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Contents pReNawa w 10, 11. 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24, 25. 26. 27, 28. Physical World, Units and Measurements Kinematics Laws of Motion Work, Eneray and Power Rotational Motion Gravitation Mechanical Properties of Solids Mechanical Properties of Fluids ‘Thermal Properties of Matter Thermodynamics Kinetic Theory of Gases Oscillations Waves Electric Charges and Fields Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Current Electricity Magnetic Effects of Current Magnetism and Matter Electromagnetic Induction Alternating Current Electromagnetic Waves Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Wave Optics Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Atoms ‘Nuclei Semiconductor Electronics Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits Communication Systems Practice Sets (1-3) 19 10-29 30-43 44-57 58-70 71-76 77-81 82-88 89-97 98-103 104-109 110-116 117-121 122-127 128-133 134-146 147-157 158-162 163-169 170-174 175-178 179-187 188-192 193-198 199-203 204-209 210-221 222-226 229-262 ‘I Physical World, Units and Measurements 1. The scientific ptigciple that forms the basis of the tokamak technology is [9 Sep. 2020, Shift-I] (@) controlled nuciear fission (0) motion of charged particles in electromagnetic, fields (©) magnetic confinement of plasma (@) superconductivity Sol. (c) Tokamak reactor is a fusion reactor in which controlled fusion is achieved by heating a dense mass by lasers and confining that heated matter or plasma by forming magnetic bottle. IfE and E, represent the energies, tand f, represent the times, then which of the following is dimensionally correct relation? [9 Sep. 2020, shift-I] @)E=Ee* (b) E= Ete" E=Et,e" (e=Ee" Sol. (d) Dimensions on both sides of equation must be same. So, exponent term must be dimensionless and there must not be any other term except energy on right side. E=E,(e"") 3. The dominant force experienced by an electron moving in a wire is [9 Sep. 2020, Shift-II] (a) gravitational (0) electromagnetic (6) strong nuclear (@) weak nuclear Sol. (b) ‘When current flows through a wire, the electrons present in it, move under the influence of both,the electric field and magnetic field. Hence.the dominant force experienced by the electron is electromagnetic in nature and siven by E+ E,=a(E+ vB) 4. If absolute error is 0.05 m for a measured length of 5m. What is the percentage error? [9 Sep. 2020, Shift-Il] (a) 1% (3% 4% Sol. (a) Given, absolute error in length, Al = 005m ‘Measured length, ! = 5m (0) 2% The factional enone = «.Percentage error in length = Fractional error x100 ‘The nuclear forces are [10 Sep. 2020, Shift] {@) long range repuisive forces {b) long range attractive forces (6) short ange attractive forces (@) short range repulsive forces Sol. (c) ‘ ‘Nuclear forces are effective within the nucleus {radius 10m or less) and these are responsible for keeping protons within this small ‘volume. Hence, nuclear forces are short range attractive in nature, 2 6. Due to an explosion underneath water, a bubble started oscillating. If this oscillation has time period T, which is proportional to p's*eY, where pis static pressure, Sis density of water and E is total energy of explosion. Determine a, Pandy. —_[10Sep. 2020, Shift-!] @a 1 @a=5, Sol. (6) Given, time-period of oscillation Tis T x p*SPE" or T = kp*S*e" Now, subtituting dimensions of 7, p, $ and E, we have [MU ]= MET y ML METAy Equating powers of similar terms, we have a+B+y=0 ani) (ii) sail) 7. Inatomic scale the weakest force in nature is [10Sep. 2020, Shift-I] (©) electromagnetic force (d) weak force (@) strong force (©) gravitational force | Sol. (c) In atomic scale, the order of magnitude of forces in nature are related as, | ‘Strong nuclear force> electromagnetic force > weak nuclear force > gravitational force Hence, gravitational force is weakest force in nature in atomic scale. 8 In five successive measurements, the mass of a ball is measured to be 2.61 g, 2.58 g, 2.40 g, 2.73 g and 2.80 g. The absolute error in the measurement is [10 Sep. 2020, Shift-II] (a) 0.099 (b) 007g (0119 (8) 0.13g Sol. (c) ‘Mean mass of the ball is aM imtmtm +m _ 2.61 + 2,584 2.40+ 2.73+ 2.80 “ 3 Hi = 2.624 g= 2.628 TS EAMCET Chaptervise Phy, $ s.Mean absolute error, [2.62-2.61] + |2.62~ 2.58] + [2.69 n= + 2.62-2.73} + fa.62_ 5 001+ 004 + 0.224 01 5 ase == 0.112 = 5 0.119 -2q 18 9. Let G,W,E and S be relative strength of gravitational, weak-nuclear, electromagnetic and strong-nuclear forces, respectively. Which of the correct statement? [11Sep. 2020, she ()E>W>S>G (S>E>Gow (QS>W>E>G ()S>E>W>G Sol. (c) ‘We know that, among all inverse forces based on inverse square law’s gravitational force isthe weakest and nuclear force is the strongest. HENCE, Eyangncen >Eteonmapete >Fesisas ll Weak nuclear force is a fundamental force in nature that underlies some forms of radioactivity, governs the decay of unstable subatomic particles such as meson and initiates the nuclear fusion reaction that fuels the sun. ‘These forces are considered weaker than electromagnetic forces and stronger than gravitational forces, ic. | Frrcaaupee > Fea mie > Ferstanst ti SE = Rangresar =5 Given, Fugmmpee 6 Freaumacear = W aNd Feyuncoat = Using Eas. (i) and (ii), we get S>E>W>G l 10. What is the dimension of — =? (1, =magnetic permeability and ittivil ¢ space) #4 =permitivty of fre spacey on @er) Our) @LT Sol. (a) Velocity of electromagnetic wave given as 1 ~—= vite & 1 + = Dimensions of — = Hoe in free space ® Physical World, Units and Measurements 11. The long range force experienced by a neutral particle with a finite mass [11 Sep, 2020, shift-I] (a) gravitational force —_(b) weak force (c) electromagnetic force (d) strong force Sol. (a) The long range force experienced by a neutral particle with a finite mass is gravitational force, In this universe cach body attracts other body with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses (m, and im, ) and inversely proportional to the square of distance (r) between them, F called gravitational force. This force 42. The dimension of angular momentum in mass (M), length (L) and time (7) is [11 Sep. 2020, Shift-I1] (@) LT] (o) (ML"T") (©) [MLT™'] (@) [ML"T*] Sol. (c) Angular momentum for a point mass about an axis with velocity component of v perpendicular to the radial direction is given by Angular momentum, L = mur Dimension formula of angular momentum = [MJ(LT" JL) = (MUT") 13. Choose the correct statement. [14 Sep.2020, Shift-] (a) Photons cary some momentum because, they have a finite rest mass. (©) Electromagnetic force is weaker than weak nuclear force but stronger than gravitational force. (c) Weak nuclear force is responsible for the stability of nuclei. (6) Electromagnetic and does not need any inte Sol. (d) Amongst the given options, in option (d) is correct, but These can be corrected as follows 'n i ju ‘Option (a) Photons carry some momentum, because electro magnetic radiation carries momentum. - . Option (b) Electromagnetic force is strong than both weak nuclear force and gravitational force. force acts aver large distances vening medium. the statement given rest are incorrect. 3 Option (c) Weak nuclear force is not responsible for the stability of nuclei, itis the strong nuclear force, which I responsbie forthe stably of nucle 14, The dimension of © in mass (M), length (L) Ho and time (7) is (E = electric field, 1, = permeability of free space) [14 Sep. 2020, Shit-t] (a) (M7L°T*A?} (b) (MLT“*] (©) [ML°T*] (@) [ML‘T*] Sol. (b) We know that, Blectric field intensity = Electstatic force Electric charge = g-= q LIME) ea : ey= = Mera" Blas atl! 1 (i) Permeability of Free Space (4) Dimension Calculation Magnetic field intensity in at a point in space due to an infinitely long current carrying conducting wire Hol p-tt = py oe 208 = i 7 (i) Now, the magnetic force experienced by a current carrying conductor, when placed in a uniform external magnetic field is given by FH Bsin® > B= Ty Put this value of B into Eq. (ii) t0 get 2a Lr Pisin) we) CML TY = bl = IME) (ATE Mer) «-(il) =[MLT?A7] sa on] ‘On putting the values from Eqs. (i) and (ii), we will get BY] _(METAT _[MLT*A7] a) ETAT) META) =([MET*]=(M1T*] 4 ye incorrect statement. [14 Sep. 2020, Shift-II] 3 are not necessarily 15, identify th (a) All conserved quantities scalars {b) The law of conservation of eneray is valid only in macroscopic domain. {o) Weak nuclear force opera! ~10"" m. ; {@) Laws of nature do not change with time Sol. (b) the law of conservation of energy fs valid both, macroscopic and microscopic domain. “All conserved quantities are not necessarily cealars. ¢. conservation of linear momentum ghd angular momentum are vectors whereas Conservation of energy is scalar. 46. 1n an experiment the angles are required to be measured using an instrument in which 29 divisions of the main scale exactly coincide with the 30 divisions of the vernier scale. If the smallest division of the main scale is half a degree (=0.5°), then the least count of the instrument is[14Sep. 2020, Shift-1!] tes in the range of (a) half minute (0) one degree (c) hatf degree (@) one minute Sol. (d) . According to the question, given that 29 main scale division (MSD) = 30 vernier scale division (VSD) = 29MSD=30VSD = 1 vsp = 2 x1™msp = 9 (95%) 30 > Isp = (2) 60. +. Least count of vernier calliperse is given as LC =1 MSD 1 vsD -o (3) (a? )-(a) sina [emined ao Seeee [1 MSD = 05°] 17. Match the followin, 8 fundamental nature with their relative jah a [3 May 2019, shift-1) TS EAMCET Chapterwise Phy i $ en $$ a ee) (A) Strong ructearforce to? “i 1 (©) Electromagnetic force (ii) 10 (0) Gravitational force ™ 10 ‘The correct match is a Bc OD m @ Gi) fi) @w) (©) di) Gi) tv) i) Gi) Sol. (a) ‘The four fundamental forces of nature are as follows, (i) Strong nuclear force which is between nuclear particles like, quarks. Its strength is very high and of the order of 1 But it’s range is very short. (ii) Weak nuclear force which is also between nuclear particles, however its strength is low and of the order of 10°. This force is usually found in radioactive nuclei. It is also a shor range force. (iii) Eleetromagnetie force which is the force between the electrically charged particles. ts strength is of the order of 10°. But its range is very high, upto infinity. (iv) Gravitational force which is the force of attraction between bodies due to gravity. Its strength is very low and of the order of 10°, But it’s range is very high upto infinity. So, the correct sequence of match is B (iv), C> (i) and D> (iii). Aa(ii 18. Identify the incorrect statement amon8 the following. [3May 2019, hil been measured it 5.51 km. urement has (a) A true length of 5.678 km has two experiments as 5.5 km respectively. The second meas more precision. (b) Length of 1 m and 0.5 m have been both ‘absolute error of measured with the same 0.01 m. Both the measurement re equal accurate. a (©) The numbers of significant digits in 1 ando! are both two. rounded 9° (d) The number 2.445 can be decimal place as 2.45. physical World, Units and Measurements 19. 20, Sol. (b, d) In statement (b), the percents Tm length is ‘age error in case of oor %100 = =~ x100= 1% 4 while in case of 0.5 m length, it is Al, 001 4 e100 = 98! 100= h 100 = “Ty x100= 2% [As percentage error in case of 0.5 m length is greater. So, the accuracy is less as compared to that of I'm length. Hence this statements is incorrect. In statement (4), according to the result of rounding off, if the number to be rounded off is 5, then the preceding digit remains unchanged if it is even or increased by 1, if itis odd. So, the correct result is 2.44. Hence, this is also an incorrect statement. However, In statement (a), as the second measured value i.e., 5.51 km is more closed to the result Le., 5.678 km so, it is more precise. Hence, this statement is correct. ‘Similarly, in the statement (c), the significant digits in first number is 2 and in second number is also 2 as the trailing zero after non-zero number, having decimal point are significant. ‘Thus, this statement is also correct. Which of the following represents fundamental forces of nature? [May 2019, Shift] (2) Gravitational force; Coulomb's force; Strong surface tension force; weak van der Waal's force. (0) Gravitational force; Electromagnetic _ force; ‘Strong viscous force; Weak nuclear force. (C) Gravitational force; Magnetostatic force; Strong nuclear force; Weak frictional force. (6) Gravitational force; Electromagnetic ‘Strong nuclear force; Weak nuclear force. Sol. (d) ‘There are four types of fundamental forces in nature namely, (i) Gravitational force (ti) Electromagnetic force (iil) Strong nuclear force and (iv) Weak nuclear forces. However, other forces like, strong surface tension, weak van der waal’s force, viscous force, etc are the forces which can be derived from these fundamental forces. force; Match the physical quantities given in List-1 With dimensions in List-II. [3May 2019, Shift-ll] 21. 22. ‘A. Gravitational potential) (MLTK"] B._Stotan’s constant @ ery G._Permitivty wy eT") cheat capacity fw) (LT) (The dimension of mass, length, time, temperature and current are M, L, T, K and I, respectively). The correct match is A Bc oD ABCD @Nv ot om ow ®1voi om nm orw oumnwet Sol. (d) Dimensions of the given physical quantities are as follows: (A) Gravitational potential, [m? /kg-s?]=[M"LT"] (B) Stefan’s constant, (W/m°K*)=[MLT?K*] (C) Permittivity (C? /m’kgs*) =[M"L°T'P] (D) Specific heat capacity, (/Kg°Q =[MLT*K"] So, the correct sequence of match is, AIL,BIlL,C IV andD 1. Albert Einstein was confermed with the Nobel prize in physics for his work on [4May 2019, Shift] (@) special theory of relativity (0) Bose-Einstein Statistics (c) photoelectric effect (@ general relativity Sol. (c) ‘Albert Einstein was mostly famous by his work ‘on special theory of relativity, but he got a Nobel prize in physics for the explanation of photoelectric effect. So, the correct option is (c). ‘A quantity z, to be estimated has a dependency on the variables a, band cas z=ab'c™, The percentage of error in the measurement of a, band c are respectively, 2.1%, 1.3% and 2.2%. The percentage of error in the measurement of z would then be [4May 2019, Shift-I] (10% (4) 9.1% (a) 5.6% — (0) 1.6% Given = abe? So, the percentage error in the volume is given. by © x10 z = 21% + 20.3%) + 202.2%) = 9.1% So, the correct option is («). 23. Identify the correct option. [4 May 2019, Shift-I] (@) The range of the gravitational force is large but not infinite. (0) The range of electromagnetic force is large but lesser than the range of gravitational force. (6) The range of weak nuclear force is smaller than the range of strong nuclear force, gravitation TS EAMCET Chapterwise Physi By Ohm's law, VaR awd T aR_ AV, ar ds arava R VT 02 0s 01 + 004 AR ona R 2 100 = 014 x100=14% 25, Match the following table. force and electromagnetic force. List’ List (@) The range of the weak as well as strong nuclear Michelson Morley L._The existence of force is ofthe the order of 10°"? m, tooninent eer Sol. (e) : B, Stem-Geriach I The existence of The properties of the four basic forces are given experiment de-Brogle matter waves —— €. Davisson-Germer I. Electrons have spins Force Approximate ‘Attraction/R experiment a Relative Range = epulsion D. Anderson discovery IV. The non-existence of Sew of positon ether Gravina 70™ nine __atrecive eniy Tey 2019 Se >. Bectomagneic 10" —infinte _atvactive and np cD eae AB cD p © Weakmiceer 10 tractive and @v uta muy ae ©louvm @wmut 6. Strong-nuciear 1 ‘attractive and Sol. (d) repulsive The above table suggests that the range of weak nuclear force is smaller than the range of strong, nuclear force, gravitation and electromagnetic force. Hence, option (c) is correct. Acusrent carrying conductor obeys Ohm's Jaw (V = RI), If the current passing through the conductor is f = (5 + 0.2) A and voltage developed is V = (60 + 6) V, then find the percentage of error is resistance, R {4 May 2019, shitt-) ow we f18 Sol. (e) Given, current passing through the conductor, 1= (54 02) A, AI = 024 ‘Voltage developed, V=(0LGV = AV=6V (06 A-xiv) Michelson Morley experiment "35 an attempt to detect the existance of ether. ™ result of his experiment suggested the non-existance of the ether. B-ili) The Stern-Gerlach experiment demonstrated that the spatial orientation of angular momentum is quantised. Due 10 58° motion of electrons, particles have NOM-2% magnetic moment and hence they are delle to the magnetic field gradient from a trai path, C-Hil) Davisson - Germer experiment | demonstrates the wave nature of electrons ! the existence of de-Broglie matter Waves D-»() By studying the tracks of cosmic particles ina cloud chamber, AndersoM 5 Aiscovered a positively charged particles Wi! ‘mass seemingly equal to that of an clectfoN of named positron, which suggests the existe anti- matter. Physical World, Units and Measurements 26, Consider a spongy block of mass mt floating ona flowing river. The maximum mass of the block is related to the speed of the river flow y, acceleration due to gravity g and the density of the block p such that Ma, = kv" g’p* (kis constant). The values of x,yand z should then respectively be (Mass of the spongy block is assumed to vary due to absorption of water by it) [6 May 2019, shift-] (6.3.2 Sol. (6) Since, the maximum mass of the block floating ‘on river depends, speed of flow of the river = v, acceleration due to gravity = g and density of the block =p, Thaw = kv" g'p* ‘Write the dimensional formula of the both side, we get, [ML TP] = [TY LT? (ML? Me =e Compairing the dimensions of M, Land Ton both sides, we get zel 6-31 ©)3,6,1 (61,3 (i) eli) -x-=0 7 x+y-3x1=0 [From Eq. (i)and (ii)] xty=3 (iv) From Eqs. (iii) and (iv), we get -ye3mye-3 From Eq, (iv), we have K-3=3 > x=6 Hence, the value of x, y and z will be (6, ~3, 1). Assertion (A) When we bounce a ball on the ground, it comes to rest after a few bounces, losing all its energy. This is an example of violation of conservation of energy. Reason (R) Energy can change from one form to another but the total energy is always conserved. 27. Which of the following is true? [4 May 2018, Shift-1) (@) Both (A) and (R) are true and (A) is the correct explanation of (A). (©) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). (©) (A) is true, but (A) is false. (9) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 28, 29. Sol. (a) (A) Energy conservation is a universal law, so there is no violation possibility of this in nature. (False) (R) This is the statement of energy conservé law. (True) A gas satisfies the relation pV? = k, where p is pressure, V is volume and k is constant. The dimension of constant k are [4 May 2018, Shift} (a (MUT?) ()(MUT?} (@IMeT?} () (MLT?] Sol. (a) Given, pV? =k : ‘Using dimensional balance method Dimension of p=ML"T? Dimension of ver => Dimension of ¥*? As, dimension of LHS = Dimension of RHS So, dimension of k =(ML'T*] x [I?] = (ML'T*} Match the entries in List I with those in List 11. List! Ust it ‘A. Unified interaction reducing (). Strong the number of fundamental interaction forces from four to three B, Force between two Gravitational molecules separated by a force distance near about the sum ol the molecular radi C. Nuclear binding force (i) Electroweak . Bodies of astronomical (wv) Electromagnetic proportions. interaction [4May 2018, Shift-II] A BCD A BCD @ di) @®) 0 M ©) wi W ~™ ed) OM @ Gm 0 Gi) (> Sol. (a) A(iii), Biv), C-(i), D-til) (A) There are four fundamental interactions or forces. They are gravitation, electromagnetic, the weak interaction and the strong. interaction. Out of which weak interaction and electromagnetic interaction arises from electroweak interaction. aveen two molecules separated by a (8) ore rena abot the stm of the jistance nea , istaularradit i called clectromagnettc interaction. i jeraction Jear binding force is strong interact! Co) Nae itis the attractive force that binds the clementaty particles called quarks together to form nucleons, interaction of bodies of astronomical (PY trea gavitaiona aration 30, Assertion (A) Electromagnetic force fs enormously strong as compared 10 gravitational force. Yel, gravity dominates in the large-scale phenomena (e.g. formation of galaxies). Reason (R) Existence of positive and negative charges make matter mostly clectrically neutral. Which of the following is true? [4May 2018, Shift-I] (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (A) is the correct ‘explanation of (A). {b)Both (A) and (A) are true, but (A) is notthe correct ‘exanation of (A) (6) (A) is tue, but R) is fase. (2) (A) is false, but (A) is tue. Sol. (a) Both A and R true and R is the correct explanation of A. “although the electromagnetic force is far ‘stronger than gravity, it tends to cancel itself out within large objects, so over the largest distances (on the scale of planets and galaxies), gravity is the dominant force.” 31, Choose the incorrect statement from the following. {5 May 2018, shift-1] (@) Strong nuciear force is a short range force. (b) Weak nuciear force is weakest ‘gravationa, electromagn lear cee magnetic, weak and strong (0) Electroma sgnelic force is @ long range | (0) Gravtational force acts on all objecte Sol. (6) Order of magnitude of given forces is, strong nuclear force > w. électromagnetic force > So, gravitational force nature, feak nuclear force > gravitational force, is weakest force of TS EAMCET Chapterwise Physics 32, IfV, is the volume of a standard unit cell of germanium crystal containing N, atoms, then the expression for the mass m of a volume V in terms Of Vor Noy My, and Nis [here, M is the molar mass of germaniutn and N , is the Avogadro's constant] [5 May 2018, shift. VN, NY, (Ma Oa yM VN, VM, OM Ta, OM Sol. (c) Number of unit cells in volume v ‘Total volume jume of a unit cell Number of atoms in volume ¥ = Number of unit cells x Number of atoms in , v Lunit cell = xN, Number of moles in volume V Number of atoms _V_N, “Avagadro number Vv, N, ‘Mass 1of given sample volume ‘Number of moles x Molar mass 33. A nucleus of deuterons or deuterium is a bound atomic system best described by [5 May 2028, Shift] (a) composed of a proton and a neutron (b) spherical shaped (c) contains more than two nucleons . (d) proton and neutron are bound by electrostatic forces Sol. (a) A deuteron is nucleus of deuterium (a hydrogen isotope); } Itis an electron orbiting a proton and a neutron. 34, A wooden cubical block of mass, m =20 ks measured within an error of 10 g. Its side length, !=100 cm is measured within an error of Imm. Then, the relative error in measurement of its density is [5 May 2088, shite (a) 18x10? (b)26x10° ©) 35x10 (d) 48x10" prysical World, Units and Measurements Sol. (c) Mass Density = Hl => pam Volume P So, relative error in density is ‘Ap am, 3A pom 7 Here, m= 20kg, Am= 108 J =100¢m, Al = mm Ap 10x10" 1010"? kg, 10? 3x01 p20 00 5x10"? + 3x10"> =35x10"" So, 35, Atokamak fusion test reactor works on [7 May 2018, shift-1], (@) bombardment of thermal neutrons with uranium-235 (0) magnetic confinement of plasma (6) electric discharge under high voltage bias (@ acceleration of charged particles in electromagnetic fields Sol. (b) A tokamak reactor uses magnetic fields to confine hot plasma in a doughnut shape region. Plasma is heated by bombardment of accelerated particles to acheive ignition. For self sustained thermonuclear fusion but ignition is not achieved till date p Eolto the pressure, ¢, is electric permittivity of free space and p, is permeability of free space, will 36, Dimensions of the quantity —P—, where p is be [7 May 2018, Shift-t] (a) (MLT~*) (o) [ML°T?] (©) [MUT*] (@) (MU'T*) Sol. (a) » iven, quantity = 2, where, p = pressure, £, = permittivity of free space and_ 1, = permeability of free space. ‘We know that, speed of light, or Falta Now, dimension of pe? = [ML"T*][LT" = (MLT*] an Kinematics i idge that is 45m 4. Aball is dropped from a bridge U above the water. It falls directly into a boat which is moving with constant velocity. The oat is 12 m away from the point of impact when the ball is dropped. The speed of the boat is (take, ¢=10 m/s”) [9 Sep, 2020, Shift-I] (@2ms )3ms ()4rvs (d) Sm/s Sol. (c) In given situation, —_—>—— iam Time taken by ball to cover 45 m = Time taken by : boat to cover 12m. > | Distance (x) 3 Speed (y > v=4m/s 2. Aballis dropped frat a height H from rest. The ball travels z in last 1.0 s. The total time taken by the ball to hit the ground is [9 Sep. 2020, shift-] (2) 3.855 (2858 (a) 4655 Sol. (6) In last 1s, ball covers H/2distance. Let total ti for falling by H height stsecond. (0) 3.418 So, In (t=1) second, ball falls by 4 height. HLL So, S=sat-1* i 273 Ai) Now, dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii). we get > 22+ =1W2+) = 2+ v2 =2+L41 => 3Als 3. A planet is moving ina circular orbit. It completes 2 revolutions in 360 days. What is its angular frequency? [9Sep. 2020, Shift! (a) 1.510" rad/day (0)2.5x10° rad/day (0) 3.5x107 rad/day —(d) 45x10 radiday Sol. (c) Planet completes 2 rounds in 360 days. => 2x2 rad in 360 days le So, angular frequency = - = 3.5x107 rad/day Kinematics 4, The vector sum of two forces is forces [9Sep. 2020, shitt-1) (a) cannot be predicted (0) always are equal to each other (©) are equal to each other in magnitude (@) are not equal to each other in magnitude Sol. (c) Let forces are A and B, Then given that, (A + By and (A ~ B) are perpendicular, which fs shown in the following diagram. At 8 8 a8 > (A+ B)-(A-By=0 > A?-B’=0> A?=B° As square of a vector is equal to square of its, magnitude, = JAP = [BP => [A[=|B] 5. The position of an object moving along X-axis is given by x =a +Br", where o and B are constants with appropriate dimensions and fis time in seconds. The average velocity between f =2s and 4s is 12 m/s. Ifa =8m, then the value of B is {9Sep.2020, Shift-lI] (@)05mv/s? (o) 2mvs?_ (c) 4s? (d) Srvs* Sol. (b) Given, position along X-axis, x= a +r" Att = 25, x, =a+ sand att = 4s, x, =a +168 Displacement of object, Ax = x - %, = (a+ 16) (a + 4B) =128 Average velocity, JB 2B toy 4-2 2 = B=2ms? 6. Two buses A and B are moving in opposite direction, Now if the first bus A moves towards east with a speed of 36 km/h and |2 ms") 1 bus B moves towards west with a speed of 18 km/h, then the bus B appears to bus A as {9Sep.2020, shift (2) moving with a speed of § m/s from east to west (b) moving with a speed of 15 mysiromwest toast (c) moving with a speed of 15 m/s from east to west (d) moving with a speed of 10 m/s from east to west Sol. (c) ‘The given situation is as shown in figure, 36h 1B kmh A West oh east Velocity of bus A, v,=36km/h 5 36x25. = 10) 2-10ms Velocity of bus 2, vy =18km/h =18 x3 = Sms Let the speed along east is positive. The relative speed of bus Bw.t. Ais 5 )~ (10) = 15 mis ‘Therefore, the bus Bappears to bus Aas moving with a speed of 15 m/s from east to west. Yee =%y = A projectile is thrown into air with velocity 15 m/s at an angle 30° with the horizontal. After what time its direction of motion is, perpendicular to its initial direction? (Assume, g =10m/s*) [9Sep. 2020, shift-I] @3s 2s (Oss (Wiss Sol. (a) “The given projectile motion is as shown in figure, Let fe the time after which the initial direction is perpendicular to ts direction of motion. {As, velocity of a projectile has two components. So, Its initial velocity is given by icos0i + usin®} en) Since, in projectile motion the horizontal component fof velocity remains same, while the vertical ‘component varies, so Its velocity after time f, venlevd 12 cosoi + (usind - #9) poy, ea, gt = usin at] CI [ev,em,-st mo vs As, velocities are perpendicular, $0 ¥) °¥2 From Eqs (i) and (ii), we ret oo = (ucosoi + sind) -(ucosOl + (usin - a) Sens’ O + usinoyusind = 9 = 0 29.4 Wain’ @nsind x gt= 0 0 — uatsind = 0 (sin? + co O=1) =i 08! = wicot 0+ De gsind ind =10m/s’ and @ = 30° pa 13 BP 55 Toxsin30"” 10 & A particle is projected from the ground with some initial velocity making an angle of 45° with the horizontal. If it reaches a height of 7.5 m above the ground, while it travels a horizontal distance of 10 m from the point of projection, then the initial speed of particle is (assume, g=10 m/s*) [9 Sep. 2020, Shift-II] (@)10m/s (©) 20m/S (c) 15ers (d) 25 mV/s Sol. (b) The given situation is as shown in figure, Here, w=15ms. om x ‘Let the particle reaches point in i olden point P in time ¢. Then, x= uct => 10 = ucos4? xt = 1a u Al) and vertical distance, y= usinor = 75: (ii) Substituti Substting value of t from Eq, (i) into Eg, (ii) , 2 152K 1B fos 2 Ox TS EAMCET Chapterwise Physic s 1000 73=10- 0 w al Wt = 5 7 40001 w= 200s Hence, the initial speed of particle is 20 mg 9. For a particle executing uniform circutap motion (9 Sep. 2020 ship, (a) velocity is transverse and acceleration is aad (b) velocity is transverse and acceleration transverse i (6) velocity is radial and acceleration i transverse (@) velocity is radial and acceleration is rainy Sol. (a) The uniform circular motion of a particle is shown in figure. Thus, from figure, itis clear that the velocity of Particle acts along the tangent to the circle and the acceleration acts towards the centre of cirde. ie., velocity is transverse and acceleration is radial in nature. 10. A car travelling at 15 m/s overtake another car travelling at 10 m/s. Assuming, each car is 4 m long. What is the time taken during the overtake? [10 Sep. 2020, Shift!) (166 (b)08s ()06s (04s Sol. (a) The motion of two car 4 and Bis shown in the figure. Relative velocity of car A w.t-. car Bis Vyy = V4 ~My =15—10= Svs = S— 10. m/s Distance to be covered for overtake is given as s=4m+4m= 38m Time taken by cars to cross = Distance/Speed 3 8 ies 11. If a body moving in a circular path maintains constant speed of 10 ms“, then which of the following correctly describes the relation between acceleration (a) and radius (el [10Sep. 2020, Kinematics ! I @ © 3 = I I a ° o Sol. (c) ‘ Acceleration of a body moving over a circular minis #100 r : =10 m/s) 1 = aut r KS a 12. 10.51+0.8)+ck is a unit vector, then cis 14. [10 Sep. 2020, Shift-!] 0B (02 (03 VOT Sol. (d) Given, unit vector is 05% + 08) + cle 13. A projectile is launched from point 4 of the given landscape with a water body as shown in the diagram. The launching angle is 15°. From the following, identify the right initial velocity of the projectile with which it will fall somewhere in between the points C and D. [Assume, g =10 m/s”]. [10 Sep. 2020, Shift-l] (a) 21.5 mvs (b) 22.5 mis (6) 195 mvs {d) 24.0 m/s Sol. (a) The given situation is shown below : According to given condition, range must be greater than 20 m and less than 24.2 m. => — 205R<242 => 29 20m/s su s22m/s 0, option (a) is best choice. A particle is moving along the ¥-axis. The position of the particle from the origin as a function of time (fis given as y(¢)=10%e~ How far is the particle from the origin when it stops momentarily? (y is given. in units of metre and fis in units of second) [10 Sep. 2020, Shift-tI] () 10m (5m — (pb) 5em 2m Sol. (c) ‘The position of the particle is given as ye) = LOte™* Yelocity of the particle is given as 4 onli) = Lol” = 10[-Ye™ +e] = 102 2H When body stops, then =e -m=0 >1-2=0 s 14 From Eq, (i), displacement of the particle from origin is given as ‘Some 15, Two cars A and B are moving with speeds v,=120 km/n and v, =50 km/h respectively in the directions as indicated by the arrow in the figure below. What is the relative speed of the car B with respect to car A? [10 Sep. 2020, Shift-II] Joos x (@) 70 kwh (©) 120 knvh (©) 130 kwh (0) 170 krvh Sol. (c) ‘The given situation is shown in the following figure % Joe Cara x Speed of car A, ¥,=120km/h = v, = -1201 Speed of car B, ¥_ =50km/a vp =-50j «Relative speed of the car Bw. Vu 2 Vn -¥, 2-50) 50) +1201 = 1201 - 50) Ya207 + (30° 16900 =130km/h Waal TS EAMCET Chapternise Physcg 16. Initial velocity with which a body is projected is 10 m/s from the base of an inclined plane as shown in the given fi If the angle of projection is 60° with the horizontal, then the range Ris [take, g =10 m/s?] (10 Sep. 2020, shite ¥ x Angle of projection from inclined plane, 0 = 60°-30°= 30° Here, a = 30° y y, Le, Range over an inclined plane is given as Be sinOcos(@ + a) cosa in30°cos(30°+30) R= 17. A projectile is fired at an angle of 45° with ntal. Elevation angle of the projectile at its highest point as seen from the point of projection is [10 Sep. 2020, shift-!] wy ton (2) (45° Kinematics Sol. (b) The given situation Is shown in the following figure Angle of projection, 6 = 45° ZN O-R2>M « The elevation angle of the projectile at its highest point as seen from the point of projection is a. :.In APOM, 18. A point P is moving in uniform circular motion with radius 3m. Let at some instant the acceleration of the point is a =(i-4j) m/s’, the position vector is rand velocity vector is v. Choose the correct statement. [10 Sep. 2020, Shift-11] (a) v-a =Oandr xa #0 (b) v-a #Oandr ()v-a =Oandr xa =0 (d)v-a + Oandrxa 0 Sol. (c) The given situation is shown in tive following figure y C |O Acceleration, a = 6i-4j Clearly, acceleration a is perpendicular to velocity v, hence vea=0 | Again, position vector ris parallel to acceleration ar hence rea =0 15 19. A person moves 30 m North and then 20 m towards East and finally 302 m in South-West direction. The displacement of the person from the origin will be [11 Sep.2020, Shift-I] (a) 10 maiong North (b) 10 malong South (©) 10 malong West (4) zero Sol. (c) Let us use the conventional directions, as shown in figure, to solve this problem. ‘North south According to question, let us draw the diagram. There are two possible diagrams. Clearly, CE = AB=30m = CD=30V2m Using Pythagoras theorem, (CE)? + (DE) =(CD)* => (DE) = (30V2) — (30)* = 1800 - 900 = 900m > DE =30m Now, itis clear that Case Tis not possible. Using Case Il Clearly, displacement of the person is End point ~ Start point = DA —_(along West) and DA=DE - AE =30m-20m=10m (along West) 20. A particle moving along X-axis has acceleration f at time t given by f= A. -£} where f, and are constants. The particle at has zero velocity. In the time interval between f=0 and the instant when f =0, the particle's velocity is [11 Sep. 2020, shift-1] 1 . 1 @ 2a” (e) 4 (ar AT Sol. (c) Acceleration of the particle is given as fh (0 - ) a «Velocity of particle is given 38, t r), ve [fat =falt “ an w(! “+ } esa) Given that, a r=Or=0 Hence, from Fa, (i), we get of -9re Ben0 From Eq. (i, we have : << ee (Hil) Al! =) Suppose, acceleration of the particle becomes zero at time f= f- Hence, from Eq. (i), o= 41-4) oy t+ Hence, velocity of particle at Choose the correct statement, [14 Sep. 2020, shift-I] (@E=A-BandA=D+C (0)-E=-A+BandA=-D+C ()E=-A-BandE = -B+D+C ()E=-A-BandE =-B+C-D Sol. (b) The given situation for connection of vectors is given as TS EAMCET Chapternisg ~ iy According to rule of vector addit In APOR, in. A-B+E=> E=A-B> -B=- Again, according to rule of vector ad In APSR, C=A+D>A=C-Doa- From Eqs, (i) and (ji), we see that correct. A+B. a dition, -D+ 6.5) Option (bi 22. A river 200 m wide is flowing at a rate of 3.0 m/s. A boat is sailing at a velocity of 15m/s with respect to the water in a direction perpendicular to the river. How far from the point directly opposite to the starting point does the boat reach on the opposite bank? [115ep. 2020, sity (25m (60m (©) 40m (0m Sol. (c) ‘The given situation is shown in the following figure a Yams! Velocity of river, v, = 3s” Velocity of boat, ¥, Sms Width of river = AB = 200m ‘According to question, we have to calculate distance BC. . ‘Time taken by boat to cross the river, 40 “3 Since, boat covers horizontal distance it own velocity. Hence, BC=v, xt= 3% BCdue (0 Kinematics 23. Consider that a truck is moving initial 54 km/h, Tt has stopped by the driver mer looking at an obstacle with a deceleration of 10 mys?. The distance travelled by truick before coming to rest is [11ep.2020, shit-N) fa)12m — (0) 11.25 m (©) 11.30m (d) 11.20m Sol. (b) Given, initial velocity of truck, w= 54 km/h 5 = 34x 22150 4 x = Sis Final velocity, Deceleration, @ As we know that, vew + 2s AS +2x-19s => 205 = 45)? 15x15 s2Srenasm ° =1omys? 24, A ball is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velcoity w reaches maximum height in 5 s. The ratio of distance travelled by the ball in the 2nd and 7th second is (assume, g =10 m/s”) [14 Sep. 2020, Shift-tI] (8:19 (0) 16: 29 (0) 16:49 (6) 8:49 Sol. (*) When ball is at maximum height, its velocity is zero. From first equation of motion, ve u~ gt > 0=u-10x5=> w= 50mis Distance travelled in nth second, a 5,=u+ 2Qn-0 jenn Distance travelled in 2nd second Is given as % = 50-2 -1)= 50~15=35m Distance travelled in 7th second is equal to distance travelled in 2nd second from highest point to vertically downward direction. 5, 5m. 10 220+ 2Qx2-1) + ann psi ee7 5, 8; 15S or 7:23 25. A particle aimed at a target, projected with an angle 15° with the horizontal is short of the target by 10 m. If projected with an angle of 45° is away from the target by 10 m, then the angle of projection to hit the target is [11 Sep. 2020, shift-I) 17 mter() o dom *) oen() ole (® Sol. (b) Let d be the distance of target. The horizontal range of projectile is _ 1 sin 20 g R When 0 = 15%, we sini) it g cy 7, po sini 45) _ ae * a g According to question, From Eq. ww 30+10=40 «ss (il) So, to hit the target at 30m, 4 sin28 _, 39 = 40 sin 20{from Eq. (iti)] 2 ote ( 26, A body moves in a straight line with speed v, and y, for distance which are in ratio 1 : 2. 30= Find the average speed. [14 Sep. 2020, Shift-I] (2), +2 ()v, + 2%, 3y,¥, Oy, eon OF an Sol. (c) Given that, the distances travelled by the body are in ratio :2 Let us suppose that sis the distance, the body travels with speed ¥,. Then, 25 will be the distance travelled by the body with speed v,. This scenario is shown in the line-diagram below Ah Be c — ss 18 For AtoC, a Total distance travell Annie Total time taken rojected with a velocity 5 10/5, 80 27. Aball is that its rozontal range is twice the greatest The value of range is height attained. shi @iom w2m (cam 5m Sol. (6) Given that, initial velocity, u = Smm/s ‘and horizontal range = 2 x greatest height attained eas: wsin?@ _ i2sin20 * . % 4 3 38 sn29 = S28 = minds = 8 acos9 ong 2 ©; = nde soem d = pent 1” Base If we form a right angled triangle, with these sides, then v7 4 So, the horizontal range p= 28120 _ uw x 2sindcos0 g 3 tax yt x2x qe xs 2 Ai” iT _25x2x4 20 10 10x17 17 =7m=2m 28. A ball is thrown straight upward from ground with a speed of 20 m/s. The ball was caught on its way down at a point 5 m above the ground. The time taken by the ball TS EAMCET Chapterwise Phiysicg during entire trip is (assume, g =10 mys [14 Sep. 2020, shit, (a2+v3s {b) 3-V3s 4 (2+ 28 (35s Sol. (a) ‘The given situation of entire motion of ball is shown in the following figure. Initial speed of ball, w= 20 m/s Total time taken by the ball to reach at highest point Pis f,, then from equation of vertical motion veu-gt => 0=20-10, => 4 =2 ‘Maximum height attained by the ball is A, then from equation thot = 20x2. 10x? = 40-20= 20 m If f, be the time taken by the ball to reach at B from point P, then fas 0xn + Lot = 20-5=0+b x10 1s=52 > 1,=V35 «Time taken by the ball during entire trip, tay +1, 22+ Js 29. A motor-bike starts from rest, attains a velocity of 10 m/s with an acceleration of 0.5 my/s?, travels 10 km with this uniform velocity and then comes to halt with a uniform deceleration of 0.2 nvs*. The total time of travel is [14 Sep. 2020, Shift (@) 1070s (b) 1050s (c) 1150s (0) 11708 Sol. (a) The given situation of entire motion of motor bike is shown in the figure. va=0 Ve=10M/s 5-9 Yo=¥a D ‘ ® aosme? 8p O02? If time taken by the motorbike to reach from point A to Bis t,,, then for A to B, Kinematics Ys 0% =10ms"",a= 05m? From equation, v= 1+ at Yea Va + Alyy > 10-04 O5ty v ty std. a5 7208 Since, motorbike moves from point B to cw constant velocity. Hence, ime taken to traver distance BC is given as km _ 10000 m v, 10ms > 1000s 0 ms For motion of motorbike from point Cto D, time = fey, Vy = 10 ms", v, = 0,a"= O2ms? From equation, v= — at, Vy = My = Atey 0=10- 02x toy = fey = 505 c+ Total time = tyy + ye + feo = 208 + 1000s + 50s =1070s 30. If 5, =2%, r, =29, where & and ¥ are unit vectors along the X-axis and Y-axis respectively, then the magnitude of r, +1, is [14 Sep. 2020, Shift-tl] (22 = )2v3_ WZ VS Sol. (a) Given, 5 31. Let A, +A, =5A, A,-A,=3Ay, i247 then Atl; Ayaie4} then Matis [14Sep. 2020, Shift] (a4 (8 2 @é Sol. (a) Given that, A, + A, = 5A, eli) -A,=3A, lil) On adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get 2A, =8A, = A, =44A, A, =4ai + 4p(- Ay = ai A, =8i+16j On subtracting Eqs. (ii) from (i), we get 2A,=2A, > A, =A,=a+4j 1A] |ai+ 16 via)? + 16)" IA teat 2+ 4 64+ 256 320 ie = = <4 vie | ¥20° + 4jigiven)) 19 32. Ball-1 is dropped from the top of a building from rest. At the same moment, ball-2 is thrown upward towards ball-1 with a speed 14 m/s from a point 21 m below the top of building. How far will the ball-1 have dropp when it passes ball-2. (Assume, acceleration due to gravity, g =10 m/s). (3 may 2019, Shift-1] 45 52 a7 25 2 52 a7 a a7 OEm Cm w ym Sol. (a) ‘Suppose that both the balls meet at a distance ht from ball-1 after time t from the start as shown in the figure, Ball-t uo? 4] 21m 4) “hl Balke For downward motion of ball-1, from second ‘equation of the motion, 1 haut+ =o eli) ost Lad cue ha Oxre 5 x10r [ru=0} f= 5 (i) For upward motion of ball-2, from second ‘equation of the motion, (iii Given, speed of ball-2, v=14 mvs, acceleration due to gravity, g =10mvs - Substituting these values in Bq, (iil), we get 1 — helt + x10? 21-helit-5 > 2 halt 5? ‘Adding Eq, (i) and (iv), we get asta = t= 35-158 veivy From Eq. (ii), we get h=5x(5) =1125m*45/4m ‘Therefore, the ball-1 will have dropped 45/4 m when it passes ball-2. 20 at an angle of 30° few i ical due to the wind with a speed of om. Acaris travelling horizontally in the direction opposite to the ‘wind, at a speed of 40 vs. Atiwhat ange from the vertical wll i in falling from? inexperience therain aling Hy 33, Rain is falling Rain or Car (6) 120° (a) 30" (0) 60° Sol. (6) ‘The given situation can be shown in figure below, Car v=40ms ‘As the rain makes an angle of 30° with the vertical. So, the angle made by it with the horizontal is 8= 90° 30°= 60° ‘And as the car is moving in horizontal direction with the same speed as that of the rain, So, the rain appears to him falling at an angle of 60°, 34, Consider a car initially at rest, starts to move along a straight road first with acceleration 5 m/s*, then with uniform velocity and finally, decelerating at 5 m/s’, before coming to a stop. Total time taken from start to end is 1=25 s. If the average velocity during that time is 72 km/hr, the car moved with uniform velocity for a time of [3 May 2019, shift-i!] (2) 15s (0) 30s) 155s (25 Sol. (a) Given,Acceleration of car, a = Sm/s?, deceleration of cara = Sm/s?, total time taken from start of end is, = 25s and average velocity of car, Vv, = 72km/hr = 20 m/s 14 Sony hr 18'™/9) __ total displacement Since, Vg totaltime taken, TS EAMCET Chaptervice Phy, 21,total time taken by the car durig acceleray; and deceleration ‘eration a5 25 22 5p at? = 3; 3H ana Vg 7 20= 1 ince, d, = 0+ P-25+100= So, it gives ¢ = 20and 5s. Hence, the time of uniform motion, yy = 25-21 = 25- 2x20 = -155 (Not possible or t, = 25-10=15s So, the correct option is (a). 35. A boy runs on a horizontal road with a speed of 4 m/s while it is raining. He sees that the rain is making an angle @ with the vertical while running from West to East. However, when he runs from East to West, the angle is a. The rain is pouring down at an angle 45° with the vertical normal and at a speed of _ tand 8 m/s as shown in the figure. The ratio oa is [3 May 2019, Shift] Normal 45" West East (@) (1= v2} (0) (1+ VOM (0) (1+ V2) GE-D Sol. (b) A relative motion between rain and boy is shown in the figure below, Boy Boy, ¢ Kinematics Given, speed of the boy on he en worizontal road is The boy is runs from East to West, the angle is = a, the rain is pouring down at anangle=45° t vomtanae say “() 1 B=4c0s4P ri 1 ) Wiel saa v2. similarly, tanB = 2590149) L 8—4c05(90°445)— 2V241 As from figure, tan = tan(a+ 45%) = NA+ tana an atanay 1+ 22-1 22 wi V3 => tand= ae 2 W2-2 V2-1 w2-1 Similarly, tana = tan(B- 4°) tand _(1+¥2) (1+ v2 * ence. a (233) (ER) 8 So, the correct option is (b). 36. A ball is projected vertically up from ground. Boy A standing at the window of first floor of a nearby building observes that the time interval between the ball crossing him while going up and the ball crossing him while going down is 2s. Another boy B standing on the second floor notices that time interval between the ball passing him twice, during up motion and down motion is 1s. Calculate the difference between the vertical positions of boy B and boy A (Assume, acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s?) [3 May 2019, Shift-II] (a) 845m (b)3.75m (c)4.25m (d)250m Sol. (b) The figure given below, shows the, vertical motion of a ball, v=0 05s 2" floor tvs 05s 1* floor Lvq 37. 38. 21 Here, ball crosses the Ist loor in 2s, so it goes up in 1 sand goes down in next one second. So, v-v, = —gl = O-v, = -100) => v,=10m/s “s Boy, Bobserved the ball crossing him while up and down motion in 1s. So, time taken by the ball to reached the floor 8 from floor A is 0.5s. 1 1 80, s =f 9t” =10 «05-4 x10 «(057 git =10 «05-5 x10 (09) = 5-123=3.75m Hence, the correct option is (b). ‘The nature of a graph drawn for a freely falling body with time on the x-axis and speed on the y-axis is (Assuming initial speed to be zero.) [4 May 2019, Shift} (2) a straight line with positive axis intercept. (0) a straight line passing through the origin () aparabola. (@) astraight line paratiel to y-axis wit positive x-axis intercept Sol. (b) ‘As we know that, for free falling body the equation of velocity is veut gt Since, #=Othen v= gt =l0r Which is show that a straight line passing through the origin. So, the correct option is (b). (-g=10mis*} A particle A moves along the line, y=30 m with a constant velocity, v parallel to x-axis. ‘At the moment particle A passes the y-axis, a particle B starts from the origin with zero initial speed and a constant acceleration, a =0.40 m/sec’, The angle between a and y-axis is 60°. If the particles and B collide after sometimes, then the value of | will be [4May 2019, Shift-I] f@) 2mvs (Sms (Ams (A) Ses Sol. (b) 'As shown in the figure, two particles are moving with velocity v and acceleration a. 22 Let the time of collision of two particles be t, then the equation of motion, Lae seut+ xat 2 60°? For particle A. 30m = (Ot + —_ = 302 et = VIO 272 Hence, in time ¢ = ¥300, both travelled equal distance in horizontal direction, so that the +s nace, = ut= 1 geass 2 (30° = 90° 60°) 1 Bae at xoge Sx y300 => w= 3mis = m3 : Hence, the correct option is (b). 39. A ball moves one-fourth @"/4) of a circle of radius R in time T. Let v, and v, be the magnitudes of mean speed and mean velocity vector. The ratio v, /v; will be [4May 2019, Shift-1] z 3 2 z (a= b)= Ti @> oO: Om Ore Sol. (d) Key idea Mean speed of a moving body, = etal distance m= ~ totl time taken ‘Mean velocity vector for a moving body, total displacement total time taken A ball moving in a circular arc is shown in the figure below, B Here, Yay OR Similarly, v= ate Option (d) is correct. TS EAMCET Chapternise Phy, iy 40, A particle covers a distance fr a period of time; the distance yea 92 isthe shown below. Then which o Pe following is true for the motion of the particle? am 972019, shiny g 8 6 ‘A Time (a) Both average speed and ji are always zero, stanlaneous spy (6) Average speed is abways non-zero but instantaneous speed can be zero, (©) Instantaneous speed is ahvays. non average speed can be zero. BE (0) Both average speed and instantaneous are always non-zero, -— Sol. (b) The distance versus time plot for movement of a Particle from 4 and Bis shown in the diagram From graph, it is a slope of distance-time graph for position to Cand D to Bis always positive therefore both the average speed and instantaneous speed are not always 2er0, therefore, option (a) is not correct. Average velocity Total displacement from to B Total time interval a Since, total displacement depends on stral distance between initial and final pints, bene displacement between A to Balways non 27 therefore the average speed is always non 24% Since, no distance is travelled between point to Dis zero. Hence, instantaneous speed 3t instant between Cto Dis zero. Hence, option (b) is correct and option (d) are incorrect. . (cyand Kinematics 41. Aball is thrown vertically upward from the ground at time, t=0 s. It passes the top ofa tower at =3 s and 2s later it reaches and its maximum height. The height of the tower is (Acceleration due to gravity, g =10 mys?) [6 May 2019, Shift] (105m) 125m ()B5m ESM Sol. (a) According to question, ball reaches at top of a tower at the time, f, = 3s and further reaches at the maximum height at time, f, = 2s, Total time taken by ball to reached the maximum height, tet +t=3+2 tess ube velocity of ball at time, ¢= 0, then from the first equation of the motion, veu~ gt [eg=1omis*] O=u-10x5= u=50m/s If hbe the height of the tower, then from the second equation of the motion, V5. 1 heut-Lxg?=50x3-1x10%F ~ ee 2 =150- 45=105m Hence, the height of the tower is 105 m. 42, Rain is falling vertically with a speed of 30 m/s. Aman rides a bicycle with a speed of 10 m/s from East to West direction. At what the angle with the vertical, he sees the rain falling? [6 May 2019, Shift-1] @ ten'() towards West () tan-'(3)towards West 1 (©) tan” ( 3 Sol. (a) Given, speed of rain in vertical direction, ¥, = 30.m/s Speed of man, v,, = 10 m/s from direction East to West. 5 onards East (0) tan"(@)owards East The given situation is shown in the above figure. 23 If Obe the angle from vertical in south direction, then, tang = Y= 10.1 30 3 = tan! (5) towards West direction. 43. An archer shoots an arrow from a height 4.2 m above the ground with a speed 40 m/s and at an angle 30° as shown in the figure. Determine the horizontal distance R covered by the arrow, when it hits the ground, (Take g =10 m/s?) [6May 2019, shift-1] t 42m L Fem (EAM (63m @3m Sol. (b) Given, speed of arrow, v= 40 m/s and 6 = 30° v A 8 | 42m] | ‘ — Ry Horizontal range R, covered by the arrow is given by " Ysin29 g 40 sn 39 - \60sineo =160°2 = s0v3m If be the time taken by the arrow reaching from Bo C, then from the second equation of motion, => haut+ ier here, = 42m, u = vsin30° 4.2=vsin30° r+ Lot 24 sor? + 2001 ~ 4 251? + 1001 = 21=0 , tion, = Solving the quadratic equ jon is given by pistance travelled in horizontal ircetion Is given PY R, = re0s30°X1 im 24022 x be avi ey "Ss distance covered by the Hence, the horizontal arrow, R=R + Ry sous 4/3= 843m ith ‘Acar moves in positive } irection wil 44 nar proportional to distance travelled y 3s 1) ay", where Bis a positive constant. The car covers a distance L with average velocity <1" > proportional to L as L'”. | The constant Bis given as _[4May 2018, Shift-|] i 1 @; Os 2 A @3 @> Sol. (b) Relation between average velocity and instantaneous velocity is Lp rayne In the given problem, 4) « y* (independent of t) $0, auh) or (ay But according to question, « y'/” 1 So, = 6 2 cys 45. Consider a particle moving along the positive direction of X-axis. The velocity of the Particle is given by v=ay/x (ais a positive Constant). At time f=0, if the particle located at x =0, the time dependence of the velocity and the acceleration of the particle are respectively [4 May 2018, shitt-t] (0) «et and a? bang (a) Qiang (o) St ang ay au? (a) “pt and av (ii) Acceleration vector, a= — = 64 TS EAMCET Chapterwise Phys a Sol. (a) Given, veavx andatx=0,1=9 ‘To find velocity and acceleration in terms of time, we need to find x as function ofr, ” Saale de be at an On integrating both Wx Using, 46. The magnitude of velocity and acceleration and velocity of a particle moving in a plane, whose position vector r =3i + 24 + kat t =2s are respectively [4 May 2018, shitty, (a) V148, 6 (b) V144,.6 (0) ¥i3,3 (@v14,3 Note In the question paper sequence is given, (acceleration and velocity) which is not matching with any of option given Sol. (a) Given, r=xi+2j+k (i) Velocity vector, v= 4. ori+ 3 ‘Magnitude of velocity vector, Iea= V@2" + 2F = Via8 at Magnitude of acceleration al, Two objects are located at height 10 m above the ground, At some point of time, the objects are thrown with initial velocity 2y2 mys at an angle 45° and 135° with the positive X-axis, respectively. Assuming 9 =10 m/s, the velocity vectors will be perpendicular to each other at time is equal [4May 2018, Shift!) @ozs (0045 06s (08s Kinematics Sol. (b) In this projectile motion, both objects are projected at the angle difference of 90°, They will be again have same angle difference, when they are again at same height (of 10 m) from ground, Taking, plane 0,00, as reference, time taken to reach at point Q, by first object is 2usind Time of flight, 7; = _ 2x 28nd? ae Time taken by second object to reach at point 0, is 2xNIsin39° 10 o4s t =04s 2 Rah So, velocities of both objects will be perpendicular to each other after 0.4 s. 48. An object moves ina straight line with deceleration whose magnitude varies with velocity as 3v*”. If at an initial point, the velocity is 8 m/s, then the distance travelled by the object before it stops is [4May 2018, shift-I] (@)2m (6m 8m Sol. (b) Given that, a = deceleration = ~ 39" mys? At initial point (1 = 0) velocity = 8 m/s Distance travelled by the object before it stop is (o)4m We know that, og galt te dt ds dt Integrate both sides, we get fa= [ved = s= 3 4 SAL =O,u=8m/s5=0 1 16 So, C= ~(gt?= “2 7 a 25 ‘Therefore, from Eq. (1) soilveea 4 Body stops, when v= 0. So, s= 4m. 9. A particle starts from origin at time f =0 and moves in positive x-direction. Its velocity ¥ varies with times as v =104 cm/s, The distance covered by the particle in 8 s will be [4May 2018, Shift-1H] (a) 320m (6) 80cm = (c) 120m (d) 640. cm Sol. (a) Given that, f = 0, v = 10ri cm/s So, acceleration, a = — = 101 cm/s According to second eration of mation 3 ea => $=1/2 «10 x(8) = 320 => 5 = 320m 50. Consider an object making uniform motion around a circle of radius 5 m with tangential velocity 2 ms”. The time it takes to complete 2 revolution and the magnitude of acceleration respectively are [4May 2038, Shift-I] (a) 0.2xsand0.8ms* (b) 0.528 and 1ms* ()10rsand08ms? (d) 5xs andSms* Sol. (c) Given that, circle of radius tangential velocity = 2mvs 5m Here, 2 revolutions complete by object. sr We know that, 2 =? =irad/s v=oR pro > orgs Al welt) = Tae So T © 25 T= 5x sfor one revolution. => The body completes 2 revolutions in time, f= 2x5xm=10ns Also acceleration, a=" / 26 51. A stone is dropped from a height of 100 m, while another one is projected vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 25 m/s at the same time. The time in seconds after which they will have the same height is (acceleration due to gravity, g =10 ms”) [5 May 2016, Shift-I) (4 5 (6 (a7 Sol. (a) Let stones meet after time t seconds. ‘Then distance travelled by first stone int seconds = 100—h (mm) and distance travelled by Tind stone in f second is h(m). So, we have Substituting for from Eq () in Eq, (i), we eet h=25-(00- 25 =100 t=4s 52. A car starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration of 5 m/s? for 10 5 before the driver applies the brake. It then decelerates for 5 s before coming to rest, then the average speed of the car over the entire Journey of the car is (May 2018, Shift-] ()23m/s (b)30m/s (0) 33mVs_ (d) 25 m/s Sol. (d) ‘Schematic diagram for motion of body is a,=5ms? x0 > mo 5 52 t=158 t= 108 Total displacement Average 5 * Total time In interval = 0101 =105; f= bx5x 09" = 250m Displacement, 5, 2 Final velocity, v, = u+4,t TS EAMCET Chapterwise Physics => ¥ = 0+ 5x10= 50ms” In interval = 10s tof =15s, Oms", ¥, = Oms", 1 = 55 veurat 0-50 = =-1oms* And by 7 ~12 = 2as, we have Wf - Hf = 2(a,)s, => ¢, = 5050 Ha,)s,=> $5 mo 125m So, average speed for interval, = 0101 = 155 we have ke 250+ 12! 75, 1o+5 15. =25 ms" 53. A particle moves in a circle with speed y varying with time as v(f) =2t. The total acceleration of the particle after it completes 2 rounds of cycle is [SMay 2018, shits} (@) 16 (2) 14 Gin? ()2y1+ 49n?* (14% Sol. (6) Instantaneous velocity of particle in circular motion is v=rw=at, (let v= af 40 _at a Oran Tr So, [e-jea. n= number of rounds = 2 (given) = nam av Tangential acceleration, a, = 4 =a +. Total acceleration, =a/i+ (amy = Nit Gin? [givena=20=4 54, A small object is thrown at an angle 45° to the horizontal with an initial velocity Vo: TH velocity is averaged for first v2 s and the magnitude of average velocity comes out (0 Kinematics be same as that of initial velocity, Le. |v, ‘The magnitude |v4| will be (take, g =10 m/s?) {5 May 2016, Shift-t] (a)3rvs_ (0) W2 mvs (c)4nvs —(d) Svs Sol. (d) a) 15 Let object is at B(x, y) after ¢ = V2s Then, x =u, xt =v, cos4 x V2 La,e = vlsingy/3~ 509 x63? = (-19m Displacement OB of particle is oB= Joa? + AB = Jv +(v, -10° oB and y= ¥%, 0r OB = = Ya+W,-10? =V2 = WG + (¥-107 = 2yy =10 => vp = Sms” 55, Avehicle starts movirig in a straight line with an acceleration, a =4m/s*, with initial velocity equal to zero. After accelerating for time, the vehicle moves uniformly and for time f,, the vehicle finally decelerates for time f, eventually coming to a stop. The total time taken during the motion is 10 s and the average velocity during the motion is 5.1m/s. The time taken by the vehicle during acceleration is [May 2018, Shift-] faj2s (O)25s (15s (18s Sol. (c) For first part of journey, x = 0,a=4ms"*, time = f,. Velocity attained by particle at end of time is = y =u tal, = 4h +: Displacement in first f, seconds is For second part of journey, initial velocity, yah, time = t, and acceleration = 0. «Displacement in next 1, seconds is 512 4h Ahh 56. 27 For third part of journey, Initial velocity, v, = 4t, Final velocity = 0 Time interval = f So, acceleration = 9= 44 = — 4ms"* 4 ¢. Displacement in third part is tore ae heheh 2} + At, + 2F 10 => 51-418 + 4,00-2,) > 51-40 + 404, - Sle > 4} — 401, + 51=0 = 4} = 344, - 61, +51 = &-3%-19=054, or hedges (Ast, = 8.55 is not possible. It exceeds total time.) A body travels in a straight line from point A to point B with an initial velocity zero and uniform acceleration, covering 1m during the first second and 39 m during the last second. The distance between A and B in metre is [5 May 2018, shift-!t] (50 =) 109,390 (a) 400 Sol. (d) “ uO a, t=1 is y_fels a t=O 1m—* 7m Distance travelled in first 1 s, Lip =im= 5 af 5, 4 > = acceleration = 2ms Velocity after 1 s,=u+at, + 2x1=2mst At the end of last second, let velocity is vms"'. ‘Then, from 1 seut+ at 2 we have, 3 eve stax = v=38ms! 28 jon of t seconds, in unknown time duratic veloc to 38 ms"! with an velocity changes from 2 ms" acceleration of 2ms"*, ny, , As. a “at a rete or 182 Bats Distance covered in these 18 sis - 1 . sears at 22K +50) x18 = 364 324 =360m $0, distance between points Aand By + 39+ 360= 400m 57. Acricket player can throw a ball with an initial speed of 30 nvs. What is the maximum range of the player can throw the ball? Neglect air resistance. (Take, 9 = 10 mA" [5 May 2018, Shift-I1] (100m —()90m (80m —(d) 92m Sol. (b) ‘Maximum range occurs, when angle of throw O=45 A : 2 sin29 so, range maximum = uw? _ 900 “9730 7™ 58. A particle moves in XY-plane with x and y varying with time tas x()=5t, y() =5127 —1'). At what time in seconds, the direction of velocity and acceleration will be perpendicular to each other? {5 May 2018, shift-1!] jr @sy> HS ONvi2 @3s Sol. (d) Velocity in x-direction is Velocity in y-direction is 4 yy 24x20) aa =5%27-5x 3H? As, v, = constant and v, = time dependent, “This is a case similar to projectile motion and Velocity and acceleration are perpendicular, when y, = 0. => 5x27-5x#=057 =3s 9= TS EAMCET Chaptorise Py, $ 59. Consider a vechicle moving wit 54 km/h. Ata distance of 400 ir front traffic light brakes are applied. The’ acceleration of the vehicle, after the application of brakes is =0.3 js? The vehicle's positon relative tp the traffic light is (7 May 2018, Si (a)25m= (0)375m (0) 425m 30m My Sol. (a) Given, initial velocity, 3 = 54kinhh = 542 3 mys u=l5m/s Distance of signal from vehicle, d = 400 m acceleration, a = ~ 0.3 m/s? Now, distance covered by vehicle, when it stops is given by v7 =? + 2as . 0= (19? = 2x03xs 322 _ ys, 06" Relative position = 400 - 375= 25m 60. Two trains A and B travel in two parallel rail tracks in opposite direction with speed v, and Vy, respectively. They take 4 s to pass cach other at this speed. If the speed of train Ais nereased by 50%, then they take 3 s to pass each other. The ratio of v, /v, is (7 May 2018, Shift-I] (25 (a) 0:5 (15 (24 Sol. (c) Relative velocity of trains = ¥, + ¥ Let distance between them is s. (i) First they take 4 s to cross s=(y +H) 4 ali) (ii) Second they take 3 s to cross, when speed of train 4 is increased by 50%. 50 Now, relative velocity = (« + 2x) +h -(+) 2 s=(2n+np 3 From Eqs, (i) and (ii), we get (il) Kinematics 61. A small ball is thrown at an angle 45° to the horizontal with an initial velocity of 2y2 mvs. The magnitude of mean velocity averaged over the first 2 s is [take, acceleration due to gravity, 9 =10 nvs*] (7 May 2018, shite] (70m (©) 82 mvs (O78ms (6) Sims Sol. (b) Horizontal displacement in 2 seconds, xa, xt= 3c0545" x Vertical displacement in 2 seconds, 1 wu, + 40,2 yen th = Nisingy?x2~ 5 x10 x4=4-20=-16m Total displacement of particle in first 2 seconds a\Pey =F +16 =16.49m ‘otal displacement Total time Average Velocity = = 824ms* = 8.2 ms 62. The position vector of a particle moving in a plane is given by r=acosat i+ bsinot j where i and jare the unit vectors along the rectangular axes X and ¥; a, band @are constants and fis time. The acceleration of the particle is directed along the vector (7 May 2018, Shift-1] (@)-ai+ bj (-r ()bi+ aj or OF 29 Sol. (c) Given, position vector, f= acosuil + bsinci) ti) On differentiating both sides w.r.t. f, we get Velocity, f= v= -aatsinotl + bacoser) ‘Agata, on differentiating wert. t, we get dv ; “4 acceleration © = a = ~ aw’ cose — bu? sino leration Sf =a =~ aan’ coswai — J @acosot i+ bsinot From Eq. (i), we get oy = Hence, acceleration is along ~ r. A 1,5 kg ball is shot upward at an angle of 34° to the horizontal with an initial speed of 20 mys, then maximum height of the ball reaches is (use cos34°=083 or sin34° =056) {7 May 2018, shift-1] (283m ()94m ()138m @1n2m Sol. (a) Given, initial speed, u = 20 m/s angle of projection, @ = 34° Maximum height, # = 3i0°@ (20) xsin® 34 ee 2x93 400 (056 8 12544 196 63m Laws of Motion 1. In the pulley system, the mass of ball is 1.2 times greater than the mass of the rod. The length of the rod is 50.cm. The ball is set on the same level as the lower end of the rod and then released. What is the acceleration of the rod with which it comes down? Assume QE the pulleys and threads are massless and friction force is neglected. (Use, g =10 m/s?) [9Sep. 2020, shift-II] (@)4mis* (0) 3mvs*_ (c) 2 mvs? (d) Svs® Sol. (6) The free body diagram for given system is as shown below For ball, For rod, > Ma, = Mg-T (li) Ey ubieh 4s uniform and of constant length, yy From Eq. (i), we get ma Fd Multiplying Eq. (ii) by 2 and adding to Eq. (iii), we get 2Ma, + "2 = 2g mg Quam (- i) > - 4 m4 2+) 2 2M Here, - =12and g =10ms* 2~ PAZ 19-98 1100 83m (2+ 8) 26 13 2 2, When a bullet is fired from a rifle its momentum becomes 20 kg-ms~. If the velocity of the bullet is 1000 ms“, then what is its mass? [10 Sep. 2020, Shift) (a) 30g (b) Skg (20g (d) 5009 Sol. (c) Given, Momentum of bullet after firing = 20kg ms Velocity = 1000 ms“ ‘We know that, p = my => m > m= 10008 => m=208 1000 3. A block is between two surfaces as shown in the figure. Find the normal reaction at bot! Surfaces, [Assume, g = 10 m/s?] {10Sep. 2020, stl Laws of Motion (@)N (D)N, (ON, =40NandN, = 4N (A) N, = 37.5Nand N, = 99N Sol. (a) The given situation is shown in the figure, Resolving applied force, we have following forces on block Fon t2 sino 5% 13 + So, horizontal component, F =12xc0s0 and and vertical component, F, =12xsind= 1203 = 2% 5S So, total applied force on ground is 10+ 32x10 37.2N So, reaction N, of ground = 37.2N upwards Also, total force horizontally on wall is Bo 96Nn 3 $0, reaction N, of wall = 9.6 N towards left 31 4. A block of mass 3 kg is pressed against a vertical wall by applying a force F at an angle 30° to the horizontal as shown in the figure. Asa result, the block is prevented from falling down. If the coefficient of static friction between the block and wall is ¥3, then the value of F is (use, g =10 m/s*) [10 Sep. 2020, shift-If} (@)30N () 60 V3N o oon 7 Sol. (a) ‘The given situation is shown below uN i |F sin@ | E { | & Lescol Foos® ] ng ‘Normal reaction is Friction force when block is just on the verge of sliding is bu= 51 J = HN = pFc0s30° As block is in equilibrium, friction= weight of block (mg) + vertical component of force (Fsin®) 3 dpasnor Pats Fey 5. An infinite number of masses are placed on a frictionless table and they are connected via massless strings. Their masses follow the mm m — and they are sequence, m>— fal ey further connected to a mass m that hangs 32 acceleration of over a massless pulley. The ’ the hanging mass is [11Sep. 2020, Shift-t] ge: be a g —z g @s @ 5 Mei Me 26 Sol. (c) ‘The given situation is shown in the following figure mH" a im m9 Effective mass of the system of 1 masses placed on the table, Ifa be the acceleration of system of masses, then according to Newton's second law of motion, T=Ma > T=me-l)a and mg-T=ma => T=mg~ma T= m{g-a) From Eq. (i) and Eq, (ii), we get mle =I) a= m(g- a) => a= gle i) lil) TS EAMCET Chapterwise Phy eg 6. A block of mass m =2 kg is init a horizontal surface, A Hotiontal fa F, = (6N)l and a vertical force F, =nony] then applied to the block, The coetfgna static friction and kinetic friction for ne block anu the surfaces are 0.4 and gs” respectively. The magnitude of the f force acting on the block ig." "ction (assume, g =10 m/s’) est on {11Sep. 2020, shitty Fp a= ()33N (a)25N (0) 4.0N Sol. (a) In addition to the forces shown in figure, there will be another upcoming normal force exerted by the floor on the block. Using ” Newton's second law in horizontal and vertical directions, we get (8) 30N Fthy In horizontal direction, R- and in vertical direction, +, -mg=0 Given, F, = 10N, m= 2kg and g=10ms* = 10+ Fy ~mg=0 or Fy = (2x10) -10=10N Hence, static friction, f, = 1Fy 04 x10=4N (iV) Clearly, it is lesser than static force F (= 6) block wilt move, ie, we are dealing with kinetic friction now. | Hence, friction force (kinetic) acting on the body is Sc =H, Fy = 0.25x10=25N 7. A particle of mass m =1kg moves in the 4y-plane. The force on it at time tis F() =[2sin(ani + 3cos(ai)j] N, where a =15"~ At time ¢=0, the particle is at rest at the origin. Calculate the magnitude of its Laws of Motion position vector F (in m) and veleoity vector v k (in m/s) at time t= s. 2 [14 Sep. 2020, shitt-t1) (a)r= yi(x-2) + 9).v = V13 or MBv= 9 ()r=V3v= v2 @ratv=v6 Sol. (*) Given, m=1kg Force, Fi) = [2sina fi + 3cosar jJN Here, a=1s' => FQ =(2sintl + deost DN So, component of force, F, = Bint and F, = 3cost ma , ro sine as R= = dv, = 2sinr dt (sm=1kg) Integrating both sides, we get n= [fine at = — 2fcostis? (x w= 2(co8 cid) = 0-22 similarly, v, = f°" 3cost dt = ¥sintis” = {sin -sin) = 30-O=3mAs - Magnitude of velocity vector, I= i + = Jay + 3)? = V3 mis vanity, jeate 3) As, velocity vector, tr, = 2m/s and v, = <2 = 3mys m/s and v, = dt, r= 2d Integrating both sides, we get at = Ang? = xm [0° 3ar= ans? < Magnitude of position vector, [Ee = fat + (38) = aE Me iPod = re (2) WaEm 8. A circular freeway entrance and exit are ‘commonly banked to control a moving car at 14 m/s. To design similar ramp for 28 m/s ‘one should [11Sep.2020, Shift-I]) (@) increase the radius by factor 2 (0) increase the radius by factor 4 (C) decrease the radius by factor 4 (@) decrease the radius by factor 2 Similarly, 33 Sol. (b) Given, y, =14m/s and ¥, = 28 mis sere laortn te In the first ease, In the second case, f= 287 estar emsing mel {using Ea. (1)) Hence, radius should be increased by factor 4. 9. A cyclist leans with the horizontal at angle 30°, while negotiating round a circular road of radius 203 m. The speed of the cycle should be [11 Sep. 2020, Shift-I1] (a) 7V3 mvs (0) 14 mis ()7V6 mis (0) 106 mvs Sol. (a) According to the question, the situation is as. shown below Nsin 30° S30 cos 30° m9 Balancing the forces, sin 30° = mg oli) and oil) = 210120503 [tan 30 = 600 = 606 =108 ms 10. A block rests on a fixed wedge inclined at an angle 0. The coefficient of friction between. the block and plane is. The maximum value of @ for the block to remain motionless on the wedge is, [14 Sep. 2020, shitt-I]

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