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The term administrative authorities is meant all those public officers and organs of the
government, the congress and regular courts that are charged with the amplification,
application and execution of the law.
2. The work done by the administrative officers is necessarily the result of any controversy and
dependent on the solution of the question “what is the law”.
3. The power of investigation consists in gathering, organizing, and analyzing evidence, which is a
useful aid or tool in an administrative agency’s performance of quasi-judicial functions only.
4. The doctrine of (qualified) political agency recognizes that the multifarious executive and
administrative functions of the Chief Executive are performed by and through the executive
departments, and the acts of the Secretaries of such department, performed and promulgated
in the regular course of business are unless disapproved or reprobated by the Chief Executive,
presumptively the acts of the Chief Executive.
5. Administrative supervision is limited to the authority of the department or its equivalent to
review and pass upon the budget proposals of such agencies but may not increase or add to
6. An administrative agency or official can only initiate an investigation when a complaint is filed
and not on its own motion, otherwise, they may be administratively sanctioned.
7. The Court will give due respect to the interpretations of the law or rules made by administrative
body as they are deem conclusive.
8. A rule although valid when made, may become unreasonable with the passage of time and
change of conditions as to become invalid.
9. An agency authorized to regulate the sale of liquor may establish a rule prohibiting the use of
illuminated signs that show the trade name of alcoholic beverages.
10. An administrative agency authorized by law to promulgate its rules has the power to fix or
impose an administrative fine despite the absence of a provision of the law allowing such
penalty; otherwise, the rule established will become inutile.
11. A motion for reconsideration or appeal availed of within the administrative agency is curative in
character on the issue of alleged denial of due process.
12. The issues in the application of the doctrine of primary jurisdiction may involve questions of fact
or questions of law or both.
13. In reviewing administrative decision, the reviewing court may re-examine or weigh once more
the factual basis and sufficiency of the evidence submitted before the administrative body and
substitute its own judgment for that of said body.
14. A distrust of an administrative agency because of its reputation as being bias and unreasonable
is sufficient to dispense the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedy.
15. The power to fix a common boundary, in order to avoid or settle conflicts of jurisdiction
between adjoining municipalities is legislative in nature if it involves the adoption of means and
ways to carry into effect the law creating said municipalities.
16. An erring Administrative Officer of PHIC may be disciplined on the basis of Sec. 1 of Art. XI
(Accountability of Public Officers) of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.
17. A disbarment complaint against an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court may be given due
18. The Office of the Ombudsman may investigate on its own, any act or omission of any public
official, employee, office or agency, when such act or omission appears to be illegal, unjust,
improper, or inefficient.
19. No person shall be appointed in the career service of the local government if he is related within
the third civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to the appointing or recommending authority
20. Irrevocable resignation by sanggunian members shall be deemed accepted upon presentation
before an open session of the sanggunian concerned and duly entered in its records.
21. A preventive suspension for thirty days may be imposed by the local chief executive against his
subordinate official or employee under his authority pending investigation for neglect in the
performance of duty.
22. A Provincial Legal Officer who posted in his social media account his dissent against the Anti
Terrorism Bill is considered as a partisan political activity.
23. A losing candidate in barangay elections is prohibited from being appointed to any office in the
Government or any GOCC's or in any of their subsidiaries within one (1) year after such election.
24. A public officer under a non-career service is not guaranteed with security of tenure considering
their appointment is only coterminous with that of the appointing authority or limited to the
duration of a particular project.
25. The Civil Service Commission may issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum for the production
of documents and records pertinent to investigation and inquiries conducted by it in accordance
with its authority conferred by the Constitution and pertinent laws.

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