DRRR 11 & 12 Module 4.1

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#21 Harrison Road, Baguio City

Senior High School Department

School Year 2020-2021

DRRR 11 & 12
Living Things and Their Environment

Week 07—04-08 January 2021

Week 08—11-15 January 2021

Prepared by:


BPHS LM 0|Page
Learning Module in DRRR 11 & 12

Week 07 Chapter III: Volcanic Hazards

04-08 January 2021 Lesson 1: Different Types of Volcanic Hazards
Lesson 2: Signs of Impending Volcanic Eruption
Reference Book: Oliva, Mylene D. G., Disaster Readiness
and Risk Reduction, (DIWA Textbooks, 2019), pages 1-16
Amadore, Leoncio A. et al., Disaster Risk Reduction for the
Youth, (Selesiana Books by Don Bosco Press, Inc., 2017),
pages 54-62
Week 08 Lesson 3: Volcano Hazard Maps
11-15 January 20210 Lesson 4: Precautionary and Safety Measures for
Volcanic Eruption
Reference Book: Oliva, Mylene D. G., Disaster Readiness
and Risk Reduction, (DIWA Textbooks, 2019), pages 1-16
Amadore, Leoncio A. et al, Disaster Risk Reduction for the
Youth, (Selesiana Books by Don Bosco Press, Inc., 2017),
pages 62-68
Other References:
 https://scientiafantastica.wixsite.com/scientiafantastica/single-
 https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-
Most Essential Learning Competencies: At the end of this module, each learner
should be able to:
 Identify the most common volcano-related hazards in the Philippines.
 Explain the differences of the various volcano-related hazards
 Recognize the signs of impending volcanic eruptions.
 Interpret different volcano hazard map.
 Create a family emergency preparedness plan against a volcanic eruption.
 Appreciate the importance of being prepared before, during, and after the
occurrence of disaster.
 Discipline in accomplishing this module and in following scientific process in
investigating situations.
 Creativity and critical thinking in performing assigned task.

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Week 07—Days 1-2
Chapter III: Volcanic Hazards
Lesson 1: Different Types of Volcanic Hazards
Volcanoes can be exciting and fascinating, but also very
dangerous. Any kind of volcano is capable of creating harmful or deadly
phenomena, whether during an eruption or a period of quiescence. Understanding
what a volcano can do is the first step in mitigating volcanic hazards, but it is
important to remember that even if scientists have studied a volcano for decades, they
do not necessarily know everything it is capable of. Volcanoes are natural systems,
and always have some element of unpredictability.
Volcanologists are always working to understand how volcanic hazards behave,
and what can be done to avoid them. Here are a few of the more common hazards.

Pyroclastic Density Currents

Pyroclastic density currents are
gravity-driven, rapidly moving,
ground-hugging mixtures of rock
fragments and hot gases. This mixture
forms a dense fluid that moves along
the ground with an upper part that is
less dense as particles fall toward the
ground. The behavior of the fluid
depends upon the solid’s
concentration relative to the amount of
hot gases (i.e., solids-gas ratio). High
concentration density flows are called
"pyroclastic flows" and are
essentially nonturbulent and confined to valleys. Low concentration density flows are
called "pyroclastic surges" which can expand over hill and valley like hurricanes.
Pyroclastic flows and surges are potentially highly destructive owing to their
mass, high temperature, high velocity and great mobility. Deadly effects include
asphyxiation, burial, incineration and crushing from impacts. Many people and the
cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed in 79 AD from an eruption of
Mount Vesuvius; 29,000 people died by pyroclastic surges at St. Pierre, Martinique in
1902; >2000 died at Chichónal Volcano in southern Mexico in 1982 from pyroclastic
surges. The only effective method of risk mitigation is evacuation prior to such
eruptions from areas likely to be affected by pyroclastic density currents.

Lahars are part of the family of debris
flows that are fluids composed of mixtures
of water and particles of all sizes from
clay-size to gigantic boulders. The
abundance of solid matter carries the
water, unlike watery floods where water
carries the fragments. Debris flows have
the viscous consistency of wet concrete,
and there is a complete transition to
watery floods. Lahars are composed of
volcanic particles and originate directly or
indirectly from volcanic action. Lahars can
form by hot pyroclastic surges or flows entering watershed systems or flowing over
snow and ice, by eruptions through crater lakes, by heavy rains on loose volcanic
debris—that is, any process by which volcanic particles can become saturated by
water and move downslopes. They can move with velocities as low as 1.3 m/s to as
great as 40 m/s on steep slopes. They are known to have travelled as far as 300 km.

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Lahars have destroyed many villages and lives living on Indonesian volcanoes because
most people live in valleys where lahars flow. The 21,000 lives lost at Armero,
Colombia, was from a lahar that formed during the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz in
1985. It was generated by meltwater from the interaction of pyroclastic surges with
snow and ice, from a very small eruption. Lahars can transform into regular floods as
they become increasingly diluted with water downstream. This phenomenon was first
discovered at Mount St. Helens where hot pyroclastic surges transformed to lahars,
which further transformed to hyperconcentrated streamflow and then to normal
stream-flow turbulence (floods).

Debris-flow Avalanches
The eruption of Mount St. Helens
on May 18, 1980 started with a relatively
small volcanic earthquake that caused
collapse of the north side of the volcano
because it was over steepened and
therefore unstable. When the landslide
occurred, it decreased the pressure on
the pressurized interior of the volcano
which expanded explosively to form a
lateral blast that devastated the
countryside north of the volcano. Most of
the debris flow avalanche was diverted
down the North Fork Toutle River, but
some moved directly northward over a
300-meter ridge and down into the next
valley. Since the 1980 Mount St. Helens
eruption, dozens of volcanoes that have
given rise to avalanches have been
discovered. For example, 40 avalanches
exceeding 1 Km3 in volume, and 22 with a volume of less than 1 km3, are now known
from the Quaternary alone, and 17 historic volcanic avalanches have been identified.
The hilly topography north of Mount Shasta in northern California is now known to be
the result of a have debris-flow avalanche. Some are known to extend up to 85 km
from their sources and to cover tens to more than 1000 km2 in area.

Lava flows
Lava flows rarely threaten human life
because lava usually moves slowly—a few
centimeters per hour for silicic flows to
several km/hour for basaltic flows. An
exceptionally fast flow (extremely rare) at
Mt. Nyiragongo, Zaire (30-100 km/hour),
overwhelmed about 300 people. Major
hazards of lava flows--burying, crushing,
covering, burning everything in their path.
Sometimes lava melts ice and snow to
cause floods and lahars. Lava flows can
dam rivers to form lakes that might overflow and break their dams causing floods.
Methods for controlling paths of lava flows:
(1) construct barriers and diversion channels,
(2) cool advancing front with water,
(3) disruption of source or advancing front of lava flow by explosives.

Tephra Falls and Ballistic Projectiles formed on Land

Tephra consists of pyroclastic
fragments of any size and origin. It is a
synonym for "pyroclastic material." Tephra

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ranges in size from ash (<2 mm) to lapilli (2-64 mm) to blocks and bombs (>64 mm).
Densities vary greatly, from that of pumice (<0.5) to solid pieces of lava with density
about 3.0. Blocks from basement material may exceed 3.0. Material may be juvenile
(formed of magma involved in the eruption) or accidental (derived from pre-existing
Tephra fall and ballistic projectiles endanger life and property by (1) the force of
impact of falling fragments, but this occurs only close to an eruption, (2) loss of
agricultural lands if burial is greater than 10 cm depth, (3) producing suspensions of
fine-grained particles in air and water which clogs filters and vents of motors, human
lungs, industrial machines, and nuclear power plants, and (4) carrying of noxious
gases, acids, salts, and, close to the vent, heat. Burial by tephra can collapse roofs of
buildings, break power and communication lines and damage or kill vegetation. Even
thin (<2 cm) falls of ash can damage such critical facilities as hospitals, electric-
generating plants, pumping stations, storm sewers and surface-drainage systems and
sewage treatment plants, and short circuit electric-transmission facilities, telephone
lines, radio and television transmitters. When dispersed widely over a drainage basin,
tephra can change rainfall/runoff relationships. Low permeability of fine ash deposits
leads to increased runoff, accelerated erosion, stream-channel changes and hazardous
floods. In contrast, thick, coarse-grained deposits closed to the source can increase
infiltration capacity and essentially eliminate surface runoff.
Many of the hazards of tephra falls can be mitigated with proper planning and
preparation. This includes clearing tephra from roofs as it accumulates, designing
roofs with steep slopes, strengthening roofs and walls, designing filters for machinery,
wearing respirators or wet clothes over the mouth and nose because tephra can
contain harmful gases adsorbed on the particles as acid aerosols and salt particles.

Volcanic Gas
Magma is molten rock containing
dissolved gases that are released to the
atmosphere during an eruption and
while the magma lies close to the
surface from hydrothermal systems.
The most abundant volcanic gas is
water vapor; other important gases are
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,
sulfur oxides, hydrogen sulfide,
chlorine, and fluorine. The gases are
transported away from vents as acid
aerosols, as compounds adsorbed on tephra and as microscopic salt particles. Sulfur
compounds, chlorine and fluorine react with water to form poisonous acids damaging
to the eyes, skin and respiratory systems of animals even in very small concentrations.
The acids can destroy vegetation, fabrics and metals. Atmospheric veils of dust or acid
aerosols caused by large-volume explosive eruptions can effect regional or global
Most volcanic gases are noxious and smell bad, but they can cause mass
fatalities. A rare case of mass deaths by volcanic gases in 1986 at Lake Nyos, in
Cameroon, West Africa. Tons of carbon dioxide spilled out of Lake Nyos, and flowed
silently down a canyon and through 3 village occupied by 1700 people. They and 3000
cattle died instantly from lack of oxygen.
Carbon dioxide emissions are now being monitored at Mammoth Mountain,

A tsunami is a long-period sea
wave or wave train generated by a
sudden displacement of water.
Tsunamis travel at very high speeds
through deep water as low broad waves

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and build to great heights as they approach the shallow bottom of shores. Most are
caused by fault displacements on the sea floor, but many have been caused by
volcanic action. The eruption of Krakatau in 1883 produced tsunamis that killed
36,000 people. The pyroclastic flow generated by this eruption displaced the water that
initiated the tsunamis.

Let’s Have a Pit Stop!

Decode the CODE

Direction: Rearrange the scrambled words that are related to volcanic

hazards by placing the correct letters in the box. Use the numbered boxes to
decode the final word at the bottom.

6 5 8 8

w w w w w w w w w w w w w
12 5 7. IFNALITON 10
3 3 8. LLNDASDIES 12 3
w w w w w w w w9 w w w
w w w w w w w w w w w w
1 w w w w w w w w7 w
w w w 11 w w w w w w w
w w w w w w w w 6w w
w w w
* using the numbered w hint:
boxes, w numbers
w w w 1-10w
are w w signs of
1 7 2 8 3 9 4 8 5 10 6 11 12 4 7 9
w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w
Week 21—Day 3
Lesson 2: Signs of Impending Volcanic Eruption
Most volcanoes provide warnings before an eruption.
Magmatic eruptions involve the rise of magma toward the surface, which
normally generates detectable earthquakes. It can also deform the ground
surface and cause anomalous heat flow or changes in the temperature and chemistry
of the groundwater and spring waters. Steam-blast eruptions, however, can occur with
little or no warning as superheated water flashes to steam.
Volcanologists can predict eruptions—if they have a thorough understanding of
a volcano's eruptive history, if they can install the proper instrumentation on
a volcano well in advance of an eruption, and if they can continuously monitor and
adequately interpret data coming from that equipment. Here are the 10 signs of
impending volcanic eruption:

1 Increase in the frequency of volcanic

quakes with rumbling sounds;
occurrence of volcanic tremors

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Volcanic earthquakes serve as an early warning sign for an impending eruption, as
well as well as a marker for the location of a moving magma and sudden rise of gases.
Earthquakes are caused by the magma breaking through rocks or by moving through
rock cracks. On the other hand, volcanic tremor is a long-lasting rhythmic signal
associated with magma in motion that can last for minutes or days.

Increased steaming activity; change in
color of steam from white to gray due to
entrained ash.
Steam occurs mostly on active volcanoes.
Presence of steam signals that magma is lying
relatively close to the surface of the volcano.
Steam is produced when groundwater and
magma or any ignited fragment of rock
interacts. Meanwhile, ash is one of the
fragments of magma produced when magma
ejected with great force. Presence of ashes
signals that the magma is being ejected

3 Crater glow due to presence of magma at

or near the crater.
Crater glow can be observed when the
magma finally reaches the surface, and thus
referred as lava.

Ground swells (or inflation), ground tilt and
ground fissuring due to magma intrusion.
Moving magma, gases, and other volcanic
fluids tend to cause the surface of the Earth to
bulge upward (inflate) or spread apart which
can eventually lead to ground fissuring or

5 Localized landslides, rock falls and

landslides from the summit area that are not
attributed to heavy rains.
Landslide is the movement of rocks and
soil influenced by the force of gravity,
strength of the material, and steepness of a
volcano. As magma rises together with
volcanic gases, rocks are altered and

6 Noticeable increase in drying up of

vegetation around the volcano's upper

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As the magma rises, the temperature of the volcano also increases. The heat
brought by the rising magma if high enough, can dry up the vegetation.

7 Increase in temperature of hot springs,

wells (e.g. Bulusan and Canlaon) and crater
lake (e.g. Taal) near the volcano.
Again, as the magma rises, the
temperature of the volcano also increases.
The heat brought by the rising magma
influences and causes the temperature of the
springs, wells, or lake to increase.

8 Noticeable variation in the chemical content of

springs, crater lakes within the vicinity of the volcano.
Groundwater deep within the surface of the volcano
interacts with magma, volcanic gases, host rocks, and
even with other water coming from springs, lakes, wells.
Presence of certain compounds signals the presence of
magma such as magmatic carbon dioxide, or high helium

9 Drying
up of springs/wells around the
As mentioned, rising magma
generates quakes and tremors which
may cause ground deformation (cracks
or fissures) on the surface. This may
cause the water from springs or well to
recede and seep through these cracks.
Also, as the magma rise, the
temperature of the surface of the
volcano also increases and if high
enough, may cause the drying up of the springs and wells.

10 Development of new thermal areas

and/or reactivation of old ones;
appearance of solfataras (craters with
sulfur gas).
Development of new thermal areas
and/or reactivation of old ones signals
the active movement of magma within
the volcano as it interacts with
groundwater or rocks.

Therefore, it is important to be able to

observe warning signs of volcanic
unrest so that people can evacuate in
time, and minimize injuries and casualties. It is therefore important to be able to

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monitor a volcano’s activity, and this is normally done with the aid of different tools or
instruments to monitor the different parameters.

Week 21—Day 4
The parameters used to monitor volcanoes are:

GROUND DEFORMATION—any surface changes on a volcano

(subsidence/sinking, tilting, bulging); often use of tiltmeters as well as
satellite imaging which results to less exposure on the ground or safer for
volcanologists. However, interpretation needs field verification sometimes.
 Precise engineering methods of surveying using the instrument Electronic
Distance Meter (EDM) to measure accurately to millimeter changes on
ground (if the slope for the volcano swells.
 Swelling of the ground surface can be detected by using precision
instruments and techniques that measure minute changes in slope,
distance, or elevation at the ground surface.
 Deformation on ground is also measured using data of repeated
measurements from permanent Global Positioning System (GPS) installed
around the volcano.
 Use of Remote sensing images also help compare before and after
 Some subtle (in millimeters) ground movements may be detected only by
sensitive instruments/equipment.

SEISMIC ACTIVITY—when magma rises up, it breaks rock along the way.
Thus, earthquakes are generated. Monitoring of quakes/tremors is done by
using a seismometer that determines which patterns of seismic waves precede
an eruption.
 Seismometer is the equipment used to detect occurrence of volcanic
 Increase in number of volcanic earthquakes recorded.

Gases—monitor types and rate of emission of different gases;

Concentrations of gases are sometimes high enough to create acid rain that
kills vegetation around the volcano; collection of samples from vents directly
with the use of remote sensing instruments that identify and quantify the
present gases
 Gas being emitted by volcanic can be measured directly by gas monitoring
 Collect gas and water samples from vents and fumaroles and analyze in
the laboratory (X-Ray Fluorescence XRF).
 Remote monitoring Gas monitoring equipment (COSPEC- correlation
spectrometer for FlySPEC/ ScanDOAS for SO2; and CO2 flux meter for
 Some gas, for example SO2 from base levels of 100 tons/day jump to
4,000 tons/day s can be an indication of unrest.

Sensory observations—(by people living near volcano)

• Visual – intensified presence of steam; drying up of vegetation,

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wells/spring/lake; crater glow at the mouth of the volcano
1. Intensified steaming activity.
2. What used to be white steam slowly or drastically change to gray to
dark (suggests increasing presence of ash).
3. Drying up of vegetation, drying up of streams, water wells.
4. Crater glow at the summit area.
5. Increasing frequency of rolling rocks from the summit; localized
landslides not related to heavy rains.
6. Summit area appears to glow or becomes incandescent at night
• Auditory – rumbling sounds are heard.
• Olfactory – observed foul smell (usually rotten egg caused by sulfur) caused
by presence of volcanic gases
• Tactile – ground movement/earthquake is felt.

“Don’t leave a blank”

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Volcanic eruption is one of the dangerous natural events due to

different hazards that it may bring such as (1) _____________________, (2)
_____________________, (3) _____________________, and a whole lot more.
However, unlike earthquake, volcanic eruption is much more predictable
and measurable due to its early warning signs.
Some of the early warning signs for an impending volcanic eruption
are increased in frequency of (4) _____________________ with rumbling
sounds; change in steam color from (5) _____________________ to (6)
_____________________; and crater glow 25 at or near the crater due to
presence of (7) _____________________. Furthermore, noticeable increase in
(8) _____________________ of vegetation, hot springs, wells, lakes near the
volcano is observed due to increase in (9) _____________________.
Volcanologists consider different parameters in monitoring a
volcano. (10) _____________________ focuses on any surface changes on a
volcano such as bulging, sinking, or tilting. (11) _____________________ is
often used to lessen the exposure of volcanologists on the ground. Seismic
activity is also observed and monitored using a (12) _____________________
which determines the pattern of seismic waves. People living near
volcanoes may also detect premonitory events before a volcanic eruption
which make use of senses such as (13) _____________________, (14)
_____________________, (15) _____________________, and (16)

Name: _________________________________________ Year/Sec:

Activity 10
Volcanic Hazards
I TRUE OR FALSE: Read the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement
is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer in
CAPITAL LETTERS on the space provided before each number. (10 points)
____________1. Pyroclastic flows and surges are potentially highly destructive owing to
their mass, high temperature, high velocity and great mobility.
____________2. Lahars are rapidly flowing thick mixture of volcanic sediments (from the
pyroclastic materials) and water, usually triggered by intense rainfall
during typhoons, monsoons and thunderstorms. Lahars can occur
immediately after an eruption or can become long-term problem for as

BPHS LM 9|Page
long as there are excess sediments on the volcano’s slope and water to
remobilize these.
____________3. Lava flows are considered the most dangerous type of hazard from a
volcano and is always a big threat to human lives. f
____________4. During eruption, excessive ashfall is dangerous as it can cause poor or
low visibility.
____________5. Ash from volcanoes are also abrasive, because of this, ash suspended in
air is also dangerous for airplanes as this can cause the engines to fail if
the suspended ash is encountered by the airplane.
____________6. High concentrations of CO2 which is colorless and odorless can be
lethal to people, animals and vegetation.
____________7. In order to assess and forecast a volcano’s activity, volcanologists need
only to use one parameter. f
____________8. Aside from instrumental monitoring, people living near volcanoes on
their own, may observe premonitory events before an eruption such as
intensified steaming activity.
____________9. As the volcano unrest progresses into an eruption, volcanic
earthquakes not only increase in number but the number of earthquakes
felt by many people become more and more frequent.
____________10. Measuring the amount of gases being emitted by volcanoes is also an
important aspect of volcano monitoring.

Week 22—Days 1-2

Lesson 3: Volcanic Hazard Maps
Typically, a number of types of hazards will result from a
volcanic eruption. Each hazard poses different risks affecting different
areas. This is the key difference between eruptions and the other principal
natural hazards like floods and earthquakes. Depending on where you are some of the
most threatening hazards include pyroclastic falls, pyroclastic flows and surges, lava
extrusions (flows and domes), lahars, debris avalanches and volcanic gases.
To help you understand the areas that may be affected hazard maps are used.
These show areas that can be impacted and where it is safe.
To be effective, the risk from volcanic hazards must first be identified. Volcanic
hazard analysis is based primarily on assessments of past eruptions. By studying the
geological record, observing eruptions, and monitoring background levels of activity,
an understanding of the likely future hazards can be gained. These are then shown in
the hazard maps.

Volcano Alert Levels. In the Philippines, we use a system of Volcano Alert Signals to
define the current status of each volcano. The alert levels range from 0 to 5. The alert
levels are used to guide any appropriate response from the Local Government Units
(LGUs). An example is given below:


Alert Criteria Interpretation/

Level Recommendation

0 All monitored parameters within Quiescence; no magmatic

background levels. Unremarkable level eruption is foreseen. However,

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Quiet or of volcanic earthquakes occurring there are hazards (explosions,
No Alert within the volcano area. Generally rockfalls and landslides) that
weak steam emission. may suddenly occur within
the four-kilometer radius
Permanent Danger Zone

1 Slight increase in volcanic Hydrothermal, magmatic,

earthquake and steam/gas activity.  or tectonic disturbances. The
Low Level Sporadic explosions from existing or source of activity is shallow,
of new vents. Notable increase in the near crater or in the vicinity
Volcanic temperature of hot springs. Slight of Irosin Caldera. Entry into
Unrest inflation or swelling of the edifice. the PDZ must be prohibited.

2  Elevated levels of any of the Probable intrusion of

following: volcanic earthquake, magma at depth, which can
Moderate steam/gas emission, ground lead to magmatic eruption.
Level of deformation and hot spring Entry within PDZ must be
Volcanic temperature.  Intermittent steam/ash prohibited. Other areas within
Unrest explosion and above baseline Sulfur five (5) kilometers of the active
Dioxide (SO2) emission rates. Increased vent may be included in the
swelling of volcanic edifice. danger zone.

3 Sustained increases in the levels of Magma is near or at the

volcanic earthquakes, some may be surface, and activity could
High Level perceptible.  Occurrence of low- lead to hazardous eruption in
of frequency earthquakes, volcanic weeks. Danger zones may be
Volcanic tremor, rumbling sounds. expanded up to eight (8)
Unrest kilometers from the active
Forceful and voluminous
steam/ash ejections. Sustained crater.
increases in SO2 emission rates,
ground deformation/swelling of the
edifice. Activity at the summit may
involve dome growth and/or lava flow,
resultant rockfall.

4 Intensifying unrest characterized by Magmatic processes or

earthquake swarms and volcanic effusive eruption underway,
Hazardous tremor, many perceptible.  Frequent which can progress into
Eruption strong ash explosions.  Sustained highly hazardous eruption.
Imminent increase, or sudden drop, of Danger Zone may be extended
SO2 emission. Increasing rates of up to nine (9) kilometers or
ground deformation and swelling of the more from the active crater.
edifice. Lava dome growth and/or lava
flow increases, with increased
frequency and volume of rockfall.

5 Magmatic eruption characterized by Life-threatening eruption

explosive production of tall ash-laden producing volcanic hazards
Hazardous eruption columns, or by massive that endanger communities.
Eruption collapses of summit lava dome. Additional danger areas may
in Generation of deadly pyroclastic flows, be declared as eruption
Progress surges and/or lateral blasts and progresses.
widespread ashfall.

BPHS LM 11 | P a g e
For each of the Alert Level, there should be a corresponding action coming from
authorities. For example, take a look at Mayon Volcano Alert Levels, if Alert Level 1 is
declared, it is advised the people should not venture into the 6-kilometer radius
Permanent Danger Zone.
The Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) for volcanoes is a delineated and identified
where no permanent habitation is recommended due to the possible impact of various
hazards at any time. For Mayon Volcano, the area covered within 6-kilometer radius
from the summit is delineated as the PDZ. As soon as Alert Level is raised from 0 to 1,
it is recommended that people should not venture within this area at any time. This is
already part of the precautionary action taken by the Province of Albay when Alert 1 is

Geologists gain better understanding of likely future hazards by studying the

geology of the volcano, observing eruptions and monitoring background levels of
activity. These are then shown in hazard maps.
Hazard maps illustrate potential for ground-based volcanic impacts—lava flows,
pyroclastic flows, ashfall, volcanic gases, and more far-reaching hazards (such as
lahars) in valleys that drain the volcano. To help understand the areas that may be
affected by specific volcanic eruption phenomena, hazard maps are used. These maps
show areas that can be affected and areas that are safe. Hazard maps are generated
for various uses and are most useful in determining risks of living in identified
potentially hazardous areas. Hazard maps can also help people to become aware of
specific dangers (lava flow, pyroclastic flows, ashfall, lahars, etc.) they might face in
the event that a volcano reactivates.

Week 22—Day 3
Lesson 4: Precautionary
and Safety Measures for
Volcanic Eruption
Volcanic eruptions happen with
early warnings unlike earthquakes
that are sudden. Before the volcano
erupts there are warning signs such
as rumbling sounds, continuous
emissions of steam, increasing
temperature around the volcano that

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results to withering of plants around and unusual behaviors of animals and
earthquakes. There are dangers that volcanic eruptions pose to people so it is
important that they know how to handle situations before, during and after volcanic
eruptions to avoid serious problems.
And with that, you can do many things to protect yourself and your family from
the dangers a volcanic eruption can cause. The best way to protect yourself and your
family is to follow the advice of local officials. Local authorities will give you
information on how to prepare for a volcanic eruption, and if necessary, on how to
evacuate (leave the area) or take shelter where you are.
If your family lives near a volcano, you must be aware that a volcanic eruption
will bring so much danger to you and your family. So, it is important to know what to
do before, during and after volcanic eruption.

What to Do Before Volcanic Eruptions:

 For longer-term development planning, consult available volcano hazard maps
that indicate areas declared as permanent danger zones (PDZs) and areas likely
to be affected by different volcanic hazards so that these areas are avoided when
choosing sites for developing new residential areas, commercial/ business areas,
siting for critical facilities etc.
 Be aware of the kinds of volcanic hazards present in your area. Determine the
distance of your residence, workplace and livelihood (farms, etc.) from the
volcano. Know if you are within what kilometer radius from the volcano summit
your location is.
 Be aware of the meanings of Alert Levels, and recommended actions. Make sure
your family emergency plan has taken this into consideration.
 Be aware of community efforts such as identified evacuation areas as well as
designated pick-up points. Make sure that the whole family knows about this. If
you do not plan to stay in evacuation area, and has other alternatives (another
house, relatives in another town), make sure that the whole family is aware of
 Stock enough non-perishable off and potable water. Cooking fuel, emergency
light,/flashlight, whistle, battery operated radio, medicines, first-aid kit, dust
mask, should be made part of your emergency kit.
 Consider provisions for pet animals, etc.
 Always listen to the radio’s latest PHIVOLCS Alerts and information. Heed the
advice of community leaders or LGUs about evacuation procedures.
What to Do During Volcanic Eruptions:
 Stay inside the house or evacuation area. Do not go sightseeing.
 Listen to the radio for advice and information.
 If you are outside and very near the volcano, leave the area immediately. If
caught in ashfall or tephra* fall, seek shelter immediately. Sometimes, pieces of
rocks may be hot, seek care for burns right away.
 Do not drive. If you must drive, keep the ca windows up and do not operate the
air conditioning system as this will bring in ash from outside. Drive slowly as
ashfall will reduce visibility. Ash on road surface can cause the roads to become
 Check that your pet or livestock have enough food.
 Do not try to clean or shovel the ashfall during eruptions.
 Protect yourself from ashfall.
I. Close windows and doors to stop the ash from entering the house.
II. Turn off all electric fans and air-conditioning units.
III. Wear dust-mask or cover your face with clean wet towel or cloth to prevent
ash from irritating the eyes and entering the respiratory track.
IV. Better to use bottled water. If you must use tap water, always boil water
first before using.

BPHS LM 13 | P a g e
What to Do After Volcanic Eruptions:
 Listen to the latest update about Alert Levels, other information from the radio.
 Cook food thoroughly.
 If the family has evacuated during the eruption, only the adult members of the
family should be allowed to go home to inspect the house condition.
 Only when local authorities- the LGUs have declared that it is safe to go home
that the family should return.
 How to clean up an ashfall
I. As soon as the ashfall has stopped, remove the ash immediately.
II. Wear dust mask before you start cleaning.
III. The recommended method to clean the ash is to lightly damp the ash so
that it does not billow when swept.
IV. Clean house roofs first, to prevent damage to gutters and down-pipes.
V. Do not dump ash in sewage systems.
VI. Inside the house, use damp cloth to remove ash. Avoid vigorous rubbing
as ash particles are very abrasive.
VII. To remove ash from your car, wash with plenty of water. 

Specific tips for Travelers:

Pay attention to reliable media only
Do not believe everything shared on social media, particularly those coming from
unreliable source. Conversely, avoid sharing unverified information which is
potentially going to make public panic, especially when you haven’t read the
information yourself. If you want to get updated, pay attention the reliable media only,
such as reputable newspaper—online or offline, television, or radio.
Always bring a pack of mask and sunglasses with you-and wear it
Inhaled, the tiny, glassy pyroclastic materials of the volcanic eruption will affect
your respiratory system. To avoid such problem, always bring a pack of masks with
you. And don’t forget to wear it because it wouldn’t help much if only stayed in your
bag. Never hesitate to share spare masks to people who still haven’t got one.
Sunglasses will be useful too as the volcanic ash may reach your eyes.
Do not ride recklessly, because the road might be slippery
Since the pyroclastic materials of the volcano are fine-grained, the road covered by
them will be slippery. (And no one will bother to put “the road is slippery” sign.) It’s
going to be like you are riding or driving on a wet dirt road. Besides, the rainy season
has come. The volcanic ash showered by the rain will be way more slippery. Therefore,
it is advisable for you to lose your accelerator a little bit and drive slowly. Speed
recommendation is 55 km/hr.

Name: _________________________________________ Year/Sec:

Activity 11
Volcanic Preparedness
I TRUE OR FALSE: Read the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement
is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer in
CAPITAL LETTERS on the space provided before each number. (10 points)
____________1. Be aware of community efforts such as identified evacuation areas as
well as designated pick-up points.
____________2. At the peak or height of eruption, one can go out and do sightseeing as
eruptions are a sight to see. f
____________3. Heavy ashfall can severely reduce visibility, that is why people are
advised not to drive.

BPHS LM 14 | P a g e
____________4. During and after heavy ashfall, if you must use tap water, always boil
water first before using.
____________5. To remove ash inside the house, use damp cloth and vigorously rub off
the surface covered with ash. f
____________6. Wear dust-mask or cover your face with clean dry towel or cloth to
prevent ash from irritating the eyes and entering the respiratory track.

____________7. The development and use of remote sensing technology in monitoring

volcanoes has greatly contributed to the safety of scientists.
____________8. In visual observation, it is not only the increase in volume of steam that
is observed but the color of steam, which might drastically change from
“white” to “dark gray”.
____________9. If no vehicle is available, make arrangements with friends or family for
transportation, or follow authorities’ instructions on where to obtain
____________10. Organize your emergency supplies and make sure household members
know where the supplies are.

Week 22—Day 4
General Counter-disaster Measures
Mitigation and Prevention
Community Actions
 Develop hazard and vulnerability maps for use in designing
community disaster contingency plan.
 Formulate and enforce building codes and land-use regulations.
 Develop and implement a long-range program for relocating
existing structures from debris avalanche, landslides, and lahar
 Construct barriers to serve as damper for lahars.
 Establish an effective warning system and evacuation procedure.
 Develop a high degree of public awareness on volcanic eruptions and associated
Individual Actions
 Avoid areas susceptible to lahars, landslides, and volcanic bombs. Do not
construct your house in an area known to have been paths of lahars and mud
 Heed advisories and warnings for imminent eruption or lahars.
 Learn ways of protecting your family from volcanic hazards by participating in
seminars and meetings on disaster mitigation, preparedness, prevention,
response, recovery, and rehabilitation.
 Teach the members of your household to be aware of volcanic and other natural
hazards and the measures to prevent or mitigate their effects.

Community Actions
 Develop and adopt a community disaster contingency plan,
consistent with the National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan.
 Maintain an inventory of emergency equipment and supplies for
search and rescue operations. Government may enlist personnel
and use equipment and supplies of the private sector pre-arranged during pre-
disaster period and which can be executed during a disaster.
 Organize quick response teams for reconnaissance survey of damages, needs
assessment, and emergency relief activities.

BPHS LM 15 | P a g e
Individual Actions
 Prepare respirators to protect yourselves from
inhaling fine ashes. Respirators can be
improvised from the cups of brassieres. If a
heavy ash fall is expected to hit your
community, close all windows and doors of your
house to reduce entry of ashes.
 Stock emergency food and other essentials which you and the
members of your family can avail of during emergency period. Do
not rely so much on relief goods because they may take some time to reach you.
 Secure livestock in closed shelters.

Community Actions
 Execute the evacuation plan upon receipt of a volcanic eruption
 Mobilize search and rescue, survey and needs assessment, and
emergency relief response teams.
 Provide temporary shelters for those rendered homeless.
 Provide emergency communication and power facilities.
 Clear roads and bridges that may have been blocked by debris brought by
lahars and mudflows.

Individual Actions
 As soon as you receive a volcanic eruption
warning, follow what it advises you to do. If you
are directed to evacuate, do so immediately
together with the members of your household.
 If caught in a rain of particles and fragments
(tephra) spewed from the volcano, protect your
head and get out of the area right away.
 It caught by ash shower, wear a respirator, or cover your nose with
a wet handkerchief or piece of cloth. Evacuate immediately
with breathing problem away from ash shower area.
 Prevent heavy loading of your roof with ash. Scrape off ashes that have
accumulated on your roof to prevent damage.

Community Actions
 When it is safe to go about the community, clear canals and
pathways of ash and other debris.
 Restore fully essential services (power, water, transport,
communication, etc.).
 Repair houses and other structures.
 Rehabilitate physically and psychologically impaired persons.
 Review and, if necessary, revise community disaster contingency plan and
development program tor integration.

Individual Actions
 Help authorities do accurate damage and
community needs surveys by providing factual
information on the impact of the volcanic
 Participate in cooperative recovery action.

BPHS LM 16 | P a g e

Let’s Check What You’ve Learned!

I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Carefully read the following items and encircle the letter
of the best answer. (15 points)
1. Which of the following statements is true?
I People shall not be alarmed if a small change in tiltmeters is observed.
II Increasing sustained number of quakes indicates the volcano is about
to erupt.
III Increasing number of thermal vents shall be monitored continuously.
A. I only B. I and II only
C. II and III only D. I, II, and III
2. Which of the signs of an impending volcanic eruption refers to the swelling of
volcano that signals the accumulation of magma near its surface?
A. gas emission
B. harmonic tremors
C. increase in number of earthquakes
D. bulges in the mountain or inflammation
3. Which of the following instruments is not used in monitoring a volcano?
A. tiltmeter B. seismogram
C. seismometer D. satellite imaging
4. Which toxic gas is released naturally by volcanic activity?
A. carbon dioxide B. carbon monoxide
C. hydrochloric acid D. sulfur dioxide
5. Which of the following is a parameter used to monitor volcanoes by observing the
surface of the volcano for any changes?
A. gases B. ground deformation
C. seismic activity D. sensory observations
6. Which of the following characteristics of magma mainly affects the explosiveness of
a volcanic eruption?
A. amount B. color
C. silica content D. temperature
7. Which of the following should be continuously monitored to in a lake or hot spring
around a volcano?
A. chemical content B. temperature
C. turbidity D. all of the above

8. All of the following events indicate an impending eruption except:

A. a measurable bulge or swelling of the volcano
B. occurrence of short earthquakes in the region
C. discovery of new hot springs around the volcano
D. increased temperature of hot springs around the volcano
9. What is the property of substances to resist flow?
A. buoyancy B. density
C. pressure D. viscosity
10. What do you call the molten rocks found beneath the Earth?
A. elements B. lava
C. magma D. minerals
11. People residing near volcanoes may detect premonitory events before a volcanic
eruption. Which of the following senses is not used?
A. auditory B. gustatory
C. tactile D. visual
12. Which of the following events does not indicate an impending eruption?
A. drying up of hot springs around the volcano

BPHS LM 17 | P a g e
B. eroded area of the volcano after a heavy rain
C. drying up of the vegetation around the volcano
D. variation in the chemical content of the lakes and springs around the volcano
13. Which of the following statements is true?
I One warning sign observed is enough to predict an eruption.
II One warning sign observed is not enough to predict an eruption.
III Small changes recorded from an instrument is enough to predict an
IV Small changes recorded from an instrument is not enough to predict
an eruption.
A. I and III B. I and IV
C. II and III D. II and IV
14. Which of the following substances is responsible for a rotten egg smell?
A. helium B. magnesium
C. silica D. sulfur
15. Which of the following statements is correct?

I Presence of crater glow indicates that explosive eruption will occur.

II Bulging of the ground indicates that the volcano is going to erupt
within a week.
III Observed rock falls and landslides indicates an impending volcanic
IV. Long-lasting rhythmic quakes is a sign of an impending volcanic
C. III only D. IV only

DRRR 11 & 12 Module 2 Answer Key


#21 Harrison Road, Baguio City
Senior High School Department
SY 2020-2021


1. [ ] [x] [ ] [ ]

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4. [x] [ ] [ ] [ ]

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5. [ ] [ ] [ ] [x]

6. [ ] [ ] [ ] [x]

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