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FUUAST- Document Assignment

EMR hazard regarding

GSM/LTE networks
Global warming due to EMR

Group Members:
Harem Masroor-16122063
Kiran Maqsood-16122087
Q.1) What is EMR hazard regarding GSM/LTE networks?
A) How can we relate this hazardous situation with global
warming issue?
Answer: The transmission lines with voltage above of 100 kV are
the most powerful source of electro-magnetic non-ionizing radiation.
The investigations of radiation effect on technical personnel are
begun, when initiated construction of first 220 kV transmission
lines, when the first signals of health worsening of workers
appeared. Putting into operation transmission lines with voltage of
400kV led to many works in this field which afterwards became the
foundation for the development of first in the world standard acts
limiting the influence of 50 Hz electric field [15]. Transmission lines
with voltage above of 500 kV influence on the environment in forms
of: a) Electric field with industrial frequency 50 Hz which apart from
its harmful effect causes a number of undesirable effects. b)
Magnetic field with industrial frequency c) Corona discharge radiation

 The Electromagnetic Spectrum.  Infrared radiation (heat) and

visible light are both types of electromagnetic radiation.  The sun
radiates a tremendous amount of energy, mostly in the form of
visible light. That energy causes the earth to warm up, and the
earth, in turn, radiates heat.
B) Is global warming a border-line issue of this contemporary
era? If so, why?
Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence
indicates that the net damage costs of climate change
are likely to be significant and to increase over time.
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Scientists have high confidence that global temperatures will continue to

rise for decades to come, largely due to greenhouse gases produced by
human activities. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
which includes more than 1,300 scientists from the United States and other
countries, forecasts a temperature rise of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over
the next century.

According to the IPCC, the extent of climate change effects on individual

regions will vary over time and with the ability of different societal and
environmental systems to mitigate or adapt to change.

The IPCC predicts that increases in global mean temperature of less than 1.8
to 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit (1 to 3 degrees Celsius) above 1990 levels will
produce beneficial impacts in some regions and harmful ones in others. Net
annual costs will increase over time as global temperatures increase.

"Taken as a whole," the IPCC states, "the range of published evidence

indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be
significant and to increase over time.
Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants
collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have
bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally this radiation would escape into
space, but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the
atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. These heat-
trapping pollutants—specifically carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
water vapor, and synthetic fluorinated gases—are known as greenhouse
gases, and their impact is called the greenhouse effect.

Though natural cycles and fluctuations have caused the earth’s climate to
change several times over the last 800,000 years, our current era of global
warming is directly attributable to human activity—specifically to our
burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gasoline, and natural gas, which
results in the greenhouse effect. In the United States, the largest source of
greenhouse gases is transportation (29 percent), followed closely by
electricity production (28 percent) and industrial activity (22 percent).

C) Which country have been faced the challenge of global

warming the most. discuss some international scenarios about
successful coping up of this burning issue?

Following are the list of the countries which faced the challenge of global
warming the most,

1.JAPAN (Climate Risk Index: 5.5) ...

2.PHILIPPINES (Climate Risk Index: 11.17) ...

3.GERMANY (Climate Risk Index: 13.83) ...

4.MADAGASCAR (Climate Risk Index: 15.83) ...

5.INDIA (Climate Risk Index: 18.17) ...

6.SRI LANKA (Climate Risk Index: 19) ...

7.KENYA (Climate Risk Index: 19.67) ...

8.RUANDA (Climate Risk Index: 21.17)

Radiative forcing can be divided into long- and short-wavelength

components. The long-wavelength component refers to changes in the
amount of infrared radiation emitted by Earth to space and is controlled
primarily by changes in the greenhouse gas content of the atmosphere. The
short-wavelength component refers to changes in the amount of solar
energy absorbed by Earth and is controlled primarily by the proportion of
sunlight reflected back to space by the atmosphere and the surface. This
proportion is known as the albedo. Albedo is commonly quoted as a
percentage; an albedo of 100 percent would mean that all of the incident
sunlight is reflected back to space and none is absorbed, whereas an albedo
of 0 percent would mean that none of the incident sunlight is reflected and
all of it is absorbed. The best current estimates of Earth’s albedo put the
value between 29 percent and 30 percent for the past decade (Stephens et
al., 2012). The control of electromagnetic radiation in transformation optical
metamaterials brings the development of vast variety of optical devices. Of
a particular importance is the possibility to control the propagation of light
with light. In this work, we use a structured planar cavity to enhance the
thermo-optic effect in a transformation optical waveguide.

 In recent years, China has taken the lead in global-warming pollution, producing
about 26 percent of all CO2 emissions. The United States comes in second.
Despite making up just 4 percent of the world’s population, our nation produces a
sobering 13 percent of all global CO2 emissions—nearly as much as the European
Union and India (third and fourth place) combined. And America is still number
one, by far, in cumulative emissions over the past 150 years. As a top contributor
to global warming, the United States has an obligation to help propel the world to
a cleaner, safer, and more equitable future. Our responsibility matters to other
countries, and it should matter to us, too.

We’ve started. But in order to avoid the worsening effects of climate change, we
need to do a lot more—together with other countries—to reduce our
dependence on fossil fuels and transition to clean energy sources.

Under the administration of President Donald Trump (a man who falsely referred
to global warming as a “hoax”), the United States withdrew from the Paris
Climate Agreement, rolled back or eliminated dozens of clean-air protections, and
opened up federally managed lands, including culturally sacred national
monuments, to fossil fuel development. Although President Biden has pledged to
get the country back on track, years of inaction during and before the Trump
administration—and our increased understanding of global warming’s serious
impacts—mean we must accelerate our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas

Despite the lack of cooperation from the Trump administration, local and state
governments made great strides during this period through efforts like
the American Cities Climate Challenge and ongoing collaborations like
the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Meanwhile, industry and business leaders
have been working with the public sector, creating and adopting new clean-
energy technologies and increasing energy efficiency in buildings, appliances, and
industrial processes. Today the American automotive industry is finding new ways
to produce cars and trucks that are more fuel efficient and is committing itself to
putting more and more zero-emission electric vehicles on the road. Developers,
cities, and community advocates are coming together to make sure that new
affordable housing is built with efficiency in mind, reducing energy consumption
and lowering electric and heating bills for residents. And renewable
energy continues to surge as the costs associated with its production and
distribution keep falling. In 2020 renewable energy sources such as wind and
solar provided more electricity than coal for the very first time in U.S. history.

President Biden has made action on global warming a high priority. On his first
day in office, he recommitted the United States to the Paris Climate Agreement,
sending the world community a strong signal that we were determined to join
other nations in cutting our carbon pollution to support the shared goal of
preventing the average global temperature from rising more than 1.5 degrees
Celsius above preindustrial levels. (Scientists say we must stay below a 2-degree
increase to avoid catastrophic climate impacts.) And significantly, the president
has assembled a climate team of experts and advocates who have been tasked
with pursuing action both abroad and at home while furthering the cause of
environmental justice and investing in nature-based solutions

D) Is our country Pakistan facing global warming issue due to

"EMR" hazard? if so what is the main reason behind it? What
can be possible solutions AS we are in third world countries
and having very limited resources


Climate change in Pakistan is expected to cause wide-ranging effects on the
environment and people in Pakistan. In addition to increased heat, drought and
extreme weather conditions in some parts of the country, the melting of glaciers
in the Himalayas threatens many of the most important rivers of Pakistan.
During other seasons the prevailing wind is the dry northeast monsoon. May and
June are the hottest months of the year, with temperatures rising to 122 °F (50
°C). During January, the coldest month, the mean minimum temperature ranges
between 41 and 50 °F (5 and 10 °C), and frost is frequent.

What is Pakistan doing about climate change?

The Pakistani government announced a new electric vehicle policy this summer

and plans to get two-thirds of its electricity from wind, solar and hydropower by
2030. Like large Western democracies and other big greenhouse gas
polluters, Pakistan must move on multiple fronts at the same time to rein in
E) Give your suggestions to get rid of EMR hazard according to
your ow view-point.
1.. When talking on your cell phone, your safest bet is speakerphone mode
with your phone a hand’s length away. Not quite as good (because it still
emits some radiation), but better than holding the phone to your head, is a
wired headset. A Bluetooth emitter is your third choice. It will deliver lower
levels of microwave radiation than your cell phone, but more than the wired
headset. Turn your headset off when the phone is not in use.

2..Try not to keep your phone turned on next to your body throughout the
day. Or, if you must, position the cell phone so that the antenna, which
emits radiation, is facing away from you.

3..Try to use your phone when you have the maximum number of bars,
indicating the best reception. When signal quality is poor, your phone emits
more radiation.

4..Try not to use your cell phone in elevators, cars, trains, or planes. Cell
phones draw more power, and emit more radiation, in enclosed metal

5..Text instead of calling whenever possible. The farther your phone is from
your body, the better.

6..When you are home, use a wired landline. Remember, cordless phones
connected to a landline can emit radiation much like cell phones.
7..You may be tempted to use one of the many radiation shields on the
market, but keep in mind that they may hamper reception, causing your cell
phone to churn out more radiation.

F) Do you think the continual invasion of technology especially

GSM/ LTE collides directly with the Mother - Nature of our
GREEN planet earth? Do you agree or disagree..?? Write some
supportive points as your OWN opinion?
Global warming is becoming an increasingly prominent issue. It is
commonly disputed whether electronics and the radiation they emit
are harmful towards the growth of organisms. As this cannot be tested
on a human, we chose plants which are a key element of Earth. To be
specific, this research was conducted on basil plants. The purpose of
this experiment is to find out if electromagnetic (EM) radiation from
electronics affects plant growth. After experimentation, it can be
concluded that EM radiation did affect basil plant growth. The plants
exposed to EM radiation were taller, thinner, and a much lighter shade
of green compared to the unexposed plants. With the help of this
experiment, the effects of EM radiation on the growth of organisms can
be seen and studied. Further study is necessary to determine if the EM
radiation affected the plants on a molecular level, as well as understand
how they adapt or if they die. This research can be used to determine
the potential detrimental effects that electronics can have on living
organisms and the environment to eventually help create a solution to
reduce or eliminate this harm.
G) What steps have been/ (should be) taken to convert the
GSM/ LTE technology as a GREEN TECHNOLOGY? Why the
Green version of the technology is necessary? How it can be
possible w.r.t. Pakistan?
The main purpose of green technology is to slow down global warming
and reduce the green house effect. The main idea is the creation of new
technologies which do not damage the natural resources. This should
result into less harm to people, species and the general health of our

Green technology gives companies the opportunity to help the

environment and take advantage of inherent cost savings, such as
those associated with eliminating paper waste or switching to energy
efficient light bulbs. Tax incentives are also an obvious and tempting
driver for eco-friendly practices.

Helping the environment also helps companies from a PR perspective

as well. Clients are looking for energy optimized and ethical businesses
to partner with and even employees are actively seeking work with
companies who share their personal ‘green’ values.

1. Devices

Businesses purchase and distribute unbelievable amounts of

technology hardware but few people take time to consider the
environmental ramifications of choices around the manufacturing,
shipping, maintenance, and disposal of the tech tools that we use
2. Workflows and Processes

While most companies have a close-to-paperless environment that

leverages email and messaging platforms like Gmail and Workplace by
Facebook, there are still several workflows and business processes that
frequently come offline.

Security, retention, and user adoption are holes in the bottom of your
metaphorical eco-friendly boat. When a business network isn’t secure,
there are concerns about retention, or the user experience is
unbecoming / overly complicated, employees fall back to their old-
school, paper printing ways.

3. Data Warehousing

Let’s imagine that you’ve got the technology device puzzle figured out
and your teams are operating in a 100% paperless environment. What
happens to your company information when it’s not being actively
used? Another overlooked opportunity for environmental improvement
is data warehousing.

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