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Breakdown of Cost Direct Cost Indirect Cost

Labor Materials Scaffold Prelim Continguency Profit
Total Total Total Total Total Total
Head room  Block work 200mm           33,660.00                   50,490.00      13,600.00                    24,437.50                 29,325.00           9,775.00
Pump House Block work  200mm              4,989.60                     7,484.40         2,016.00                      3,622.50                   4,347.00           1,449.00
Car Park Block work  200mm           29,700.00                   44,550.00      12,000.00                    21,562.50                 25,875.00           8,625.00
NOB balance  Stair Plaster (15mm to 20mm)              9,240.00                   13,860.00         4,200.00                      4,095.00                   5,460.00           2,730.00
Pump House internal Plaster (15mm to 20mm)           11,352.00                   17,028.00         5,160.00                      5,031.00                   6,708.00           3,354.00
NOB basement Plster (15mm to 20mm)              3,850.00                     5,775.00         1,750.00                      1,706.25                   2,275.00           1,137.50
O&M basement internal plaster (15mm to 20mm)              7,150.00                   10,725.00         3,250.00                      3,168.75                   4,225.00           2,112.50
Control Building External Plaster (20mm)              8,580.00                   12,870.00         3,900.00                      3,802.50                   5,070.00           2,535.00
Building Externlal painting as per specification (2coats)           26,400.00                   26,400.00      26,400.00                    19,800.00                 23,760.00        11,880.00
Buildings internal approval           12,650.00                   12,650.00      12,650.00                      9,487.50                 11,385.00           5,692.50
Gallery wall Surface finishing  on concrete wall          160,000.00                 160,000.00      80,000.00                    60,000.00               120,000.00        60,000.00
Total:          307,571.60                361,832.40    164,926.00                 156,713.50              238,430.00      109,290.50

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