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Republic of the Philippines


Division of Laguna
Bitin, Bay, Laguna

Se mi -F i n a l s Exa mi n a ti o n i n M A PEH 8

Name: ____________________________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________________________

Teacher: __________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________

Directions: Read the following question or statement. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the technique in Kabuki that describes the subtle delivery of poetic text written in the Japanese
metrical form of seven and five syllables?
a. Ipponchishi b. Yakuharai c. Nori d. Gagaku
2. Which of the following is NOT true about Chinese Theater?
a. It was extremely popular in the Shang Dynasty court
b. It is considered to be the highest form of art in China
c. It is regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China
d. It was fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century
3. What is the musical instrument ensemble that accompanies the Wayang Kulit performance?
a. Kenong and Ketok b. Pinpeat Ensemble c. Kulintang Ensemble d. Gamelan Ensemble
4. The Dalang in Wayang Kulit sings the mood song called as ________.
a. Suluk b. Qupai c. Erhuang d. Aria
5. Which of the following is NOT a skill of Kabuki performers?
a. mime b. dance c. sing d. aerobics
6. What are the two main styles of music of Peking Opera?
a. Noh and Kabuki b. Saron and Bonang c. Erh-huang and His-p’l d. Talo and Siaolo
7. Which of the following pairs of musical instruments accompanies the China’s Peking Opera?
a. Ti-ts and Sona b. Taiko and Odaiko c. Saron and Bonang d. Gong and Kempul
8. What is the wooden xylophone in the Gamelan Ensemble?
a. Saron b. Bonang c. Gambang d. Gender
9. Aside from Kabuki, what is the other theater art of the Japanese that expresses their spirit and culture?
a. Nōh b. Shamisen c. Peking Opera d. Jingju
10. What is the Chinese musical instrument used in a Peking Opera that announces prosperous occasions ?
a. Siao b. Ti-ts c. Sona d. Bu-ch’in
11. Which part of the Wayang Kulit stage signifies the good puppet character?
a. center stage b. right side c. left side d. backstage
12. Which of the following should be the characteristic of a Dalang while performing the Wayang Kulit?
a. humorous b. generous c. envious d. delicious
13. What kettle drum of Chinese musical instrument is used to create tempo of the Peking Opera Performance?
a. Siao-lo b. Ta-lo c. Tan-pi-ku d. Yue-ch’in
14. Gamelan ensemble is comprised mainly by ________.
a. wooden stringed instruments c. wooden percussive instruments
b. bronze stringed instruments d. bronze percussive instruments
15. Which is NOT true about the theater arts of Japan, China and Indonesia?
a. Kabuki, Peking Opera and Wayang Kulit are very popular in their respective country.
b. Kabuki, Peking Opera and Wayang Kulit are accompanied with their music and musical instruments.
c. Kabuki, Peking Opera and Wayang Kulit represent the country’s beautiful tradition and cultural heritage.
d. Kabuki, Peking Opera and Wayang Kulit provide entertainment among people from all around the world.

16. What is the traditional Chinese dance that is usually seen during the Chinese New Year Celebration that is
based on a mythical creature believed by the Chinese people?
a. dali dance b. dragon dance c. lion dance d. snake dance
17. What is the Japanese traditional drama?
a. Kabuki Theater c. Peking Opera
b. Nang Shadow Puppetry d. Wayang Kulit Puppet Show

Hon e st y is t he B e st P olic y
18. What are the stories being used by the Indonesian on their shadow puppet theater show?
a. Biag ni Lam-ang c. The Tale of The Heike
b. Florante at Laura d. Ramayana and Mahabarata
19. What festival is believed to originate in an ancient practice of paying respect to the spirit of the waters ?
a. Yi Peng b. Khom Fai c. Chiang Mai d. Loy Krathong
20. What is the performance element that includes both acrobatics and fighting with all manner of weaponry in
Peking Opera?
a. combat b. song c. speech d. dance-acting
21. What do you call to a puppeteer that controls the Wayang Kulit in a shadow puppet play?
a. kothak b. gawang c. dalang d. blencong
22. What are the props that are always seen on stage of Peking opera?
a. bed and pillows c. drums and cymbals
b. chairs and tables d. samurai and sticks
23. What is the teacher and presenter of Nang Talung of Thailand?
a. Sida b. Nang Yai c. Ramayana d. Nai Nang
24. Which of the following is the costume of the female character in Kabuki theater?
a. Xingtou b. Kimono and Obi c. Balinese costume d. Baro and Saya
25. What is the Japanese terminology that means male roles?
a. Aragoto b. Suppon c. Onna-gata d. Hanamichi
26. Which of the following props CANNOT be seen in the Chinese Spring Festival?
a. Chinese fans b. Chinese lanterns c. dragon puppets d. Wayang Kulit
27. Chinese festivals can also be seen in the Philippines, which of the following places in Manila is celebrated
it the most?
a. Dangwa b. Tondo c. Binondo d. Quiapo
28. What are the costumes usually wear by men and children every Chinese New Year or Spring Festival?
a. Kimono b. Kung Fu Suits c. Balinese Costume d. Xingtou
29. What is the platform that rises the performers from below the stage in Japan’s Kabuki?
a. Hanamichi b. Kogakudo c. Suppon d. Mawaro Butal
30. What are the props used to cast and project the Indonesian puppet plays?
a. cotton screen and an oil lamp c. tarpaulin and spotlight
b. Japanese paper and lampshade d. transparent plastic and flashlight


31. Who was the dance researcher of Pangalay?
a. Ramon A. Obusan b. Francisco Baltazar c. Jose dela Cruz d. Francisca Reyes-Aquino
32. What is the literal meaning of the word “Pangalay”?
a. My Pomelo Tree b. Finger nail c. With the use of sticks d. Mengalai
33. What is the classification of the Sakuting dance?
a. wedding dance b. festival dance c. social dance d. cultural dance
34. Which of the following dance literally mean “with the use of the sticks”?
a. Binislakan b. Pangalay c. Sua-Ku-Sua d. Sakuting
35. Which of the following dance uses fans as the primary props?
a. Pangalay b. Binislakan c. Sakuting d. Sua-Ku-Sua
36. Which is true about Pangalay?
a. The dancers are using sticks as their main props.
b. The female dancers are wearing Seisgo and Kimono.
c. The male dancers are wearing Camisa de chino, red trousers, and native hat.
d. The dancers must have dexterity and flexibility of the shoulders, elbows and wrist.
37. What dance step is basically used in Pangalay, Binislakan, Sua-Ku-Sua and Sakuting that means “to
a. saludo b. padyak c. leap d. bend
38. What dance step means to stamp or tap with one foot and the weight of the body is on the other foot?
a. leap b. bend c. padyak d. saludo
39. What do you call to a dance formation of two or more couples?
a. partner b. set c. couples d. lovers
40. What could be the importance of having folk dancing activity in your community?
a. It promotes disagreement between different parties.
b. It gives you time to misjudge other’s cultural dance
c. It develops family solidarity as well as family wellness.
d. It provides activities that will enhance your mental capacity.
41. What is the advantage of having dance activities?
a. It helps you become weaker c. It helps you look older
b. It makes you become healthier d. It makes you look fresher
42. Which is NOT a possible injury or emergency that may happen to you during the dance performance?
a. cramps b. sprain c. dehydration d. brain damage
43. What is the possible effect of dance in our body?
a. becomes fit b. becomes obese c. becomes happy d. becomes underweight

Hon e st y is t he B e st P olic y
44. What is the BEST trait while performing the different folkdance of our country?
a. being proud b. being ashamed c. being friendly d. being helpful
45. What could be the positive effect of dancing to your relationship with other people?
a. It could be an activity that will discourage other people
b. It could be a way to have a bad communication to others
c. It could be a good way to have a good relationship to other people
d. It could be a better way to prejudice the culture of other ethnic group

46. What term is used to describe any drug that a non-drug user might try out?
a. Narcotics b. Gateway Drugs c. Illegal Drugs d. Marijuana
47. Which republic act prohibits the sales of cigarettes to persons below 18 years of age in the Philippines?
a. R.A. 4670 b. R.A. 8749 c. R.A. 9211 d. R.A. 9710
48. Which of the following is a gateway drug?
a. Shabu b. Marijuana c. Liquor d. Ecstasy Pill
49. Which of the following is NOT a reason why people smoke?
a. peer pressure b. adult smoking c. coping with stress d. serves as medicine
50. What is the most common reason that kids and teens, especially girls, start to smoke?
a. peer pressure b. adult smoking c. coping with stress d. serves as medicine
51. Which of the following is one of the negative causes of cigarette smoking?
a. mouth disease b. good breath c. earn friends d. good digestion
52. How can a teenage avoid smoking caused by peer pressures?
a. Say “I hate smoking, it develops bad breath and foul body smell.”
b. Say “I’m going to the library, would you like to go with me?”
c. Say “No thanks, I have more important things to enjoy than smoking.”
d. All of the above
53. Why do you think teens are trying to drink alcoholic beverages?
a. because it is allowed to minors to buy it
b. because they are being influenced by their friends
c. because drinking alcohol is very good to their body
d. because they are being encouraged by their parents to drink it
54. What negative effect of alcohol happens when a person stops drinking then suddenly feels its side effects
and he/she will go back to alcohol drinking?
a. brain damage b. dependence c. tolerance d. cirrhosis
55. Which of the following is a negative impact of alcoholism in the community?
a. domestic violence b. street fights c. quiet place d. good tourism
56. Which of the following is a negative impact of alcohol in the family?
a. less tourism in the country c. noise and pollution
b. harmonious relationship of the family d. unemployment of alcoholic parent
57. Which of the following is a negative impact of alcohol to our country?
a. less tourism in the country c. noise and pollution
b. harmonious relationship of the family d. unemployment of alcoholic parent
58. What would you do if someone ask you to drink alcohol?
a. say “I already tried it” c. just give it a try
b. say “thank you” and then drink with him d. suggest another activity to avoid it
59. What specific type of smoke that comes out of the filtered end of a cigarette and directly inhaled by
a. Mainstream smoke b. Third hand smoke c. Secondhand smoke d. Tobacco smoke
60. What healthy alternative can one do to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol?
a. Hang out with smoking groups c. Try one puff to be part of the gang
b. Join sports clubs and organizations d. None of the these

Prepared by: Sheryl C. Nova

Alvin D. Pasco

Hon e st y is t he B e st P olic y



1. B 16. B 31. D 46. B

2. A 17. A 32. B 47. C
3. D 18. D 33. C 48. C
4. A 19. D 34. A 49. D
5. D 20. A 35. D 50. A
6. C 21. C 36. D 51. A
7. A 22. B 37. A 52. D
8. C 23. D 38. C 53. B
9. A 24. B 39. B 54. C
10. C 25. A 40. C 55. B
11. B 26. D 41. B 56. D
12. A 27. C 42. D 57. A
13. C 28. B 43. A 58. D
14. D 29. C 44. A 59. A
15. D 30. A 45. C 60. B

Prepared by: Sheryl C. Nova

Alvin D. Pasco

Hon e st y is t he B e st P olic y

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