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Sathyabatne University Department of Civil Engineering 738301 - STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 3003 UNITI PRINCIPLES OF DYNAMICS — Formulation of equations of motion by different methods, single degree of freedom systems, free and forced response, effect of damping. (12 hours) UNITIL MULTIDEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS — Formulation of structure property matrices, Eigen value probleme, Mode shapes and orthonormality of modes, Approximate methods of extraction of Eigen values. (12 hours) UNIT IL DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF MDOF SYSTEMS — Mode superposition technique, numerical integration procedures. (12 hours) UNITIV CONTINUOUS SYSTEMS — Modelling ~ free and forced vibrations of bars and beams. (12 hours) UNIT V APPLICATIONS — Idealisation of structures to mathematical models, examples of wind, earthquake and impact, (12 hours) TEXT BOOK: 4. Roy R. Craig, Jr., Structural Dynamics — An introduction to computer methods, John Wiley and Sons, 1981. 2. Anil K.Chopra - Structural Dynamics . REFERENCE: 4. Clough R.W. and Penzien, J., Dynamics of Structures, McGraw Hill, 1976. 2. Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics, Academic Press, 1985. 3. Anderson R.A., Fundamentals of Vibration, Amerind Publishing Co., 1972. Batch 2007-2009 18 MLE (Stetoal Engineering) Unt Tr PRINCIPLES OF DYNAMICS: Dhe Subject sdeactura€ dynamics hale we te (etiod, tO amclhyecrg Dice Fuessea, Word AeFlecrems clevlp wa) amy géven type op Sbuctnct » Ber Oc 1 Aubjetedite ax Aobtleeegy aynamle Reactieg ; Dynamic Pract ie any Geel wher veoses when tka ctimeron, magnitude @p bol wel ame . awecaly Dynamic Leaching chapesdted Ort “wo Peps O. 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