges NDT tests (d) Condition of existing bridge with reference to
are necessary. Proposal for rehabilitation of the bridge • Structural soundness of foundations & causes of
must be mentioned in condition survey along with the defects if any
methodology & the cost. If the general arrangement drawings • Structural soundness of Substructure & causes of
of bridge are not available, these should be prepared by the defects if any
party carrying out condition survey. • Structural soundness of superstructure & bearings
& causes of defects if any
The purpose of condition survey is to assess the present
• condition of parapet walls & expansion joints
condition of bridges which are more than 40 years old. By
carrying out this condition survey it is possible to prepare • Recommendations regarding rectification and
a preliminary proposal of rehabilitation of bridges and remedial measures

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Kand & Jalgaonkar on
Condition Survey and Rehabilitation of Bridges

• Need of reconstruction • Stream

• Need of new construction • Skew angle
• Need of widening • Proposed new alignment
(e) In case of reconstruction (i) Hydraulic observations
• Feasibility of providing diversion – either on • Water spread at HFL
upstream or downstream • HFL by local enquiry
• Alternate route if any • Whether the present length is adequate or extra
(f) In case of new construction on new alignment spans are required.
• Feasibility of land acquisition • Damages of the river bank during flood if any
Note:- to be decided by executive engineer • Proposed linear waterway
• Alternate route if any • Proposed span arrangement
(g) In case of removal of kinks & sharp curves on (j) Cost aspect
approaches Tentative cost (not detailed estimate). This will be
• Proposal for reconstruction based on per square meter rates in the area for new
• Feasibility of land acquisition bridge.
(h) Typical site plan to be supplied by executive engineer (k) Observations if 80 tons load test is carried out if any.
showing (l) Observations if NDT test are carried out.
• Existing road

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