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Use of Funds

YIFU anticipate ₱100,000 of pre-launch startup expenses includinG

Pre-launch rent: $3K One month of prepaid rent
Pre-launch fixup: $2K. We will do most of the work ourselves
Legal: $1K
Prelaunch marketing expense: $2K. Includes branding, logo, social media, pre-launch
marketing. We plan to do most of this ourselves.
We also need $70K pre-launch assets:

$18K cash on hand

$30K inventory
$2K other current assets
$20K furniture, shelves, signage, etc.
Total starting costs are $78K.

Sources of Funds
YIFU will start with $35,000 of founder investment. We will have a $20,000 dollar line of credit
from our bank. We plan on getting a $27,000 Accion loan to help with our startup.

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