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International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

Intelligent flow meter using swarm intelligence

Assistant professor, Dept.of Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering, Jeppiaar Engineering
College, Chennai, India 1

ABSTRACT: Adaptive flow meter calibration is design

using PSO trained ANN. This work objective is to model
an advanced flow measuring instrument using intelligent
algorithm. This paper elaborates the linearity range of
venturi and it extinguish the diverse flow meter
Hence this paper deals with training of the weights of feed
forward neural network by using a hybrid algorithm which
associates particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm
and back-propagation (BP) algorithm(also known asPSO–
BP algorithm). In the priliminary stages of a global search,
the particle swarm optimization algorithm converges
hastily but around global optimum, the search process
becomes delayed.
On the contrary,using the gradient descending method
faster convergent speed and higher convergent accuracy
can be attained around global optimum. This hybrid
algorithm can make use of PSOA strong global searching
ability as well as BP strong local searching ability . The
overall system can be linearised ,
made independent of venturi - pipe diameter ratio, density
of the liquid and temperature by adding pso trained ANN
International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

block to the data conversion unit in cascade thus avoiding

calibration repetition when any or a combination of the
liquid and parameters are changed

Keywords: Flow Meter, Linearization, Feed forward

Neural Network, Swarm Intelligence.

Flow controls plays major role in power plant
industries, oil and natural gas industries and food and
pharmaceutical industries in controlling many parameters.
Flow control is achieved using flow meters. Flow
measuring instruments derives its principle from
Bernoulli’s theorem.
The high sensitivity and ruggedness of Venturi makes
it widely applicable whereas the problem of offset, elevated
non-linear response characteristics, dependence of output
on the venturi- pipe diameter ratio, liquid density and
temperature have restricted its use and further imposing
difficulties. To overcome the difficulties caused by
nonlinear response characteristics of the venturi, several
techniques have been recommended which are monotonous
and time consuming. Further, the calibration process needs
to be repeated every time the diameter ratio or liquid is
changed. The change in liquid temperature heightens the
problem of linearity of a venturi as the output is dependent
on temperature and flow rate of the liquid. To overcome the
above difficulties, this paper suggests a smart flow
measurement technique which uses artificial neural

International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

network. This network is to educate the system to widen

linearity range thus making the result independent of ratio
between venturi – pipe diameter, liquid density and


Volumetric flow rate can be measured using a venturi flow

meter(shown in Fig. 1).

It uses the Bernoulli's principle which gives a association

between the pressure and the velocity of the fluid. Increases
in the velocity, decreases the pressure and vice versa. The
nozzle is usually in a pipe in which fluid flows in the
venturi is a tapered structure.The fluid on reaching the
venturi nozzle,is forced to converge to pass through the tiny
Venacontracta point is the point that occurs downstream of
venturi nozzle, where the maximum convergence happens
And hence the flow of the liquid changes the velocity and
the pressure . Once the liquid crosses the venacontracta, it
inflate thus changing the velocity and pressure changes
once again. The volumetric and mass flow rates can be
obtained from Bernoulli's equation by measuring the
difference in pressure of the fluid in the normal pipe section
and at the venacontracta.

Cd – Discharge coefficient
International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

Ab – Area of the flowmeter cross section

β – Ratio of Db to Da
Pa – Pressure at study flow
Pb – Pressure at vena-contracta
ρ – Density of liquid

Figure.1 Venturi flow meter

The effect of temperature on the density [17-18] is shown


ρt – specific density of liquid at temperature ‘t oC’
ρto – specific density of liquid at temperature ‘to oC’
Pt – pressure at temperature ‘t oC’
Pto – pressure at temperature ‘to oC’
k – Bulk modulus of liquid
α – temperature coefficient of liquid
The block diagram representation of the proposed


International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

The block diagram Fig.2 representation of the proposed



Flow Venturi Data Conversion ANN Output

Temperature Sensor

Known Data Corresponding to ᵦ

and ᵨ

Figure.2 Block Diagram

The PSO formulae define each particle as a potential

solution to a problem in a D-dimensional space, with the ith
particle represented as X   x x , x ,.....x  . Each particle also
i i1, i2 i3 iD

remembers its previous best position, designated as pbest,

P p p ,p
i i1, i2p  and its velocity V   v v v
i 3,....... iD v  (Carlisle and i i1, i 2 , i 3,....... iD

Dozier 2000). In each generation, the velocity of each

particle is updated, being pulled in the direction of its own
previous best position (pi) and the best of all positions (pg)
International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

reached by all particles until the preceding generation. The

original PSO formulae developed by Kennedy and Eberhart
were modified by Shi and Eberhart 1998 with the
introduction of an inertia parameter,  , that was shown
empirically to improve the overall performance of PSO.
V  V  c rand    P  X   c rand    P  X , d  1,2... D
k 1
id 1 1 id
id 2 2 gd (1) k

 k 1
X id  X id
 Vidk 1 , d  1,2... D

where rand1() and rand2() are samples from a uniform
random number generator, k represents a relative time
index, c1 is a weight determining the impact of the previous
best solution and c2 is the weight on the global best
solution’s impact on particle velocity. For more details of
the particle swarm optimization algorithm the reader is
referred to (Veeramachaneni et al. 2003, 2007).Generally,
in population-based search optimization methods,
considerably high diversity is necessary during the early
part of the search to allow the full range of the search
space. On the other hand, during the latter part of the
search, when the algorithm is converging to the optimal
solution, fine-tuning of the solutions is important to find the
global optima efficiently (Ratnaweera et al. 2004).


By optimizing PSO with BP algorithms PSO-BP algorithm

obtained. The strong ability of the PSO algorithm makes it
possible to find global optimistic result, alike GA
algorithm, on the other hand it has a disadvantage very
slow search around global optimum . The ability of BP
algorithm, to find local optimistic result is high, and the
International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

ability to determine the global optimistic result is weak.

Hence this paper formulates a new hybrid algorithm PSO–
BP by associating the PSO with the BP
. The central concept for this hybrid algorithm is that at the
beginning stage of optimum search, the PSO is employed
to hasten the speed of the training. the searching process is
switched to gradient descending searching according to this
heuristic knowledge When the fitness function value has
not changed for some generations, or value changed is
smaller than a predefined number,.

Like the APSO algorithm when iterative generation

intensifies the parameter w reduces steadily. The selection
strategy for the inertial weight w is executed by reducing w
linearly in the initial stages and non- linearly in the later
stages. With the help of recurrent experiments maxgen1
parameter is adjusted to an appropriate value and the
search around the global optimum Pg is done using
adaptive gradient descending method .
In this paper, we adopted the subsequent approach for
learning rate

where g is learning rate, k, g0 are constants, epoch is a

variable representing iterative times. The reducing speed of
learning rate is controlled by tuning k and g0. The weights
of the feedforward neural network with two layered
structures is evolved using three sorts of algorithm.If there
are n nodes in the input layer then hidden layer will consist
of H hidden nodes and the output layer will consist of n
output nodes. Fig. 3 shows the structure of neural network

International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

with a two layered feedforward mechanism.The figure 3,

shows a corresponding fitness function.
Assuming that the hidden transfer function is sigmoid
function, and the output transfer function is a linear
activation function. From Fig. 3, it can be seen that the
output of the jth hidden node is:

Fig:3 Two-Layered Feed forward Neural Network


where n is the number of the input node, wij is the

connection weight from the ith node of input layer to the jth
node of hidden layer, hi is the threshold of the jth hidden
layer unit; xi is the ith input. sj is the weight input sum in

The output of the kth output layer is:

International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

where wkj is the connection weight from the jth hidden

node to the kth output node, hk is the threshold of the kth
output unit. The learning error E can be computed by the
following formulation:

where q is the number of total training samples, yki_ Cki is

the desired output and actual output error of the ith output
unit when the kth instructing sample is used for training.
The fitness function of the ith training sample is defined as

In neural network with feed forward strategy When the

PSO algorithm is used in evolving weights, every particle
denotes a set of weights and there are three encoding
strategy for every particle,which is explained in detail as
The shortcomings examined in the initial section
were overcome by adding an Neural Network with
Artificial Intelligence(ANN) model in cascade with data
converter unit. This model is designed using the toolbox in
the neural network of MATLAB. Once the weights are
calculated, verification is done to check whether mean
square error (MSE) is less than estimate error threshold
(Th) for at least 10 repeated readings. If the preceeding
requirement is fulfilled the whole model is saved, else the
iteration for updates of ANN parameters continue till it
reaches the maximum number of iteration and then the

International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

model is saved with caution that desired performance has

not reached.


Initially, only one hidden layer is chosen and training,

validation and testing is completed. . Since the value of R
and MSE were not near the expected values, number of
hidden layers is increased by one more and training,
validation and testing are done again. This continuous till
an appropriate number of hidden layer is formed out which
results in acceptable values of R an MSE.

Table 1: Summarizes the network model

Optimized parameters of the

neural network model
se 30
Test base(20%) 30
No of 1st layer 8
neuron 2nd layer 7
International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

3rd layer 7
s in 4th layer 8
1st layer tansig
2nd layer tansig
3rd layer tansig
4th layer tansig
n of
Output layer tansig

Table 2: PSO parameters

Value or Range
Initial Weight 0.5
Final Weight -
c1 2
c2 2
r1 [0, 1]
r2 [0, 1]

With the details mentioned the network is trained,

validated and tested. Table 1 and 2 summarizes the various
parameters of the Hybrid ANN-PSO model. The result
shows the structure of the neural network considered in the
present case.

Table 3.The comparison of the performances of the


Hidden The BPA The BP–PSOA

International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

training training
number Error Error
time time
`3 8.4e_004 29.8s 4.2e_004 14.9s
4 8.9e_004 35.3s 6.5e_005 16.7s
5 8.3e_004 39.5s 7.4e_005 18.9s
6 4.3e_004 48.6s 6.9e_005 19.4s
7 7.8e_004 49.9s 5.74e_005 21.3s


Smart sensors should be capable of providing accurate

readout, calibration and auto-compensation for the
nonlinear influences of the environmental parameters on its
characteristics. The proposed PSO-ANN-based models may
be applied to flow sensors to incorporate intelligence in
terms of auto-calibration and to mitigate the nonlinear
dependency of their response characteristics on the
environmental parameters. The proposed PSO-ANN is
taught, confirmed and tested with the simulated data. Once
the training is over, for the system with venturi nozzle,it is
subjected to various test inputs corresponding to different
flow rate at a particular diameter ratio, liquid density and
temperature all within the specified range. The outputs of
system with PSO-ANN are shows better than ANN model

International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management

in corresponding to various input flow rate at different

values of diameter ratio, liquid density and temperature.

The proposed method corrects the errors by reducing

the number of iteration, preserves quality of flow meter and
yields better performance in finding the best solution or
near best solutions.

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