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St Saviour’s Church
15 August 2021 - Mary Mother of the Lord (Assumption)

Orthodox tradition is clear and unwavering in regard

to the central point [of the Dormition]: the Holy
This week:
Virgin underwent, as did her Son, a physical death, Sun15 Mary
but her body – like His – was afterwards raised from Mother of Christ
the dead and she was taken up into heaven, in her (Assumption)
body as well as in her soul. She has passed beyond
9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
death and judgement and lives wholly in the Age to
11:00 Baptism (St S)
Come. The Resurrection of the Body ... has in her case
been anticipated and is already an accomplished fact. 11am Sung Mass (St G)
That does not mean, however, that she is dissociated Mon 16:
from the rest of humanity and placed in a wholly 6:00pm Mass (St G)
different category: for we all hope to share one day in Tues 17:
that same glory of the Resurrection of the Body that 10:00 Mass (St S)
she enjoys even now. (Bishop Kallistus Ware on the
Dormition or Assumption of the BVM )
Wed 18:
10am Mass (St G)
Thur 19:
Parish Notes: 17:45 Mass (St S)
Fri 20:
Reserve your seat at St Saviour’s mass via Liz on 07718918846
Baptism - Congratulations to Riley-Jay Parry and his family as he is welcomed into the No Mass (St S)
family of God’s church at 11:00am. Sat 21:
Thank You - to Fr Colin Sutton for preaching, presiding and baptising for us today. No Mass (St S)
Ecumenical Prayer - The Ecumenical Assumption Celebrations is on this evening at Mary’s Sun 22: OT21
Butetown beginning at 6.30 with a BBQ at 6.30 followed by Vespers, Procession and St Saviour’s:
Fireworks. If you would like to attend this event, don’t forget to book your place! 9:30 Sung Mass;
Assumption Posies - At the end of Mass today we will bless posies of lavender and rosemary St German’s:
grown in our garden. You can take one as you leave church today. 11:00 am Sung Mass
Penrhys Pilgrimage - Many thanks to those who took part in yesterdays sponsored walk
from Llanwonnos to the Shrine of Our Lady of Penrhys. If you would like to make a donation
towards sponsorship, envelopes are available at the back of church. Clergy:
Church Cleaning - From September we’ll be reintroducing our cleaning rota. If you would Fr Phelim O’Hare, Vicar
like to join the cleaning rota. Please speak to Liz or David. 02922 411229
Licensing date of Fr Phelim as Area Dean for Kings Norton, Mosely and Shirley in the
diocese of Birmingham will be Monday 13 September at 7pm in St John’s Church in
Longbridge. If anyone would like to attend please let Fr Phelim know. Fr Phelim and family Fr Chris Lee, Associate
move to the new vicarage on Monday 23 August and we wish them a peaceful move.
Interregnum - Fr Phelim moves to Birmingham on 23 August. Please contact Fr Chris or the
Church Wardens for any parish or ministry related queries. From September the
interregnum will begin and Fr Dyfrig Lloyd, the area dean, will coordinate ministry then.

Covid Risks Update - Despite the relaxation of most measures the CinW advises we continue
with our precautions against infection and ensuring our churches remain as safe as possible Churchwardens:
for vulnerable people. Masks are still a legal requirement and social distancing is advised as
are ongoing assessment of risks by each PCC moving forward. Liz Norman
David Gibbins

1 Chronicles 15-16:2 Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b On your right stands

Ps 131 Ps 34:2-3, 16-17, 18-21 www.saintgermanwith
the queen in gold of
1 Cor 15:54-57 Eph 5:21-32
Luke 11:27-28 John 6:60-69 Ophir.


COLLECT: Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,

O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Almighty God, who looked OFFERTORY HYMN
Just as I am, of that free love
upon the lowliness of the
As I kneel before you, The breadth, length, depth, and
blessed Virgin Mary and chose As I bow my head in prayer, height to prove,
her to be the mother of your Take this day, make it yours Here for a season, then above,
only Son: grant that we who and fill me with your love. O Lamb of God, I come, I come!
are redeemed by his blood
may share with her in the Ave Maria,
glory of your eternal kingdom; Gratia plena,
through Jesus Christ our Lord Dominus tecum, Sing we of the blessed Mother
to whom with you and the Benedicta tu. who received the angel's word,
And obedient to the summons
Holy Spirit be all honour and bore in love the infant Lord;
glory, now and for ever. Amen All I have I give you, Sing we of the joys of Mary
Every dream and wish are yours, at whose breast that child was fed
Mother of Christ, Who is Son of God eternal
Mother of mine, present them to and the everlasting Bread.
my Lord.
Sing we, too, of Mary's sorrows, of
OPENING HYMN As I kneel before you,
the sword that pierced her through,
When beneath the cross of Jesus
Blest are the pure in heart, And I see your smiling face, she his weight of suff'ring knew,
for they shall see our God; Ev'ry thought, ev'ry word Looked upon her Son and Saviour
the secret of the Lord is theirs, Is lost in your embrace. reigning from the awful tree,
Saw the price of our redemption
their soul is Christ's abode. paid to set the sinner free.

The Lord, who left the heavens Sing again the joys of Mary
our life and peace to bring, COMMUNION HYMN when she saw the risen Lord,
to dwell in lowliness with men, And in prayer with Christ's apostles,
Just as I am, without one plea, waited on his promised word:
their pattern and their King; But that Thy blood was shed for me, from on high the blazing glory
And that Thou bidst of the Spirit's presence came,
Still to the lowly soul me come to Thee, heav'nly breath of God's own being
he doth himself impart, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. tokened in the wind and flame.
and for his dwelling and his
Just as I am, though tossed about Sing the greatest joy of Mary,
With many a conflict, many a doubt, when on earth her work was done,
chooseth the pure in heart. Fightings within and fears without, And the Lord of all creation
O Lamb of God, I come, I come. brought her to his heav'nly home:
Lord, we thy presence seek; Virgin Mother, Mary blessed, raised
may ours this blessing be; Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; on high and crowned with grace,
give us a pure and lowly heart, Sight, riches, healing of the mind, May your Son, the world's redeemer,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find, grant us all to see his face..
a temple meet for thee.
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon,
cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thy love unknown

Hath broken every barrier down;


FIRST READING  your faithful shall ring out their joy. GOSPEL
For the sake of David your servant
The First reading is from the book of  do not reject your anointed. A reading from the Holy Gospel
Revelation according to Luke.
For the Lord has chosen Zion;
The sanctuary of God in heaven  he has desired it for his dwelling: Mary set out and went as quickly as
opened and the ark of the covenant ‘This is my resting-place for ever; she could to a town in the hill
could be seen inside it.  here have I chosen to live.’ country of Judah. She went into
  Now a great sign appeared in Zechariah’s house and greeted
heaven: a woman, adorned with the Psalm 34 Elizabeth. Now as soon as Elizabeth
sun, standing on the moon, and with heard Mary’s greeting, the child
the twelve stars on her head for a leapt in her womb and Elizabeth
crown. She was pregnant, and in was filled with the Holy Spirit. She
labour, crying aloud in the pangs of SECOND READING gave a loud cry and said, ‘Of all
childbirth. Then a second sign women you are the most blessed,
A reading from the 1st letter of Paul and blessed is the fruit of your
appeared in the sky, a huge red
to the Corinthians. womb. Why should I be honoured
dragon which had seven heads and
ten horns, and each of the seven with a visit from the mother of my
Christ has been raised from the Lord? For the moment your greeting
heads crowned with a coronet. Its
dead, the first-fruits of all who have reached my ears, the child in my
tail dragged a third of the stars from
fallen asleep. Death came through womb leapt for joy. Yes, blessed is
the sky and dropped them to the
one man and in the same way the she who believed that the promise
earth, and the dragon stopped in
resurrection of the dead has come made her by the Lord would be
front of the woman as she was
through one man. Just as all men fulfilled.’
having the child, so that he could
die in Adam, so all men will be   And Mary said:
eat it as soon as it was born from its
brought to life in Christ; but all of ‘My soul proclaims the greatness of
mother. The woman brought a male
them in their proper order: Christ as the Lord
child into the world, the son who
the first-fruits and then, after the and my spirit exults in God my
was to rule all the nations with an
coming of Christ, those who belong saviour;
iron sceptre, and the child was taken
to him. After that will come the end, because he has looked upon his
straight up to God and to his throne,
when he hands over the kingdom to lowly handmaid.
while the woman escaped into the
God the Father, having done away Yes, from this day forward all
desert, where God had made a place
with every sovereignty, authority generations will call me blessed,
of safety ready.
and power. For he must be king until for the Almighty has done great
  Then I heard a voice shout from
he has put all his enemies under his things for me.
heaven, ‘Victory and power and
feet and the last of the enemies to be Holy is his name,
empire for ever have been won by
destroyed is death, for everything is and his mercy reaches from age to
our God, and all authority for his
to be put under his feet.. age for those who fear him.
. He has shown the power of his arm,
This is the word of the Lord. he has routed the proud of heart.
1 Cor 15 He has pulled down princes from
This is the word of the Lord.
Rev 11 their thrones and exalted the lowly.
The hungry he has filled with good
things, the rich sent empty away.
He has come to the help of Israel his
servant, mindful of his mercy
– according to the promise he made
to our ancestors –
of his mercy to Abraham and to his
descendants for ever.’
Mary stayed with Elizabeth about
RESPONSORIAL PSALM three months and then went back
On your right stands the queen in
the gold of Ophir. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Alleluia, alleluia! John 6
At Ephrata we heard of the ark; Mary has been taken up to heaven;
 we found it in the plains of Yearim. all the choirs of angels are rejoicing.
‘Let us go to the place of his Alleluia!
 let us go to kneel at his footstool.’
Your priests shall be clothed with

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